Results for ' en el qual Hölderlin dóna forma a través d'un diàleg amb Fichte. Contràriament a Kant i Fichte'

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  1.  29
    El vel de Sòcrates al Fedre i el teixit dels diàlegs platònics.Jonathan Lavilla de Lera - 2017 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 19:237-262.
    Quin tipus de teixit configura un diàleg de Plató? Què mostren els seus brodats? Què representa? Quina relació manté amb el coneixement i amb la seva transmissió? Aquest text respon en part a algunes d’aquestes qüestions a partir de dos passatges del diàleg anomenat Fedre en els quals Sòcrates utilitza el recurs del vel per construir els seus dos discursos. Es defensarà que comprendre què posa en joc el vel resulta fonamental per a entendre correctament la manera en (...)
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    La meva bellesa.Octavio Fullat Genís - 2010 - Barcelona: Angle Editorial.
    Tercer i últim volum de les memòries lliures i impertinents d’un dels filòsofs i educadors més influents de Catalunya En els dos primers volums de les seves memòries, el filòsof i pedagog Octavi Fullat s’ha revelat per a molts lectors com un dels intel·lectuals de referència del segle XX català. El seu estil, hereu de la profunda senzillesa d’Albert Camus, combina de manera inconfusible la memòria, l’assaig i la narració. Després de La meva llibertat i La meva veritat , en (...)
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    ¿Kant o Fichte? Sobre el punto de partida de la transformación pragmático-lingüística de la filosofía trascendental.Alberto Mario Damiani - 2008 - Tópicos 16:21-39.
    Some scholars have understood Karl-Otto Apel's Transcendental Pragmatics as a linguistic and pragmatic transformation of Johann G. Fichte's philosophy. The aim of this paper is to show that this interpretation confuses subjective intention with transcendental knowledge. The paper begins with a reconstruction of some aspects of this interpretation. Next, an argument against the Transcendental Pragmatics based on this interpretation is examined. The conclusion is that the difference between subjective intention and transcendental knowledge can be explained with the help of (...)
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    Essai d'une critique de toute révélation: 1792-1793.J. Fichte - 1988 - Vrin.
    L'Essai d'une Critique de toute revelation parut sans nom d'auteur a Konigsberg. On salua unanimement la derniere Critique de Kant. Reinhold lui-meme s'y trompa. L'erreur rectifiee, le jeune Fichte fut ainsi publiquement eleve a la dignite de philosophe. Son oeuvre commencait. Bien que son auteur n'en ait jamais renie le resultat, cette Critique de toute revelation est, au sens fichteen du mot, un texte pre-critique. Le lecteur francais y trouvera expose le fondement ethique et religieux des Contributions destinees (...)
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    El ideal de humanidad y las humanidades. Dialogando con Kant, Fichte y Husserl.Rosemary Rizo-Patrón de Lerner - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 7:303.
    El papel de filosofía y humanidades en forjar un “ideal de humanidad” se refiere no sólo a las difíciles relaciones que éstas tradicionalmente han tenido con los poderes mundanos, sino, sobre todo, a su papel protagónico como guías de un ideal de humanidad y valores espirituales en tiempos de crisis. Kant defendió el papel de los ideales racionales de la “facultad de filosofía” a fines del s. XVIII, ante la teología, el derecho y la medicina. La reflexión de (...) cuando la nación alemana luchaba por su existencia luego de su derrota por los ejércitos napoleónicos a inicios del s. XIX, da un impulso decisivo a los valores del idealismo alemán. Un siglo después, ante la misma nación alemana, nuevamente derrotada en la primera guerra mundial y sin hallar respuestas a su aflicción en las ciencias exactas ni en su cultura determinada por la técnica, Husserl ve en “el ideal de Humanidad de Fichte” la respuesta a aquello que puede darle su ultima satisfacción: la producción teleológica de un mundo humano, en el que pueda realizarse un orden mundial moral, único fin, fundamento y valor absoluto de la humanidad. Hoy nos hallamos en otro momento de peligro: no sólo el del positivismo naturalista desplazando desde el s. XIX a la formación humanística. El mayor de los peligros es ahora la alianza de ese naturalismo con el mundo globalizado del presente, bajo el imperio de la estan-darización burocrática y corporativa al servicio de la producción desenfrenada de dinero.The role of philosophy and the human sciences in forging an “ideal of humanity” concerns not only the tensions that they traditionally have had with worldly powers. It mostly deals with their primal role as guides of an ideal of humanity and spiritual values in times of crisis. Kant defended the central role of the “Faculty of Philosophy”’s rational ideals by the end of the 18th century, as opposed to Theology, Jurisprudence and Medicine. Fichte’s reflection when the German nation was fighting for its survival after its defeat by the Napoleonic armies at the beginning of the 19th century, gives a decisive impulse to the values brandished by German Idealism. A century later, facing the same German nation newly defeated at World War I, and without any answers to its affliction either in exact sciences nor in its culture determined by technology, Husserl finds in “Fichte’s Ideal of Humanity“ the answer to that which can give it its lasting satisfaction: the teleological production of a human world, in which a world moral order may arise, as humanity’s sole goal, foundation, and absolute value. Today we find ourselves in another moment of danger: not only that of a naturalistic positivism displacing a humanistic education. The greatest of all dangers is currently the alliance of this naturalism with the Golden calf installed in the globalized world of today, under the empire of the bureaucratic and corporative standardization at the service of the frenzied production of money. (shrink)
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    Nouvelle présentation de la doctrine de la science: (1797/1798).J. Fichte - 1999 - Vrin.
    Dans l'Essai d'une nouvelle presentation de la doctrine de la science (fin 1797, debut 1798), Fichte, soucieux de s'adresser a un large public, eclaircit les concepts fondamentaux de la doctrine de la science. Eclaircissement de l'oeuvre, cette nouvelle presentation se donne aussi comme la mise en abyme de sa totalite. Fichte y ordonne ses analyses autour de quatre notions cardinales: l'intuition intellectuelle, le Moi, le principe de la refutation des systemes philosophiques anciens (de Spinoza a Kant) et (...)
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    Autoorganización del espacio y los tiempos educativos. Ensayo sobre la democracia escolar.Alberto Moreno Doña - 2010 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 25.
    La escuela ha sido tradicionalmente el dominio de lo coognitivo. En la escuela se pregunta, casi obsesivamente: ¿tú qué sabes? No es tan frecuente escuchar esta pregunta: ¿tú qué sientes? Se plantea en este trabajo que ello es debido a la forma tradicional de entender el proceso educativo escolar. Es por ello que proponemos, en este ensayo, reformular el proceso educativo formal a partir de la democratización escolar, y concretamente a partir de la autoorganización de los tiempos y espacios (...)
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    (1 other version)Hablar el idioma de la libertad. Sobre la actualidad hermenéutica del pensamiento político de Fichte.Andrzej Przylebski - 2014 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 19 (2).
    RESUMENPodemos encontrar en los escritos tardíos de Fichte un giro importante desde una perspectiva individualista del Yo hacia una perspectiva comunitaria del Nosotros. Él intentó en sus Discursos a la nación alemana explicitar una relación espiritual que trabaja contra la atomatización de una sociedad dada. Elaboró para ello un interesante concepto de nación cultural. El factor constitutivo de una nación como tal es el lenguaje, y con ello: el camino del pensamiento y la experiencia de la realidad. Fue un (...)
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    Perfectibilidad humana. Kant y Fichte como profetas del progreso moral.Yerson Y. Carrillo-Ardila - 2021 - Revista Filosofía Uis 20 (2):69-92.
    Este artículo presenta inicialmente algunas referencias en torno a la noción de progreso moral, las cuales habitualmente apuntan a la idea según la cual este, en efecto, se da gracias a un mejoramiento paulatino en la humanidad. Si bien tal afirmación engloba una generalidad, el problema puede permitirse un espacio de discusión más sólido, reconociendo que el progreso es, además, reflexión desde el punto de vista kantiano y deducción de la historia por parte de Fichte. Con todo ello, se (...)
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  10. La Doctrine de L’État.J. Fichte, Marc Maesschalck & Jean-Christophe Goddard - 2006 - Vrin.
    La doctrine de l’État rassemble les Leçons sur des contenus variés de philosophie appliquée données par Fichte à l’université de Berlin pendant le semestre d’éré 1813. Elle est le dernier grand cours donné par Fichte avant sa mort en janvier 1814, et témoigne de l’état ultime de la pensée du philosophe, qui la présente lui-même à ses auditeurs comme livrant les résultats des recherches de toute une vie. Par « philosophie appliquée » Fichte n’entendait pas un quelconque (...)
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    Lectures on the theory of ethics (1812).Johann Gottlieb Fichte - 2015 - Albany: State University of New York Press. Edited by Benjamin D. Crowe.
    Lectures from the late period of Fichte’s career, never before available in English. Translated here for the first time into English, this text furnishes a new window into the final phase of Fichte’s career. Delivered in the summer of 1812 at the newly founded University of Berlin, Fichte’s lectures on ethics explore some of the key concepts and issues in his evolving system of radical idealism. Addressing moral theory, the theory of education, the philosophy of history, and (...)
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    La querelle de l'athéisme: suivie de divers textes sur la religion.J. Fichte - 1993 - Vrin.
    L'accusation d'atheisme, qui couta a Fichte sa chaire a l'Universite d'Iena et compromit gravement, et pour longtemps, la reputation de sa doctrine, concentre tous les anathemes par lesquels l'esprit de calomnie pouvait tenter, avec un certain succes, d'empecher une pensee trop libre d'agir sur son siecle en forgeant une image plus forte et plus courageuse de l'avenir du monde. Au mepris de toute contradiction, les accusateurs firent suspecter la philosophie transcendantale de conduire, a travers le developpement pratique qu'en donnait (...)
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    Le Mal radical chez Fichte entre Kant et Schelling.Claude Piché - 1999 - Symposium 3 (2):209-231.
    Schelling fait remarquer que la théorie kantienne du mal radical repose fondamentalement sur un acte de liberté, ce qui n’est pas le cas chez Fichte. Dans cet article, nous voulons examiner le bien-fondé de la thèse de Schelling selon laquelle les conceptions kantienne et fichtéenne du mal moral présentent d’importantes divergences. Pour I’essentiel, en effet, la position de Fichte s’éloigne de celle de Kanten ce qu’elle réhabilite une certaine forme d’humanisme en réduisant le mal à l’inertie de l’être (...)
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    Méthode et philosophie: la descendance éducative de l'Émile: Condorcet, Kant, Pestalozzi, Fichte, Herbart, Dilthey, Dewey, Freinet.Alain Trouvé & Michel Soëtard (eds.) - 2012 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    La publication de l'Emile a produit une rupture épistémologique qui n'a pas échappé à Kant. Mais, rejetant toute assomption philosophique, l'ouvrage de 1762 met en récit une méthode qui prétend accomplir l'homme en ce qu'il est, tout en même temps qu'en ce qu'il doit être. Consacrant le pouvoir d'autoformation du sujet, Rousseau ouvre pourtant, à son corps défendant, une nouvelle brèche philosophique dans le rapport que ce sujet triomphant entretient avec ce que le Genevois s'obstine à présenter comme " (...)
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    I fondamenti della libertà in J.G. Fichte. Studi sul primato del pratico.Tommaso Valentini - 2012 - Roma RM, Italia: Editori riuniti University Press.
    Il volume analizza il pensiero trascendentale di Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762-1814) nei suoi elementi costitutivi. In particolare viene messo in evidenza che l’intento principale della filosofia fichtiana è quello di edificare un “sistema della libertà”, fondato sul primato del pratico (das Praktische) e dei costitutivi pratici della coscienza umana: l’intuizione intellettuale, l’immaginazione produttiva, lo Streben ed in primis il volere. Viene quindi sottolineato che uno dei vertici della speculazione di Fichte è rappresentato dal concetto di “volere puro” che (...)
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    Lluís Font, Pere. Immanuel Kant. Sis assaigs i un diàleg d’ultratomba. [REVIEW]Josep Olesti - 2017 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 59:149-154.
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  17. From Being to Acting: Kant and Fichte on Intellectual Intuition.G. Anthony Bruno - 2022 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 31 (4):762-783.
    Fichte assigns ‘intellectual intuition’ a new meaning after Kant. But in 1799, his doctrine of intellectual intuition is publicly deemed indefensible by Kant and nihilistic by Jacobi. I propose to defend Fichte’s doctrine against these charges, leaving aside whether it captures what he calls the ‘spirit’ of transcendental idealism. I do so by articulating three problems that motivate Fichte’s redirection of intellectual intuition from being to acting: (1) the regress problem, which states that reflecting on (...)
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  18. The Concept of Persons in Kant and Fichte.Owen Ware - 2019 - In Antonia LoLordo, Persons: a history of the concept. New York: Oxford University Press.
    It is well known that Kant seeks to discredit rational psychology on the grounds that we cannot access the nature of the soul by reflecting upon the ‘I think’ of self-consciousness. What is far less understood, however, is why Kant still believes the theorems of rational psychology are analytically true insofar as they represent the ‘I’ through the categories of substance, reality, unity, and existence. Early post-Kantian thinkers like Fichte would abandon this restriction and approach the concept (...)
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  19. Fichtes Beitrag zur Ausbildung einer dialektischen Naturbetrachtung.Stahl Jürgen - 1985 - In Erhard Lange, Collegium philosophicum Jenense Nr 5. Philosophie und Natur. Beiträge zur Naturphilosophie der deutschen Klassik. Weimar, Deutschland: Hermann Böhlau Nachfolger. pp. 146 -155.
    Der Artikel verfolgt, in welcher Weise Johann Gottlieb Fichte mit seiner Wissenschaftslehre die Diskussion um das Wesen der Natur in ihrem Verhältnis zum Subjekt beeinflusst. Dabei wird besonders sein Ansatz zur Fassung der Subjektivität und der Dialektisierung der Erkenntnisbeziehung zwischen Subjekt und Objekt herausgearbeitet. Dabei wird Fichtes Beitrag zur Entwicklung einer modernen dialektischen Methode gewürdigt. -/- The article follows the way in which Johann Gottlieb Fichte influences the discussion about the essence of nature in its relationship to the (...)
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    … Que Estás En Los Cielos: Diálogo Interreligioso y Nuevas Formas de Religiosidad En Las Redes Sociales.Javier Bustamante Donas - 2015 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 11:53-76.
    En este artículo se explora el fenómeno religioso en las comunidades virtuales, en las redes sociales y en la computación en nube, el impacto de los medios sociales en el diálogo interreligioso, sus logros y retos, así como la relevancia del diálogo intercultural para crear una sociedad multicultural. En estos días las tecnologías deben ser vistas como formas de vida, ya que su papel es cada vez más relevante en nuestra existencia cotidiana. Discutimos si el diálogo interreligioso puede beneficiarse de (...)
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  21.  38
    'Transcendental' in Kant and Fichte.Elena Ficara - 2021 - Fichte-Studien 49:333-352.
    The article is about the meaning of the word ‘transcendental’ in Kant and Fichte. Its aim is not merely exegetical. It is a common hermeneutical insight (now revitalised by research on conceptual engineering and conceptual genealogy for analytic philosophy) that analysing the use and definitions of concepts in history, and their shifts in the development of the history of philosophy, is a crucial tool we have to understand those concepts and to assess their viability for philosophy today. In (...)
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  22. The Unity of Reason in Kant and Fichte.Steven Hoeltzel - 2014 - In Halla Kim & Steven Hoeltzel, Kant, Fichte, and the Legacy of Transcendental Idealism. Lanham: Lexington Books. pp. 129-52.
    Proceeding along lines laid out in Kant’s Critiques, this essay gradually homes in on one way of understanding what the ultimate unity of pure reason might consist in. On this model, (i) pure reason, as such, is the power to originate and instate pure organizing forms—including, originally and preeminently, a self-legislated ultimate aim of complete (unmitigated, absolute) rational ordering—but (ii) this originally undifferentiated commitment to the untrammeled implementation of self-originated ordering forms is contingently confronted and qualified by empirical givens (...)
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    Vectores éticos de innovación oculta en la tecnología social.Javier Bustamante Donas - 2013 - Isegoría 48:75-94.
    En este artículo se estudia la conexión entre tecnología social e innovación oculta a partir de un conjunto de vectores éticos. Estos vectores éticos permiten que aflore y se difunda la innovación oculta que se produce a través de la tecnología social en entornos colaborativos. Entender la dimensión ética de la tecnología social permite identificar el papel que juega un conjunto de leyes (ley de Metcalfe, ley de rendimientos crecientes de adopción y ley de externalidades positivas) en el desarrollo (...)
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    Fichte y Heidegger: el problemático significado ontológico de la Wissenschaftslehre.Luciano Corsico - 2016 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 28 (1):31-60.
    El presente artículo tiene como objetivo señalar las limitaciones de una interpretación de la filosofía de Fichte en un sentido ontológico. Durante el período de Jena, está claro que Fichte atribuye una función totalmente secundaria al concepto de ser; es decir, la filosofía trascendental de Fichte comienza por excluir todo significado ontológico de su propia reflexión. Sin embargo, la interpretación de Martin Heidegger sobre el significado ontológico-existencial de la filosofía de Fichte ha ejercido una enorme influencia (...)
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  25. Más que un fenómeno tecnológico. Internet: un motor de creación de metáforas.Javier Bustamante Donas - 2009 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 59 (959):16-22.
    El hombre humaniza al mundo, le inyecta, lo impregna de su propia sustancia ideal y cabe imaginar, que un día de entre los días, allá en los fondos del tiempo, llegue a estar ese terrible mundo exterior tan saturado de hombre, que puedan nuestros descendientes caminar por él como mentalmente caminamos hoy por nuestra intimidad (�) cabe imaginar que el mundo, sin dejar de serlo, llegue a convertirse en algo así como un alma materializada, y como en �La Tempestad �de (...)
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    (1 other version)Conférences sur la destination du suvant.Johann Gottlieb Fichte - 1969 - Paris: J. Vrin. Edited by Jean Louis Vieillard-Baron.
    Quelle est la destination du savant? Quel est son rapport a l'ensemble de l'humanite aussi bien qu'aux positions sociales particulieres dans celle-ci? Par quels moyens peut-il atteindre le plus surement sa sublime destination? Le savant n'est un savant qu'en tant qu'il est oppose a d'autres hommes qui ne le sont pas; son concept resulte de la comparaison et de la relation a la societe; la destination du savant en tant que tel n'est donc pensable que dans la societe; et ainsi (...)
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    Lettres et témoignages sur la Révolution française.Johann Gottlieb Fichte - 2002 - Vrin.
    Tout l'arc de la production fichteenne est sous-tendu par l'effort de decrypter le chiffre de la Grande Revolution de 1789 et d'en conjurer l'echec. Le lecteur pourra reparcourir les differentes etapes de la complexe relation amour-haine que le philosophe allemand a entretenu avec la France, au fil de ce recueil qui reunit pour la premiere fois l'ensemble des jugements qu'il a portes sur la France et les Francais (comprenant quelques inedits), depuis son vigoureux engagement au service des ideaux revolutionnaires jusqu'a (...)
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    Méditations personnelles sur la philosophie élémentaire.J. Fichte - 1999 - Vrin.
    « Composées en 1793, ces méditations sont une ébauche de la future doctrine de la science et l'expression des thèmes qui particulariseront la première philosophie spéculative de Fichte : la nécessité de reconstruire le criticisme à partir d'un unique fondement, la définition du Moi comme acte, l'intuition intellectuelle, la thématisation de trois principes (Moi, Non-Moi et leur synthèse). »--[Source inconnue].
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    Rapport clair comme le jour adressé au grand public sur le caractère propre de la philosophie nouvelle (1801) et autres textes.Johann Gottlieb Fichte - 1999 - Vrin.
    Cet expose des derniers efforts tentes pour elever la philosophie au rang de science, adresse a un public dont l'occupation ordinaire n'est pas l'etude de la philosophie, est exige et justifie par plus d'un motif. Ce qui est desirable, c'est que tout homme qui se flatte d'une certaine culture generale, sache en gros ce qu'est la philosophie; que, sans participer lui-meme a ses recherches, il connaisse du moins leur objet; et que, sans penetrer dans son domaine, il sache du (...)
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    Intrascendencia del derecho: Fichte ad Kant.Max Maureira - 2011 - Tópicos 22:191-209.
    Que el derecho se deduce de la moral, entendida ella en sentido amplio, es evidente en Kant, pero no en Fichte. En efecto, según este último el derecho es, más bien, una condición del despliegue de la libertad. Aquello que se realiza libremente, y que, según Fichte, en esta medida constituye la realidad, se autodispone. Por lo tanto, reclama para sí la exigencia de su concreción. Ella es, por eso, un momento de lo mismo: la génesis de (...)
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    On the Unity of Theoretical Subjectivity in Kant and Fichte.James D. Reid - 2003 - Review of Metaphysics 57 (2):243 - 277.
    Fichte’s Jena Wissenschaftslehre is among the most significant products of that immensely fertile period spanning the publication of Kant’s first Critique and Hegel’s Phenomenology. Like many of Kant’s earliest disciples and critics, Fichte was preoccupied with puzzles that arose in connection with certain distinctions presupposed or drawn by Kant throughout the writings of the Critical period. Among the many distinctions developed with great care in the three Critiques, the most important for Fichte were those (...)
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    L'obra d'Eusebi Colomer.Josep-Maria Terricabras (ed.) - 2007 - Girona: Documenta Universitaria.
    En la gran producció filosòfica d’Eusebi Colomer, s’hi poden distingir tres grans centres d’interès particularment destacats. En primer lloc, la seva dedicació a l’estudi del pensament de Ramon Llull i de Nicolau de Cusa. La seva tesi doctoral va mostrar les influències lul·lianes en l’obra de Nicolau de Cusa a partir de les anotacions autògrafes en què el jove Nicolau es feia ressò de les coses que més li interessaven de Llull. El segon gran centre d’interès el van constituir, naturalment, (...)
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    Reason and Agency in Kant and Fichte.Michael Vater - 2018 - Revista de Estud(I)Os Sobre Fichte 16.
    This paper explores the question of the unity of Transcendental Idealism at the end of Eighteenth Century German philosophy, given that it circulated in different versions, Kant’s Critique [of humans’ rational powers] and Fichte’ System of Science [Wissenschaftslehre]. Both thinkers take the transcendental turn. They base conceptual investigations not on facts or empirical evidence, but on the possibility of a situation; they are idealists since they look inward to the spontaneity of the agent/knower for explanation, not the environment, (...)
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    Externalism and causality: Simulation and the prospects for a reconciliation.DÔna D. Warren - 1999 - Mind and Language 14 (1):154-176.
    Externalism in the philosophy of mind has been invoked by some philosophers to argue that content‐bearing mental states can’t serve as the explananda in genuinely causal explanations of behaviour. In this paper, I demonstrate that such arguments presuppose that psychological explanations are theory‐based and that, if this theoretical conception of psychological explanation is replaced by the simulation model, we remove the source of the apparent tension between externalism and caus‐ality and are in a position to understand how appeal to content‐bearing (...)
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    Review: Sedgwick (ed), The Reception of Kant's Critical Philosophy: Fichte, Schelling, and Hegel. [REVIEW]Kevin Zanelotti - 2001 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 39 (2):302-303.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 39.2 (2003) 302-303 [Access article in PDF] Sedgwick, Sally, ed. The Reception of Kant's Critical Philosophy: Fichte, Schelling, and Hegel. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000. Pp. x + 338. Cloth, $59.95. This collection consists almost entirely of papers from a 1995 conference at Dartmouth on "The Idea of a System of Transcendental Idealism in Kant, Fichte, Schelling, and (...)
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  36. Foundations of natural right: according to the principles of the Wissenschaftslehre.Johann Gottlieb Fichte - 2000 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Frederick Neuhouser & Michael Baur.
    In the history of philosophy, Fichte's thought marks a crucial transitional stage between Kant and post-Kantian philosophy. Fichte radicalized Kant's thought by arguing that human freedom, not external reality, must be the starting point of all systematic philosophy, and in Foundations of Natural Right, thought by many to be his most important work of political philosophy, he applies his ideas to fundamental issues in political and legal philosophy, covering such topics as civic freedom, rights, private property, (...)
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    The system of ethics: according to the principles of the Wissenschaftslehre.Johann Gottlieb Fichte - 2005 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Daniel Breazeale & Günter Zöller.
    Fichte's System of Ethics, originally published in 1798, is at once the most accessible presentation of its author's comprehensive philosophical project, The Science of Knowledge or Wissenschaftslehre, and the most important work in moral philosophy written between Kant and Hegel. This study integrates the discussion of our moral duties into the systematic framework of a transcendental theory of the human subject. Ranging over numerous important philosophical themes, the volume offers a new translation of the work together with an (...)
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  38. Facticity and Genesis: Tracking Fichte’s Method in the Berlin Wissenschaftslehre.G. Anthony Bruno - 2021 - Fichte-Studien 49:177-97.
    The concept of facticity denotes conditions of experience whose necessity is not logical yet whose contingency is not empirical. Although often associated with Heidegger, Fichte coins ‘facticity’ in his Berlin period to refer to the conclusion of Kant’s metaphysical deduction of the categories, which he argues leaves it a contingent matter that we have the conditions of experience that we do. Such rhapsodic or factical conditions, he argues, must follow necessarily, independent of empirical givenness, from the I through (...)
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  39. Genealogy and Jurisprudence in Fichte’s Genetic Deduction of the Categories.G. Anthony Bruno - 2018 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 35 (1):77-96.
    Fichte argues that the conclusion of Kant’s transcendental deduction of the categories is correct yet lacks a crucial premise, given Kant’s admission that the metaphysical deduction locates an arbitrary origin for the categories. Fichte provides the missing premise by employing a new method: a genetic deduction of the categories from a first principle. Since Fichte claims to articulate the same view as Kant in a different, it is crucial to grasp genetic deduction in relation (...)
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  40. The Conceptual Origin of Worldview in Kant and Fichte.Alexander T. Englert - 2023 - Journal of Transcendental Philosophy 4 (1):1-24.
    Kant and Fichte developed the concept of a worldview as a way of reflecting on experience as a whole. But what does it mean to form a worldview? And what role did it play in the German Idealist tradition? This paper seeks to answer these questions through a detailed analysis of the form of a philosophical worldview and its historical portent, both of which remain unexplored in the literature. The dearth of attention is partially to blame on (...)’s desultory development of it, as well as its place in Fichte’s understudied lectures on religion. In this paper, I first reconstruct Kant’s conception as the starting point and then trace it to Fichte who went on to evolve it further. Fichte endorses the basic conceptual shape pioneered by Kant, namely, a reflective process of positing an idea and then checking the coherence of necessary judgments relative to it. However, Fichte came to realize that its philosophical function needed expanding. Beyond recognizing the possibility for alternative worldviews, Fichte further fleshed out how worldview creation could lead to human flourishing. The common feature between both thinkers is that the formation of a worldview aims to turn philosophy into a life-orienting exercise. (shrink)
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  41. Fichte on Conscience.Owen Ware - 2017 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 95 (2):376-394.
    There is no question that Fichte's theory of conscience is central to his system of ethics. Yet his descriptions of its role in practical deliberation appear inconsistent, if not contradictory. Many scholars have claimed that for Fichte conscience plays a material role by providing the content of our moral obligations—the Material Function View. Some have denied this, however, claiming that conscience only plays a formal role by testing our moral convictions in any given case—the Formal Function View. My (...)
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  42. The Parallactic Leap: Fichte, Apperception, and the Hard Problem of Consciousness.G. Anthony Bruno - 2021 - In Parallax: The Dependence of Reality on its Subjective Constitution.
    A precursor to the hard problem of consciousness confronts nihilism. Like physicalism, nihilism collides with the first-personal fact of what perception and action are like. Unless this problem is solved, nature’s inclusion of conscious experience will remain, as Chalmers warns the physicalist, an “unanswered question” and, as Jacobi chides the nihilist, “completely inexplicable". One advantage of Kant’s Copernican turn is to dismiss the question that imposes this hard problem. We need not ask how nature is accompanied by the first-person (...)
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  43. Fichte’s Normative Ethics: Deontological or Teleological?Owen Ware - 2018 - Mind 127 (506):565-584.
    One of the most controversial issues to emerge in recent studies of Fichte concerns the status of his normative ethics, i.e., his theory of what makes actions morally good or bad. Scholars are divided over Fichte’s view regarding the ‘final end’ of moral striving, since it appears this end can be either a specific goal permitting maximizing calculations (the consequentialist reading defended by Kosch 2015), or an indeterminate goal permitting only duty-based decisions (the deontological reading defended by Wood (...)
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    L’Heritage Kantien et La Révolution Co-pernicienne: Fichte — Cohen — Heidegger.Jules Vuillemin - 1954 - FeniXX.
    Cet ouvrage est une réédition numérique d’un livre paru au XXe siècle, désormais indisponible dans son format d’origine.
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    Fichte’s method of philosophical experimentation in the Grundlage der gesamten Wissenschaftslehre.Jelscha Schmid - forthcoming - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 106.
    Throughout different versions of the Wissenschaftslehre J. G. Fichte uses the term ‘experiment’ in reference to his philosophical method. This paper presents an account of Fichte’s methodological understanding of experiments in philosophy and their role in the Grundlage der gesamten Wissenschaftslehre (1794/95). I show that Fichte in Part One and Two of the Grundlage describes and conducts a type of philosophical experiment that draws on key elements of Kant’s conception of an “experiment of pure reason” in (...)
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  46. Fichte's Deduction of the Moral Law.Owen Ware - 2019 - In Steven Hoeltzel, The Palgrave Fichte Handbook. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 239-256.
    It is often assumed that Fichte's aim in Part I of the System of Ethics is to provide a deduction of the moral law, the very thing that Kant – after years of unsuccessful attempts – deemed impossible. On this familiar reading, what Kant eventually viewed as an underivable 'fact' (Factum), the authority of the moral law, is what Fichte traces to its highest ground in what he calls the principle of the 'I'. However, scholars have (...)
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  47. Fichte’s Method of Moral Justification.Owen Ware - 2019 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 27 (6):1173-1193.
    While Kant’s claim that the moral law discloses our freedom to us has been extensively discussed in recent decades, the reactions to this claim among Kant’s immediate successors have gone largely overlooked by scholars. Reinhold, Creuzer, and Maimon were among three prominent thinkers of the era unwilling to follow Kant in making the moral law the condition for knowing our freedom. Maimon went so far as to reject Kant’s method of appealing to our everyday awareness of (...)
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    Contribution to the Correction of the Public's Judgments on the French Revolution.J. G. Fichte, Jeffrey Church & Anna Marisa Schön - 2021 - SUNY Press.
    The reception history of the French Revolution in France and England is well documented among Anglophone scholars; however, the debate over the Revolution in Germany is much less well known. Fichte's Contribution played an important role in this debate. Presented here for the first time in English, Fichte's work provides a distinctive synthesis of Locke's "possessive individualism," Rousseau's general will, and Kant's moral philosophy. This eclectic blend results in an unusual rights theory that at times veers close (...)
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    Fichte et Hegel: la reconnaissance.Franck Fischbach - 1999 - Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
    Les pages de Hegel consacrées à la lutte pour la reconnaissance sont certainement parmi les plus lues et les plus commentées, particulièrement en France où elles ont fourni à Kojève le point de départ d'une magistrale interprétation de la Phénoménologie de l'esprit. Pourquoi les relire une fois encore? Pour elles-mêmes d'abord, en les inscrivant, plus qu'on ne l'a fait jusqu'ici, dans le contexte général de l'idéalisme allemand de manière à clairement faire apparaître que la théorie de la reconnaissance est la (...)
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    Between Kant and Fichte: Karl Leonhard Reinhold's "Elementary Philosophy".Daniel Breazeale - 1982 - Review of Metaphysics 35 (4):785-821.
    IN 1787, six years after the publication of the Critique of Pure Reason, one year before the publication of the Critique of Practical Reason, and three years prior to the appearance of the Critique of Judgment, Duke Karl August of Sax-Weimar was persuaded to establish at the University of Jena the world's first university chair designated for the promulgation and explication of the new Critical Philosophy associated with Immanuel Kant. The first occupant of this chair was Karl Leonhard Reinhold, (...)
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