Results for ' consummatory activity'

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  1.  20
    Taste and consummatory activity in amount and gradient of reinforcement functions.Frederick A. Knarr & George Collier - 1962 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 63 (6):579.
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    Validation of the Korean Version of the Anticipatory and Consummatory Interpersonal Pleasure Scale in Non-help-seeking Individuals.Eunhye Kim, Diane C. Gooding & Tae Young Lee - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The Anticipatory and Consummatory Interpersonal Pleasure Scale is a psychometric instrument that has been used to indirectly measure social anhedonia in many cross-cultural contexts, such as in Western, European, Eastern, and Israeli samples. However, little is known about the psychometric properties of the ACIPS in Korean samples. The primary goal of this study was to validate the Korean version of the ACIPS among non-help-seeking individuals. The sample consisted of 307 adult individuals who had no current or prior psychiatric history. (...)
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    Opioid Bliss as the felt hedonic core of mammalian prosociality – and of consummatory pleasure more generally?Leonard D. Katz - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (3):356-356.
    Depue & Morrone-Strupinsky's (D&M-S's) language suggests that, unlike Kent Berridge, they may allow that the activity of a largely subcortical system, which is presumably often introspectively and cognitively inaccessible, constitutes affectively felt experience even when so. Such experience would then be phenomenally conscious without being reflexively conscious or cognitively access-conscious, to use distinctions formulated by the philosopher Ned Block.
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  4. A neurobehavioral model of affiliative bonding: Implications for conceptualizing a human trait of affiliation.Richard A. Depue & Jeannine V. Morrone-Strupinsky - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (3):313-350.
    Because little is known about the human trait of affiliation, we provide a novel neurobehavioral model of affiliative bonding. Discussion is organized around processes of reward and memory formation that occur during approach and consummatory phases of affiliation. Appetitive and consummatory reward processes are mediated independently by the activity of the ventral tegmental area (VTA) dopamine (DA)–nucleus accumbens shell (NAS) pathway and the central corticolimbic projections of the u-opiate system of the medial basal arcuate nucleus, respectively, although (...)
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    The defense motivation system: A theory of avoidance behavior.Fred A. Masterson & Mary Crawford - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (4):661-675.
    A motivational system approach to avoidance behavior is presented. According to this approach, a motivational state increases the probability of relevant response patterns and establishes the appropriate or “ideal” consummatory stimuli as positive reinforcers. In the case of feeding motivation, for example, hungry rats are likely to explore and gnaw, and to learn to persist in activities correlated with the reception of consummatory stimuli produced by ingestion of palatable substances. In the case of defense motivation, fearful rats are (...)
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    Reflections on Richard Shusterman's Dewey.James Scott Johnston - 2004 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 38 (4):99-108.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 38.4 (2004) 99-108 [Access article in PDF] Reflections on Richard Shusterman's Dewey James Scott Johnston Presumably, when Richard Shusterman talks of an aesthetic experience, he has in mind the sort of experience that connotes an immediate, qualitative whole John Dewey calls "consummatory" in Art as Experience. Problematically though, with Dewey, he has the urge to tell us what is primary in an experience. (...)
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  7. Electrocortical components of anticipation and consumption in a monetary incentive delay task.Douglas J. Angus, Andrew J. Latham, Eddie Harmon‐Jones, Matthias Deliano, Bernard Balleine & David Braddon-Mitchell - 2017 - Psychophysiology 54 (11):1686-1705.
    In order to improve our understanding of the components that reflect functionally important processes during reward anticipation and consumption, we used principle components analyses (PCA) to separate and quantify averaged ERP data obtained from each stage of a modified monetary incentive delay (MID) task. Although a small number of recent ERP studies have reported that reward and loss cues potentiate ERPs during anticipation, action preparation, and consummatory stages of reward processing, these findings are inconsistent due to temporal and spatial (...)
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  8.  46
    Love, Religion, and the Psychology of Inspiration.Ralph D. Ellis - 2008 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 15 (2):6-40.
    While much of contemporary psychology preserves the legacy of behaviorism and consummatory drive-reductionism, this paper by contrast grounds itself in an "enactivist" approach to emotion and motivation, and goes on to consider the implications of this view for the psychology of inspiration, especially as applied to love and religion. Emotions are not responses to stimuli, but expressions of an active system. The tendency of complex systems is to prefer higher-energy basins of attraction rather than settle into satiation and dull (...)
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  9. The role of primordial emotions in the evolutionary origin of consciousness.D. A. Denton, M. J. McKinley, M. Farrell & G. F. Egan - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (2):500-514.
    Primordial emotions are the subjective element of the instincts which are the genetically programmed behaviour patterns which contrive homeostasis. They include thirst, hunger for air, hunger for food, pain and hunger for specific minerals etc.There are two constituents of a primordial emotion—the specific sensation which when severe may be imperious, and the compelling intention for gratification by a consummatory act. They may dominate the stream of consciousness, and can have plenipotentiary power over behaviour.It is hypothesized that early in animal (...)
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  10.  16
    Running and the Paradox of Suffering.Ralph D. Ellis - 2021 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 5 (4):8-20.
    What motivates the voluntary suffering of training for a long-distance run – or any other difficult athletic skill? Long-term pleasure cannot adequately explain this seemingly masochistic activity. On the contrary, I argue that pleasure, or “reinforcement,” is not the only ultimate motivator of behavior. Each of the emotion systems defines its own intrinsic values, including an innate “play” system and an innate “exploratory drive” that is included in what neuropsychologist Jaak Panksepp calls the “SEEKING system” of the emotional brain. (...)
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  11. An Energetic Interpretation of Whitehead's Actual Entity.Peter Tagore Tan - 2002 - Dissertation, Fordham University
    This dissertation is meant to interpret Whitehead's basic unit of ontology in energetic terms. The actual entity is to be understood as an oscillating unit of existence that is nothing other than its oscillatory activity. There is nothing substantial underlying it: it is essentially a vibrating entity that has nothing more primary appended to it. Through such vibratory activity, it realizes itself out of its own conative drive and its deeply interrelated adventures with other entities and objects. Energizing (...)
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    sinful, as a sin 40, 53 vicious, bad 33, 63, 87, 176 virtuous, good 33, 89, 176, 177,209 Active Intellect.Active Intellect - 2002 - In Henrik Lagerlund & Mikko Yrjönsuuri (eds.), Emotions and choice from boethius to descartes. kluwer. pp. 1--327.
  13. American Economic Progress,".Entrepreneurial Activity - 1979 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 3.
  14. Kant on Plants: Self-Activity, Representations, and the Analogy with Life.Tyke Nunez - 2021 - Philosophers' Imprint 21 (11).
    Do plants represent according to Kant? This is closely connected to the question of whether he held plants are alive, because he explains life in terms of the faculty to act on one’s own representations. He also explains life as having an immaterial principle of self-motion, and as a body’s interaction with a supersensible soul. I argue that because of the way plants move themselves, Kant is committed to their being alive, to their having a supersensible ground of their self- (...), and to their having desires (although these are not conscious). This has important ramifications for Kant’s teleology and philosophy of mind. (shrink)
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  15.  22
    Teachers’ Interpersonal Style in Physical Education: Exploring Patterns of Students’ Self-Determined Motivation and Enjoyment of Physical Activity in a Longitudinal Study.Gracielle Fin, Juan Antonio Moreno-Murcia, Jaime León, Elisabeth Baretta & Rudy José Nodari Júnior - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    This longitudinal study explored patterns of basic psychological needs and self-determined motivation, as well as its association with the teaching style and the physical activity enjoyment in a group of students. The sample consisted of 200 secondary education students (105 girls and 95 boys) aged 11 to 13 years (M= 12.65,SD= 0.79) at the start of the study. Students were assessed twice in a 22 month-period. Descriptive analyses were conducted between major variables at both time points, and to explore (...)
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  16. Activity changes in early visual cortex reflect monkeys' percepts during binocular rivalry.David A. Leopold & Nikos K. Logothetis - 1996 - Nature 379 (6565):549-553.
  17. Play as an Autotelic Activity. A Defense.Robert Reimer - 2024 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy:1-13.
    In his paper ‘Words on Play’, Bernard Suits famously defines play as an autotelic activity. Some philosophers like Stephen E. Schmid argue against Suits’s position by pointing out that the concept of autotelicity in Suits’s work is too unclear to serve as a defining feature for play. Due to that fact, Schmid dismisses autotelicity in favor of a definition of play in terms of the player’s engagement in an activity for intrinsic reasons. The purpose of this paper is (...)
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  18. Postscript: Experience, thought, and activity (2002).Adrian Cussins - 2003 - In York Gunther (ed.), Essays on Nonconceptual Content. MIT Press.
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  19. Conscious intention and brain activity.Patrick Haggard & Benjamin W. Libet - 2001 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 8 (11):47-63.
    The problem of free will lies at the heart of modern scientific studies of consciousness. An influential series of experiments by Libet has suggested that conscious intentions arise as a result of brain activity. This contrasts with traditional concepts of free will, in which the mind controls the body. A more recent study by Haggard and Eimer has further examined the relation between intention and brain processes, concluding that conscious awareness of intention is linked to the choice or selection (...)
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  20.  55
    Multiple Arousal Theory and Daily-Life Electrodermal Activity Asymmetry.Rosalind W. Picard, Szymon Fedor & Yadid Ayzenberg - 2016 - Emotion Review 8 (1):62-75.
    Using “big data” from sensors worn continuously outside the lab, researchers have observed patterns of objective physiology that challenge some of the long-standing theoretical concepts of emotion and its measurement. One challenge is that emotional arousal, when measured as sympathetic nervous system activation through electrodermal activity, can sometimes differ significantly across the two halves of the upper body. We show that traditional measures on only one side may lead to misjudgment of arousal. This article presents daily life and controlled (...)
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  21. Actions and activity.Jennifer Hornsby - 2012 - Philosophical Issues 22 (1):233-245.
    Contemporary literature in philosophy of action seems to be divided overthe place of action in the natural causal world. I think that a disagreementabout ontology underlies the division. I argue here that human action isproperly understood only by reference to a category of process or activity,where this is not a category of particulars.
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    Basic Psychological Needs, Physical Self-Concept, and Physical Activity Among Adolescents: Autonomy in Focus.Raúl Fraguela-Vale, Lara Varela-Garrote, Miriam Carretero-García & Eva María Peralbo-Rubio - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:522076.
    The contribution of this research lies in its dual approach to the question of physical activity (PA) among adolescents, combining objective measurement of PA by teenagers and a comparison of psychological satisfaction through physical activities involving differing degrees of autonomy (i.e., organized or unstructured). Using the conceptual framework of Self-Determination Theory, the analysis also examines the relationship between levels of PA among adolescents and physical self-concept and satisfaction of basic psychological needs during exercise. The study surveyed 129 first-year higher (...)
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  23.  18
    Learning Activity as a Means of Developing Theoretical Thinking Capacities.Cleber Barbosa da Silva Clarindo, Stella Miller & Érika Christina Kohle - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The main purpose of this article is to discuss the development of capacities linked to theoretical thinking during the formation process of Learning Activity in students of the early years of elementary school. It considers some elements which could form the basis for thinking about teaching activity as a means of conducting students toward that development. It starts from the hypothesis that the development of the capacities of analysis, reflection, and mental planning depends, essentially, on the systematic organization (...)
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  24.  28
    Physical Activity and Well-Being of High Ability Students and Community Samples During the COVID-19 Health Alert.María de los Dolores Valadez, Elena Rodríguez-Naveiras, Doris Castellanos-Simons, Gabriela López-Aymes, Triana Aguirre, Juan Francisco Flores & África Borges - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The health alert caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdown have caused significant changes in people’s lives. Therefore, it has been essential to study the quality of life, especially in vulnerable populations, including children and adolescents. In this work, the psychological well-being, distribution of tasks and routines, as well as the physical activity done by children and adolescents from two samples: community and high abilities, have been analyzed. The methodology used was Mixed Method Research, through a survey conducted (...)
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  25. Against the sociology of art.Aesthetic Versus Sociological & Explanations of Art Activities - 2002 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 32 (2):206-218.
  26. The Timespace of Human Activity: On Performance, Society, and History as Indeterminate Teleological Events.Theodore R. Schatzki - 2010 - Lexington Books.
    This book develops an original Heideggerian account of the timespace and indeterminacy of human activity while describing insights that this account provides into the nature of activity, society and history. Drawing on empirical examples, the book argues that activity timespace is a key component of social space and time, shows that interwoven timespaces form an essential infrastructure of social phenomena, offers a novel account of the existence of the past in the present, and defends the teleological character (...)
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  27.  42
    Baseline brain activity fluctuations predict somatosensory perception in humans.Steven Laureys - manuscript
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    Frontal brain electrical activity distinguishes valence and intensity of musical emotions.Louis A. Schmidt & Laurel J. Trainor - 2001 - Cognition and Emotion 15 (4):487-500.
  29. Pleasure as an activity in the Nicomachean ethics.Robert Heinaman - 2011 - In Michael Pakaluk & Giles Pearson (eds.), Moral psychology and human action in Aristotle. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  30. Activity, Process, Continuant, Substance, Organism.David Wiggins - 2016 - Philosophy 91 (2):269-280.
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  31. Quantum aspects of brain activity and the role of consciousness.Friedrich Beck & John C. Eccles - 1992 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Science Usa 89:11357-61.
  32. Agency and activity theory: From the systemic to the relational.A. Edwards - 2009 - In Annalisa Sannino, Harry Daniels & Kris D. Gutierrez (eds.), Learning and expanding with activity theory. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 197--211.
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    The Relationship Between Physical Activity and Quality of Life During the Confinement Induced by COVID-19 Outbreak: A Pilot Study in Tunisia.Maamer Slimani, Armin Paravlic, Faten Mbarek, Nicola L. Bragazzi & David Tod - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Leibniz on Perceptual Distinctness, Activity, and Sensation.Larry M. Jorgensen - 2015 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 53 (1):49-77.
    Leibniz explains both activity and sensation in terms of the relative distinctness of perception. This paper argues that the systematic connection between activity and sensation is illuminated by Leibniz’s use of distinctness in analyzing each. Leibnizian sensation involves two levels of activity: on one level, the relative forcefulness of an expression enables certain expressions to stand out against the perceptual field, but in addition to this there is an activity of the mind that enables sensory experience. (...)
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  35.  12
    Differences in Motivation to Engage in Sexual Activity Between People in Monogamous and Non-monogamous Committed Relationships.Anna Kelberga & Baiba Martinsone - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:753460.
    This study compared motivations to engage in sex between monogamous and non-monogamous respondents (n= 1,238, out of which 641 monogamous and 596 non-monogamous respondents; women—47.4%, men—50.9%, other gender—1.7%; age:M= 27.78 years,SD= 7.53, range = 18–62). The research aim was to identify whether there are differences in self-reported reasons to engage in sexual activity between these two groups. Presented with 17 reasons to engage in sexual activity, the respondents rated the frequency with which they engage in sex for each (...)
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  36. Aesthetics as an Emotional Activity That Facilitates Sense-Making: Towards an Enactive Approach to Aesthetic Experience.Ioannis Xenakis & Argyris Arnellos - 2015 - Springer.
    Nowadays, aesthetics are generally considered as a crucial aspect that affects the way we confront things, events, and states of affairs. However, the functional role of aesthetics in the interaction between agent and environment has not been addressed effectively. Our objective here is to provide an explanation concerning the role of aesthetics, and especially, of the aesthetic experience as a fundamental bodily and emotional activity in the respective interactions. An explanation of the functional role of the aesthetic experience could (...)
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  37.  14
    Eating and electroencephalographic activity following orbital frontal stimulation in rats.Jan D. D. Cioe, Bryan Kolb & Ian Q. Whishaw - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 16 (5):359-362.
  38.  27
    Concurrent verbal activity.Lloyd R. Peterson - 1969 - Psychological Review 76 (4):376-386.
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  39. Effect of Physical Activity on Self-Concept: Theoretical Model on the Mediation of Body Image and Physical Self-Concept in Adolescents.Juan Gregorio Fernández-Bustos, Álvaro Infantes-Paniagua, Ricardo Cuevas & Onofre Ricardo Contreras - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Objective: The aim of this research was to study the mediation of body dissatisfaction, physical self-concept, and body mass index (BMI) on the relationship between physical activity and self-concept in adolescents. Materials and Methods: A sample of 652 Spanish students between 12 and 17 years participated in a cross-sectional study. Physical self-concept and general self-concept were assessed with the Physical Self-Concept Questionnaire (CAF), body dissatisfaction with the Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ), and physical activity was estimated with the International (...)
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  40.  91
    Common fronto-parietal activity in attention, memory, and consciousness: Shared demands on integration?Hamid Reza Naghavi & Lars Nyberg - 2005 - Consciousness and Cognition 14 (2):390-425.
    Fronto-parietal activity has been frequently observed in fMRI and PET studies of attention, working memory, and episodic memory retrieval. Several recent fMRI studies have also reported fronto-parietal activity during conscious visual perception. A major goal of this review was to assess the degree of anatomical overlap among activation patterns associated with these four functions. A second goal was to shed light on the possible cognitive relationship of processes that relate to common brain activity across functions. For all (...)
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    An interdisciplinary theory of activity.Andy Blunden - 2010 - Boston: Brill.
    use and tool making underlying a system of production mediating between needs and their satisfaction. – The relationship of the entire community to the ...
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  42.  40
    The Activity of Philosophy and the Practice of Education.Pádraig Hogan & Richard Smith - 2002 - In Nigel Blake, Paul Smeyers, Richard D. Smith & Paul Standish (eds.), The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Education. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 163–180.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Circumscribing the Claims of Theory Plato's Reversal of the Precedence of Practice A Lesson about Learning Philosophy as a Way of Life and as the Pursuit of a Specialism From Epistemology Back to Practice Questions of Interpretation Reinterpreting Theory The Uses of Practical Philosophy.
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  43.  22
    Rediscovering Richard Held: Activity and Passivity in Perceptual Learning.Fernando Bermejo, Mercedes X. Hüg & Ezequiel A. Di Paolo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
  44.  19
    A Mixed Methods Study to Examine the Influence of CLIL on Physical Education Lessons: Analysis of Social Interactions and Physical Activity Levels.Celina Salvador-García, Carlos Capella-Peris, Oscar Chiva-Bartoll & Pedro Jesús Ruiz-Montero - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Physical education is often selected for applying multilingual initiatives through the use of the content and language integrated learning (CLIL) approach. However, it is still unclear whether the introduction of such approach might entail losing Physical Education’s essence and distorting its basic purposes. The aim of this study is to analyse the impact of CLIL on the Physical Education lessons. Given the purpose of this study, a mixed methodological approach based on a sequential exploratory design divided in two different phases (...)
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  45. The bible and human activity on mother earth.J. Pathrapankal - 1993 - Journal of Dharma 18 (1):5-17.
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  46. Theory of activity and information technology.O. K. Thikomirov - 1999 - In Yrjö Engeström, Reijo Miettinen & Raija-Leena Punamäki-Gitai (eds.), Perspectives on activity theory. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 377--404.
  47. Spinoza on Activity and Passivity: The Problematic Definition Revisited.Valtteri Viljanen - 2019 - In Frans Svensson & Martina Reuter (eds.), Mind, Body, and Morality: New Perspectives on Descartes and Spinoza. New York: Routledge. pp. 157-174.
    This chapter takes a fresh look at 3d2 of Spinoza’s Ethics, an absolutely pivotal definition for the ethical theory that ensues. According to it, “we act when something happens, in us or outside us, of which we are the adequate cause,” whereas we are passive “when something happens in us, or something follows from our nature, of which we are only a partial cause.” The definition of activity has puzzled scholars: how can we be an adequate, i.e. complete, cause (...)
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    Mirror Electromyografic Activity in the Upper and Lower Extremity: A Comparison between Endurance Athletes and Non-Athletes.Tom Maudrich, Rouven Kenville, Jöran Lepsien, Arno Villringer, Patrick Ragert & Christopher J. Steele - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  49. Human-needs and social activity.Z. Munzlinger - 1983 - Filosoficky Casopis 31 (5):737-754.
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    Specific forms of neural activity associated with tactile space awareness.Massimiliano Oliveri, Paolo Maria Rossini, Maria M. Filippi, Raimondo Traversa, Paola Cicinelli & Carlo Caltagirone - 2002 - Neuroreport 13 (8):997-1001.
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