Results for ' Zola, Émile'

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  1.  69
    Naturalismo y religión: Émile Zola.Isabel Veloso - 2004 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 9:227-245.
    El texto que proponemos tratará de destacar el papel que desempeña la religión en la obra más naturalista de Zola, esto es en Les Rougon-Macquart. Pero, ¿por qué elegir esta obra y no sus novelas posteriores donde el elemento religioso es mucho más evidente? Nuestra intención es desmentir el tradicional calificativo de anticlerical y de enemigo de la religión que soportó Zola hasta bien entrado el siglo XX. En efecto, sus libros esconden todo un universo religioso demasiado complejo, sutil y (...)
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    Emile Zola. [REVIEW]Albert J. Salvan - 1954 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 29 (2):301-302.
  3. Van gele hesjes tot Émile Zola.Merel Talbi - 2019 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 59 (1):24-31.
    Amsterdam University Press is a leading publisher of academic books, journals and textbooks in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Our aim is to make current research available to scholars, students, innovators, and the general public. AUP stands for scholarly excellence, global presence, and engagement with the international academic community.
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    67. Von Emile Zola bis Gerhart Hauptmann.Michael Georg Conrad - 1978 - In Bruno Hillebrand (ed.), Texte Zur Nietzsche-Rezeption 1873–1963. De Gruyter. pp. 134-135.
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    Seksisme en realisme: een lezing van Émile Zola’s Het meesterwerk.Ruud Welten - 2023 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 115 (4):423-438.
    Genderism and Realism. A Reading of Émile Zola’s The Masterpiece Does sexual morality play a role in our perception of reality? This contribution explores the rise of modernity as a radical change of perception. This is done by reading an 1886 novel on painting, Émile Zola’s L’Oeuvre (The Masterpiece). The Masterpiece is a novel that meticulously explores the relationship between reality and representation in which the genderism implications become clear. Zola comments implicitly on the paintings of Éduoard Manet, (...)
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    Mother's Day: Zola's WomenLe Tyran TimideLa Condition de la Femme Dans L'Oeuvre D'Emile Zola. [REVIEW]Naomi Schor, Jean Borie & Anna Krakowski - 1975 - Diacritics 5 (4):11.
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    “I have nothing more to tell you, dear doctor”: A Gay Man’s Intimate Confession to Emile Zola.George Rousseau - 2023 - The European Legacy 28 (6):663-668.
    The “Italian invert’s confessions” have long been known to historians of sexuality, yet this new edition lends them an authenticity never before enjoyed. The Prime Mover in the publication is Micha...
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    Le réalisme selon Zola: archéologie d'une intelligence.Alain de Lattre - 1975 - Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
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    Signification et Problématique de l’allaitement chez Émile Zola et Simone de Beauvoir.Dominique van Hooff - 1999 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 15 (1):29-39.
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    Public trials: Burke, Zola, Arendt, and the politics of lost causes.Lida Maxwell - 2015 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    There are certain moments, such as the American founding or the Civil Rights Movement, that we revisit again and again as instances of democratic triumph, and there are other moments that haunt us as instances of democratic failure. How should we view moments of democratic failure, when both the law and citizens forsake justice? Do such moments reveal a wholesale failure of democracy or a more contested failing, pointing to what could have been, and still might be? Public Trials reveals (...)
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    Del realismo/naturalismo al modernismo: Galdós, Zola, Revilla y Clarín (1870-1901).Stephen Miller - 1993
  12.  10
    Utopía y distopía: entre la ficción y la realidad, desde el impacto de Schopenhauer en Zola.Carlos Germán Juliao Vargas - 2024 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 42:42-72.
    Este artículo, después de situar etimológica e históricamente los conceptos de utopía y distopía, realiza un breve vistazo a la doctrina pesimista de Schopenhauer, para luego mostrar cómo Émile Zola la articula y la despliega en una distopía, en ciertos pasajes de La alegría de vivir. Se concluye, a través de varias preguntas, cómo Zola ficciona, en la figura de su personaje Pauline, una pequeña isla de felicidad dentro de un enorme océano pesimista, inquietante y malévolo: la utopía y (...)
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    Utopia and Dystopia: between Fiction and Reality since Schopenhauer’s Impact on Zola.Carlos Germán Juliao-Vargas - 2024 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 42:42-72.
    RESUMEN Este artículo, después de situar, etimológica e históricamente, los conceptos de utopía y distopía realiza un breve vistazo a la doctrina pesimista de Schopenhauer, para luego mostrar cómo Émile Zola la articula y la despliega en una distopía, en ciertos pasajes de La alegría de vivir. Se concluye, a través de varias preguntas, cómo Zola ficciona, en la figura de su personaje Pauline, una pequeña isla de felicidad dentro de un enorme océano pesimista, inquietante y malévolo: la utopía (...)
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  14.  10
    espace urbain et les figures féminines dans L’Assommoir et Maggie : A Girl of the Streets.Minori Noda - 2020 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 92:123-137.
    Dans quelle mesure peut-on reconnaître certaines influences du naturalisme français, mouvement éminemment représenté par Émile Zola, dans les œuvres romanesques de naturalistes américains tels que Dreiser et Norris? Stephen Crane, l’un de ces derniers, nie l’influence des œuvres romanesques zoliennes sur son chef d’œuvre, Maggie : A Girl of the Streets (1893). Pourtant, en lisant cette nouvelle de l’écrivain américain, on peut bel et bien retrouver des motifs zoliens, ce qui contredirait son affirmation. Il existe, en effet, des rapports (...)
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  15. Affirmations.Havelock Ellis - 1898 - Walter Scott.
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  16. (2 other versions)Affirmations.Havelock Ellis - 1898 - The Monist 8:469.
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    Lectura e instrucción de los obreros y obreras costarricenses a través de Hoja Obrera, 1909-1912.Sonia Angulo Brenes - 2023 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 1 (31):145-171.
    El artículo reconstruye los intereses lectores y de instrucción obrera, y también los textos escritos por los obreros y obreras a través de Hoja Obrera, periódico de publicación semanal, el cual pertenecía a la Sociedad de Trabajadores, en el período comprendido entre 1909 y 1912. De tal manera, que detalla cuáles fueron los escritores y escritoras leídos, qué textos leyeron, cuáles fueron sus preocupaciones por la instrucción obrera y la lectura, así como quiénes escribían y sobre qué escribían. La metodología (...)
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    Derek Attridge: The Singularity of Literature.Derek Attridge - 2004 - New York: Routledge.
    The Iliad and Beowulf provide rich sources of historical information. The novels of Henry Fielding and Henry James may be instructive in the art of moral living. Some go further and argue that Emile Zola and Harriet Beecher Stowe played a part in ameliorating the lives of those existing in harsh circumstances. However, as Derek Attridge argues in this outstanding and acclaimed book, none of these capacities is distinctive of literature. What is the singularity of literature? Do the terms "literature" (...)
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    Visual Rhetoric of the Truth in the Dreyfus Affair: A Semiotic Approach.Nathalie Hauksson-Tresch - 2019 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 34 (1):127-143.
    At the turn of the twentieth century, French society was shaken by a scandal that affected it at many levels to varying degrees and that is still considered as a symbol of injustice, miscarriage of justice and antisemitism. The Dreyfus Affair started in 1894 when an artillery officer of Jewish descent was convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment for communicating military secrets to the German embassy in Paris. Only years later was Alfred Dreyfus exonerated and rehabilitated, due mainly to the (...)
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    Wessen Geist?Laura Otis - 2023 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 97 (1):217-222.
    The essay considers the question of whether fiction can be read as a sociological or historical source in light of contemporary fiction-writers’ debates about appropriation. It raises questions about writers’ and readers’ responsibilities by juxtaposing ideas of Emile Zola, José Ortega y Gasset, and Junot Díaz.
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  21. Beşir Fuad and His Opponents: The Form of a Debate over Literature and Truth in Nineteenth-Century Istanbul.Mehmet Karabela - 2011 - Journal of Turkish Literature 8 (1):96-106.
    One and a half months after Victor Hugo died in 1885, Beşir Fuad published a biography of him, in which Fuad defended Emile Zola’s naturalism and realism against Hugo’s romanticism. This resulted in the most important dispute in nineteenth-century Turkish literary history, the hakikiyyûn and hayâliyyûn debate, with the former represented by Beşir Fuad and the latter represented by Menemenlizâde Mehmet Tahir. This article focuses on the form of this debate rather than its content, and this focus reveals how the (...)
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  22.  11
    El ojo ávido: dos realismos deshechos en Naná de Jean Renoir.Juan Camilo Lee Penagos - 2017 - Aisthesis 61 (61):43-62.
    This article analyzes the way in which Jean Renoir, in his film Naná −an adaptation of Émile Zola’s novel− shows the impossibility of an “objective point of view” for its characters. It is argued that Renoir shows this impossibility through narrative techniques that question, at the same time, the possibilities of “realism” in cinema. The article explains the existence of “two realisms” −narrative and descriptive− as constitutive of the filmic text, that are used paradoxically by Renoir to deny objectivity (...)
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  23.  6
    Saint-Georges de Bouhélier's Naturisme: An Anti-symbolist Movement in Late Nineteenth-century French Poetry.Patrick L. Day - 2001 - Peter Lang Incorporated, International Academic Publishers.
    At the end of the nineteenth century in France, there arose a literary movement, termed le naturisme by its founder, Saint-Georges de Bouhélier. Anti-symbolist in its conception, le naturisme contained as its tenets a return to clarity and simplicity of expression and a strict avoidance of symbolist hermeticism, characteristic of Mallarmé and others. Bouhélier and his disciples triggered a polemic that raged throughout the final years of the nineteenth century and involved writers such as Emile Zola and André Gide before (...)
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  24.  37
    Storied Bodies, or Nana at Last Unveil'd.Peter Brooks - 1989 - Critical Inquiry 16 (1):1-32.
    A major preoccupation of that novel [Zola’s Nana] is the undressing of the courtesan Nana. One could even say that a major dynamic of the novel is stripping Nana, and stripping away at her, making per progressively expose the secrets of this golden body that has Paris in thrall. The first chapter of the novel provides, quite literally, a mise-en-scène for Nana’s body, in the operetta La Blonde Vénus. When she comes on stage in the third act, a shiver passes (...)
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    How to Live Together: Novelistic Simulations of Some Everyday Spaces.Roland Barthes - 2012 - Columbia University Press.
    In _The Preparation of the Novel_, a collection of lectures delivered at a defining moment in Roland Barthes's career (and completed just weeks before his death), the critic spoke of his struggle to discover a different way of writing and a new approach to life. _The Neutral_ preceded this work, containing Barthes's challenge to the classic oppositions of Western thought and his effort to establish new pathways of meaning. _How to Live Together_ predates both of these achievements, a series of (...)
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  26. Naturalism.Dr David Macarthur - unknown
    Naturalism is a term that stands for a family of positions that endorse the general idea of being true to, or guided by, “nature”, an idea as old as Western thought itself (e.g. Aristotle is often called a naturalist) and as various and open-ended as interpretations of “nature”. Since the rise of the modern scientific revolution in the seventeenth century, nature has increasingly come to be identified with the-worldas-studied-by-the-sciences. Consequently, naturalism has come to mean a set of positions defined in (...)
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    La resurrección del ser humano metafísico a través de la naturaleza psicofisiológica: una novela corta de José María Rivas Groot.Carlos Andrés Salazar Martínez - 2020 - Escritos 28 (60):29-47.
    The aim of the article is to establish the way in which Resurrección [Resurrection], a novella by Jose Maria Rivas Groot, reflects the debates over the psychophysiological conception of consciousness that took place in Colombia at the beginning of the twentieth-century. The analysis, made from the standpoint of cultural history, explores the ideas of experimental psychologists and intellectuals, such as Claude Bernard, William James, Émile Zola or Paul Bourget, who, contrary to hegemonical discourses, suggested a sensory cause for consciousness. (...)
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    Traveling Toward Distance: Italian Lessons.Robert E. Innis - 2015 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 29 (1):41-57.
    ABSTRACT Human beings are wanderers, although in another way we are more like trees, rooted in place, both physical and psychological. We cross borders, both internal and external, between the familiar and the unfamiliar, but often find ourselves seeing the new only in terms of the old or, more dangerously, not seeing the new at all. This article will explore through concrete instances pivotal philosophical and existential implications and lessons of the “fusion of horizons” exemplified in Montaigne's, Goethe's, Stendhal's, and (...)
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  29.  12
    How to Live Together: Novelistic Simulations of Some Everyday Spaces.Kate Briggs (ed.) - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    In _The Preparation of the Novel_, a collection of lectures delivered at a defining moment in Roland Barthes's career, the critic spoke of his struggle to discover a different way of writing and a new approach to life. _The Neutral_ preceded this work, containing Barthes's challenge to the classic oppositions of Western thought and his effort to establish new pathways of meaning. _How to Live Together_ predates both of these achievements, a series of lectures exploring solitude and the degree of (...)
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  30. Limitless as a neuro-pharmaceutical experiment and as a Daseinsanalyse: on the use of fiction in preparatory debates on cognitive enhancement. [REVIEW]Hub Zwart - 2014 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 17 (1):29-38.
    Limitless is a movie (released in 2011) as well as a novel (published in 2001) about a tormented author who (plagued by a writer’s block) becomes an early user of an experimental designer drug. The wonder drug makes him highly productive overnight and even allows him to make a fortune on the stock market. At the height of his career, however, the detrimental side-effects become increasingly noticeable. In this article, Limitless is analysed from two perspectives. First of all, building on (...)
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    Aesthetics and Politics Revisited: An Interview with Jacques Rancière.Gavin Arnall, Laura Gandolfi & Enea Zaramella - 2012 - Critical Inquiry 38 (2):289-297.
    In this interview, Jacques Rancière describes the character of the aesthetic regime and the relationship between politics and aesthetics in his work, along with the role of artistic practices, technological innovations, and the institution of the museum in the redistribution of the sensible and the similarities and differences between his theories and Walter Benjamin’s work on modernity. Rancière argues that the aesthetic regime entails both a rupture with what came before it and the possibility of recycling and reinterpreting works of (...)
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  32.  39
    Functional distinctions within the medical temporal lobe memory system: What is the evidence?Stuart Zola-Morgan & Pablo Alvarez - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (3):495-496.
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    Toward a Definition of Topos: Approaches to Analogical Reasoning.Lynette Hunter - 1991 - Macmillan.
    Allegories, rhetoric, imagery, commonplaces, cliches and archetypes are discussed in connection with the literary work of authors such as Montaigne, Shakespeare, Jules Verne, Emile Zola and James Joyce.
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  34. Transformation of the French Pattern of a Naturalistic Character in Ivan Franko’s Literary Works.Nataliia Yatskiv - 2018 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 5:183-200.
    The article deals with the means of constructing a naturalistic character, the model for which was proposed by French writers: the Goncourt brothers and Émile Zola. Naturalists draw their personage concept from the interpretation of its biological nature. The focus of its depiction is shifted to the study of fundamental features of human nature rather than “variables” of the historical forms of its manifestation. A naturalistic character, being “a biological being” rather than “a set of social relations,” is completely (...)
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  35.  80
    Geriatric Filial Piety.Charles Zola - 2001 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 15 (2):185-203.
    Today many adult children find themselves in the position of caring for elderly parents and attending to the other demands of life. Because of the unique balance of power in the adult child/elderly parent relationship as well as other negative influences, many adult children find caring for parents a frustrating task. This article argues a solution to this dilemma can be found in a renewed appreciation of filial piety as it specifically relates to caring for elderly parents. Using the moral (...)
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    Prudential Elder Care.Charles M. Zola - 2013 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 87 (1):137-164.
    A growing phenomenon in contemporary society is adult children caring for their elderly parents. Although some interest has been directed to the question of filial piety in general, surprisingly, scant attention has been focused on the ethical dimensions of caring for elderly parents. This article explores the contribution that Aquinas’s theory of the virtues of filial piety and prudence can make to the ethical dilemmas of elder care. In examining Aquinas’s theory, I explicate the relationship between moral agency and prudence, (...)
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    Feminine Role Designations in the Comedies of Plautus.Zola M. Packman - 1999 - American Journal of Philology 120 (2):245-258.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminine Role Designations in the Comedies of PlautusZ. M. PackmanThere is a considerable degree of inconsistency in the role designations applied to female characters in the list of personae published with each of the Plautine comedies in the standard modern editions. My purpose here is to compare these role designations as they appear in modern editions with the designations attested by the scene headings of the manuscripts, identifying and (...)
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    The Incredible and the Incredulous:: The Vocabulary of Disbelief in Herodotus, Thucydides, and Xenophon.Zola Packman - 1991 - Hermes 119 (4):399-414.
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  39. Amnesia I: Neuroanatomic and clinical issues.S. Zola - 2000 - In Martha J. Farah & Todd E. Feinberg (eds.), Patient-Based Approaches to Cognitive Neuroscience. MIT Press. pp. 275--290.
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  40. Childrens perception of multiply fixated words.D. Zola, Gw Mcconkie, Pm Wolff & Jm Grimes - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (6):524-524.
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    Creating, Reinventing, and Assessing Cultural Performances in The Sakha Republic.Lia Zola - 2009 - World Futures 65 (8):613-619.
    This article aims at offering a broad perspective on the evolution and changes of the national Sakha kumys , a beverage made up of raw mare's milk that is quite popular in the Middle Asia area, above all among Turkic-speaking nomadic cattle breeders such as Kazaks, Bashkirs, Tatars, Tuvans, Altaians, and Sakha. I argue that, in spite of its use as an everyday commodity of the Sakha's diet until the beginning of the twentieth century, today it appears to be the (...)
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    Remembering the hippocampus.Stuart M. Zola & Larry R. Squire - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (3):469-471.
    The proposal that the hippocampus is important for the encoding of episodic information, but not familiarity-based recognition, is incompatible with the available data. An alternative way to think about functional specialization within the medial temporal lobe memory system is suggested, based on neuroanatomy.
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  43. Book review: Kristin Shrader-frechette. Environmental justice: Creating equality, reclaiming democracy. Oxford and new York: Oxford university press, 2002. [REVIEW]Avner De-Shalit - 2004 - Ethics and the Environment 9 (1):140-144.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Environmental Justice: Creating Equality, Reclaiming DemocracyAvner De-Shalit (bio)Environmental Justice: Creating Equality, Reclaiming Democracy, by Kristin Shrader-Frechette. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press. 2002. Pp. 269 including index. ISBN: 0-19-515203-4.At the very last page of her book Kristin Shrader-Frechette writes: "We fail to recognize that unless we are the agents of democracy and social reform, there will be neither democracy nor social reform." This is such a short (...)
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  44.  27
    Is visual information integrated across successive fixations in reading?G. W. McConkie & D. Zola - 1979 - Perception and Psychophysics 25:221-24.
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    Structure and function of declarative and nondeclarative memory systems.L. R. Squire & Stuart Zola - 1996 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 93 (24):13515-13522.
  46. ‘Ghastly marionettes’ and the political metaphysics of cognitive liberalism: Anti-behaviourism, language, and the origins of totalitarianism.Danielle Judith Zola Carr - 2020 - History of the Human Sciences 33 (1):147-174.
    While behaviourist psychology had proven its worth to the US military during the Second World War, the 1950s saw behaviourism increasingly associated with a Cold War discourse of ‘totalitarianism’. This article considers the argument made in Hannah Arendt’s The Origins of Totalitarianism on totalitarianism as a form of behaviourist control. By connecting Arendt’s Cold War anti-behaviourism both to its discursive antecedents in a Progressive-era critique of industrial labour, and to contemporaneous attacks on behaviourism, this paper aims to answer two interlocking (...)
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    Researchers’ responsibilities in resource-constrained settings: experiences of implementing an ancillary care policy in a vaccine trial in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.Gwen Lemey, Trésor Zola, Ynke Larivière, Solange Milolo, Engbu Danoff, Lazarre Bakonga, Emmanuel Esanga, Peter Vermeiren, Vivi Maketa, Junior Matangila, Patrick Mitashi, Pierre Van Damme, Jean-Pierre van Geertruyden, Raffaella Ravinetto & Hypolite Muhindo-Mavoko - 2024 - Research Ethics 20 (1):79-95.
    In this paper, we discuss challenges associated with implementing a policy for Ancillary Care (AC) for related and unrelated (serious) adverse events during an Ebola vaccine trial conducted in a remote area of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Conducting clinical trials in resourceconstrained settings can raise context-related challenges that have implications for study participants’ health and wellbeing. During the Ebola vaccine study, three participants were injured in road traffic accidents, but there were unexpected difficulties when trying to apply the (...)
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    Emile Durkheim on Morality and Society.Emile Durkheim - 1973 - University of Chicago Press.
    Selections from Durkheim's writings focus on the nature of his conception of society and its moral context.
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    Memory: organization of brain systems and cognition.Larry R. Squire, S. Zola-Morgan, C. B. Cave, F. Haist, G. Musen & W. A. Suzuki - 1993 - In David E. Meyer & Sylvan Kornblum (eds.), Attention and Performance XIV: Synergies in Experimental Psychology, Artificial Intelligence, and Cognitive Neuroscience. MIT Press.
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    Temoignage de M. Emile brehier.Emile Brehier - 1945 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 20:16.
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