Results for ' Spitaler'

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  1.  24
    The PHERCC Matrix. An Ethical Framework for Planning, Governing, and Evaluating Risk and Crisis Communication in the Context of Public Health Emergencies.Giovanni Spitale, Federico Germani & Nikola Biller-Andorno - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (4):67-82.
    Risk and crisis communication (RCC) is a current ethical issue subject to controversy, mainly due to the tension between individual liberty (a core component of fairness) and effectiveness. In this paper we propose a consistent definition of the RCC process in public health emergencies (PHERCC), which comprises six key elements: evidence, initiator, channel, publics, message, and feedback. Based on these elements and on a detailed analysis of their role in PHERCC, we present an ethical framework to help design, govern and (...)
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  2. Ethical issues in living related donors.Aaron Spital - 2001 - Advances in Bioethics 7:89-123.
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  3. Raz jeszcze: etos nowoczesnej demokracji a Kościół. Polemika.Hermann-Josef Spital & Ernst-Wolfgang Bockenfrode - 1999 - Civitas 3 (3):47-78.
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  4. Wissen und Gewissen in der Technik.Spitaler, Armin & [From Old Catalog] - 1964 - Graz,: Verlag Styria. Edited by Schieb, Alfred & [From Old Catalog].
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    Donor Benefit Is the Key to Justified Living Organ Donation.Aaron Spital - 2004 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 13 (1):105-109.
    Spurred by a severe shortage of cadaveric organs, there has been a marked growth in living organ donation over the past several years. This has stimulated renewed interest in the ethics of this practice. The major concern has always been the possibility that a physician may seriously harm one person while trying to improve the well-being of another. As Carl Elliott points out, this puts the donor's physician in a difficult predicament: when evaluating a person who volunteers to donate an (...)
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  6. Conscription of Cadaveric Organs for Transplantation: A Stimulating Idea Whose Time Has Not Yet Come.Aaron Spital - 2005 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 14 (1):107-112.
    Transplantation is now the best therapy for eligible patients with end-stage organ disease. For patients with failed kidneys, successful renal transplantation improves the quality and increases the quantity of their lives. For people with other types of organ failure, transplantation offers the only hope for long-term survival. a.
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    Intrafamilial Organ Donation Is Often an Altruistic Act.Aaron Spital - 2003 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 12 (1):116-118.
    In their recent article, Glannon and Ross remind us that family members have obligations to help each other that strangers do not have. They argue, I believe correctly, that what creates moral obligations within families is not genetic relationship but rather a sharing of intimacy. For no one are these obligations stronger than they are for parents of young children. This observation leads the authors to the logical conclusion that organ donation by a parent to her child is not optional (...)
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    Response to “Intrafamilial Organ Donation Is Often an Altruistic Act” by Aaron Spital and “Donor Benefit Is the Key to Justified Living Organ Donation,” by Aaron Spital : Reply to Glannon and Ross. [REVIEW]Aaron Spital - 2005 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 14 (2):195-198.
    According to Glannon and Ross, for an act to be considered altruistic, it cannot be obligatory nor motivated by expectation of self-reward. Given that parents are obligated to help their children and stand to benefit greatly from donating, the authors conclude that parent to child organ donation is not altruistic. Are they correct? I am not sure. In my view, this is a semantic question and the answer depends upon how one defines altruism. Altruism is a complex subject that means (...)
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  9.  44
    COVID-19 and the ethics of quarantine: a lesson from the Eyam plague.Giovanni Spitale - 2020 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 23 (4):603-609.
    The recent outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is posing many different challenges to local communities, directly affected by the pandemic, and to the global community, trying to find how to respond to this threat in a larger scale. The history of the Eyam Plague, read in light of Ross Upshur’s Four Principles for the Justification of Public Health Intervention, and of the Siracusa Principles on the Limitation and Derogation Provisions in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, could provide (...)
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    In Defense of Routine Recovery of Cadaveric Organs: A Response to Walter Glannon.Aaron Spital & James S. Taylor - 2008 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 17 (3):337-343.
    Walter Glannon argues that our proposal for routine recovery of transplantable cadaveric organs is unacceptable After carefully reviewing his counterarguments, we conclude that, although some of them have merit, none are sufficiently strong to warrant abandoning this plan. Below we respond to each of Glannon's concerns.
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  11. Conscription of Cadaveric Organs for Transplantation: Neglected Again.Aaron Spital - 2003 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 13 (2):169-174.
    : The March 2003 issue of the Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal was devoted to cadaveric organ procurement. All the discussed proposals for solving the severe organ shortage place a higher value on respecting individual and/or family autonomy than on maximizing recovery of organs. Because of this emphasis on autonomy and historically high refusal rates, I believe that none of the proposals is likely to achieve the goal of ensuring an adequate supply of transplantable organs. An alternative approach, conscription of (...)
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  12.  3
    Disruptive Technologies and Open Science: How Open Should Open Science Be? A ‘Third Bioethics’ Ethical Framework.Giovanni Spitale, Federico Germani & Nikola Biller-Andorno - 2024 - Science and Engineering Ethics 30 (4):1-18.
    This paper investigates the ethical implications of applying open science (OS) practices on disruptive technologies, such as generative AIs. Disruptive technologies, characterized by their scalability and paradigm-shifting nature, have the potential to generate significant global impact, and carry a risk of dual use. The tension arises between the moral duty of OS to promote societal benefit by democratizing knowledge and the risks associated with open dissemination of disruptive technologies. Van Rennselaer Potter's ‘third bioethics’ serves as the founding horizon for an (...)
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  13.  67
    Measuring mental wellbeing of children via human-robot interaction.Nida Itrat Abbasi, Micol Spitale, Peter B. Jones & Hatice Gunes - 2022 - Interaction Studies 23 (2):157-203.
    During the last decade, children have shown an increasing need for mental wellbeing interventions due to their anxiety and depression issues, which the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated. Socially Assistive Robotics have been shown to have a great potential to support children with mental wellbeing-related issues. However, understanding how robots can be used to aid the measurement of these issues is still an open challenge. This paper presents a narrative review of child-robot interaction (cHRI) papers (IEEE ROMAN proceedings from 2016–2021 and (...)
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  14.  16
    RNA structure: Merging chemistry and genomics for a holistic perspective.Miles Kubota, Dalen Chan & Robert C. Spitale - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (10):1129-1138.
    The advent of deep sequencing technology has unexpectedly advanced our structural understanding of molecules composed of nucleic acids. A significant amount of progress has been made recently extrapolating the chemical methods to probe RNA structure into sequencing methods. Herein we review some of the canonical methods to analyze RNA structure, and then we outline how these have been used to probe the structure of many RNAs in parallel. The key is the transformation of structural biology problems into sequencing problems, whereby (...)
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  15.  20
    Beyond Trade-Offs: Autonomy, Effectiveness, Fairness, and Normativity in Risk and Crisis Communication.Federico Germani, Giovanni Spitale & Nikola Biller-Andorno - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (6):1-4.
    This paper addresses the critiques based on trade-offs and normativity presented in response to our target article proposing the Public Health Emergency Risk and Crisis Communication (PHERCC) framework. These critiques highlight the ethical dilemmas in crisis communication, particularly the balance between promoting public autonomy through transparent information and the potential stigmatization of specific population groups, as illustrated by the discussion of the mpox outbreak among men who have sex with men. This critique underscores the inherent tension between communication effectiveness and (...)
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  16.  35
    Women’s experiences with non-invasive prenatal testing in Switzerland: a qualitative analysis.Mirriam Tyebally Fang, Federico Germani, Giovanni Spitale, Sebastian Wäscher, Ladina Kunz & Nikola Biller-Andorno - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-12.
    Background Prenatal genetic testing, in particular non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT), as well as screening for risks associated with pregnancy, and counseling, play pivotal roles in reproductive healthcare, offering valuable information about the health of the fetus to expectant parents. This study aims to delve into the perspectives and experiences of women considering genetic testing and screening during pregnancy, focusing on their decision-making processes and the implications for informed consent. Methods A nationwide qualitative study was conducted in Switzerland, involving in-depth interviews (...)
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    Women’s Perceptions of the Medicalization of Pregnancy and Their Preferred Models of Care: A Qualitative Analysis.Mirriam Tyebally Fang, Ladina Kunz, Giovanni Spitale, Sebastian Wäscher, Federico Germani & Nikola Biller-Andorno - forthcoming - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics.
    The concept of women-centered care during pregnancy and childbirth has received increasing attention. It addresses the question of the right degree of medical care during pregnancy. Consequently, it further opens a debate about the medicalization of pregnancy, which puts pregnancy into the realm of medicine and treats it as a medical problem. The experience of pregnancy and childbirth plays an essential role in the well-being of both the mother and the future child and is influenced by women’s autonomy and freedom (...)
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    A Reply to Spital's Concerns.Mary Simmerling & Joel Frader - 2008 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 17 (1):128-130.
    In his response to our treatment of the medical excuse, Spital claims that we offer a flawed analysis of the practice of offering excuses to potential living organ donors. Spital's criticisms help sharpen our position and more clearly lay out the issues. In what follows, we address each of his concerns and replies and clarify our earlier analysis.
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  19.  25
    Anton Spitaler / Kathrin Müller, Erste Halbverse in der klassisch-arabischen Literatur.Reinhard Weipert - 2016 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 93 (2):614-617.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Der Islam Jahrgang: 93 Heft: 2 Seiten: 614-617.
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    Providing a Medical Excuse to Organ Donor Candidates Who Feel Trapped: A Reply to Spital's Concerns.Mary Simmerling & Joel Frader - 2008 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 17 (1).
  21.  81
    Response to “Intrafamilial Organ Donation Is Often an Altruistic Act” by Aaron Spital and “Donor Benefit Is the Key to Justified Living Organ Donation,” by Aaron Spital : Motivation, Risk, and Benefit in Living Organ Donation: A Reply to Aaron Spital. [REVIEW]Walter Glannon & Lainie Friedman Ross - 2005 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 14 (2):191-194.
    In a recent article in this journal, we argued that living organ donation from a parent to a child should be described as a beneficent rather than an altruistic act. Emotional relationships can generate an obligation of beneficence to help those with whom we have these relationships. This may involve an obligation for a parent to donate an organ to a child, even though it entails some risk to the parent. The parent's donation is not altruistic because altruistic acts are (...)
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  22.  25
    Ethical Tradeoffs in Public Health Emergency Crisis Communication.Justin Bernstein, Anne Barnhill & Ruth R. Faden - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (4):83-85.
    Spitale et al. (2024) address a public health ethics question of great importance: How should governments communicate with the public during public health emergencies? The article highlights severa...
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  23.  22
    Separating the Signal from the Noise in Public Health Messaging: The UK’s COVID-19 Experience.Gah-Kai Leung - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (4):99-101.
    Spitale, Germani, and Biller-Andorno’s (2024) PHERCC matrix sets out a useful and systematic framework for risk and crisis communication in public health emergencies. A problem in ensuring effective messaging is the extent to which the messaging environment is *quiet* or *noisy*: in other words, whether or not a message has to *compete with other messages* at the same time. I use the example of the UK’s experience during COVID-19, which was marked by tensions between the devolved regional governments—and consequently divergent (...)
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  24.  27
    Challenges of Bioethics Frameworks for Non-Democratic Contexts.Ehsan Shamsi-Gooshki - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (4):105-107.
    Spitale, Germani, and Biller-Andorno (2024) presented an ethical framework for managing risk and crisis communication (RCC) during public health emergencies (PHE) in their recent paper. They advoca...
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  25.  18
    Optimizing the PHERCC Matrix for Risk Communication: Integrating Action-Guiding Models for Enhanced Accessibility and Applicability.Pranab Rudra & Frank Ursin - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (4):89-91.
    Spitale, Germani, and Biller-Andorno (2024) have proposed a comprehensive framework for navigating the ethical dilemmas associated with risk and crisis communication (RCC) during public health emer...
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    Health and Data Equity in Public Health Emergency Risk and Crisis Communication (PHERCC).Calvin Wai-Loon Ho - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (4):102-104.
    The ethical restatement of the “risk and crisis communication in public health emergency” (PHERCC) matrix by Spitale et al. (2024) is a step up from mainstream approaches like the Crisis and Emerge...
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  27.  6
    Albert Schweitzer: Ethik und Politik.Ernst Luther - 2010 - Berlin: Dietz Verlag.
    Als wir bei Sonnenuntergang gerade durch die Herde Nilpferde hindurchfuhren, stand urplötzlich, von mir nicht gesucht, das Wort »Ehrfurcht vor dem Leben« vor mir. Der Pfad im Dickicht war sichtbar geworden. Nun war ich zu der Idee vorgedrungen, in der Welt- und Lebensbejahung und Ethik miteinander enthalten sind. Albert Schweitzer Seit fast 100 Jahren steht der Name Albert Schweitzer für aktives humanitäres Engagement. Dank seiner Philosophie der »Ehrfurcht vor dem Leben«, die er gemeinsam mit seiner Frau Helene Bresslau im Urwaldhospital (...)
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    Hospital.Bryan S. Turner - 2006 - Theory, Culture and Society 23 (2-3):573-579.
    Hospitals are traditional sites, not only of care, but of knowledge production. The word ‘hospital’ is derived from ‘hospitality’, and is also associated with ‘spital’, ‘hotel’ and ‘hospice’. In medieval society, the hospice was a place of rest, security and entertainment. The Knights Hospitallers were an order of military monks that took its historical origin from a hospital founded in Jerusalem in 1048. Before the rise of the modern research hospital, these spitals had a more general function as charitable institutions (...)
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    Selbstermächtigung am Lebensende: eine religionswissenschaftliche Untersuchung alternativer Sterbebegleitung in der Schweiz.Barbara Zeugin - 2021 - Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
    Immer mehr Menschen in der Schweiz praktizieren Yoga, glauben an eine Wiedergeburt und lassen sich komplementärmedizinisch behandeln. Barbara Zeugin untersucht, wie sich dieser religiöse Wandel auf die Begleitung am Lebensende auswirkt. Insofern alternative Formen von Religion in der Schweiz zunehmen, ist es nicht erstaunlich, wenn in der Begleitung am Lebensende auch alternativ-religiöse Praktiken und alternative Heilverfahren sowie die entsprechenden Rationalisierungen immer mehr an Bedeutung gewinnen. Die Rekonstruktion einer solchen, als alternativ aufgefassten Sterbebegleitungspraxis führte die Religionswissenschaftlerin erstens in ein Hospiz für (...)
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  30. The Case against Conscription of Cadaveric Organs for Transplantation.Walter Glannon - 2008 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 17 (3):330-336.
    In a recent set of papers, Aaron Spital has proposed conscription or routine recovery of cadaveric organs without consent as a way of ameliorating the severe shortage of organs for transplantation. Under the existing consent requirement, organs can be taken from the bodies of the deceased if they expressed a wish and intention to donate while alive. Organs may also be taken when families or other substitute decisionmakers decide on behalf of the deceased to allow organ procurement for the purpose (...)
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    Using the PHERCC Matrix to Define Essential Workers During Public Health Emergencies.Elika Somani & Benjamin E. Berkman - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (4):94-96.
    The risk and crisis communication process in public health emergencies (PHERCC, public health emergency risk and crisis communication) matrix, as proposed by Spitale, Germani, and Biller-Andorno (2...
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