Results for ' Recognition distance'

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  1.  15
    Does intraocular straylight predict night driving visual performance? Correlations between straylight levels and contrast sensitivity, halo size, and hazard recognition distance with and without glare.Judith Ungewiss, Ulrich Schiefer, Peter Eichinger, Michael Wörner, David P. Crabb & Pete R. Jones - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:910620.
    PurposeTo evaluate the relationship between intraocular straylight perception and: (i) contrast sensitivity (CS), (ii) halo size, and (iii) hazard recognition distance, in the presence and absence of glare.Subjects and methodsParticipants were 15 (5 female) ophthalmologically healthy adults, aged 54.6–80.6 (median: 67.2) years. Intraocular straylight (log s) was measured using a straylight meter (C-Quant; Oculus GmbH, Wetzlar, Germany). CS with glare was measured clinically using the Optovist I device (Vistec Inc., Olching, Germany) and also within a driving simulator using (...)
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    Recognition and distance in therapeutic education: a Swedish case study on ethical qualities within Life Competence Education.Sara Irisdotter Aldenmyr - 2013 - Ethics and Education 8 (2):140-152.
    Lately, in educational research and debate, there have been discussions on a trend sometimes named as a ‘therapeutic turn’ in education. Mindfulness-oriented activities represent one therapeutic approach in education, aiming for virtues such as patience and trust. A large part of the critical viewpoints on therapeutic education among young students seem to concern problems of integrity, privacy and the autonomy of the student. It is therefore, I suggest, fair to say that meetings between teachers and students are of special concern (...)
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    Effect of Representational Distance Between Meanings on Recognition of Ambiguous Spoken Words.Daniel Mirman, Ted J. Strauss, James A. Dixon & James S. Magnuson - 2010 - Cognitive Science 34 (1):161-173.
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    Understanding recognition: conceptual and empirical studies.Piotr Kulas, Andrzej Waskiewicz & Stanisław Krawczyk (eds.) - 2023 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    As the concept of recognition shifts from philosophical theory to other fields of the humanities and social sciences, this volume explores the nature of this border category that exists in the space between sociological and philosophical considerations, related as it is to concepts such as status, prestige, the looking-glass self, respect, and dignity - at times being used interchangeably with these terms. Bringing together work from across academic disciplines, it presents theoretical conceptualizations of recognition, demonstrates its operationalization in (...)
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    Psychological Distance Toward Air Pollution and Purchase Intention for New Energy Vehicles: An Investigation in China.Wenlong Liu, Lele Zeng & Qunwei Wang - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Air pollution in China has been drawing considerable attention in recent years. The emergence of new energy vehicles provides hope to reduce air pollutant emission. However, consumers' recognition and acceptance of NEVs remain at the early stage. This research aims to explore how consumers' environmental concern influences their NEV purchase intention. Specifically, this research conducted an online survey and an experiment to address the following issues: how consumers' psychological distance toward air pollution influences their purchase intention for NEVs, (...)
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  6. Mental representations of spatial relations-combining recognition times and distance estimates.Kf Wender & M. Wagener - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (6):507-507.
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    Perceived distance and the classification of distorted patterns.Michael I. Posner, Ralph Goldsmith & Kenneth E. Welton Jr - 1967 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 73 (1):28.
  8.  16
    The Role of Acoustic Distance and Sociolinguistic Knowledge in Dialect Identification.Hanna Ruch - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:350328.
    Listeners are able to quite accurately distinguish between different dialects of their native language, but little is known about the process of dialect identification and the phonetic cues listeners use to identify someone's regional origin. This study examines how different segments, acoustic between-dialect distance, and the listeners' knowledge about a dialect contribute to this process. Native speakers of Grison and Zurich German were asked to categorize isolated words spoken by eight speakers of Grison and eight speakers of Zurich German. (...)
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  9. Improved Local Search for Graph Edit Distance.Nicolas Boria, David Blumenthal, Bougleux B., Brun Sébastien & Luc - 2020 - Pattern Recognition Letters 129:19–25.
    The graph edit distance (GED) measures the dissimilarity between two graphs as the minimal cost of a sequence of elementary operations transforming one graph into another. This measure is fundamental in many areas such as structural pattern recognition or classification. However, exactly computing GED is NP-hard. Among different classes of heuristic algorithms that were proposed to compute approximate solutions, local search based algorithms provide the tightest upper bounds for GED. In this paper, we present K-REFINE and RANDPOST. K-REFINE (...)
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    (1 other version)Hegel, Recognition And Rights:'Anerkennung'As A Gridline Of The Philosophy Of Rights.Jürgen Lawrenz - 2007 - Cosmos and History 3 (2-3):153-169.
    Although the emlocus classicus /emof the concept of recognition is the master/slave episode of the Phenomenology, it is readily portable into the emPhilosophy of Right/em. However, the fact that the term occurs only six times in the 400 pages of the emPhilosophy of Right/em has obscured its structural role, and accordingly scholarly effort is scant on the concept as it might pertain to this work. It is the argument of this paper that despite its lsquo;invisibilityrsquo; it governs foreground proceedings (...)
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    Clustering Methods Using Distance-Based Similarity Measures of Single-Valued Neutrosophic Sets.Jun Ye - 2014 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 23 (4):379-389.
    Clustering plays an important role in data mining, pattern recognition, and machine learning. Single-valued neutrosophic sets are useful means to describe and handle indeterminate and inconsistent information that fuzzy sets and intuitionistic fuzzy sets cannot describe and deal with. To cluster the data represented by single-valued neutrosophic information, this article proposes single-valued neutrosophic clustering methods based on similarity measures between SVNSs. First, we define a generalized distance measure between SVNSs and propose two distance-based similarity measures of SVNSs. (...)
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  12.  40
    The Effect of Psychological Distance on Perceptual Level of Construal.Nira Liberman & Jens Förster - 2009 - Cognitive Science 33 (7):1330-1341.
    Three studies examined the effect of primed psychological distance on level of perceptual construal, using Navon’s paradigm of composite letters (global letters that are made of local letters). Relative to a control group, thinking of the more distant future (Study 1), about more distant spatial locations (Study 2), and about more distant social relations (Study 3) facilitated perception of global letters relative to local letters. Proximal times, spatial locations, and social relations had the opposite effect. The results are discussed (...)
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  13.  11
    Distance and Isolation. The Role of Australia in Wojciech Gutkowski’s Colonial Dream in Journey to Kalopeia.Maria Łukowska - 2022 - International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal 26 (2):29-41.
    This contribution is an attempt at a different reading of Wojciech Gutkowski’s Journey to Kalopeia, which may be of interest to both Polish and Australian readers in the twenty-first century, since it tries to connect Polish history with the dream of the Antipodes represented by Australia. Gutkowski’s book, unknown until 1913, when it was deemed a utopian novel of little scientific value, gained recognition in the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. At that time it was studied as a political (...)
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  14.  17
    The Role of Compassion in Shaping Social Entrepreneurs’ Prosocial Opportunity Recognition.Ronit Yitshaki, Fredric Kropp & Benson Honig - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 179 (2):617-647.
    Compassion is acknowledged as a key motivational source of prosocial opportunity recognition. This study examines the underlying processes of different types of compassion that lead to prosocial OR interventions designed to solve or ameliorate social problems. Self-compassion is associated with intimate personal experiences of suffering and encompasses a desire to alleviate the distress of others based on common humanity, mental distance and mindfulness. Other-regarding compassion is associated with value structures and social awareness and is based on a desire (...)
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  15. Confession-Building, Long-Distance Networks, and the Organization of Jesuit Science.Steven J. Harris - 1996 - Early Science and Medicine 1 (3):287-318.
    The ability of the Society of Jesus to engage in a broad and enduring tradition of scientific activity is here addressed in terms of its programmatic commitment to the consolidation and extension of the Catholic confession and its mastery of the administrative apparatus necessary to operate long-distance networks. The Society's early move into two major apostolates, one in education and the other in the overseas missions, brought Jesuits into regular contact with the educated elites of Europe and at the (...)
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  16.  31
    Novels: Recognition and Deception.Frank Kermode - 1974 - Critical Inquiry 1 (1):103-121.
    This is a shot at expressing a few of the problems that arise when you try to understand how novels are read. I shall be trying to formulate them in very ordinary language: the subject is becoming fashionable, and most recent attempts seem to me quite unduly fogged by neologism and too ready to match the natural complexity of the subject with barren imitative complications. Of course you may ask why there should be theories of this kind at all, and (...)
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  17.  72
    Relativism of Distance - a Step in the Naturalization of Meta-Ethics.Antonio Gaitán & Hugo Viciana - 2018 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 21 (2):311-327.
    Bernard Williams proposed his relativism of distance based on the recognition “that others are at varying distances from us”. Recent work in moral psychology and experimental philosophy highlights the prevalence of folk relativism in relation to spatial and temporal distance. However, Williams’ relativism of distance as well as recent empirical findings which seem to support some of Williams’ main ideas on this issue have received scant attention. In this article, we would like to focus on the (...)
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  18.  22
    Eigen Based Traffic Sign Recognition Which Aids In Achieving Intelligent Speed Adaptation.Erfan Davami & Hasan Fleyeh - 2011 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 20 (2):129-145.
    Speed is one of the major factors by which the traffic safety is affected. If the speed limit traffic signs on the road are recognised and displayed to a driver, this will be a motivation to keep the vehicle's speed within the permitted range. The purpose of this paper is to investigate Eigen-based traffic sign recognition which can aid in the development of Intelligent Speed Adaptation. This system is based on invoking the PCA technique to detect the unknown speed (...)
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  19.  9
    Method as Identity: Manufacturing Distance in the Academic Study of Religion.Christopher M. Driscoll & Monica R. Miller - 2018 - Lexington Books.
    Method as Identity considers how social identity shapes methodological standpoints. With a refreshing hip hop sensibility, Miller and Driscoll reorient the contemporary academic study of religion toward recognition of the costs and benefits of manufacturing “critical” distance from our objects of study.
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    SiMOR: Single Moving Object Recognition.V. N. Manjunath Aradhya, D. R. Ramesh Babu, M. Ravishankar & M. T. Gopala Krishna - 2011 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 20 (1):33-45.
    Automatic moving object detection and tracking is very important task in video surveillance applications. In the present work the well known background subtraction model and use of Gaussian Mixture Models have been used to implement a robust automated single object tracking system. In this implementation, background subtraction on subtracting consecutive frame-by-frame basis for moving object detection is done. Once the object has been detected it is tracked by employing an efficient GMM technique. After successful completion of tracking, moving object (...) of those objects using well known Principal Component Analysis, which is used for extracting features and Manhattan based distance metric is used for subsequent classification purpose. The system is capable of handling entry and exit of an object. Such a tracking system is cost effective and can be used as an automated video conferencing system and also has applications like human tracking, vehicles monitoring, and event recognition for video surveillance. The proposed algorithm was tested on standard database on complex environments and the results were satisfactory. (shrink)
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  21.  27
    A New Subject-Specific Discriminative and Multi-Scale Filter Bank Tangent Space Mapping Method for Recognition of Multiclass Motor Imagery.Fan Wu, Anmin Gong, Hongyun Li, Lei Zhao, Wei Zhang & Yunfa Fu - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Objective: Tangent Space Mapping using the geometric structure of the covariance matrices is an effective method to recognize multiclass motor imagery. Compared with the traditional CSP method, the Riemann geometric method based on TSM takes into account the nonlinear information contained in the covariance matrix, and can extract more abundant and effective features. Moreover, the method is an unsupervised operation, which can reduce the time of feature extraction. However, EEG features induced by MI mental activities of different subjects are not (...)
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  22.  24
    Plagiarism Intervention Using a Game-Based Tutorial in an Online Distance Education Course.Cheryl A. Kier - 2019 - Journal of Academic Ethics 17 (4):429-439.
    This project assesses the ability of a game tutorial, “Goblin Threat” to increase university students’ ability to recognize plagiarized passages. The game tutorial covers information about how to cite properly, types and consequences of plagiarism, and the differences between paraphrasing and plagiarism. The game involves finding and clicking on “goblins” who ask questions about various aspects of plagiarism. Sound effects and entertaining visuals work to keep students’ attention. One group of 177 students enrolled in an online Psychology of Adolescence course (...)
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  23.  23
    Feature Guided CNN for Baby’s Facial Expression Recognition.Qing Lin, Ruili He & Peihe Jiang - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-10.
    State-of-the-art facial expression methods outperform human beings, especially, thanks to the success of convolutional neural networks. However, most of the existing works focus mainly on analyzing an adult’s face and ignore the important problems: how can we recognize facial expression from a baby’s face image and how difficult is it? In this paper, we first introduce a new face image database, named BabyExp, which contains 12,000 images from babies younger than two years old, and each image is with one of (...)
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  24.  14
    Interpreting Estonian Demonstratives: The Effects of Referent’s Distance and Visual Salience.Maria Reile, Kristiina Averin & Nele Põldver - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Most of the research done with spatial demonstratives have focused on the production, not the interpretation, of these words. In addition, emphasis has been largely on demonstrative pronouns, leaving demonstrative adverbs with relatively little research attention. The present study explores the interpretation of both demonstrative pronouns and demonstrative adverbs in Estonian—a Finno-Ugric language with two dialectal-specific demonstrative pronoun systems. In the South-Estonian dialectal region, two demonstrative pronouns, see—“this” and too—“that”, are used. In the North-Estonian region, only one, see—“this/that”, is used. (...)
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  25. Merleau-Ponty's contribution to the theory of recognition.Jean-Philippe Deranty - 2019 - Handbuch Anerkennung.
    Maurice Merleau-Ponty was an important twentieth century contributor to the theory of recognition, even though he made literal reference to the concept only sparingly. He emphasized the importance of recognition, not only at the level of inter-personal relations and in the individual’s inclusion in the social, but also in terms of the capacity of human beings to communicate across cultures and across historical distances. The shift towards ontology in his later work provided a renewed grounding for his interest (...)
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  26.  31
    The eternal flower of the child: The recognition of childhood in Zeami’s educational theory of Noh theatre.Karsten Kenklies - 2019 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 51 (12):1227-1236.
    European theorists of childhood still tend to locate the first positive acknowledgements of childhood as a human developmental period in its own positive right between the 16th and 18th century in Europe. Even though the findings of Ariès have been constantly challenged, it still remains a commonplace, especially within the history of education, to refer to Jean-Jacques Rousseau of the 18th century as one of the earliest and most prominent conceptualisers of childhood as a positive period that must not be (...)
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  27.  40
    An Effective Two-Stage Model for Exploiting Non-Local Dependencies in Named Entity Recognition.Christopher D. Manning - unknown
    This paper shows that a simple two-stage approach to handle non-local dependencies in Named Entity Recognition (NER) can outperform existing approaches that handle non-local dependencies, while being much more computationally efficient. NER systems typically use sequence models for tractable inference, but this makes them unable to capture the long distance structure present in text. We use a Conbel.
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  28.  18
    Feminist Theology in Latin America: A Theology without Recognition.Ivone Gebara - 2008 - Feminist Theology 16 (3):324-331.
    This paper outlines the ongoing challenges faced by feminist theology in Latin America as it enters the twenty-first century, given the continuing ecclesial antipathy towards its goals, its proponents and its practitioners. This marginalized position with respect to the Catholic Church allows feminist theologians a certain distance from ecclesiastical control, but at the same time means that as a movement feminist theology lacks influence because of its distance from the centre of power. Meanwhile, socio-economic factors continue to oppress (...)
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    The Accurate Repair of Image Contour of Human Motion Tracking Based on Improved Snake Model.Ning Feng & Ping Gao - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-10.
    With the rapid development of sports science, human motion recognition technology, as a new biometric recognition technology, has many advantages, such as noncontact target, long recognition distance, secret recognition process, and so on. Traditional human motion recognition technology is affected by environmental factors such as motion background, which is prone to rough edges of the recognized objects and loss of motion tracking information, thus further reducing the recognition accuracy. In this paper, the traditional (...)
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  30.  97
    “What” and “where” in spatial language and spatial cognition.Barbara Landau & Ray Jackendoff - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (2):217-238.
    Fundamental to spatial knowledge in all species are the representations underlying object recognition, object search, and navigation through space. But what sets humans apart from other species is our ability to express spatial experience through language. This target article explores the language ofobjectsandplaces, asking what geometric properties are preserved in the representations underlying object nouns and spatial prepositions in English. Evidence from these two aspects of language suggests there are significant differences in the geometric richness with which objects and (...)
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  31.  15
    Inclusive Trade: Justice, Innovation, or More of the Same?Patricia Goff - 2021 - Ethics and International Affairs 35 (2):273-301.
    Inclusive trade is taking hold in various forms in international organizations and in the trade policy of national governments. Absent empirical evidence that will take time to generate, it can be difficult to assess the achievements of this new approach to trade. Nancy Fraser's three justice idioms provide a conceptual entry point for evaluating the potential of the inclusive trade agenda. Fraser argues that the contemporary global justice conversation must acknowledge claims for recognition, representation, and redistribution. Applying this conceptualization (...)
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  32.  96
    A New Skin for the Wounds of History: Fanon’s Affective Sociogeny and Ricœur’s Carnal Hermeneutics.J. Reese Faust - 2023 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 49 (9):1128-1154.
    This article argues that, despite their distance across the colonial divide, a creolizing reading of Frantz Fanon and Paul Ricœur can yield valuable insights into decoloniality. Tracing their shared philosophical concerns with embodied phenomenology, social ontology and recognition, I argue that their respective accounts of sociogeny and hermeneutics can be productively read together as describing a shared end of mutual recognition untainted by racism or coloniality – a ‘new skin’ for humanity, as Fanon describes it. More specifically, (...)
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  33.  60
    Ghost-in-the-Machine reveals human social signals for human–robot interaction.Sebastian Loth, Katharina Jettka, Manuel Giuliani & Jan P. de Ruiter - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
    We used a new method called “Ghost-in-the-Machine” (GiM) to investigate social interactions with a robotic bartender taking orders for drinks and serving them. Using the GiM paradigm allowed us to identify how human participants recognize the intentions of customers on the basis of the output of the robotic recognizers. Specifically, we measured which recognizer modalities (e.g., speech, the distance to the bar) were relevant at different stages of the interaction. This provided insights into human social behavior necessary for the (...)
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  34. Social justice: Defending Rawls’ theory of justice against Honneth’s objections.Miriam Bankovsky - 2011 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 37 (1):95-118.
    This article argues that Honneth’s ‘plural conception of justice’, founded on a theory of recognition, does not succeed in distancing itself from Rawls’ liberal theory of justice. The article develops its argument by evaluating three major objections to Rawls’ liberalism raised by Honneth in his recent articles on justice: namely, first, that the parties responsible for choosing principles of justice are too individualistic and their practical reasoning too instrumentalist; second, that by taking as its ‘object-domain’ the negative liberty of (...)
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  35.  15
    Non-conventional/illegal political participation of male and female youths.Claire Gavray, Bernard Fournier & Michel Born - 2012 - Human Affairs 22 (3):405-418.
    Belgian data from the PIDOP project show that boys are more involved than girls in illegal political actions, namely the production of graffiti and other acts of “incivility”. These activities must be considered in both groups as complementary to conventional political and social participation and not as their opposite. The main explanatory factor is the level of the perceived efficaciousness of such actions. The lack of trust in institutions and the level of awareness of societal discrimination play no significant explanatory (...)
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  36.  12
    Analysis of Feature Extraction and Anti-Interference of Face Image under Deep Reconstruction Network Algorithm.Jin Yang, Yuxuan Zhao, Shihao Yang, Xinxin Kang, Xinyan Cao & Xixin Cao - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-15.
    In face recognition systems, highly robust facial feature representation and good classification algorithm performance can affect the effect of face recognition under unrestricted conditions. To explore the anti-interference performance of convolutional neural network reconstructed by deep learning framework in face image feature extraction and recognition, in the paper, first, the inception structure in the GoogleNet network and the residual error in the ResNet network structure are combined to construct a new deep reconstruction network algorithm, with the random (...)
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    A face detection bias for horizontal orientations develops in middle childhood.Benjamin J. Balas, Jamie Schmidt & Alyson Saville - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:144351.
    Faces are complex stimuli that can be described via intuitive facial features like the eyes, nose, and mouth, “configural” features like the distances between facial landmarks, and features that correspond to computations performed in the early visual system (e.g. oriented edges). With regard to this latter category of descriptors, adult face recognition relies disproportionately on information in specific spatial frequency and orientation bands: Many recognition tasks are performed more accurately when adults have access to mid-range spatial frequencies (8-16 (...)
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    A Calculating Profession: Victorian Actuaries among the Statisticians.Timothy L. Alborn - 1994 - Science in Context 7 (3):433-468.
    The ArgumentHistorians of science naturally tend to express interest in other forms of intellectual activity only when these intersect with science. This tendncy has produced a number of enlightening studies of what happens when science and (for instance) law or theology come into contact, but little by way of how science enters into the calculations and social status of such forms of knowledge after the conjuction has passed. Recent work in the sociology of professions, in contrast, has focused attention precisely (...)
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    Exculpation and Stigma in Tourette Syndrome: An Experimental Philosophy Study.Jo Bervoets, Jarl K. Kampen & Kristien Hens - 2022 - Neuroethics 15 (1):1-16.
    Purpose: There is a widespread recognition that biomedical explanations offer benefits to those diagnosed with a mental disorder. Recent research points out that such explanations may nevertheless have stigmatizing effects. In this study, this ‘mixed blessing’ account of biomedical explanations is investigated in a case of philosophical interest: Tourette Syndrome. Method: We conducted a vignette survey with 221 participants in which we first assessed quantitative attributions of blame as well as the desire for social distance for behavior associated (...)
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    Semiotic Tools For Multilevel Cell Communication.Franco Giorgi & Gennaro Auletta - 2016 - Biosemiotics 9 (3):365-382.
    Cell communication plays a key role in multicellular organisms. In developing embryos as in adult organisms, cells communicate by coordinating their differentiation through the establishment and/or renewal of a variety of cell communication channels. Under both these conditions, cells interact by either receptor signalling, surface recognition of specific cell adhesion molecules or transfer of cytoplasmic components through junctional coupling. In recent years, it has become apparent that cells may also communicate through the extracellular release of microvesicles. They may originate (...)
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  41. Present Desire Satisfaction and Past Well-Being.Donald W. Bruckner - 2013 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 91 (1):15 - 29.
    One version of the desire satisfaction theory of well-being (i.e., welfare, or what is good for one) holds that only the satisfaction of one's present desires for present states of affairs can affect one's well-being. So if I desire fame today and become famous tomorrow, my well-being is positively affected onlyif tomorrow, when I am famous, I still desire to be famous. Call this the present desire satisfaction theory of well-being. I argue, contrary to this theory, that the satisfaction of (...)
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    Axel Honneth’s Cosmopolitanism.Monica Mookherjee - 2020 - Social Theory and Practice 46 (4):785-811.
    Amid now extensive debates about cosmopolitanism in political theory, this article explores the implications of Axel Honneth’s recognition theory for issues in international justice, not least the dire situation of poverty in the world. In contrast with a purely resource-distributive approach, the essay turns particularly to Honneth’s recent revival of the Lukácsian concept of reification as a process of self-distancing from the elementary humanity of others. Specifically, Honneth re-formulates reification as a failure of an elementary or ‘antecedent’ form of (...)
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    The neglected controversy over metaphysical realism.Mary Kate McGowan - 2002 - Philosophy 77 (1):5-21.
    In what follows, I motivate and clarify the controversy over metaphysical realism (the claim that there is a single objective way that the world is) by defending it against two objections. A clear understanding of why these objections are misguided goes a considerable distance in illuminating the complex and controversial nature of m-realism. Once the complex thesis is defined, some objections to it are considered. Since m-realism is such a complex and controversial thesis, it cannot legitimately be treated as (...)
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  44. The Method of In-between in the Grotesque and the Works of Leif Lage.Henrik Lübker - 2012 - Continent 2 (3):170-181.
    “Artworks are not being but a process of becoming” —Theodor W. Adorno, Aesthetic Theory In the everyday use of the concept, saying that something is grotesque rarely implies anything other than saying that something is a bit outside of the normal structure of language or meaning – that something is a peculiarity. But in its historical use the concept has often had more far reaching connotations. In different phases of history the grotesque has manifested its forms as a means of (...)
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    Female Literature of Migration in Italy.Lidia Curti - 2007 - Feminist Review 87 (1):60-75.
    Starting symbolically from a place of transit and mobility such as the Galleria in Naples, I look at the pace of immigration movements to Italy from both ex-colonial territories and other countries. Precarity characterizes the migrant condition in Italy: entrance and stay permits; work and housing, which are difficult to obtain and always temporary; bureaucratic control is severe and the right to citizenship is distant. The collective amnesia of the colonial enterprise obscures the fact that at least some of the (...)
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    A Robust Iris Feature Extraction Approach Based on Monogenic and 2D Log-Gabor Filters.Lotfi Kamoun, Nouri Masmoudi, Nade Fadhel & Walid Aydi - 2015 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 24 (2):161-179.
    This article suggests an enhancement of the Masek circle model approach usually used to find a trade-off between modeling complexity, algorithm accuracy, and computational time, mainly for embedded systems where the real-time aspect is a high challenge. Moreover, most commercialized systems today frame iris regions by circles. This work led to several novelties: first, in the segmentation process, the corneal reflection removal method based on morphological reconstruction and pixel connectivity was implemented. Second, the picture size reduction was applied according to (...)
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    The situated critic or the loyal critic? Rorty and Walzer on social criticism.Jonathan Allen - 1998 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 24 (6):25-46.
    This article addresses the question whether the model of social criticism as 'connected' or 'loyal' which is advanced by Richard Rorty and Michael Walzer offers an adequate picture of social criticism. Two claims are made. First, it is suggested that loyalty is an internally conflicted concept, with three components: a recognition of situatedness in a particular relationship; an affirmation of that relationship by the loyal agent; a set of values or local principles. Where the third component is prominent, loyalty (...)
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    Two Routes to Face Perception: Evidence From Psychophysics and Computational Modeling.Adrian Schwaninger, Janek S. Lobmaier, Christian Wallraven & Stephan Collishaw - 2009 - Cognitive Science 33 (8):1413-1440.
    The aim of this study was to separately analyze the role of featural and configural face representations. Stimuli containing only featural information were created by cutting the faces into their parts and scrambling them. Stimuli only containing configural information were created by blurring the faces. Employing an old‐new recognition task, the aim of Experiments 1 and 2 was to investigate whether unfamiliar faces (Exp. 1) or familiar faces (Exp. 2) can be recognized if only featural or configural information is (...)
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    Heuristics of the algorithm: Big Data, user interpretation and institutional translation.Jonas Andersson Schwarz & Göran Bolin - 2015 - Big Data and Society 2 (2).
    Intelligence on mass media audiences was founded on representative statistical samples, analysed by statisticians at the market departments of media corporations. The techniques for aggregating user data in the age of pervasive and ubiquitous personal media build on large aggregates of information analysed by algorithms that transform data into commodities. While the former technologies were built on socio-economic variables such as age, gender, ethnicity, education, media preferences, Big Data technologies register consumer choice, geographical position, web movement, and behavioural information in (...)
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    Creare I Sensi Della Terra: Il Respiro Naturale Della Comunità di Indagine.Valentina Roversi, Alessandra Cavallo & Daniel Barenco Mello Contage - 2022 - Childhood and Philosophy 18:01-23.
    The earth is the archetypal image of the origin of humanity, but throughout the history of Western culture it has given way to other, more heavenly allegories. Enlightenment as a paradigm of knowledge consolidated itself in Western philosophical thought in a very convincing way as a production of meanings. Through this rereading of the first Greek metaphysics, thought gradually distanced itself from its materiality, from its humanity, from the possibility of admiring the concrete world, getting closer and closer to the (...)
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