Results for ' Kelly's response, no actual sexual interaction between Zach and Jenna'

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  1.  22
    (1 other version)Cheating with Jenna.Fiona Woollard - 2010 - In Dave Monroe (ed.), Porn: Philosophy for Everyone. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 93–104.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Notes.
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    The origins of number: Getting developmental.Kelly S. Mix - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (6):662-662.
    Rips et al. raise important questions about the relation between infant quantification and achievement of natural number concepts. However, they may be oversimplifying the interactions that characterize actual development in real time. Though they propose a worthwhile agenda for future research, its explanatory power will be limited if it does not address developmental issues with greater sensitivity.
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    Scandal: The Catholic Church and Public Life by Angela Senander. [REVIEW]Mara Kelly-Zukowski - 2016 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 36 (1):219-220.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Scandal: The Catholic Church and Public Life by Angela SenanderMara Kelly-ZukowskiScandal: The Catholic Church and Public Life Angela Senander collegeville, mn: liturgical press, 2012. 184 pp. $14.95.Angela Senander’s short book on scandal is valuable for scholars and non-scholars alike. She demonstrates how scandal, whose etymology is “stumbling block” (to one’s faith or trust), has been employed by the church as a catalyst and as a rationalization for many (...)
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    Cognitive Outcomes for Essential Tremor Patients Selected for Thalamic Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery Through Interdisciplinary Evaluations.Jacob D. Jones, Tatiana Orozco, Dawn Bowers, Wei Hu, Zakia Jabarkheel, Shannon Chiu, Adolfo Ramirez-Zamora, Kelly Foote, Michael S. Okun & Aparna Wagle Shukla - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Objective: Deep brain stimulation targeted to the ventral intermediate nucleus of the thalamus is effective for motor symptoms in essential tremor, but there is limited data on cognitive outcomes. We examined cognitive outcomes in a large cohort of ET DBS patients.Methods: In a retrospective analysis, we used repeated-measures ANOVA testing to examine whether the age of tremor onset, age at DBS surgery, hemisphere side implanted with lead, unilateral vs. bilateral implantations, and presence of surgical complications influenced the cognitive outcomes. Neuropsychological (...)
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    Reading Kristeva: A Response to Calvin Bedient.Toril Moi - 1991 - Critical Inquiry 17 (3):639-643.
    I must confess that I found [Calvin] Bedient’s account of Kristeva’s theories quite shocking. Since, on the whole, critical essays rarely upset me, my own reaction was quite puzzling to me. What is there in Bedient’s prose to unsettle me so? It certainly can’t be his style or tone: he has produced a perfectly even-tempered essay. Refraining from imputing selfish or dishonest motives to the theorist he wants to disagree with, Bedient never argues ad feminam, and takes much trouble lucidly (...)
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  6. Motherhood, Sexuality, and Pregnant Embodiment: Twenty-Five Years of Gestation.Kelly Oliver - 2010 - Hypatia 25 (4):760-777.
    My essay is framed by Hypatia's first special issue on Motherhood and Sexuality at one end, and by the most recent special issue (as of this writing) on the work of Iris Young, whose work on pregnant embodiment has become canonical, at the other. The questions driving this essay are: When we look back over the last twenty-five years, what has changed in our conceptions of pregnancy and maternity, both in feminist theory and in popular culture? What aspects of feminist (...)
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  7. Women as Weapons of War: Iraq, Sex, and the Media.Kelly Oliver - 2007 - Columbia University Press.
    Ever since Eve tempted Adam with her apple, women have been regarded as a corrupting and destructive force. The very idea that women can be used as interrogation tools, as evidenced in the infamous Abu Ghraib torture photos, plays on age-old fears of women as sexually threatening weapons, and therefore the literal explosion of women onto the war scene should come as no surprise. From the female soldiers involved in Abu Ghraib to Palestinian women suicide bombers, women and their bodies (...)
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    Balibar’s Transindividualism: What Kind of Via Negativa?Mark G. E. Kelly - 2018 - Australasian Philosophical Review 2 (1):26-31.
    In this response, while agreeing with Balibar’s substantive positive position, I take issue with the way he situates it. Specifically, he casts it as a via negativa in relation to all previously existing thought. I suggest that it would be more accurate to say he is positioning the notion of the transindividual as a via media between two alleged extremes, individualism and organicism. I argue that the idea that there is an opposite and equal error to individualism is mistaken, (...)
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    The King and the Crowd: Divine Right and Popular Sovereignty in the French Revolution.Robert G. Hamerton-Kelly - 1996 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 3 (1):67-83.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The King and the Crowd: Divine Right and Popular Sovereignty in the French Revolution Robert G. Hamerton-Kelly Stanford University We French cannot really think about politics or philosophy or literature without remembering that all this— politics, philosophy, literature—began, in the modem world, under the sign of a crime. A crime was committed in France in 1793. They killed a good and entirely likable king who was the incarnation of (...)
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    Veils: The Poetics of John Rawls.George Armstrong Kelly - 1996 - Journal of the History of Ideas 57 (2):343-364.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Veils: The Poetics of John Rawls*George Armstrong KellyPlutarch recounts in Sais, a holy place of Egypt, the image of Isis, understood by the Greeks to be a version of Pallas Athena, bore the inscription: “I am everything that has been, that is, and that shall ever be: no human mortal has discovered me behind my veil.” 1 This recalls a very different god, Yahweh, whose claim is also to (...)
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    Corporate Responsiveness to Social Pressure: An Interaction-Based Model. [REVIEW]Pia Lotila - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 94 (3):395 - 409.
    The study introduces an interaction-based model that illustrates the iterative process of corporate responsiveness to social pressure. The model is then applied to a recent case of international relevance. The study implies that corporate management can apply three types of management approaches when managing relations with society, depending on their perception of social pressure: tactic, strategic or no action. This is then reflected in their practice of public relations (PR). Ethical leadership is considered to be manifested by the proactive (...)
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  12. Sexual Interactions and Sexual Infidelity.Paddy McQueen - 2021 - The Journal of Ethics 25 (4):449-466.
    This paper establishes what constitutes a sexual interaction between two or more people. It does this by first defining a sexual activity as one in which the agent intends to satisfy a sexual desire. To understand what it means to engage in a sexual activity with another person, it draws from Bratman’s account of shared collaborative activity. A sexual interaction is defined as one in which two or more people engage in a (...)
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    The Role of Attitudes, Affect, and Income in Predicting COVID-19 Behavioral Intentions.Kelly S. Clemens, John Matkovic, Kate Faasse & Andrew L. Geers - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Handwashing is important in preventing infectious diseases like COVID-19. The current public health emergency has required rapid implementation of increased handwashing in the general public; however, rapidly changing health behavior, especially on this scale, is difficult. This study considers attitudes and affective responses to handwashing as possible factors predicting COVID-19 related changes to handwashing behavior, future intentions, and readiness to change during the early stages of the pandemic in the United States. Income was explored as a potential moderator to these (...)
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  14. Toward an etiology of dissociative identity disorder: A neurodevelopmental approach.Kelly A. Forrest - 2001 - Consciousness and Cognition 10 (3):259-293.
    This article elaborates on Putnam's ''discrete behavioral states'' model of dissociative identity disorder (Putnam, 1997) by proposing the involvement of the orbitalfrontal cortex in the development of DID and suggesting a potential neurodevelopmental mechanism responsible for the development of multiple representations of self. The proposed ''orbitalfrontal'' model integrates and elaborates on theory and research from four domains: the neurobiology of the orbitalfrontal cortex and its protective inhibitory role in the temporal organization of behavior, the development of emotion regulation, the development (...)
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    Modal Epistemology.Kelly Becker & Bin Zhao - 2023 - Oxford Bibliographies in Philosophy.
    Modal epistemologies aim to explicate the necessary link between belief and truth that constitutes knowledge. This strain of epistemological theorizing is typically externalist; hence, it does not require that the agent know or understand the nature of the knowledge-constituting link. A central concern of modal epistemology is to articulate conditions on knowing such that no merely lucky true belief counts as knowledge. In the effort to eliminate luck, epistemic principles are often cast modally, requiring that an agent’s belief is (...)
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  16. Constructive Empiricism and Epistemic Modesty: Response to van Fraassen and Monton. [REVIEW]Marc Alspector-Kelly - 2006 - Erkenntnis 64 (3):371-379.
    Bas van Fraassen claims that constructive empiricism strikes a balance between the empiricist’s commitments to epistemic modesty – that one’s opinion should extend no further beyond the deliverances of experience than is necessary – and to the rationality of science. In “Should the Empiricist be a Constructive Empiricist?” I argued that if the constructive empiricist follows through on her commitment to epistemic modesty she will find herself adopting a much more extreme position than van Fraassen suggests. Van Fraassen and (...)
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  17. Utilitarian Strategies in Bentham and John Stuart Mill.P. J. Kelly - 1990 - Utilitas 2 (2):245.
    The argument of this paper is part of a general defence of the claim that Bentham's moral theory embodies a utilitarian theory of distributive justice, which is developed in his Civil Law writings. Whereas it is a commonplace of recent revisionist scholarship to argue that J. S. Mill had a developed utilitarian theory of justice, few scholars regard Bentham as having a theory of justice, let alone one that rivals in sophistication that of Mill. Indeed, Gerald J. Postema in his (...)
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    On the Relationship between Asymptomatic Infections and Diseases.Martin Zach - 2023 - Philosophy of Medicine 4 (1).
    Many microbes responsible for infectious diseases are known to run an asymptomatic course in a significant portion of the population. By highlighting the conceptual complexities of host-microbe interactions, this paper elucidates the fact that while many infections remain asymptomatic, this does not necessarily mean that such infections are of no concern for health. The paper builds on the so-called damage-response framework and considers several developments required to gain a more comprehensive perspective on infections and their relationship to diseases. Irrespective of (...)
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    Strategic Philanthropy: Corporate Measurement of Philanthropic Impacts as a Requirement for a “Happy Marriage” of Business and Society.Karen Maas & Kellie Liket - 2016 - Business and Society 55 (6):889-921.
    Because it promises to benefit business and society simultaneously, strategic philanthropy might be characterized as a “happy marriage” of corporate social responsibility behavior and corporate financial performance. However, as evidence so far has been mostly anecdotal, it is important to understand to what extent empirics support the actual practice as well as value of a strategic approach, which creates both business and social impacts through corporate philanthropic activities. Utilizing data from the years 2006 to 2009 for a sample of (...)
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    Is medical ethics in armed conflict identical to medical ethics in times of peace?Janet Kelly - 2013 - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    This book challenges the World Medical Associationâ (TM)s (WMA) International Code of Ethics statement in 2004, which declared that â ~medical ethics in armed conflict is identical to medical ethics in times of peaceâ (TM). This is achieved by examining the professional, ethical, and legal conflicts in British Military healthcare practice that occur in three distinct military environments. These are (i) the battlefield, (ii) the operational environment and (iii) the non-operational environment. As this conflict is exacerbated by the need to (...)
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    Emotional and Sexual Adaptation to Colon Cancer: Perceptual Congruence of Dyadic Coping Among Couples.Alexandra Stulz, Nicolas Favez & Cécile Flahault - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:802603.
    ContextColon cancer is the 3rd most common cancer in the world. The diagnosis leads the patient and his relatives into a process of mourning for their health and previous life. The literature highlights the impact of the disease on couples. Cancer can either alter or strengthen the relationship. The disease will directly or indirectly affect both partners. Such impact starts with the diagnosis and lasts long after treatments. No study has analyzed both emotional and sexual interactions between partners (...)
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    Exploratory Analysis of the Relationship between Social Identification and Testosterone Reactivity to Vicarious Combat.Kathleen V. Casto, Zach L. Root, Shawn N. Geniole, Justin M. Carré & Mark W. Bruner - 2021 - Human Nature 32 (2):509-527.
    Testosterone fluctuates in response to competitive social interactions, with the direction of change typically depending on factors such as contest outcome. Watching a competition may be sufficient to activate T among fans and others who are invested in the outcome. This study explores the change in T associated with vicarious experiences of competition among combat sport athletes viewing a teammate win or lose and assesses how individual differences in social identification with one’s team relates to these patterns of T reactivity. (...)
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    Growing Up, Hooking Up, and Drinking: A Review of Uncommitted Sexual Behavior and Its Association With Alcohol Use and Related Consequences Among Adolescents and Young Adults in the United States. [REVIEW]Tracey A. Garcia, Dana M. Litt, Kelly Cue Davis, Jeanette Norris, Debra Kaysen & Melissa A. Lewis - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Hookups are uncommitted sexual encounters that range from kissing to intercourse and occur between individuals in whom there is no current dating relationship and no expressed or acknowledged expectations of a relationship following the hookup. Research over the last decade has begun to focus on hooking up among adolescents and young adults with significant research demonstrating how alcohol is often involved in hooking up. Given alcohol’s involvement with hooking up behavior, the array of health consequences associated with this (...)
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    Lost paradises and the ethics of research and publication.Francisco M. Salzano & A. Magdalena Hurtado (eds.) - 2004 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    In 2000, the world of anthropology was rocked by a high-profile debate over the fieldwork performed by two prominent anthropologists, Napoleon Chagnon and James V. Neel, among the Yanamamo tribe of South America. The controversy was fueled by the publication of Patrick Tierney's incendiary Darkness in El Dorado which accused Chagnon of not only misinterpreting but actually inciting some of the violence he perceived among these "fierce people". Tierney also pointed the finger at Neel as the unwitting agent of a (...)
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  25. Bridging the Gap between Individual and Corporate Responsible Behaviour: Toward a Performative Concept of Corporate Codes.Vincent Blok - 2017 - Philosophy of Management 16 (2):117-136.
    We reflect on the nature of corporate codes of conduct is this article. Based on John Austin’s speech act theory, four characteristics of a performative concept of corporate codes will be introduced: 1) the existential self-performative of the firm identity, 2) which is demanded by and responsive to their stakeholders; 3) Because corporate codes are structurally threatened by the possibility of failure, 4) embracing the code not only consists in actual corporate responsible behaviour in light of the code, but (...)
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  26. Pushing moral buttons: The interaction between personal force and intention in moral judgment.Joshua D. Greene, Fiery A. Cushman, Lisa E. Stewart, Kelly Lowenberg, Leigh E. Nystrom & Jonathan D. Cohen - 2009 - Cognition 111 (3):364-371.
    In some cases people judge it morally acceptable to sacrifice one person’s life in order to save several other lives, while in other similar cases they make the opposite judgment. Researchers have identified two general factors that may explain this phenomenon at the stimulus level: (1) the agent’s intention (i.e. whether the harmful event is intended as a means or merely foreseen as a side-effect) and (2) whether the agent harms the victim in a manner that is relatively “direct” or (...)
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    Author's response.Patricia M. Greenfield - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (1):153-154.
    Ronan Reilly's connectionist simulation both strengthens and advances the theoretical model presented in my 1991 target article, “Language, Tools, and Brain: The Ontogeny and Phylogeny of Hierarchically Organized Sequential Behavior.” Reilly has tested the whole ontogenetic model with a single simulation study explicitly planned for this purpose. His methodology has established that the various components of the theoretical model imply and are compatible with one another. It has also indicated how learning can actualize a pre-established ontogenetic sequence of combining lingusitic (...)
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    A Reply from George Armstrong Kelly.George Armstrong Kelly - 1979 - The Owl of Minerva 10 (4):10-11.
    While I deeply appreciate the painstaking and often generous remarks in R.N. Berki’s review of my book Hegel’s Retreat From Eleusis, [OWL, September 1978], I should like to correct two of his misapprehensions. First, the point is not that I try to “steer a middle course between ‘antiquaries’ who relegate Hegel to history books and ‘renovators’ who believe that Hegel is directly relevant,” but between the former and those who warp Hegel out of context in support of their (...)
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    A dilemma for morally responsible time travelers.Kelly McCormick - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (2):379-389.
    In this paper I argue that new attempts to undermine the principle of alternative possibilities via appeal to time travel fail. My argument targets a version of a Frankfurt-style counterexample to the principle recently developed by Spencer. I argue that in avoiding one prominent objection to standard Frankfurt-style counterexamples Spencer’s time travel case runs afoul of another. Furthermore, the very feature of the case which makes it initially appealing also makes it impossible to revise the case such that it can (...)
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    Response ethics.Kelly Oliver - 2018 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    Editor's introduction -- Author's introduction -- Interrelational subjects and social sublimation -- The gestation of the other in phenomenology -- The look of love and ecological subjectivity -- Social melancholy, shame and sublimation -- Responsible subjects and witnessing -- Witnessing subjectivity and testimony -- Witnessing, recognition, and response ethics -- Between ethics and politics -- Response ethics and the nonhumans -- Animal ethics: toward an ethics of responsiveness -- Service dogs: between animal studies and disability studies -- Earth (...)
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    The phone, the father and other becomings: On households (and theories) that no longer hold.Vikki Bell - 2001 - Cultural Values 5 (3):383-402.
    Modes of engagement. The reader may engage with this article in several different modes. It could be approached in straightforward, if quirky, sociological mode as an exploration of the idea that the literature on post‐divorce arrangements and step‐families, and especially literature, that attends to children's contact with their non‐resident fathers, can be re‐read in order to consider the issue of contact via communication technologies, a form of parent‐child contact not captured in the ways that ‘contact’ is measured in present studies. (...)
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    Book Review: Jews and Gender: Responses to Otto Weininger. [REVIEW]Béla Szabados - 1996 - Philosophy and Literature 20 (2):548-550.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Jews and Gender: Responses to Otto WeiningerBéla SzabadosJews and Gender: Responses to Otto Weininger, edited by Nancy A. Harrowitz and Barbara Hyams; 341 pp. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1995, $54.95 cloth, $24.95 paper.“Every artist has been influenced by others and shows traces of that influence yet his significance for us is nothing but his personality. What he inherits from others can be nothing but eggshells,” said Wittgenstein, listing (...)
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    “Broader Impacts” or “Responsible Research and Innovation”? A Comparison of Two Criteria for Funding Research in Science and Engineering.Michael Davis & Kelly Laas - 2014 - Science and Engineering Ethics 20 (4):963-983.
    Our subject is how the experience of Americans with a certain funding criterion, “broader impacts” may help in efforts to turn the European concept of Responsible Research and Innovation into a useful guide to funding Europe’s scientific and technical research. We believe this comparison may also be as enlightening for Americans concerned with revising research policy. We have organized our report around René Von Schomberg’s definition of RRI, since it seems both to cover what the European research group to which (...)
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    Anchoring a Revisionist Account of Moral Responsibility.Kelly Anne McCormick - 2013 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 7 (3):1-20.
    Revisionism about moral responsibility is the view that we would do well to distinguish between what we think about moral responsibility and what we ought to think about it, that the former is in some important sense implausible and conflicts with the latter, and so we should revise our concept accordingly. In this paper, I assess two related problems for revisionism and claim that focus on the first of these problems has thus far allowed the second to go largely (...)
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    Sensory Re-weighting for Postural Control in Parkinson’s Disease.Kelly J. Feller, Robert J. Peterka & Fay B. Horak - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13:437406.
    Postural instability in Parkinson’s disease (PD) is characterized by impaired postural responses to transient perturbations, increased postural sway in stance and difficulty transitioning between tasks. In addition, some studies suggest that loss of dopamine in the basal ganglia due to PD results in difficulty using proprioceptive information for motor control. Here, we quantify the ability of subjects with PD and age-matched control subjects to use and re-weight sensory information for postural control during steady-state conditions of continuous rotations of the (...)
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    How Interactive Visualizations Compare to Ethical Frameworks as Stand-Alone Ethics Learning Tools for Health Researchers and Professionals.Joanna Sleigh, Kelly Ormond, Manuel Schneider, Elsbeth Stern & Effy Vayena - 2023 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 14 (4):197-207.
    Background Despite the bourgeoning of digital tools for bioethics research, education, and engagement, little research has empirically investigated the impact of interactive visualizations as a way to translate ethical frameworks and guidelines. To date, most frameworks take the format of text-only documents that outline and offer ethical guidance on specific contexts. This study’s goal was to determine whether an interactive-visual format supports frameworks in transferring ethical knowledge by improving learning, deliberation, and user experience.Methods An experimental comparative study was conducted with (...)
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    Garrison on Beauty in Artworks as a Response to Regulatory Power: A Focus on Butler and Kant.Kelly Coble - 2024 - Philosophy East and West 74 (4):821-833.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Garrison on Beauty in Artworks as a Response to Regulatory PowerA Focus on Butler and KantKelly Coble (bio)As Garrison concedes, critical theory and Confucian philosophy will strike many of his readers as unlikely interlocutors. One would be hard-pressed to find two intellectual traditions more historically and culturally remote, and at least at first glance, more antithetical in their stances on authority and cultural power. In Reconsidering the Life of (...)
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    Meeting the eliminativist burden.Kelly McCormick - 2019 - Social Philosophy and Policy 36 (1):132-153.
    :In this essay I identify two burdens for eliminativist accounts of moral responsibility. I first examine an underappreciated logical gap between two features of eliminativism, the gap between descriptive skepticism and full-blown prescriptive eliminativism. Using Ishtiyaque Haji’s luck-based skepticism as an instructive example, I argue that in order to move successfully from descriptive skepticism to prescriptive eliminativism one must first provide a comparative defense of the conflicting principles that motivate the former. In other words, one must fix the (...)
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    Responsibility, Respectability, Recognition, and Polyamory: Lessons in Subject Formation in the Age of Sexual Identity.Julienne Obadia - 2020 - Feminist Studies 46 (2):287-315.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminist Studies 46, no. 2. © 2020 by Feminist Studies, Inc. 287 Julienne Obadia Responsibility, Respectability, Recognition, and Polyamory: Lessons in Subject Formation in the Age of Sexual Identity Introduction: It’s About Time “Sexuality” has become a strikingly capacious category in recent years. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans* have been joined by queer, questioning, intersex, pansexual, Two Spirit, asexual, and ally, as the acronym LGBT increasingly serves as (...)
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    Public responses to the sharing and linkage of health data for research purposes: a systematic review and thematic synthesis of qualitative studies.Mhairi Aitken, Jenna de St Jorre, Claudia Pagliari, Ruth Jepson & Sarah Cunningham-Burley - 2016 - BMC Medical Ethics 17 (1):73.
    BackgroundThe past 10 years have witnessed a significant growth in sharing of health data for secondary uses. Alongside this there has been growing interest in the public acceptability of data sharing and data linkage practices. Public acceptance is recognised as crucial for ensuring the legitimacy of current practices and systems of governance. Given the growing international interest in this area this systematic review and thematic synthesis represents a timely review of current evidence. It highlights the key factors influencing public responses (...)
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    Reading Nietzsche with Irigaray: Not your garden-variety philosophy.Kelly Oliver - 2019 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 27 (1):50-58.
    My short essay on Irigaray’s relation to Nietzsche could be divided into the beginnings of six arguments: First, Nietzsche continues to hold a special place in Irigaray’s thinking. Second, Amante Marine is an important part of Irigaray’s elemental philosophy. Third, Irigaray’s insistence on depth over surface in Amante Marine points to two different ways Nietzsche has been taken up in French Philosophy, which could be characterized as the difference between surface and depth. Fourth, Irigaray’s Amante Marine anticipates the most (...)
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    The new problem of genetics: A response to Gifford. [REVIEW]Kelly C. Smith - 1992 - Biology and Philosophy 7 (3):331-348.
    Recently, Fred Gifford attempted to explicate the meaning of the term genetic as applied to phenotypic traits. He takes as his primary goal the explication of how the term is used and tries to avoid conclusions about how it should be used. He proposes two independent criteria (DF and PI) which together capture much of what biologists mean when they describe traits as genetic. Although Gifford's approach is extremely insightful in many ways, I argue that his analysis is not sufficiently (...)
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    (1 other version)Fatherhood and the Promise of Ethics.Kelly Oliver - 1997 - Diacritics 27 (1):45-57.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Fatherhood and the Promise of EthicsKelly Oliver (bio)Both Paul Ricoeur and Emmanuel Levinas reject the Freudian/Lacanian association of father with law and instead associate fatherhood with promise. For Ricoeur, fatherhood promises equality through contracts, while for Levinas, fatherhood promises singularity beyond the law. The tension between equality and singularity, between law and something beyond the law, is what is at stake in Derrida’s The Gift of Death. (...)
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    The Interaction between Morality and Society—Its Evolutionary Mechanism.Luisa Aall Barricelli - 1997 - Journal of Human Values 3 (2):173-180.
    An interaction between the ways morality and society develop in the face of the challenges they are exposed to seems consistent with empirical evidence. However, within this frame man's instinct of self preservation and his individualism seem to play an important part. The former by its influence on the evolution of what I refer to as 'our social morality'. The latter by finding its expression in conservative and radical ideologies whose political confrontation appears to give rise to an (...)
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    Buddhism, Christianity, and Modern Science: A Response to Masao Abe.Frank Fair - 2005 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 25 (1):67.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhism, Christianity, and Modern Science:A Response to Masao AbeFrank FairAfter number of years of teaching philosophy of science, a few years ago I took up the challenge of teaching philosophy of religion. As one might imagine, it has always seemed to me to be important that our religious convictions harmonize with our best scientific knowledge of how the world works, and this became a more interesting issue when the (...)
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    No Seat at the Table: How Territoriality Constrains Cross-Sector Collaboration in Disaster Response.Dorothee Nussbruch & Verena Girschik - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-24.
    In the context of increasingly frequent climate-related disasters, this article examines whether and how private sector actors can participate in disaster response and work closely with established authorities. We adopt the concept of territoriality from human geography to explain why actors in authoritative positions may exclude others from participation even when they present a clear value proposition. Grounded in an in-depth case study of a local private sector organization in Vanuatu, we identify three relational dynamics between a private sector (...)
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  47. Animal Lessons: How They Teach Us to Be Human.Kelly Oliver - 2009 - Columbia University Press.
    Introduction: The role of animals in philosophies of man -- Part I: What's wrong with animal rights? -- The right to remain silent -- Part II: Animal pedagogy -- You are what you eat : Rousseau's cat -- Say the human responded : Herder's sheep -- Part III: Difference worthy of its name -- Hair of the dog : Derrida's and Rousseau's good taste -- Sexual difference, animal difference : Derrida's sexy silkworm -- Part IV: It's our fault -- (...)
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    Patricia Kelly, Ressourcement Theology : A Review Essay.Matthew K. Minerd - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (1):353-372.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Patricia Kelly, Ressourcement Theology:A Review EssayMatthew K. MinerdIntroductionAlthough now over seventy years in the past, the theological and ecclesiastical events of the 1940s, most often styled under some banner akin to "the crisis over the nouvelle théologie," leading up to the promulgation of the encyclical Humani Generis, retain a currency and interest to this very day. No doubt, the later influence of many of the so-called nouveaux théologiens leading (...)
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    Re-membering Red Riding Hood: situated solidarities between Ireland and Uganda.Ruth Kelly - 2023 - Feminist Theory 24 (2):208-226.
    Red Riding Hood is a story that has been retold and reimagined more frequently than most. Where the oral tradition often celebrated Red's sexuality and cunning, literary versions transform the tale into one in which a young girl is blamed for her own rape – or, in many feminist versions, where she fights back. Drawing on discussions with writers and feminist activists in Uganda, and on work by Ugandan and Irish writers and scholars, I explore how this troubling and ambiguous (...)
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    The Chinese Rune Argument–Searle's Response.John Searle - 2001 - Philosophical Explorations 4 (2):75-77.
    John Searle's forthcoming book ‘Rationality in Action’ presents a sophisticated and innovative account of the rationality of action. In the book Searle argues against what he calls the classical model of rationality. In the debate that follows Barry Smith challenges some implications of Searle's account. In particular, Smith suggests that Searle's distinction between observer-relative and observer–independent facts of the world is ill suited to accommodate moral concepts. Leo Zaibert takes on Searle's notion of the gap. The gap exists (...) the reasons that we have for acting and our actions. According to Searle, whenever there is no gap, our actions exhibit irrationality. Zaibert points out a certain obscurity in Searle's treatment of the gap, particularly in connection with Searle's notion of ‘recognitional rationality’. Finally, Josef Moural examines the interactions between Searle's theory of institutions and his theory of rationality, with emphasis on the connections between intentionality and Searle's notion of the ‘background’. (shrink)
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