Results for ' clusters and families, notion'

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  1. On the cluster account of art.Thomas Adajian - 2003 - British Journal of Aesthetics 43 (4):379-385.
    The cluster account of art is a purportedly non-definitional account of art, inspired by Wittgenstein's notion of family resemblance, and recently defended by Berys Gaut. Gaut does not provide good reasons to think that art is not definable, and his approach to possible counterexamples to the cluster account would, applied consistently, preclude this. The cluster account's theory of error, its resources for accounting for borderline cases, and its heuristic usefulness are not impressive. Reasons strong enough to warrant accepting the (...)
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    In This Together: Navigating Ethical Challenges Posed by Family Clustering during the Covid‐19 Pandemic.Nicole R. Van Buren, Elijah Weber, Mark J. Bliton & Thomas V. Cunningham - 2021 - Hastings Center Report 51 (2):16-21.
    Harrowing stories reported in the media describe Covid‐19 ravaging through families. This essay reports professional experiences of this phenomenon, family clustering, as encountered during the pandemic's spread across Southern California. We identify three ethical challenges following from it: Family clustering impedes shared decision‐making by reducing available surrogate decision‐makers for incapacitated patients, increases the emotional burdens of surrogate decision‐makers, and exacerbates health disparities for and the suffering of people of color at increased likelihood of experiencing family clustering. We propose that, in (...)
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    The Notion of Family in Igbo African Society: A Philosophical Appraisal.Ignatius Nnaemeka Onwuatuegwu - 2020 - European Journal of Philosophy Culture and Religion 4 (1):17-23.
    Purpose:This study is meant to appraise philosophically the notion of family in Igbo African society. The study will also show the distinguishing features between the Igbo African society and the western societies in relation to the notion of family. This paper will attempt to discuss the notion of family in the Igbo-African society with a particular interest in analyzing the components that make the family in the Igbo-African society stand out.Methodology:The applicable methodology in any study is determined (...)
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  4. Are Clusters Races? A Discussion of the Rhetorical Appropriation of Rosenberg et al.’s “Genetic Structure of Human Populations”.Melissa Wills - 2017 - Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology 9 (12).
    Noah Rosenberg et al.'s 2002 article “Genetic Structure of Human Populations” reported that multivariate genomic analysis of a large cell line panel yielded reproducible groupings (clusters) suggestive of individuals' geographical origins. The paper has been repeatedly cited as evidence that traditional notions of race have a biological basis, a claim its authors do not make. Critics of this misinterpretation have often suggested that it follows from interpreters' personal biases skewing the reception of an objective piece of scientific writing. I (...)
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    Advancing Family Theories.James M. White - 2005 - SAGE.
    How can the study of families be scientific? What is the difference between postmodern and positivistic approaches? What is the role of models and metaphors in constructing our theoretical knowledge? In Advancing Family Theories, author James M. White addresses such difficult questions that have been longstanding issues within the field of family studies and examines these matters from a social science perspective. Advancing Family Theories explores two contemporary theories of the family-rational choice theory and transition theory. These diametrically different approaches (...)
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  6. Clustering humans: on biological boundaries.Ludovica Lorusso & Giovanni Boniolo - 2008 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 39 (1):163-170.
    We inquire into the notions of ‘boundary’ and ‘cluster’ in the fields of medical genetics, pharmacogenetics, and population genetics. First we show that the two notions are not well discussed in literature. Then we propose a promising explication of them, in which we argue that clustering is always ‘property laden’, that is, fundamentally dependent on decisions about the properties to be taken into account. In particular we suggest three different kinds of properties that have a role in these decisions. That (...)
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  7. (1 other version)A property cluster theory of cognition.Cameron Buckner - 2013 - Philosophical Psychology (3):1-30.
    Our prominent definitions of cognition are too vague and lack empirical grounding. They have not kept up with recent developments, and cannot bear the weight placed on them across many different debates. I here articulate and defend a more adequate theory. On this theory, behaviors under the control of cognition tend to display a cluster of characteristic properties, a cluster which tends to be absent from behaviors produced by non-cognitive processes. This cluster is reverse-engineered from the empirical tests that comparative (...)
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  8. The Cluster Account of Art Reconsidered.Aaron Meskin - 2007 - British Journal of Aesthetics 47 (4):388-400.
    Berys Gaut has recently articulated and defended a putatively anti-definitional ‘cluster’ theory of art. In the first part of this paper, I argue that Gaut's version of the cluster account is flawed. The key notion of ‘counting toward the application of a concept’ is formulated in such a way that a range of apparently irrelevant properties will count as criterial for the concept of art. Moreover, there does not appear to be any quick fix to this problem. I then (...)
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  9. Species as family resemblance concepts: the (dis-)solution of the species problem?Massimo Pigliucci - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (6):596-602.
    The so-called ‘‘species problem’’ has plagued evolution- ary biology since before Darwin’s publication of the aptly titled Origin of Species. Many biologists think the problem is just a matter of semantics; others complain that it will not be solved until we have more empirical data. Yet, we don’t seem to be able to escape discussing it and teaching seminars about it. In this paper, I briefly examine the main themes of the biological and philosophical liter- atures on the species problem, (...)
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  10. Reconstructing communities in cluster trials?Sapfo Lignou, Sushmita Das, Jigna Mistry, Glyn Alcock, Neena Shah More, David Osrin & Sarah Edwards - 2016 - Trials 17 (166):1-11.
    BACKGROUND: There is growing interest in the ethics of cluster trials, but no literature on the uncertainties in defining communities in relation to the scientific notion of the cluster in collaborative biomedical research. METHODS: The views of participants in a community-based cluster randomised trial (CRT) in Mumbai, India, were solicited regarding their understanding and views on community. We conducted two focus group discussions with local residents and 20 semi-structured interviews with different respondent groups. On average, ten participants took part (...)
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  11. A Family Resemblance Approach to the Nature of Science for Science Education.Gürol Irzık, Gurol Irzik & Robert Nola - 2011 - Science & Education 20 (7-8):591-607.
    Although there is universal consensus both in the science education literature and in the science standards documents to the effect that students should learn not only the content of science but also its nature, there is little agreement about what that nature is. This led many science educators to adopt what is sometimes called “the consensus view” about the nature of science (NOS), whose goal is to teach students only those characteristics of science on which there is wide consensus. This (...)
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    A Family of Strict/Tolerant Logics.Melvin Fitting - 2020 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 50 (2):363-394.
    Strict/tolerant logic, ST, evaluates the premises and the consequences of its consequence relation differently, with the premises held to stricter standards while consequences are treated more tolerantly. More specifically, ST is a three-valued logic with left sides of sequents understood as if in Kleene’s Strong Three Valued Logic, and right sides as if in Priest’s Logic of Paradox. Surprisingly, this hybrid validates the same sequents that classical logic does. A version of this result has been extended to meta, metameta, … (...)
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    Bereaved Families: A Qualitative Study of Therapeutic Intervention.Valeria Moriconi & María Cantero-García - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundA child’s death is the most stressful event and the most complex grief that families face. The process of psychological adaptation to the illness and death of a child is difficult due to a variety of emotional reactions. Parental grief had received the attention of researchers only in recent years when it became clear that this reality differs substantially from the general grief process.ObjectiveThis work aims to highlight the needs of bereaved parents; increase the specificity and effectiveness of the therapeutic (...)
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  14. Family resemblance.Hans Sluga - 2006 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 71 (1):1-21.
    Wittgenstein's remarks about family resemblance in the Philosophical Investigations should not be construed as implying a comprehensive theory of universals. They possess, rather, a defensive function in his exposition. The remarks allow one, nevertheless, to draw certain general conclusions about how Wittgenstein thought about concepts. Reflection on the notion of family resemblance reveals that kinship and similarity considerations intersect in it in a problematic fashion.
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    Physical Activity-Related Profiles of Female Sixth-Graders Regarding Motivational Psychosocial Variables: A Cluster Analysis Within the CReActivity Project.Joachim Bachner, David J. Sturm, Xavier García-Massó, Javier Molina-García & Yolanda Demetriou - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:580563.
    Introduction Adolescents’ physical activity (PA) behavior can be driven by several psychosocial determinants at the same time. Most analyses use a variable-based approach that examines relations between PA-related determinants and PA behavior on the between-person level. Using this approach, possible coexistences of different psychosocial determinants within one person cannot be examined. Therefore, by applying a person-oriented approach, this study examined a) which profiles regarding PA-related psychosocial variables typically occur in female sixth-graders, b) if these profiles deliver a self-consistent picture according (...)
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    Extension of Family Resemblance Concepts as a Necessary Condition of Interpretation across Traditions.Jaap van Brakel & Lin Ma - 2015 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 14 (4):475-497.
    In this paper we extend Wittgenstein’s notion of family resemblance to translation, interpretation, and comparison across traditions. There is no need for universals. This holds for everyday concepts such as green and qing 青, philosophical concepts such as emotion and qing 情, as well as philosophical categories such as form of life and dao 道. These notions as well as all other concepts from whatever tradition are family resemblance concepts. We introduce the notion of quasi-universal, which connects family (...)
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    Nietzsche Cluster: Introduction.Joseph Ward - 2013 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 21 (1):1 - 2.
    Nietzsche was a philosopher who prided himself, in deliberate contradistinction with previous philosophers, on his ‘historical sense’. But this leaves many questions unanswered about the precise role of the historical in Nietzsche’s philosophy. Perhaps most importantly, can the conception of genealogy in Nietzsche’s later philosophy, as a revised historical method, be taken to represent his mature philosophical methodology in general? I argue, firstly, that there is considerable continuity between Nietzsche’s conceptions of history in the early essay ‘On the uses and (...)
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    Familial Communication of Research Results: A Need to Know?Lee Black & Kelly A. McClellan - 2011 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 39 (4):605-613.
    In recent years, the research participant’s family’s need, if not right, to know their disease risk has comprised a great deal of the genetic testing discourse. This most often arises in the context of clinical genetic tests for hereditary cancers, especially colorectal and breast cancer, and other genetic disorders where the presence of a genetic mutation greatly increases the likelihood of the disease’s manifestation. However, this discussion has not led to comprehensive or cohesive guidance for health care professionals or patients. (...)
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    Family-Oriented Living Organ Donation in Bangladesh: A Bioethical Defence.S. Siraj - 2024 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 21 (3):415-433.
    This study focuses on issues related to living organ donation for transplantation in Bangladesh. The policy and practice of living organ donation for transplantation in Bangladesh is family-oriented: close relatives (legal and genetic) are the only ones allowed to be living donors. Unrelated donors, altruistic donors (directed and non-directed), and paired/pooled or non-directed altruistic living donor chains—as many of these are implemented in other countries—are not legally allowed to serve as living donors in Bangladesh. This paper presents normative arguments explaining (...)
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    The Nonverbal Communication of Positive Emotions: An Emotion Family Approach.Disa A. Sauter - 2017 - Emotion Review 9 (3):222-234.
    This review provides an overview of the research on nonverbal expressions of positive emotions, organised into emotion families, that is, clusters sharing common characteristics. Epistemological positive emotions are found to have distinct, recognisable displays via vocal or facial cues, while the agency-approach positive emotions appear to be associated with recognisable visual, but not auditory, cues. Evidence is less strong for the prosocial emotions in any modality other than touch, and there is little support for distinct recognisable signals of the (...)
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  21. Family fairness.Edna Ullmann-Margalit - 2006 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 73 (2):575-596.
    In this paper I take up the notion of family fairness and contrast it with justice. In particular I take issue with Susan Okin's notion of the just family and develop, instead, the notion of the not-unjust fair family. Driving a wedge between justice and fairness, I propose that family fairness is partial and sympathetic rather than impartial and empathic, and that it is particular and internal rather than universalizable. Furthermore, I claim that family fairness is based (...)
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  22. Using Wittgenstein’s family resemblance principle to learn exemplars.Sunil Vadera, Andres Rodriguez, Enrique Succar & Jia Wu - 2008 - Foundations of Science 13 (1):67-74.
    The introduction of the notion of family resemblance represented a major shift in Wittgenstein’s thoughts on the meaning of words, moving away from a belief that words were well defined, to a view that words denoted less well defined categories of meaning. This paper presents the use of the notion of family resemblance in the area of machine learning as an example of the benefits that can accrue from adopting the kind of paradigm shift taken by Wittgenstein. The (...)
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  23. Genes and family environment in familial clustering of cancer.Knut Borch-Johnsen, Jørgen H. Olsen & Thorkild I. A. Sørensen - 1994 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 15 (4).
    Familial clustering of a disease is defined as the occurrence of the disease within some families in excess of what would be expected from the occurrence in the population. It has been demonstrated for several cancer types, ranging from rare cancers as the adenomatosis-coli-associated colon cancer or the Li-Fraumeni syndrome to more common cancers as breast cancer and colon cancer. Familial clustering, however, is merely an epidemiological pattern, and it does not tell whether genetic or environmental causes or both in (...)
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    Diverse Families, Desirable Schools: Public Montessori in the Era of School Choice.Mira Debs - 2019 - Harvard Education Press.
    _In _Diverse Families, Desirable Schools_, Mira Debs offers a richly detailed study of public Montessori schools, which make up the largest group of progressive schools in the public sector._ As public Montessori schools expand rapidly as alternatives to traditional public schools, the story of these schools, Debs points out, is a microcosm of the broader conflicts around public school choice. Drawing on historical research, interviews with public Montessori educators, and ethnographic case studies, Debs explores the forces that pull intentionally diverse, (...)
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    Tight Eventually Different Families.Vera Fischer & Corey Bacal Switzer - 2024 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 89 (2):697-723.
    Generalizing the notion of a tight almost disjoint family, we introduce the notions of a tight eventually different family of functions in Baire space and a tight eventually different set of permutations of $\omega $. Such sets strengthen maximality, exist under $\mathsf {MA} (\sigma \mathrm {-centered})$ and come with a properness preservation theorem. The notion of tightness also generalizes earlier work on the forcing indestructibility of maximality of families of functions. As a result we compute the cardinals $\mathfrak (...)
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    The Conjoint Family Drawing: A Tool to Explore About Family Relationships.Marialuisa Gennari & Giancarlo Tamanza - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In this article we will present the Conjoint Family Drawing, a graphic-interactive tool developed to evaluate family relationships. This tool allows an analytical and clinical evaluation of families and their relationships while facilitating the understanding of the overall family functioning through a synthetic coding system which distinguishes families from each other. First of all, a presentation of the analytical coding system is provided; such system consists of a grid, formed by two distinct levels of observation: the analysis of the product, (...)
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    The Family in Greek History (review).Cheryl Anne Cox - 2000 - American Journal of Philology 121 (1):153-155.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Family in Greek HistoryCheryl Anne CoxCynthia B. Patterson. The Family in Greek History. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1998. 286 pp. 6 figs. Cloth, $35.The purpose of Cynthia Patterson's book is to view family structures and family interests and ideals in the historical development of the Greek polis. In her study she takes us through nineteenth-century scholarship, the worlds of Homer and Hesiod, and the societies of Sparta, (...)
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    Trusting Families: Responding to Mary Ann Meeker, “Responsive Care Management: Family Decision Makers in Advanced Cancer”.James Lindemann Nelson - 2011 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 22 (2):123-127.
    Mary Ann Meeker’s article admirably reminds readers that family members are involved in—or “responsively manage”—the care of relatives with severe illness in ways that run considerably beyond the stereotypes at play in many bioethical discussions of advance directives. Her observations thus make thinking about the role of families in healthcare provision more adequate to the facts, and this is an important contribution. There’s reason to be worried, however, that one explicit aim of the article—to ease the standing anxieties that many (...)
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  29. Families of bose rays in quantum optics.N. Mukunda, E. C. G. Sudarshan & R. Simon - 1988 - Foundations of Physics 18 (3):277-306.
    Having known classical wave optics and wave mechanics, can we reverse Schrödinger's path and extend the concept of families of rays of light to provide a new exact rendering of quantum optics including the Bose nature of photons? This question is answered in the affirmative, and the implications of the Bose symmetry for certain nonlocal correlations of the many-ray distribution functions are worked out. The similarities and the differences between classical and quantum wave optics are brought out. The ray-ray Bose (...)
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  30. Can Psychodynamically Oriented Early Prevention for “Children-at-Risk” in Urban Areas With High Social Problem Density Strengthen Their Developmental Potential? A Cluster Randomized Trial of Two Kindergarten-Based Prevention Programs.Tamara Fischmann, Lorena K. Asseburg, Jonathan Green, Felicitas Hug, Verena Neubert, Ming Wan & Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Children who live on the margins of society are disadvantaged in achieving their developmental potential because of the lack of a necessary stable environment and nurturing care. Many early prevention programs aim at mitigating such effects, but often the evaluation of their long-term effect is missing. The aim of the study presented here was to evaluate such long-term effects in two prevention programs for children-at-risk growing up in deprived social environments focusing on child attachment representation as the primary outcome as (...)
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    Force shift: a case study of Cantonese ho2 particle clusters.Jess H.-K. Law, Haoze Li & Diti Bhadra - 2024 - Natural Language Semantics 32 (3):315-357.
    This paper investigates force shift, a phenomenon in which the canonical discourse conventions, or force, associated with a clause type can be overridden to yield polar questions with the help of additional force-indicating devices. Previous studies attribute force shift to the presence of a complex question force component operating on semantic content. Based on utterance particles and particle clusters in Cantonese, we analyze force shift as resulting from compositional operations on force-bearing expressions. We propose that a simplex force, such (...)
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    The Concept of Family in Lithuanian Law.Gediminas Sagatys - 2010 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 119 (1):181-196.
    Recognition of the status of family in the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania mandates the state authorities to care and provide for the family, to ensure the family members’ constitutional rights, and to ensure respect for family life. Such duties fall on both, the legislative and executive authorities. However, the enforcement of constitutional imperatives is not straightforward. One reason for this is that the Constitution does not contain any legal definition of ‘family’ or ‘family members’. Nor does the jurisprudence (...)
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    Finding True Clusters: On the Importance of Simplicity in Science.Guillaume Rochefort-Maranda & Mo Liu - 2020 - Erkenntnis 87 (5):2081-2096.
    The main point of this paper is to underscore the link between simplicity and truth in an unsupervised machine learning context. More precisely, we argue that parametric and dimensional simplicity are not indicators of truth but the methodological principle that urges us to pay attention to such notions of simplicity is truth conducive. The truth that we are looking for are specific geometrical shapes and we know which algorithm can find which shapes provided that we pay attention to parametric and (...)
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    Forcing indestructibility of MAD families.Jörg Brendle & Shunsuke Yatabe - 2005 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 132 (2):271-312.
    Let A[ω]ω be a maximal almost disjoint family and assume P is a forcing notion. Say A is P-indestructible if A is still maximal in any P-generic extension. We investigate P-indestructibility for several classical forcing notions P. In particular, we provide a combinatorial characterization of P-indestructibility and, assuming a fragment of MA, we construct maximal almost disjoint families which are P-indestructible yet Q-destructible for several pairs of forcing notions . We close with a detailed investigation of iterated Sacks indestructibility.
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  35. A Family Meal as Fiction.Josep E. Corbi - 2020 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 27:82-105.
    at seek to identify the necessary and sufficient conditions for a work to count as fiction. She argues that this goal cannot really be achieved; instead, she appeals to the notion of genre to distinguish between fiction and nonfiction. This notion is significantly more flex- ible, since it invites us to identify standard—but not necessary—and counter-standard features of works of fiction in light of our classificatory practices. More specifically, Friend argues that the genre of fiction has the genre (...)
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    Why the Family is Beautiful (Lacan Against Badiou).Eleanor Kaufman - 2002 - Diacritics 32 (3/4):135-151.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Why the Family is Beautiful (Lacan Against Badiou)Eleanor Kaufman (bio)The theory of ethics that can be distilled from the work of Jacques Lacan and Alain Badiou bears no resemblance to many commonly received notions of the ethical, especially any that would link ethics to a system of morality. In fact, ethics is not necessarily the central concept in their work, even in Lacan's The Ethics of Psychoanalysis or Badiou's (...)
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    Queering the Odds: The Case Against "Family Balancing".Tereza Hendl - 2017 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 10 (2):4-30.
    The concept of sex selection for “family balancing” is based on the notion that a family is “balanced” when it includes children of “both genders.” Clinics that offer IVF for family balancing present it as an option for couples who “want to experience the joy of raising both a male and female child”. Families with at least one child of each gender are claimed to have gender diversity and to provide more enriching experiences to all family members. Some theorists (...)
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    Time to rethink the teacher-family alliance? Central issues in the “pandemic” literature on home-school cooperation.Paola Dusi & Audrey Addi-Raccah - 2022 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 26 (63):7-29.
    COVID-19 added a new dimension to the relationship between school professionals and students’ families: a virtual one. To explore this shift and the associated challenges, we performed a bibliometric analysis of research literature published on the topic to the end of 2021. Our guiding question was: what kind of themes are emerging in literature on the school-family relationship in association with COVID-19? Our search of Scopus, Web of Sciences and ERIC retrieved 286 articles. Using VOSviewer, we conducted a bibliometric analysis (...)
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    Communicating genetic information in the family: enriching the debate through the notion of integrity. [REVIEW]Paula Boddington & Maggie Gregory - 2008 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 11 (4):445-454.
    Genetic information about one individual often has medical and reproductive implications for that individual’s relatives. There is a debate about whether policy on transmitting genetic information within the family should change to reflect this shared aspect of genetic information. Even if laws on medical confidentiality remain unchanged, there still remains the question of professional practice and whether, to what extent and by what means professionals should encourage disclosure within a family. The debate so far has tended to focus on who (...)
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    The ‘child’s best interests’ as an argumentative resource in family mediation sessions.Jan Ewing, Rosemary Hunter, Anne Barlow & Janet Smithson - 2015 - Discourse Studies 17 (5):609-623.
    We used Discursive Psychology to study the claims and arguments which occur when ‘the child’s best interests’ is produced as a resource in family mediation settings. Analysis draws on data from three pairs of separated or separating parents attempting to resolve child contact or residency disputes through mediation. Our analysis focuses on the tendency of claims to the abstract notion of the child’s best interests to exacerbate conflict, especially as parents drew on conflicting research in this area. Changing expectations (...)
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    The CRP/MLP/TLP family of LIM domain proteins: Acting by connecting.Ralf Weiskirchen & Kalle Günther - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (2):152-162.
    In vertebrates, members of the cysteine‐rich protein (CRP) family are characterized by the presence of two LIM domains linked to short glycine‐rich repeats. These proteins mediate protein–protein interactions and are of fundamental importance for cell differentiation, cytoskeletal remodeling, and transcriptional regulation. To date, a vast amount of information about vertebrate CRPs has become available, including their biological functions, interacting partners, and three‐dimensional structures. Compatible with a molecular adapter role, structural data reveal that the LIM domains within these proteins represent completely (...)
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  42. Moral aspects of psychiatric diagnosis: The cluster B personality disorders.Marga Reimer - 2010 - Neuroethics 3 (2):173-184.
    Medical professionals, including mental health professionals, largely agree that moral judgment should be kept out of clinical settings. The rationale is simple: moral judgment has the capacity to impair clinical judgment in ways that could harm the patient. However, when the patient is suffering from a "Cluster B" personality disorder, keeping moral judgment out of the clinic might appear impossible, not only in practice but also in theory. For the diagnostic criteria associated with these particular disorders (Antisocial, Borderline, Histrionic, Narcissistic) (...)
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    Nursing activities for patients with chronic disease in family medicine groups: A multiple‐case study.Marie-Eve Poitras, Maud-Christine Chouinard, Martin Fortin, Ariane Girard, Sue Crossman & Frances Gallagher - 2018 - Nursing Inquiry 25 (4):e12250.
    Family Medicine Groups (FMGs) are the most recently developed primary care organizations in Quebec (Canada). Nurses within FMGs play a central role for patients with chronic diseases (CD). However, this complex role and the nursing activities related to this role vary across FMGs. Inadequate knowledge of nursing activities limits the implementation of exemplary nursing practices. This study aimed to describe FMG nursing activities with patients with CD and to describe the facilitators and barriers to these activities. A multiple‐case study was (...)
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    A Deeper Humanity: The Family as the School of an Inclusive Economy.Joseph Rice - 2024 - In Peter Róna, Laszlo Zsolnai & Agnieszka Wincewicz-Price, Homo Curator: Towards the Ethics of Consumption. Springer Nature Switzerland. pp. 159-185.
    This paper addresses one particular understanding, based in the Catholic intellectual tradition, of ethical and anthropological foundations of the formation of social and economic attitudes in the family, and how these might be related to the understanding of humanityHumanity at the foundation of participation in an inclusive economy. What is at stake is how the primordial subjectivity of the human person, formed in the family, may be related to the formation of social and economic attitudes in the wider societySociety. Building (...)
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    Intersectional perspectives on family involvement in nursing home care: rethinking relatives' position as a betweenship.Jessica Holmgren, Azita Emami, Lars E. Eriksson & Henrik Eriksson - 2014 - Nursing Inquiry 21 (3):227-237.
    This study seeks to understand, in the context of intersectional theory, the roles of family members in nursing home care. The unique social locus at which each person sits is the result of the intersection of gender, status, ethnicity and class; it is situational, shifting with the context of every encounter. A content analysis of 15 qualitative interviews with relatives of nursing home residents in Sweden was used to gain a perspective on the relationships between relatives and residents, relatives and (...)
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    Beta-Hebbian Learning to enhance unsupervised exploratory visualizations of Android malware families.Nuño Basurto, Diego García-Prieto, Héctor Quintián, Daniel Urda, José Luis Calvo-Rolle & Emilio Corchado - 2024 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 32 (2):306-320.
    As it is well known, mobile phones have become a basic gadget for any individual that usually stores sensitive information. This mainly motivates the increase in the number of attacks aimed at jeopardizing smartphones, being an extreme concern above all on Android OS, which is the most popular platform in the market. Consequently, a strong effort has been devoted for mitigating mentioned incidents in recent years, even though few researchers have addressed the application of visualization techniques for the analysis of (...)
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    Language as a Family-Resemblance Concept in Wittgenstein.José Ruiz Fernández - 2019 - Philosophia 47 (5):1447-1455.
    The article begins by considering Wittgenstein’s notion of family-resemblance concepts. The article purports to defend that there is something wrong with the idea that language is a family-resemblance concept, that is, that we take behaviour as being linguistic merely in virtue of undetermined similarities with paradigmatic linguistic behaviour. In order to achieve this goal, it is first clarified in which sense so-called psychological concepts are not family-resemblance concepts. The essential link between the use of the expressions “language” and “linguistic (...)
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    Logic Families.Hajnal Andréka, Zalán Gyenis, István Németi & Ildikó Sain - forthcoming - Studia Logica:1-47.
    A logic family is a bunch of logics that belong together in some way. First-order logic is one of the examples. Logics organized into a structure occur in abstract model theory, institution theory and in algebraic logic. Logic families play a role in adopting methods for investigating sentential logics to first-order like logics. We thoroughly discuss the notion of logic families as defined in the recent Universal Algebraic Logic book.
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    A Confucian Solution to the Fungibility Problem of Friendship: Friends like Family with Particularized Virtues.Chenyang Li - 2019 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 18 (4):493-508.
    When asked why we are friends with someone, we often point to her good virtues as reasons. If these are the reasons, we have equal reasons to be friends with anyone with such virtues, and we can even replace current friends with anyone with the same or better virtues without substantive loss in friendship. However, it does not seem right that a particular friend is replaceable by just any other person with the same or better virtues. This is the fungibility (...)
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    Patching ideal families on℘ kλ.Christopher C. Leary - 1990 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 30 (4):269-275.
    Ideal families defined on a cardinalk often exhibit reflection properties. IfC ⫅k is a club, for example, thenC∩α is a club-in-α club-in-k often. In this paper we generalize this notion to ideal families defined on℘ kλ and exhibit some examples.
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