Results for ' abortive behavior'

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  1.  23
    Studies of abnormal behavior in the rat. IV. Abortive behavior and its relation to the neurotic attack.N. R. F. Maier - 1940 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 27 (4):369.
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    Religious beliefs in public administration and behaviour surrounding abortion decriminalisation in COVID-19 era.Cruz García Lirios, Gilberto Bermúdez-Ruíz, Tirso Javier Hernandez Gracia, Juan Mansilla Sepúlveda, Victor Hugo Meriño Cordoba & Claudia Huaiquián Billeke - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):7.
    In the context of reproductive health, policies focused on decriminalising abortion that resulted in religious beliefs, attitudes and behaviours being affected. The main purpose of this article was to identify the religious beliefs of abortion in the emergency situations such as COVID-19. Although there is no general consensus regarding abortion, there is almost ‘general opposition to causing harm to life’ in most religions. In the current study, 28 indicators and four factors (seven for each factor) related to pregnancy termination were (...)
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  3. Abortion and referrals for abortion: is the law in need of change?Demian Whiting - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (5):1006-1008.
    In an article published recently in this journal Daniel Hill argues that it is unacceptable that British law allows doctors to refuse to terminate non-emergency pregnancies but not to refuse to refer given that many doctors who are opposed to non-emergency abortion will be opposed also to any action that aids non-emergency abortion, including the action of referral. In this reply, I argue that Hill’s argument fails to describe properly the correct function of the law, which has never been about (...)
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  4. The Problem of Fetal Pain and Abortion: Toward an Ethical Consensus for Appropriate Behavior.E. Christian Brugger - 2012 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 22 (3):263-287.
    This essay concerns what people should do in conflict situations when a doubt of fact bears on settling whether an alternative under consideration is legitimate or not. Its principal audience are those who believe that abortion can be legitimate when not having an abortion gives rise to serious harms that can be avoided by having one, but who are concerned that fetuses might feel pain when being aborted, and who believe that causing unnecessary pain should be avoided when doing so (...)
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  5.  37
    Abortion Bans, Doctors, and the Criminalization of Patients.Michelle Oberman - 2018 - Hastings Center Report 48 (2):5-6.
    January 2018, the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology issued a position statement opposing the punishment of women for self‐induced abortion. To those unfamiliar with emerging trends in abortion in the United States and worldwide, the need for the declaration might not be apparent. Several studies suggest that self‐induced abortion is on the rise in the United States. Simultaneously, prosecutions of pregnant women for behavior thought to harm the fetus are increasing. The ACOG statement responds to both trends by (...)
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    Coerced Abortion – The Neglected Face of Reproductive Coercion.Gregory K. Pike - 2022 - The New Bioethics 29 (2):85-107.
    Reproductive coercion encompasses a collection of pregnancy promoting and pregnancy avoiding behaviours. Coercion may vary in severity and be perpetrated by intimate partners or others. Research is complicated by the inclusion of behaviours that do not necessarily involve an intention to influence reproduction, such as contraceptive sabotage. These behaviours are the most common, but are not always included in survey instruments. This may explain why the prevalence of reproductive coercion varies widely. Prevalence also varies when coerced abortion is included in (...)
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    Ethical dilemmas in abortion due to congenital abnormalities.Noel Taboada Lugo - 2017 - Humanidades Médicas 17 (1):17-30.
    El aborto voluntario del embarazo es un tema de salud global y constituye uno de los más complejos de la bioética, pues tiene connotaciones psicológicas, éticas y jurídicas no solo para la persona que lo practica, sino también para la sociedad donde se desarrolla y para el lugar que en esta ocupa la mujer. Para profundizar en la temática se realizó una revisión bibliográfica para exponer algunos de los dilemas éticos en cuanto a la interrupción del embarazo por malformaciones congénitas. (...)
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  8.  21
    Why Ectogestation Is Unlikely to Transform the Abortion Debate: a Discussion of ‘Ectogestation and the Problem of Abortion’.Daniel Rodger - 2020 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (4):1929-1935.
    In this commentary, I will consider the implications of the argument made by Christopher Stratman in ‘Ectogestation and the Problem of Abortion’. Clearly, the possibility of ectogestation will have some effect on the ethical debate on abortion. However, I have become increasingly sceptical that the possibility of ectogestation will transform the problem of abortion. Here, I outline some of my reasons to justify this scepticism. First, I argue that virtually everything we already know about unintended pregnancies, abortion and adoption does (...)
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  9. Abortion, competing entitlements, and parental responsibility.Alex Rajczi - 2009 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 26 (4):379-395.
    Don Marquis offered the most famous philosophical argument against abortion. His argument contained a novel defence of the idea that foetuses have the same moral status as ordinary adults. The first half of this paper contends that even if Marquis has shown that foetuses have this status, he has not proven that abortion is therefore wrong. Instead his argument falls victim to problems similar to those raised by Judith Thomson, problems that have plagued most anti-abortion arguments since. Once Marquis's anti-abortion (...)
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  10. Why Ectogestation is Unlikely to Transform the Abortion Debate: A discussion of 'Ectogestation and the Problem of Abortion'.Daniel Rodger - 2020 - Philosophy and Technology (4):1-7.
    In this commentary, I will consider the implications of the argument made by Christopher Stratman (2020) in ‘Ectogestation and the Problem of Abortion’. Clearly, the possibility of ectogestation will have some effect on the ethical debate on abortion. However, I have become increasingly sceptical that the possibility of ectogestation will transform the problem of abortion. Here, I outline some of my reasons to justify this scepticism. First, that virtually everything we already know about unintended pregnancies, abortion and adoption does not (...)
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  11.  16
    Risk behavior and sexual and reproductive problems in ecuadorian college students.Rosa Del Carmen Saeteros Hernández, Julia Pérez Piñero & Giselda Sanabria Ramos - 2015 - Humanidades Médicas 15 (3):421-439.
    Introducción: El embarazo, aborto, las infecciones de transmisión sexual incluido el Virus de Inmuno Deficiencia Humana, se han convertido en problemas sanitarios de mayor vulnerabilidad en jóvenes. Objetivo: Describir las conductas de riesgo y prevalencia de problemas sexuales y reproductivos de estudiantes universitarios. Método: Investigación descriptiva, el universo estuvo constituido por alumnos de dos grupos de segundo semestre; el grupo de estudio conformado por la totalidad de estudiantes de la Facultad de Salud Pública ; y el control seleccionado mediante una (...)
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  12.  24
    Conscientious objection to abortion: why it should be a specified legal right for doctors in South Korea.Claire Junga Kim - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-10.
    BackgroundIn 2019, the Constitutional Court of South Korea ruled that the anti-abortion provisions in the Criminal Act, which criminalize abortion, do not conform to the Constitution. This decision will lead to a total reversal of doctors’ legal duty from the obligation to refuse abortion services to their requirement to provide them, given the Medical Service Act that states that a doctor may not refuse a request for treatment or assistance in childbirth. I argue, confined to abortion services in Korea that (...)
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  13.  20
    Moral experiences in caring for voluntary pregnancy losses: A meta-ethnography.Sara Fernández Basanta, Iria Bouzas-González, Carmen Coronado & María-Jesús Movilla-Fernández - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (5):1134-1151.
    Voluntary abortions are relatively frequent and their care is complex due to the social stigma that surrounds these losses. This interpretive meta-ethnography of 11 original qualitative articles aims to synthesize the moral experiences of nurses and midwives who cared for women and couples that decided to abort or terminate the pregnancy due to foetal abnormalities. Lines of argument synthesis emerged after reciprocal and refutational translations, together with the metaphor, ‘Going with the flow or swimming against the tide’. Caring in these (...)
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  14.  53
    Clarifications on the moral status of newborns and the normative implications.Alberto Giubilini & Francesca Minerva - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (5):264-265.
    In this paper we clarify some issues related to our previous article ‘After-birth abortion: why should the baby live?’.
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  15.  44
    Evolutionary pathway of child development.Tamas Bereczkei & Andras Csanaky - 1996 - Human Nature 7 (3):257-280.
    An evolutionary theory of socialization suggests that children from father-absent families will mature earlier, and form less-stable pair bonds, compared with those from father-present families. Using a sample of about 1,000 persons the recent study focuses on elements of father-absent children’s behavior that could be better explained by a Darwinian approach than by rival social science theories. As a result of their enhanced interest in male competition, father-absent boys were found to engage in rule-breaking behavior more intensively than (...)
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  16. Starting at Home: Caring and Social Policy.Nel Noddings, Kelly Oliver, Cynthia Willet & Sonia Kruks - 2003 - Political Theory 31 (6):859-870.
    Nel Noddings, one of the central figures in the contemporary discussion of ethics and moral education, argues that caring--a way of life learned at home--can be extended into a theory that guides social policy. Tackling issues such as capital punishment, drug treatment, homelessness, mental illness, and abortion, Noddings inverts traditional philosophical priorities to show how an ethic of care can have profound and compelling implications for social and political thought. Instead of beginning with an ideal state and then describing a (...)
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  17.  42
    When conscientious objection runs amok: A physician refusing HIV preventative to a bisexual patient.Abram Brummett - 2021 - Clinical Ethics 16 (2):151-154.
    This paper reports of a case where a physician conscientiously objected to prescribing PrEP to a bisexual patient so as not to “enable immoral sexual behavior.” The case represents an instance of conscience creep, a phenomenon whereby clinicians invoke conscientious objection in sometimes objectionable ways that extend beyond the traditional contexts of abortion, sterilization, or physician aid in dying. This essay uses a reasonability view of conscientious objection to argue that the above case represents a discriminatory instance of conscience (...)
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  18. Moral Problems Among Dutch Nurses: a survey.Arie Jg van der Arend & Corine Hm Remmers-Van den Hurk - 1999 - Nursing Ethics 6 (6):468-482.
    This article reports on a survey of the moral problems that Dutch nurses experience during their everyday practice. A questionnaire was developed, based on published literature, panel discussions, in-depth interviews and participation observations. The instrument was tested in a pilot study and proved to be useful. A total of 2122 questionnaires were sent to 91 institutions in seven different health care settings. The results showed that nurses were not experiencing important societal issues such as abortion and euthanasia as morally the (...)
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  19.  35
    Reliance arguments, democratic law, and inequity.Seana Valentine Shiffrin - 2023 - Jurisprudence 14 (3):317-347.
    The reversal of Roe v. Wade raises the prospect that other due process guarantees upon which individuals have organised their lives, including the constitutional rights to same-sex intimacy and marriage, will be overturned. These potential upheavals in the hard-won legal infrastructure of basic social status call for a careful look at reliance arguments for sustaining constitutional precedent. When does reliance on a judicial decision provide reason for a court to sustain a precedent in the face of substantial doubts or convictions (...)
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  20.  20
    Calling Obesity a Disease Is A Terrible Decision.Moose Finklestein - 2014 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 4 (2):1-4.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Calling Obesity a Disease Is A Terrible DecisionMoose FinklesteinFactsThe medical world struggles to see the difference between health and body weight. It is still mostly combined with the strong belief that there is no way a fat person can be fit and healthy. Despite repeated studies and work to show differently, this prejudice remains. This has become part of what I call “Everyone Knows” pseudoscience, where data that have (...)
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  21.  8
    Jurismania: The Madness of American Law.Paul F. Campos - 1999 - Oxford University Press USA.
    In Jurismania, Paul Campos asserts that our legal system is beginning to exhibit symptoms of serious mental illness. Trials and appeals that stretch out for years and cost millions, 100 page appellate court opinions, 1,000 page statutes before which even lawyers tremble with fear, and a public that grows more litigious every day all testify to a judicial overkill that borders on obsessive-compulsive disorder. Campos locates the source of such madness, paradoxically, in our worship of reason and the resulting belief (...)
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  22.  37
    Framing, truth telling and the problem with non-directive counselling.D. Kirklin - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (1):58-62.
    In this paper several reasons as to why framing issues should be of greater interest to both medical ethicists and healthcare professionals are suggested: firstly, framing can help in explaining health behaviours that can, from the medical perspective, appear perverse; secondly, framing provides a way of describing the internal structure of ethical arguments; and thirdly, an understanding of framing issues can help in identifying clinical practices, such as non-directive counselling, which may, inadvertently, be failing to meet their own stated ethical (...)
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  23.  26
    Preface.Judith Gardiner & Bibi Obler - 2019 - Feminist Studies 45 (1):7-12.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:preface Within the current context in the United States, we tend to think of “choice” as the leading slogan of the liberal movement to expand women’s reproductive rights, particularly the right to elective abortion. But choice depends on context: on what is available, what is mandated, what is prohibited or discouraged, and what has not yet been imagined. This issue of Feminist Studies expands our thinking about available and (...)
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  24.  51
    Uso de contracepção por mulheres de diferentes grupos religiosos: diferenças ou semelhanças?Ingrid Gomes Dias da Costa & Angelita Alves Carvalho - 2014 - Horizonte 12 (36):1114-1139.
    Studies have shown that religion is an important cultural factor that may determine attitudes and behaviors, influencing many demographic variables such as sexuality, marriage, contraception, fertility, abortion, among others. An important variable that can be influenced by religion is the use of contraception, generating patterns differentiated by religious segment. Religion has several mechanisms of influence in the lives of practitioners of a faith, among them the rules, guidelines, sanctions and coercion. This study aims to identify and analyze possible differences in (...)
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  25.  11
    Nauczanie Jana Pawła II oraz Kościoła katolickiego dotyczące zagadnień etycznych życia rodzinnego i partnerskiego a poglądy na ten temat łódzkiej młodzieży akademickiej.Witold Śmigielski - 2011 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 14 (2):27-36.
    Evaluating demographical changes in Poland and Europe at the turn of 20th century, researchers more often use the expression „family crisis”. The increase in the number of divorces and in the number of extra-marital births, prevalence of pre-marital cohabitation, as well as its increased acceptance in the society and the increase in the scope of voluntary childlessness make up such an approach to the situation. This article presents and discusses the results of a survey concerning ethical matters of family life (...)
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  26.  72
    Recognizing bioethical issues and ethical qualification in nursing students and faculty in South Korea.Kwisoon Choe, Eunju Song & Youngmi Kang - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (2):0969733012472734.
    The role of nursing faculty members in charge of ethics education is important. Although all nursing students receive the same bioethics education, their experiences differ, related to ethical qualification, which depends on the personal socialization process. This Korean study aimed to provide nursing faculty members with the basic data to help them develop as bioethics experts and provide nursing students with knowledge to improve their ethical decision-making abilities. We used a survey design to assess recognition of bioethical issues and ethical (...)
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  27.  22
    The science of morality: the individual, community, and future generations.Joseph L. Daleiden - 1998 - Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    Offers the view that only an interdisciplinary view grounded in the impartial method of scientific inquiry can hope to develop moral principles and rules of action appropriate to today's world. Daleiden, a lecturer and author, argues that only a scientific understanding of human nature in conjunction with a rigorous empirical analysis of human behavior and its consequences can provide a basis for formulating sets of norms best suited to society's needs. He reviews various systems of ethics, from those proposed (...)
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  28.  73
    Starting at Home: Caring and Social Policy.Nel Noddings - 2002 - University of California Press.
    Nel Noddings, one of the central figures in the contemporary discussion of ethics and moral education, argues that caring--a way of life learned at home--can be extended into a theory that guides social policy. Tackling issues such as capital punishment, drug treatment, homelessness, mental illness, and abortion, Noddings inverts traditional philosophical priorities to show how an ethic of care can have profound and compelling implications for social and political thought. Instead of beginning with an ideal state and then describing a (...)
  29.  7
    What the Torture Debate Reveals about American Evangelical Christianity.David P. Gushee - 2010 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 30 (1):79-97.
    THE DISCOVERY OF DETAINEE ABUSE AT ABU GHRAIB IN 2004 FOLLOWED by the gradual disclosure or release of government documents signaling that decisive policy shifts by the U.S. government led directly to such abuses contributed to a dispiriting national debate about the morality of torture—a debate that continues today. An ongoing fracture between competing social-political-ethical visions in the evangelical world has been revealed and further exacerbated by this debate over torture. Politically conservative evangelicals restrict their policy engagement to issues such (...)
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  30.  21
    “Limiting Fundamental Rights to Only Those Founded Upon Longstanding History and Tradition Undermines the Court’s Legitimacy and Disavows Individual Human Dignity”.Vincent Samar - forthcoming - Connecticut Public Interest Law Review.
    The Supreme Court’s antiabortion opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Org., which overruled Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood of S.E. Penn. v. Casey, on the one-hand suggests that the Court may be moving toward eliminating all non-enumerated fundamental rights not deeply rooted in the Nation’s longstanding history and tradition. On the other hand, it may suggest only that the Court might be just opening the door to overruling specific non-enumerated rights with which it no longer agrees. Either way, (...)
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    Diskriminierung und Privatsphäre: Der Diskriminierungsvorwurf als moralischer Vorwurf in der Debatte um die vorgeburtliche Selektion genetisch geschädigter Föten.Weyma Lübbe - 2006 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 50 (1):265-276.
    This article examines the claim that the practice of selective abortion after prenatal testing discriminates against the disabled. First, the difference between a legal claim and a weaker and less clearly addressed, but more frequently expressed »moral« claim is considered. The argument proceeds then by considering the analogy of »discriminating« against the disabled in partner choice. The liberal idea of a sphere of privacy where selective behaviour is nottobe criticised is assessed and its justitiable and non-justifiable aspects are brought out.
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  32.  19
    Moral Problems Among Dutch Nurses: a survey.Arie J. G. van der Arend & Corine H. M. Remmers-van den Hurk - 1999 - Nursing Ethics 6 (6):468-482.
    This article reports on a survey of the moral problems that Dutch nurses experience during their everyday practice. A questionnaire was developed, based on published literature, panel discussions, in-depth interviews and participation observations. The instrument was tested in a pilot study and proved to be useful. A total of 2122 questionnaires were sent to 91 institutions in seven different health care settings. The results showed that nurses were not experiencing important societal issues such as abortion and euthanasia as morally the (...)
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    (1 other version)Rodni aspekti etike.Jasenka Kodrnja - 2005 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 25 (4):805-814.
    The author gives a model by which it is possible to interpret ethics from the standpoint of gender. Above all, it emphasizes the importance of recognizing the level of particularity and its integration between the universal and individual level. This methodological instruction enables us to recognize social differences that result from various types of repression, and affect the possibility of ethical behaviour of large groups of people. It results in the impossibility of individuals’ to act ethically and, subsequently, in their (...)
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  34.  26
    Imperfect Conceptions: Medical Knowledge, Birth Defects, and Eugenics in China.Frank Dikötter - 1998 - Columbia University Press.
    In 1995 the People's Republic of China passed a controversial Eugenics Law, which, after a torrent of international criticism, was euphemistically renamed the Maternal and Infant Health Law. Aimed at "the implementation of premarital medical checkups" to ensure that neither partner has any hereditary, venereal, reproductive, or mental disorders, the ordinance implies that those deemed "unsuitable for reproduction" should undergo sterilization or abortion or remain celibate in order to prevent "inferior births." Using this recent statute as a springboard, Frank Dikötter (...)
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  35. A testable mind-brain theory.Ralph L. Smith - 1999 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 20 (4):421-436.
    Proceeding from the observation by Ryle that I cannot prepare myself for the next thought that I am going to think, I argue that conscious acts cannot control my bodily motions or thoughts. This position is not compatible with indeterminism. I also argue that consciousness represents the irreducible and multi-modal output of the behavioral control system sensors necessary for the control of human behavior demonstrated by Marken . My analysis supports one experimental result obtained by Libet, Gleason, Wright, and (...)
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  36. An introduction to buddhist ethics: Foundations, values and issues.Peter Harvey & Mark Siderits - 2004 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 31 (3):405–409.
    This systematic introduction to Buddhist ethics is aimed at anyone interested in Buddhism, including students, scholars and general readers. Peter Harvey is the author of the acclaimed Introduction to Buddhism, and his new book is written in a clear style, assuming no prior knowledge. At the same time it develops a careful, probing analysis of the nature and practical dynamics of Buddhist ethics in both its unifying themes and in the particularities of different Buddhist traditions. The book applies Buddhist ethics (...)
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  37.  46
    Content analysis of requests for religious exemptions from a mandatory influenza vaccination program for healthcare personnel.Armand H. Antommaria & Cynthia A. Prows - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (6):389-391.
    Objective Having failed to achieve adequate influenza vaccination rates among employees through voluntary programmes, healthcare organisations have adopted mandatory ones. Some programmes permit religious exemptions, but little is known about who requests religious objections or why. Methods Content analysis of applications for religious exemptions from influenza vaccination at a free-standing children’s hospital in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA during the 2014–2015 influenza season. Results Twelve of 15 260 employees submitted applications requesting religious exemptions. Requestors included both clinical and non-clinical employees. All requestors (...)
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    Bioethics Reconsidered: Theory and Method in a Post-Christian, Post-Modern Age.Hugo Tristram Engelhardt - 1996 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 6 (4):336-341.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Bioethics Reconsidered: Theory and Method in a Post-Christian, Post-Modern AgeH. Tristram Engelhardt Jr. (bio)A candid assessment of the moral significance of our post-Christian, post-modern era calls for a reconsideration of the very project of bioethics. For many bioethicists, concerns for theory and method are secondary. 1 These scholars presuppose a common morality and a reasonable, overlapping consensus regarding [End Page 336] an appropriate polity. They assume as well that (...)
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    The Shaman and the Ghosts of Unnatural Death: On the Efficacy of a Ritual.Boyd Michailovsky & Philippe Sagant - 1992 - Diogenes 40 (158):19-37.
    In the Himalayan region, and even beyond it, odd behavior, illnesses, and especially sudden or accidental deaths, are attributed to the actions of the dead who have come back to torment the living.Among the Limbu tribesmen of eastern Nepal, these attacks take many different forms. The symptoms have very little in common from illness to illness. The eyes of infants roll back into their heads; they refuse to take the breast and die after only several months of life (they (...)
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    (1 other version)What Is human nature for?Grant Ramsey - unknown
    Questions about what human nature is and how we can learn about it are difficult to answer. They are difficult not just because humans are complex creatures whose behavior is deeply embedded in the cultural environment that they are a part of, but also because it is not obvious what a concept of human nature is supposed to do or what it is for. The concept of human nature is often used as a normative concept, one that can serve (...)
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    Pagan Ethics: Paganism as a World Religion.Michael York - 2016 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book is the first comprehensive examination of the ethical parameters of paganism when considered as a world religion alongside Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism and Buddhism. The issues of evil, value and idolatry from a pagan perspective are analyzed as part of the Western ethical tradition from the Sophists and Platonic schools through the philosophers Spinoza, Hume, Kant and Nietzsche to such contemporary thinkers as Grayling, Mackie, MacIntyre, Habermas, Levinas, Santayana, et cetera From a more practical viewpoint, a delineation of (...)
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    Recognizing bioethical issues and ethical qualification in nursing students and faculty in South Korea.Kwisoon Choe, Eunju Song & Youngmi Kang - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (2):213-225.
    The role of nursing faculty members in charge of ethics education is important. Although all nursing students receive the same bioethics education, their experiences differ, related to ethical qualification, which depends on the personal socialization process. This Korean study aimed to provide nursing faculty members with the basic data to help them develop as bioethics experts and provide nursing students with knowledge to improve their ethical decision-making abilities. We used a survey design to assess recognition of bioethical issues and ethical (...)
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  43. Objects of Intention: A Hylomorphic Critique of the New Natural Law Theory.Matthew B. O’Brien & Robert C. Koons - 2012 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 86 (4):655-703.
    The “New Natural Law” Theory (NNL) of Germain Grisez, John Finnis, Joseph Boyle, and their collaborators offers a distinctive account of intentional action, which underlies a moral theory that aims to justify many aspects of traditional morality and Catholic doctrine. -/- In fact, we show that the NNL is committed to premises that entail the permissibility of many actions that are irreconcilable with traditional morality and Catholic doctrine, such as elective abortions. These consequences follow principally from two aspects of the (...)
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    A Catholic Approach to Adolescent Medicine.M. D. Heyne, M. D. Hernandez & M. D. Gilbert - 2019 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 19 (1):63-88.
    Adolescence is an important yet vulnerable period of transition from childhood to adulthood. An increasing number of studies support the traditional Catholic view, which sees teens as prone to making poor decisions when influ­enced by emotions or peer pressure but capable of thriving when guided by parents and religion. However, newer policies of medical societies undermine the traditional supports of family and faith with a permissive approach toward sexual exploration. To counter this unhealthy trend, which seems to be based more (...)
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    Being good: an introduction to ethics.Simon Blackburn - 2001 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    From political scandals at the highest levels to inflated repair bills at the local garage, we are seemingly surrounded with unethical behavior, so why should we behave any differently? Why should we go through life anchored down by rules no one else seems to follow? Writing with wit and elegance, Simon Blackburn tackles such questions in this lively look at ethics, highlighting the complications and doubts and troubling issues that spring from the very simple question of how we ought (...)
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    Ethics in the Gray Area.Martin Peterson - 2023 - Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
    What should morally conscientious agents do if they must choose among options that are somewhat right and somewhat wrong? Should one select an option that is right to the highest degree, or would it perhaps be more rational to choose randomly among all somewhat right options? And how should lawmakers and courts address behaviour that is neither entirely right nor entirely wrong? In this first book-length discussion of the 'gray area' in ethics, Martin Peterson challenges the assumption that rightness and (...)
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  47. Psychiatric Dasein.Christopher Heginbotham - 2004 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 11 (2):147-150.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:'Psychiatric Dasein'Christopher Heginbotham (bio)Fulford and Colombo's pioneering work (2004)in linguistic analysis offers valuable insights and 'deconstructs' the often inter-related concepts of mental disorder and treatment. Their paper describes a combined philosophical and empirical research program developed to study "the role models of disorder in the community care of people with long-term schizophrenia" (2004, 130). They claim that the approach supplies a key explanatory insight into the nature of the (...)
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  48. Is there a logical slippery slope from voluntary to nonvoluntary euthanasia?David Albert Jones - 2011 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 21 (4):379-404.
    Slippery slope arguments have been important in the euthanasia debate for at least half a century. In 1957 the Cambridge legal scholar Glanville Williams wrote a controversial book, The Sanctity of Life and the Criminal Law, in which he presented the decriminalizing of euthanasia as a modern liberal proposal taking its rightful place alongside proposals to decriminalize contraception, sterilization, abortion, and attempted suicide (all of which the book also advocated).1 Opposition to these reforms was in turn presented as exclusively religious (...)
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  49. When do circumstances excuse? Moral prejudices and beliefs about the true self drive preferences for agency-minimizing explanations.Simon Cullen - 2018 - Cognition 180 (C):165-181.
    When explaining human actions, people usually focus on a small subset of potential causes. What leads us to prefer certain explanations for valenced actions over others? The present studies indicate that our moral attitudes often predict our explanatory preferences far better than our beliefs about how causally sensitive actions are to features of the actor's environment. Study 1 found that high-prejudice participants were much more likely to endorse non-agential explanations of an erotic same-sex encounter, such as that one of the (...)
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    Etyka i przerywanie ciąży.Zbigniew Szawarski - 1978 - Etyka 16:51-80.
    One of the most commonly adduced arguments in the discussions on abortion says that a foetus is a human being. The article presents three classical types of criteria used to establish what is a human being: the genetic criterion, the criterion referring to development of the foetus, and the criterion of being born from human parents. The article takes up the problem of the perspectives for establishing a definition of man. The author believes that the concept of men is an (...)
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