Results for ' discipline of Christian doctrine'

965 found
  1.  11
    Scriptural Reasoning and the Discipline of Christian Doctrine.Mike Higton - 2013 - Modern Theology 29 (4):120-137.
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    Christian life: ethics, morality, and discipline in the early church.Everett Ferguson (ed.) - 1903 - New York: Garland.
    An integrated overview of history The volume in this series are arranged topically to cover biography, literature, doctrines, practices, institutions, worship, missions, and daily life. Archaeology and art as well as writings are drawn on to illuminate the Christian movement in its early centuries. Ample attention is also given to the relation of Christianity to pagan thought and life, to the Roman state, to Judaism, and to doctrines and practices that came to be judged as heretical or schismatic. Introductions (...)
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  3. Marţian iovan.Reflections On Christian, Democratic Doctrine & Social Action - 2009 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 8 (23):159-165.
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  4. Christian Doctrine as Ontological Commitment to a Narrative.Sameer Yadav - 2017 - In Oliver D. Crisp & Fred Sanders, The Task of Dogmatics: Explorations in Theological Method. Los Angeles Theology Conferenc. pp. 70-86.
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    Other Themes in Christian Doctrine.Brian Hebblethwaite - 2005 - In Philosophical Theology and Christian Doctrine. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 127–145.
    This chapter contains section titled: The Church The Sacraments The Philosophy of Worship The Doctrine of Providence.
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    Reformed humanism: essays on Christian doctrine, philosophy, and church.David Fergusson - 2024 - New York: T&T Clark.
    The three sections of the collection deal respectively with Doctrinal Themes, Philosophical Engagements and Church and Society. Core doctrines to be explored include God, creation, Christology, anthropology and eschatology. The philosophical material represents theological interactions with Humean scepticism, the ambivalence of Adam Smith's religious commitments, the possibility of a natural theology after Darwin, and recent work on religion and science. The final section deals more broadly with issues in contemporary church life and the contested place of theology in the university.
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    John Locke, Christian Doctrine and Latitudinarianism.Wioleta Polinska - 1999 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 6 (2):173-194.
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    Vocation and Christian Doctrine: A Response to John Stackhouse.Oliver Crisp - 2016 - Journal of Analytic Theology 4:198-203.
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    (1 other version)Philosophical Theology and Christian Doctrine.Brian Hebblethwaite (ed.) - 2005 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    _Philosophical Theology and Christian Doctrine_ surveys and comments on recent work by philosophers of religion in the analytic tradition on the doctrines of the Christian creed. Topics covered include creation, Incarnation, Trinity, salvation and eschatology, and the ultimate future of creation. Comprehensive survey of core Christian doctrines.
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  10. Philosophical Theology and Christian Doctrines.Maria Rosa Antognazza - 2013 - In The Oxford Handbook of Leibniz. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This contribution discusses Leibniz’s views on key Christian doctrines which were surrounded, in the early modern period, by particularly lively debates. The first section delves into his defence of the Trinity and the Incarnation against the charge of contradiction, and his exploration of metaphysical models capacious enough to accommodate these mysteries. The second section focuses on the resurrection and the Eucharist with special regard to their connections with Leibniz’s metaphysics of bodies. The third section investigates Leibniz’s position on predestination, (...)
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    Moral Passion and Christian Ethics .Robin Gill - 2017 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    In this book, Robin Gill argues that moral passion and rational ethical deliberation are not enemies, and that moral passion often lurks behind many apparently rational ethical commitments. He also contends that though moral passion is a key component of truly selfless moral action, without rational ethical deliberation it can also be extremely dangerous. Gill maintains that a reanalysis of moral passion is overdue. He inspects the gap between the 'purely rational' accounts of ethics provided by some moral philosophers and (...)
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    The Routledge companion to Christian ethics.D. Stephen Long & Rebekah Miles (eds.) - 2023 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    The Routledge Companion to Christian Ethics brings together two different but related disciplines; the first is contemplative or theoretical, asking what are the beliefs or doctrines that characterize Christianity, whilst the second is practical, asking what are the ethical practices that attend its teachings. The movement between the theoretical and practical aspects is not, however, one way, as doctrine and life are mutually informing. In this comprehensive volume, leading scholars address key topics, problems and debates in this hotly (...)
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  13. Doctrine des «habitus» et ordonnancement encyclopédique des disciplines chez Leibniz: la Nova Methodus Discendae Docendaeque Iurisprudentiae.Marine Picon - 2015 - Noctua 2 (1-2):402-431.
    In the autumn of 1667, the young Leibniz published a «new method» for the science of law. Producing a revised edition of that early work was to become his lifelong project, to the purpose of which he wrote, in the 1690s, a succession of new versions of most of its sections. The main reason for this enduring interest was probably the fact that the juridical part of the treatise was preceded with a more general one, encapsulating in a few pages (...)
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    On teaching Christian history in the postmodern world.Philippe Denis - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (1):7.
    Is there truth in history? Historians are commonly expected to produce ‘facts’ and to be ‘objective’. If they teach the history of Christianity, their audience sees in them the depositors of the ‘truth’ on the history of church. Showing the contradictions of the church’s discourse in the past and highlighting the essentially transient nature of church doctrine are perceived as a threat. Yet, our knowledge of the Christian past is provisional and limited. It depends on the quality of (...)
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    The Unexplored Self: An Introduction to Christian Doctrine for Teachers and Students.George R. Montgomery - 1911 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 8 (14):387-389.
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  16. 'A Lapsu Corruptus': Calvinist Doctrines and Seventeenth-Century Scottish Theses Ethicæ.Maurer Christian - 2016 - History of Universities 29 (2):188-209.
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    Fragmentation and Memory: Meditations on Christian Doctrine.Karmen MacKendrick - 2022 - Fordham University Press.
    Philosophers have long and skeptically viewed religion as a source of overeasy answers, with a singular, totalizing "God" and the comfort of an immortal soul being the greatest among them. But religious thought has always been more interesting--indeed, a rich source of endlessly unfolding questions. With questions from the 1885 Baltimore Catechism of the Catholic Church as the starting point for each chapter, Karmen MacKendrick offers postmodern reflections on many of the central doctrines of the Church: the oneness of God, (...)
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    Beyond the Christian Doctrine.Ivana Mikulić & Željko Senković - 2019 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 39 (3):669-686.
    Croatian literary culture of the 18th century is marked by stylistic pluralism, considering that its Enlightenment character and its didactic and utilitaristic dimensions are emphasized the most. Austrian catechism was the fundamental book of school religious education from 1777 until 1847 in the whole Habsburg Monarchy, and it played an important role in the upbringing of children, but also of the entire family and social community in the spirit of Josephine politics. This topic is viewed from the perspective of Immanuel (...)
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  19.  17
    Shaping Human Science Disciplines: Institutional Developments in Europe and Beyond.Christian Fleck, Matthias Duller & Victor Karády (eds.) - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This book presents an analysis of the institutional development of selected social science and humanities disciplines in Argentina, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom. Where most narratives of a scholarly past are presented as a succession of ‘ideas,’ research results and theories, this collection highlights the structural shifts in the systems of higher education, as well as institutions of research and innovation within which these disciplines have developed. This institutional perspective will facilitate systematic comparisons between (...)
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    Disciplines, Doctrines, and Deviant Science.Sven Ove Hansson - 2020 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 33 (1):43-52.
    This is a reply to a comment by Kåre Letrud [Letrud, Kåre. 2019. “The Gordian Knot of Demarcation: Tying Up Some Loose Ends.” International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 32 : 3–11. doi:10...
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  21. Aquinas, Thomas (1997) Aquinas on Creation. Trans. by Steven E. Baldner and William E. Carroll. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 166 pp. Audi, Robert (1997) Moral Knowledge and Ethical Character. New York: Oxford University Press, 304 pp. Bencivegna, Ermanno (1997) Freedom: A Dialogue. Indianapolis, IN: Hackett. [REVIEW]John Paul Ii & Christian Doctrine - 1998 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 43:191-193.
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    Coleridge and Christian Doctrine[REVIEW]Thomas Hall - 1970 - New Scholasticism 44 (4):624-629.
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    Between Discipline and Doctrine.David G. Hunter - 2020 - Augustinian Studies 51 (1):3-22.
    This article explores a possible tension in Augustine’s thought between his response to the misconduct of clergy, which stressed swift discipline, and his anti-Donatist theology of sacraments, which emphasized the efficacy of sacraments apart from the moral worthiness of the clergy. I identify five principles that Augustine followed in his handling of clerical misconduct: 1) Decisive action that usually resulted in removal of the offenders from ministry; 2) concern for the rights of the victim over clerical privilege; 3) a (...)
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  24.  27
    Comparative Theology Is Not “Business-as-Usual Theology”: Personal Witness from a Buddhist Christian.Paul F. Knitter - 2015 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 35:181-192.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Comparative Theology Is Not “Business-as-Usual Theology”:Personal Witness from a Buddhist ChristianPaul F. KnitterThe following reflections find their stimulus and start in a paper prepared for a doctoral seminar on comparative theology led by John Makransky at Boston College. I was asked whether I was a comparative theologian and, if so, what difference it had made in my professional work as a theologian and in my personal life as a (...)
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  25.  46
    The neuron doctrine in psychiatry.Christian Perring - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (5):846-847.
    Gold & Stoljar's target article is important because it shows the limitations of neurobiological theories of the mind more powerfully than previous philosophical criticisms, especially those that focus on the subjective nature of experience and those that use considerations from philosophy of language to argue for the holism of the mental. They use less controversial assumptions and clearer arguments, the conclusions of which are applicable to the whole of neuroscience. Their conclusions can be applied to psychiatry to argue that, contrary (...)
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  26.  13
    Participation in God: A Study in Christian Doctrine and Metaphysics.Andrew Davison - 2019 - Cambridge University Press.
    Few ideas have excited greater interest among theologians in recent decades than the idea of 'participation'. In thinking about creation, it is the notion that everything comes from, and depends upon, God, inviting the language of sharing, or of an exemplar and its images; in thinking about redemption, it points to the restoration of that image, and is expressed in the language of communion with God and with the redeemed community. In this volume, Andrew Davison considers these themes in unprecedented (...)
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    Participation in God: A Study in Christian Doctrine and Metaphysics. By Andrew Davison.Aaron Pidel - 2020 - International Philosophical Quarterly 60 (3):360-363.
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    Book review: Worship as Meaning: A Liturgical Theology for Late ModernityCambridge Studies in Christian Doctrine[REVIEW]Martha Moore-Keish - 2005 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 59 (1):106-106.
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    Seeing the World and Knowing God: Hebrew Wisdom and Christian Doctrine in a Late-Modern Context.Paul S. Fiddes - 2013 - Oxford University Press.
    This creates a Christian theology of wisdom for the present day, in discussion with two sets of conversation-partners: The writers of the 'wisdom literature' in ancient Israel and the Jewish community in Alexandria; and the philosophers and thinkers of the late-modern age, among them Derrida, Levinas, Kristeva, Ricoeur, and Arendt.
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    Minding god/minding pain: Christian theological reflections on recent advances in pain research.Jacqueline R. Cameron - 2005 - Zygon 40 (1):167-180.
    . As Gregory Peterson's book Minding God illustrates, an ongoing encounter between theology and the cognitive sciences can provide rich insights to both disciplines. Similarly, reflection on recent advances in pain research can prove to be fertile ground in which further theological insights might take root. Pain researchers remind us that pain is both a sensory and an emotional experience. The emotional component of pain is critically important for the clinical management of people in pain, as it serves a communicative (...)
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    The Unexplored Self: An Introduction to Christian Doctrine for Teachers and Students. [REVIEW]William Forbes Cooley - 1911 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 8 (14):387-389.
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  32.  13
    Les ismes et catégories historiographiques. Formation et usage à l'époque moderne.Christian Leduc & Daniel Dumouchel (eds.) - 2021 - Les Presses de l’Université de Laval.
    Les disciplines historiques, littéraires et philosophiques font un emploi abondant des catégories historiographiques. Parmi celles-ci, les termes en ismes sont très fréquents pour référer à une doctrine, un courant artistique, une idéologie ou des événements spécifiques. On fait cependant remarquer que ces désignations posent de nombreux problèmes d’interprétation. En particulier, que l’origine exacte d’une catégorie est souvent méconnue et que sa signification est plus équivoque qu’on ne le croit habituellement. La formation d’un terme en isme s’explique souvent dans un (...)
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    Zen Gifts to Christians (review).Katherine M. Pickar - 2003 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 23 (1):183-186.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 23 (2003) 183-186 [Access article in PDF] Zen Gifts to Christians. By Robert Kennedy. New York: Continuum, 2000. 131 pp. Though Robert Kennedy's recent book Zen Gifts to Christians (2000) is intended for Christian readers who may be "temperamentally inclined" (i) to learn about Zen to spiritually augment their lives, it also succeeds as a work that defines the Western Buddhist community and as an (...)
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    Feminism and Christian ethics1 21.Harriet Baber - manuscript
    Currently a number of feminists in philosophy and religious studies as well as other academic disciplines have argued that policies, practices and doctrines assumed to be sexneutral are in fact male-biased. Thus, Rosemary Reuther, reflecting on the development of theology in the Judeo-Christian tradition suggests that the long-term exclusion of women from leadership and theological education has rendered the “official theological culture” repressive to women and dismissive of women’s experience: “To begin to take women seriously,” she notes, “will involve (...)
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    A Democratic Revolution for Youth: The “Youth Tithe” as a Doctrine.Christian Pardo-Reyes - 2019 - Intergenerational Justice Review 1 (1).
    On 31 August 2001 in Lima, Peru, Christian Pardo Reyes started a campaign – operating through events and publications – to introduce a quota system to reflect the need to involve youth at all levels of government power. His organisation became the Internacional Juvenil. To achieve its goals, it established strong relationships with other youth organisations, state agencies and influential political leaders. Here Christian Pardo Reyes tells the story.
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  36. Christian Spirituality as an Academic Discipline.Austin Cooper - 2011 - The Australasian Catholic Record 88 (2):151.
    Cooper, Austin Christian Spirituality can be approached from numerous points on the theological compass: Sacred Scripture is an obvious source, but so are almost any of the theological disciplines. This paper will be concerned with it as emanating from Church History.
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    Reflections on Christian Democratic Doctrine and Social Action.Martian Iovan - 2009 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 8 (23):159-165.
    Radu Carp, Dacian Gratian Gal, Sorin Muresan, Radu Preda, Principles of Popular Thought. Christian Democratic Doctrine and Social Action, Eikon: Cluj, 2006.
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    William Christian and Community Doctrines.Ninian Smart - 1988 - The Thomist 52 (2):327-335.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:REVIEW SYMPOSIUM 327 claims. And both these tasks, perhaps more especially the former, are of urgent importance for the Christian theological community today. University of Notre Dame Notre Dame, Indiana PAUL J. GRIFFITHS WII,LIAM CHRISTIAN AND COMMUNITY DOCTRINES W ILLIAM CHRISTIAN'S book Doctrines of Religious Communities * is a vital contribution to the philosophy of religion, for a number of reasons. First, it goes beyond the (...)
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    Doctrine and Development University Sermons.Hastings Rashdall - 1898 - Methuen.
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  40. Why Free Will is Real.Christian List - 2019 - Cambridge, MA, USA: Harvard University Press.
    Philosophers have argued about the nature and the very existence of free will for centuries. Today, many scientists and scientifically minded commentators are skeptical that it exists, especially when it is understood to require the ability to choose between alternative possibilities. If the laws of physics govern everything that happens, they argue, then how can our choices be free? Believers in free will must be misled by habit, sentiment, or religious doctrine. Why Free Will Is Real defies scientific orthodoxy (...)
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  41. On the True Doctrine: A Discourse Against the Christians.R. Joseph Hoffman (ed.) - 1987 - Oxford University Press USA.
    The works of many early critics of the Christian church were burned by ruling emperors or otherwise destroyed in the second and third centuries, but the writings of the Greek pagan philosopher, Celsus, have survived indirectly through his eloquent opponent Origen of Alexandria. In his apologetical treatise, Contra Celsum, Origen argues against the ideas set forth by Celsus and quotes from Celsus' The True Doctrine at length. Through this treatise, Celsus has come to represent the detached pagan voice (...)
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  42.  45
    Johnson and the Soundness Doctrine.David Botting - 2016 - Argumentation 30 (4):501-525.
    Why informal logic? Informal logic is a group of proposals meant to contrast with, replace, and reject formal logic, at least for the analysis and evaluation of everyday arguments. Why reject formal logic? Formal logic is criticized and claimed to be inadequate because of its commitment to the soundness doctrine. In this paper I will examine and try to respond to some of these criticisms. It is not my aim to examine every argument ever given against formal logic; I (...)
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    Christian social doctrine: dialogue with the modern world.T. V. Yevdokymova - 2000 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 15:13-22.
    Constant changes in the economic, social and political life of the people of the nations force the Church to enter into a dialogue with the world. The object of her attention is culture, politics, science, dealing with human problems. Church leadership of various Christian denominations sees the possibility of applying their socio-political guides in a wide socio-cultural space - personal and family circles, political and public activities, social life in general.
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    Doctrine and Power. Theological Controversy and Christian Leadership in the Later Roman Empire.Andrea Sterk - 2015 - Augustinian Studies 46 (2):266-268.
  45. Ethnography as Christian theology and ethics.Aana Marie Vigen & Christian Scharen (eds.) - 2024 - New York: T&T Clark.
    How can qualitative research methods be a tool for social change? Echoing the 'scandal of particularity' at the heart of the Christian tradition, theologians and ethicists involved in ethnographic research draw on the particular to seek out answers to core questions of their discipline.
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  46. Virasaivism and christianity-a dialog on doctrines.W. Madtha - 1983 - Journal of Dharma 8 (3):271-282.
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    The Decalogue, Christian ethics and Nigeria: Towards a disciplined society.G. I. Emeng - 2007 - Sophia: An African Journal of Philosophy 7 (2).
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    Ferdinand Christian Baur: a reader.Ferdinand Christian Baur - 2022 - New York: T&T Clark :. Edited by Johannes Zachhuber & David Lincicum.
    Brings together the key writings of Ferdinand Christian Baur across theology, biblical studies, early Christian history, and philosophy, showing his crucial role in the development of 19th-century thought.
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  49. The discursive dilemma and public reason.Christian List - 2006 - Ethics 116 (2):362-402.
    Political theorists have offered many accounts of collective decision-making under pluralism. I discuss a key dimension on which such accounts differ: the importance assigned not only to the choices made but also to the reasons underlying those choices. On that dimension, different accounts lie in between two extremes. The ‘minimal liberal account’ holds that collective decisions should be made only on practical actions or policies and that underlying reasons should be kept private. The ‘comprehensive deliberative account’ stresses the importance of (...)
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  50. Normative Practical Reasoning.Christian Piller - 2001 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 75 (1):175 - 216.
    Practical reasoning is a process of reasoning that concludes in an intention. One example is reasoning from intending an end to intending what you believe is a necessary means: 'I will leave the next buoy to port; in order to do that I must tack; so I'll tack', where the first and third sentences express intentions and the second sentence a belief. This sort of practical reasoning is supported by a valid logical derivation, and therefore seems uncontrovertible. A more contentious (...)
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