Results for ' Hermeneutics of facticity'

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  1. Religion, Theology, and Philosophy on the Way to Being and Time: Heidegger, the Hermeneutical, the Factical, and the Historical with Respect to Dilthey and Early Christianity.István M. Fehér - 2009 - Research in Phenomenology 39 (1):99-131.
    My aim in the present paper is to show the significance of Heidegger's phenomenology of religion as an important step on his way to his magnum opus . First, I wish to exhibit traits characteristic of Heidegger's path of thinking in terms of his confrontation with phenomenology, historicism, hermeneutics, and Lebensphilosophie . I will then argue, in a second step, that it was with an eye to, and drawing upon, his previous understanding of religion and religious life, as well (...)
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  2. Hermeneutics of Facticity, w: R. Martinez (red.).J. V. Buren - 1997 - In Roy Martinez, The very idea of radical hermeneutics. Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press. pp. 166--184.
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    3. The Idea of a Philosophical Hermeneutics of Facticity.John E. Murray - 1994 - In Introduction to Philosophical Hermeneutics. Yale University Press. pp. 98-100.
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    Hermeneutics of Facticity in the early Heidegger - Focusing on the Relationship between Facticity and Hermeneutics of Facticity -. 서영화 - 2019 - Cheolhak-Korean Journal of Philosophy 139:117-137.
    이 글은 초기 하이데거 철학에서 현사실성과 현사실성의 해석학 사이의 관계 문제를 다룬다. 현사실성의 해석학에 관한 논자들의 해석은 현사실성에 대한 철학의 참여 혹은 개입을 어떻게 볼 것인가와 관련하여 입장을 달리한다. 현사실성은 그 자체로 몰락에로의 경향성을 가지며 철학의 개입을 통해서만 현존재의 본래적 삶으로의 전환 가능성이 성립하는가? 아니면, 현존재의 현 사실성은 몰락에의 경향과 동시에 몰락하는 삶의 경향에 대한 반대운동을 그 자체에 포함하며, 그렇기에 현사실성의 해석학은 각자의 현존재가 자신의 실존 가능성을 수행하는 바를 명시적으로 보여주는 작업으로 한정되어야 하는가? 필자는 후자의 입장에 서서, 현사실성의 해석학을 비본래적 (...)
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  5. From Circular Facticity to Hermeneutic Tidings.Panagiotis Thanassas - 2004 - Journal of Philosophical Research 29:47-71.
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    A hermenêutica da facticidade no jovem Heidegger/ The Hermeneutics of Facticity in the Young Heidegger.Alexandre Rubenich - 2014 - Natureza Humana 16 (2).
    Na preleção de verão de 1923, intitulada “Ontologia: hermenêutica da facticidade”, Martin Heidegger estabelece seu programa filosófico em termos de uma investigação fundamental, nomeada por ele como hermenêutica fenomenológica da facticidade. De acordo com esta, a interpretação da vida fática não se realiza sem que se tome o ser e o falar como fenômenos privilegiados, ou seja, sem que se recupere o vínculo essencial em que nós, seres humanos existentes, já nos descobrimos sendo no mundo como seres capazes de fala. (...)
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    Formal Indication and the Hermeneutics of Facticity.Leslie MacAvoy - 2010 - Philosophy Today 54 (Supplement):84-90.
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  8. The conception of hermeneutics of facticity in the early Heidegger works.J. Cibulka - 1992 - Filosoficky Casopis 40 (2):207-228.
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    Aristotle's hermeneutics of facticity: Heidegger's early phenomenological interpretation of Aristotle.John Kress - 2006 - Research in Phenomenology 36 (1):328-341.
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    Metaphysics, Facticity, Interpretation: Phenomenology in the Nordic Countries.Dan Zahavi, Sara Heinämaa & Hans Ruin (eds.) - 2003 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    The past decade has witnessed a notable turn in philosophical orientation in the Nordic countries. For the first time, the North has a generation of philosophers who are oriented to phenomenology. This means a vital rediscovery of the phenomenological tradition as a partly hidden conceptual and methodological resource for taking on contemporary philosophical problems. The essays collected in the present volume introduce the reader to the phenomenological work done in the Nordic countries today. The material is organized under three general (...)
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  11. Heidegger and the hermeneutics of facticity.Eric Sean Nelson - 2001 - Existentia 11 (3-4):323.
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    Ontology – The Hermeneutics of Facticity[REVIEW]Cristian Ciocan - 2001 - Studia Phaenomenologica 1 (3-4):455-458.
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    Heideggers Hermeneutik der Faktizität: die Grundbegriffe = L'herméneutique de la facticité de Heidegger: les concepts fondamentaux = Heidegger's hermeneutics of facticity: the fundamental concepts.Sylvain Camilleri, Guillaume Fagniez & Charlotte Gauvry (eds.) - 2018 - Nordhausen: Verlag Traugott Bautz.
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  14. Time, History, and Facticity in Dilthey and Heidegger.Eric Sean Nelson - 2001 - Dissertation, Emory University
    This dissertation is an investigation of the questions of time, history, and facticity in Dilthey and Heidegger. It is an exploration of the contextual character of experience and the scope and limits of understanding and interpretation. In particular, this work considers their historical and temporal character and relation to facticity. Facticity is that which escapes and resists interpretation, narration, and understanding. In Heidegger's language, facticity indicates the "thrownness" and "uncanniness" of existence which throws the "subject" and (...)
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    Gadamer's Critique of Heidegger's Hermeneutics of Facticity.S. Panneeraselvam - 2003 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 30 (4):495-508.
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  16. Philosophical Hermeneutics Ⅰ: Early Heidegger, with a Preliminary Glance Back at Schleiermacher and Dilthey.Richard Palmer & Carine Lee - 2008 - Philosophy and Culture 35 (2):45-68.
    1施莱尔玛赫 contribution to the development施莱尔玛赫for hermeneutics in the development of Historically hermeneutics In order to make a decisive turn when he made ​​the future "general hermeneutics" , hermeneutics will be applied to all text interpretation. When the traditional hermeneutics contains In order to understand, description and application,施莱尔玛赫the attention is hermeneutics as "the art of understanding." 施莱尔玛赫also introduced the interpretation of psychology, can penetrate the text by means of its author's individuality and flexibility soul. He (...)
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    Heidegger’s Concept of Existence and Interpretation - Hermeneutical Analysis of 『Ontology : Hermeneutics of Facticity』-.Byoung-Jun Park - 2014 - The Catholic Philosophy 23:213-242.
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    Questioning Practice: Heidegger, Historicity, and the Hermeneutics of Facticity.Eric Sean Nelson - 2000 - Philosophy Today 44 (Supplement):150-159.
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    Problem: What is Woman?: The Hermeneutics of Sex/Gender Facticity.Jill Drouillard - 2024 - Heidegger, Dasein, and Gender: Thinking the Unthought Ed. Tricia Glazebrook and Susanne Claxton:171-188.
    What does Martin Heidegger say about sex or gender? According to most accounts, including Derrida’s influential essay “Geschlecht: Sexual Difference, Ontological Difference,” Heidegger makes a marginal reference to sex in a 1928 Marburg lecture later translated as The Metaphysical Foundations of Logic (GA 26). However, an earlier allusion to sexual difference appears in a 1923 Freiburg lecture, translated as Ontology—the Hermeneutics of Facticity (GA 63) where he explains why he uses the term “Dasein” instead of “man” in his (...)
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  20. Gadamer – Cheng: Conversations in Hermeneutics.Andrew Fuyarchuk - 2021 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 48 (3):245-249.
    1 Introduction1 In the 1980s, hermeneutics was often incorporated into deconstructionism and literary theory. Rather than focus on authorial intentions, the nature of writing itself including codes used to construct meaning, socio-economic contexts and inequalities of power,2 Gadamer introduced a different perspective; the interplay between effects of history on a reader’s understanding and the tradition(s) handed down in writing. This interplay in which a reader’s prejudices are called into question and modified by the text in a fusion of understanding (...)
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    Are We a Conversation? Hermeneutics, Exteriority, and Transmittability.Theodore George - 2017 - Research in Phenomenology 47 (3):331-350.
    Hermeneutics is widely celebrated as a call for “conversation”—that is, a manner of inquiry characterized by humility and openness to the other that eschews the pretenses of calculative rationality and resists all finality of conclusions. In this, conversation takes shape in efforts to understand and interpret that always unfold in the transmission of meaning historically in language. Yet, the celebration of hermeneutics for humility and openness appears, at least, to risk embarrassment in light of claims found in Heidegger (...)
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    Jesús Conill-Sancho. Ética hermenéutica. Crítica desde la facticidad. [Hermeneutic Ethics. The Critique of Facticity]. Madrid: Tecnos, 2006. [REVIEW][Name Unavailable] - 2009 - Analecta Hermeneutica 1.
    Book Review. Jesús Conill-Sancho. Ética hermenéutica. Crítica desde la facticidad. [Hermeneutic Ethics. The Critique of Facticity]. Madrid: Tecnos, 2006.
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    From Georges Sorel: Hermeneutics and the sciences.John L. Stanley & John Stanley - 1990 - Transaction.
    As his editor John L. Stanley points out, Georges Sorel was "that fascinating polymath." This volume, the third in his selected works in the English language published by Transaction, emphasizes Sorel's extraordinary writings in the philosophy of science, religion, culture, and art. For those who know Sorel only as author of Reflections on Violence, the present volume will come as a forceful reminder of the range and depth of Sorelian efforts to construct a world view. Sorel is throughout concerned with (...)
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  24. Heidegger and Gadamer on Making Phenomenology Hermeneutical in advance.Haley Irene Burke - forthcoming - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy.
    I argue that Hans-Georg Gadamer’s hermeneutic phenomenology accounts for the social dimension of factical life. In my view, Gadamer is able to do so through an appropriation of Martin Heidegger’s early phenomenological developments. My argument is centered on Heidegger’s early formal indicative method, especially as it emerges in his 1923 “hermeneutics of facticity” lecture course. Gadamer’s 1924 publication “On the Idea of a System in Philosophy” provides evidence that Gadamer follows Heidegger in many ways but not down a (...)
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    Interpretive Internalism and Hermeneutic Realism.Dimitri Ginev - 2016 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 33 (1):23-42.
    IntroductionThe aim of this paper is to outline the program of a hermeneutic theory of the way in which reality becomes disclosed and meaningfully articulated in practices of scientific inquiry.Text and MethodsI describe the profile of hermeneutic realism by addressing the issue of how objectified factuality is produced within the facticity of inquiry. Hermeneutic realism is characterized as a position that discards foundational epistemology and cognitive essentialism. I argue that the meaningful articulation of domains disclosed in scientific inquiry is (...)
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    Gadamer, German Idealism, and the Hermeneutic Turn in Phenomenology.Theodore George - 2021 - In Cynthia D. Coe, The Palgrave Handbook of German Idealism and Phenomenology. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 529-545.
    Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics is important to phenomenology for a number of reasons. One chief reason is that Gadamer describes his philosophical hermeneutics as an attempt to advance beyond the early Heidegger’s introduction of a “hermeneutics of facticity” that would break from the transcendental idealism of Husserl’s phenomenology. This chapter argues that Gadamer attempts to clarify his advance beyond Heidegger’s hermeneutical turn in phenomenology, at least in part, in reference to Hegel’s philosophy. While Gadamer remains critical of (...)
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    Rhetoric and Hermeneutics in our Time: A Reader. [REVIEW]Mark Dooley - 1999 - Review of Metaphysics 53 (2):457-457.
    One may indeed wonder why it is that after so many years arguing about the role of textuality, metaphor, and discourse in the transmission of meaning and truth from one tradition to the next, thinkers such as Paul Ricoeur, Jürgen Habermas, and Jacques Derrida are currently preoccupied with such vexed issues as the nature of European identity, the role of forgiveness in the contemporary milieu, and the refugee crisis currently bedevilling so many states today. I think the answer is quite (...)
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    On Not Reading Derrida s Texts.Mistaking Hermeneutics & Neutralizing Narration - 1997 - In Ellen K. Feder, Mary C. Rawlinson & Emily Zakin, Derrida and Feminism: Recasting the Question of Woman. New York: Routledge. pp. 87.
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    On the Costs of Bracketing Out.Factical Damnation - 1997 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 1 (3).
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    Hermeneutics and Science.Márta Fehér, Olga Kiss, L. Ropolyi & International Society for Hermeneutics and Science (eds.) - 1999 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
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    Play.Tony O’ Connor - 2015 - In Niall Keane & Chris Lawn, A Companion to Hermeneutics. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 265–269.
    Gadamer's discussion of play occurs as part of his effort to develop a philosophical hermeneutics, or a theory of interpretation, that attempts to reconcile two apparently opposed concepts, namely, universality and historicity. Heidegger's “hermeneutic of facticity”, or the existential structure of understanding, as developed in Being and Time, has an important influence on Gadamer's efforts to develop an historical and universal account of interpretation. It leads Gadamer to criticize traditional views of “aesthetic” and “historical” consciousness because of their (...)
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    Ontology. [REVIEW]Miles Groth - 2000 - Review of Metaphysics 54 (1):147-149.
    Like Aristotle’s texts, the present volume consists of logoi, lecture notes Heidegger left behind which later in his life he considered for possible inclusion in his Gesamtausgabe. Omissions in the manuscript amounting to about eleven pages were made good by referring to two transcripts of what was heard, respectively, by Walter Bröcker and Helene Weiss, two of Heidegger’s students at Freiburg University in the summer of 1923, when the course was given. Here and there in the manuscript, Heidegger provided headings (...)
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    Formalne wskazanie jako zasada metodyczna w myśleniu hermeneutycznym Martina Heideggera.Karol Michalski - 2015 - Studia Z Historii Filozofii 5 (4):227-251.
    Formal indication is one of the central concepts of Heidegger’s hermeneutics. Formal means that something is to be fulfilled. Indication indicates the direction of fulfilling. Heidegger developed the so-called by him, „formal indication”, respectively „formally indicative concepts” as a methodological justification of the philosophical terminology. The term „formal indication” aroses in the context of the phenomenology of life, where Heidegger introduces his „hermeneutics of facticity”, which is also referred to as „formally indicative hermeneutics“. This is about (...)
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    Interpretation: The Poetry of Meaning : [philosophical, Religious, and Literary Inquiries Into the Expression of Human Experience Through Language].Stanley Romaine Consultation on Hermeneutics, David L. Hopper & Miller - 1967 - Harcourt, Brace & World.
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  35. Zweidimensionierte Alltäglichkeit und Fürsorgeanalyse bei Heidegger in den 1920er Jahren.Christian Ivanoff-Sabogal - 2020 - Bollettino Filosofico 35:93-107.
    Both the early hermeneutics of facticity and the mature question of being have their starting point in the investigation of everyday life. Underlining Being and Time, we discuss two dimensions of the everyday life phenomenon, namely its «content» and «modal» sense. The relationship between both of them shows up as a dynamic tendency and an internal reference. On the basis of the distinction of the two-dimensional everyday life we deal with the problem of modal indifference, which is apparently (...)
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    Destruktion und formale Anzeige: Zur Erläuterung der methodischen Grundlage des frühen Heidegger am Beispiel der Bestimmungen von Geschichte und Philosophie.Hongjian Wang - 2018 - Studia Phaenomenologica 18:255-275.
    From the hermeneutics of facticity to phenomenological destruction, Heidegger’s constant effort has been to achieve a non-metaphysical, pre-theoretical methodology of philosophy. His ideas finally lead to the development of the method of formal indication. In this essay, I will consider first the methodological function of historical things, in order to illustrate the method of destruction. Then, I will explain the definition of philosophy from the point of view of formal indication, thereby showing how different this method is from (...)
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    El concepto de motivación en la fenomenología hermenéutica del joven Heidegger.Rocío Garcés Ferrer - 2018 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 35 (2):439-458.
    This paper deals with the methodological role played by the term «motivation» in young Heidegger’s early hermeneutic transformation of phenomenology. To that effect, I shall start analyzing the concept of motivation in Husserl’s phenomenology so as to better understand its hermeneutical variation in young Heidegger’s philosophy. Subsequently, I will pay special attention to the relevance exhibited by motivation in the emergence of the most important methodological notions of hermeneutical phenomenology as «destruction», «formal indication» and «preconception». To conclude, I shall explore (...)
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    Langage et métaphysique chez Heidegger et chez Wittgenstein.Françoise Dastur - 2010 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 94 (3):319.
    On se propose ici de tenter de rapprocher la critique wittgensteinienne des propositions métaphysiques du projet heideggérien de « destruction phénoménologique de l’histoire de l’ontologie ». Il s’agit donc d’abord de rappeler que dans le Tractatus Wittgenstein établit une différence « transcendantale » entre ce qui peut se dire et ce qui ne fait que « se montrer » et qu’il faut plutôt taire. Mais chez Wittgenstein la mise en évidence de cette différence conduit au refus du métalangage, et à (...)
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    Books received. [REVIEW]Author unknown - 2000 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 14 (1):79-81.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Speculative Philosophy 14.1 (2000) 79-81 [Access article in PDF] Books Received July 1999 through December 1999Asmuth, Christoph. 1999. Das Begriefen des Unbegreiflich. Abt. II, Band 41 of Spekulation and Erfahrung. Stuttgart: Frommann-holzboog. 411 pp.Badiou, Alain. 1999. Manifesto for Philosophy. Trans. and ed. Norman Madarasz. Albany: SUNY Press. 181 pp. h.c. 0-7914-4219-5, $14.95 pbk. 0-7914-4220-9.Barwise, Jon, and John Perry. 1999. Situations and Attitudes. New York: Cambridge UP. (...)
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    Against Theory 2: Sentence Meaning, Hermeneutics : Protocol of the Fifty-second Colloquy, 8 December 1985.Steven Knapp, Walter Benn Michaels & Center for Hermeneutical Studies in Hellenistic and Modern Culture - 1986
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    “Kierkegaard Não SE Desprendeu De Hegel”: Notas Sobre O Juízo De Heidegger Sobre Kierkegaard Em A Hermenêutica Da Facticidade.Gabriel Ferreira da Silva - 2020 - Trans/Form/Ação 43 (1):51-76.
    Resumo O curso proferido por Heidegger, no semestre de verão de 1923, e publicado posteriormente, sob o título de Ontologia: a hermenêutica da facticidade, é um dos importantes loci nos quais Heidegger deixa entrever tanto a influência e importância de Kierkegaard quanto algumas de suas avaliações acerca do pensamento do filósofo dinamarquês. Uma delas, em especial, não obstante formule um interessante juízo sobre a relação entre Kierkegaard e Hegel - a partir da figura de F. A. Trendelenburg -, um dos (...)
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    Temps et sujet. À propos de saint Augustin.Jean-Louis Vieillard-Baron - 2009 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 134 (3):355-368.
    Divers ouvrages sur saint Augustin conduisent à reposer la question du temps et celle du sujet qui ont alors été réunies pour la première fois comme un unique problème : memoria, conscience et conscience de soi, sont pensées selon le temps comme un sentir primordial. Celui-ci suppose un lieu, le ciel des ciels, qui est le lieu temporel de l'homme auprès de Dieu. L'intériorité augustinienne a des antécédents dans la pensée antique ; elle a influencé la philosophie récente ; Heidegger (...)
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    La pensée métaphysique de Heidegger.François Jaran - 2006 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 1 (1):47-61.
    When Heidegger takes the decision at the end of the 1920’s to « risk again the step into an authentic metaphysics », a very strong solidarity is already established between his philosophical project and that of Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason. This solidarity is testified in the recuperation Heidegger does of the idea – proper to Kant and Baumgarten – of a metaphysica naturalis. The « Metaphysics of Dasein » constitutes the last attempt – after the hermeneutics of (...) and the fundamental ontology – to define philosophy starting from « human nature ». After this « step into metaphysics », Heidegger’s thought will dedicate its efforts to the well-known « Overtaking of metaphysics ». (shrink)
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    Art History and Visual Culture without World.Aron Vinegar - 2015 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 60 (1):123-134.
    Aron Vinegar’s essay explores art history and visual culture’s dependence on a phenomenological conception of world, which is based on a hermeneutics of facticity, intentionality, and ontological difference. He argues that the ‘basic concept’ of world has structured the field of art history and visual culture in implicit and explicit ways, thus dictating many of its commitments and concerns. One of the primary limitations of this commitment to world, is that it has resulted in art history and visual (...)
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    Space, Dwelling, and (Be)longingness.Małgorzata Hołda - 2022 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 22 (2):181-200.
    The supple and ever-present search for the possibilities offered by the narrative form in fictional writing corresponds to the use of the narrative as a mode of understanding and explaining our being-in-the-world in philosophy. The intimate liaison between the realm of fictional imagination and that of human everydayness inspires writers to seek ways to tackle issues of temporality, the conflicting character of human drives, and the ultimately unresolvable tension between finitude and infinitude. As a literary and philosophical category, the narrative (...)
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  46. L’origine et les fondements de la question cartésienne chez Heidegger.Christophe Perrin - 2010 - Studia Phaenomenologica 10:333-357.
    Showing a very early interest in Descartes, after having first considered him as a Christian thinker in the perspective of a deconstruction of religious life, Heidegger soon regards him as the major obstacle to the phenomenological analyses he wants to develop, as part of the first ontological search he gave himself: that of a hermeneutics of facticity. Therefore, the latter immediately takes in his work the shape of a hermeneutics of the I think, therefore I am, its (...)
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    Mundo circundante en Heidegger: Índices teóricos para una aproximación a una idea de “habitar” en la hiperconectividad digital.Marcelo Raffo Tironi - 2022 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 12 (2).
    With the massification of digital communication networks, a powerful and intense digital transformation of everyday life has been taking place. This transformation intensifies in the common sense of our domestic life the idea of immediacy and simultaneity: the factual possibility that "we are" contemporary and everyday together with the global passing. In this context catalyzed by a phenomenon that we will call digital hyperconnectivity, the concept of “inhabiting” acquires special interest due to the possible transformations that its supposed escalation implies (...)
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    Gestalt, subjectivité, négativité : l'interprétation heideggerienne du Surhomme et sa critique de la morphologie des cultures chez Spengler.Golfo Maggini - 1999 - Philosophiques 26 (1):53-70.
    RÉSUMÉ Notre article traite de l’interprétation heideggerienne du Surhomme chez Nietzsche en prenant en considération tout particulièrement sa désignation comme forme dans les cours de 1939-1946 qui constituent, sous plusieurs aspects, la culmination du « différend » avec lui. En effet, si anthropomorphie et subjectivité s'appartiennent mutuellement dans la métaphysique moderne, cette coappartenance trouve son achèvement chez le Surhomme. Elle indique par ailleurs la forclusion du sujet nietzschéen dans la logique de la négation, témoignage de la tentative heideggerienne pour « (...)
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    Rhetoric as Philosophy: The Humanist Tradition. [REVIEW]John Arthos - 2001 - Review of Metaphysics 55 (1):134-135.
    The reissue of Ernesto Grassi’s Rhetoric as Philosophy in English by Southern Illinois University Press prompts a reconsideration of this twentiethcentury Italian intellectual’s contribution to rhetoric and philosophy. The book is a set of closely related essays around the central theme that Italian humanism compliments and enriches the hermeneutic understanding developed by Grassi’s mentor, Heidegger. Grassi wishes to retrieve and promote the neglected resources of the ancient rhetorical tradition as they were nurtured and embellished by great and lesser known humanists (...)
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    Being Jewish/reading Heidegger: an ontological encounter.Allen Michael Scult - 2004 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    This innovative book investigates being Jewish not as a sectarian religiosity but as a way of being-in-the-world particularly suited to understanding Heidegger's early phenomenology. At its core is an intimate engagement with sacred texts,which grounds being Jewish in a way of life constituted as a way of reading-a way of reading transmitted to succeeding generations as a passionate teaching. Allen Scult argues that Heidegger was similarly involved in a passionate attempt to introduce his students to philosophical practice through a personal (...)
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