Results for ' athéisme, pragmatisme, sécularisation, sciences, démocratie, Dewey, post-séculier, naturalisme, religions, fondamentalisme'

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  1.  26
    Le naturalisme de John Dewey : un antidote au post-sécularisme contemporain.Joan Stavo-Debauge - 2018 - ThéoRèmes 13 (13).
    In this article, I will focus on two lines of discussion: the first is the rise of post-secularist discourses and theories; the second is the frequent (and recent) attenuation of John Dewey's naturalism. If it is important for me to note the curious weakening of his naturalism among many contemporary pragmatists, it is in order to better respond to the theories of the "post-secular society". By returning to many of Dewey's texts, too often omitted from the discussion for (...)
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  2. John Dewey face aux fondamentalismes: les origines des discours "post-séculiers" et leur antidote.Joan Stavo-Debauge - 2024 - Nancy, France: Éditions de l'Université de Lorraine.
    Deux constats sont à l'origine de ce livre. Le débat dans le monde académique autour du lien entre religions, sciences et espace public semble s'être fixé sur l'idée de 'post-sécularité'. Or, sous couvert de rendre les sociétés plus hospitalières aux religions, cette idée profite essentiellement à des courants politico-religieux absolutistes et fondamentalistes. Et la solide expertise francophone qui s'est développée sur le philosophe américain John Dewey (1859-1952) néglige trop souvent ses nombreux écrits consacrés à la critique des religions. Joan (...)
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    Charles Taylor: religion et sécularisation.Sylvie Taussig (ed.) - 2014 - Paris: CNRS Éditions.
    Avec L'Age séculier (2007), Charles Taylor couronnait une oeuvre consacrée à la genèse de la modernité et à la pensée du multiple. Il reconstituait la diversité des moments et des réflexions qui menèrent à un âge séculier, aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. Mais loin de constituer une synthèse humaniste, laissant derrière lui l'âge théologique, celui-ci éclate à son tour aux XIXe et XXe siècles, par un "effet super-nova" comme Taylor l'a joliment appelé, en une multitude de galaxies nouvelles, où les (...)
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    La religion comme expérience de la valeur.Louis Quéré - 2018 - ThéoRèmes 13 (13).
    This paper considers John Dewey’s philosophy of religion, which it relates to the contemporary debate about the “post-secular”. Dewey’s view is completely secularist, but, at the same time, it appeals to the growth of the religious attitude in experience. The attitude in question has to be liberated from the supernaturalism and dogmatism of the traditional religions. Such a paradoxical religious secularism is based on a naturalist conception of human experience and social life. Having reconstituted Dewey’s view, the paper discusses (...)
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    Introduction to Special Section on Virtue in the Loop: Virtue Ethics and Military AI.D. C. Washington, I. N. Notre Dame, National Securityhe is Currently Working on Two Books: A. Muse of Fire: Why The Technology, on What Happens to Wartime Innovations When the War is Over U. S. Military Forgets What It Learns in War, U. S. Army Asymmetric Warfare Group The Shot in the Dark: A. History of the, Global Power Competition His Writing has Appeared in Russian Analytical Digest The First Comprehensive Overview of A. Unit That Helped the Army Adapt to the Post-9/11 Era of Counterinsurgency, The New Atlantis Triple Helix, War on the Rocks Fare Forward, Science Before Receiving A. Phd in Moral Theology From Notre Dame He has Published Widely on Bioethics, Technology Ethics He is the Author of Science Religion, Christian Ethics, Anxiety Tomorrow’S. Troubles: Risk, Prudence in an Age of Algorithmic Governance, The Ethics of Precision Medicine & Encountering Artificial Intelligence - 2025 - Journal of Military Ethics 23 (3):245-250.
    This essay introduces this special issue on virtue ethics in relation to military AI. It describes the current situation of military AI ethics as following that of AI ethics in general, caught between consequentialism and deontology. Virtue ethics serves as an alternative that can address some of the weaknesses of these dominant forms of ethics. The essay describes how the articles in the issue exemplify the value of virtue-related approaches for these questions, before ending with thoughts for further research.
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  6. Technopolis as the Technologised Kingdom of God. Fun as Technology, Technology as Religion in the 21st Century. God sive Fun.Marina Christodoulou - 2018 - Cahiers d'Études Germaniques 1 (74: 'La religion au XXIe siècle):119-132.
    Citation:Christodoulou, Marina. “Technopolis as the Technologised Kingdom of God. Fun as Technology, Technology as Religion in the 21st Century. God sive Fun.” Cahiers d'études germaniques N° 74, 2018. La religion au XXIe siècle - Perpectives et enjeux de la discussion autour d'une société post-séculière. Études reunites par Sébastian Hüsch et Max Marcuzzi, 119-132. -/- -------- -/- Neil Postman starts his book Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology (1993)1 with a quote from Paul Goodman’s New Reformation: “Whether or not (...)
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  7. Philosophy and Religion In The Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries.John Macquarrie - 1977 - The Monist 60 (2):269-277.
    The debate over religion and, more especially, Christianity, seems today as far from being finished as ever. To be sure, Christianity has sharply declined in the West and its fundamental doctrine, belief in God, has become for many incredible or even scarcely intelligible. Yet there is also a sense in which the West cannot help being Christian, for Christianity has so deeply entered into our history and institutions that even when it is explicitly rejected, it still continues to shape thought (...)
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  8. Le pragmatisme classique et la démocratie. La perception de la démocratie et de la pédagogie chez John Dewey vue par la théorie de l'action.Jörg Wernecke - 2010 - Synthesis Philosophica 25 (1):19-36.
    John Dewey est connu, aux côtés de Ch. S. Peirce et W. James, non seulement comme pere fondateur du pragmatisme classique américain, mais aussi pour ses contributions majeures au développement de la pédagogie réformiste moderne et a la légitimation du modele social démocratique qui, depuis, s’est fait connaître au-dela du contexte académique de l’éducation. L’article suivant détectera systématiquement, a travers le prisme de la théorie de l’action, la relation implicite qui existe entre ses concepts de pragmatisme, de pédagogie et de (...)
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    La religion dans l’espace public post-séculier, une confrontation critique des perspectives de Habermas et de Gauchet.Antoon Braeckman - 2010 - Dialogue 49 (1):53-72.
    RÉSUMÉ : Dans sa lecture du rôle de la religion dans l’espace public, Habermas fait abstraction du pouvoir de la religion d’instituer symboliquement les communautés. Gauchet part d’une vision de la religion dans laquelle cette dimension est centrale. Je considère toutefois que Gauchet sous-estime également la mesure dans laquelle la religion a conservé ce pouvoir au sein de la société post-séculière. ABSTRACT: This article seeks to demonstrate that in his reading of the role of religion in the public realm, (...)
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  10. Jurgen HABERMAS, Entre naturalisme et religion. Les defis de la democratie.M. de Launay - 2009 - Archives de Philosophie 72 (1):127.
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    Theologie und (Post)modernität. Philosophische Fragen zu Oswald Bayers Luther-Buch.Peter Jonkers - 2006 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 48 (1):4-17.
    ZusammenfassungDieser Aufsatz erörtert einige philosophische Fragen in Bezug auf Bayers Vergegenwärtigung Luthers. Die Einbeziehung der Philosophie bietet der Theologie sowohl Chancen als auch Risiken. Einerseits kann die Philosophie zwischen einem religiösen oder theologischen Vokabular und der gegenwärtigen säkularen Gesellschaft vermitteln; andererseits riskiert die Theologie auf diese Weise eine Beeinflussung durch die innerweltlichen Kategorien der Philosophie. Diese zweite Position scheint die Bayers zu sein, da er die Beziehung von Philosophie und Theologie als Dissonanz interpretiert. Um zu untersuchen, ob und auf welche (...)
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    Science and Catholicism in Argentina (1750–1960): A Study on Scientific Culture, Religion, and Secularisation in Latin America. By MiguelDe Asúa. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. 2022. 365 pages. $118.99. (Hardcover). [REVIEW]Jaume Navarro - 2023 - Zygon 58 (2):559-561.
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    Jürgen Habermas, Entre naturalisme et religion. Les défis de la démocratie, trad. de l'allemand par Christian Bouchindhomme et Alexandre Dupeyrix, 400 pages, Collection NRF Essais, Paris, GallimardJürgen Habermas, Entre naturalisme et religion. Les défis de la démocratie, trad. de l'allemand par Christian Bouchindhomme et Alexandre Dupeyrix, 400 pages, Collection NRF Essais, Paris, Gallimard. [REVIEW]Stéphane Courtois - 2009 - Philosophiques 36 (1):265-269.
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    Creatieve democratie: John Deweys pragmatisme als grondslag voor een democratische samenleving, by Louis Logister. [REVIEW]Cornelis de Waal - 2005 - Newsletter of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy 33 (101):37-39.
  15.  30
    Creative intelligence: essays in the pragmatic attitude.John Dewey, Harold Chapman Brown, George Herbert Mead, Horace Meyer Kallen & Addison Webster Moore (eds.) - 2020 - New York: Nova Science Publishers.
    Creative Intelligence: Essays in the Pragmatic Attitude represents an attempt at intellectual cooperation. No effort has been made, however, to attain unanimity of belief nor to proffer a platform of "planks" on which there is agreement. The consensus represented lies primarily in outlook, in conviction of what is most likely to be fruitful in method of approach. As the title page suggests, the volume presents a unity in attitude rather than a uniformity in results. Consequently each writer is definitively responsible (...)
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  16.  25
    Naturalisme et nature humaine : la théorie pragmatiste des instincts.Stéphane Madelrieux - 2024 - Archives de Philosophie 2:25-42.
    La question des instincts est une voie d’entrée privilégiée pour le rapport du pragmatisme au naturalisme. Le problème que soulève la théorie des instincts de William James et John Dewey vient du maintien, à première vue surprenant, de l’idée d’une « nature humaine ». Je soutiens que c’est au sein même de la théorie pragmatiste des instincts que l’on trouve des arguments pour montrer que la nature humaine ne détermine pas univoquement la conduite. Bien comprendre la naturalité de l’être humain (...)
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  17. What Cognitive Science of Religion Can Learn from John Dewey.Hans Van Eyghen - 2018 - Contemporary Pragmatism 15 (3):387-406.
    Cognitive science of religion is a fairly young discipline with the aim of studying the cognitive basis of religious belief. Despite the great variation in theories a number of common features can be distilled and most theories can be situated in the cognitivist and modular paradigm. In this paper, I investigate how cognitive science of religion (CSR) can be made better by insights from John Dewey. I chose Dewey because he offered important insights in cognition long before there was cognitive (...)
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  18. John Dewey, Lloyd Morgan et l’avènement d’un nouveau naturalisme pragmatico-émergentiste.David Doat & Olivier Sartenaer - 2014 - Philosophiques 41 (1):127-156.
    David Doat ,Olivier Sartenaer | : Peut-on raisonnablement penser qu’un même phénomène naturel, comme l’esprit par exemple, puisse en même temps être continu et discontinu avec les processus physico-chimiques qui conditionnent son advenue au monde ? Autrement dit, est-il possible de construire une philosophie de la nature qui rejette simultanément la dichotomie métaphysique et la pure identité, c’est-à-dire qui se situe sans contradiction sur la ligne de séparation entre le dualisme et le matérialisme ? En y répondant par l’affirmative, John (...)
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  19. Science and Religion: Getting Ready for the Future.Antje Jackelén - 2003 - Zygon 38 (2):209-228.
    I explore three challenges for the current dialogue between science and religion: the challenges from hermeneutics, feminisms, and postmodernisms. Hermeneutics, defined as the practice and theory of interpretation and understanding, not only deals with questions of interpreting texts and data but also examines the role and use of language in religion and in science, but it should not stop there. Results of the post‐Kuhnian discussion are used to exemplify a wider range of hermeneutical issues, such as the ideological potential (...)
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  20.  18
    Navigating Post-Truth and Alternative Facts: Religion and Science as Political Theology.Russell P. Johnson - 2022 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 43 (2-3):161-164.
  21.  56
    On two issues in science and religion: A response to David Griffin.Ian G. Barbour - 1988 - Zygon 23 (1):83-88.
    . In responding to David Griffin's critique of my book, Issues in Science and Religion, I suggest that most of the points which he initially presents as differences between us concerning reduction and emergence are resolved in the second half of his article. I spoke of the emergence of higher‐level “properties” and “activities,” rather than “entities,” but my analysis of whole and parts is similar to his, although it was perhaps not always clearly articulated. We agree also that Alfred North (...)
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    Atheisms: Plural Contexts of Being Godless.Sanjit Chakraborty & Anway Mukhopadhyay - 2021 - Sophia 60 (3):497-514.
    This special issue of Sophia, titled Living without God: A Multicultural Spectrum of Atheism, deals with the intricate issue of approaching atheism—methodologically as well as conceptually—from the perspective of cultural pluralism. What does ‘atheism’ mean in different cultural contexts? Can this term be applied appropriately to different religious discourses which conceptualize God/gods/Goddess/goddesses in hugely divergent ways? Or would that rather be a sort of hegemonic homogenization of all possible modalities of living without God, as Jessica Frazier argues? Is my ‘God’ (...)
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  23.  22
    Pragmatisme et religion.Oriane Elatri - 2018 - ThéoRèmes 13 (13).
    Ce numéro de ThéoRèmes a pour but d’explorer les rapports entre le pragmatisme et la religion, et plus précisément la croyance religieuse, à travers l’étude de leurs auteurs. Il est difficile de fixer une doctrine pragmatiste parfaitement homogène, mais on donnera un aperçu général de la pensée des principaux philosophes pragmatistes dont il est question ici. Né à la fin du XIXème siècle aux Etats-Unis, le pragmatisme est un courant philosophique profondément humaniste. Du grec pragmata qui d...
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  24.  12
    La querelle de l'athéisme: suivie de divers textes sur la religion.J. Fichte - 1993 - Vrin.
    L'accusation d'atheisme, qui couta a Fichte sa chaire a l'Universite d'Iena et compromit gravement, et pour longtemps, la reputation de sa doctrine, concentre tous les anathemes par lesquels l'esprit de calomnie pouvait tenter, avec un certain succes, d'empecher une pensee trop libre d'agir sur son siecle en forgeant une image plus forte et plus courageuse de l'avenir du monde. Au mepris de toute contradiction, les accusateurs firent suspecter la philosophie transcendantale de conduire, a travers le developpement pratique qu'en donnait la (...)
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    A Religion for an Age of Science.P. Roger Gillette - 2002 - Zygon 37 (2):461-472.
    The period 800–200 B.C.E. has been called an axial period or age because it was a period of major technological and cultural change that led to the development of new worldviews, which in turn called for and led to the emergence of the current major world religious traditions. The world is now in the midst of another period of major global scientific, technological, and cultural change that is leading to the development of a new global worldview. In this worldview, the (...)
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  26.  20
    L’athéisme dans l’Antiquité.Jean-Baptiste Gourinat - 2018 - Philosophie Antique 18:7-11.
    On a longtemps pensé que l’athéisme était une invention moderne, qui n’était possible qu’avec les Lumières, en réaction contre la religion catholique, préparée par la Réforme et favorisée par l’avènement de la science moderne. Longtemps ignoré, l’athéisme antique a connu un regain d’intérêt avec les travaux pionniers de Marek Winiarczyk dans les années 1970-1990, puis avec ceux plus récents de Jan Bremmer, David Sedley ou Tim Whitmarsh. Dans son livre récent, T. Whitmarsh soutient que l’athéi...
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    Altruism and Altruistic Love: Science, Philosophy, and Religion in Dialogue.Stephen G. Post, Lynn G. Underwood, Jeffrey P. Schloss & William B. Hurlbut - 2002 - Oxford University Press USA.
    The concept of altruism, or disinterested concern for another's welfare, has been discussed by everyone from theologians to psychologists to biologists. In this book, evolutionary, neurological, developmental, psychological, social, cultural, and religious aspects of altruistic behavior are examined. It is a collaborative examination of one of humanity's essential and defining characteristics by renowned researchers from various disciplines. Their integrative dialogue illustrates that altruistic behavior is a significant mode of expression that can be studied by various scholarly methods and understood from (...)
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  28. Dewey and democratic practice: science, pragmatism, religion. Dewey on science, deliberation, and the sociology of rhetoric.William Keith & Robert Danisch - 2014 - In Brian Jackson & Gregory Clark, Trained capacities: John Dewey, rhetoric, and democratic practice. Columbia, South Carolina: The University of South Carolina Press.
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    Pragmatisme et démocratie radicale.Alice Le Goff - 2019 - Paris: CNRS éditions.
    Les partisans de la démocratie radicale ont développé une critique de la démocratie représentative, mettant en avant une priorité du politique sur le social ainsi que la centralité du conflit. Ils n'ont cependant pas produit une réflexion suffisante sur les conditions de la participation politique. C'est ce à quoi s'attelle ce livre, en s'inspirant du pragmatisme de Dewey et de sa définition de la politique démocratique en termes d'expérimentation. Après avoir dégagé l'ossature de la pensée de Dewey, ce livre en (...)
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    Religion, Science, and Technology in the Post-Secular Age: The Case of Trans/Posthumanism.Hava Tirosh-Samuelson - 2017 - Philosophy, Theology and the Sciences 4 (1):7.
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    Pluralité culturelle et démocratie chez John DEWEY.Olivier Voirol - 2008 - Hermes 51:23.
    Aux prises avec le débat entre libéralisme et communautarisme, la problématique de la diversité culturelle s'est souvent fourvoyée dans une opposition rigide entre différence et égalité, commun et singularité. Le pragmatisme de John Dewey offre des pistes pour penser la pluralité culturelle et la reconnaissance non pas entre des identités culturelles figées mais sous forme de processus permanents de constitution réciproque du commun et des singularités culturelles. En incluant le rôle culturel des médias dans ce processus, Dewey offre une approche (...)
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  32.  33
    Des religions aux idéologies: sécularisation de l'intolérance.Charles Wackenheim - 1989 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 63 (1-2):117-135.
  33.  31
    Review of Secularisations and Their Debates: Perspectives on the Return of Religion in the Contemporary West, edited by Matthew Sharpe and Dylan Nickelson: Dordrecht: Springer, 2014, ISBN 978-94-007-7115-4, vi + 235 pp. [REVIEW]Clayton Crockett - 2015 - Sophia 54 (1):103-105.
    This volume is the result of a 2010 workshop at Deakin University in Australia on the topic of “Secularization and its Discontents,” which also gives its name to the Introduction. The book concerns an important and cutting-edge theme—the role of religion and secularism in contemporary philosophy, politics, and culture. Some of the chapters are excellent and intrinsically valuable contributions, although the volume overall is a little uneven and could be better organized.The Introduction consists of a fine overview of the topic (...)
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    Navigating Post‐Truth and Alternative Facts: Religion and Science as Political Theology. Edited by Jennifer Baldwin. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2018. xxx + 168 pages. US $90.00 (Hardcover). [REVIEW]Arthur C. Petersen - 2019 - Zygon 54 (4):1145-1146.
  35. Pragmatism as post-postmodernism: lessons from John Dewey.Larry A. Hickman - 2007 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Postmodernism -- Classical pragmatism : waiting at the end of the road -- Pragmatism, postmodernism, and global citizenship -- Classical pragmatism, postmodernism, and neopragmatism -- Technology -- Classical pragmatism and communicative action : Jürgen Habermas -- From critical theory to pragmatism : Andrew Feenberg -- A neo-Heideggerian critique of technology : Albert Borgmann -- Doing and making in a democracy : John Dewey -- The environment -- Nature as culture : John Dewey and Aldo Leopold -- Green pragmatism : reals (...)
  36.  14
    The Reenchantment of Science: Postmodern Proposals.David Ray Griffin (ed.) - 1988 - State University of New York Press.
    Describes the move from modern, mechanistic science to a post-modern, organismic science.
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    Auguste Comte and the religion of humanity: the post-theistic program of French social theory.Andrew Wernick - 2001 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book offers an exciting re-interpretation of Auguste Comte, the founder of French sociology. Following the development of his philosophy of positivism, Comte later focused on the importance of the emotions in his philosophy resulting in the creation of a new religious system, the Religion of Humanity. Andrew Wernick provides the first in-depth critique of Comte's concept of religion and its place in his thinking on politics, sociology and philosophy of science. He places Comte's ideas in the context of (...)-1789 French political and intellectual history, and of modern philosophy, especially postmodernism. Wernick relates Comte to Marx and Nietzsche as seminal figures of modernity and examines key features of modern and postmodern French social theory, tracing the inherent flaws and disintegration of Comte's system. Wernick offers original and fascinating insights in this rich study which will attract a wide audience from sociologists and philosophers to cultural theorists and historians. (shrink)
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    Religion in Contemporary European Cinema: The Postsecular Constellation.Costica Bradatan & Camil Ungureanu - 2014 - Routledge.
    The religious landscape in Europe is changing dramatically. While the authority of institutional religion has weakened, a growing number of people now desire individualized religious and spiritual experiences, finding the self-complacency of secularism unfulfilling. The "crisis of religion" is itself a form of religious life. A sense of complex, subterraneous interaction between religious, heterodox, secular and atheistic experiences has thus emerged, which makes the phenomenon all the more fascinating to study, and this is what Religion in Contemporary European Cinema does. (...)
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    The “ghosts” of iras past and the changing cultural context of religion and science.Karl E. Peters - 2015 - Zygon 50 (2):329-360.
    Beginning with our cosmic ancestors and the 1950s ancestors of Institute on Religion in an Age of Science, this essay highlights the wider, post-World War II cultural context, including other science and religion organizations, in which IRAS was formed. It then considers eight challenges from today's context. From the context of science there are the challenge of scale that leads us to question our place in the scheme of things and can lead to a challenge to morale concerning whether (...)
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    The role of religion in the system of social and medical services in post-communism Romania.Daniela Cojocaru, Stefan Cojocaru & Antonio Sandu - 2011 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 10 (28):65-83.
    Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0in; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-ansi-language:#0400; mso-fareast-language:#0400; mso-bidi-language:#0400;} This article aims to examine the phenomenon of social services in post-1989 Romania, underscoring the role of the religious factor in the establishment and operation of nongovernmental organisations active in the area of family and child protection/child welfare. The results are based on empirical data collected from interviews with (...)
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    Religion and the Demise of Liberal Rationalism: The Foundational Crisis of the Separation of Church and State.J. Judd Owen - 2001 - University of Chicago Press.
    Acknowledgments1. If Liberalism is a Faith, What Becomes of the Separation of Church and State?2. Pragmatism, Liberalism, and the Quarrel between Science and Religion3. Rorty's Repudiation of Epistemology4. Rortian Irony and the "De-divinization" of Liberalism5. Religion and Rawls's Freestanding Liberalism6. Stanley Fish and the Demise of the Separation of Church and State7. Fish, Locke, and Religious Neutrality8. Reason, Indifference, and the Aim of Religious FreedomAppendix: A Reply to Stanley FishNotesBibliographyIndex Copyright © Libri GmbH. All rights reserved.
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  42. Wittgenstein, Dewey, and the possibility of religion.Scott F. Aikin & Michael P. Hodges - 2006 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 20 (1):1-19.
    John Dewey points out in A Common Faith (1934) that what stands in the way of religious belief for many is the apparent commitment of Western religious traditions to supernatural phenomena and questionable historical claims. We are to accept claims that in any other context we would find laughable. Are we to believe that water can be turned into wine without the benefit of the fermentation process? Are we to swallow the claim that there is such a phenomenon as the (...)
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    Psychology as a Moral Science: Aspects of John Dewey’s Psychology.Svend Brinkmann - 2004 - History of the Human Sciences 17 (1):1-28.
    The article presents an interpretation of certain aspects of John Dewey’s psychological works. The interpretation aims to show that Dewey’s framework speaks directly to certain problems that the discipline of psychology faces today. In particular the reflexive problem, the fact that psychology as an array of discursive practices has served to constitute forms of human subjectivity in Western cultures. Psychology has served to produce or transform its subject-matter. It is shown first that Dewey was aware of the reflexive problem, and (...)
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    Science as a Democratic Life-Function and the Challenge of Scientism.Matthias Jung - 2020 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 12 (2).
    Science is among the most crucial factors for the functioning of modern democracies, yet we tend to conceive of the science-system as mainly driven by its own internal logic and connected with the rest of society via input-output-relations. But does that mean that science is independent from the political system and the cultural life-form into which it is embedded, or is science intrinsically related to democracy? While authors like Hilary Putnam and Philip Kitcher have already tackled these questions, an important (...)
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  45.  8
    The fourth secularisation: autonomy of individual lifestyles.Luigi Berzano - 2019 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Eunan Sheridan.
    This book examines recent forms of secularisation to demonstrate that we are now witnessing a "fourth secularisation": the autonomy of lifestyles. After introducing two initial secularising movements, from mythosto Logosand from Logosto Christianity, the book sets out how from Max Weber onwards a third movement emerged that practised the autonomy of science. More recently, daily life radicalises Weber's secularisation and its scope has spread out to include autonomy of individual practices, which has given rise to this fourth iteration. The book (...)
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    Religion as magical ideology: how the supernatural reflects rationality.Konrad Talmont-Kaminski - 2013 - Bristol, CT ; Durham: Acumen Publishing.
    "Konrad Talmont-Kaminski offers a very thoughtful and thought-provoking critique of the field and an alternative approach to magic, religion, and science that should spark some debate and further research Talmont-Kaminski has thrown down a challenge to the mainstream of anthropological thought about religion, and it is a challenge that we necessarily and gladly pick up." -- Anthropology Review Database "A philosophical naturalist's delight, this book - crisply written and carefully argued - weaves together insights about evolution, mind, and society to (...)
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    Radical Interpretation in Religion.Nancy Frankenberry (ed.) - 2002 - Cambridge University Press.
    This landmark interdisciplinary volume presents methodological options for the study of religion in the twenty-first century. Ten distinguished scholars offer radical interpretations of religious belief and language from a variety of perspectives: anthropology of religion, ritual studies, cognitive psychology, semantics, post-analytic philosophy, history of religions, and philosophy of religion. For the first time, a collection of original essays explores the significance of Donald Davidson's 'radical interpretation', Robert Brandom's 'inferentialism', and Richard Rorty's pragmatism for issues in the study of religion. (...)
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  48. L'etica del Novecento. Dopo Nietzsche.Sergio Cremaschi - 2005 - Roma RM, Italia: Carocci.
    TWENTIETH-CENTURY ETHICS. AFTER NIETZSCHE -/- Preface This book tells the story of twentieth-century ethics or, in more detail, it reconstructs the history of a discussion on the foundations of ethics which had a start with Nietzsche and Sidgwick, the leading proponents of late-nineteenth-century moral scepticism. During the first half of the century, the prevailing trends tended to exclude the possibility of normative ethics. On the Continent, the trend was to transform ethics into a philosophy of existence whose self-appointed task was (...)
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    Morality through inquiry, motive through rhetoric: The politics of science and religion in the epoch of the anthropocene.Nathan Crick - 2019 - Zygon 54 (3):648-664.
    In an epoch marked by the threat of global warming, the conflicts between science and religion are no longer simply matters that concern only intellectual elites and armchair philosophers; they are in many ways matters that will determine the degree to which we can meet the challenges of our times. John H. Evans's Morals Not Knowledge represents an important provocation for those committed not only to using scientific method as a resource for making moral judgments but also to creating political (...)
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  50. The love racket: Defining love and agapefor the love-and-science research program.Thomas Jay Oord - 2005 - Zygon 40 (4):919-938.
    Scholars of religion and science have generated remarkable scholarship in recent years in their explorations of love. Exactly how scholars involved in this budding field believe that love and science should relate and/or be integrated varies greatly. What they share in common is the belief that issues of love are of paramount importance and that the various scientific disciplines—whether natural, social, or religious—must be brought to bear upon how best to understand love. I briefly introduce the emergence of the love‐and‐science (...)
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