Results for ' classical truth functions'

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  1.  26
    Classical truth in higher types.Ulrich Berger - 2008 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 54 (3):240-246.
    We study, from a classical point of view, how the truth of a statement about higher type functionals depends on the underlying model. The models considered are the classical set-theoretic finite type hierarchy and the constructively more meaningful models of continuous functionals, hereditarily effective operations, as well as the closed term model of Gödel's system T. The main results are characterisations of prenex classes for which truth in the full set-theoretic model transfers to truth in (...)
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    The impossibility of a bivalent truth-functional semantics for the non-Boolean propositional structures of quantum mechanics.Ariadna Chernavska - 1981 - Philosophia 10 (1-2):1-18.
    The general fact of the impossibility of a bivalent, truth-functional semantics for the propositional structures determined by quantum mechanics should be more subtly demarcated according to whether the structures are taken to be orthomodular latticesP L or partial-Boolean algebrasP A; according to whether the semantic mappings are required to be truth-functional or truth-functional ; and according to whether two-or-higher dimensional Hilbert spaceP structures or three-or-higher dimensional Hilbert spaceP structures are being considered. If the quantumP structures are taken (...)
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    Truth-Value Semantics and Functional Extensions for Classical Logic of Partial Terms Based on Equality.F. Parlamento - 2014 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 55 (3):383-395.
    We develop a bottom-up approach to truth-value semantics for classical logic of partial terms based on equality and apply it to prove the conservativity of the addition of partial description and selection functions, independently of any strictness assumption.
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  4. Natural Deduction for the Sheffer Stroke and Peirce’s Arrow (and any Other Truth-Functional Connective).Richard Zach - 2015 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 45 (2):183-197.
    Methods available for the axiomatization of arbitrary finite-valued logics can be applied to obtain sound and complete intelim rules for all truth-functional connectives of classical logic including the Sheffer stroke and Peirce’s arrow. The restriction to a single conclusion in standard systems of natural deduction requires the introduction of additional rules to make the resulting systems complete; these rules are nevertheless still simple and correspond straightforwardly to the classical absurdity rule. Omitting these rules results in systems for (...)
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  5. A simple treatment of truth functions.Alan Ross Anderson & Nuel D. Belnap - 1959 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 24 (4):301-302.
    In this note we present an axiomatization of the classical two-valued propositional calculus, for which proofs of decidability, consistency, completeness, and independence, are almost trivial (given an understanding of truth tables).
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    Does truth behave like a classical concept when there is no vicious reference?Philip Kremer - unknown
    §1. Introduction. When truth-theoretic paradoxes are generated, two factors seem to be at play: the behaviour that truth intuitively has; and the facts about which singular terms refer to which sentences, and so on. For example, paradoxicality might be partially attributed to the contingent fact that the singular term, "the italicized sentence on page one", refers to the sentence, The italicized sentence on page one is not true. Factors of this second kind might be represented by a ground (...)
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    Truth, proofs and functions.Jean Fichot - 2003 - Synthese 137 (1-2):43 - 58.
    There are two different ways to introduce the notion of truthin constructive mathematics. The first one is to use a Tarskian definition of truth in aconstructive (meta)language. According to some authors, (Kreisel, van Dalen, Troelstra ... ),this definition is entirely similar to the Tarskian definition of classical truth (thesis A).The second one, due essentially to Heyting and Kolmogorov, and known as theBrouwer–Heyting–Kolmogorov interpretation, is to explain informally what it means fora mathematical proposition to be constructively proved. According (...)
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    Possible-translations semantics for some weak classically-based paraconsistent logics.João Marcos - 2008 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 18 (1):7-28.
    In many real-life applications of logic it is useful to interpret a particular sentence as true together with its negation. If we are talking about classical logic, this situation would force all other sentences to be equally interpreted as true. Paraconsistent logics are exactly those logics that escape this explosive effect of the presence of inconsistencies and allow for sensible reasoning still to take effect. To provide reasonably intuitive semantics for paraconsistent logics has traditionally proven to be a challenge. (...)
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  9.  69
    Generalizing Functional Completeness in Belnap-Dunn Logic.Hitoshi Omori & Katsuhiko Sano - 2015 - Studia Logica 103 (5):883-917.
    One of the problems we face in many-valued logic is the difficulty of capturing the intuitive meaning of the connectives introduced through truth tables. At the same time, however, some logics have nice ways to capture the intended meaning of connectives easily, such as four-valued logic studied by Belnap and Dunn. Inspired by Dunn’s discovery, we first describe a mechanical procedure, in expansions of Belnap-Dunn logic, to obtain truth conditions in terms of the behavior of the Truth (...)
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  10.  48
    Functional Completeness and Axiomatizability within Belnap's Four-Valued Logic and its Expansions.Alexej P. Pynko - 1999 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 9 (1):61-105.
    In this paper we study 12 four-valued logics arisen from Belnap's truth and/or knowledge four-valued lattices, with or without constants, by adding one or both or none of two new non-regular operations—classical negation and natural implication. We prove that the secondary connectives of the bilattice four-valued logic with bilattice constants are exactly the regular four-valued operations. Moreover, we prove that its expansion by any non-regular connective (such as, e.g., classical negation or natural implication) is strictly functionally complete. (...)
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  11.  44
    Normality operators and classical recapture in many-valued logic.Roberto Ciuni & Massimiliano Carrara - 2020 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 28 (5):657-683.
    In this paper, we use a ‘normality operator’ in order to generate logics of formal inconsistency and logics of formal undeterminedness from any subclassical many-valued logic that enjoys a truth-functional semantics. Normality operators express, in any many-valued logic, that a given formula has a classical truth value. In the first part of the paper we provide some setup and focus on many-valued logics that satisfy some of the three properties, namely subclassicality and two properties that we call (...)
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  12.  50
    First-Order Logic and First-Order Functions.Rodrigo A. Freire - 2015 - Logica Universalis 9 (3):281-329.
    This paper begins the study of first-order functions, which are a generalization of truth-functions. The concepts of truth-table and systems of truth-functions, both introduced in propositional logic by Post, are also generalized and studied in the quantificational setting. The general facts about these concepts are given in the first five sections, and constitute a “general theory” of first-order functions. The central theme of this paper is the relation of definition among notions expressed by (...)
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  13.  66
    Paraconsistency in classical logic.Gabriele Pulcini & Achille C. Varzi - 2018 - Synthese 195 (12):5485-5496.
    Classical propositional logic can be characterized, indirectly, by means of a complementary formal system whose theorems are exactly those formulas that are not classical tautologies, i.e., contradictions and truth-functional contingencies. Since a formula is contingent if and only if its negation is also contingent, the system in question is paraconsistent. Hence classical propositional logic itself admits of a paraconsistent characterization, albeit “in the negative”. More generally, any decidable logic with a syntactically incomplete proof theory allows for (...)
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  14. Maieutics and post-truth: the heuristic function of Socratic dialogue in constructivist education.Michele Flammia - 2023 - Schole 1.
    Socratic dialogue is nowadays often invoked as a model in education, and several educational approaches explicitly claim to be inspired by it (Naccari, 2003; Shah, 2008; Delić & Bećirović, 2016). However, contemporary versions depart profoundly from its original form as expressed in the Platonic dialogues, reinterpreting the role of the teacher in the dialogical exchange and referring to different epistemological criteria (cf. Shields, 1953; Reich, 1998; Dinkins, & Cangelosi, 2019; Marshall, 2019). The aim of this paper is to highlight, on (...)
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    Translating Non-classical Logics into Classical Logic by Using Hidden Variables.Juan C. Agudelo-Agudelo - 2017 - Logica Universalis 11 (2):205-224.
    Dyadic semantics is a sort of non-truth-functional bivalued semantics introduced in Caleiro et al. Logica Universalis, Birkhäuser, Basel, pp 169–189, 2005). Here we introduce an algorithmic procedure for constructing conservative translations of logics characterised by dyadic semantics into classical propositional logic. The procedure uses fresh propositional variables, which we call hidden variables, to represent the indeterminism of dyadic semantics. An alternative algorithmic procedure for constructing conservative translations of any finite-valued logic into classical logic is also introduced. In (...)
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  16. The fixed point non-classical theory of truth value gaps by S. Kripke.Artyom Ukhov - 2017 - Vestnik SPbSU. Philosophy and Conflict Studies 33 (2):224-233.
    The article is about one of the vital problem for analytic philosophy which is how to define truth value for sentences which include their own truth predicate. The aim of the article is to determine Saul Kripke’s approach to widen epistemological truth to create a systemic model of truth. Despite a lot of work on the subject, the theme of truth is no less relevant to modern philosophy. With the help of S. Kripke’s article “Outline (...)
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  17.  30
    A remark on functional completeness of binary expansions of Kleene’s strong 3-valued logic.Gemma Robles & José M. Méndez - 2022 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 30 (1):21-33.
    A classical result by Słupecki states that a logic L is functionally complete for the 3-element set of truth-values THREE if, in addition to functionally including Łukasiewicz’s 3-valued logic Ł3, what he names the ‘$T$-function’ is definable in L. By leaning upon this classical result, we prove a general theorem for defining binary expansions of Kleene’s strong logic that are functionally complete for THREE.
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  18. Towards the Inevitability of Non-Classical Probability.Giacomo Molinari - 2023 - Review of Symbolic Logic 16 (4):1053-1079.
    This paper generalises an argument for probabilism due to Lindley [9]. I extend the argument to a number of non-classical logical settings whose truth-values, seen here as ideal aims for belief, are in the set $\{0,1\}$, and where logical consequence $\models $ is given the “no-drop” characterization. First I will show that, in each of these settings, an agent’s credence can only avoid accuracy-domination if its canonical transform is a (possibly non-classical) probability function. In other words, if (...)
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  19.  34
    The Expressive Truth Conditions of Two-Valued Logic.Stephen Pollard - 2002 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 43 (4):221-230.
    In a finitary closure space, irreducible sets behave like two-valued models, with membership playing the role of satisfaction. If f is a function on such a space and the membership of in an irreducible set is determined by the presence or absence of the inputs in that set, then f is a kind of truth function. The existence of some of these truth functions is enough to guarantee that every irreducible set is maximally consistent. The closure space (...)
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  20.  37
    Truthier Than Thou: Truth, Supertruth and Probability of Truth.Nicholas J. J. Smith - 2015 - Noûs 50 (4):740-58.
    Different formal tools are useful for different purposes. For example, when it comes to modelling degrees of belief, probability theory is a better tool than classical logic; when it comes to modelling the truth of mathematical claims, classical logic is a better tool than probability theory. In this paper I focus on a widely used formal tool and argue that it does not provide a good model of a phenomenon of which many think it does provide a (...)
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  21.  53
    Functional completion.Vladimir Lifschitz & Fangkai Yang - 2013 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 23 (1-2):121-130.
    Nonmonotonic causal logic is a knowledge representation language designed for describing domains that involve actions and change. The process of literal completion, similar to program completion familiar from the theory of logic programming, can be used to translate some nonmonotonic causal theories into classical logic. Its applicability is restricted, however, to theories that deal with truth-valued fluents, represented by predicate symbols. In this note we introduce functional completion—a more general process that can be applied to causal theories in (...)
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  22. Intersubstitutivity principles and the generalization function of truth.Anil Gupta & Shawn Standefer - 2018 - Synthese 195 (3):1065-1075.
    We offer a defense of one aspect of Paul Horwich’s response to the Liar paradox—more specifically, of his move to preserve classical logic. Horwich’s response requires that the full intersubstitutivity of ‘ ‘A’ is true’ and A be abandoned. It is thus open to the objection, due to Hartry Field, that it undermines the generalization function of truth. We defend Horwich’s move by isolating the grade of intersubstitutivity required by the generalization function and by providing a new reading (...)
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  23. Carnap's Problem: What is it Like to be a Normal Interpretation of Classical Logic?Arnold Koslow - 2010 - Abstracta 6 (1):117-135.
    Carnap in the 1930s discovered that there were non-normal interpretations of classical logic - ones for which negation and conjunction are not truth-functional so that a statement and its negation could have the same truth value, and a disjunction of two false sentences could be true. Church ar-gued that this did not call for a revision of classical logic. More recent writers seem to disa-gree. We provide a definition of "non-normal interpretation" and argue that Church was (...)
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  24. Propositional logic.Kevin C. Klement - 2004 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Propositional logic, also known as sentential logic and statement logic, is the branch of logic that studies ways of joining and/or modifying entire propositions, statements or sentences to form more complicated propositions, statements or sentences, as well as the logical relationships and properties that are derived from these methods of combining or altering statements. In propositional logic, the simplest statements are considered as indivisible units, and hence, propositional logic does not study those logical properties and relations that depend upon parts (...)
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  25.  78
    What's in a function?Gian Aldo Antonelli - 1996 - Synthese 107 (2):167 - 204.
    In this paper we argue that Revision Rules, introduced by Anil Gupta and Nuel Belnap as a tool for the analysis of the concept of truth, also provide a useful tool for defining computable functions. This also makes good on Gupta's and Belnap's claim that Revision Rules provide a general theory of definition, a claim for which they supply only the example of truth. In particular we show how Revision Rules arise naturally from relaxing and generalizing a (...)
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  26. Intelim rules for classical connectives.Sven Ove Hansson - 2013 - In David Makinson on Classical Methods for Non-Classical Problems. Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer. pp. 359-382.
    We investigate introduction and elimination rules for truth-functional connectives, focusing on the general questions of the existence, for a given connective, of at least one such rule that it satisfies, and the uniqueness of a connective with respect to the set of all of them. The answers are straightforward in the context of rules using general set/set sequents of formulae, but rather complex and asymmetric in the restricted (but more often used) context of set/formula sequents, as also in the (...)
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  27.  31
    (1 other version)Intelim rules for classical connectives.David C. Makinson - 2013 - In Sven Ove Hansson, David Makinson on Classical Methods for Non-Classical Problems. Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer. pp. 359-382.
    We investigate introduction and elimination rules for truth-functional connectives, focusing on the general questions of the existence, for a given connective, of at least one such rule that it satisfies, and the uniqueness of a connective with respect to the set of all of them. The answers are straightforward in the context of rules using general set/set sequents of formulae, but rather complex and asymmetric in the restricted (but more often used) context of set/formula sequents, as also in the (...)
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  28.  13
    Metaphysics of correspondence: some approaches to the classical theory of truth.Konstantin G. Frolov - 2018 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 55 (1):83-98.
    The article examines main competing conceptions of the cor­respondence theory of truth. First, the author investigates pos­sible candidates for the role of truth-bearers. Among those he examines following entities: instances of sentences as concrete sequences of symbols (sounds or letters), which should satisfy wide scope of requirements, such as to be grammatical, mean­ingful, affirmative and so on; abstract propositions, which are ex­pressed by concrete sentences; utterances (either explicit or in lingua mentalis); beliefs of agents as their special mental (...)
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  29.  63
    Proof Theory for Functional Modal Logic.Shawn Standefer - 2018 - Studia Logica 106 (1):49-84.
    We present some proof-theoretic results for the normal modal logic whose characteristic axiom is \. We present a sequent system for this logic and a hypersequent system for its first-order form and show that these are equivalent to Hilbert-style axiomatizations. We show that the question of validity for these logics reduces to that of classical tautologyhood and first-order logical truth, respectively. We close by proving equivalences with a Fitch-style proof system for revision theory.
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  30. Is preacceleration of particles in dirac's electrodynamics a case of backward causation? The myth of retrocausation in classical electrodynamics.Adolf Grünbaum - 1976 - Philosophy of Science 43 (2):165-201.
    Is it a "conceptual truth" or only a logically contingent fact that, in any given kind of case, an event x which asymmetrically causes ("produces") an event y likewise temporally precedes y or at least does not temporally succeed y? A bona fide physical example in which the cause retroproduces the effect would show that backward causation is no less conceptually possible than forward causation. And it has been claimed ([9], p. 151; [4], p. 41) that in Dirac's (...) electrodynamics (relativistic and non-relativistic), the preacceleration of charged particles before any forces are applied to them furnishes a genuine case of retrocausation by later forces. An exposition of the pertinent physics furnishes the basis for arguing the following: Whereas the non-zero acceleration of a neutral NEWTONIAN mass particle is, of course, causally connected as such to the simultaneously applied non-zero force, the non-zero acceleration of a DIRACIAN charged particle is not causally connected at all as such to the applied forces. A fortiori, in Dirac's electrodynamics, the applied forces do not qualify asymmetrically as the causes of a non-zero acceleration as such; nor does a non-zero acceleration as such qualify as an effect produced by forces. This is shown by means of two considerations as follows: (1) In Dirac's theory, no functional dependence of the value of a non-zero acceleration on the weighted time-average of the forces is vouchsafed as a matter of physical LAW alone without any value of a constant of integration, just as no Newtonian law(s) alone can guarantee a functional dependence of the non-zero value of the velocity of a Newtonian mass particle on the applied forces. Instead, both functional dependencies alike are vouchsafed only with the crucial aid of some de facto boundary condition pertaining to either the past or to the furute, so that (2) Non-zero preaccelerations of Diracian charged particles can no more be causally attributed as such to the retrocausal action of later forces than non-zero "prevelocities" of Newtonian mass particles can be held to be caused as such by later applied forces. The retrocausal interpretation of Dirac's preaccelerations is just as invalid as the retrocausal interpretation of Newtonian prevelocities. (shrink)
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    The american plan completed: Alternative classical-style semantics, without stars, for relevant and paraconsistent logics.Richard Routley - 1984 - Studia Logica 43 (1-2):131 - 158.
    American-plan semantics with 4 values 1, 0, { {1, 0}} {{}}, interpretable as True, False, Both and Neither, are furnished for a range of logics, including relevant affixing systems. The evaluation rules for extensional connectives take a classical form: in particular, those for negation assume the form 1 (A, a) iff 0 (A, a) and 0 (A, a) iff 1 (A, a), so eliminating the star function *, on which much criticism of relevant logic semantics has focussed. The cost (...)
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  32.  21
    A realizability interpretation for classical analysis.Henry Towsner - 2004 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 43 (7):891-900.
    We present a realizability interpretation for classical analysis–an association of a term to every proof so that the terms assigned to existential formulas represent witnesses to the truth of that formula. For classical proofs of Π2 sentences ∀x∃yA(x,y), this provides a recursive type 1 function which computes the function given by f(x)=y iff y is the least number such that A(x,y).
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  33. A topos perspective on the kochen-Specker theorem: II. Conceptual aspects, and classical analogues.Jeremy Butterfield & Chris Isham - unknown
    In a previous paper, we have proposed assigning as the value of a physical quantity in quantum theory, a certain kind of set (a sieve) of quantities that are functions of the given quantity. The motivation was in part physical---such a valuation illuminates the Kochen-Specker theorem; and in part mathematical---the valuation arises naturally in the topos theory of presheaves. This paper discusses the conceptual aspects of this proposal. We also undertake two other tasks. First, we explain how the proposed (...)
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  34.  48
    Semantics without Truth in Later Mohist Philosophy of Language.Frank Saunders - 2014 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 13 (2):215-229.
    In this paper, I examine the concept of truth in classical Chinese philosophy, beginning with a critical examination of Chad Hansen’s claim that it has no such concept. By using certain passages that emphasize analogous concepts in the philosophy of language of the Later Mohist Canons, I argue that while there is no word in classical Chinese that functions as truth generally does in Western philosophy for grammatical reasons, the Later Mohists were certainly working with (...)
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  35. From Bi-facial Truth to Bi-facial Proofs.Stefan Wintein & Reinhard A. Muskens - 2015 - Studia Logica 103 (3):545-558.
    In their recent paper Bi-facial truth: a case for generalized truth values Zaitsev and Shramko [7] distinguish between an ontological and an epistemic interpretation of classical truth values. By taking the Cartesian product of the two disjoint sets of values thus obtained, they arrive at four generalized truth values and consider two “semi-classical negations” on them. The resulting semantics is used to define three novel logics which are closely related to Belnap’s well-known four valued (...)
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  36.  56
    Quantum logic and meaning.Sebastian Horvat & Iulian D. Toader - manuscript
    Geoffrey Hellman has argued that non-truth-functionality entails a change of meaning between classical and quantum logical connectives. This paper criticizes and significantly improves the argument.
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  37. From Quantum Physics to Classical Metaphysics.William Simpson - 2021 - In William Simpson, Koons Robert & James Orr, Neo-Aristotelian Metaphysics and the Theology of Nature. New York, NY, USA: Routledge. pp. 21-65.
    In this chapter, I argue that Aristotle’s doctrine of hylomorphism, which conceived the natural world as consisting of substances which are metaphysically composed of matter and form, is ripe for rehabilitation in the light of quantum physics. I begin by discussing Aristotle’s conception of matter and form, as it was understood by Aquinas, and how Aristotle’s doctrine of hylomorphism was ‘physicalised’ and eventually abandoned with the rise of microphysicalism. I argue that the phenomenon of quantum entanglement, and the emergence of (...)
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  38.  53
    Negation in Weak Positional Calculi.Marcin Tkaczyk - 2013 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 22 (1):3-19.
    Four weak positional calculi are constructed and examined. They refer to the use of the connective of negation within the scope of the positional connective “R” of realization. The connective of negation may be fully classical, partially analogical or independent from the classical, truth-functional negation. It has been also proved that the strongest system, containing fully classical connective of negation, is deductively equivalent to the system MR from Jarmużek and Pietruszczak.
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  39. Truth as a Mathematical Object DOI:10.5007/1808-1711.2010v14n1p31.Jean-Yves Béziau - 2010 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 14 (1):31-46.
    In this paper we discuss in which sense truth is considered as a mathematical object in propositional logic. After clarifying how this concept is used in classical logic, through the notions of truth-table, truth-function and bivaluation, we examine some generalizations of it in non-classical logics: many-valued matrix semantics with three and four values, non-truth-functional bivalent semantics, Kripke possible world semantics. • DOI:10.5007/1808-1711.2010v14n1p31.
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    On the completeness of non-philonian stoic logic.Peter Milne - 1995 - History and Philosophy of Logic 16 (1):39-64.
    The majority of formal accounts attribute to Stoic logicians the classical truth-functional understanding of the material conditional and exclusive disjunction.These interpretations were disputed,...
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  41. Tensed Ontology Based on Simple Partial Logic.Daisuke Kachi - 2002 - Proceedings of Ninth International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning: TIME-02:141-145.
    Simple partial logic (=SPL) is, broadly speaking, an extensional logic which allows for the truth-value gap. First I give a system of propositional SPL by partializing classical logic, as well as extending it with several non-classical truth-functional operators. Second I show a way based on SPL to construct a system of tensed ontology, by representing tensed statements as two kinds of necessary statements in a linear model that consists of the present and future worlds. Finally I (...)
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  42. What Happens When One Reads a Classic Text? Seven Observations of Hans-Georg Gadamer.Richard Palmer & Carine Lee - 2008 - Philosophy and Culture 35 (2):145-162.
    Up in the last one in the United States comes to understand the general process: it is linguistics and history, and it requires a priori understanding that In order to understand the current situation before, prior to a full understanding effectiveness and bias as understanding the meaning is from whole to part and from part to whole , in the understanding of the history and heritage hermeneutic circle is always in operation, understanding related to the sight of the fusion eventually (...)
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    Dans l'existence et dans l'inexistence : types, instances et l'analyse de Dawarān comme test de causalité.Shahid Rahman & Walter Edward Young - 2022 - Methodos 22.
    Qiyās, or “correlational inference” (often glossed as “analogy”), comprises a primary set of methodological tools recognized by a majority of premodern Sunnī jurists. Its elements, valid modes, and proper applications were the focus of continual argument and refinement. A particular area of debate was the methodology of determining or justifying the ʿilla: the legal cause (or occasioning factor, or ratio legis) giving rise to a ruling in God’s Law. This was most often discussed (and disputed) under the rubric of “the (...)
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    Competing semantics of vagueness: Many values versus super-truth.David H. Saford - 1976 - Synthese 33 (2-4):195--210.
    A semantics of vagueness should reject the principle that every statement has a truth-value yet retain the classical tautologies. A many-value, non-truth-functional semantics and a semantics of super-valuations each have this result. According to the super-valuation approach, 'if a man with n hairs on his head is bald, then a man with n plus one hairs on his head is also bald' is false because it comes out false no matter how the vague predicate 'is bald' is (...)
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    Images in Mind: Statues in Archaic and Classical Greek Literature and Thought (review).Paul Rehak - 2002 - American Journal of Philology 123 (3):513-516.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 123.3 (2002) 513-516 [Access article in PDF] Deborah Tarn Steiner. Images in Mind: Statues in Archaic and Classical Greek Literature and Thought. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2001. xviii + 360 pp. 28 black-and-white figures. Cloth, $39.50. The production of sculpture in metal, stone, and other materials was a craft that virtually disappeared from the Greek world for several centuries after the end of the (...)
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    Making sense of (in)determinate truth: the semantics of free variables.John Cantwell - 2018 - Philosophical Studies 175 (11):2715-2741.
    It is argued that truth value of a sentence containing free variables in a context of use, just as the reference of the free variables concerned, depends on the assumptions and posits given by the context. However, context may under-determine the reference of a free variable and the truth value of sentences in which it occurs. It is argued that in such cases a free variable has indeterminate reference and a sentence in which it occurs may have indeterminate (...)
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    (1 other version)Can whether one proposition makes sense depend on the truth of another? ( Tractatus 2.0211—2).R. M. White - 1973 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures 7:14-29.
    Wittgenstein's Tractatus contains a wide range of profound insights into the nature of logic and language – insights which will survive the particular theories of the Tractatus and seem to me to mark definitive and unassailable landmarks in our understanding of some of the deepest questions of philosophy. And yet alongside these insights there is a theory of the nature of the relation between language and reality which appears both to be impossible to work out in detail in a way (...)
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    Cut Elimination and Normalization for Generalized Single and Multi-Conclusion Sequent and Natural Deduction Calculi.Richard Zach - 2021 - Review of Symbolic Logic 14 (3):645-686.
    Any set of truth-functional connectives has sequent calculus rules that can be generated systematically from the truth tables of the connectives. Such a sequent calculus gives rise to a multi-conclusion natural deduction system and to a version of Parigot’s free deduction. The elimination rules are “general,” but can be systematically simplified. Cut-elimination and normalization hold. Restriction to a single formula in the succedent yields intuitionistic versions of these systems. The rules also yield generalized lambda calculi providing proof terms (...)
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  49. Truth and Existence.Jan Heylen & Leon Horsten - 2017 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 6 (1):106-114.
    Halbach has argued that Tarski biconditionals are not ontologically conservative over classical logic, but his argument is undermined by the fact that he cannot include a theory of arithmetic, which functions as a theory of syntax. This article is an improvement on Halbach's argument. By adding the Tarski biconditionals to inclusive negative free logic and the universal closure of minimal arithmetic, which is by itself an ontologically neutral combination, one can prove that at least one thing exists. The (...)
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  50. Philosophy of Logics.Susan Haack - 1978 - London and New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The first systematic exposition of all the central topics in the philosophy of logic, Susan Haack's book has established an international reputation for its accessibility, clarity, conciseness, orderliness, and range as well as for its thorough scholarship and careful analyses. Haack discusses the scope and purpose of logic, validity, truth-functions, quantification and ontology, names, descriptions, truth, truth-bearers, the set-theoretical and semantic paradoxes, and modality. She also explores the motivations for a whole range of non-classical systems (...)
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