Results for ' Lovingood, Sut '

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  1.  23
    The Availability of Conjectural Knowledge and Its Epistemic Value in Kalam.Abdulnasır SÜT - 2021 - Kader 19 (2):446-470.
    There is a prevailing opinion that conjectural knowledge (zann) cannot be taken as a basis in determining the fundamental theological principles among the theologians. However, from which sources and how to obtain certainty (yaqīn) and which types of knowledge are definitive (qat‘ī) have been discussed extensively. Certain and conjectural knowledge meet at a common point in terms of relying on evidence. Conjectural knowledge obtained via reasoning and/or religious scripture that do not express certainty. While conjectural knowledge has been essentially related (...)
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    Initiated and received task interdependence and distributed team performance: the mediating roles of different forms of role clarity.Sut I. Wong & Suzanne van Gils - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (2):781-790.
    Distributed agile teams are increasingly employed in organizations, partly due to the increased focus on digital transformation. However, research findings about the performance of such teams appear to be inconsistent, calling for more research to investigate the conditions under which distributed agile teams may thrive. Given that task coordination is particularly challenging when team members are not co-located, the present study investigates the roles of the two types of task interdependence, i.e., initiated versus received task interdependence. Survey results from 191 (...)
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    İslam ve Turizm İlişkisi.Abdulnasır SÜT - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 11):479-479.
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  4. Sutʹ dela.Anatoliĭ Abramovich Agranovskiĭ - 1968 - Moskva,: Politizdat.
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  5. Baroyakan dastiarakutʻiwn: mankavarzh. dasakhōsutʻiwnner khōsuats Berayi Azg. Aruestanotsʻin mēj.M. G. Tsalean - 1927 - K. Polis: Tpagrutʻiwn H.M. Aznawor.
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  6. The Lure of the Advertising Image: A Platonic Analysis.Richard Oxenberg - manuscript
    Sut Jhally begins his essay “Advertising at the Edge of the Apocalypse” with the following provocative claim: “Advertising is the most powerful and sustained system of propaganda in human history and its cumulative effects, unless quickly checked, will be responsible for destroying the world as we know it.” Jhally argues that the advertising industry, in fostering an association between human aspiration and desire for consumable goods, creates an artificial demand for such goods that is, at once, far in excess of (...)
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  7. (2 other versions)Tác động của yếu tố xã hội đến phản ứng của nhà đầu tư chứng khoán cá nhân trong khủng hoảng: bằng chứng từ Trung Quốc và Việt Nam.Nguyễn Phương Tri, Nguyễn Văn Quý, Giang Hoàng & Nguyễn Minh Hoàng - 2024 - Tạp Chí Kinh Tế Và Dự Báo 864 (1):55-63.
    Cảm xúc là yếu tố cơ bản thúc đẩy con người đưa ra quyết định và xử lý thông tin. Sợ hãi là một trong những cảm xúc phổ biến nhất ảnh hưởng đến hành vi của nhà đầu tư cá nhân trên thị trường chứng khoán. Mặc dù nhiều nghiên cứu đã được thực hiện để khám phá tác động của nỗi sợ hãi đối với hiệu quả đầu tư và hành vi giao dịch của nhà đầu tư cá (...)
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    Ş'fiî’nin Zinanın Hürmet-i Mus'hereyi Gerektirmediği Konusundaki Görüşünün Temellendirilmesi.Selman Demirboğa - 2024 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 26 (49):245-274.
    Fakihler evlenme engellerini sürekli ve geçici olmak üzere iki kısım altında ele almışlardır. Sürekli evlenme engelleri de kan bağı, süt ve sıhriyet yoluyla oluşan haramlık olmak üzere üç kısma ayrılmaktadır. Kan bağı ve süt yoluyla oluşan haramlık konusunda fakihler arasında bir tartışma bulunmamakla birlikte sıhrî hısımlıkla ilgili ihtilaf bulunmaktadır. Evlenmenin taraflar arasında doğurduğu bu hısımlık, klasik fıkıh literatüründe sıhriyet mahremiyeti (hürmet-i musâhere) olarak ifade edilmiştir. Bu bağlamda zinanın hürmet-i musâhereyi gerektirip gerektirmediği problemiyle ilgili olarak doktrinde iki görüş ortaya çıkmıştır. Hanefîler, (...)
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    Des Idees Et Des Lettres.Etienne Gilson - 1932 - Librairie Philosophique J Vrin.
    Les pages reunies dans ce volume sont le divertissement d'un philosophe qui sut aussi etre honnete homme: celui dont le nom reste attache a des textes plus austeres n'a pas neglige de relire, au soir des journees passees sur des commentaires medievaux d'Aristote, certaines pages de Villon, de Dante, de Rabelais ou de Rousseau, et de les eclairer d'une lumiere nouvelle, faisant ainsi entrevoir toute la fecondite d'une entente entre philosophe et litteraires. L'histoire des idees ne pourrait-elle devenir une science (...)
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  10.  6
    Les derniers jours de René Girard.Benoît Chantre - 2016 - Paris: Bernard Grasset.
    René Girard est mort dans la semaine qui précéda les attentats du 13 novembre 2015. Il avait écrit : "La violence essentielle revient sur nous de façon spectaculaire, non seulement sur le plan de l'histoire, mais sur le plan du savoir". L'auteur de "La Violence et le sacré" n'est pas un prophète de malheur. Sa pensée donne forme et sens à notre avenir. Il nous faut réentendre sa voix. J'ai dû répondre au choc qu'ont été ces événements conjoints : la (...)
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    Écrits.Dina Dreyfus - 2013 - Paris: Hermann. Edited by Christiane Menasseyre & Bertrand Saint-Sernin.
    L'action et la pensee de Dina Dreyfus (1911-1999), ne furent pas moins clandestines qu'importantes. Restee dans l'ombre de son premier mari, Claude Levi-Strauss, dont on ignore trop souvent qu'elle fut la co-organisatrice de la mission Claude et Dina Levi-Strauss sur les Indiens du Mato-Grosso, Dina Dreyfus fut pourtant une ethnologue de terrain, qui sut participer activement a la fondation et au rayonnement de la discipline. Pendant la guerre, ses actes de resistance dans les reseaux montpellierains, furent menes dans la clandestinite (...)
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  12.  19
    Héloïse et Abélard.Etienne Gilson - 1997 - Vrin.
    Quelle est donc la lecon des faits? Qu'Abelard fut le premier homme moderne? Qu'Heloise fut la premiere femme moderne? Nous nous contenterions de bien moins: qu'au moment d'enfermer le Moyen Age ou la Renaissance dans une de ces definitions brillantes qui leur sont cheres, les historiens de la litterature se souviennent de cette folle petite Francaise, hantee par l'ideal de la grandeur romaine comme par celle de la grandeur chretienne, qui ne sut jamais au juste si elle etait l'Eustochium d'un (...)
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    Cinsiyetçiliğin ve Türcülüğün Kesiştiği Noktada Feminist Bir Mevzu Olarak İnsan Dışı Hayvanların Yaşama Hakkı.Itır Güneş - 2022 - Kilikya Felsefe Dergisi / Cilicia Journal of Philosophy 9 (1):127-144.
    Makale feminizmin genel olarak insan dışı hayvanların, özel olarak da tarımda kullanılan insan dışı hayvanların özgür ve özerk yaşama haklarını savunması gerektiğini savlamaktadır. Tarımda kullanılan insan dışı hayvanlardan elde edilen ürünlerin üretim süreçleri sadece onların bedenlerinin insanların arzuları uyarınca üretilip tüketilmelerini değil, ömürleri boyunca doğalarına aykırı şartlarda yaşayarak, sürekli eziyete maruz bırakılmalarını kapsamaktadır. Üstelik mevcut pratikler dişi insan dışı hayvanları, özellikle süt ve yumurta endüstrilerinde, biyolojik üreme yetilerinden faydalanmak adına ek eziyetlere maruz bırakmaktadır. Bu temel savı desteklemek için bell hooks (...)
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  14.  30
    Charles-François Exchaquet (1746–1792) et les Plans en Relief du Mont-Blanc.Lydie Touret - 1989 - Annals of Science 46 (1):1-20.
    Pendant tout le XVIII° siècle et surtout à partir de 1741, il y eut diverses tentatives pour atteindre le sommet du Mont-Blanc. Le 3 août 1787 Horace-Bénédict De Saussure parvint à la cime du fameux mont et sut donner le plus grand retentissement à cet exploit tant dans les milieux mondain que scientifique.Afin de commémorer cet évênement, Charles François Exchaquet construisit des maquettes de la Vallée de Chamonix et du Mont-Blanc qui se vendirent dans toute l'Europe. A notre connaissance il (...)
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    Correspondance 1942: "quel est donc ton tourment?".Simone Weil - 2019 - Paris XIIe: Éditions Claire Paulhan. Edited by Florence de Lussy, Michel Narcy, Simone Weil & Joë Bousquet.
    "Sept lettres, pas une de plus, échangées par la philosophe Simone Weil et le poète Joë Bousquet entre avril et mai 1942. Elles font suite à une rencontre que l'urgence du départ attendu par Simone Weil vouait à rester sans lendemain. A la veille de cette rencontre provoquée par Jean Ballard, directeur des Cahiers du Sud, ils ne se connaissaient pas personnellement, si ce n'est par quelques-uns de leurs écrits respectifs. Chacun attendant beaucoup de l'autre, leur "conversation nocturne" fut dense (...)
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    Permeable Boundaries: Fictive Kinship Ties between EthnoReligious Groups in Mardin.Ayşe GÜÇ - 2018 - Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 13 (2):237-264.
    This article analyses the contribution of fictive kinship ties established between different ethno-religious groups to intergroup relations and social solidarity. Fictive kinship refers to close relations between the parties, out of kinship established by marriage or blood tie, and associated to conventional kinship terms. These relations would provide people moral and financial support more than formal ones. Based on ethnographic data, this article analyses fictive kinship ties established by milk kinship and kirvelik between different groups in Mardin. Milk kinship is (...)
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