Results for ' alien concepts'

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  1.  17
    Alien concepts and South Asian reality: responses and reformulations.T. K. Oommen - 1995 - Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Pubications.
    "The papers are marked by a high degree of intellectual perspicacity and help us to reformulate certain "alien" concepts to our indigenous needs.... Oommen gives us a competent analysis of the extant situation. His "reformulation" could act as the springboard of fresh political thinking to resolve the present crises." --The Tribune "The attempt to re-examine some of the prevalent social science theories is a very relevant exercise. It is a book which should be of interest not only to (...)
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    Alien concepts.R. M. Dancy - 1983 - Synthese 56 (3):283 - 300.
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    Alienation: Concept, Term, and Meanings.Frank Johnson - 1974 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 35 (1):131-134.
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  4. "Racism"or "rebirth"? The Case for Granting German Citizenship to the Alien Concept "generic fascism"'.Roger Griffin - 2000 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 11 (2):300-3.
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    Palliative Care: An Alien Concept in Pakistan.Nadia Pyarali Mulji & Sumaira Sachwani - 2017 - Journal of Clinical Research and Bioethics 8 (2).
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    Frank Johnson "Alienation: Concept, Term, and Meanings". [REVIEW]Bernard Murchland - 1974 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 35 (1):131.
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  7. Alienation: the concept and its reception.Nathan Rotenstreich - 1989 - New York: E.J. Brill.
    CHAPTER ONE TRANSMUTATIONS OF THE CONCEPT Over the ages the term "alienation" has been used with different and even contradictory meanings, ...
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    Alienation, Self-Blindness, and the Concept of Belief.Casey Doyle - 2025 - In Adam Andreotta & Benjamin Winokur (eds.), New perspectives on transparency and self-knowledge. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 142-165.
    Richard Moran and Matthew Boyle have objected to a variety of accounts of self-knowledge of belief on the grounds that they depict us, in possessing that knowledge, as alienated from our beliefs. The idea of alienation is meant to capture something important about the first-person perspective and to help us rule out competing accounts of self-knowledge. Moran and Boyle’s claim is that standing in a first-personal relation to one’s belief involves both knowing what one believes and occupying the perspective of (...)
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  9. Alienation: Marx's Conception of Man in a Capitalist Society.Bertell Ollman - 1971 - Cambridge University Press.
    In this book, the most thorough account of Marx's theory of alienation yet to have appeared in English, Professor Ollman reconstructs the theory from its constituent parts and offers it as a vantage point from which to view the rest of Marxism. The book further contains a detailed examination of Marx's philosophy of internal relations, the much neglected logical foudation of his method, and provides a systematic account of Marx's conception of human nature. Because of its almost unique concern with (...)
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  10. The Concept of World Alienation in Hannah Arendt.Jonathan Rößler - 2023 - Arendt Studies 7:139-163.
    This article explores the concept of “world alienation” in the work of Hannah Arendt. It seeks to answer two sets of questions. First, what exactly is “world alienation” and how does Arendt’s concept differ from other theories of alienation? Second, what does “world alienation” mean in regard to Arendt’s characterisation of modernity, and what remedies does Arendt equip us with to overcome alienation? The article shows that Arendt’s notion of alienation emerges from her understanding of the “world” as a realm (...)
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  11. Alienation as a critical concept.Sean Sayers - 2011 - International Critical Thought 1 (3):287-304.
    This paper discusses Marx’s concept of alienated (or estranged) labour, focusing mainly on his account in the Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844. This concept is frequently taken to be a moral notion based on a concept of universal human nature. This view is criticized and it is argued that the concept of alienation should rather be interpreted in the light of Hegelian historical ideas. In Hegel, alienation is not a purely negative phenomenon; it is a necessary stage of human (...)
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  12. The concept of alienation in existentialism and marxism Hegelian themes in modern social thought.Sean Sayers - unknown
    The concept of alienation is one of the most important and fruitful legacies of Hegel's social philosophy. It is strange therefore that Hegel's own account is widely rejected, not least by writers in those traditions which have taken up and developed the concept in the most influential ways: Marxism and existentialism.
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    The concept of alienation in sociology.Andrija Gams - 1991 - Filozofija I Društvo 1991 (3):59-108.
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  14. The alienation of revolution or the criticism of real socialism in the concepts of Schaff, Adam.L. Hrzal & V. Kuzminskij - 1985 - Filosoficky Casopis 33 (1):108-140.
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    The Concept of Alienation in Janusz Korczak's Works.Henryk Rosen - 1989 - Dialectics and Humanism 16 (1):135-147.
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    Alienation and value-neutrality.A. J. Loughlin - 1998 - Brookfield, Vt.: Ashgate.
    The author exposes an alienating conception of rationality and its influence over modern liberal thought and practice, looking specifically at the rise in moral relativism and the development of the liberal democratic state.
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  17. L'aliénation comme concept sociologique.Claude Lefort - 1996 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 101:195-214.
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    Alienation as a Social Pathology: Evaluating Jaeggi's Concept of Alienation.Wouter Wiersma - forthcoming - Journal of Social Philosophy.
    This paper examines to what extent Jaeggi’s concept of alienation can account for instances of alienation that have a social cause and require a social solution. The paper argues that there are three interrelated problems with her account of alienation. First, Jaeggi’s conception of alienation is unable to make a distinction between individual and social causes of alienation. Second, Jaeggi constructs alienation as an individual failure to appropriate norms and roles properly, but in doing so, conflates two requirements for appropriation, (...)
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  19. The Concept of 'Alienation' in Recent American Thought.Frederick Sontag - 1976 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 6 (2):167.
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    Alienation: Marx's Concept of Man in Capitalist Society.Cristiano Camporesi - 1972 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1972 (13):138-140.
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    Pour une actualisation du concept d'aliénation.Yvon Quiniou - 2006 - Actuel Marx 39:71-88.
    Yvon Quiniou, For a Rethinking of the Concept of Alienation. Because of its ambiguities, the concept of alienation needs to be rethought. Whether in its examination of the various aspects of work or in its consideration of the relation of humanity to its history, the notion can and must be called into question. However, when the aim is the examination of the development of humans inside class-structured societies which prevent them from achieving their potentialities, the pertinence of the concept is (...)
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    The Concept of Alienation in Avant-garde Yugoslav Marxism.Oskar Gruenwald - 1977 - International Philosophical Quarterly 17 (2):195-218.
  23. Alienation and the Concept of Modernity.Dove Kr - 1976 - Analecta Husserliana 5:187-204.
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    Is Law Morally Risky? Alienation, Acceptance and Hart's Concept of Law.Michael A. Wilkinson - 2010 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 30 (3):441-466.
    According to Hart’s concept of law one of the distinctive characteristics of a legal order is that it is sustainable on the basis of official acceptance alone. Can we go further and say that law is morally risky in the sense that it is endemically liable to become alienated from its subjects? On the basis of Hart’s weak formulation of acceptance there is nothing to suppose that acceptance and (an absence of) alienation are connected. However, on closer inspection, this weak (...)
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  25. The concept of alienation in modern sociology.Igor S. Kon - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  26. Alienation, Engagement, and Welfare.James Fanciullo - forthcoming - Philosophical Quarterly.
    The alienation constraint on theories of well-being has been influentially expressed thus: 'what is intrinsically valuable for a person must have a connection with what he would find in some degree compelling or attractive …. It would be an intolerably alienated conception of someone’s good to imagine that it might fail in any such way to engage him' (Railton 1986: 9). Many agree this claim expresses something true, but there is little consensus on how exactly the constraint is to be (...)
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  27. Concept of Alienation in Hegel’s Social Philosophy.Sujit Debnath - 2020 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 37 (1):51-66.
    In this paper I made an attempt to discuss how the concept of alienation has been discussed in G.W.F. Hegel’s (1770–1831) social philosophy. In Hegel’s philosophy, alienation is part of the process of self-creativity and self-discovery. According to Hegel, initially our consciousness is alienated from itself. It cannot understand its own true nature. In order to realize its own true nature consciousness’s needs to develop absolute knowledge. The development of consciousness’s absolute knowledge is possible through the overcoming of self-alienation of (...)
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  28. The Unity of Marx’s Concept of Alienated Labor.Pascal Brixel - 2024 - Philosophical Review 133 (1):33-71.
    Marx says of alienated labor that it does not “belong” to the worker, that it issues in a product that does not belong to her, and that it is unfulfilling, unfree, egoistically motivated, and inhuman. He seems to think, moreover, that the first of these features grounds all the others. All of these features seem quite independent, however: they can come apart; they share no obvious common cause or explanation; and if they often occur together, this seems accidental. It is (...)
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    Development of the concept and theory of alienation in Marx's writings, March 1843 to August 1844.Nasir Khan - 1995 - Portland, Or.: Distributed in U.S. by International Specialized Book Service.
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    Marx and alienation: essays on Hegelian themes.Sean Sayers - 2011 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    The concept of alienation: Hegelian themes in modern social thought -- Creative activity and alienation in Hegel and Marx -- The concept of labour -- The individual and society -- Freedom and the "realm of necessity" -- Alienation as a critical concept -- Private property and communism -- The division of labour and its overcoming -- Marx's concept of communism.
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  31. Alienation and the Concept of Modernity.Kenley R. Dove - 1976 - Analecta Husserliana 5:187.
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    Phenomenology of the Alien: Basic Concepts.Bernhard Waldenfels - 2011 - Northwestern University Press.
    Introduction : facets of the alien -- The human as a liminal being -- Between pathos and response -- Response to the alien -- Corporeal experience between selfhood and otherness -- Thresholds of attention -- Between cultures.
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    Alienation of persons and tensions in community: A feminist critique of Hegel's and Marx's conceptions of alienation.Bernd Fischer & Barbara S. Krasner - 1997 - The European Legacy 2 (2):283-289.
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  34. Alienation: Marx's Conception of Man in Capitalist Society. [REVIEW]R. F. T. - 1972 - Review of Metaphysics 25 (4):764-764.
    This latest volume in the series Cambridge Studies in the History and Theory of Politics is much more than a reassessment of humanist themes in Karl Marx. It is a rereading of the entire Marxian corpus from the viewpoint of alienation taken to be core concept of Marx's thought at every stage of its development. By underscoring the conceptual primacy of "the acting and acted-upon individual" in capitalist society throughout Marx's writings, Ollman counters Feuer, Fromm and others who defend what (...)
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  35. Alienation and Externality.Timothy Schroeder & Nomy Arpaly - 1999 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 29 (3):371-387.
    Harry Frankfurt introduces the concept of externality. Externality is supposed to be a fact about the structure of an agent's will. We argue that the pre-theorethical basis of externality has a lot more to do with feelings of alienation than it does with the will. Once we realize that intuitions about externality are guided by intuitions about feelings of alienation surprising conclusions follow regarding the structure of our will.
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    "Alienation: Marx's Conception of Man in Capitalist Society," by Bertell Ollman. [REVIEW]Thomas H. Lutzow - 1973 - Modern Schoolman 50 (2):243-243.
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    On the Ecstatic Sources of the Concept of "Alienation".Nathan Rotenstreich - 1963 - Review of Metaphysics 16 (3):550 - 555.
    The term ἀλλοίωσις appears in Plato's Republic, 381, as a verb, when Socrates speaks about the fact that the brave and wise soul is the least disturbed and changed by external influences. This term as a noun, in its Latin rendering, alienatio, occurs in St. Augustine, as we shall see presently. Plotinus' description of the relationship between contemplation and the soul's loss of knowledge of herself, is of decisive importance in this context. When the soul is immersed in pure contemplation (...)
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  38.  12
    Alienation and Theatricality: Diderot After Brecht.Phoebe von Held - 2011 - Legenda.
    Alienation (Vefremdung) is a concept inextricably linked with the name of twentieth-century German playwright Bertolt Brecht, with modernism, the avant-garde and Marxists theory. However, as Phoebe von Held argues in this book 'alienation' as a sociological and aesthetic notion avant la lettre head already surfaced in the thought of eighteenth-century French philosopher and writer Denis Diderot. This original study destablizes the conventional understanding of alienation through a reading of Le Paradoxe sur le comTdien, Le Neveu de Rameau and other works (...)
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    Feuerbach’s Concept of Religious Alienation and Its Influence.Sujit Debnath - 2021 - Tattva Journal of Philosophy 13 (1):29-42.
    The present study is an attempt to revisit how Feuerbach discusses the concept of alienation from religious point of view. According to Feuerbach, Religion and God do not exist beyond the human reach; rather they are the creation of human being. True religion is the relation of man with himself or with his own true nature. God according to Feuerbach is the manifested inward nature of man. But when man cannot understand that the religion and God are nothing but the (...)
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    Marx’s Concept of Alienation.Lawrence Crocker - 1972 - Social Theory and Practice 2 (2):201-215.
  41. Notes on the concept of alienation.J. Perezadan - 1993 - Pensamiento 49 (194):309-316.
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  42. On the concept of alienation-from Hegel to Marx.Rs Wang - 1985 - Chinese Studies in Philosophy 16 (3):39-70.
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    Alienation.Richard Schacht - 1970 - Psychology Press.
    First published in 1970, original blurb: 'Alienation' is the catchword of our time. It has been applied to everything from the new politics to the anti-heroes of today's films. But what does it meanto say that someone is alienated? Is alienation a state of mind, or a relationship? If modern man is indeed alienated, is it from his work, his government, his society, or himself - or from all of these? Richard Schacht, in this intelligent analysis, gets to the root (...)
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  44. Marx's concept of alienation.Richard Schmitt - 1996 - Topoi 15 (2):163-176.
  45. Jung's Concept of Individuation and the Problem of Alienation.M. Zowislo - 2000 - Analecta Husserliana 67:95-110.
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  46. The Concept of Alienation and Feminism.Janet Trapp Slagter - 1982 - Social Theory and Practice 8 (2):155-164.
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    Ludwig Feuerbach’s conception of the religious alienation of man and Mikhail Bakunin’s philosophy of negation.Jacek Uglik - 2010 - Studies in East European Thought 62 (1):19-28.
    In this paper we attempt to prove that it was Ludwig Feuerbach’s anthropology that influenced Bakunin’s philosophical path. Following his example Bakunin turned against religion which manipulates, as Hegelianism does, the only priority human being has—another human being. Although Feuerbach’s philosophy did not involve social problems present at Bakunin’s works, we would like to show that it was Feuerbach himself who laid foundation for them and that Bakunin’s criticism of the state was the natural consequence of Feuerbach’s struggle for the (...)
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    Alienation of persons and tensions in community: A feminist critique of Hegel's and Marx's conceptions of alienation.Chairperson Bernd Fischer & Barbara S. Krasner - 1997 - The European Legacy 2 (2):283-289.
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  49. The Concept of Alienation Revisited in Philosophy, History and Social Action. Essays in Honor of Lewis Feuer.Dh Wrong - 1988 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 107:461-473.
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    (1 other version)Schacht on Marx's concept of alienation.George G. Brenkert - 1973 - Studies in East European Thought 13 (3-4):311-320.
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