Results for ' Hölderlin elabora el seu específic concepte'

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  1.  9
    Cristianisme i il·lustració: conflicte obert: el drama religiós de J.J. Rousseau ; el seu concepte de Déu i religió.Frederic Bassó - 1988 - Barcelona: Editorial Claret.
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  2. Gaia, teleologia e função.Nei Freitas Nunes Neto & Charbel Niño El-Hani - 2006 - Episteme 11 (23):15-48.
    Neste artigo, discutimos o papel das explicações teleológicas na teoriaGaia. Mostramos que seu principal proponente, James Lovelock, pretendeevitá-las devido a uma interpretação equivocada da natureza de taisexplicações. Na tentativa de evitar compromissos com a teleologia,Lovelock recorre ao conceito de propriedades emergentes. Esta não é,contudo, uma saída consistente, porque os conceitos de propriedadesemergentes e teleologia não são mutuamente excludentes. Discutimostambém as dificuldades de uma interpretação de Gaia de uma perspectivateleonômica, considerando problemas como o da noção de superorganismo.Para avaliar o estatuto das (...)
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    Si això és un animal». El concepte d’animal i la deshumanització a la «Trilogia d’Auschwitz.Faina Loreto Vicedo Bethencourt - 2021 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 67:53-72.
    Trobar la forma d’expressar quelcom per al qual no hi ha paraules fou un dels reptes que assumí Levi quan volgué explicar la cruel deshumanització que va sofrir com a presoner al Lager. Nogensmenys, hi va trobar la solució mitjançant el concepte d’animal. En aquest sentit, el seu testimoni és ple de metàfores faunístiques que representen el patiment de la seua reducció cap al fons i la crueltat de ser tractat com una bèstia a la qual podien assassinar i (...)
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    Aportacions per a un concepte crític de filosofia en el pensament d'Ortega i d'Adorno.Antonio Gutiérrez Pozo - 1997 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 27:129-152.
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  5. El vicioso deseo del tirano platónico.Wolfgang Gil Lugo - 1999 - Apuntes Filosóficos 15.
    EL propósito del presente trabajo es clarificar la coherencia y la validez de la clasificación de los apetitos innecesarios ilegales para la ubicación del hombre tiránico en la clasificación antropológica que Platón elabora en los libros VIII y IX de Republica. Especial énfasis se hará en la lujuria como el más eminente de los apetitos ilegales y como el concepto central para explicar la conducta tiránica. En tal sentido, examinaremos la naturaleza de la lujuria, sus características, su relación con (...)
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    A questão russa: seu lugar nas reflexões de Vanguarda Socialista.Isabel Loureiro - 1985 - Trans/Form/Ação 8:28-38.
    Vanguarda Socialista, a newspaper edited by Mário Pedrosa in Rio de Janeiro from 1945 to 1948 elaborates a socialist and democratic political proposal as an alternative to the bolshevik conception, which was believed surpassed by history. The "Russian question" lies thus at the center of the group's preoccupations. This paper tries not only to analyse the newspaper's explanation for the origins of bureaucracy in the USSR, bringing to light the contradictions which run through it, but also to establish the group's (...)
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    L'anàlisi filosòfica en G.E. Moore i la seva relació amb el sentit comú i el llenguatge ordinari.Marta Moragas - 1997 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 28:97-121.
    Aquest treball explora la concepció de l'anàlisi de Moore tot relacionant-la amb la sevadefensa del sentit comú i el llenguatge ordinari com el seu vehicle d'expressió. La secció 1 estudiael paper que l'anàlisi representa en la seva filosofia, així com la seva importància perafrontar problemes filosòfics. La secció 2 descriu en què consisteix l'anàlisi segons Moore, discuteixels criteris que ha de satisfer una anàlisi correcta, i classifica els diferents tipus d'anà-lisi trobats en els escrits de Moore, alhora que nega que (...)
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    La gran raó del cos. Un assaig sobre el Zaratustra de Nietzsche.Volker Gerhardt - 2002 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 35:31-43.
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    El poder de lo real en Xavier Zubiri y su lectura de los padres griegos.Juan José García - 2002 - The Xavier Zubiri Review 4:19-66.
    The “power of the real”, which Zubiri conceptualized in the final period of his philosophy, is “inspired” in the creation concept of the Greek Fathers, according to Zubiri’sexposition of Greek Patristics in “Supernatural Being: God and Deification in Pauline Theology”. In addition, Zubiri makes that concept his own in a course on Christianity, published posthumously. That inspiration can be detected when Zubiri radicalizes his philosophical approach. This implies purifying his philosophy of elements from Latin theology,whose notions he contrasts with those (...)
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    The concept of “practical immanence” in gilles deleuze.Marcelo Sebastian Antonelli Marangi - 2017 - Ideas Y Valores 66 (164):317-341.
    RESUMEN El artículo presenta la “inmanencia práctica” como clave de la ética que G. Deleuze elabora a partir de B. Spinoza y F. Nietzsche. La noción involucra tres tesis que manifiestan la reivindicación incondicional de la inmanencia y la crítica a toda trascendencia: valorización del cuerpo en detrimento de la conciencia; apelación a lo bueno y lo malo, en lugar del bien y el mal; y apología de la alegría e inocencia del devenir. Se sostiene que esta ética naturalista (...)
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    Phenomenology of Language and the Concept of Practical Reason in the Thought of Charles Taylor.Carlos Medina - 2014 - Cinta de Moebio 50:53-69.
    Taking as a starting point Taylor's concept about man as a being of meanings, this article examines, in particular, the way that Taylor elaborates his conception of the practical use of reason, recovering some fundamental notions of the phenomenological tradition and hermeneutics, relating to language, such as, the idea of the background, and the incarnated situation of man. Considering that, ultimately, the background is a horizon of previous reference, from the ontological point of view, to the subjective domain of reason (...)
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    La realitat del mal en la teologia de Martí Luter.Josep Castanyé - 2024 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Teórica y Práctica 2 (2):77-100.
    El misteri del mal no té un tractament específic en Martí Luter, però és a través dels seus múltiples escrits, com són les classes i comentaris bíblics, cartes i sermons, consells i respostes a qüestions que li plantejaren els seus contemporanis, que és possible de refer el seu pensament. Molt característic del seu estil és que, aquí com tots els altres temes que tracta, defuig tot tractament racional i filosòfic, amb la finalitat de posar més clarament al descobert allò (...)
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    A study on concept of Idee in Schopenhauer’s philosophy.Seu Kyou Lee - 2019 - Journal Of pan-Korean Philosophical Society 93:63-93.
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    Basic theoretical considerations about the clinical method.Magalys Duret Castro, Gloria María Monné Rodríguez, Carmen Elena Caballero Recio & Edwin Echemendía Reyes - 2016 - Humanidades Médicas 16 (1):65-83.
    El método clínico surge desde las relaciones humanas más primitivas y aún cuando se encuentra en constante evolución no se consigue su adecuada aplicación. El estudio de este método científico constituye uno de los temas más importantes que guían la praxis médica, ostenta ciertos caracteres que se entrelazan dialécticamente imposibles de desligar, centrados esencialmente en la relación médico-paciente con el objetivo de arribar al diagnóstico de una enfermedad determinada, por lo cual, se brindan algunas consideraciones teóricas a partir del análisis (...)
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    ¿Qué psicología elegir?Horacio C. Foladori - 2001 - Polis 1.
    El autor postula que el campo psicológico dista mucho de estar unificado, por lo que nos obliga a hablar de las psicologías y no de la psicología. Ellas remiten a una concepción de mundo, a una manera entender al hombre, a una concepción de la realidad y a una teoría sobre su cambio. El trabajo profundiza en temas tales como la relación sujeto/objeto, la especificación del objeto de estudio, el concepto de implicación y la producción de subjetividad. Elabora también (...)
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    La imagen latente: Walter Benjamin y la historia del arte.Cecilia Bettoni - 2019 - Trans/Form/Ação 42 (3):143-152.
    Resumen: El presente artículo se propone examinar la clausura del concepto benjaminiano de aura como noción válida para pensar la experiencia estética contemporánea. En este sentido, un primer objetivo consiste en rehabilitar tal concepto, cotejando su definición en el famoso ensayo sobre la reproductibilidad técnica con las diversas formulaciones que el mismo Benjamin elabora al respecto en otros ensayos, en los que la gravitación del aura se desplaza desde una cualidad objetiva, anidada en la obra misma, hacia una facultad (...)
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  17. La centralidad de la noción de “univocidad” en la ontología de Gilles Deleuze.Eladio Constantino Pablo Craia - 2009 - Apuntes Filosóficos 18 (35):193-214.
    El presente texto analiza la reflexión ontológica de Gilles Deleuze a partir de la noción de “univocidad del Ser”, con el objetivo de exponer su importancia para el pensamiento de la Diferencia que el filósofo francés propone. En su primer movimiento el trabajo expone, resumidamente y de modo cartográfico, la configuración general de la ontología deleuziana y sus principales ejes de reflexión. Enseguida acompaña el itinerario que Deleuze elabora para la determinación de la historia conceptual del pensamiento de la (...)
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    Balmes, la seva vida, el seu temps, les seves obres.Ignasi Casanovas - 1932 - Barcelona,: Biblioteca Balmes.
    v. 1. L'estudiant. Vida oculta.--v. 2. Cicle apologètic i social. Cicle polític i filosófic.--v. 3. Documents balmesians.
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    Early Muslim concept of epistemology.Ali El-Konaissi - 2003 - Gent: Communication & Cognition.
  20. Acerca de la naturaleza del “yo” narrativo en Dennett.Malena Leon - 2020 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 20 (2):109-128.
    Dennett elabora una concepción del “yo” entendido como un centro de gravedad narrativo. Uno de los obstáculos principales para valorar esta propuesta radica en que resulta dificultoso entender cuál es la naturaleza del concepto dennettiano de “yo”: concretamente, cuáles son los compromisos ontológicos y epistemológicos que cabe atribuir al fenómeno en cuestión. En este artículo defendemos que el mejor modo de realizar una reconstrucción interpretativa de su noción de “yo” es apelando a la distinción elaborada por Reichenbach entre tres (...)
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  21. Aristotle on Natural Slavery: An Analysis Using the Marxist Concept of Ideology.Zeyad El Nabolsy - 2019 - Science and Society 83 (2):244-267.
    Aristotle’s account of natural slavery as presented in his Politics is often treated by historians of philosophy as an account that can be analyzed purely internally in terms of its argumentative structure without referring to social factors. Against this view, Aristotle’s account of natural slavery is seen to be ideological according to at least one variant of the Marxist concept of ideology, and cannot be understood without reference to Aristotle’s socioeconomic context. The ideological nature of Aristotle’s account of natural slavery (...)
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    Classical Confucian Political Thought: A New Interpretation.Loubna El Amine - 2015 - Oxford: Princeton University Press.
    The intellectual legacy of Confucianism has loomed large in efforts to understand China's past, present, and future. While Confucian ethics has been thoroughly explored, the question remains: what exactly is Confucian political thought? Classical Confucian Political Thought returns to the classical texts of the Confucian tradition to answer this vital question. Showing how Confucian ethics and politics diverge, Loubna El Amine argues that Confucian political thought is not a direct application of Confucian moral philosophy. Instead, contrary to the conventional view (...)
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    A Peircean Approach to ‘Information’ and its Relationship with Bateson’s and Jablonka’s Ideas.Charbel Niño El-Hani - 2008 - American Journal of Semiotics 24 (1-3):75-94.
    The Peircean semiotic approach to information that we developed in previous papers raises several new questions, and shows both similarities and differenceswith regard to other accounts of information. We do not intend to present here any exhaustive discussion about the relationships between our account and otherapproaches to information. Rather, our interest is mainly to address its relationship to ideas about information put forward by Gregory Bateson and Eva Jablonka. We conclude that all these authors offer quite broad concepts of information, (...)
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    Le film de genre est-il comparable à une "expérience de pensée"? Révisions des concepts de déterminisme et d'agentivité dans trois films noirs.Toufic El-Khoury - 2020 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 22 (1):150-176.
    Is genre film comparable to a thought experiment?Revising concepts of determinism and agency in three film noirs The philosophical approach of film genres, first popularized by authors like Stanley Cavell, allows to consider genre films as narrative variations as pertinent to philosophical discourse as can be a traditional thought experiment, since every question on the essence of a genre and every discussion related to its inner functions, its mechanisms and its themes, generate naturally a philosophical discourse on the way a (...)
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  25. Post-avicennan logicians on the subject matter of logic: Some thirteenth- and fourteenth-century discussions.Khaled El-Rouayheb - 2012 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 22 (1):69-90.
    In the thirteenth century, the influential logician Afḍal al-Dīn al-Khūnajī departed from the Avicennan view that the subject matter of logic is “second intentions”. For al-Khūnajī, the subject matter of logic is “the objects of conception and assent”. His departure elicited intense and sometimes abstruse discussions in the course of subsequent centuries. Prominent supporters of Khūnajī's view on the subject matter of logic included Kātibī, Ibn Wāṣil and Taftāzānī. Defenders of Avicenna's view included Ṭūsī, Samarqandī and Quṭb al-Dīn al-Rāzī. This (...)
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    Unfolding in the empirical sciences: experiments, thought experiments and computer simulations.Rawad El Skaf & Cyrille Imbert - 2013 - Synthese 190 (16):3451-3474.
    Experiments (E), computer simulations (CS) and thought experiments (TE) are usually seen as playing different roles in science and as having different epistemologies. Accordingly, they are usually analyzed separately. We argue in this paper that these activities can contribute to answering the same questions by playing the same epistemic role when they are used to unfold the content of a well-described scenario. We emphasize that in such cases, these three activities can be described by means of the same conceptual framework—even (...)
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    Person Centered Care and Personalized Medicine: Irreconcilable Opposites or Potential Companions?Leila El-Alti, Lars Sandman & Christian Munthe - 2019 - Health Care Analysis 27 (1):45-59.
    In contrast to standardized guidelines, personalized medicine and person centered care are two notions that have recently developed and are aspiring for more individualized health care for each single patient. While having a similar drive toward individualized care, their sources are markedly different. While personalized medicine stems from a biomedical framework, person centered care originates from a caring perspective, and a wish for a more holistic view of patients. It is unclear to what extent these two concepts can be combined (...)
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  28. Book Review: Key Contemporary Concepts: From Abjection to Zeno’s Paradox, Culture and Identity: Critical Theories, Legitimacy and Politics: A Contribution to the Study of Political Right and Political Responsibility. [REVIEW]Chamsy el-Ojeili - 2005 - Thesis Eleven 80 (1):130-135.
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    The Oxford Handbook of Islamic Philosophy.Khaled El-Rouayheb & Sabine Schmidtke (eds.) - 2016 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press USA.
    The study of Islamic philosophy has entered a new and exciting phase in the last few years. Both the received canon of Islamic philosophers and the narrative of the course of Islamic philosophy are in the process of being radically questioned and revised. Most twentieth-century Western scholarship on Arabic or Islamic philosophy has focused on the period from the ninth century to the twelfth. It is a measure of the transformation that is currently underway in the field that, unlike other (...)
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    Aesthetics, Authenticity & City Place-Making.Mustapha El Moussaoui - 2024 - Rivista di Estetica 85 (85):35-49.
    Cities’ constructed environments position urban areas at the center of importance. The concept of “urban place” has mainly evolved into a marketable and branded good as a result of the advent of numerous design-led place-making policies and practices. In this effort of place-making, aesthetics play a significant role. Despite apparent conceptual ambiguities and conflicts, the interpretation of “commodified aesthetics of place” stresses specific phenomenological and qualitative place-attributes, such as authenticity. To provide clarity on this complex issue, a reexamination of core (...)
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  31. Ibn Taymiyyah on reason and revelation: a study of Dar' ta'arud al-'aql wa-l-naql.Carl Sharif El-Tobgui - 2020 - Boston: Brill.
    In Ibn Taymiyya on Reason and Revelation, Carl Sharif El-Tobgui offers the first comprehensive study of Ibn Taymiyya's ten-volume magnum opus, Dar' ta'arud al-'aql wa-l-naql. In his colossal riposte to the Muslim philosophers and rationalist theologians, the towering Ḥanbalǐ polymath rejects the call to prioritize reason over revelation in cases of alleged conflict, interrogating instead the very conception of rationality that classical Muslims had inherited from the Greeks. In its place, he endeavors to articulate a reconstituted "pure reason" both truly (...)
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    Withholding and withdrawal of life-sustaining treatments in intensive care units in Lebanon: a cross-sectional survey of intensivists and interviews of professional societies, legal and religious leaders.Rita El Jawiche, Souheil Hallit, Lubna Tarabey & Fadi Abou-Mrad - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-11.
    Background Little is known about the attitudes and practices of intensivists working in Lebanon regarding withholding and withdrawing life-sustaining treatments. The objectives of the study were to assess the points of view and practices of intensivists in Lebanon along with the opinions of medical, legal and religious leaders regarding withholding withdrawal of life-sustaining treatments in Lebanese intensive care units. Methods A web-based survey was conducted among intensivists working in Lebanese adult ICUs. Interviews were also done with Lebanese medical, legal and (...)
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    Political Islam and Democracy in the Muslim World By Paul Kubicek.Abdelwahab El-Affendi - 2018 - Journal of Islamic Studies 29 (1):116-120.
    © The Author. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: [email protected] book examine the perennial question of Islam and democracy from an interesting angle. It focuses on seven case studies of relatively successful democracies in Muslim-majority countries. The objective is to uncover ‘relationships between political manifestations of Islam and competitive, democratic politics and [to explain] how interpretations more amenable to democracy can take root’. The author also (...)
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    The empiricist conception of experience.Jennifer Nag El - 2000 - Philosophy 75:345.
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    Estética ontológica vs. Estética humanista: estudio de la idea del arte en M. Heidegger y Ortega y Gasset.Antonio Gutiérrez-Pozo - 2003 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 59 (4):1153-1180.
    As estéticas de Heidegger e Ortega representam dois modos de compreender a arte radicalmente distintos, o que é lógico se tivermos em conta que ambas respondem, por sua vez, a pontos de partida filosóficos absolutamente distintos: o ontológico e o humanista. Em oposição directa à estética ontológica heideggeriana, elaborada sobre a base da principalidade do ser, no segundo momento da sua filosofia pessoal e depois do seu contacto com o pensamento de Heidegger, Ortega, partindo da radicalidade metafísica do conceito de (...)
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  36. Nasserism and the Impossibility of Innocence.Zeyad El Nabolsy - 2021 - International Politics Reviews 2021:1-9.
    One of the central strengths of Salem's analysis of Nasserism is that she recognizes both its world-historical significance as a progressive nationalist movement, and its severe limitations. In the first section of this paper, I discuss Salem's notion of the "afterlives" of the Nasserist project by drawing attention to one of the most debilitating legacies of that project, namely the transformation of Egyptian politics into petty bourgeois politics. In the second section, I argue that while Salem does not explicitly draw (...)
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  37. Hegel's Proto-Modernist Conception of Philosophy as Science.Zeyad El Nabolsy - 2020 - Problemata: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 11 (4):81-107.
    I argue that the reception of Hegel in the sub-field of history and philosophy of science has been in part impeded by a misunderstanding of his mature metaphilosophical views. I take Alan Richardson’s influential account of the rise of scientific philosophy as an illustration of such misunderstanding, I argue that the mature Hegel’s metaphilosophical views place him much closer to the philosophers who are commonly taken as paradigms of scientific philosophy than it is commonly thought. Hegel is commonly presented as (...)
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  38. Artificial Intelligence Inheriting the Historical Crisis in Psychology: An Epistemological and Methodological Investigation of Challenges and Alternatives.Mohamad El Maouch & Zheng Jin - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:781730.
    By following the arguments developed by Vygotsky and employing the cultural-historical activity theory (CHAT) in addition to dialectical logic, this paper attempts to investigate the interaction between psychology and artificial intelligence (AI) to confront the epistemological and methodological challenges encountered in AI research. The paper proposes that AI is facing an epistemological and methodological crisis inherited from psychology based on dualist ontology. The roots of this crisis lie in the duality between rationalism and objectivism or in the mind-body rupture that (...)
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    Citizens' Views on Farm Animal Welfare and Related Information Provision: Exploratory Insights from Flanders, Belgium. [REVIEW]Filiep Vanhonacker, Els Van Poucke, Frank Tuyttens & Wim Verbeke - 2010 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 23 (6):551-569.
    The results of two independent empirical studies with Flemish citizens were combined to address the problem of a short fall of information provision about higher welfare products. The research objectives were (1) to improve our understanding of how citizens conceptualize farm animal welfare, (2) to analyze the variety in the claimed personal relevance of animal welfare in the food purchasing decision process, and (3) to find out people’s needs in relation to product information about animal welfare and the extent to (...)
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  40. (1 other version)The Logical Goodness of Abduction in C. S. Peirce's Thought.Chihab El Khachab - 2013 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 49 (2):157.
    “What is abduction?” asks Jaakko Hintikka in the title to his 1998 article on C. S. Peirce’s concept. The answer to Hintikka’s question is problematic on several counts. There is, to begin with, a difference between Peirce’s own views on abduction and later interpretations of abduction as “inference to the best explanation” (Minnameier 2004; Paavola 2006). There are, furthermore, tensions within Peirce’s own account of abduction, for instance, a tension between “inferential” and “instinctual” aspects of abduction (Fann 1970; Anderson 1986; (...)
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    Jak być sprawiedliwym? Ryszarda Kilvingtona komentarz do Etyki Arystotelesa.El Jung - 2008 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 56 (2):117-129.
    The article presents Richard Kilvington’s interpretation of Aristotle’s views on the concept of justice. Richard Kilvington was a fourteenth century philosopher and theologian who commented on various Aristotle’s works including Nicomachean Ethics. Kilvington’s commentary on Nicomachean Ethics was composed in 1325-1326 at Oxford University. It contains, among others, a question Utrum iustitia sit virtus moralis perfecta, which is devoted to the concept of justice. In his investigations Kilvington always uses logic as a major analytical tool, and mathematics as a method (...)
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  42. The emergence of symbol-based communication in a complex system of artificial creatures.Angelo Loula, Ricardo Gudwin, Charbel El-Hani & João Queiroz - unknown
    We present here a digital scenario to simulate the emergence of self-organized symbol-based communication among artificial creatures inhabiting a virtual world of predatory events. In order to design the environment and creatures, we seek theoretical and empirical constraints from C.S.Peirce Semiotics and an ethological case study of communication among animals. Our results show that the creatures, assuming the role of sign users and learners, behave collectively as a complex system, where self-organization of communicative interactions plays a major role in the (...)
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    Curiosity, youth, and knowledge in the visual and textual culture of the Dutch Republic.Els Stronks - 2019 - Science in Context 32 (2):213-236.
    ArgumentThe imitation of adults was the dominant educational early modern model, as it had been from the classical era. Yet, from 1500 onward, this traditional model clashed with new pedagogical ideals that explored if and how the youthful mind differed from the adult. To investigate this clash, I examine individual and aggregate cases – taken from the Dutch (illustrated) textual culture – representing conceptualizations of what has been labelled “the curiosity family” (concepts such as curiosity, inquisitiveness, invention). As previously established, (...)
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    A Three Country Comparative Analysis of Managerial CSR Perspectives: Insights From Lebanon, Syria and Jordan.Dima Jamali, Yusuf Sidani & Khalil El-Asmar - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 85 (2):173-192.
    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a concept that has acquired a new resonance in the global economy. With the advent of globalization, managers in different contexts have been exposed to the notion of CSR and are being pressured to adopt CSR initiatives. Yet, in view of vastly differing national cultures and institutional realities, mixed orientations to CSR continue to be salient in different contexts, oscillating between the classical perspective which considers CSR as a burden on competitiveness and the modern perspective (...)
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    The Problem of "Misplaced Ideas" Revisited: Beyond the "History of Ideas" in Latin America.Elí Paltri - 2006 - Journal of the History of Ideas 67 (1):149-179.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 67.1 (2006) 149-179 [Access article in PDF] The Problem of "Misplaced Ideas" Revisited: Beyond the "History of Ideas" in Latin America Elías José Palti Universidad Nacional de Quilmes—CONICET The change that has come over this branch of historiography in the past two decades may be characterized as a movement away from emphasizing history of thought (and even more sharply, "of ideas") toward emphasizing (...)
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    Leaving no one behind: successful ageing at the intersection of ageism and ableism.Merle Weßel & Elisabeth Langmann - 2023 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 18 (1):1-11.
    BackgroundThe concept of ‘successful ageing’ has been a prominent focus within the field of gerontology for several decades. However, despite the widespread attention paid to this concept, its intersectional implications have not been fully explored yet. This paper aims to address this gap by analyzing the potential ageist and ableist biases in the discourse of successful ageing through an intersectional lens.MethodA critical feminist perspective is taken to examine the sensitivity of the discourse of successful ageing to diversity in societies. The (...)
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  47. A semiotic analysis of the genetic information.Charbel El-Hani, Joao Queiroz & Claus Emmeche - 2006 - Semiotica - Journal of the International Association for Semiotic Studies / Revue de l'Association Internationale de Sémiotique 160 (1/4):1-68.
    Terms loaded with informational connotations are often employed to refer to genes and their dynamics. Indeed, genes are usually perceived by biologists as basically ‘the carriers of hereditary information.’ Nevertheless, a number of researchers consider such talk as inadequate and ‘just metaphorical,’ thus expressing a skepticism about the use of the term ‘information’ and its derivatives in biology as a natural science. First, because the meaning of that term in biology is not as precise as it is, for instance, in (...)
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    Spirits: The reactive substances in jābir's alchemy.Bassam I. El-Eswed - 2006 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 16 (1):71-90.
    The spirits found in Arabic alchemical texts, namely zi'baq, kibrīt, nūshādir and zarnīkh are identified with their modern counterparts, which are mercury, sulfur, ammonium chloride and arsenic sulfide, respectively. Jābir's conception of spirits has been shown to be related to his practice. The puzzling experiments of Jābir on ‘mineral and organic’ spirits are compared as far as possible with modern knowledge of chemistry. These comparisons lead to an understanding of Jābir's sequence of manipulations within the logic of his alchemy. In (...)
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  49. What Ignorance Really Is. Examining the Foundations of Epistemology of Ignorance.Nadja El Kassar - 2018 - Social Epistemology 32 (5):300-310.
    Recent years have seen a surge in publications about the epistemology of ignorance. In this article, I examine the proliferation of the concept ignorance that has come with the increased interest in the topic. I identify three conceptions of ignorance in the current literature: (1) ignorance as lack of knowledge/true belief, (2) ignorance as actively upheld false outlooks and (3) ignorance as substantive epistemic practice. These different conceptions of ignorance are as of yet unacknowledged but are bound to impede epistemology (...)
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  50. Feminist Ethic of Care: A Third Alternative Approach. [REVIEW]Els Maeckelberghe - 2004 - Health Care Analysis 12 (4):317-327.
    A man with Alzheimer's who wanders around, a caregiver who disconnects the alarm, a daughter acting on het own, and a doctor who is not consulted set the stage for a feminist reflection on capacity/competence assessment. Feminist theory attempts to account for gender inequality in the political and in the epistemological realm. One of its tasks is to unravel the settings in which actual practices, i.c. capacity/competence assessment take place and offer an alternative. In this article the focus will be (...)
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