Results for ' crisis management strategy'

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  1. INNOVATIVE APPROACH TO STRATEGY SELECTION FOR ENTERPRISE CRISIS MANAGEMENT.Igor Kryvovyazyuk - 2013 - Actual Problems of Economy 11 (149):77-84.
    The article deals with the principle of choosing of a crisis management strategy using the matrix for enterprise crisis state management. The basic types of crisis management strategies are given, and the opportunities for their use at industrial enterprises in Ukraine are analyzed. Preconditions facilitating the optimization of crisis management strategies at enterprises are determined.
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    Crisis Management and an Ethic of Care: The Case of Northern Rock Bank. [REVIEW]Philip M. Linsley & Richard E. Slack - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 113 (2):285-295.
    Different ethical frameworks have been proposed as appropriate for integrating into crisis management strategies. This study examines an ethic of care approach to crisis management analysing the case of Northern Rock bank which was at the centre of the recent financial crisis in the UK. The development and maintenance of relationships is fundamental to an ethic of care approach and the research recognises this by examining the bank–stakeholder relationship both before and after the crisis. (...)
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    Public Relations Autonomy, Legal Dominance, and Strategic Orientation as Predictors of Crisis Communicative Strategies.Yi-Hui Huang & Shih-Hsin Su - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 86 (1):29-41.
    This article investigates the factors affecting how public relations autonomy, legal dominance, and strategic orientation affect crisis communicative response in corporate contexts. Communication managers, crisis managers, public affairs managers, and/or public relations managers were solicited from Taiwan’s top 500 companies to participate in a survey. The results revealed that, in contrast to public relations autonomy being the strongest and sole predictor of concession strategy, legal dominance could predict defensive and diversionary responses in crisis events. The article (...)
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  4.  42
    Proactive crisis management and ethical discourse: Dow chemical's issues management bulletins 1979-1990. [REVIEW]Debra A. Kernisky - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (8):843-853.
    This study employed a Discourse Ethicality survey instrument to analyze the legitimacy and ethicality of one of Dow Chemical's externally focused, rhetorical, crisis management strategies. A stratified random sample of the issues management bulletin The Point Is . . ., published over a ten year time period, was evaluated. The bulletins were divided into three time periods corresponding to significant events in Dow's history over the ten year period. Statistical and thematic analysis determined that perceived legitimacy and (...)
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  5.  12
    Technology Run Amok: Crisis Management in the Digital Age.Ian I. Mitroff - 2018 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    The recent data controversy with Facebook highlights the tech industry as a whole was utterly unprepared for the backlash it faced as a result of its business model of selling user data to third parties. Despite the predominant role that technology plays in all of our lives, the controversy also revealed that many tech companies are reactive, rather than proactive, in addressing crises. This book examines society's failure to manage technology and its resulting negative consequences. Mitroff argues that the "technological (...)
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  6. STEM Faculty’s Support of Togetherness during Mandated Separation: Accommodations, Caring, Crisis Management, and Powerlessness.Ian Thacker, Viviane Seyranian, Alex Madva & Paul Beardsley - 2022 - Education Sciences 12 (9):1-14.
    The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic initiated major disruptions to higher education systems. Physical spaces that previously supported interpersonal interaction and community were abruptly inactivated, and faculty largely took on the responsibility of accommodating classroom structures in rapidly changing situations. This study employed interviews to examine how undergraduate Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) instructors adapted instruction to accommodate the mandated transition to virtual learning and how these accommodations supported or hindered community and belonging during the onset of the pandemic. (...)
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  7. Emotion Management in Crisis Situations.Gheorghe-Ilie Farte - 2013 - Argumentum. Journal of the Seminar of Discursive Logic, Argumentation Theory and Rhetoric 11 (2):59-70.
    In this paper I try to clarify and systematize some contributions with regard to (a) the main aspects of crisis situations that impose the management of emotions, (b) the correlation of certain social emotions with the factors that trigger them and their related tendencies to act, (c) the essential elements of emotional experience, (d) the differentiation of appropriate emotional reactions to a crisis situation from the inappropriate ones; (e) the in-stances in which emotions can be managed, and (...)
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    Gendered agrobiodiversity management and adaptation to climate change: differentiated strategies in two marginal rural areas of India.Federica Ravera, Victoria Reyes-García, Unai Pascual, Adam G. Drucker, David Tarrasón & Mauricio R. Bellon - 2019 - Agriculture and Human Values 36 (3):455-474.
    Social and cultural contexts influence power dynamics and shape gender perceptions, roles, and decisions regarding the management of agrobiodiversity for dealing with and adapting to climate change. Based on a feminist political ecology framework and a mixed method approach, this research performs an empirical analysis of two case studies in the northern of India, one in the Himalayan Mountains and another in the Indian-Gangetic plains. It explores context-specific influence of gender roles and responsibilities on on-farm agrobiodiversity management gendered (...)
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    The International Humanitarian Response to the Refugee Crisis Along the Balkan Route in the View of Strategies of International Organizations.Veton Latifi - 2016 - Seeu Review 12 (1):167-179.
    Being one of the largest movements of displaced people through European borders since World War Two, the Syrian refugee crisis of 2015 and 2016, tested the coordination of the states and international organizations, and as well as the strategies for response of the latter to such enormous fluxes of displaced people along the Balkan corridor. The quick on-time reaction of the specialized humanitarian international organizations made significant achievements by the international organizations in terms of humanitarian assistance for the refugees (...)
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    Moving Beyond “Facts Are Facts”: Managing Emotions and Legitimacy After a Fake News Attack.Marie Joachim, Itziar Castelló & Glenn Parry - forthcoming - Business and Society.
    Drawing upon case study research investigating the Irish Health Service Executive’s (HSE) response to a fake news attack on their human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination campaign, we argue that responses to fake news should be analyzed from a legitimacy perspective. A model for emotional legitimacy management is proposed in which the HSE and a third-party collaborate to (a) connect with the emotional aspects of the issue; (b) leverage emotions to build vicarious legitimacy; (c) transfer the third-party’s legitimacy to the HSE; (...)
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    Evaluating Ethical Approaches to Crisis Leadership: Insights from Unintentional Harm Research.David C. Bauman - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 98 (2):281 - 295.
    Leading a corporation through a crisis requires rational decision making guided by an ethical approach (Snyder et al., Journal of Business Ethics, 63, 2006, 371). Three such approaches are virtue ethics (Seeger and Ulmer, Journal of Business Ethics, 31, 2001, 369), an ethic of justice, and an ethic of care (Simóla, Journal of Business Ethics, 46, 2003, 351). In this article, I consider the effectiveness of these approaches for leading a corporation after a crisis. The standard I use (...)
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  12.  87
    Oikonomia Versus Chrematistike: Learning from Aristotle About the Future Orientation of Business Management.Claus Dierksmeier & Michael Pirson - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 88 (S3):417-430.
    As a philosopher, whose theory about economics and business is systematically connected to a moral and political philosophy, Aristotle provides a rich conceptual framework to reflect upon personal wellbeing, the wealth of households, and the welfare of the state. Even though Aristotle has mainly been portrayed as an enemy of business, interest in his teachings has been on the rise among management scholars. Several articles have examined Aristotle's position with regard to current managerial approaches such as total quality (...), knowledge management, crisis management, and networking. Even though Aristotle is a constant reference point for business ethics scholars, only rarely have there been attempts to see what consequences his thinking would have for reorienting business philosophy and organizational strategy. In this study, we wiD outline how Aristotle's theory of household management can be applied to the management of modern corporations. We argue that conceptions of chrematistike and oikonomia provide a basis to discuss the relationship between business and society and to draw important conclusions for business management. (shrink)
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  13.  21
    Re-Engineering the Human Resource Strategies Amid and Post-Pandemic Crisis: Probing into the Moderated Mediation Model of the High-Performance Work Practices and Employee's Outcomes.Ma Zhiqiang, Hira Salah ud din Khan, Muhammad Salman Chughtai & Li Mingxing - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:710266.
    By incorporating the conservation of resource theory, this study examines how high-performance work practices (HPWPs) affect the employee's in-role performance (EIRP) and employee's task performance (ETP) during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Furthermore, this study investigates how organization-based self-esteem (OBSE) and positive psychological capital (PPC) affect the relationship between HPWPs and outcomes of employees such as EIRP and ETP. A quantitative technique based on the survey method was used to gather the primary data of the investigation. Two hundred and (...)
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    “When you’re here, you’re not a militant feminist”: volunteer professionalization in a rape crisis center.Benjamin R. Weiss - 2021 - Theory and Society 50 (2):231-254.
    Many organizations must manage institutional complexity – the presence of competing “logics,” or patterned sets of beliefs, rules, and actions. Some of this management occurs within organizations, such as when managers recruit workers who align with a preferred logic. Often, however, institutional management occurs at the boundaries between organizations that work together despite adhering to competing logics. Boundary-spanners – actors belonging to one organization but interfacing with others – must know how to speak the language of their organizational (...)
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    Business and the greater good: rethinking business ethics in an age of crisis.Knut Johannessen Ims & Lars Jacob Tynes Pedersen (eds.) - 2015 - Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
    With cutting-edge insights from leading European and North American scholars, this authoritative book addresses the fundamental problems of business in an age of crisis whilst presenting radical, but practical, solutions. The contributors explore three main value shifts: from inequality to equality, from the technical-materialistic to the ecological-spiritual, and from compliance and enforcement to autonomy and responsibility. A number of striking issues are addressed including the doctrine of self-interest, the purpose of business, codes of conduct, personal responsibility, existential perspectives on (...)
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    Industry Reputation Crisis and Firm Certification: A Co-evolution Perspective.Yanying Chen, Liang Ping & Feng Helen Liang - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 186 (4):761-780.
    Industry reputation crises trigger producers and consumers to switch to certification as a signal of quality, especially in a weak institutional environment. In this paper, we posit that firm certification as a signaling mechanism involves the co-evolution of firms and consumers. We investigate the impact of industry reputation crises on firm certification as a response strategy. Feedback between producers and consumers causes producers to seek more certifications over time to differentiate themselves from competitors. However, the proliferation of certifications may (...)
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  17.  53
    Crisis Behavior in Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Self-Organized Criticality Approach.Lucio Tonello, Luca Giacobbi, Alberto Pettenon, Alessandro Scuotto, Massimo Cocchi, Fabio Gabrielli & Glenda Cappello - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-7.
    The Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) represents a set of life-long disorders. In particular, subjects with ASD can display momentary behaviors of acute agitation and aggressiveness called crisis behaviors. These events are problematic for the subject and care providers but little is known about their occurrence, namely, possible relations among intensity, frequency, and duration. A group of ASD subjects (n=33) has been observed for 12 months reporting data on each crisis ( n = 1137 crises). Statistical analysis did not (...)
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  18.  51
    Business Ethics and Risk Management.Johanna Jauernig & Christoph Luetge (eds.) - 2013 - Dordrecht: Springer.
    This volume explores various aspects of risk taking. It offers an analysis of financial, entrepreneurial and social risks, as well as a discussion of the ethical implications of empirical findings. The main issues examined in the book are the financial crisis and its implications for business ethics. The book discusses unethical behaviour as a reputational risk (e.g., in the case of Goldman Sachs) and the question is raised as to what extent the financial crisis has changed the banks’ (...)
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  19.  4
    (1 other version)Resisting corporate corruption: cases in practical ethics from Enron through the financial crisis.Stephen V. Arbogast - 2013 - Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley.
    This text's objective is to teach business ethics in a manner very different from the conceptual/legal frameworks which dominate graduate schools. The book offers 25 case studies that cover a full range of business practice, controls and ethics issues. The cases are framed to instruct students in early identification of ethics issues, and how to work such problems effectively within corporate organizations. By pursuing these case studies, students should emerge with a "practical toolkit" that better enables them to follow their (...)
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    Strengthening or Restricting? Explaining the Covid-19 Pandemic’s Configurational Effects on Companies’ Sustainability Strategies and Practices.Ralph Hamann, Alecia Sewlal, Neeveditah Pariag-Maraye, Judy Muthuri, Kenneth Amaeshi, Ijeoma Nwagwu & Jenny Soderbergh - 2024 - Business and Society 63 (4):774-812.
    We explore the Covid-19 pandemic’s impact on companies’ sustainability strategies and practices. Prior research has identified a number of factors that shape such effects, including crisis severity, resource slack, and prior investments, but their interactions have not been given much attention. We thus collected qualitative data on 25 companies in four African countries, which we analyzed inductively and iteratively through cross-case comparison and with fuzzy set Qualitative Comparative Analysis. We identify two pathways associated with strengthening responses (“building on strengths” (...)
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  21.  21
    Combatting disinformation with crisis communication : An analysis of Meta’s newsroom stories.Michaël Opgenhaffen - 2023 - Communications 48 (3):352-369.
    This study examines how Meta as a company of various social media platforms communicates the disinformation crisis. Social media platforms are seen as a breeding ground for disinformation, and companies like Meta risk not only suffering reputational damage but also being further regulated by national and international legislation. We consider in this paper the news stories that Meta posted on the topic of disinformation on its own website between 2016 and 2022 as crisis communication, and build on insights (...)
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    Neoliberalism, the Financial Crisis and the End of the Liberal State.Mauricio Lazzarato - 2015 - Theory, Culture and Society 32 (7-8):67-83.
    The article turns to Deleuze and Guattari’s concept of state capitalism and their theorization of money and debt in their critique of capitalism to develop an analysis of the governmental management of the current crisis determined by ordo- and neoliberalism. The paper argues that analyses which fail to properly recognize the power of capital to determine both state apparatuses and economic policy thereby fail to grasp the real functioning of money, debt and the Euro in the crisis (...)
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    Cross‐sector alliances in the global refugee crisis: An institutional theory approach.Aimei Yang, Wenlin Liu & Rong Wang - 2020 - Business Ethics 29 (3):646-660.
    The global refugee crisis has posed severe challenges to social stability and sustainable development around the world. While the business sector is expected to shoulder social responsibility in crisis relief efforts, our initial assessment shows that refugee‐related corporate social responsibility (CSR) significantly diverged across the Global Fortune 500 corporations. To advance scholars and managers' understanding of this complex CSR issue, this study draws upon National Business System Theory to explore how country‐level factors influence the multinational corporations' CSR communication (...)
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    Dental Practice Management Software Market Size, Future Scope, Demands and Projected Industry Growth by 2034.Ankit Dwivedi - 2025 - Wda.
    Global Dental Practice Management Software Market Size research report offers in-depth assessment of revenue growth, market definition, segmentation, industry potential, influential trends for understanding the future outlook and current prospects for the market. -/- Major Companies Focus on Partnerships to Leverage Enhanced Solutions -/- In terms of the competitive landscape, the dental practice management software market has a partial consolidation owing to the large shares held by leading companies. Different strategic moves, including joint ventures, mergers, and acquisitions are (...)
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  25.  48
    The power of ethical management.Kenneth H. Blanchard - 1988 - New York: W. Morrow. Edited by Norman Vincent Peale.
    Ethics in business is the most urgent problem facing America today. Now two of the best-selling authors of our time, Kenneth Blanchard and Norman Vincent Peale, join forces to meet this crisis head-on in this vitally important new book. The Power of Ethical Management proves you don't have to cheat to win. It shows today's managers how to bring integrity back to the workplace. It gives hard-hitting, practical, ethical strategies that build profits, productivity, and long-term success. From a (...)
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    Strategy of Socially-Anthropological Development in Ideas and System of Modern Social Philosophy of Education: Integration of Model of the Instrumentalism and the Neopragmatism with the Concept «New Humanism».Viktor Zinchenko - unknown
    The purpose. Explore the major ideological patterns of development of a socially philosophies of education in the context of the problems of institutionalization of knowledge about human and social development. To analyse system-integration aspect of social philosophy and education management in interaction of concepts of an instrumentalism of a pragmatism and a neopragmatism with model of «new humanism» in formation of socially valuable orientations. Methodology. Classification existing in the western philosophy of education and education of directions is spent, proceeding (...)
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    Science, culture, and politics in U.S. natural resources management.Arthur F. McEvoy - 1992 - Journal of the History of Biology 25 (3):469-486.
    What I have tried to do here is to provide a historical example of the interdependence between nature and culture that is one of the themes of this conference. To sum up: Scientific descriptions of the world emerge out of a complex interaction between nature, economic production, and the legal system. “Science” consists of a struggle among scientists, and between scientists and citizens, over what counts as “reality.” Lawmaking, in turn, consists of a struggle between people who want to allocate (...)
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    Contextualising Organised Labour in Expansion and Crisis: The Case of the US.Kim Moody - 2012 - Historical Materialism 20 (1):3-30.
    While, as Marx argued, periods of expanded accumulation present the best conditions for increasing working-class living standards, the expansion that began in 1982 was based in large part on the rapidfallin the value of labour-power in the US. This recovery and rapid rise in the rate of surplus-value in the US was enabled by the collapse of union-resistance beginning in 1979 and the strategic choices made by union-leaders across the economy from that time on. The expansion was sustained in the (...)
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    Anti-Corporate Anger as a Form of Care-Based Moral Agency.Sheldene Simola - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 94 (2):255 - 269.
    Conventional management strategies for anti-corporate anger involve its negative construal as an inappropriate irrationality in need of containment. An alternative account is offered in which such anger comprises a healthy and health-sustaining component of care-based moral agency directed not only toward the affiliative advancement of connection among community members, but also toward the (political) resistance to violation, injustice, and carelessness through which disconnection from responsive community relationships occurs. The role of anger in care-based moral agency is demonstrated through discussion (...)
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    Covid-19 crisis in the Netherlands: “Only together we can control Corona”.Gerrit Antonides & Eveline van Leeuwen - 2020 - Mind and Society 20 (2):201-207.
    The development and management of the Covid-19 outbreak in the Netherlands is described. The “intelligent lockdown” was aimed at minimizing new infections and limiting the number of deaths, while keeping the economy running as much as possible. Changes in consumer behavior, exit strategy, and lessons learned are considered.
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    How Ethical are Managers’ Goodwill Impairment Decisions in Spanish-Listed Firms?Begoña Giner & Francisca Pardo - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 132 (1):21-40.
    This article provides an analysis of the ethical behavior of managers making goodwill impairment decisions following the adoption of the International Financial Reporting Standard 3 on Business Combinations. Replacing the systematic amortization of goodwill with the impairment-only approach has been a highly controversial step. Although the aim of IFRS 3 was to provide users with more value-relevant information regarding the underlying economics of the business, it has been criticized for the potential earnings management inherent in impairment testing. This study (...)
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    A Path Analysis of Greenwashing in a Trust Crisis Among Chinese Energy Companies: The Role of Brand Legitimacy and Brand Loyalty.Rui Guo, Lan Tao, Caroline Bingxin Li & Tao Wang - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 140 (3):523-536.
    For many energy companies in China, green brand strategy is becoming an important approach to enhance competitive advantage. However, greenwashing behaviors result in a crisis of trust. Existing research focuses on green marketing, but is silent on the institutional view of the trust crisis resulting from greenwashing by energy brands. Thus, this study takes a decoupling perspective from institutional theory and considers legitimacy, energy policy management, and green brand theories to shed light on the path from (...)
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    Major Stressors and Coping Strategies of Internal Migrant Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Exploration.Akanksha Srivastava, Yogesh Kumar Arya, Shobhna Joshi, Tushar Singh, Harleen Kaur, Himanshu Chauhan & Abhinav Das - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    COVID-19 forced lockdown in India, leading to the loss of job, crisis of food, and other financial catastrophes that led to the exodus migration of internal migrant workers, operating in the private sector, back to their homes. Unavailability of transport facilities led to an inflicted need to walk back to homes barefooted without lack of any other crucial resources on the way. The woeful state of internal migrant workers walking back, with all their stuff on their back, holding their (...)
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    A Normal Accident or a Sea-Change? Nuclear Host Communities Respond to the 3/11 Disaster.Daniel P. Aldrich - 2013 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 14 (2):261-276.
    While 3/11 has altered energy policies around the world, insufficient attention has focused on reactions from local nuclear power plant host communities and their neighbors throughout Japan. Using site visits to such towns, interviews with relevant actors, and secondary and tertiary literature, this article investigates the community crisis management strategies of two types of cities, towns, and villages: those which have nuclear plants directly in their backyards and neighboring cities further away (within a 30 mile radius). Responses to (...)
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    Taming Human Subjects: Researchers’ Strategies for Coping with Vagaries in Social Science Experiments.Carol Ting & Martin Montgomery - 2024 - Social Epistemology 38 (5):651-667.
    The experimental method is designed to secure the reliable attribution of causal relationships by means of controlled comparison across conditions. Doing so, however, depends upon the reduction of uncertainties and inconsistencies in the process of comparison; and this poses particularly significant challenges for the behavioral and social sciences because they work with human subjects, whose malleability and complexity often interact in unexpected ways with experimental manipulations, thus resulting in unpredictable behavior. Drawing on the Science and Technology Studies perspective and one (...)
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    Significant Choice and Crisis Decision Making: MeritCare’s Public Communication in the Fen–Phen Case.Renae A. Streifel, Bethany L. Beebe, Shari R. Veil & Timothy L. Sellnow - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 69 (4):389-397.
    This study examines the communication strategies employed by MeritCare's public relations staff during the fen-phen case. The ethic of significant choice was the primary lens for the study. The study revealed that MeritCare's public relations staff members believed they did, in fact, follow the ethic of significant choice. Specifically, they perceived that the biases held by staff helped maintain the public's safety as the primary issue during the fen-phen events. They also believed that their communication strategies allowed them to avoid (...)
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    Reconstruction of ER Network from Specific Academic Texts for the Governance of MSW-NIMBY Crisis in China.Qing Yang, Hui Zhou, Xingxing Liu, Chen Zuo & Jinmei Wang - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-19.
    Along with urban development globally, the NIMBY crisis has been a complex social problem, which requires urgent remedial action. The inevitable management of Municipal Solid Waste has been one of the toughest risk management tasks in the worldwide modernization process. At present, certain fuzzy and unstructured results and methods have been formed for MSW-NIMBY crisis response, mainly focusing on the sociology and politics which scatter in complex and sensitive reports and news. Aiming at enhancing the effectiveness (...)
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    Objectivity in science and law: A shared rescue strategy.Matthew Burch & Katherine Furman - 2019 - International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 64.
    The ideal of objectivity is in crisis in science and the law, and yet it continues to do important work in both practices. This article describes that crisis and develops a shared rescue strategy for objectivity in both domains. In a recent article, Inkeri Koskinen attempts to bring unity to the fragmented discourse on objectivity in the philosophy of science with a risk account of objectivity. To put it simply, she argues that we call practitioners, processes, and (...)
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    Executive Pay and Legitimacy: Changing Discursive Battles Over the Morality of Excessive Manager Compensation. [REVIEW]Maria Joutsenvirta - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 116 (3):459-477.
    How is the (il)legitimacy of manager compensation constructed in social interaction? This study investigated discursive processes through which heavily contested executive pay schemes of the Finnish energy giant Fortum were constructed as (il)legitimate in public during 2005–2009. The critical discursive analysis of media texts identified five legitimation strategies through which politicians, journalists, and other social actors contested these schemes and, at the same time, constructed subject positions for managers, politicians, and citizens. The comparison of two debate periods surrounding the 2007–2008 (...)
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    The Impact of COVID-19 Home Confinement on Mexican University Students: Emotions, Coping Strategies, and Self-Regulated Learning.Martha Leticia Gaeta, Laura Gaeta & María del Socorro Rodriguez - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    One of the main challenges in higher education is promoting students' autonomous and self-regulated learning, which involves managing their own emotions and learning processes in different contexts and circumstances. Considering that online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic may be an opportunity for university students to take greater responsibility for their learning, it is essential to explore the strategies they have developed in the face of emotional and learning challenges during the health crisis. This study aimed at analyzing the relationships (...)
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    The Value of Apology: How do Corporate Apologies Moderate the Stock Market Reaction to Non-Financial Corporate Crises?Marie Racine, Craig Wilson & Michael Wynes - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 163 (3):485-505.
    In a crisis, managers are confronted with a dilemma between their ethical responsibility to respond to victims and their fiduciary responsibility to protect shareholder value. In this study, we use a unique and comprehensive dataset of 223 non-financial crises between 1983 and 2013 to investigate how corporate apologies affect stock prices. Our empirical evidence shows that the stock price response from apologizing depends on the firm’s level of responsibility for the crisis. We find that to protect shareholder value, (...)
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    Kings and Gods as Ecological Agents: From Reciprocity to Unilateralism in the Management of Natural Resources.Simon Simonse - 2005 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 12 (1):31-46.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kings and Gods as Ecological Agents:From Reciprocity to Unilateralism in the Management of Natural ResourcesSimon Simonse (bio)1. IntroductionThe questions this article addresses are as follows: do non-Western societies have a qualitatively better, more balanced relationship with nature than modern Western societies? Can the difference between the two be described in terms of an opposition between a reciprocal and an exploitative relationship? What difference does the Judeo-Christian tradition make (...)
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    Financialization and the Employee Suicide Crisis at France Telecom.Nihel Chabrak, Russell Craig & Nabyla Daidj - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 139 (3):501-515.
    The privatization of France Telecom in 1997 led to the implementation of a profit-oriented financialization strategy. An unforgiving work environment was developed, which has unsettled many employees. Between February 2008 and October 2011, 69 employees took their own life. Many left notes blaming management for having privileged the interests of shareholders over those of employees. Through interviews with employees and professional practitioners associated with FT, we reveal that employees strongly resented the company’s use of financialization policies to maximize (...)
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    The Accounting Profession: Substantive Change and/or Image Management.Rodney K. Rogers, Jesse Dillard & Kristi Yuthas - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 58 (1-3):159-176.
    . The accounting profession’s image and reputation is built upon the members of the profession acting with the “highest sense of integrity” in “the public interest” (AICPA, 2003, The Enron debacle initiated the latest crisis facing the profession regarding its image and reputation. The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) is the largest professional body representing the accounting profession and the one to which regulators have looked in establishing and upholding professional standards relating to the public practice (...)
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    The Influence of the Debunker’s Identity and Emotional Expression on the Sharing Behavior of Debunking Information.Fan Chao, Xin Wang & Guang Yu - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Owing to the proliferation of rumors on social media, it is necessary to disseminate debunking information to minimize the harm caused by them. Using content analysis, sentiment analysis, and regression analysis, this study examined the mediating role of follower count in the relationship between the debunker’s identity and sharing behavior, and it explored the relationship between the text sentiment of debunking information and sharing behavior based on data on the spread of three rumors that circulated extensively on social media. Using (...)
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    Does Corporate Social Responsibility Always Result in More Ethical Decision-Making? Evidence from Product Recall Remediation.Alfred Z. Liu, Angela Xia Liu, Sangkil Moon & Donald Siegel - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-21.
    Recent research suggests that committing to corporate social responsibility (CSR) can induce moral licensing among employees, resulting in unethical behaviors. We extend this line of research and develop a theoretical framework to study how CSR influences managerial decision-making in crisis management. We test this theory in the context of product recall remediation. We examine under what circumstances CSR induces morally consistent or morally dubious recall remedial decisions and factors moderating this effect. We focus on two product recall remedial (...)
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    The Crisis Management Capability of Japan's Self Defense Forces for UN Peacekeeping, Counter-Terrorism, and Disaster Relief.Katsumi Ishizuka - 2013 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 14 (2):201-222.
    This article examines the crisis management capabilities of Japan's Self Defense Forces (SDF) in the areas of United Nations (UN) peacekeeping, counter-terrorism, and disaster relief. The three types of overseas operations were all initiated by Japan as a response to international crises. While SDF crisis management capabilities for UN peacekeeping operations have steadily evolved, room for improvement remains. For example, Japan's commitment to logistic and rapid deployment missions could be strengthened. Regarding the second type of operations, (...)
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    Tourists’ Health Risk Threats Amid COVID-19 Era: Role of Technology Innovation, Transformation, and Recovery Implications for Sustainable Tourism.Zhenhuan Li, Dake Wang, Jaffar Abbas, Saad Hassan & Riaqa Mubeen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Technology innovation has changed the patterns with its advanced features for travel and tourism industry during the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, which massively hit tourism and travel worldwide. The profound adverse effects of the coronavirus disease resulted in a steep decline in the demand for travel and tourism activities worldwide. This study focused on the literature based on travel and tourism in the wake global crisis due to infectious virus. The study aims to review the emerging literature critically to (...)
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    Corporate Reputation and Collective Crises: A Theoretical Development Using the Case of Rana Plaza.Breeda Comyns & Elizabeth Franklin-Johnson - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (1):159-183.
    Banking scandals, accounting fraud, product recalls, and environmental disasters, their associated reputational effects as well as company response strategies have been well reported in the literature. Reported crises and scandals typically involve one focal company for example BP and the 2010 Deepwater Horizon accident. As business practices change and company supply chains become more complex and interlinked, there is a greater risk of collective crises where multiple companies are associated with the same scandal. We argue that companies are likely to (...)
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  50. Permanent Crisis Management, the Rule of Law, and Universal Basic Income: A Polycentric Approach.Otto Lehto - 2021 - Cosmos+Taxis 9 (5+6):122-136.
    As a response to the COVID-19 crisis, governments have turned to various discretionary measures such as cash transfers to consumers and businesses with mixed results. Universal Basic Income (UBI) is back on the agenda as well. One of the main advantages of UBI, as scholars like F.A. Hayek, Milton Friedman, and James M. Buchanan have argued, is that it does not depend upon competent and benevolent government discretion—which is often in short supply—but upon pre-established rules. This paper argues that (...)
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