Results for ' case of disconfirmation'

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  1.  39
    Confirmation, disconfirmation, and invention: The case of Alexander Graham bell and the telephone.Michael E. Gorman - 1995 - Thinking and Reasoning 1 (1):31 – 53.
  2.  17
    Gregory's theory of illusions: Some disconfirming evidence in the case of the Muller-Lyer illusion.Lester E. Krueger - 1972 - Psychological Review 79 (6):538-539.
  3. The integrated information theory of consciousness: A case of mistaken identity.Bjorn Merker, Kenneth Williford & David Rudrauf - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45:e41.
    Giulio Tononi's integrated information theory (IIT) proposes explaining consciousness by directly identifying it with integrated information. We examine the construct validity of IIT's measure of consciousness,phi(Φ), by analyzing its formal properties, its relation to key aspects of consciousness, and its co-variation with relevant empirical circumstances. Our analysis shows that IIT's identification of consciousness with the causal efficacy with which differentiated networks accomplish global information transfer (which is what Φ in fact measures) is mistaken. This misidentification has the consequence of requiring (...)
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  4.  58
    Perspectival Realism and Frequentist Statistics: The Case of Jerzy Neyman’s Methodology and Philosophy.Adam P. Kubiak - unknown
    I investigate the extent to which perspectival realism agrees with frequentist statistical methodology and philosophy, with an emphasis on J. Neyman’s views. Based on the example of the stopping rule problem, I show how PR can naturally be associated with frequentist statistics in general. I also show that there are some aspects of Neyman’s thought that seem to confirm PR and others that disconfirm it. I argue that epistemic PR is consistent with Neyman’s frequentism to a satisfactory degree and that (...)
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  5.  36
    A weak symmetry condition for probabilistic measures of confirmation.Jakob Koscholke - 2018 - Philosophical Studies 175 (8):1927-1944.
    This paper presents a symmetry condition for probabilistic measures of confirmation which is weaker than commutativity symmetry, disconfirmation commutativity symmetry but also antisymmetry. It is based on the idea that for any value a probabilistic measure of confirmation can assign there is a corresponding case where degrees of confirmation are symmetric. It is shown that a number of prominent confirmation measures such as Carnap’s difference function, Rescher’s measure of confirmation, Gaifman’s confirmation rate and Mortimer’s inverted difference function do (...)
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  6.  47
    Conjectures and Disconfirmations: Confirming the Standard Model Higgs.Martin King - 2023 - Erkenntnis 88 (7):2727-2747.
    One model in particular, the Standard Model Higgs, is taken to have been confirmed by the Higgs boson discovery at the LHC, even though many models are compatible with the data. Some models even provided riskier predictions and should perhaps be regarded as having been even more strongly confirmed. This paper sketches an argument demonstrating this by comparing the confirmation of the Standard Model Higgs with that of the Higgs in minimal supersymmetry. The paper then attempts to provide a way (...)
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  7.  88
    Regularity theories disconfirmed: a revamped argument and a wager.Patrick Cronin - 2017 - Synthese 194 (12):4913-4933.
    Regularity theories of causation assert that causal or nomic notions are to be reduced into “mere” frequencies of particular, non-nomic, co-located qualities and matters of fact. In this essay, I present a critical exploration of Armstrong and Strawson’s explanatory arguments against regularity theories. The shortcomings of these older arguments for nomic realism are identified and a revamped version which is immune to such problems is outlined and defended. I argue that anti-realism suffers substantial disconfirmation due to its comparative inability (...)
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  8. Contrastive rhetoric: A case of nominalization in japanese and English discourse senko K. Maynard.A. Case of Nominalization In Japanese - 1996 - In Katarzyna Jaszczolt & Ken Turner (eds.), Contrastive semantics and pragmatics. Tarrytown, N.Y., U.S.A.: Pergamon Press. pp. 933-946.
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  9. Intuitions and the theory of reference.Jennifer Nado & Michael Johnson - unknown
    In this paper, we will examine the role that intuitions and responses to thought experiments play in confirming or disconfirming theories of reference, using insights from both debates as our starting point. Our view is that experimental evidence of the type elicited by MMNS does play a central role in the construction of theories of reference. This, however, is not because such theory construction is accurately characterized by "the method of cases." First, experimental philosophy does not directly collect data about (...)
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  10.  62
    Genuine confirmation and tacking by conjunction.Michael Schippers & Gerhard Schurz - 2018 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science (1):321-352.
    Tacking by conjunction is a deep problem for Bayesian confirmation theory. It is based on the insight that to each hypothesis h that is confirmed by a piece of evidence e one can ‘tack’ an irrelevant hypothesis h′ so that h∧h′ is also confirmed by e. This seems counter-intuitive. Existing Bayesian solution proposals try to soften the negative impact of this result by showing that although h∧h′ is confirmed by e, it is so only to a lower degree. In this (...)
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  11.  27
    Philosophy of Science.Richard DeWitt - 2010 - In Fritz Allhoff (ed.), Philosophies of the Sciences. Malden, MA: Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 9–37.
    This chapter contains sections titled: What Does Philosophy Have to Do with Science? Philosophical Issues in Scientific Practice Philosophical Issues in Scientific Foundations Conclusion References.
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  12.  50
    The case against memory consolidation in Rem sleep: Balderdash!William Fishbein - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (6):934-936.
    Unfortunately, some researchers think a good scientific theory is one that has been repeatedly confirmed, and a bad theory is one that has not received consistent confirmation. However, confirmation of a theory depends on the extent to which a hypothesis exposes itself to disconfirmation. One confirmation of a highly specific, falsifiable experiment can have a far greater impact than the disconfirmation of twenty experiments that are virtually unfalsifiable. This commentary (1) counteracts misleading biases regarding the REM sleep/memory consolidation (...)
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  13.  30
    Religious supplicant, seductive cannibal, or reflex machine? In search of the praying mantis.Frederick R. Prete & M. Melissa Wolfe - 1992 - Journal of the History of Biology 25 (1):91-136.
    The original, prescientific Western belief that the mantis is a pious, helpful creature became a widely held explanation for the mantid's unique resting posture, and for one of its cryptic displays. This belief was a characteristic part of a broader discourse about nature in which ancient authority, religious beliefs, and superstition, but few original observations, mixed freely. Gradually, the belief in mantid gentleness and piousness became a commonplace through the continual retelling of the myths and superstitions surrounding this fascinating insect.By (...)
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  14.  61
    The Role of Art in Emotional-Moral Reflection on Risky and Controversial Technologies: the Case of BNCI.Sabine Roeser, Veronica Alfano & Caroline Nevejan - 2018 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 21 (2):275-289.
    In this article, we explore the role that art can play in ethical reflection on risky and controversial technologies. New technologies often give rise to societal controversies about their potential risks and benefits. Over the last decades, social scientists, psychologists, and philosophers have criticized quantitative approaches to risk on the grounds that they oversimplify its societal and ethical implications. There is broad consensus amongst these scholars that stakeholders and their values and concerns should be included in decision-making about technological risks. (...)
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  15. Hipnosis en un Caso de ansiedad.Hypnosis in A. Case Of Anxiety - forthcoming - Horizonte.
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  16. Inhalt: Werner Gephart.Oder: Warum Daniel Witte: Recht Als Kultur, I. Allgemeine, Property its Contemporary Narratives of Legal History Gerhard Dilcher: Historische Sozialwissenschaft als Mittel zur Bewaltigung der ModerneMax Weber und Otto von Gierke im Vergleich Sam Whimster: Max Weber'S. "Roman Agrarian Society": Jurisprudence & His Search for "Universalism" Marta Bucholc: Max Weber'S. Sociology of Law in Poland: A. Case of A. Missing Perspective Dieter Engels: Max Weber Und Die Entwicklung des Parlamentarischen Minderheitsrechts I. V. Das Recht Und Die Gesellsc Civilization Philipp Stoellger: Max Weber Und Das Recht des Protestantismus Spuren des Protestantismus in Webers Rechtssoziologie I. I. I. Rezeptions- Und Wirkungsgeschichte Hubert Treiber: Zur Abhangigkeit des Rechtsbegriffs Vom Erkenntnisinteresse Uta Gerhardt: Unvermerkte Nahe Zur Rechtssoziologie Talcott Parsons' Und Max Webers Masahiro Noguchi: A. Weberian Approach to Japanese Legal Culture Without the "Sociology of Law": Takeyoshi Kawashima - 2017 - In Werner Gephart & Daniel Witte (eds.), Recht als Kultur?: Beiträge zu Max Webers Soziologie des Rechts. Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klosterman.
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  17.  45
    (1 other version)A causal theory of confirmation for Bayesians.Shimin Zhao - 2024 - Syntheses 204 (167).
    This paper proposes a new Bayesian confirmation theory, according to which confirmational relations are causal relations between credences. The idea is that proposition E is evidentially relevant to proposition H relative to a credence distribution cr just in case cr(E) is a cause of cr(H), which is understood from an interventionist perspective as intervening on cr(E) would make a difference to the value of cr(H). E confirms H means that under an intervention on cr(E), cr(H) and cr(E) would covary (...)
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  18.  34
    The Heuristic Power of Theory Classification, the Case of General Relativity.Diego Maltrana & Nicolás Sepúlveda-Quiroz - 2022 - Foundations of Physics 52 (4):1-24.
    In this article, we explore the heuristic power of the theoretical distinction between framework and interaction theories applied to the case of General Relativity. According to the distinction, theories and theoretical elements can be classified into two different groups, each with clear ontological, epistemic and functional content. Being so, to identify the group to which a theory belongs would suffice to know a priori its prospects and limitations in these areas without going into a detailed technical analysis. We make (...)
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  19.  49
    Pregnancy and Prenatal Harm to Offspring: The Case of Mothers with PKU.John A. Robertson & Joseph D. Schulman - 1987 - Hastings Center Report 17 (4):23-33.
    Ethical and legal traditions recognize prenatal duties to avoid harm to offspring. However, applying the harm principle to pregnancy requires a careful balancing of a baby's welfare with a pregnant woman's interest in liberty and bodily integrity. In the case of maternal PKU the mother can prevent harm to her baby by returning to the admittedly unpleasant diet that prevented her from being retarded. Informing, counseling, and access to medical care should be the primary policy. Seizures and forced treatment (...)
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  20.  32
    Current controversies and irresolvable disagreement: the case of Vincent Lambert and the role of ‘dissensus’.Dominic Wilkinson & Julian Savulescu - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (10):631-635.
    Controversial cases in medical ethics are, by their very nature, divisive. There are disagreements that revolve around questions of fact or of value. Ethical debate may help in resolving those disagreements. However, sometimes in such cases, there are opposing reasonable views arising from deep-seated differences in ethical values. It is unclear that agreement and consensus will ever be possible. In this paper, we discuss the recent controversial case of Vincent Lambert, a French man, diagnosed with a vegetative state, for (...)
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  21. Nonreductive Physicalism and the Problem of Strong Closure.Sophie Gibb - 2012 - American Philosophical Quarterly 49 (1):29-42.
    Closure is the central premise in one of the best arguments for physicalism—the argument from causal overdetermination. According to Closure, at every time at which a physical event has a sufficient cause, it has a sufficient physical cause. This principle is standardly defended by appealing to the fact that it enjoys empirical support from numerous confirming cases (and no disconfirming cases) in physics. However, in recent literature on mental causation, attempts have been made to provide a stronger argument for it. (...)
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  22.  26
    The Role of Intuitive Ontologies in Scientific Understanding – the Case of Human Evolution.Helen Cruz & Johan Smedt - 2007 - Biology and Philosophy 22 (3):351-368.
    Psychological evidence suggests that laypeople understand the world around them in terms of intuitive ontologies which describe broad categories of objects in the world, such as ‘person’, ‘artefact’ and ‘animal’. However, because intuitive ontologies are the result of natural selection, they only need to be adaptive; this does not guarantee that the knowledge they provide is a genuine reflection of causal mechanisms in the world. As a result, science has parted ways with intuitive ontologies. Nevertheless, since the brain is evolved (...)
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  23.  35
    Best interests, dementia, and end of life decision-making: the case of Mrs S.Rosalind McDougall - 2005 - Monash Bioethics Review 24 (3):36-46.
    In this paper, I present an ethical analysis of the case of an elderly woman with dementia, Mrs S. The hospital treating Mrs S sought to cease her dialysis treatment despite Mrs S’s family’s protestations that continuing the treatment was in her best interests. Assuming Brock’s framework as a theoretical background, I consider the case in terms of three questions. Firstly, was ‘best interests ’ the appropriate basis for deciding on a course of action in this situation? Secondly, (...)
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  24.  67
    Misalignment Between Research Hypotheses and Statistical Hypotheses: A Threat to Evidence-Based Medicine?Insa Lawler & Georg Zimmermann - 2019 - Topoi 40 (2):307-318.
    Evidence-based medicine frequently uses statistical hypothesis testing. In this paradigm, data can only disconfirm a research hypothesis’ competitors: One tests the negation of a statistical hypothesis that is supposed to correspond to the research hypothesis. In practice, these hypotheses are often misaligned. For instance, directional research hypotheses are often paired with non-directional statistical hypotheses. Prima facie, one cannot gain proper evidence for one’s research hypothesis employing a misaligned statistical hypothesis. This paper sheds lights on the nature of and the reasons (...)
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  25.  34
    Paths of corporate change and the metaphor of ‘sectoral roots’: The case of finnish corporations, 1973–1985.Keijo Räsänen - 1993 - World Futures 37 (2):111-127.
    (1993). Paths of corporate change and the metaphor of ‘sectoral roots’: The case of finnish corporations, 1973–1985. World Futures: Vol. 37, The Evolution of Socio-Economic Systems, pp. 111-127.
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  26. An abuse of context in semantics: The case of incomplete definite descriptions.Ernest Lepore - 2003
    Critics and champions alike have fussed and fretted for well over fifty years about whether Russell’s treatment is compatible with certain alleged acceptable uses of incomplete definite descriptions,[2] where a description (the F( is incomplete just in case more than one object satisfies its nominal F, as in (1).
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  27.  16
    Constructive Technology Assessment and Technology Dynamics: The Case of Clean Technologies.Johan W. Schot - 1992 - Science, Technology and Human Values 17 (1):36-56.
    A synthesis of neo-Schumpeterian evolutionary, sociological, and historical coevolution ary models could be used for constructive technology assessment, aimed at the active management of the process of technological change. This article proposes a synthetic quasi-evolutionary model, in which variation and selection are neither independent nor coincidental processes. Variation and selection are linked by actors, resulting in the actor role labeled technological nexus. On the basis of the quasi-evolutionary approach, three constructive technology assessment strategies are proposed: stimulating alternative variations, changing the (...)
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  28.  17
    Morgan’s Conventionalism versus WADA’s Use of the Prohibited List: The Case of Thyroxine.A. J. Bloodworth, M. J. McNamee & R. Jaques - 2018 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 12 (4):401-415.
    Morgan has argued that attitudes to the medicalisation of sports are historically conditioned.While the history of doping offers contested versions of when the sports world turned againstconservative forces, Morgan has argued that these attitudes are out of step with prevailingnorms and that the World Anti Doping Agency's policy needs to be modified to better reflectthis. As an advocate of critical democracies in sports, he argues that anti-doping policy mustacknowledge and reflect these shifts in order to secure their legitimacy. In response, (...)
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  29.  69
    The factualization of uncertainty: Risk, politics, and genetically modified crops – a case of rape.Gitte Meyer, Anna Paldam Folker, Rikke Bagger Jørgensen, Martin Krayer von Krauss, Peter Sandøe & Geir Tveit - 2005 - Agriculture and Human Values 22 (2):235-242.
    Abstract.Mandatory risk assessment is intended to reassure concerned citizens and introduce reason into the heated European controversies on genetically modified crops and food. The authors, examining a case of risk assessment of genetically modified oilseed rape, claim that the new European legislation on risk assessment does nothing of the sort and is not likely to present an escape from the international deadlock on the use of genetic modification in agriculture and food production. The new legislation is likely to stimulate (...)
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  30.  71
    Scientific autonomy and planned research: The case of space science.Torsten Wilholt - 2006 - Poiesis and Praxis 4 (4):253-265.
    Scientific research that requires space flight has always been subject to comparatively strong external control. Its agenda has often had to be adapted to vacillating political target specifications. Can space scientists appeal to one or the other form of the widely acknowledged principle of freedom of research in order to claim more autonomy? In this paper, the difficult question of autonomy within planned research is approached by examining three arguments that support the principle of freedom of research in differing ways. (...)
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  31.  42
    Abandoning or Reimagining a Cultural Heartland? Understanding and Responding to Rewilding Conflicts in Wales – the Case of the Cambrian Wildwood.Sophie Wynne-Jones, Graham Strouts & George Holmes - 2018 - Environmental Values 27 (4):377-403.
    This paper is about rewilding and the tensions it involves. Rewilding is a relatively novel approach to nature conservation, which seeks to be proactive and ambitious in the face of continuing environmental decline. Whilst definitions of rewilding place a strong emphasis on non-human agency, it is an inescapably human aspiration resulting in a range of social conflicts. The paper focuses on the case study of the Cambrian Wildwood project in Mid Wales (UK), evaluating the ways in which debate and (...)
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  32.  14
    Knowledge Innovation Mechanism Based on Linkages between Core Knowledge and Periphery Knowledge: The Case of R&D Cooperation between Latecomers and Forerunners.Weibao Li, Xiaoli Li & Weiwei Wu - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-13.
    With rapid changes in technology, knowledge innovation has become more and more complex. Complex partners facilitate knowledge creation and innovation in complex problem-solving. Relying on R&D cooperation with forerunners, latecomers can acquire new knowledge factors and new ideas and use them to create new knowledge. This study demonstrated the knowledge innovation mechanism based on linkages between periphery knowledge and core knowledge with knowledge map theory and set methodology. A case of R&D cooperation between latecomers and forerunners was introduced to (...)
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  33.  55
    Critique of the Psycho-Physical Identity Theory, a Refutation of Scientific Materialism and an Establishment of Mind-Matter Dualism by Means of Philosophy and Scientific Method. [REVIEW]S. P. - 1974 - Review of Metaphysics 27 (4):809-810.
    This book is a rationalist critique of the identity theory, oriented by a discussion of Feigl’s significance-reference distinction. Large chapters on the impossibility of identity, on both methodological and empirical grounds, are filled with helpful quotes and clear interpretations of contemporary theories. For Polten dualism is not resolved by language clarification. "Morning star" and "evening star" do not have the same sense, nor do they refer to the same extension. They could not be substituted for one another. "X = Y (...)
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  34.  21
    Modernizing Science: Between a Liberal, Social, and Socialistic University – The Case of Poland and the University of Łódź.Agata Zysiak - 2015 - Science in Context 28 (2):215-236.
    ArgumentThis paper examines the postwar reconstruction of the Polish academic system. It analyzes a debate that took place in the newly established university in the proletarian city of Łódź. The vision of the shape of the university was a bone of contention between the professors. This resulted in two contentious models of a university: “liberal” and “socialized.” Soon, universities were transformed into crucial institutions of the emerging communist state, where national history, ideology, and the future elite were produced and shaped. (...)
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  35.  72
    Reduction, elimination, and levels: The case of the LTP-learning link.Maurice K. D. Schouten & Huib Looren De Jong - 1999 - Philosophical Psychology 12 (3):237 – 262.
    We argue in this paper that so-called new wave reductionism fails to capture the nature of the interlevel relations between psychology and neuroscience. Bickle (1995, Psychoneural reduction of the genuinely cognitive: some accomplished facts, Philosophical Psychology, 8, 265-285; 1998, Psychoneural reduction: the new wave, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press) has claimed that a (bottom-up) reduction of the psychological concepts of learning and memory to the concepts of neuroscience has in fact already been accomplished. An investigation of current research on the phenomenon (...)
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  36.  8
    Mapping the political landscape of Persian Twitter: The case of 2013 presidential election.Emad Khazraee - 2019 - Big Data and Society 6 (1).
    The fallacy of premature designations such as “Iran's Twitter Revolution” can be attributed to the empirical gap in our knowledge about such sociotechnical phenomena in non-Western societies. To fill this gap, we need in-depth analyses of social media use in those contexts and to create detailed maps of online public environments in such societies. This paper aims to present such cartography of the political landscape of Persian Twitter by studying the case of Iran's 2013 presidential election. The objective of (...)
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  37.  33
    Was there no evolutionary thought in the middle ages? The case of William of ockham.Sharon M. Kaye - 2006 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 14 (2):225 – 244.
    (2006). Was there no evolutionary thought in the middle ages? The case of William of Ockham. British Journal for the History of Philosophy: Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 225-244.
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    Ethics of Mathematical Modeling in Public Health: The Case of Medical Male Circumcision for HIV Prevention in Africa.Stuart Rennie, Sara Levintow, Adam Gilbertson & Winnie Kavulani Luseno - 2024 - Public Health Ethics 17 (3):125-138.
    Mathematical modelling has played an increasingly prominent role in public health responses, for example by offering estimates of how infectious disease incidence over time may be affected by the adoption of certain policies and interventions. In this paper, we call for greater research and reflection into the ethics of mathematical modeling in public health. First, we present some promising ways of framing the ethics of mathematical modeling that have been offered in the very few publications specifically devoted to this subject. (...)
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  39.  23
    Religion and the cultural public sphere: the case of the Finnish liberal intelligentsia during the turmoil of the early twentieth century.Jukka Kortti - 2018 - History of European Ideas 44 (1):98-112.
    ABSTRACTThe political public sphere is at one and the same time both public, and private and religion operates in both the public and the private spheres in the modern way of life. This article approaches the dynamics between the cultural and the political public sphere from the point of view of religion; how the cultural intelligentsia developed its worldview fuelled with attitudes towards religion in times of political turmoil. The case study, based on the empirical analysis of cultural periodicals (...)
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    One Woman Helping Another: Egg Donation as a Case of Relational Work.Jennifer Haylett - 2012 - Politics and Society 40 (2):223-247.
    California is the global hub for assisted reproductive technology practices, including egg donation. The rise of egg donation in the United States is surprising given the cultural context linking genetics and motherhood and rejecting the commodification of reproduction. Scholars in the hostile worlds camp have grappled with the relationship between intimacy and economics, yet employing this theory to explain the increase in egg donation is unsatisfactory. The concept of relational work, developed by Viviana Zelizer, provides scholars with a robust analytical (...)
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  41. The Significance of Consilience: Psychoanalysis, Attachment, Neuroscience, and Evolution.Jim Hopkins - 2017 - In L. Brakel & V. Talvete (eds.), Psychoanalysis and Philosophy of Mind:Unconscious mentality in the 21st century. Karnac.
    This paper considers clinical psychoanalysis together with developmental psychology (particularly attachment theory), evolution, and neuroscience in the context a Bayesian account of confirmation and disconfrimation. -/- In it I argue that these converging sources of support indicate that the combination of relatively low predictive power and broad explanatory scope that characterise the theories of both Freud and Darwin suggest that Freud's theory, like Darwin's, may strike deeply into natural phenomena. -/- The same argument, however, suggests that conclusive confirmation for Freudian (...)
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    How does a psychiatrist infer from an observed condition to a case of mental disorder?Maël Lemoine - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (5):979-983.
    The main thesis of this paper is that mental health practitioners can legitimately infer that a patient's given condition is a case of mental disorder without having diagnosed any specific mental disorder. The article shows how this is justifiable by relying either on psychopathological reasoning, on 'intentional' analysis or possibly on other modes of reasoning. In the end, it highlights the clinical and philosophical consequences of the plurality of modes of 'inferences to mental disorder'.
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    Judgement of suffering in the case of a euthanasia request in The Netherlands.J. A. C. Rietjens, D. G. van Tol, M. Schermer & A. van der Heide - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (8):502-507.
    Introduction: In The Netherlands, physicians have to be convinced that the patient suffers unbearably and hopelessly before granting a request for euthanasia. The extent to which general practitioners (GPs), consulted physicians and members of the euthanasia review committees judge this criterion similarly was evaluated. Methods: 300 GPs, 150 consultants and 27 members of review committees were sent a questionnaire with patient descriptions. Besides a “standard case” of a patient with physical suffering and limited life expectancy, the descriptions included cases (...)
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    Conceptual connections between realistic and abstract pictures.Richard P. Honeck, Tammy J. S. Case & Michael Firment - 1988 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 26 (1):5-7.
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    Wish to die trying to live: unwise or incapacitous? The case of University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust versus ‘ST’.Johnna Wellesley, Dominic Wilkinson & Bryanna Moore - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    The recent legal dispute about medical treatment for a 19-year-old patient, Sudiksha Thirumalesh, (known initially by the Court of Protection as ‘ST’) in A NHS Trust versus ST & Ors (2023) raised several challenging ethical issues. While Sudiksha’s case bears similarities to other high-profile cases in England and Wales, there are key differences. Crucially, Sudiksha herself was part of the disagreement. She was alert, communicative and sought to advocate for herself. Furthermore, this case was framed in the courts (...)
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    Dialogic Characteristics of Philosophical Discourse: The Case of Plato's Dialogues.Frédéric Cossutta - 2003 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 36 (1):48-76.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 36.1 (2003) 48-76 [Access article in PDF] Dialogic Characteristics of Philosophical Discourse:The Case of Plato's Dialogues 1 Frédéric Cossutta The dialogic is increasingly acknowledged as a fundamental factor in the study of human language, a factor that transcends its explicit presence in dialogue. Habermas and Apel are examples of philosophers who do not think of the dialogic as subordinate to the monologic, an approach to (...)
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    Considerations on Legal and Philosophical Problems in Experimental Botany: The case of plant in vitro cultures.Iwona Kleszcz & Marek Jakubiec - 2015 - Semina Scientiarum 14:92-119.
    The present paper consists of two parts. In the first, some issues related to the character of biological experiments conducted under in vitro cultures are portrayed. The relevant aspects of these procedures are explicated from the viewpoint of the experimental botanist. It is a case study for the considerations in the second part, which presents selected philosophical and legal issues involved in biological experiments from the general perspective of philosophical investigations concerning the problem of plants’ axiology. Obviously, the nature (...)
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    Imagination, distributed responsibility and vulnerable technological systems: The case of Snorre a.Mark Coeckelbergh & Ger Wackers - 2007 - Science and Engineering Ethics 13 (2):235-248.
    An influential approach to engineering ethics is based on codes of ethics and the application of moral principles by individual practitioners. However, to better understand the ethical problems of complex technological systems and the moral reasoning involved in such contexts, we need other tools as well. In this article, we consider the role of imagination and develop a concept of distributed responsibility in order to capture a broader range of human abilities and dimensions of moral responsibility. We show that in (...)
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    RETRACTION NOTICE: Market Movers: the case of bitcoin in the Covid-19 setting.Daniela Penela - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (2):1-11.
    Retraction note: Penela, D. (2022). Market Movers: the case of bitcoin in the Covid-19 setting. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 15(7), 1–11. The Editorial Office of Eurasia Academic Publishing Group has retracted this article. An investigation carried out by our Research Integrity Department has found a group of articles, among which this one is found, that are not within the thematic scope of the journal. We believe that the editorial process was manipulated and, furthermore, acceptance (...)
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    The Apollonian-Dionysian dialectics in the interpretation of the "negrista" poetry of Nicolás Guillén as an atypical case of heterogeneous literature.Helena Modzelewski - 2012 - Estudios de Filosofía Práctica E Historia de Las Ideas 14 (2):93-100.
    La percepción del Otro desde una perspectiva hegemónica es recurrente en las literaturas heterogéneas, entendidas a grandes rasgos como un tipo de literatura fruto del encuentro entre culturas. Mi objetivo es presentar a la poesía negrista como un evidente caso de literatura heterogénea, aunque con una diferencia: en lugar de perpetuar el punto de vista hegemónico, la poesía negrista latinoamericana, en particular la de Nicolás Guillén, logra una visión de los negros desde la búsqueda de una identidad propia. Teniendo como (...)
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