Results for ' autokinetic illusion'

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  1.  14
    Sex of the experimenter as a variable in the autokinetic illusion.John L. Allen, Susan J. Sipes & Gregory P. Sipes - 1977 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 9 (6):397-398.
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    Supplementary report: Effect of practice on an illusion.Dorothy Rethlingshafer & Thomas I. Sherrer - 1961 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 62 (1):95.
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    Looking at Animals Looking: Art, Illusion, and Power.I. Illusion - 1990 - In Frederick Burwick & Walter Pape (eds.), Aesthetic illusion: theoretical and historical approaches. New York: W. de Gruyter. pp. 65.
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    In gnosticism, buddhism, and the matrix project.Worlds Of Illusion - 2005 - In Christopher Grau (ed.), Philosophers Explore the Matrix. Oxford University Press.
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  5. The Gettier-illusion: Gettier-partialism and infallibilism.Stephen Hetherington - 2012 - Synthese 188 (2):217-230.
    Could the standard interpretation of Gettier cases reflect a fundamental confusion? Indeed so. How well can epistemologists argue for the truth of that standard interpretation? Not so well. A methodological mistake is allowing them not to notice how they are simply (and inappropriately) being infallibilists when regarding Gettiered beliefs as failing to be knowledge. There is no Gettier problem that we have not merely created for ourselves by unwittingly being infallibilists about knowledge.
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  6. Insight and Illusion.P. M. S. Hacker - 1974 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 4 (1):201-211.
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  7. Exploring the Illusion of Free Will and Moral Responsibility.Gregg D. Caruso (ed.) - 2013 - Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
    Exploring the Illusion of Free Will and Moral Responsibility is an edited collection of new essays by an internationally recognized line-up of contributors. It is aimed at readers who wish to explore the philosophical and scientific arguments for free will skepticism and their implications.
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  8. The Idea of the Systematic Unity of Nature as a Transcendental Illusion.Mark Pickering - 2011 - Kantian Review 16 (3):429-448.
    The Appendix to the Transcendental Dialectic of Kant's first Critique is notorious for two reasons. First, it appears to contradict itself in saying that the idea of the systematic unity of nature is and is not transcendental. Second, in the passages in which Kant appears to espouse the former alternative, he appears to be making a significant amendment to his account of the conditions of the possibility of experience in the Transcendental Analytic. I propose a solution to both of these (...)
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  9. Is Free Will an Illusion? Confronting Challenges from the Modern Mind Sciences.Eddy Nahmias - 2014 - In Walter Sinnott-Armstrong (ed.), Moral Psychology: Free Will and Moral Responsibility. Bradford.
    In this chapter I consider various potential challenges to free will from the modern mind sciences. After motivating the importance of considering these challenges, I outline the argument structure for such challenges: they require simultaneously establishing a particular condition for free will and an empirical challenge to that condition. I consider several potential challenges: determinism, naturalism, and epiphenomenalism, and explain why none of these philosophical challenges is bolstered by new discoveries from neuroscience and psychology. I then respond to relevant empirical (...)
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  10. The Ghostly Illusion of Freewill.Brent Silby - 2012 - Cafe Philosophy 4 (Jan/Feb 2012).
    During my childhood I was fascinated by videogames. One game that stands out in my memory is Pacman. It wasn’t the gameplay that interested me so much as the behavior of the ghosts. As you watch them roam around the maze, you get the feeling that they are intelligent. They seem to be making decisions about how best to catch Pacman. But how free are their decisions? One of the interesting things I noticed was that I could play exactly the (...)
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  11. History and Illusion in Politics.Raymond Geuss - 2003 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 65 (1):178-179.
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    Nichts als Illusion?: zur Realität der Moral.Michael Roth - 2018 - Stuttgart: Verlag W. Kohlhammer.
    Ist die Moral Überbleibsel einer vergangenen Welt und als solches nichts weiter als ein Mittel, der eigenen Meinung Autorität zu verleihen? Die Fragen "Warum überhaupt moralisch sein?" und "Gibt es moralisches Wissen?" helfen uns, der Realität der Moral auf die Spur zu kommen.
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    Number and Illusion: Representation and Numerosity Perception.Michael O’Sullivan - 2017 - Topoi 36 (2):311-318.
    It has been claimed that empirical work in psychology requires the attribution of representational content to perceptual states: that is, the attribution of veridicality conditions to those states. This is a claim that can only be evaluated by the examination of actual empirical research. In this paper I argue that talk of ‘representation’ in at least one area of research in the psychology of perception can be reinterpreted so as to avoid the attribution of veridicality conditions. This area is the (...)
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    Architecture and the Illusion of Perfect Memory.David Leatherbarrow - 1988 - Semiotics:447-452.
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  15. (1 other version)Free Will and Illusion.Saul Smilansky - 2001 - Mind 110 (437):271-274.
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    Dimension and Illusion.Peter J. Lewis - unknown
    The world looks three-dimensional unless one looks closely, when it looks 3N-dimensional. But which appearance is veridical, and which the illusion? Albert contends that the three-dimensionality of the everyday world is illusory, and that 3N-dimensional wavefunction one discerns in quantum phenomena is the reality behind the illusion. What I try to do here is to argue for the converse of Albert's position; the world really is three dimensional, and the 3N-dimensional appearance of quantum phenomena is the theoretical analog (...)
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    David Rittenhouse and the Illusion of Reversible Relief.Brooke Hindle & Helen Hindle - 1959 - Isis 50 (2):135-140.
  18. Anorexia Nervosa: Illusion in the Sense of Agency (2023).Amanda Evans - 2023 - Mind and Language 38 (2):480-494.
    This is a preprint draft. Please cite published version (DOI: 10.1111/mila.12385). The aim of this paper is to provide a novel analysis of anorexia nervosa (AN) in the context of the sense of agency literature. I first show that two accounts of anorexia nervosa that we ought to take seriously— i.e., the first personal reports of those who have experienced it firsthand as well as the research that seeks to explain anorexic behavior from an empirical perspective— appear to be thoroughly (...)
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  19. The Vanishing Ball Illusion: A new perspective on the perception of dynamic events.Gustav Kuhn & Ronald A. Rensink - 2016 - Cognition 148 (C):64-70.
    Our perceptual experience is largely based on prediction, and as such can be influenced by knowledge of forthcoming events. This susceptibility is commonly exploited by magicians. In the Vanishing Ball Illusion, for example, a magician tosses a ball in the air a few times and then pretends to throw the ball again, whilst secretly concealing it in his hand. Most people claim to see the ball moving upwards and then vanishing, even though it did not leave the magician’s hand (...)
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  20. Surely God is no illusion (kant)-observations on krings, Hermann transcendental freedom.Rudolf Malter - 1983 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 90 (2):345-363.
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    Truth and Illusion in Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?Daniel McDonald - 1964 - Renascence 17 (2):63-69.
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    The development of the illusion of control and sense of agency in 7- to-12-year old children and adults.Michiel van Elk, Bastiaan T. Rutjens & Joop van der Pligt - 2015 - Cognition 145:1-12.
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    Literary Invention: The Illusion of the Individual Talent.Loy D. Martin - 1980 - Critical Inquiry 6 (4):649-667.
    In a paper presented at a symposium on structuralism at the Johns Hopkins University in 1968, the historian Charles Morazé analyzed the issue of invention largely with reference to mathematics and the theory of Henri Poincare.1 Poincare, along with the physiologist Hermann von Helmholtz, was the first to put forward a theory of scientific discovery as occurring in discrete phases. In 1926, Joseph Wallas generalized this theory to apply to all creativity, positing phrases which closely resemble those of Morazé. While (...)
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  24. Use Your Illusion: Spatial Functionalism, Vision Science, and the Case Against Global Skepticism.E. J. Green & Gabriel Oak Rabin - 2020 - Analytic Philosophy 61 (4):345-378.
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    The one-is-more illusion: Sets of discrete objects appear less extended than equivalent continuous entities in both space and time.Sami R. Yousif & Brian J. Scholl - 2019 - Cognition 185 (C):121-130.
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    Inference and illusion in dialectic.Martin Kalin - 1977 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 15 (2):253-266.
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  27. Insight and Illusion: Themes in the Philosophy of Wittgenstein.P. M. S. Hacker - 1989 - Philosophical Quarterly 39 (155):231-239.
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    Two hands are better than one: A new assessment method and a new interpretation of the non-visual illusion of self-touch.Rebekah C. White, Anne M. Aimola Davies & Martin Davies - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (3):956-964.
    A simple experimental paradigm creates the powerful illusion that one is touching one’s own hand even when the two hands are separated by 15 cm. The participant uses her right hand to administer stimulation to a prosthetic hand while the Examiner provides identical stimulation to the participant’s receptive left hand. Change in felt position of the receptive hand toward the prosthetic hand has previously led to the interpretation that the participant experiences self-touch at the location of the prosthetic hand, (...)
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    Georges Sorel's illusion of progress.Jeremy Jennings - 1998 - The European Legacy 3 (5):35-50.
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    L’avenir d’une illusion.Martine Kaufmann - 2018 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 20 (2):189-196.
    L’irruption de l’image animée dans l’espace de la scène, pour n’être pas récente, réactualise pourtant un vieux débat qui opposerait ceux qui comme Goethe plaident pour de strictes frontières à ceux qui, après Hegel, derrière Wagner et le chapitre V d’ Opéra et Drame (1851), constatent que chaque art, puisqu’il « tend à une extension indéfinie de sa puissance », est commandé par une sorte de loi du « passage à la limite ». La mise en scène de l’avenir est-elle (...)
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    Making and breaking dramatic illusion.Reginald A. Foa Kes - 1990 - In Frederick Burwick & Walter Pape (eds.), Aesthetic illusion: theoretical and historical approaches. New York: W. de Gruyter. pp. 217.
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  32. Les couleurs subjectives: L'illusion d'une illusion.J. Le Rohellec - 1999 - Techne, 9 10:139-152.
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    La Belgique ou l'illusion de la cohabitation.Marc Lits - 2008 - Hermes 51:167.
    Le docu-fiction diffusé par la chaîne publique belge en décembre 2006 a servi de révélateur à la reconnaissance publique du clivage grandissant entre les deux communautés francophones et flamandes qui cohabitent dans ce pays. Les réalités culturelles, linguistiques et politiques sont de plus en plus hétérogènes, et favorisent des mouvements centrifuges qui manifestent que l'identité belge ne repose plus sur une base communément partagée. La diversité et le souhait d'une séparation négociée l'emportent désormais sur la volonté d'un "vivre-ensemble".The docu-drama broadcast (...)
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    Sur une forme d'illusion affective.Th Ribot - 1907 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 63:502 - 517.
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    The 'Haunted Swing' illusion.R. W. Wood - 1895 - Psychological Review 2 (3):277-278.
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    Untypical Contrast Normalization Explains the “Weak Outnumber Strong” Numerosity Illusion.Quan Lei & Adam Reeves - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Less salient, lower contrast disks appear to be more numerous than more salient, higher contrast disks when intermingled in equal numbers into the same display, but they are equal in perceived numerosity when segregated into different displays. Comparative judgements indicate that the apparent numerosity of the lower contrast disks is unaffected by being intermingled with high contrast disks, whereas the high contrast disks are reduced in numerosity by being intermingled with the low contrast ones. Here, we report that this (...) also occurs for absolute judgements of the numerosities of displays of from 20 to 80 disks. A model based on luminance-difference contrast normalization explains the illusory loss of high-contrast items along with veridical perception of the low-contrast ones. The model correctly predicts that perceived numerosity is linearly related to the square-root of the number of disks, with the extent of the illusion depending on an attentionally-weighted function of contrast and assimilation. (shrink)
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  37. Is seeing all it seems? Action, reason and the grand illusion.Andy Clark - 2002 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 9 (5-6):181-202.
    We seem, or so it seems to some theorists, to experience a rich stream of highly detailed information concerning an extensive part of our current visual surroundings. But this appearance, it has been suggested, is in some way illusory. Our brains do not command richly detailed internal models of the current scene. Our seeings, it seems, are not all that they seem. This, then, is the Grand Illusion. We think we see much more than we actually do. In this (...)
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    On the margins: Illusion, irony, and abjection in ‘The fakir act’ of a British circus.Yoram S. Carmeli - 1996 - Semiotica 108 (1-2):1-30.
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  39. Moral Objectivity: a Kantian Illusion?Bagnoli Carla - 2015 - Journal of Value Inquiry 49 (1-2):31-45.
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  40. Modesty without Illusion.Jason Brennan - 2007 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 75 (1):111-128.
    The common image of the fully virtuous person is of someone with perfect self‐command and self‐perception, who always makes correct evaluations. However, modesty appears to be a real virtue, and it seems contradictory for someone to believe that she is modest. Accordingly, traditional defenders of phronesis (the view that virtue involves practical wisdom) deny that modesty is a virtue, while defenders of modesty such as Julia Driver deny that phronesis is required for virtue. I offer a new theory of modesty—the (...)
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    Virtual Art: From Illusion to Immersion.John Boardman - 2003 - Common Knowledge 9 (3):544-544.
  42. The Passing of an Illusion: The Idea of Communism in the Twentieth Century.François Furet - 2001 - Science and Society 65 (2):236-242.
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    The Dynamic Block Universe and the Illusion of Passage.Maria Balcells - 2019 - In Adrian Bardon, Valtteri Arstila, Sean Power & Argiro Vatakis (eds.), The Illusions of Time: Philosophical and Psychological Essays on Timing and Time Perception. Palgrave Macmillan.
    The passage of time seems to be a fundamental aspect of experience. However, most descriptions of the passage of time itself are incompatible with the four-dimensional block universe model of space and time, in which time is extended like space, and all states of affairs exist equally and eternally in this varied tapestry of space and time. The tension between temporal passage and the block universe seems to leave one with the option of either abandoning the block universe in favor (...)
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    The epistemological illusion.Radu J. Bogdan - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (2):390-391.
  45. Sur une illusion musculaire.Philippe Philippe - 1895 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 40:672.
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    Planning, control, and the illusion of explanation.David A. Westwood - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (1):54-55.
    Several aspects of Glover's planning–control model (PCM) appear incompatible with existing data. Moreover, there is no logical reason to suppose that separate visual representations should be required for the “planning” and “control” of actions in the first place. Although intuitively appealing, the PCM appears to lack strong empirical support.
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    Die große Illusion.Christian Wolf - 2018 - In Carsten Könneker (ed.), Fake Oder Fakt?: Wissenschaft, Wahrheit Und Vertrauen. Berlin: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 85-95.
    Ist unser Bild der Welt nur das Produkt neuronaler Prozesse? Laut Forschern prägen die Eigenarten des Gehirns, was und wie wir wahrnehmen. Trotzdem sei unser Erleben kein Hirngespinst, halten Philosophen dagegen.»Wenn du die blaue Kapsel schluckst, ist es aus«, sagt Morpheus mit bedeutungsschwerem Blick. »Du wachst in deinem Bett auf und glaubst an das, was du glauben willst.« Der Computernerd Neo hat die Wahl: Entscheidet er sich gegen die blaue Kapsel und für die rote, wird er die Wahrheit sehen, verspricht (...)
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    Insight and Illusion.Maria Wolf - 1973 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 22:277-279.
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    Is The Sensible An Illusion? The Revisited Ontology Of The Sophist.Luca Pitteloud - 2014 - Aufklärung 1 (1):33-57.
    In this paper we argue that, in the Sophist, Plato provides the reader some elements about a revision of his ontology behind the discussion about the nature of non-being. We would want to show that the analysis of the notion of image gives some indications concerning the nature of the sensible, which is usually described as an image of the intelligible.
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    Wittgenstein and the Illusion of ‘Progress’: On Real Politics and Real Philosophy in a World of Technocracy.Rupert Read - 2016 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 78:265-284.
    ‘You can’t stop progress’, we are endlessly told. But what is meant by “progress”? What is “progress” toward? We are rarely told. Human flourishing? And a culture? That would be a good start – but rarely seems a criterion for ‘progress’. Rather, ‘progress’ is simply a process, that we are not allowed, apparently, to stop. Or rather: it would be futile to seek to stop it. So that we are seemingly-deliberately demoralised into giving up even trying.Questioning the myth of ‘progress’, (...)
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