Results for ' Physical education and training'

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  1. Tones of Theory a Theoretical Structure for Physical Education--A Tentative Perspective.Celeste Ulrich, John E. Nixon & Physical Education Recreation American Association for Health - 1972 - American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation.
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  2. Teaching Training in Physical Education, Towards a rationale for a Socio-constructivist Approach.Marie-France Daniel - 1995 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 16 (2):90-101.
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    The Influence of Physical Education on Self-Efficacy in Overweight Schoolgirls: A 12-Week Training Program.Francesca Latino, Stefania Cataldi, Valerio Bonavolontà, Roberto Carvutto, Michele De Candia & Francesco Fischetti - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The purpose of this randomized controlled study was to investigate the impact of a 12-week physical education program on the self-efficacy of overweight schoolgirls. We randomly assigned 60 overweight schoolgirls to either an experimental moderate to vigorous aerobic exercise group or a control group that received non-specific regular PE lessons with activities chosen by the curricular teacher mainly focused on team games and sports skills that aimed to achieve general psycho-physical wellness. To assess the starting level of (...)
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    Current state of physical education specialists’ continuous professional training.Tetiana Dereka - 2016 - Science and Education: Academic Journal of Ushynsky University 10:5-11.
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  5. Philosophies fashion physical education.Elwood Craig Davis - 1963 - Dubuque, Iowa,: W. C. Brown Co..
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    Physical education: a discussion of principles.A. D. Munrow - 1972 - London,: Bell.
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    Physical Education as 'Means without Ends': Towards a new concept of physical education.Joris Vlieghe - 2013 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 45 (9):934-948.
    This article is concerned with the educational value of raising the human body at school. Drawing inspiration from the work of Giorgio Agamben, I develop a new perspective that explores the possibility of taking the concept of physical education in a literal sense. This is to say that the specific educational content of physical education (in contradistinction to organized sporting life outside school) resides in its concentration on the physical ?as such?. This is not an (...)
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    The Philosophy of Physical Education: A New Perspective.Steven A. Stolz - 2014 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    The discipline area of physical education has historically struggled for legitimacy, sometimes being seen as a non-serious pursuit in educational terms compared to other subjects within the school curriculum. This book represents the first attempt in nearly 30 years to offer a coherent philosophical defence and conceptualisation of physical education and sport as subjects of educational value, and to provide a philosophically sound justification for their inclusion in the curriculum. The book argues that rather than relegating (...)
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    (1 other version)The philosophic process in physical education.Elwood Craig Davis (ed.) - 1967 - Philadelphia,: Lea & Febiger.
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    Philosophical bases for physical education.Charles Harold McCloy - 1940 - New York,: F. S. Crofts & co..
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    Elements of Physical Education 1: Philosophical Aspects.M. G. Mason & Anzelm George Lawrence Ventre - 1965 - [Thistie Books,].
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    “Cooperative Learning Does Not Work for Me”: Analysis of Its Implementation in Future Physical Education Teachers.David Hortigüela-Alcalá, Alejandra Hernando-Garijo, Sixto González-Víllora, Juan Carlos Pastor-Vicedo & Antonio Baena-Extremera - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Cooperative learning (CL) is one of the pedagogical models that has had more application in the area of Physical Education (PE) in recent years, being highly worked in the initial training of teachers. The aim of the study is to check to what extent future PE teachers are able to apply in the classroom the PE training they have received at university, deepening their fears, insecurities and problems when carrying it out. Thirteen future PE teachers (7 (...)
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    Knowing Students' Characteristics: Opportunities to Adapt Physical Education Teaching.Alina Kirch, Melina Schnitzius, Sarah Spengler, Simon Blaschke & Filip Mess - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:619944.
    Physical Education (PE) aims to convey the joy of exercise and by this educate students to lifelong physical activeness. Student motivation in PE decreases during the school career. This study therefore comprehensively analyzes student characteristics determining motivation in PE:General Personality Traits, Physical Self-Concept, Achievement Motive, Motives to be physically active, andSports Interest. This contribution aims to describe students' prerequisites in the PE context by using an aggregated assessment of the abovementioned general plus sport specific characteristics and (...)
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    Yulgok’s Mind and Body Training Theory and the Implication of Physical Education Philosophy.Boochan Kim - 2015 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 76:167-189.
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    Physical education and the physical educator.James A. Baley - 1970 - Boston,: Allyn & Bacon. Edited by David Albert Field.
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  16. Physical literacy: throughout the lifecourse.Margaret Whitehead (ed.) - 2010 - New York: Routledge.
    Through the use of particular pedagogies and the adoption of new modes of thinking, physical literacy promises more realistic models of physical competence and ...
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    Initial vocational training for police patrol officers in the use of physical force based on the use of the sensorimotor method.Evgeny Ivanovich Troyan - 2021 - Kant 41 (4):303-307.
    The purpose of the study is to identify the possibility of using the sensorimotor method for modeling variable situations of the use of physical force by police officers and organizing the level structure of the sequential use of variable situations for training cadets and students of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The scientific novelty lies in identifying the effectiveness of sensorimotor method in situational training of police patrol officers, which makes it possible (...)
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  18. The effects of formalized and trained non-reciprocal peer teaching on psychosocial, behavioral, pedagogical, and motor learning outcomes in physical education.Peter R. Whipp, Ben Jackson, James A. Dimmock & Jenny Soh - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Environmental Education in Initial Training: Effects of a Physical Activities and Sports in the Natural Environment Program for Sustainable Development.M. Luisa Santos-Pastor, Pedro Jesús Ruiz-Montero, Oscar Chiva-Bartoll, Antonio Baena-Extremera & L. Fernando Martínez-Muñoz - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Training for sustainable development is an educational challenge of prime importance. Physical activity and sports in natural environments provide training committed to sustainability and environmental education. The objective of this study was to assess the effects of an undergraduate training program in Physical Activities and Sports in Natural Environments concerned with sustainable development. A total of 113 students from the Autonomous University of Madrid who are studying a Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Activity and (...)
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    Education and physical education.J. Myrle James - 1967 - London,: Bell.
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    Problems in the history and philosophy of physical education and sport.Earle F. Zeigler - 1968 - Englewood Cliffs, N.J.,: Prentice-Hall.
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    Experiential Training in Psychedelic‐Assisted Therapy: A Risk‐Benefit Analysis.Daniel Rosenbaum, Crystal Hare, Emma Hapke, Yarissa Herman, Susan E. Abbey, Dominic Sisti & Daniel Z. Buchman - 2024 - Hastings Center Report 54 (4):32-46.
    Well-trained, competent therapists are crucial for safe and effective psychedelic-assisted therapy (PAT). The question whether PAT training programs should require aspiring therapists to undergo their own PAT—commonly referred to as “experiential training”—has received much attention within the field. In this article, we analyze the potential benefits of experiential training in PAT by applying the framework developed by Rolf Sandell et al. concerning the functions of any training therapy (the therapeutic, modeling, empathic, persuasive, and theoretical functions). We (...)
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  23. Bryan Magee Talks to Michael Ayers About Locke and Berkeley.Bryan Magee, Michael Ayers, Inc Bbc Education & Training, B. B. C. Worldwide Americas & Films for the Humanities - 1987 - Films for the Humanities & Sciences.
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    Findings of Modern Physical Body: From Moral Training(修身) To Physical Education(體育).Park JeoungSim - 2013 - THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN PHILOSOPHICAL HISTORY 36:173-202.
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    Sri Aurobindo and the Mother on physical education.Aurobindo Ghose - 1967 - Pandicherry,: Shri Aurobindo Ashram. Edited by Mother.
  26. Bryan Magee talks to Bernard Williams about Descartes.Bryan Magee, Bernard Arthur Owen Williams, Jill Dawson & B. B. C. Education & Training - 1997 - .
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    A Reconception of Performance Study in the Philosophy of Music Education.Valerie L. Trollinger - 2006 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 14 (2):193-208.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Reconception of Performance Study in the Philosophy of Music EducationValerie L. TrollingerThe actual place of performance in music education has been the subject of numerous debates over the years. Most debates have revolved within the paradigm of the performance ability of the teacher and consequently the performance ability of the students. Is the level to be attained that of a winning concert band/marching band/choir? Or, is the (...)
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    Administration of Public Education in the United States.Samuel Train Dutton & David Snedden - 1909 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 6 (17):473-474.
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    Effects of a Coordinative Ability Training Program on Adolescents’ Cognitive Functioning.Francesca Latino, Stefania Cataldi & Francesco Fischetti - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The purpose of this randomized controlled study was to investigate the effects of a 12-week coordinative ability training program on adolescents’ cognitive functioning, using evaluation tests of visuospatial perception, attention, and working memory. We randomly assigned 60 public school students (14–15 years) to either an experimental coordinative abilities training (∼40 min twice/week) group (n= 30) or a control group (n= 30) who received general psycho-physical wellness training (∼40 min., twice a week). At baseline and after (...) we used two standardized motor tests and a single cognitive measure (Corsi’s Block-tapping test) to assess students’ visuospatial perception, attention, and working memory. We found a significant Time x Group interaction for the Throwing and Catching Test and Corsi’s Block-Tapping test, reflecting a meaningful experimental group improvement (p< 0.001), and there were no significant pre-post changes found in the control group. Thus, a 12-week program of coordinative abilities was able to improve not only coordination skills but aspects of cognitive functioning relevant to academic achievement. (shrink)
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    The Development of Students' Lower Limb Strength through the Implementation of a Functional Training Program Using Aqua-Fit Equipment.Andreea- Maria Tasca & Dana Badau - 2025 - Postmodern Openings 15 (1):32-42.
    The aim of this study was to develop explosive strength in the lower limbs of students by implementing an experimental functional training program using Aqua-Fit equipment, specifically targeting university students enrolled in non-sports-related academic programs. This study was conducted over 14 weeks, structured: the first week of the initial test, 12 weeks of training, and the last week of the final test. A total of 40 students, aged 19-25, specializing in general medicine, participated in functional training sessions (...)
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    Solutions to Gender Balance in STEM Fields Through Support, Training, Education and Mentoring: Report of the International Women in Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering Task Group.Gilda Barabino, Monique Frize, Fatimah Ibrahim, Eleni Kaldoudi, Lenka Lhotska, Loredana Marcu, Magdalena Stoeva, Virginia Tsapaki & Eva Bezak - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (1):275-292.
    The aim of this article is to offer a view of the current status of women in medical physics and biomedical engineering, while focusing on solutions towards gender balance and providing examples of current activities carried out at national and international levels. The International Union of Physical and Engineering Scientists in Medicine is committed to advancing women in science and health and has several initiatives overseen by the Women in Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering Task Group. Some of the (...)
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  32. Education as Training for Life: Stoic teachers as physicians of the soul.Mark A. Holowchak - 2009 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 41 (2):166-184.
    This paper is an indirect critique of the practice of American liberal education. I show that the liberal, integrative model that American colleges and universities have adopted, with one key exception, is essentially an approach to education proposed some 2400 years ago by Stoic philosophers. To this end, I focus on a critical sketch of the Stoic model of education—chiefly through the works of Seneca, Epictetus, and Aurelius—that is distinguishable by these features: education as self‐knowing, the (...)
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    Psikhologicheskie osnovy v fizicheskom vospitanii i sporte.E. N. Gogunov - 2006 - Ufa: Vostochnyĭ universitet.
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    Training Of High School Students Spiritual-Human Values.Ayşe İnan Kiliç - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (2):807-831.
    The 21st century, in which science and technology developed with great acceleration, made the physical and social distances between people more permeable with the effect of globalization inherited from the previous century. In such an age where everybody is aware of everything, not only positive developments but also all kinds of information, beliefs and actions that may be considered negative for humanity can instantly spread and become widespread all over the world. For example, the adoption of attitudes and behaviors (...)
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    Das Rousseau-Bild in der Sportpädagogik: Kritik und Neuansatz.Norbert Schulz - 1982 - Sankt Augustin: H. Richarz.
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    Training theory of Budo.Yuhi Nakazawa & Seiji Inoue - 2012 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 34 (2):93-105.
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  37. Shōyō taiikugaku.Fujio Matai - 1969
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    Cuerpo, educación, política: tensiones epistémicas, históricas y prácticas.Eduardo Galak & Emiliano Gambarotta (eds.) - 2015 - Buenos Aires: Editorial Biblos.
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    Peculiarities of future physical education teachers’ health saving skills formation.Tkachenko Vadym - 2017 - Science and Education: Academic Journal of Ushynsky University 23 (8):34-38.
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  40. Leibesübungen in der technokratischen Welt von morgen. Tscherne, Friedrich, [From Old Catalog] & Hans Groll (eds.) - 1969 - Wien und München: österreichischer Bundesverlag.
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    Physical Education as a Prerequisite for the Possibility of Human Virtue.Chris W. Surprenant - 2014 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 46 (5):527-535.
    This article examines the role of physical education in the process of moral education, and argues that physical education is a necessary prerequisite for the possibility of human virtue. This discussion is divided into four parts. First, I examine the nature of morality and moral decision-making. Drawing on the moral theories presented by Plato, Aristotle and Kant, I argue that morality is connected with reason and the attainment of objectively good goals. Second, I examine the (...)
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    Fizicheskai︠a︡ kulʹtura lichnosti: problema chelovecheskoĭ telesnosti: metodologicheskie, sot︠s︡ialʹno-filosofskie aspekty.N. N. Viziteĭ - 1989 - Kishinev: "Shtiint︠s︡a". Edited by V. I. Stoli︠a︡rov.
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    Il corpo in Occidente: pratiche pedagogiche.Daniela Sarsini - 2003 - Roma: Carocci.
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  44. Taiiku no tetsugakuteki joshō.Hideichi Sasaki - 1950
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  45. The Ideas of Chomsky.Tony Tyley, Noam Chomsky, Janet Hoenig, Bryan Magee & Inc B. B. C. Education & Training - 1997 - Films for the Humanities & Sciences Distributed Under License From Bbc Worldwide Americas. Edited by Bryan Magee.
  46. The Two Philosophies of Wittgenstein.Tony Tyley, Janet Hoenig, Bryan Magee, Inc Films for the Humanities & B. B. C. Education & Training - 1997 - Films for the Humanities & Sciences.
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  47. Supōtsu kyōiku.Toshio Nakamur & Ken Kageyama (eds.) - 1978
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  48. Einführung in die Morphologie der Leibesübung.Heinz Nattkämper - 1970 - Düsseldorf,: Henn.
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  49. Les profs de gym, apprendre à vivre.Michel Piédoue - 1972 - [Paris,]: Mercure de France.
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    The Concept of Sharʿī Science in Educational Conception Formed in Islamic Civili-zation.Hasan Sabri Çeli̇ktaş - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (3):1077-1100.
    In this article, the meaning of concept of sharʿī science gained in the conception of education, which was established in Islamic civilization, was studied. The main problem of the research is to evaluate the idea of education in Islamic Civilization, which is closely related to the concept of sharʿī science, with a false perception that it consists entirely of religious education. The beginning of Islamic Civilization is traced back to descent of the Qur'an. The conception of (...) that started to emerge after this period is based on the understanding of the Qur'an and hadiths at first. In later times, a wide variety of fields, such as language, literature, logic, wisdom, riyāzat, nature, and astronomy, have been included in the concept of education to encompass the whole existence of the entity. In the following centuries, these fields, which were included in the course curriculum of the madrasahs, were examined in detail in the works of classification of sciences. Therefore, the false perception needs to be reconsidered. For this reason, the article focuses on how the concept of sharʿī science is defined. Historical data analysis method was used to solve the problem. The claim of the article is that the concept of shar′i science has wide perspective to cover the world of meaning, mind and essence of man. As a result, this article, it was determined that the concept of sharʿī science has a meaning to cover the majority of information fields that are subject to instruction in our educational conception.Summary: The formation of the conception of education in Islamic civilization has emerged in the long term through a scientific process. During this time, a rich curriculum on the concept of education was shaped. The sciences that form the curriculum have been diversified in later periods compared to the early periods of Islam. With the advent of the different sciences, which provided this diversification and which were not at first, all the existing sciences were classified according to different perspectives by the ulama (muslim scholars). In the classifications, which have important contributions to the conception of education, the sciences were tried to be introduced and their position in the education life was tried to be explained. The sciences classified have not been dealt with against each other but rather to complement each other in different ways. The distinction of sciences in classification; different approaches such as linguistically, religious, secular, mental, transportation, philosophical and sharʿī have been developed.The concept of sharʿī science, which can be expressed as a general definition of the sciences, is given in almost all of the works related to the classification of sciences, even under the name or different titles. When we look at the classification, it is seen that sharʿī sciences are handled in four different approaches. As the first approach, the sharʿī sciences are among the main elements of main division in the classification. Here, the sharʿī sciences, in general, with the linguistic sciences and mental sciences were included in the top title. In the second approach, there are works in their classification that do not include the sharʿī sciences and the distinction between it. In addition, these works collect the sciences within this scope under other scientific compositions or other names. In the third approach, among the works that give information about the general of the sciences, there are those who mentioned all together without classifying these sciences and others. In the last approach, the sharʿī sciences are seen as the upper description of the knowledge fields that are included in the teaching, which covers the majority of the other sciences except for the linguistic sciences.The approaches presented in the classification of sciences indicate the diversity of the issue. In order to have better understanding of the issue, it is useful to look closely at the meaning of the concept of sharʿī sciences. At this point, three definitions of 2nd, 4th and 12th centuries are given respectively. Firstly, for Jābir b. Hayyān sharʿī science is the most useful politics in terms of religion and the world, because it contains the benefits of the world's interests after death.Secondly, al-Ghazali (d. 505/1111) describes the sharʿī science as the knowledge learned from Şārī ʿ and prophets, but not by the experience and hearing. According to this, the sharʿī science is defined as the knowledge of the sunnah that only gives information about revelation. The information fields outside this definition are also considered as the sciences, which are instrumental in reaching to sharʿī science.The perspective of the third definition of sharʿī science is given by Saçaklızāde (d. 1145/1732). He lists the three definitions made before the time of his life from the specific (hās) to the general (ām). Saçaklızāde gave the aforementioned definition of al-Ghazali in the first sense of the concept of sharʿī science. He points out that the meaning given here is allocated. The second definition belongs to Molla Husraw (d. 885/1480). According to him, the sharʿī science is the sciences that can be reached through the sciences of the Şārīʿ. In other words, it is the sciences that are not used except for obtaining the sciences obtained from Şārīʿ itself. This meaning is a bit more extensive since there are no records as described in al-Ghazali. This definition is also included in the sciences benefited from it. Although it is not the first, there is usūl-i fiqh (Islamic legal theory) within this meaning.In the third definition, sharʿī science is the sciences that form the basis for things arising from Şārīʿ or originating from Şārīʿ. This definition belongs to Ibn Hajar el-Haytamī. He did not consider the partial allocation of the second meaning as given above, and included all the instrument sciences in the definition of sharʿī science. Based on the definitions he gave, three sharʿī science approaches made before the time he lived were listed from specific to general. Thus, in a sense, he depicts the general shape of the sharʿī science perspective. With the approach to generalization, we can say that a sharʿī science perspective that encompasses the majority of the fields involved in education is developing. In the third meaning of sharʿī science, it is seen that the majority of the fields of knowledge in education and training are gathered under one roof. The most important factor gathering the sciences together is the effort to understand the purpose of Şārīʿ, who owns the whole area of existence. The fields of knowledge and sciences needed to achieve this aim can be included in the definition of sharʿī science. The effort to understand the purpose of Şārīʿ is also at the center of the idea of Islamic education. Since there are various dimensions of being, each step taken to understand and learn them is directed in a way to Şārīʿ itself. Whether it is language and literary sciences or other sciences, such as mathematics, physics and philosophies, the aim is to recognize and understand Şārīʿ for the collection of things that fall within the scope of all educational activities. With sharʿī science approach, teaching the whole of the area of existence owned by Allah is possible within the concept of education. In the works written for the education curriculum, it is seen that the perspective covering the majority of the sciences in the definition of third sharʿī science is preserved. First of all, the meaning integrity of the sharʿī science concept has been determined. In the definitions of three different periods given here, it is seen that the approach to the sciences, which are the subject of instruction in education is not exclusive but inclusive. Especially because of the width in the third sense, the majority of the instrument sciences and mental science fields in the curriculum are included in the definition of sharʿī science. (shrink)
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