Results for ' Recibido: 10-01-2004 · Aceptado: 30-01-2004Epis te mo lo gía'

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  1.  37
    Pluralismo epistemológico: Entre el sueño objetivista y la inconmensurabilidad de paradigmas.Ignacio J. Antón Boix - 2004 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 9 (24):51-65.
    In this pa per I will try to of fer a syn the sis be tween two con flict ing epistemological po si - tions on the re cent philo soph i cal scene: pos i tiv - ism, whose her i tage sur vives as the be lief that sci ence is the most gen u ine form of knowl edge, and the de fend ers of incommensur..
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  2.  28
    Disforia de género en niños y controversias en su tratamiento: dos concepciones distintas sobre la identidad de género.Paula Cox Cruzat & María Alejandra Carrasco - 2020 - Persona y Bioética 24 (1):57-76.
    Gender Dysphoria in Children and Controversies about its Treatment: Two Different Conceptions of Gender Identity Disforia de gênero em crianças e controvérsias em seu tratamento: duas concepções diferentes sobre a identidade de gênero Gender dysphoria is a marked mismatch between the sex felt or expressed by an individual and that assigned to them at birth. It is associated with clinically significant discomfort or social impairment and can occur in children, adolescents, and adults. The literature mainly describes three approaches for preadolescents: (...)
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    Los textos hipocráticos y su vigencia: elementos para la formación humanística del médico en el siglo XXI.Carlos Alberto Gómez-Fajardo - 2019 - Persona y Bioética 23 (2):194-206.
    Los textos hipocráticos y su vigencia: elementos para la formación humanística del médico en el siglo XXI Os textos hipocráticos e sua validade: elementos para a formação humanística do médico no século XXI By way of notes, comments are made on the validity of some Hippocratic works from the perspective of the learning and practice of medicine in the first decades of the 21st century, amidst a expanding technical-scientific and computer civilization. The paper highlights the affirmation of perennial truths —valid (...)
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    Voluntades anticipadas: desafíos éticos en el cuidado del paciente.Jenny Johanna Forero Villalobos, Ivonne Vargas Celis & Margarita Bernales Silva - 2019 - Persona y Bioética 23 (2):224-244.
    Voluntades anticipadas: desafíos éticos en el cuidado del paciente Diretivas antecipadas de vontade: desafios éticos no cuidado do paciente Advance healthcare directives are intended for the individual to personally express their will and preferences about healthcare and treatment ahead of time. This literature review aims to describe the concept and structure of advance directives and the ethical aspects involved in patient care. Using the keywords “Advance Healthcare Directive” AND “Ethical Implication” and its Spanish equivalents, five databases were accessed: ProQuest, Philosophy, (...)
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  5.  29
    Humanización de los servicios de salud en Iberoamérica: una revisión sistemática de la literatura.Diana Milena Carlosama, Nixon Giovanny Villota, Vanessa Katherine Benavides, Fredy Hernán Villalobos, Edith de Lourdes Hernández & Sonia Maritza Matabanchoy - 2019 - Persona y Bioética 23 (2):245-262.
    Humanización de los servicios de salud en Iberoamérica: una revisión sistemática de la literatura Humanização dos serviços de saúde na Ibero-América: uma revisão sistemática da literatura Humanization is an ethical imperative that contributes to safeguarding human dignity in harmony with bioethical principles and deontological regulations that govern health care practices. The present study aims to explore the advances in the humanization of Ibero-American health care in the last ten years through a systematic review. Results show that such advances point to (...)
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  6.  56
    Comités de Bioética Clínico Asistencial en las instituciones de salud públicas y privadas de los niveles de mediana y alta complejidad de las ciudades de la costa atlántica de Colombia.Stephanye Carrillo González, Jaime Lorduy Gómez & Ruby Muñoz Baldiris - 2019 - Persona y Bioética 23 (1).
    Clinical and Care Bioethics Committees at Public and Private Healthcare Institutions of Medium and High Complexity Levels in Cities of the Atlantic Coast of Colombia Comitês de Bioética clínico-assistencial nas instituições de saúde públicas e privadas dos níveis de média e alta complexidade das cidades da Costa Atlântica da Colômbia Care bioethics committees are interdisciplinary groups engaged in providing education to members of said committees, all the staff in the hospital —including professors and students in their internship—, and members of (...)
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  7.  17
    Percepções de docentes universitários sobre o ambiente de trabalho.Vagner Ferreira do Nascimento & Ana Maria Lombardi Daibem - 2020 - Persona y Bioética 24 (1):28-42.
    Percepciones de los docentes universitarios sobre el entorno laboral Professors’ Perceptions of the Work Environment Descriptive-interpretive study with a qualitative approach, conducted at a public university in Brazil. Its aim is to explore professors’ perceptions of the work environment. The study used an interview guided by a semi-structured survey. Data analysis was based on content analysis. The work environment was found to be degraded either by unhealthy labor relations or problems with the management of work dynamics and activities. This poses (...)
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  8.  37
    Liberalismo e antimarxismo: Richard Rorty em diálogo com Dewey e Casto riadis.Alberto Tosi Rodríguez - 2004 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 9 (24):9-30.
    This ar ti cle has as ob jec ti ve for mu la tes a cri tic to Ri chard Rorty`s an ti mar xism and his de fen se of the po li ti cal li be ra lism. The ar ti cle tries to do it, in first pla ce, des cri bing the phi lo sop hi cal cri tic of Rorty to Marx; in se cond pla ce iden tif ying two in t..
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  9.  26
    Análisis del aborto desde un punto de vista conceptual.Francisco Javier Aznar Sala - 2019 - Persona y Bioética 23 (1).
    Abortion analysis from a conceptual point of view Análise do abordo do ponto de vista conceitual Abortion is one of the most serious attacks against intergenerational solidarity because it directly attacks filiation. The diachrony establishes the protection of the weakest and the love between parents and children. This is broken from the attacks on the figure of the child. This paper moves in the concepts and the need to contribute in favor of life in today’s society. For this, it is (...)
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  10.  26
    O Senhor da Criação.Susanne Katherina Langer & Clovis Salgado Gontijo Oliveira - 2023 - Educação E Filosofia 37 (79):681-707.
    Autora: Susanne Katherina Langer Tradução: Clovis Salgado Gontijo Oliveira Obra: LANGER, Susanne Katherina. The Lord of Creation. Fortune Magazine, v. 30. P. 127-154. 1944. O senhor da Criação Resumo: Neste artigo, publicado pela revista Fortune em 1944, a filósofa estadunidense Susanne K. Langer retoma temas fundamentais de sua obra mais célebre, Filosofia em nova chave, cuja primeira edição data de 1942. Em linguagem acessível destinada a público não especializado, a autora sintetiza sua concepção antropológica, visitando questões como a especificidade de (...)
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  11.  6
    Varia Philosophica gia tēn paradosē kai tē neōterikotēta =.Petros Pharantakēs - 2004 - Katerinē: Ekdoseis Epektasē.
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  12. Dynatotēta kai horia tēs gnōsēs kata ton Sōkratē: anatypo: apo ta praktika tou epistēmonikou symposiou Xana gia ton Sōkratē, Tomeas Philosophias Panepistēmiou Iōanninōn (22 Okt. 2001) epistēmonikē epetērida "Dōdōnē": parart. ap. 72, Panepistēmio Iōanninōn: aphierōma ston omotimo kathēgētē, Niko K. Psēmmeno.Christos A. Tezas - 2004 - Iōannina: [Panepistēmio Iōanninōn]. Edited by Nikos K. Psēmmenos.
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  13. Dynatotēta kai horia tēs gnōsēs kata ton Sōkratē: anatypo: apo ta praktika tou epistēmonikou symposiou Xana gia ton Sōkratē, Tomeas Philosophias Panepistēmiou Iōanninōn (22 Okt. 2001) epistēmonikē epetērida "Dōdōnē": parart. ap. 72, Panepistēmio Iōanninōn: aphierōma ston omotimo kathēgētē, Niko K. Psēmmeno.Christos A. Tezas - 2004 - Iōannina: [Panepistēmio Iōanninōn]. Edited by Nikos K. Psēmmenos.
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  14.  39
    Moral courage of master’s students of nursing during COVID-19.Mingtao Huang, Wenhong Dong, Qianqian Zhao & Nan Mo - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (4):585-597.
    Background Moral courage is a recognized virtue. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the master’s students of nursing (MSNs) in China have shown tenacious moral courage. Objective This study elaborates on the moral courage of Chinese MSNs through their experiences of volunteering during the pandemic. Research Design Descriptive qualitative, interview-based. Participants and Research Context Participants were nursing postgraduate students who participated in the prevention and control of the COVID-19 pandemic selected by purposeful sampling. The sample size was determined by (...)
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  15.  5
    Reflexões sobre a escola a partir da educação moral de Durkheim.Ronaldo Manzi & Rafael Gargano - 2024 - Educação E Filosofia 38:1-59.
    Resumo: Propomos neste artigo uma reflexão sobre a relação entre a educação e a sociedade partindo de Émile Durkheim. Analisamos as prescrições que o sociólogo francês nos fornece sobre a educação moral e sua importância no combate à anomia social. Da mesma forma, ressaltamos como sua reflexão sobre a educação nos permite pensar um circuito de afetos inerente aos processos de socialização. Todos esses elementos nos direcionam à questão central do artigo, qual seja, se teria sentido retomarmos a educação moral (...)
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  16.  35
    Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy companied with multiple-related diseases.Ming-Ming Sun, Huan-fen Zhou, Qiao Sun, Hong-en Li, Hong-Juan Liu, Hong-lu Song, Mo Yang, Shi-hui da TengWei & Quan-Gang Xu - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:964550.
    ObjectiveTo elucidate the clinical, radiologic characteristics of Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) associated with the other diseases.Materials and methodsClinical data were retrospectively collected from hospitalized patients with LHON associated with the other diseases at the Neuro-Ophthalmology Department at the Chinese People’s Liberation Army General Hospital (PLAGH) from December 2014 to October 2018.ResultsA total of 13 patients, 24 eyes (10 men and 3 women; mean age, 30.69 ± 12.76 years) with LHON mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations, were included in the cohort. 14502(5)11778(4)11778 (...)
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  17.  12
    Figuras del logos: entre la filosofía y la literatura.López de la Vieja & Ma Teresa (eds.) - 1994 - Madrid: Fondo de Cultura Económica.
    La perspectiva simult nea de filosof a y literatura, permite valorar qu grado de conocimiento hay en la ficci n, c mo se construyen subjetividad y texto, mundo y lenguaje. Muestra las posibilidades, te ricas y pr cticas, de la relaci n interna entre diferentes espacios argumentativos, entre actividades que poseen una vertiente creativa y, a la vez, una importante faceta reflexiva.
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  18.  27
    The paths and the ways: an insight into transdisciplinarity.Paul Gibbs - 2020 - Educação E Filosofia 33 (69):1295-1322.
    The paths and the ways: an insight into transdisciplinarity: This is a short study of how the notion of thinking that Heidegger developed in his writing, in the Conversation on a Country Path about Thinking, can be read through a consideration of a Chinese Taoist text Tao Te Ching and the Confucian, though a Taoist inspired text, by Zisi, the Zhongyong, to illuminate the essential nature of openness in transdisciplinarity and the restrictions of disciplinarity of knowing taken as the ritual (...)
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  19.  40
    Propuesta del cine de ciencia ficción para educar en Bioética.Alina Josefina Alerm González & Ubaldo González-Pérez - 2019 - Persona y Bioética 23 (1).
    Science fiction cinema proposal for Bioethic education Proposta do cinema de ficção científica para educar em Bioética Posthumanism state that technologies will eliminate aging, improve cognitive, physical and psychological skills and keep alive human minds by uploading them in machines as artificial intelligence. These beliefs, as constant features in science fiction films, could be useful to educate medical students in Bioethics. We propose some of these science fiction films related with technological changes of humans and the noxious consequences: Being turned (...)
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  20.  45
    Crítica epistemológica a los sistemas cerrados y jerárquicos de la Modernidad. Análisis del espacio virtual organizacional e institucional desde el pensar complejo.Carlos Rodríguez Gutierrez - 2007 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 12 (38):83-98.
    Mo der nity´s analy ti cal and re duc tio nist thin king of fe red us a uni vo cal and uni ver sa list re pre sen ta tion of the World. Scien ti fic ob jec ti - vity clo sed the ac cess to the di ver sity and plu ra - lity of ot her pos si ble know led ges. The epis te mo - lo gi cal cri ti cis..
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  21. Một số vấn đề về lối sống, đạo đức, chuẩn giá trị xã hội.Khái Vinh Huỳnh (ed.) - 2001 - Hà Nội: Chính trị quốc gia.
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    Dos cuestiones insuficientemente debatidas acerca de los supuestos en economía.Gustavo Marqués - 2004 - Análisis Filosófico 24 (1):59-81.
    El trabajo identifica dos problemas metodológicos que dificultan la contrastación de teorías económicas: 1) en su empleo habitual, no es posible decidir si se satisfacen sus condiciones de aplicación, antes e independientemente de la aplicación de las mismas; 2) si es admisible modificar las condiciones de aplicación de una teoría, debe aceptarse que también pueda ser "manipulada" su clase de predicciones consideradas relevantes. Ambas tesis conforman la base de la argumentación de Milton Friedman contra el realismo de los supuestos, pero (...)
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  23.  26
    ¿Qué significa pensar moralmente? Dos maneras actuales de entender a Kant: Robert B. Brandom y Jürgen Habermas.Luis Martínez de Velasco - 2004 - Isegoría 30:177-201.
    A los doscientos años del fallecimiento de Immanuel Kant, su influencia no hace sino crecer cada día que pasa. La nómina de filósofos pasados y presentes que han recibido, de alguna manera, herencias kantianas resulta difícilmente abarcable con la mirada. De entre todos estos filósofos destacan dos cuyo origen -filosofía analítica y pensamiento frankfurtiano, respectivamente- no parece delatar, en principio, la filiación kantiana de su pensamiento. Y, sin embargo, pocos pensadores han logrado captar como ellos la esencia problemática de (...)
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  24. Sự biến đổi của thang giá trị đạo đức trong nền kinh tế thị trường với việc xây dựng đạo đức mới cho cán bộ quản lý ở nước ta hiện nay: sách tham khảo.Chí Mỳ Nguyễn (ed.) - 1999 - Hà Nội: Nhà xuất bản Chính trị quốc gia.
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  25.  8
    Dime cómo ironizas y te diré quién eres: una aproximación pragmática a la ironía.Leonor Ruiz, Padilla García & A. Xose (eds.) - 2009 - New York: Lang.
    Es probable que todos nos hayamos encontrado alguna vez en la situación de no saber si la persona que tenemos delante habla en serio o bromea. Nuestra expresión de sorpresa acaba por dar lástima a nuestro interlocutor, y al final, resuelto el equívoco, los dos terminamos riéndonos. La ironía y el sarcasmo forman parte del lenguaje y de nuestra existencia desde etapas muy primitivas. Con la ironía hacemos frente a las tristezas, a las situaciones que no nos gustan, o simplemente, (...)
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  26. Phật giáo Hòa Hảo: một tôn giáo cận nhân tình trong lòng dân tộc.Văn Chánh Trần & Thanh Hải Bùi (eds.) - 2017 - TP. Hồ Chí Minh: Nhà xuất bản Tổng hợp Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh.
    History and belief of Hoa Hao religion in Vietnam, a religious tradition, based on Buddhism, founded in 1939 by Huỳnh Phú Sổ (Buddha Master), a native of the Mekong River Delta region of southern Vietnam.
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  27.  10
    Close to Home : An American Album : Exposition Los Angeles, J. Paul Getty Museum, 12.10.2004-16.1.2005.D. J. Waldie - 2004 - J. Paul Getty Museum.
    " Waldie speculates on the meanings and implications of the snapshots in this book and of snapshots generally, which he sees as expressions of "the hunger of memory.".
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    Exploring Strategies to Enhance the Teaching Ability of Chinese Educators in Chinese+Medical Education: A Case Study of Dali University.Huan Zhifeng & Wu Ping - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1393-1403.
    Study explores the core areas that enhance the teaching ability of Chinese teachers in the Chinese+Medical learning program. The participants in the study were 150 students of Dali University and questionnaires were used to collect data from the participants. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM), Pearson correlation analysis, and ANOVA test were conducted to determine the relationship of these factors. The results of the Pearson correlation are the following findings: teaching experience (TE) has a small positive correlation with teaching ability (r = (...)
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  29.  46
    Eleni Pappa, Georgios Pachymeres, Philosophia. Buch 10. Kommentar zur Metaphysik des Aristoteles. Editio princeps. Einleitung, Text, Indices von Eleni Pappa. [REVIEW]Tiziano Dorandi - 2004 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 97 (2):613-614.
    Il secondo volume della serie Commentaria in Aristotelem Byzantina, pubblicata sotto gli auspici dell'Accademia di Atene, presenta l'editio princeps, per le cure di Eleni Pappa, del decimo libro della Φιλοσοφία del poligrafo bizantino Giorgio Pachymeres (1242–dopo il 1307). La Φιλοσοφία conta dodici libri ciascuno dei quali contiene un breve riassunto di un'opera di Aristotele, o a lui attribuita. I dodici libri sono preceduti da un proemio e da un indice dettagliato del contenuto. Lo scritto resta ancora purtroppo in larga misura (...)
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  30.  16
    Аргентинський шлях реформування системи пенсійного забезпечення у 1990-і рр.Ірина ЛАВРОВА - 2022 - Humanitas 6:114-121.
    Стаття висвітлює актуальні проблеми аргентинської системи пенсійного забезпечення та спроби уряду країни її реформувати. Мета роботи – висвітлити процес перетворень пенсійної системи Аргентини в контексті зміни її соціально-економічної моделі у 90-і рр. ХХ ст. Методологічною основою роботи є діалектичний підхід, згідно з яким реформаторська діяльність сучасної держави є способом розв’язання соціальних конфліктів, задоволення потреб усіх членів суспільства та гармонізації суспільних відносин. Показано реформаційну діяльність аргентинської держави як спробу врегулювання протиріч системи пенсійного забезпечення та узгодження інтересів різних соціальних груп. Використано методи (...)
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  31.  21
    常識的感覚判断システムにおける名詞からの感覚想起手法.堀口 敦史 渡部 広一 - 2004 - Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 19:73-82.
    When we humans receive uncertain information, we interpret it properly, so we can expand the conversation, and take proper actions. This is possible because we have "commonsense" concerning the word, which is built up from knowledge that is stored through long time experience. Among the commonsense we use in our every day lives it is thought that there are the commonsense concerning; quantity such as size, weight, speed, time, or place; sense or feeling such as hot, beautiful, or loud; and (...)
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  32.  8
    ¿Puede hablarse de un cogito deleuziano? Una interpretación de las síntesis pasivas de Diferencia y repetición.Diego Abadi - 2020 - Tópicos 40:1-24.
    Dentro de las relaciones libres y discordantes que establecen entre ellas las facultades, Deleuze destaca una experiencia particular, la de la génesis del pensamiento, en la que las facultades mantienen sin embargo una ordenación fija: el pensamiento tiene siempre su origen en la sensibilidad, de allí se comunica a la imaginación, de ésta a la memoria y a continuación al pensamiento. Y es gracias a esta fijeza que dicha experiencia puede ser identificada y nombrada. Se trata, nada más y nada (...)
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  33.  20
    O programa de Uma epistemologia evolutiva.Paulo Abrantes - 2004 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 16 (18):11.
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    FMRI evidence for and behavioral evidence against the planning–control model.Jos J. Adam & Ron F. Keulen - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (1):24-24.
    Consistent with the planning–control model, recent fMRI data reveal that the inferior parietal lobe, the frontal lobes, and the basal ganglia are involved in motor planning. Inconsistent with the planning–control model, however, recent behavioral data reveal a spatial repulsion effect, indicating that the visual context surrounding the target can sometimes influence the on-line control of goal-directed action.
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    Geopolityka środkowoeuropejskiej solidarności. Polacy i Węgrzy między historią, stereotypem a uwarunkowaniami przestrzenno-politycznymi.Arkadiusz Adamczyk - 2022 - International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal 27 (1):195-214.
    Stosunki polsko-węgierskie pozostają czymś niezwykłym na skalę europejską. Choć w świadomości społeczeństw obu narodów dominuje pozytywne postrzeganie wzajemnych relacji, nie było to zjawisko stale występujące w historii. Najintensywniej zachodziło, gdy oba kraje opierały się dominacji pierwiastka germańskiego. Węgry jako pierwsze utraciły niepodległość, ulegając naciskom ze Wschodu. Również Polska podzieliła los Węgier, ulegając presji zarówno ze Wschodu, jak i Zachodu. Doświadczenia historyczne obu krajów pokazały konieczność współdziałania wobec zagrożeń płynących z obu kierunków. Warunki po 1886 roku nie sprzyjały realizacji tego założenia, (...)
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  36. Intentional action and moral considerations: still pragmatic.F. Adams & A. Steadman - 2004 - Analysis 64 (3):268-276.
  37. Integrating Artificial Intelligence into Scholarly Communications for Enhanced Human Cognitive Abilities: The War for Philosophy?Murtala Ismail Adakawa Adakawa - 2024 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Teórica y Práctica 4 (1):123-159.
    Este artículo explora la integración de la IA en la comunicación académica para mejorar las capacidades cognitivas humanas. La concepción de la comunicación hombre-máquina (CMM), que considera las tecnologías basadas en la IA no como objetos interactivos, sino como sujetos comunicativos, plantea cuestiones más filosóficas en la comunicación académica. Es un hecho conocido que existe una mayor interacción entre los humanos y las máquinas, especialmente consolidada por la pandemia COVID-19, que intensificó el desarrollo del Sistema de Aprendizaje Adaptativo Individual, por (...)
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  38.  23
    Islam as the inborn religion of mankind: the concept of fitra in the workd of Ibn Hazm = Islam como la religión innata de la humanidad: el concepto de "fitra" en las obras de Ibn Hazm.Camilla Adang - 2000 - Al-Qantara 21 (2):391-410.
    Este artículo estudia la visión que Ibn Hazm de Córdoba (m. 456 / 1064) tenía del concepto de fitra, que aparece en el Corán (azora XXX, aleya 30) y en algunas tradiciones exegéticas. Basándose en este texto, Ibn Hazm afirma que todos los seres humanos nacen musulmanes, incluso los idólatras y otras clases de infieles, y que todos han de ser considerados musulmanes hasta que alcancen la mayoría de edad. En ese momento de sus vidas han de elegir entre reafirmar (...)
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  39. Jacob Golomb: Nietzsche and Zion.C. Adair-Toteff - 2004 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 12 (4):782-786.
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  40. Knowledge of Universals and Particulars in the Baghdad School.Peter Adamson - 2007 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 18:141-164.
    L'analisi dell'aristotelismo «platonizzante» nell'ambito della filosofia araba prima della sistemazione della Shifa di Avicenna, secondo cui Dio non avrebbe conoscenza dei particolari, consente all'A. di dimostrare come ci siano stati anche approcci platonici ad Aristotele , che non sono passati attraverso il filtro dei neoplatonici greci. L'altra cosa significativa è il fatto che all'interno della scuola di Baghdad vi sono modi diversi di intendere lo stato ontologico degli universali. L'A. tenta anche di ridimensionare la figura di al-Farabi all'interno della scuola (...)
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  41. Reconsidering the Relationship Between Philosophical Fragments and Concluding Unscientific Postscript.Noel Adams - 2004 - Kierkegaardiana 23.
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  42. 'Edison' & 'Russel': Definitions versus inventions in the analysis of emotion.Ralph Adolphs - 2004 - In Jean-Marc Fellous & Michael A. Arbib, Who Needs Emotions?: The Brain Meets the Robot. Oxford University Press USA.
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    Pharmacogenomics: Social, Ethical, and Clinical Dimensions.A. Hedgecoe - 2004 - Journal of Medical Ethics 30 (6):e6-e6.
    In this interesting and stimulating collection, Mark Rothstein has brought together authors from a number of different disciplines to explore some of the issues surrounding pharmacogenomics: the use of genetic testing to design new drugs, and to prescribe more effectively the drugs we already have. Pharmacogenomics is an area of fevered speculation on the part of biotechnology firms and large pharmaceutical companies. Their hope is that by targeting drugs at specific populations, industry will be able to develop new products more (...)
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    Cloning and Other Evils.Dale Ahlquist - 2004 - The Chesterton Review 30 (1/2):138-140.
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    Humanistische Politik zwischen Reformation und Gegenreformation: der Fürstenspiegel des Jakob Omphalius.Ingmar Ahl - 2004 - Stuttgart: Steiner.
    Eines der weitgehend unbestellten Felder der Geschichtswissenschaften stellt die reiche Furstenspiegelliteratur des Alten Reiches dar.
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    (1 other version)Index of Authors of Volume 10.M. Aiello, D. Beaver, M. de Rijke, M. Egg, T. Fernando, C. Gardent, K. Hartmann, H. Hendriks, J. Hintikka & W. Hodges - 2001 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 10 (525):525.
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    Divanü Lûgat-it-Türk'te Yer Şekillerine İlişkin Terimler.Özlem Akbulak - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 6):17-17.
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    Le colf: ansie e desideri delle datrici di lavoro.Claudia Alemani - 2004 - Polis 18 (1):137-166.
  49. El dolor en directo.Marta Allué - 2004 - Humanitas 2:69-79.
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  50. Evidential Arguments from Evil and Skeptical Theism.Michael Almeida & Graham Oppy - 2004 - Philo 8 (2):84 - 94.
    In this paper we respond to criticisms by Michael Bergmann and Michael Rea in their “In Defense of Sceptical Theism : A Reply to Almeida and Oppy,” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 83.
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