Results for ' comparative institutional analysis'

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  1.  47
    Women on Corporate Boards: A Comparative Institutional Analysis.Stephen Brammer, Bruce Rayton & Johanne Grosvold - 2016 - Business and Society 55 (8):1157-1196.
    How do a country’s basic institutions enable or hinder women’s rise to the boards of public companies? The study evaluates this question with reference to the five basic institutions that research suggests are common across all countries: family, education, economy, government, and religion. The study draws on a sample, which consists of 23 countries, and the study is framed in neo-institutional theory. In analyzing the role of these institutions, the article seeks to understand better the relationships between specific institutions (...)
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    The Role of Government in East Asian Economic Development: Comparative Institutional Analysis.Masahiko Aoki, Hyung-Ki Kim & Masahiro Okuno-Fujiwara (eds.) - 1997 - Oxford University Press UK.
    The role of government in East Asian economic development has been a contentious issue. Two competing views have shaped enquiries into the source of the rapid growth of the high-performing Asian economies and attempts to derive a general lesson for other developing economies: the market-friendly view, according to which government intervenes little in the market, and the developmental state view, in which it governs the market. What these views share in common is a conception of market and government as alternative (...)
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    Action just is knowledge.Particularly Song-Ming Neo-Confucian Ethics Specializing in Chinese Philosophy, Moral Psychologyhe has Held Visiting Positions at the Harvard-Yenching Institute Comparative Philosophy & West Philosophy East - forthcoming - Philosophical Explorations:1-19.
    This article offers a novel interpretation of enacted knowledge through the lens of Wang Yangming’s theory of the unity of knowledge and action. By framing Wang’s concept of knowledge within an enactive model, it advances a holistic perspective that integrates mind, body, and world, as well as knowledge and action, into a unified whole. To bridge historical analysis with contemporary philosophical discourse, this article engages in dialogue with Harvey Lederman’s introspective model, offering a complementary framework that, together, provides a (...)
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    Leveled Domestic Politics. Comparing Institutional Reform and Ethnonational Conflicts in Canada and Belgium (1960–89).Maarten Theo Jans - 2001 - Res Publica 43 (1):37-58.
    The article analyses ethnonational conflicts in Belgium and Canada during the period 1960-1989. Using the most similar case design, it is argued that the different policy performances in Belgium and Canada can be accounted for by the institutional context in which the conflicts occurred. The institutional setup in Canada and Belgium created different modes of joint decision making. Through an analysis of three joint decision variables, namely, decision rules, preferences and default conditions, two empirical cases are scrutinized. (...)
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    Analysis of factors influencing the organizational capacity of Institutional Review Boards In China: a crisp-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis based on 107 cases.Chanjuan Liu, Bojing Liu, Shuwen Shi & Lu Lu - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-11.
    BackgroundInstitutional Review Boards (IRBs) play a vital role in safeguarding the rights and interests of both research participants and researchers. However, China initiated the establishment of its own IRB system relatively late in comparison to international standards. Despite commendable progress, there is a pressing need to strengthen the organizational capacity building of Chinese IRBs. Hence, this study aims to analyze the key factors driving the enhancement of organizational capacity within these committees.MethodThe cross-sectional survey for this research was conducted from July (...)
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    Countering the Loading-Dock Approach to Linking Science and Decision Making: Comparative Analysis of El Niño/southern Oscillation (ENSO) Forecasting Systems.Anthony G. Patt, Jonathan C. Borck & David W. Cash - 2006 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 31 (4):465-494.
    This article provides a comparative institutional analysis between El Niño/southern Oscillation forecasting systems in the Pacific and southern Africa with a focus on how scientific information is connected to the decision-making process. With billions of dollars in infrastructure and private property and human health and well-being at risk during ENSO events, forecasting systems have begun to be embraced by managers and firms at multiple levels. The study suggests that such systems need to consciously support the coproduction of (...)
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    Ethical and institutional frameworks for interactional justice in public organizations: a comparative analysis of selected Western and Chinese sources.Mario A. Rivera - 2014 - Journal of Global Ethics 10 (3):339-350.
    This paper explores both differences and points of contact between selected contemporary theories of public ethics in the West and China. China is in a greater state of flux in this connection, with new, eclectic approaches to ethical justification for moral agency gaining prominence. There are thematic parallels between East and West in their distinct strains of institutionalism . However, there are recent Chinese theoretical proposals – many incorporating Western sources – that address this quandary, namely the institutional overdetermination (...)
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    Criza politica si constructia institutionala democratica. O analiza comparata a douazeci si opt de constitutii/ Political Crisis And The Democratic Institutional Construction. A Compared Analysis Of Twenty-Eight Constitutions.Anton Carpinschi & Andrei Ilas - 2004 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 3 (7):54-76.
    This article examines the political crisis that has appeared in the constitutions of 28 democratic states. The units of analysis have been chosen using the criterion of a modern and formal constitution. Using the systemic paradigm, the article proposes an institutionalist ap- proach. After explaining the role of the main institutions, the article focuses itself on identifying the mechanisms of crisis as they are provided by constitutions (i.e. the vote of no-confidence, the motion of censure, the vacancy etc.). We (...)
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    Analysis of the institutional landscape and proliferation of proposals for global vaccine equity for COVID-19: too many cooks or too many recipes?Susi Geiger & Aisling McMahon - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (8):583-590.
    This article outlines and compares current and proposed global institutional mechanisms to increase equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines, focusing on their institutional and operational complementarities and overlaps. It specifically considers the World Health Organization's (WHO’s) COVAX (COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access) model as part of the Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator (ACT-A) initiative, the WHO’s COVID-19 Technology Access Pool (C-TAP) initiative, the proposed TRIPS (Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Agreement) intellectual property waiver and other proposed WHO and World Trade (...)
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  10. A comparative analysis of biomedical research ethics regulation systems in Europe and Latin America with regard to the protection of human subjects.E. Lamas, M. Ferrer, A. Molina, R. Salinas, A. Hevia, A. Bota, D. Feinholz, M. Fuchs, R. Schramm, J. -C. Tealdi & S. Zorrilla - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (12):750-753.
    The European project European and Latin American Systems of Ethics Regulation of Biomedical Research Project (EULABOR) has carried out the first comparative analysis of ethics regulation systems for biomedical research in seven countries in Europe and Latin America, evaluating their roles in the protection of human subjects. We developed a conceptual and methodological framework defining ‘ethics regulation system for biomedical research’ as a set of actors, institutions, codes and laws involved in overseeing the ethics of biomedical research on (...)
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  11.  27
    The perception of corruption as social and institutional pressure: A comparative analysis of cultural biases.Davide Torsello - 2013 - Human Affairs 23 (2):160-173.
    This study is an empirical approach to answering the question: are there any universal factors that account for the origin, diffusion and persistence of corruption in human societies? The paper enquires whether the perception of corruption in politics and economics can be tackled as a form of cultural adaptation, driven by exogenous and endogenous forces. These are respectively: freedom of access and management of economic resources, and the pressures towards human grouping. Following the analytical insights of cultural theory, developed by (...)
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    Diversity in feminist economics research methods: trends from the Global South.U. T. Salt Lake City, Annandale-On-Hudson USAb Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, C. O. Fort Collins, Markets Including Care Work, History of Economic Thought Public Policy, Labor Economics Currently Development, Macroeconomic Implications of Social Reproduction Her Research Focuses on the Micro-, Finance She is A. Labor Associate Editor for the African Review of Economics, Research Interests Related to the Division Feminist Economist, Definition of Both Paid Quality, How Households Unpaid Work, Formed Around These Types of Work Families Are Structured, Households How the State Interacts, Development The Editor of Feminist Economics She Was Recently Senior Economist at the United Nations Conference on Trade, Including the International Labour Organization Has Done Consulting Work for A. Number of International Development Institutions, the United Nations Research Institute on Social Development the World Bank & Macroeconomic Asp U. N. Women Her Work Focuses on the International - forthcoming - Journal of Economic Methodology:1-25.
    Using data on submitted and published manuscripts in Feminist Economics from 1995 to 2019, we examine differences in method and scope used by authors residing in the Global North and Global South. We specifically focus on research methods, intersectional analyses, region of analysis, and co-authorship status. Further, using logistic regression models, we examine the relationship between authors’ location and use of research methods. We find authors in the Global South are more likely to engage in empirical and mixed-methods papers (...)
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    Risk analysis and prediction in welfare institutions using a recommender system.Maayan Zhitomirsky-Geffet & Avital Zadok - 2018 - AI and Society 33 (4):511-525.
    Recommender systems are recently developed computer-assisted tools that support social and informational needs of various communities and help users exploit huge amounts of data for making optimal decisions. In this study, we present a new recommender system for assessment and risk prediction in child welfare institutions in Israel. The system exploits a large diachronic repository of manually completed questionnaires on functioning of welfare institutions and proposes two different rule-based computational models. The system accepts users’ requests via a simple graphical interface, (...)
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  14.  22
    Comparative Analysis of Local Community Protection Mechanisms in Kosovo and North Macedonia.Memet Memeti & Artan Binaku - 2021 - Seeu Review 16 (1):93-107.
    The objective of this paper is to provide a comparative analysis of local community protection mechanisms in Kosovo and North Macedonia. The intention is to comparatively analyze the community protection mechanism’s differences and similarities and their establishment in both countries. Requirements on community protection mechanisms as tools for ensuring community rights will be elaborated with two institutional settings and succinct legal infrastructure. The establishment of the community-led mechanisms debate has been increasingly conductive to Kosovo and North Macedonia (...)
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  15. Comparative Analysis of National and Regional Models of the Silver Economy in the European Union.Andrzej Klimczuk - 2016 - International Journal of Ageing and Later Life 10 (2):31--59.
    The approach to analysing population ageing and its impacts on the economy has evolved in recent years. There is increasing interest in the development and use of products and services related to gerontechnology as well as other social innovations that may be considered as central parts of the "silver economy." However, the concept of silver economy is still being formed and requires detailed research. This article proposes a typology of models of the silver economy in the European Union at the (...)
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    Comparative Analysis as an Autonomization Strategy in International Commercial Arbitration.Joanna Jemielniak - 2018 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 31 (1):155-173.
    The article explores the unique character of international commercial arbitration as a globalized phenomenon, where universalizing and harmonizing effects have largely been achieved by private means and spontaneous expansion, outside the States’ direct intervention and control. The evolution of arbitration in recent decades from an alternative to the core mechanism of deciding cross-border commercial controversies is considered. Privatization of this area of dispute resolution is examined in the context of its growing autonomization, marked—as observed by Emmanuel Gaillard—by notable changes in (...)
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    The Politics of Institutional Renovation and Economic Upgrading: Recombining the Vines That Bind in Argentina.Gerald A. McDermott - 2007 - Politics and Society 35 (1):103-144.
    Through a comparative, longitudinal analysis of the wine industry in two Argentine provinces, this article finds that different political approaches to reform and not simply socioeconomic endowments determine the ability of societies to build new institutions for economic upgrading. A “depoliticization” approach emphasizes the imposition of arm’s-length incentives by a powerful, insulated government but exacerbates social fragmentation and impedes upgrading. A “participatory restructuring” approach promotes the creation and maintenance of new public-private institutions for upgrading via rules of inclusive (...)
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  18.  36
    Science Production in Germany, France, Belgium, and Luxembourg: Comparing the Contributions of Research Universities and Institutes to Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Health.Justin J. W. Powell & Jennifer Dusdal - 2017 - Minerva 55 (4):413-434.
    Charting significant growth in science production over the 20th century in four European Union member states, this neo-institutional analysis describes the development and current state of universities and research institutes that bolster Europe’s position as a key region in global science. On-going internationalization and Europeanization of higher education and science has been accompanied by increasing competition as well as collaboration. Despite the policy goals to foster innovation and further expand research capacity, in cross-national and historical comparison neither the (...)
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  19. Promoting Knowledge Management Components in the Palestinian Higher Education Institutions - A Comparative Study.Samy S. Abu Naser, Mazen J. Al Shobaki & Youssef M. Abu Amuna - 2016 - International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences 73:42-53.
    Publication date: 29 September 2016 Source: Author: Samy S. Abu Naser, Mazen J. Al Shobaki, Youssef M. Abu Amuna This paper aims to measure knowledge management maturity in higher education institutions to determine the impact of knowledge management on high performance. Also the study aims to compare knowledge management maturity between universities and intermediate colleges. This study was applied on five higher education institutions in Gaza strip, Palestine. Asian productivity organization model was applied to measure Knowledge Management Maturity. Second dimension (...)
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    Judicial Deliberations: A Comparative Analysis of Transparency and Legitimacy.Mitchel de S.-O.-L'E. Lasser - 2004 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Judicial Deliberations compares how and why the European Court of Justice, the French Cour de cassation and the US Supreme Court offer different approaches for generating judicial accountability and control, judicial debate and deliberation, and ultimately judicial legitimacy. Examining the judicial argumentation of the United States Supreme Court and of the French Cour de cassation, the book first reorders the traditional comparative understanding of the difference between French civil law and American common law judicial decision-making. It then uses this (...)
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    Key Elements of the Legal Status of the Natural Gas Market Regulatory Institutions in Lithuania and in the European Union Member States: a Comparative Analysis.Algimantas Urmonas & Virginijus Kanapinskas - 2010 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 120 (2):379-395.
    The article analyses the legal status of the natural gas market regulatory institutions in Lithuania and in the member states of the European Union. First, the authors assess the most important elements of the legal status of the natural gas market regulators in the EU member states, namely, the degree of autonomy (type of institution, appointment and dismissal procedures of management, duration of the terms of office, sources of funding) and the measures aimed at ensuring accountability, transparency, and prevention of (...)
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  22. Independence and Interdependence: Lessons from the Hive.Christian List & Adrian Vermeule - 2014 - Rationality and Society 26 (2):170-207.
    There is a substantial class of collective decision problems whose successful solution requires interdependence among decision makers at the agenda-setting stage and independence at the stage of choice. We define this class of problems and describe and apply a search-and-decision mechanism theoretically modeled in the context of honeybees and identified in earlier empirical work in biology. The honeybees’ mechanism has useful implications for mechanism design in human institutions, including courts, legislatures, executive appointments, research and development in firms, and basic research (...)
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    A Comparative Analysis of Political Confidence in the BRICS Countries.Peng Lu - 2014 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 15 (3):417-441.
    The aim of this paper is to describe and analyze people's confidence in political institutions in the so-called BRICS countries, that is, Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. I argue that the quality of macroeconomic indicators cannot explain the variation in political confidence between the five most dynamic new emerging economies, and that there is no substantial difference among the young, middle-aged, and senior-aged groups. By combing data from the Asia Barometer Survey and the World Value Survey, I provide (...)
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    Comparative Analysis of Economic Policy Stability between Monarchical and Republican Systems: A Theoretical Fundamental Research.Bahaa Karim Ali - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1360-1372.
    The difference between monarchies and republics stems from the variation in the sources of authority and the nature of leadership transition. However, the similarity lies in the fundamental tasks accomplished by political systems, as they represent the structures and institutions that manage the relationships between the ruler and the governed within the state. These systems are responsible for organizing public life and achieving stability. The core tasks differ according to the nature of the political systems, whether they are monarchies, republics, (...)
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  25. The Anatomy of Corporate Fraud: A Comparative Analysis of High Profile American and European Corporate Scandals.Bahram Soltani - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 120 (2):251-274.
    This paper presents a comparative analysis of three American and three European corporate failures. The first part of the analysis is based on a theoretical framework including six areas of ethical climate; tone at the top; bubble economy and market pressure; fraudulent financial reporting; accountability, control, auditing, and governance; and management compensation. The second and third parts consider the analysis of these cases from fraud perspective and in terms of firm-specific characteristics and environmental context. The research (...)
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  26. Corporate Social Responsibility in Western Europe: An Institutional Mirror or Substitute? [REVIEW]Gregory Jackson & Androniki Apostolakou - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 94 (3):371 - 394.
    In spite of extensive research on corporate social responsibility (CSR) and its link with economic and social performance, few studies have investigated the institutional determinants of CSR. This article draws upon neo-institutional theory and comparative institutional analysis to compare the influence of different institutional environments on CSR policies of European firms. On the basis of a dataset of European firms, we find that firms from the more liberal market economies of the Anglo-Saxon countries score (...)
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  27. Political crisis and the democratic institutional construction. A compared analysis of twenty-eight constitutions.A. Carpinschi & A. Ilas - 2004 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 2 (7):54-76.
  28.  34
    An Ethical Analysis of the SUPPORT Trial: Addressing Challenges Posed by a Pragmatic Comparative Effectiveness Randomized Controlled Trial.Austin R. Horn, Charles Weijer, Jeremy Grimshaw, Jamie Brehaut, Dean Fergusson, Cory E. Goldstein & Monica Taljaard - 2018 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 28 (1):85-118.
    Pragmatic comparative effectiveness randomized controlled trials evaluate the effectiveness of one interventions under real-world clinical conditions. The results of ceRCTs are often directly generalizable to everyday clinical practice, providing information critical to decision-making by patients, clinicians, and healthcare policymakers. The PRECIS-2 framework identifies nine domains that serve to score a trial on a continuum between very explanatory to very pragmatic. According to the framework, pragmatic trials may have one or more of the following features: there are fewer eligibility criteria (...)
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  29. Practicing Intersectionality in Sociological Research: A Critical Analysis of Inclusions, Interactions, and Institutions in the Study of Inequalities.Hae Yeon Choo & Myra Marx Ferree - 2010 - Sociological Theory 28 (2):129 - 149.
    In this article we ask what it means for sociologists to practice intersectionality as a theoretical and methodological approach to inequality. What are the implications for choices of subject matter and style of work? We distinguish three styles of understanding intersectionality in practice: group-centered, process-centered, and system-centered. The first, emphasizes placing multiply-marginalized groups and their perspectives at the center of the research. The second, intersectionality as a process, highlights power as relational, seeing the interactions among variables as multiplying oppressions at (...)
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  30. Gender stereotypes and machismo in Higher Education: A comparative analysis.Pamela Torres-Rodríguez, Blanca Margarita Villareal-Soto, Rocío Isabel Ramos-Jaubert & Marta Nieves Espericueta-Medina - forthcoming - Revista de Filosofía y Cotidianidad.
    Throughout history, society has been marked by a patriarchal system that has subordinated women. Although the fight for equality has advanced, it wasn't until the 20th century that women began to gain significant recognition. The purpose of the study is to identify how students from two higher education institutions perceive machismo. A specific instrument was designed to collect general data (school, gender, personality, sex life, religion, LGBT+ community) and 100 variables related to machismo, measured on a scale of 0 to (...)
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    A Three Country Comparative Analysis of Managerial CSR Perspectives: Insights From Lebanon, Syria and Jordan.Dima Jamali, Yusuf Sidani & Khalil El-Asmar - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 85 (2):173-192.
    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a concept that has acquired a new resonance in the global economy. With the advent of globalization, managers in different contexts have been exposed to the notion of CSR and are being pressured to adopt CSR initiatives. Yet, in view of vastly differing national cultures and institutional realities, mixed orientations to CSR continue to be salient in different contexts, oscillating between the classical perspective which considers CSR as a burden on competitiveness and the modern (...)
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    Comparative moral economies of crisis.Benjamin Manning & Craig Browne - 2022 - Thesis Eleven 170 (1):78-98.
    At times of crisis, existing institutional arrangements of societies are thrown into question. Crises that occur in multiple societies simultaneously present rare opportunities for comparative empirical analysis. Social theory can reveal the framing conditions of the responses to crises and the sources of variations between them. This paper compares the immediate responses of the Australian, UK and US governments to the global COVID-19 pandemic, particularly with regard to financing lockdowns, and points out significant differences between the three (...)
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    Comparing Currency Board Automatic Mechanism in Bulgaria, Estonia and Lithuania.Mihail Mihaylov, Kalin Hristov & Nikolay Nenovsky - 2001 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 11 (4).
    The paper presents a cross-country analysis of the second generation of currency boards introduced in three East European countries: Bulgaria, Estonia and Lithuania. We focus on their institutional, legal and political characteristics which are closely associated with the operation of the automatic mechanism of currency boards. The presence of an automatic mechanism within the framework of the currency board is often cited as a major counterpoint to the “discretion and subjectivity” of a classical central bank. Since there is (...)
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    A Study on Comparative Analysis of COVID-19 Datasets.Isak Shabani, Zamir Dika & Genc Hamzaj - 2020 - Seeu Review 15 (1):104-120.
    In December 2019 a virus named COVID-19 appeared in China, precisely in the city of Wuhan. This virus was declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organization in March 2020. Since no adequate medical treatment has yet been discovered for this virus, many world institutions are committed to share with each other the data they collect and process in their laboratories. A large amount of these data is shared with citizens in order to inform about the risk that threaten (...)
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    Mystical Thoughts of Tagore and Iqbal: A Comparative Analysis.Taposi Rabeya - forthcoming - Philosophy and Progress:183-214.
    Mysticism is a spiritual search for hidden truth or wisdom that aims to unite with the metaphysical realm. Mysticism is a direct experience of oneness with God. It is a diverse set of practices, discourses, teachings, articles, texts, institutions, traditions, and experiences related to the instruction of human transformation. Mysticism encompasses everything associated with God. Mystical experiences are unique to each individual. This paper delves into the mystical thoughts of two multi-genius thinkers, the greatest philosophers and mystical poets: Rabindranath Tagore (...)
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    The workers opinions have a value in the Code of Ethics: Analysis of the contributions of workers in virtual Forum Catalan Institute of Health.Eva Peguero, Anna Berenguera, Enriqueta Pujol-Ribera, Begoña Roman, Carmen M. Prieto & Núria Terribas - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):1-18.
    BackgroundThe Catalan Institute of Health is the largest health services public provider in Catalonia. “CIH Code of Ethics Virtual Forum”, was created within the Intranet of the CIH to facilitate participation among their employees. The current study aims to: a) Analyse the CIH workers’ assessment of their own, their colleagues’ and the organization’s observance of ethical values; b) Identify the opinions, attitudes, experiences and practices related to the ethical values from the discourse of the workers that contributed voluntarily to the (...)
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    A comparative analysis of data governance: Socio-technical imaginaries of digital personal data in the USA and EU (2008–2016). [REVIEW]Kean Birch & Rob Guay - 2022 - Big Data and Society 9 (2).
    Personal data are produced through our daily interactions with digital technologies like search engines, social media, and online shopping, and is often referred to as our “digital exhaust.” It has been characterized as the key resource or asset for our economies in the 21st century. This paper focuses on the socio-technical imaginaries of digital personal data as a way to understand how desired forms of data governance are co-produced with collective understandings of personal data as a political-economic asset. We examine (...)
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    E-Government Models: a Comparative Analysis.Muraz Suleymanov - 2025 - Metafizika 8 (1):127-140.
    In the research work, the application of electronic government, which is considered a new state administration and marks the beginning of a new stage in administration, is investigated and analyzed in different states. At the same time, egovernment models are mentioned, various approaches and views are shown, and attention is paid to the possible directions of e-government development in Azerbaijan. The development of ICT has necessitated the transition of governments to a new public administration, and the corresponding situation is of (...)
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    The Politico-Legal Dynamics of Judicial Review: A Comparative Analysis.Theunis Roux - 2018 - Cambridge University Press.
    Comparative scholarship on judicial review has paid a lot of attention to the causal impact of politics on judicial decision-making. However, the slower-moving, macro-social process through which judicial review influences societal conceptions of the law/politics relation is less well understood. Drawing on the political science literature on institutional change, The Politico-Legal Dynamics of Judicial Review tests a typological theory of the evolution of judicial review regimes - complexes of legitimating ideas about the law/politics relation. The theory posits that (...)
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  40. Journalism for Peace and Justice: Towards a Comparative Analysis of Media Paradigms.Robert A. Hackett - 2010 - Studies in Social Justice 4 (2):179-198.
    This paper compares different normative and institutional paradigms of journalism with respect to peaceful conflict resolution and democratic communication. It begins with the problematic but still dominant 'regime of objectivity,' and then considers three contemporary challengers: peace journalism, alternative media, and media democratization/communication rights movements. The paradigms are compared in terms of such factors as public philosophy, epistemological assumptions, characteristic practices, institutional entailments, relationship to dominant institutions and power structures, allies and opponents, and antagonisms and synergies between them. (...)
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    Influential Pathways of Employees’ Career Growth: Linkage of Psychological and Organizational Factors Based on Qualitative Comparative Analysis.Bailin Ge, Zhiqiang Ma, Mingxing Li, Zeyu Li, Ling Yang & Tong Liu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Implementing the “hierarchical diagnosis and treatment” system highlights the important role of general practitioners as “residents’ health gatekeepers.” Still, the low level of career growth always limits the realization of their service value. Inertial thinking uses a single factor to explain the complexity of career growth in previous studies; in fact, it isn’t easy to assess whether the factor is a sufficient and necessary condition for a high level of career growth. Herein, we have used a set theory perspective to (...)
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    Rationality of the Tax System and Taxation Principles in the Context of Contemporary Fiscal Crisis (Analysis from the Perspective of the New Institutional Economics).Marian Zalesko, Mariusz Mak, Aneta Kargol-Wasiluk & Emilia Jankowska-Ambroziak - 2023 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 68 (1):329-345.
    The paper presents, in the synthetic way, the issue of the rationality of the tax system and taxation principles in relation to the clearly visible fiscal crisis in the 21st century caused by, among others, COVID-19 pandemic. The analysis which is theoretical (descriptive, comparative) was carried out by using tools indicated in the area of New Institutional Economics (NIE). Attention was devoted primarily to the importance of specific institutional arrangements, broadly understood as the “rules of the (...)
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    Theoretical and methodological foundations of comparative analysis of healthcare systems in the world.Darya Aleksandrovna Travnikova - 2021 - Kant 41 (4):100-107.
    The article examines and examines the research of foreign specialists in the field of economics and healthcare organization, who used a comparative approach to analysis in their works. The article examines the features of the application of mechanisms and models of health management characteristic of different countries, studied the experience of the UK, USA, Sweden, Finland, Germany and Japan. The article systematizes the views of scientists on the problem of applying comparative research in the field of healthcare. (...)
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    The autonomy-safety-paradox of service robotics in Europe and Japan: a comparative analysis.Hironori Matsuzaki & Gesa Lindemann - 2016 - AI and Society 31 (4):501-517.
    Service and personal care robots are starting to cross the threshold into the wilderness of everyday life, where they are supposed to interact with inexperienced lay users in a changing environment. In order to function as intended, robots must become independent entities that monitor themselves and improve their own behaviours based on learning outcomes in practice. This poses a great challenge to robotics, which we are calling the “autonomy-safety-paradox” (ASP). The integration of robot applications into society requires the reconciliation of (...)
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    Civil Economy: An Alternative to the Social Market Economy? Analysis in the Framework of Individual versus Institutional Ethics.María Guadalupe Martino - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 165 (1):15-28.
    The Civil Economy approach, as developed by Italian economists Luigino Bruni and Stefano Zamagni, aims at introducing reciprocity into the economy as a humanizing factor. Despite being presented as an innovative perspective, the CE approach shares many characteristics with the German model of Social Market Economy. The present paper compares both approaches, showing that they in fact share a normative basis and similar aims but address them from diverse points of view; namely, CE addresses them from a virtue ethics perspective (...)
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    Should Institutional Conscientious Objection to Assisted Dying be Accommodated?Jeffrey Kirby - 2021 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 4 (1):15-20.
    The contentious, topical debate about whether faith-based health care organizations should be granted accommodation on the basis of institutional conscientious objection to medical assistance is dying (MAiD) is addressed through a comparative analysis of arguments on both sides of the issue that references such relevant considerations as: claimed ‘moral-authority’, competing rights-based claims, obligations arising from patient welfare principles, formal justice, dissimilarity in consequences, and two illustrative arguments from analogy. The analysis leads to the conclusion that nonconditional (...)
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  47. What Influences Participation in Non-formal and Informal Modes of Continuous Vocational Education and Training? An Analysis of Individual and Institutional Influencing Factors.Julia Lischewski, Susan Seeber, Eveline Wuttke & Therese Rosemann - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Participation in further education is a central success factor for economic growth and societal as well as individual development. This is especially true today because in most industrialized countries, labor markets and work processes are changing rapidly. Data on further education, however, show that not everybody participates and that different social groups participate to different degrees. Activities in continuous vocational education and training are mainly differentiated as formal, non-formal and informal CVET, whereby further differences between offers of non-formal and informal (...)
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  48. The Lender of Last Resort: A Comparative Analysis of Central Banking and Fractional-Reserve Free Banking.Ben O'Neill - 2013 - Libertarian Papers 5:163-186.
    The necessity for a government “lender of last resort” has been advanced as a justification for central banking. In this paper, I compare lending practices under central banking with those that would be likely to exist under a system of fractional-reserve free banking (FRFB). To do this I examine the underlying nature of banks as warehousing and credit-granting institutions and consider how redemption runs can arise as a consequence of fractional reserves in this system. Following the work of Thornton and (...)
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    Non-institutional humanities, philosophical practice, informal education: the contours of the educational creative industry.Gulnara Shalagina - 2021 - Sotsium I Vlast 1:116-126.
    Introduction. Non-institutional humanities, philosophical practice, and informal education are “a family like” phenomena that are outside the social institution of science and education and are adjacent to socio-cultural activities and social work. The purpose of the article is to outline the contours of the informal educational creative industry in the postmodern society, which combines non-institutional humanities, philosophical practice, and informal education. Methods. The author uses the methods of autobiographical reflection, comparative analysis, empirical observation and analysis (...)
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    The Academic Spin-Off Ecosystem: a comparative analysis between Colombia and Global Trends (8th edition).Alexander Romero-Sánchez & Maria Stephania Aponte-Garcia - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture.
    Academic entrepreneurship and the formation of spin-offs from educational institutions have been consolidated as essential elements to promote innovation and stimulate economic growth worldwide. However, the evolution of these initiatives shows marked differences between developed countries and emerging economies, such as Colombia. This study focuses on analyzing how research in this area has progressed, identifying the key factors that determine the success of spin-offs and suggesting a framework for action for Colombia in comparison with international dynamics. The findings reveal a (...)
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