Results for ' apraxia'

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  1. Apraxia, metaphor and mirror neurons.V. S. Ramachandran - unknown
    Summary Ideomotor apraxia is a cognitive disorder in which the patient loses the ability to accurately perform learned, skilled actions. This is despite normal limb power and coordination. It has long been known that left supramarginal gyrus lesions cause bilateral upper limb apraxia and it was proposed that this area stored a visualkinaesthetic image of the skilled action, which was translated elsewhere in the brain into the pre-requisite movement formula. We hypothesise that, rather than these two functions occurring (...)
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    Apraxia, Appearances, and Beliefs.Filip Grgić - 2016 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 16 (3):441-458.
    According to the objection of inactivity (apraxia), the skeptics cannot live their skepticism, since any attempt to apply it to everyday life would result in total inactivity, while any action they would perform qua skeptics would be a sign that they abandoned their skepticism. In this paper I discuss the ancient Pyrrhonists’ response to the objection as is presented in the writings of Sextus Empiricus. Sextus argues that the Pyrrhonists are immune to the apraxia objection because it is (...)
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    Loss of agency in apraxia.Mariella Pazzaglia & Giulia Galli - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8:105809.
    The feeling of acting voluntarily is a fundamental component of human behavior and social life and is usually accompanied by a sense of agency. However, this ability can be impaired in a number of diseases and disorders. An important example is apraxia, a disturbance traditionally defined as a disorder of voluntary skillful movements that often results from frontal-parietal brain damage. The first part of this article focuses on direct evidence of some core symptoms of apraxia, emphasizing those with (...)
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  4. Scepticisme, apraxia et rationalité.Diego E. Machuca - 2019 - In Diego E. Machuca & Stéphane Marchand (eds.), Les raisons du doute: études sur le scepticisme antique. Paris: Classiques Garnier. pp. 53-87.
    La présente étude a deux objectifs. Le premier est d’examiner les différentes formulations de l’objection de l’ἀπραξία telle qu’elle fut soulevée contre le scepticisme académicien et le pyrrhonisme, ainsi que les réponses à cette objection proposées par Arcésilas et Sextus Empiricus. Le second objectif consiste à évaluer la force de la version de l’objection de l’ἀπραξία selon laquelle le sceptique ne peut réaliser les actions rationnelles propres à l’être humain.
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  5. The apraxias.J. De Ajuriaguerra & R. Tissot - 1969 - In P. J. Vinken & G. W. Bruyn (eds.), Handbook of Clinical Neurology. North Holland. pp. 48-66.
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  6. Aphasia, apraxia and agnosia in abnormal states of cerebral dominance.L. Roberts - 1969 - In P. J. Vinken & G. W. Bruyn (eds.), Handbook of Clinical Neurology. North Holland. pp. 4--312.
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  7. Constructional apraxia.Elizabeth K. Warrington - 1969 - In P. J. Vinken & G. W. Bruyn (eds.), Handbook of Clinical Neurology. North Holland. pp. 4--67.
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    Schneider's apraxia and the strained relation between experience and description.Guy C. Van Orden & Marian A. Jansen op de Haar - 2000 - Philosophical Psychology 13 (2):247-259.
    Borrett, Kelly and Kwan [ Phenomenology, dynamical neural networks and brain function, Philosophical Psychology, 13, 000-000] claim that unbiased, self-evident, direct description is possible, and may supply the data that brain theories account for. Merleau-Ponty's [ Phenomenology of perception, London: Routledge] description of Schneider's apraxia is offered as a case in point. According to the authors, Schneider's apraxia justifies brain components of predicative and pre-predicative experience. The description derives from a bias, however, that parallels modularity's morphological reduction. The (...)
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    Limb apraxia and the “affordance competition hypothesis”.Elisabeth Rounis & Glyn Humphreys - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Ideational apraxia: errors in action selection.Scott Glover - 2004 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 8 (10):440-442.
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    Tactile agnosia and tactile apraxia: Cross talk between the action and perception streams in the anterior intraparietal area.Ferdinand Binkofski, Kathrin Reetz & Annabelle Blangero - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (2):201-202.
    In the haptic domain, a double dissociation can be proposed on the basis of neurological deficits between tactile information for action, represented by tactile apraxia, and tactile information for perception, represented by tactile agnosia. We suggest that this dissociation comes from different networks, both involving the anterior intraparietal area of the posterior parietal cortex.
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    Impaired Communication Between the Dorsal and Ventral Stream: Indications from Apraxia.Carys Evans, Martin G. Edwards, Lawrence J. Taylor & Magdalena Ietswaart - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10:167852.
    Patients with apraxia perform poorly when demonstrating how an object is used, particularly when pantomiming the action. However, these patients are able to accurately identify, and to pick up and move objects, demonstrating intact ventral and dorsal stream visuomotor processing. Appropriate object manipulation for skilled use is thought to rely on integration of known and visible object properties associated with ‘ventro-dorsal’ stream neural processes. In apraxia, it has been suggested that stored object knowledge from the ventral stream may (...)
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    Assessing Anosognosia in Apraxia of Common Tool-Use With the VATA-NAT.Ilka Buchmann, Rebecca Jung, Joachim Liepert & Jennifer Randerath - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  14. Grasping the difference: what apraxia can tell us about theories of imitation: Reply to Goldenberg.Cecilia Heyes & Marcel Brass - 2006 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 10 (3):95-96.
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  15. Las respuestas académicas a la objeción de apraxia.Christian F. Pineda-Pérez - 2018 - Praxis Filosófica 46:221-42.
    En este artículo reconstruyo y analizo las respuestas de los escépticos académicos a la objeción de apraxia. Esta objeción afirma que el escepticismo es una doctrina imposible de practicar puesto que sus tesis conducen a la apraxia, esta es, un estado de privación o imposibilidad de acción. Las respuestas a la objeción se dividen en dos clases. La primera prueba que el asentimiento no es una condición necesaria para realizar acciones, por lo que la recomendación escéptica de suspender (...)
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  16. An Investigation of Compensation and Adaptation to Auditory Perturbations in Individuals With Acquired Apraxia of Speech.Kirrie J. Ballard, Mark Halaki, Paul Sowman, Alise Kha, Ayoub Daliri, Donald A. Robin, Jason A. Tourville & Frank H. Guenther - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Feasibility of A Novel Treatment of Abstract Verbs in Aphasia and Apraxia of Speech.Bailey Dallin, Berggren Kiera, Nessler Christina & Wambaugh Julie - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Partially overlapping sensorimotor networks underlie speech praxis and verbal short-term memory: evidence from apraxia of speech following acute stroke.Gregory Hickok, Corianne Rogalsky, Rong Chen, Edward H. Herskovits, Sarah Townsley & Argye E. Hillis - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Sign language and the brain: Apes, apraxia, and aphasia.David Corina - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (4):633-634.
    The study of signed languages has inspired scientific' speculation regarding foundations of human language. Relationships between the acquisition of sign language in apes and man are discounted on logical grounds. Evidence from the differential hreakdown of sign language and manual pantomime places limits on the degree of overlap between language and nonlanguage motor systems. Evidence from functional magnetic resonance imaging reveals neural areas of convergence and divergence underlying signed and spoken languages.
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  20. How the mind moves the body: lessons from apraxia.Georg Goldenberg - 2009 - In Ezequiel Morsella, John A. Bargh & Peter M. Gollwitzer (eds.), Oxford handbook of human action. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Spatial reification, or, collectively embodied amnesia, aphasia, and apraxia.Michael Landzelius - 2009 - Semiotica 2009 (175):39-75.
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    A Role for the Action Observation Network in Apraxia After Stroke.Gloria Pizzamiglio, Zuo Zhang, James Kolasinski, Jane M. Riddoch, Richard E. Passingham, Dante Mantini & Elisabeth Rounis - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    The Representation of Objects in Apraxia: From Action Execution to Error Awareness.Loredana Canzano, Michele Scandola, Valeria Gobbetto, Giuseppe Moretto, Daniela D’Imperio & Valentina Moro - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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    Insights into the neural mechanisms underlying hand praxis: implications for the neurocognitive rehabilitation of apraxia.Jorge Oliveira & Rodrigo Brito - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  25. Separate visual representations in the planning and control of action.Scott Glover - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (1):3-24.
    Evidence for a dichotomy between the planning of an action and its on-line control in humans is reviewed. This evidence suggests that planning and control each serve a specialized purpose utilizing distinct visual representations. Evidence from behavioral studies suggests that planning is influenced by a large array of visual and cognitive information, whereas control is influenced solely by the spatial characteristics of the target, including such things as its size, shape, orientation, and so forth. Evidence from brain imaging and neuropsychology (...)
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  26. Pyrrhonism, Inquiry, and Rationality.Diego E. Machuca - 2013 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 34 (1):201-228.
    In this paper, I critically engage with Casey Perin's interpretation of Sextan Pyrrhonism in his book, The Demands of Reason: An Essay on Pyrrhonian Scepticism. From an approach that is both exegetical and systematic, I explore a number of issues concerning the Pyrrhonist's inquiry into truth, his alleged commitment to the canons of rationality, and his response to the apraxia objection.
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    Developmental Foreign Accent Syndrome: Report of a New Case.Stefanie Keulen, Peter Mariën, Peggy Wackenier, Roel Jonkers, Roelien Bastiaanse & Jo Verhoeven - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10:156334.
    This paper presents the case of a 17-year-old right-handed Belgian boy with developmental FAS and comorbid developmental apraxia of speech (DAS). Extensive neuropsychological and neurolinguistic investigations demonstrated a normal IQ but impaired planning (visuo-constructional dyspraxia). A Tc-99m-ECD SPECT revealed a significant hypoperfusion in the prefrontal and medial frontal regions, as well as in the lateral temporal regions. Hypoperfusion in the right cerebellum almost reached significance. It is hypothesized that these clinical findings support the view that FAS and DAS are (...)
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  28. From Skepticism to Paralysis.Suzanne Obdrzalek - 2012 - Ancient Philosophy 32 (2):369-392.
    This paper analyzes the apraxia argument in Cicero’s Academica. It proposes that the argument assumes two modes: the evidential mode maintains that skepticism is false, while the pragmatic claims that it is disadvantageous. The paper then develops a tension between the two modes, and concludes by exploring some differences between ancient and contemporary skepticism.
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    Evaluating service delivery for speech and swallowing problems following paediatric brain injury: an international survey.Angela T. Morgan & Jemma Skeat - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (2):275-281.
  30. Body schema dynamics in Merleau-Ponty.Jan Halák - 2021 - In Yochai Ataria, Shogo Tanaka & Shaun Gallagher (eds.), Body Schema and Body Image: New Directions. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. pp. 33-51.
    This chapter presents an account of Merleau-Ponty’s interpretation of the body schema as an operative intentionality that is not only opposed to, but also complexly intermingled with, the representation-like grasp of the world and one’s own body, or the body image. The chapter reconstructs Merleau-Ponty’s position primarily based on his preparatory notes for his 1953 lecture ‘The Sensible World and the World of Expression’. Here, Merleau-Ponty elaborates his earlier efforts to show that the body schema is a perceptual ground against (...)
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    The academic at the crossroads: a dialectical assessment of Augustinian pragmatic anti-skepticism.Scott F. Aikin - 2023 - Synthese 202 (6):1-16.
    Skepticism is regularly a target for the _apraxia_ challenge, namely, that skepticism robs us of the cognitive means for life (or at least the life well-lived). Skeptics have replied to the _apraxia_ challenge in various manners, and anti-skeptics have then answered with objections to these skeptical replies. St. Augustine’s crossroads case in _Contra Academicos_ is one such second-stage pragmatic anti-skepticism, one targeting Academic probabilism in particular. This dialectical assessment challenges Augustine’s case as inappropriately comparing the possible errors and their costs (...)
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  32. Carneades’ Distinction Between Assent and Approval.Richard Bett - 1990 - The Monist 73 (1):3-20.
    Ancient sceptics, unlike their modern counterparts, claim to live their scepticism. Nowadays scepticism, whether epistemological, moral, or of any other variety, is seen as a purely theoretical position, with no direct bearing on the actual living of one’s life; this is because philosophical theories and everyday attitudes are taken to be in some way “insulated” from one another. Serious questions may be raised about the character of this alleged “insulation,” but these are not my present concern; the fact is that (...)
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    El académico y pragmático Carnéades: el arte de tomar decisiones probables sin asentir a ellas.Ramón Román Alcalá - 2023 - Pensamiento 79 (303):371-386.
    Carnéades es un escéptico académico y un pragmático que quiere fundamentar la ética no en la idea de Bien o Valor, sino en la noción de bien útil, convincente y conveniente. Una noción basada no tanto en hacer algo grande que merezca la admiración o el elogio de las personas, sino en no hacer mal a nadie y extender el bienestar personal a la mayoría. Para ello creó una norma o guía, una regla de conducta probable o persuasiva que invitaba (...)
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    Broca's area: Motor encoding in somatic space.Peter T. Fox - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (2):344-345.
    Encoding articulate speech is widely accepted as the principal (or sole) role of the frontal operculum. Clinical observations of speech apraxia have been confirmed by brain-imaging studies of speech production. We present evidence that the frontal operculum also programs limb movements. We argue that this area is a ventral counterpart of the dorsal premotor area. The two are functionally distinguished by specialization for somatic and visual space, respectively.
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    The Mind in Disorder: Psychoanalytic Models of Pathology.John E. Gedo - 1988 - Routledge.
    Anchoring his schema in the belief that nonorganic disorders are disturbances in _adaptation_ explicable within a depth-psychological framework, Gedo posits two broad categories of functional disorder: "apraxias" that represent any failure to learn adaptively essential skills, and disorders of what her terms "obligatory repetition." Within both categories of disorder, Gedo avers, the vicissitudes of mental functioning are understandable in terms of regression to relatively archaic modes of function and the reversal of regression and return to expectable modes of adult function. (...)
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    phýsis em Sexto Empírico e a concepção da natureza como guia para a vida.Alice Bitencourt Haddad - 2019 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 19 (1):254-265.
    Este artigo se divide em duas partes. Na primeira seção, após a introdução, mapeamos as diversas ocorrências de “phýsis” ao longo das Hipotiposes Pirrônicas de Sexto Empírico, dividindo-as em 5 categorias: “natureza” como o real, em posição à “aparência”; o “natural” como aquilo que parece próprio, pertencente a algo ou alguém; a “Natureza”, como uma dimensão criadora e regente; o “natural” em oposição ao “antinatural”; a “natureza dos homens”. A forma como esses diversos usos aparecem na obra é invariavelmente crítica, (...)
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  37. History of Behavioral Neurology (2nd edition).Sergio Barberis & Cory Wright - 2022 - In Sergio Della Sala (ed.), Encyclopedia of Behavioral Neuroscience, Vol. 1. Elsevier. pp. 1–13.
    This chapter provides a brief overview of the history of behavioral neurology, dividing it roughly into six eras. In the ancient and classical eras, emphasis is placed on two transitions: firstly, from descriptions of head trauma and attempted neurosurgical treatments to the exploratory dissections during the Hellenistic period and the replacement of cardiocentrism; and secondly, to the more systematic investigations of Galenus and the rise of pneumatic ventricular theory. In the medieval through post-Renaissance eras, the scholastic consolidation of knowledge and (...)
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  38. Towards externalist psychopathology.Andrew Sneddon - 2002 - Philosophical Psychology 15 (3):297-316.
    The "width" of the mind is an important topic in contemporary philosophical psychology. Support for active externalism derives from theoretical, engineering, and observational perspectives. Given the history of psychology, psychopathology is notable in its absence from the list of avenues of support for the idea that some cognitive processes extend beyond the physical bounds of the organism in question. The current project is to defend the possibility, plausibility, and desirability of externalist psychopathology. Doing so both adds to the case for (...)
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    Does Metaphilosophically Pragmatist Anti-Skepticism Work?Scott Aikin - 2020 - Logos and Episteme 11 (3):391-398.
    Michael Hannon has recently given “a new apraxia” argument against skepticism. Hannon’s case is that skepticism depends on a theory of knowledge that makes the concept “useless and uninteresting.” Three arguments rebutting Hannon’s metaphilosophical pragmatism are given that show that the concept of knowledge that makes skepticism plausible is both interesting and useful.
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    (2 other versions)First in, last out?Chris Code - 2005 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 6 (2):311-334.
    Current work in the evolution of language and communication is emphasising a close relationship between the evolution of speech, language and gestural action. This paper briefly explores some evolutionary implications of a range of closely related impairments of speech, language and gesture arising from left frontal brain lesions. I discuss aphasic lexical speech automatisms and their resolution with some recovery into agrammatism with apraxia of speech, an impairment of speech planning and programming. I focus attention on the most common (...)
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    Vocalisation and the development of hand preference.Chris Code - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (2):215-216.
    What do the relationships observed in the occurrence of various limb, facial, and speech apraxias following left hemisphere damage mean for Corballis's theory? What does the right hemisphere's role in nonpropositional and automatic speech production tell us about the coevolution of right hand preference and speech; how could the possibility that the right hemisphere may be “dominant” for some aspects of speech be accommodated by his theory?
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  42. Regional cerebral glucose metabolism in akinetic catatonia and after remission.S. Goldman - unknown
    K L Kahlbaum published in 1874 the first recorded description of catatonia. Akinetic catatonia is now defined as a neuropsychiatric syndrome principally characterised by akinesia, mutism, stupor, and catalepsy. 1 Even if some advances have been made in the recognition of catatonia, in particular by the development of different rating scales, 1 the pathophysiology of this syndrome is not clearly established. A right handed 14 year old girl presented with akinetic catatonia during an episode of depression in the context of (...)
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    Scepticism and Self-Detachment.Casey Perin - 2020 - International Journal for the Study of Skepticism 10 (3-4):235-255.
    This paper takes up two questions. Is there a sense in which the Sceptic as described by Sextus Empiricus is detached from himself? Does this self-detachment by itself make the Sceptic’s way of life undesirable? I sketch two conceptions of self-detachment, and then conclude that the Sceptic faces a dilemma: either he is more detached from himself than the non-Sceptic or he is vulnerable to a non-standard version of the apraxia objection.
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    O Convite Cético de Porchat: Como É Possível Ao Cético Investigar e Afirmar?Jonathan Alvarenga - 2023 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 15 (38):308-320.
    Por séculos, o ceticismo pirrônico vem sendo atacado por argumentações dogmáticas que propõem fazer dele uma escola que, inevitavelmente, provoca um estado de apraxia, isto é, de inércia, bem como de neutralidade, diante da vida comum e das investigações científicas que, diuturnamente, vêm sendo desenvolvidas. Mas seria o pirronismo culpado de tal acusação? Como pretendemos demonstrar no presente artigo, não. Para demonstrar tal inocência, voltamo-nos sobre alguns dos escritos de Oswaldo Porchat Pereira sobre seu Neopirronismo, dividindo este texto em (...)
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    Ceticismo, verdade E Vida.Flavio Fontenelle Loque - 2019 - Cadernos Espinosanos 40:95-118.
    O ceticismo antigo se concebia como um modo de vida. Para acadêmicos e pirrônicos, a suspensão do juízo era o único caminho para a felicidade e a sabedoria. Na Antiguidade, essa filosofia recebeu inúmeras críticas, como o argumento da apraxia, mas talvez a principal delas tenha sido a de Agostinho, que buscou reformular o conceito de sabedoria. Para Agostinho, a sabedoria não pode ser definida como mera abstenção do erro e a felicidade não é concebível sem a presença daquilo (...)
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  46. Theorie oder Therapie. Perspektiven der pyrrhonischen Skepsis bei Sextus Empiricus.Thomas Grundmann - manuscript
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    Types of abduction in tool behavior.Caruana Fausto & Cuccio Valentina - 2017 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 16 (2):255-273.
    Tool-use behavior is currently one of the most intriguing and widely debated topics in cognitive neuroscience. Different accounts of our ability to use tools have been proposed. In the first part of the paper we review the most prominent interpretations and suggest that none of these accounts, considered in itself, is sufficient to explain tool use. In the second part of the paper we disentangle three different types of reasoning on tools, characterized by a different distribution of motor and cognitive (...)
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    Stone tools and conceptual structure.James Steele - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1):202-203.
    Understanding how conceptual structures inform stone tool production and use would help us resolve the issue of a pongid-hominid dichotomy in brain organisation and cognitive ability. Evidence from ideational apraxia suggests that the planning of linguistic and manipulative behaviours is not colocalized in homologous circuits. An alternative account in terms of the evolutionary expansion of the whole prefrontal-premotor area may be more plausible.
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    Supplementary motor area structure and function: review and hypotheses.Gary Goldberg - 1985 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (4):567-588.
  50. Acting as a Pyrrhonist.Josef Mattes - 2022 - International Journal for the Study of Skepticism 12 (2):101-125.
    Parallels between the ancient Hellenistic philosophies of the Stoics and Epicureans, on the one hand, and modern cognitive psychotherapy, on the other, are well known and a topic of current discussion. The present article argues that there are also important parallels between Pyrrhonism, the third of the major Hellenistic philosophies, and the currently state-of-the-art “3rd wave” cognitive-behavioral therapies in general, and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (act) in particular. This provides a crucial insight into Pyrrhonism: understanding Sextus’ term adoxastos using the (...)
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