Results for ' children lacking maturity in making decisions ‐ parents should then make the decisions'

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  1.  41
    Conflating Capacity & Authority: Why We're Asking the Wrong Question in the Adolescent Decision‐Making Debate.Erica K. Salter - 2017 - Hastings Center Report 47 (1):32-41.
    Whether adolescents should be allowed to make their own medical decisions has been a topic of discussion in bioethics for at least two decades now. Are adolescents sufficiently capacitated to make their own medical decisions? Is the mature-minor doctrine, an uncommon legal exception to the rule of parental decision-making authority, something we should expand or eliminate? Bioethicists have dealt with the curious liminality of adolescents—their being neither children nor adults—in a variety of (...)
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  2. "What's in the box then, Mum?"--Death, Disability and Dogma.Sheila Colman - 2003 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 10 (1):81-85.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 10.1 (2003) 81-85 [Access article in PDF] "What's in the Box Then, Mum?"—Death, Disability, and Dogma Sheila Colman OVERHEARD IN AN EXCHANGE between a bereaved woman and her son outside the church just prior to a funeral service: "What's in the box, then?" "Daddy." The son is in his late 30s and has a learning disability. His mother had prepared him as well (...)
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    Father's Ideals and Children's Lives.Jeffrey Morgan - 2010-09-24 - In Fritz Allhoff, Lon S. Nease & Michael W. Austin (eds.), Fatherhood ‐ Philosophy for Everyone. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 180–189.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Notes.
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    Health Care Decisionmaking by Children Is It in Their Best Interest?Lainie Friedman Ross - 1997 - Hastings Center Report 27 (6):41-46.
    The argument for children's rights in health care has been long in the making. The success of this position is reflected in the 1995 American Academy of Pediatrics recommendations for the role of children in health care decisionmaking, which suggest that children be given greater voice as they mature. But there are good moral and practical reasons for exercising caution in these health care situations, especially when the child and parents disagree. Parents need the (...)
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    The Intersection of Medicine and Religion.John C. Dormois - 2014 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 4 (3):196-199.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Intersection of Medicine and ReligionJohn C. DormoisThe practice of medicine offers a host of rewards to the practitioner. Besides the obvious intellectual satisfaction of solving a difficult diagnostic problem or the ability to make a comfortable living, I have found the greatest personal sense of moral gratification when helping [End Page 196] families negotiate the most challenging event in life: making decisions at end of (...)
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    Parents’ and Physicians’ Perceptions of Children’s Participation in Decision-making in Paediatric Oncology: A Quantitative Study.Michael Rost, Tenzin Wangmo, Felix Niggli, Karin Hartmann, Heinz Hengartner, Marc Ansari, Pierluigi Brazzola, Johannes Rischewski, Maja Beck-Popovic, Thomas Kühne & Bernice S. Elger - 2017 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 14 (4):555-565.
    The goal is to present how shared decision-making in paediatric oncology occurs from the viewpoints of parents and physicians. Eight Swiss Pediatric Oncology Group centres participated in this prospective study. The sample comprised a parent and physician of the minor patient. Surveys were statistically analysed by comparing physicians’ and parents’ perspectives and by evaluating factors associated with children’s actual involvement. Perspectives of ninety-one parents and twenty physicians were obtained for 151 children. Results indicate that (...)
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  7. Is there a case in favour of predictive genetic testing in young children?Stephen Robertson & Julian Savulescu - 2001 - Bioethics 15 (1):26–49.
    Genetic testing technology has brought the ability to predict the onset of diseases many years before symptoms appear and the use of such predictive testing is now widespread. The medical fraternity has met the application of this practice to children with caution. The justification for their predominantly prohibitive stance has revolved around the lack of a readily identifiable medical benefit in the face of potential psychological harms to the child. We argue that predictive testing can have important psychosocial benefits (...)
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  8. Should we presume moral turpitude in our children? – Small children and consent to medical research.John Harris & Søren Holm - 2003 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 24 (2):121-129.
    When children are too young to make their ownautonomous decisions, decisions have to be madefor them. In certain contexts we allow parentsand others to make these decisions, and do notinterfere unless the decision clearly violatesthe best interest of the child. In othercontexts we put a priori limits on whatkind of decisions parents can make, and/or whatkinds of considerations they have to take intoaccount. Consent to medical research currentlyfalls into the second group (...)
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    Children's Hospital ICU Nurse and Physician Rankings of Important Considerations in Pediatric End-of-Life Decision Making.Wynne Morrison, Jennifer Faerber, Kari Hexem, Michael Ruppe & Chris Feudtner - 2015 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 6 (3):50-58.
    Background: Families and clinicians must often weigh competing priorities when making medical decisions for a pediatric patient at the end of life. Few empirical data exist regarding the importance that clinicians place on varying priorities and whether clinical practice conforms to decision-making standards discussed in the literature. Methods: We administered a discrete choice experiment to understand the relative importance of nine pediatric end-of-life decision-making priorities using responses from 364 nurses and physicians from three intensive care units (...)
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    ‘We Should View Him as an Individual’: The Role of the Child’s Future Autonomy in Shared Decision-Making About Unsolicited Findings in Pediatric Exome Sequencing.W. Dondorp, I. Bolt, A. Tibben, G. De Wert & M. Van Summeren - 2021 - Health Care Analysis 29 (3):249-261.
    In debates about genetic testing of children, as well as about disclosing unsolicited findings (UFs) of pediatric exome sequencing, respect for future autonomy should be regarded as a prima facie consideration for not taking steps that would entail denying the future adult the opportunity to decide for herself about what to know about her own genome. While the argument can be overridden when other, morally more weighty considerations are at stake, whether this is the case can only be (...)
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  11. Moral Callings and the Decision to Have Children – A Response to Mitchell.James McBain - 2004 - Contemporary Philosophy 2004 (25):3&4.
    While there are numerous questions that the having of children raise, there is one that philosophers should be particularly concerned with – “What is the good reason for the having of children?” Recently, Jeff Mitchell has given a deontological answer to this question (Contemporary Philosophy, Vol. XXIV, NO. 5 & 6, Sept/Oct & Nov/Dec 2002, pp. 42-46). His answer is based on the moral function of the having of children. He claims that parenthood is a “moral (...)
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    What Matters to the Parents? a qualitative study of parents' experiences with life-and-death decisions concerning their premature infants.Berit Støre Brinchmann, Reidun Førde & Per Nortvedt - 2002 - Nursing Ethics 9 (4):388-404.
    The aim of this article is to generate knowledge about parents’ participation in life-and-death decisions concerning their very premature and/or critically ill infants in hospital neonatal units. The question is: what are parents’ attitudes towards their involvement in such decision making? A descriptive study design using in-depth interviews was chosen. During the period 1997-2000, 20 qualitative interviews with 35 parents of 26 children were carried out. Ten of the infants died; 16 were alive at (...)
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    Parental Refusal of Life‐Saving Treatments for Adolescents: Chinese Familism in Medical Decision‐Making Re‐Visited.Edwin Hui - 2008 - Bioethics 22 (5):286-295.
    This paper reports two cases in Hong Kong involving two native Chinese adolescent cancer patients (APs) who were denied their rights to consent to necessary treatments refused by their parents, resulting in serious harm. We argue that the dynamics of the ‘AP‐physician‐family‐relationship’ and the dominant role Chinese families play in medical decision‐making (MDM) are best understood in terms of the tendency to hierarchy and parental authoritarianism in traditional Confucianism. This ethic has been confirmed and endorsed by various Chinese (...)
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    When the Political Becomes Personal: Circumcision as a Cause and as a Parental Decision.J. Steven Svoboda - 2023 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 13 (2):73-76.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:When the Political Becomes Personal:Circumcision as a Cause and as a Parental DecisionJ. Steven SvobodaAs I prepared for the arrival of my first child, a son, a central activity that I previously saw as political suddenly also became very personal. I had founded a non-profit organization in 1997 devoted to educating the world that genital cutting of a child, regardless of a child's gender, is unnecessary and harmful. This (...)
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    Relational Capacity: Broadening the Notion of Decision-Making Capacity in Paediatric Healthcare.Bernice Elger, Tenzin Wangmo, Eva Clercq & Katharina Ruhe - 2016 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 13 (4):515-524.
    Problems arise when applying the current procedural conceptualization of decision-making capacity to paediatric healthcare: Its emphasis on content-neutrality and rational cognition as well as its implicit assumption that capacity is an ability that resides within a person jeopardizes children’s position in decision-making. The purpose of the paper is to challenge this dominant account of capacity and provide an alternative for how capacity should be understood in paediatric care. First, the influence of developmental psychologist Jean Piaget upon (...)
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    Relational Capacity: Broadening the Notion of Decision-Making Capacity in Paediatric Healthcare.Katharina M. Ruhe, Eva De Clercq, Tenzin Wangmo & Bernice S. Elger - 2016 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 13 (4):515-524.
    Problems arise when applying the current procedural conceptualization of decision-making capacity to paediatric healthcare: Its emphasis on content-neutrality and rational cognition as well as its implicit assumption that capacity is an ability that resides within a person jeopardizes children’s position in decision-making. The purpose of the paper is to challenge this dominant account of capacity and provide an alternative for how capacity should be understood in paediatric care. First, the influence of developmental psychologist Jean Piaget upon (...)
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    Parental refusal of life-saving treatments for adolescents: Chinese familism in medical decision-making re-visited.H. U. I. Edwin - 2008 - Bioethics 22 (5):286–295.
    This paper reports two cases in Hong Kong involving two native Chinese adolescent cancer patients (APs) who were denied their rights to consent to necessary treatments refused by their parents, resulting in serious harm. We argue that the dynamics of the 'AP-physician-family-relationship' and the dominant role Chinese families play in medical decision-making (MDM) are best understood in terms of the tendency to hierarchy and parental authoritarianism in traditional Confucianism. This ethic has been confirmed and endorsed by various Chinese (...)
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  18.  50
    Parents, Adolescents, and Consent for Research Participation.A. S. Iltis - 2013 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 38 (3):332-346.
    Decisions concerning children in the health care setting have engendered significant controversy and sparked ethics policies and statements, legal action, and guidelines regarding who ought to make decisions involving children and how such decisions ought to be made. Traditionally, parents have been the default decision-makers for children not only with regard to health care but with regard to other matters, such as religious practice and education. In recent decades, there has been a (...)
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  19. Readymades in the Social Sphere: an Interview with Daniel Peltz.Feliz Lucia Molina - 2013 - Continent 3 (1):17-24.
    Since 2008 I have been closely following the conceptual/performance/video work of Daniel Peltz. Gently rendered through media installation, ethnographic, and performance strategies, Peltz’s work reverently and warmly engages the inner workings of social systems, leaving elegant rips and tears in any given socio/cultural quilt. He engages readymades (of social and media constructions) and uses what are identified as interruptionist/interventionist strategies to disrupt parts of an existing social system, thus allowing for something other to emerge. Like the stereoscope that requires two (...)
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    Parental Decision Making: The Best Interest Principle, Child Autonomy, and Reasonableness.Ryan Hubbard & Jake Greenblum - 2019 - HEC Forum 31 (3):233-240.
    On what basis should we judge whether a parent’s medical decision for their child is morally acceptable? In a recent article, Johan Bester attempts to answer this question by defending a version of the Best Interest Standard for parental decision making. The purpose of this paper is to identify a number of problems faced by Bester’s version of BIS and to suggest ways to redress these problems. Accordingly, we intend to advance the project of formulating a method for (...)
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  21.  46
    State Authority, Parental Authority, and the Rights of Mature Minors.Mark Tunick - 2023 - The Journal of Ethics 27 (1):7-29.
    When mature minors face a decision with important consequences, such as whether to undergo a risky but potentially life-saving medical procedure, who should decide? Relying on liberal political theory’s account of the importance of decisional autonomy for adults, and given the scalar nature of the capacities needed to exercise decisional autonomy, I argue that mature minors with the requisite capacities and commitments have a right to decisional autonomy though they are not yet 18. I argue for this right using (...)
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    Children's Participation in the Decision-Making Process During Hospitalization: an observational study.Ingrid Runeson, Inger Hallström, Gunnel Elander & Göran Hermerén - 2002 - Nursing Ethics 9 (6):583-598.
    Twenty-four children (aged 5 months to 18 years) who were admitted to a university hospital were observed for a total of 135 hours with the aim of describing their degree of participation in decisions concerning their own care. Grading of their participation was made by using a 5-point scale. An assessment was also made of what was considered as optimal participation in each situation. The results indicate that children are not always allowed to participate in decision (...) to the extent that is considered optimal. In no case was it judged that a child participated in or was forced to make a decision that was too difficult for the child. The interactions between children, parents and staff were also described in connection with discussions and decision-making processes. This showed that parents do not always support their children in difficult situations and that health care staff often inform children about what is going to happen without presenting alternatives or asking for their views. Staff may, however, find themselves facing an ethical conflict in deciding between supporting a child’s view or following hospital routine. It is of great importance that children are looked upon as potentially autonomous individuals and that staff members realize that one of their core duties is to facilitate children’s participation in decision making concerning their health care. (shrink)
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    Who should decide about children’s and adolescents’ participation in health research? The views of children and adults in rural Kenya.Vicki Marsh, Nancy Mwangome, Irene Jao, Katharine Wright, Sassy Molyneux & Alun Davies - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):41.
    International research guidance has shifted towards an increasingly proactive inclusion of children and adolescents in health research in recognition of the need for more evidence-based treatment. Strong calls have been made for the active involvement of children and adolescents in developing research proposals and policies, including in decision-making about research participation. Much evidence and debate on this topic has focused on high-income settings, while the greatest health burdens and research gaps occur in low-middle income countries, highlighting the (...)
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    Being the Right Kind of Parent: Conceiving People.Camisha Russell - 2023 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 16 (1):193-200.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Being the Right Kind of Parent:Conceiving PeopleCamisha Russell (bio)Daniel Groll's Conceiving People makes one central claim regarding the ethics of using egg or sperm donations to create a child (that one intends to parent): "[P]arents should use an open donor because doing so puts their resulting child in a good position to satisfy the child's likely future interest in having genetic knowledge" (Groll 2021, 12, original italics).Amid myriad (...)
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    Children at Play: Thoughts about the impact of networked toys in the game of life and the role of law.Ulrich Gaspar - 2018 - International Review of Information Ethics 27.
    Information communication technology is spreading fast and wide. Driven by convenience, it enables people to undertake personal tasks and make decisions more easily and efficiently. Convenience enjoys an air of liberation as well as self-expression affecting all areas of life. The industry for children's toys is a major economic market becoming ever more tech-related and drawn into the battle for convenience. Like any other tech-related industry, this battle is about industry dominance and, currently, that involves networked toys. (...)
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    Taking Risks to Protect Others—Pediatric Vaccination and Moral Responsibility.Jessica Nihlén Fahlquist - 2023 - Public Health Ethics 16 (2):127-138.
    The COVID-19 pandemic during 2020–2022 raised ethical questions concerning the balance between individual autonomy and the protection of the population, vulnerable individuals and the healthcare system. Pediatric COVID-19 vaccination differs from, for example, measles vaccination in that children were not as severely affected. The main question concerning pediatric vaccination has been whether the autonomy of parents outweighs the protection of the population. When children are seen as mature enough to be granted autonomy, questions arise about whether they (...)
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    Perspectives on informed assent and bodily integrity in prospective deep brain stimulation for youth with refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder.Jared N. Smith, Natalie Dorfman, Meghan Hurley, Ilona Cenolli, Kristin Kostick-Quenet, Gabriel Lazaro-Munoz, Eric A. Storch & Jennifer Blumenthal-Barby - 2024 - Clinical Ethics 19 (4):297-306.
    Background Deep brain stimulation is approved for treating refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder in adults under the US Food and Drug Administration Humanitarian Device Exemption, and studies have shown its efficacy in reducing symptom severity and improving quality of life. While similar deep brain stimulation treatment is available for pediatric patients with dystonia, it is not yet available for pediatric patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder, although soon could be. The prospect of growing indications for pediatric deep brain stimulation raises several ethical concerns relating (...)
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    (1 other version)Ethics of fertility preservation for prepubertal children: should clinicians offer procedures where efficacy is largely unproven?Rosalind J. McDougall, Lynn Gillam, Clare Delany & Yasmin Jayasinghe - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics Recent Issues 44 (1):27-31.
    Young children with cancer are treated with interventions that can have a high risk of compromising their reproductive potential. ‘Fertility preservation’ for children who have not yet reached puberty involves surgically removing and cryopreserving reproductive tissue prior to treatment in the expectation that strategies for the use of this tissue will be developed in the future. Fertility preservation for prepubertal children is ethically complex because the techniques largely lack proven efficacy for this age group. There is professional (...)
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    Ethics in Light of Childhood.David Cloutier - 2012 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 32 (1):195-196.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Ethics in Light of ChildhoodDavid Cloutier (bio)Review of Ethics in Light of Childhood John Wall Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2010. 204 pp. $34.95.John Wall’s ambitious volume contends that “considerations of childhood should not only have greater importance but fundamentally transform how morality is understood” (1). He rightly suggests that “the story of childhood cannot be told in one-dimensional formulas of either innocence and vulnerability or unruliness (...)
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    Minority report: can minor parents refuse treatment for their child?Helen Lynne Turnham, Ariella Binik & Dominic Wilkinson - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (6):355-359.
    Infants are unable to make their own decisions or express their own wishes about medical procedures and treatments. They rely on surrogates to make decisions for them. Who should be the decision-maker when an infant’s biological parents are also minors? In this paper, we analyse a case in which the biological mother is a child. The central questions raised by the case are whether minor parents should make medical decisions on (...)
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    Do Reasons Matter? Navigating Parents’ Reasons in Healthcare Decisions for Children.Bryanna Moore & Amy Caruso Brown - forthcoming - American Journal of Bioethics:1-16.
    Bioethics has dedicated itself to exploring and defending both reasons for and against certain aspects of clinical care, biomedical research and health policy, including what decisions must be made, who should make them, and how they should be made. In pediatrics, it’s widely acknowledged that parents’ reasons may matter pragmatically; attending to parents’ reasons is important if we want to work with families. Yet the conventional view in pediatric ethics is that parents’ reasons (...)
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    Voices of moral authority: parents, doctors and what will actually help.Richard David William Hain - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (7):458-461.
    The public often believes that parents have a right to make medical decisions about their child. The idea that, in respect of children, doctors should do what parents tell them to do is problematic on the face of it. The effect of such a claim would be that a doctor who acted deliberately to harm a child would be making a morally correct decision, providing only that it is what the child’s parents (...)
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    Better than Best (Interest Standard) in Pediatric Decision Making.Lainie Friedman Ross - 2019 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 30 (3):183-195.
    Healthcare decision making for children has adopted the best interest of the child standard, a principle originally employed by judges to adjudicate child placement in the case of parental death, divorce, or incompetence. Philosophers and medical ethicists have argued whether the best interest principle is a guidance principle (informing parents on how they should make healthcare decisions for their child), an intervention principle (deciding the limits of parental autonomy in healthcare decision making), or (...)
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    Minors' Rights in Medical Decision Making.Kathryn Hickey - 2007 - Jona's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation 9 (3):100-104.
    o privacy regarding family matters, common law rule, and a general presumption that parents or guardians will act in the best interest of their incompetent child. However, over the years, the courts have gradually recognized that children younger than 18 years who show maturity and competence deserve a voice in determining their course of medical treatment. This article will explore the rights and interests of minors, parents, and the state in medical decision making and will (...)
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  35. Bariatric surgery for obese children and adolescents: a review of the moral challenges. [REVIEW]Bjørn Hofmann - 2013 - BMC Medical Ethics 14 (1):18.
    BackgroundBariatric surgery for children and adolescents is becoming widespread. However, the evidence is still scarce and of poor quality, and many of the patients are too young to consent. This poses a series of moral challenges, which have to be addressed both when considering bariatric surgery introduced as a health care service and when deciding for treatment for young individuals. A question based (Socratic) approach is applied to reveal underlying moral issues that can be relevant to an open and (...)
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    In the name of the family? Against parents’ refusal to disclose prognostic information to children.Michael Rost & Emilian Mihailov - 2021 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 24 (3):421-432.
    Parents frequently attempt to shield their children from distressing prognostic information. Pediatric oncology providers sometimes follow parental request for non-disclosure of prognostic information to children, invoking what we call the stability of the family argument. They believe that if they inform the child about terminal prognosis despite parental wishes, cohesion and family structure will be severely hampered. In this paper, we argue against parental request for non-disclosure. Firstly, we present the stability of the family argument in more (...)
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    The principle of reversibility: Some problems of interpretation.David B. Myers - 1986 - Journal of Value Inquiry 20 (1):19-28.
    In summary, the question of how to construe the procedure called reversibility cannot be given an absolute answer. No one moral interpretation of the principle is universally applicable, that is, applicable to all moral issues. The decision concerning which to apply cannot be made a priori, but only in context - that is, only when we are faced with a particular moral problem. Moreover, there appears to be no rule which would enable us to choose which version is correct in (...)
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    The Moral Foundations of Parenthood.Joseph Millum - 2017 - Oxford University Press.
    In this book, Joseph Millum explains how parental rights and responsibilities are acquired, what they consist in, and how parents should go about making decisions on behalf of their children. In doing so, he provides a set of frameworks to help solve pressing ethical dilemmas relating to parents and children.
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    Medical Decision Making for Medically Complex Children in Foster Care: Who Knows the Child’s Best Interests?Renee D. Boss, Rachel A. B. Dodge & Rebecca R. Seltzer - 2018 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 29 (2):139-144.
    Approximately one in 10 children in foster care are medically complex and require intensive medical supervision, frequent hospitalization, and difficult medical decision making. Some of these children are in foster care because their parents cannot care for their medical needs; other parents are responsible for their child’s medical needs due to abuse or neglect. In either case, there can be uncertainty about the role that a child’s biological parents should play in making (...)
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    How should the ‘privilege’ in therapeutic privilege be conceived when considering the decision-making process for patients with borderline capacity?Sumytra Menon, Vikki Entwistle, Alastair Vincent Campbell & Johannes J. M. van Delden - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (1):47-50.
    Therapeutic privilege is a defence that may be available to doctors who fail to disclose to the patient relevant information when seeking informed consent for treatment if they have a reasonable belief that providing that information would likely cause the patient concerned serious physical or mental harm. In a landmark judgement, the Singapore Court of Appeal introduced a novel interpretation of TP, identifying circumstances in which it might be used with patients who did not strictly lack capacity but might be (...)
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    Overruling parental decisions in paediatric medicine: A comparison of Diekema’s Harm Threshold Framework and the Zone of Parental Discretion Framework.Vicki Xafis - 2017 - Clinical Ethics 12 (3):143-149.
    BackgroundThe complexity of decision-making in the paediatric context is well recognised. In the majority of cases, parents and healthcare professionals work together to decide which treatments the paediatric patient should receive. On occasions, however, parental wishes conflict with what clinicians think is best for the paediatric patient. Where persistent disagreement between clinicians and parents exists, clinicians must ascertain if they have a moral, professional, and legal obligation to overrule the parents' decision and implement their preferred (...)
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    The Limits of Parental Authority: Childhood Wellbeing as a Social Good.Johan C. Bester - 2021 - Routledge.
    This book offers a novel theory of childhood well-being as a social good. It re-examines our fundamental assumptions about parenting, parental authority, and a liberal society's role in the raising of children. The author defends the idea that the good of a child is inexorably linked to the good of society. He identifies and critiques the problematic assumption that parenting is an extension of individual liberty and shows how we run into problems in medical decision-making for children (...)
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    Will CRISPR Germline Engineering Close the Door to an Open Future?Rachel L. Mintz, John D. Loike & Ruth L. Fischbach - 2019 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (5):1409-1423.
    The bioethical principle of autonomy is problematic regarding the future of the embryo who lacks the ability to self-advocate but will develop this defining human capacity in time. Recent experiments explore the use of clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats /Cas9 for germline engineering in the embryo, which alters future generations. The embryo’s inability to express an autonomous decision is an obvious bioethical challenge of germline engineering. The philosopher Joel Feinberg acknowledged that autonomy is developing in children. He advocated (...)
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    Medical Decision-Making for Children in Families with Siblings: parental discretion and its limits.Lainie Friedman Ross & Ana S. Iltis - 2024 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 67 (2):261-276.
    This article examines how parents should make health decisions for one child when they may have a negative impact on the health interests or other interests of their siblings. The authors discuss three health decisions made by the parents of Alex Jones, a child with developmental disabilities with two older neurotypical siblings over the course of eight years. First, Alex’s parents must decide whether to conduct sequencing on his siblings to help determine if (...)
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    Prenatal Whole Genome Sequencing.Greer Donley, Sara Chandros Hull & Benjamin E. Berkman - 2012 - Hastings Center Report 42 (4):28-40.
    Whole genome sequencing is quickly becoming more affordable and accessible, with the prospect of personal genome sequencing for under $1,000 now widely said to be in sight. The ethical issues raised by the use of this technology in the research context have received some significant attention, but little has been written on its use in the clinical context, and most of this analysis has been futuristic forecasting. This is problematic, given the speed with which whole genome sequencing technology is likely (...)
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  46. Libertarianism, the Family, and Children.Andrew Jason Cohen & Lauren Hall - 2022 - In Matt Zwolinski & Benjamin Ferguson (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Libertarianism. Routledge. pp. 336-350.
    We explain libertarian thought about family and children, including controversial issues in need of serious attention. To begin our discussion of marriage, we distinguish between procedural and substantive contractarian approaches to marriage, each endorsed by various libertarians. Advocates of both approaches agree that it is a contract that makes a marriage, not a license, but disagree about whether there are moral limits to the substance of the contract with only advocates of the substantive approach accepting such. Either approach, though, (...)
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    Over the Years.Kimberly Rocker - 2014 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 4 (1):25-27.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Over the YearsKimberly RockerMy daughter was diagnosed with an Ependymoma brain tumor in 1986 at the age of 19 months. Our journey began when we realized that we had become concerned about her falling. For example, we were staying at a lodge with a large stone fi replace and both my husband and myself were careful to cover the area with pillows from the couch. Then there were (...)
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    Aborting Abnormal Fetuses: the parental perspective.C. E. Harris - 1991 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 8 (1):57-68.
    ABSTRACT This paper focuses on the issue of aborting abnormal fetuses from the standpoint of the prerogatives and obligations of parents. First, two intuitively‐based models of parenthood are developed. In the Trustee Model, parental authority is grounded in the obligation of parents to promote the interests of children, while the Artisan Model locates parental authority in the intrinsic value of parenthood as a mode of parental self‐expression. Reasons are given for believing that neither of these models, taken (...)
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    Should Children Have a Veto over Parental Decisions to Relocate?Bouke Https://Orcidorg de Vries - 2020 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 7 (2):321-334.
    Many people move house at some point during their childhood and not rarely more than once. While relocations are not always harmful for under-aged children, they can, and frequently do, cause great disruption to their lives by severing their social ties as well as any attachments that they might have to their neighbourhood, town, or wider geographical region, with long-lasting psychological effects in some cases. Since it is increasingly recognised within normative philosophy as well as within Western societies that (...)
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    The Effects of Introducing a Harm Threshold for Medical Treatment Decisions for Children in the Courts of England & Wales: An (Inter)National Case Law Analysis.Veronica M. E. Neefjes - 2024 - Health Care Analysis 32 (3):243-259.
    The case of Charlie Gard sparked an ongoing public and academic debate whether in court decisions about medical treatment for children in England & Wales the best interests test should be replaced by a harm threshold. However, the literature has scantly considered (1) what the impact of such a replacement would be on future litigation and (2) how a harm threshold should be introduced: for triage or as standard for decision-making. This article directly addresses these (...)
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