Christoph Theobald [47]D. W. Theobald [13]Werner Theobald [10]C. Theobald [10]
Paul Theobald [8]Chr Theobald [5]Robin Theobald [3]John Theobald [3]

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  1. Evolving Friendships and Shifting Ethical Dilemmas: Fieldworkers’ Experiences in a Short Term Community Based Study in K enya.Dorcas M. Kamuya, Sally J. Theobald, Patrick K. Munywoki, Dorothy Koech, Wenzel P. Geissler & Sassy C. Molyneux - 2013 - Developing World Bioethics 13 (1):1-9.
    Fieldworkers (FWs) are community members employed by research teams to support access to participants, address language barriers, and advise on culturally appropriate research conduct. The critical role that FWs play in studies, and the range of practical and ethical dilemmas associated with their involvement, is increasingly recognised. In this paper, we draw on qualitative observation and interview data collected alongside a six month basic science study which involved a team of FWs regularly visiting 47 participating households in their homes. The (...)
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    A facilitator's reflection on the democratizing potential of emancipatory practice development.Jacqueline Peet, Karen A. Theobald & Clint Douglas - 2024 - Nursing Philosophy 25 (3).
    Emancipatory practice development (ePD) is a practitioner‐led research methodology which enables workplace transformation. Underpinned by the critical paradigm, ePD works through facilitation and workplace learning, with people in their local context on practice issues that are significant to them. Its purpose is to embed safe, person‐centred learning cultures which transform individuals and workplaces. In this article, we critically reflect on a year‐long ePD study in an acute care hospital ward. We explore the challenges of practice change within systems, building collective (...)
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    Predicting vs. guessing: the role of confidence for pupillometric markers of curiosity and surprise.Maria Theobald, Elena Galeano-Keiner & Garvin Brod - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (4):731-740.
    Asking students to generate a prediction before presenting the correct answer is a popular instructional strategy. This study tested whether a person’s degree of confidence in a prediction is related to their curiosity and surprise regarding the answer. For a series of questions about numerical facts, participants (N = 29) generated predictions and rated their confidence in the prediction before seeing the correct answer. The increase in pupil size before viewing the correct answer was used as a physiological marker of (...)
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    There’s a SNARC in the Size Congruity Task.Tina Weis, Steffen Theobald, Andreas Schmitt, Cees van Leeuwen & Thomas Lachmann - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  5.  22
    (1 other version)Corporate involvement in human rights: is it any of their business?Sep Arkani & Robin Theobald - 2005 - Business Ethics: A European Review 14 (3):190-205.
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  6. Le christianisme comme style: Relecture du thème Esthétique et théologie.Christoph Theobald - 1997 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 85 (4):505-600.
    L'esthétique moderne, tout éloignée qu'elle est de la conception religieuse de l’œuvre d'art dominante jusqu'à la Renaissance, reste traversée par une sourde inquiétude au sujet du sacré, qu'on est autorisé à interpréter comme une quête spirituelle, comme une ouverture vers une altérité innommée. Quelques théologiens contemporains, de leur côté, souvent influencés par la fréquentation des beaux-arts, tendent à substituer aux stratégies apologétiques ou dogmatiques du passé une approche esthétique du mystère du monde, de l'homme et de la révélation. La notion (...)
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  7.  39
    Should the payment of bribes overseas be made illegal?Robin Theobald - 2002 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 11 (4):375–384.
    In a recent contribution to this journal Professor A. Argandona explored the general characteristics of corruption and their implications for the corporate sector. Against this background this paper examines one specific form of corruption: the payment of bribes usually by agents of private firms to civil servants and politicians overseas. The paper focuses specifically upon current attempts by western states to criminalise overseas bribery and the problems such efforts are likely to face. Emphasising the centrality of the demand for corrupt (...)
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    Vatican II : un corpus, un style, des conditions de réception.Christoph Theobald - 2011 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 67 (3):421-441.
    This article presents the working hypothesis which guided my research on the Reception of the Second Vatican Council, based on the partial results published in a first volume and in anticipation of a second. The principal arguments supporting this hypothesis are presented and possible objections are entertained. Having accounted for the presentation of the results in two volumes, details about the underlying notions informing this overall approach to Vat II follow, including a treatment of the concepts “corpus” and “pastoral style” (...)
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    Predicting Learning: Understanding the Role of Executive Functions in Children's Belief Revision Using Bayesian Models.Joseph A. Colantonio, Igor Bascandziev, Maria Theobald, Garvin Brod & Elizabeth Bonawitz - forthcoming - Topics in Cognitive Science.
    Recent studies suggest that learners who are asked to predict the outcome of an event learn more than learners who are asked to evaluate it retrospectively or not at all. One possible explanation for this “prediction boost” is that it helps learners engage metacognitive reasoning skills that may not be spontaneously leveraged, especially for individuals with still-developing executive functions. In this paper, we combined multiple analytic approaches to investigate the potential role of executive functions in elementary school-aged children's science learning. (...)
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  10. An Introduction to the Philosophy of Science.D. W. Theobald - 1969 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 20 (3):276-277.
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  11. Le projet apologétique de Maurice Blondel hier et aujourd'hui.Christoph Theobald - 1998 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 86 (4):559-573.
    Pour l'auteur, la Lettre représente un seuil décisif dans l'évolution de la théologie fondamentale moderne. Partant des trois acquis majeurs du projet blondélien , l'auteur propose une voie de réinterprétation dans une perspective culturelle nouvelle de ces acquis, notamment en raison du pluralisme qui semble d'abord s'opposer à la structure fondamentalement chrétienne du discours de Blondel, ce qui contraint à infléchir la définition blondélienne du surnaturel. Enfin, l'esquisse d'un argument apologétique valorise l'ensemble du processus circulaire de l'argument apologétique dans la (...)
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  12. Agribusiness and rural education: The dynamics of exploitation.P. Theobald & Ann M. Alsmeyer - 1993 - Journal of Thought 28 (1):2.
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    « Comme il convient de se conduire dans la maison de Dieu » (1 Tm 3,15).Michael Theobald - 2023 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 155 (1):93-113.
    L’hypothèse largement admise selon laquelle l’ecclésiologie des épîtres pastorales est marquée par l’expérience de l’oikos antique (« ecclésiologie de l’oikos ») est remise en question depuis peu, surtout pour deux raisons : premièrement, la terminologie de l’oikos ne serait déployée qu’en 1 Tm, la thèse selon laquelle les trois épîtres formeraient un corpus épistolaire pseudépigraphique ne résisterait pas à la spécificité de chacune des trois épîtres. Deuxièmement, ce n’est plus l’oikos, mais la polis qui servirait de contexte social aux trois (...)
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  14. Apologetique Et Theologie Fondamentale.M. Blondel, R. Virgoulay, C. Troisfontaines, R. Saint-Jean, J. -M. Aveline, A. E. Van Hooff & C. Theobald - 1998 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 86.
  15. Die „unsichtbare Hand '. Ihre moralische Fehlinterpretation und ihre Selbstorganisationsfunktion durch die unbemerkte Moralität des Eigeninteresses, Kritik zu Priddat, Birger P., Alternative Interpretationen einer ökonomischen Metapher: die „invisible hand 'bei Adam Smith.Wolfgang Deppert & Werner Theobald - 1997 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 8:10-15.
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    Accident and Chance.D. W. Theobald - 1970 - Philosophy 45 (172):106 - 113.
    In this paper I attempt to explore the significance of the terms ‘accident’ and ‘chance’ when they are used in connection with events that are sometimes said to happen ‘by accident’ and sometimes ‘by chance’. The significance of these terms is not always made clear in everyday conversation, and here I shall try to discuss the distinction between them and the sorts of situation therefore to which they properly apply. Perhaps an example will show that these expressions are different. Thus (...)
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    Models and Method.D. W. Theobald - 1964 - Philosophy 39 (149):260 - 267.
    The construction of models plays a vital part in scientific thought.And many questions about the characteristics demanded of a good model, and the implications of using models are often asked by philosophers of science. Although models are frequently and successfully used in scientific explanation, this does not imply that they are a necessary feature of such explanation, though it does provide some justification for their use. However, any attempt to provide a model for a scientific theory undoubtedly leads to a (...)
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  18. The Imagination and What Philosophers Have to Say.David W. Theobald - 1967 - Diogenes 15 (57):47-63.
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    Theologies and truth, the challenges of history.Pierre Gibert, Christoph Theobald & Joseph Moingt (eds.) - 2010 - Walpole, MA: Peeters.
    The year 2010 marks the one-hundredth anniversary of the Recherches de Science Religieuse and provides an opportunity for the journal to explore its past, present, and prospects for the twenty-first century. In order to celebrate the event, this special commemorative issue calls upon authors from many different fields. "Commemoration" involves not only examining the past, however rich it may be, but also taking up the challenge of analyzing the present and reflecting upon the future. In the first section, diverse approaches (...)
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    Théologies et vérité au défi de l'histoire.Pierre Gibert, Christoph Theobald & Joseph Moingt (eds.) - 2010 - Walpole, MA: Peeters.
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    La crise contemporaine: du modernisme à la crise des herméneutiques.Jean Greisch, Karl Neufeld & Christoph Theobald - 1973 - Editions Beauchesne.
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    Harker's One-Room Schoolhouses: Visions of an Iowa Icon.Michael P. Harker & Paul Theobald - 2008 - University of Iowa Press.
    A documentary photographer captures the glory and decay of one of rural America's most elemental icons in this collection of images that encapsulate the dramatic transformations that have overtaken the Iowa countryside. Original.
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  23. Philosophical considerations of an internet-enabled telephone and computer psychiatric symptom monitoring system : maintaining the balance between subjectivity and objectivity in research.Karen Iseminger & Dale Theobald - 2009 - In James Phillips (ed.), Philosophical perspectives on technology and psychiatry. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Das Geheimnis der Wirklichkeit: Kurt Hübner zum 90. Geburtstag.Volker Kapp, Werner Theobald & Kurt Hübner (eds.) - 2011 - Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
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  25. Communitarian and Liberal Theories: Nostalgia, Utopia, and the New Call for School Community.V. Newman & P. Theobald - 1999 - Journal of Thought 34:33-52.
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    Hitting the Nail Squarely, Or, Making Human Relations Relate.Timothy J. Sharer & Paul Theobald - 2006 - Educational Studies 40 (2):186-195.
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  27. Books Available List.Celina Su, Gary L. Anderson, John G. Cross, Edie N. Godenberg, Gerald Grant & Paul Theobald - 2009 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 45 (5).
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    An introduction to the philosophy of science.David William Theobald - 1968 - London,: Methuen.
  29. Bulletin de théologie dogmatique: Question de Dieu et Trinité.C. Theobald - 1997 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 85 (4):601-624.
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    Bulletin de theologie systematique.Christoph Theobald - 2008 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 96 (1):115-155.
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    Bulletin de théologie systématique.Christoph Theobald - 2009 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 97 (1):135-164.
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  32. Blake's Ideas of Good and Evil.John Theobald - 1956 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 37 (3):264.
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  33. Blake's Idea of God.John Theobald - 1956 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 37 (2):161.
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    Conclusion.Christoph Theobald - 2011 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 99 (1):79-104.
    Le but principal et premier de cette conclusion est de mettre en évidence le lien intrinsèque entre les récits de la « vie de Jésus » et le conflit d’interprétation au sujet du Nazaréen, tel qu’il résulte précisément de ses « actes de puissance » et de leur signification messianique ou non. Le deuxième but est d’expliciter l’analogie entre le conflit d’interprétation, tel qu’il se présente à l’époque néotestamentaire, et la figure qu’il prend aujourd’hui au sein du « forum-Jésus », (...)
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    Cent ans de Recherches en Science Religieuse.Christoph Theobald - 2010 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 98 (3):323-328.
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    Christologie et histoire de Jésus.Christoph Theobald - 2010 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 98 (4):487-495.
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    Cultural Obstacles on the Road to Rural Educational Renewal.Paul Theobald & Ann Alsmeyer - 1995 - Education and Culture 12 (2):2.
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    De Dieu et Trinité bulletin de théologie dogmatique.Christoph Theobald - 2002 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 4 (4):573-623.
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    Der Eine Gott Und Seine Zeugen.Christoph Theobald - 1997 - Bijdragen 58 (1):79-96.
    Wie kann das Rätsel der Gewalt zwischen den drei Zeugen des einen Gottes, zwischen dem Judentum, dem Christentum und dem Islam gelöst werden? Um zu verstehen, wo die grundsätzlichen Schierigkeiten ihrer Begegnung liegen, geht der Author zunächst ihren subtilen Verwandschaftsbeziehungen nach und stellt die Asymmetrie zwischen ihren Traditionen heraus. Die Grundprinzipien moderner Gesellschaftswesen, die vergleichende Methode der Religionswissenschaften, die Utopie eines allgemeinen Frieden und die Notwendigkeit, Gewaltsituationen zu entschärfen veranlassen die drei Zeugen, ihr Erbe nach ihrem jeweils eigenen Kommunikationsstil zu (...)
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    Du nouveau dans la recherché sur le « modernisme ».Christoph Theobald - 2011 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 99 (4):551-559.
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    Dieu qui vient à l'homme.Christoph Theobald - 2004 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 2 (2):177-211.
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    Errors and Mistakes.D. W. Theobald - 1979 - Dialogue 18 (4):556-565.
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    Exégèse critique, exégèse patristique.Christoph Theobald - 2011 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 99 (2):167-170.
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    Hypolepsis: mythische Spuren bei Aristoteles.Werner Theobald - 1999 - Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag.
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    Jésus – Christ, Dieu – Trinité (2) Bulletin de théologie systématique.Christoph Theobald - 2011 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 99 (4):595-628.
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    Jésus – Christ, Dieu – Trinité.Christoph Theobald - 2011 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 99 (2):287-316.
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    Kant's Aesthetic Theory, by D. W. Crawford.D. W. Theobald - 1975 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 6 (3):201-202.
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  48. Kirche und Israel nach Rom 9-11 (L'Eglise et Israel selon Romains 9-11).Michael Theobald - 1987 - Kairos (misc) 29 (1-2):1-22.
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  49. La christologie transcendentale dans «l'Action»(1893) de Maurice Blondel.C. Theobald - 1993 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 81 (3):421-457.
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    « L'herméneutique de réforme » implique-t-elle une réforme de l'herméneutique?Christoph Theobald - 2012 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 100 (1):65-84.
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