Results for ' enclosure movement'

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  1. What does it mean to occupy?Tim Gilman & Matt Statler - 2012 - Continent 2 (1):36-39.
    Place mouse over image continent. 2.1 (2012): 36–39. From an ethical and political perspective, people and property can hardly be separated. Indeed, the modern political subject – that is, the individual, the person, the self, the autonomous actor, the rational self-interest maximizer, etc. – has taken shape in and through the elaboration, institutionalization, and enactment of that which rightfully belongs to it. This thread can be traced back perhaps most directly to Locke’s notion that the origin of the political state (...)
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    The Gardens of the British Working Class by Margaret Willes.Lyman Tower Sargent - 2016 - Utopian Studies 27 (2):390-392.
    While, as the author notes, working class was not used until 1790, the book begins in the sixteenth century. And while there are no direct references to utopias or utopianism, there are a number of themes and topics discussed in the book that are related to utopianism and the way gardens and gardening have appeared in utopias. And gardens and gardening have been important in utopias from the very beginning.1 Gardens, for example, are central to life in More’s Utopia and (...)
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    Daoist Ecofeminism as a New Democracy: An Analysis of Patriarchy in Contemporary China and a Tentative Solution.Jing Liu - 2022 - Hypatia 37 (2):276-292.
    The pain caused by the patriarchal totalitarianism of different modern political regimes is felt by everyone in our time: poverty, unemployment, high exploitation of both nature and humans, systematic oppression, persecution and domination, and pollution that threatens human existence. This article analyzes the different forms of patriarchy in contemporary China and explores a feminist way out. The first part examines how modern patriarchy unfolds itself through the land-enclosure movement that has caused serious pollution in China. I will show (...)
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    Conflicts in common(s)? Radical democracy and the governance of the commons.Martin Deleixhe - 2018 - Thesis Eleven 144 (1):59-79.
    Prominent radical democrats have in recent times shown a vivid interest in the commons. Ever since the publication of Governing the Commons by Elinor Ostrom, the commons have been associated with a self-governing and self-sustaining scheme of production and burdened with the responsibility of carving out an autonomous social space independent from both the markets and the state. Since the commons prove on a small empirical scale that self-governance, far from being a utopian ideal, is and long has been a (...)
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    Conceptual Review of the Sustainability of Modern Historical Cultural Space. 김치완 - 2024 - Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 107:49-77.
    서양 고대철학 이래로, 중세와 근대에 이르기까지 공간은 존재가 생성 변화하는 ‘곳’이 면서, 그러한 ‘일과 존재[事物]’를 목격하고 인식하는 ‘곳’으로 주목받았다. 그런데 근대 공 간은 배타적 소유의 대상으로 전락하였고, 서양 제국주의 역사와 함께 확정되면서 압축되 는 국가 경계로 말미암아 존재론적 장소가 소멸되었다는 비판에 직면하였다. 냉전체제 구 축과 함께 오히려 확장되는 양상을 보이면서 모던의 이상적 공간으로서 근대 도시 공간이 더는 존재할 수 없다는 우려가 제기된 것이다. 이에 따라 다양한 논의가 제기되었지만, 젠트리피케이션, 곧 도시 재생이 문제 해결 방 안으로 부상했다. 하지만 영국의 ‘내셔널트러스트’와 독일의 (...)
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  6. Logik der Grenze: Räume des Übergehens im Anschluss an Nishida Kitarō.Francesca Greco & Leon Krings - 2021 - In Leon Krings, Francesca Greco & Yukiko Kuwayama (eds.), Transitions: Crossing Boundaries in Japanese Philosophy. Nagoya: Chisokudō. pp. 122-172.
    The aim of this paper is to investigate Nishida Kitarō’s way of philosophizing in the light of the concept of “transition” in order to deepen our understanding of both Nishida’s philosophy and our thinking about and in transitions, using the concept of “boundary” or “border” (Grenze) as a catalyst. For that purpose, we focus on Nishida’s essay “Place” (「場所」), passing through different parts of the text as if through successive gates on a path of transition between one place and the (...)
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    (1 other version)Opening Out the Boundaries: Homage to the Journal of Chinese Philosophy.Edward S. Casey - 2013 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 40 (S1):12-16.
    “Borders” are impermeable limits designed to stop the flow of human beings as well as ideas across them, whereas “boundaries” are permeable enclosure that permit and often encourage movement through limits. I develop the differences between these two forms of edge with a series of historical and geographical examples. I conclude that the Journal of Chinese Philosophy is a sterling instance of a boundary whose entire being has consisted in facilitating the two-way flow of concepts and traditions across (...)
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    Économie de l'immatériel : Abondance, exclusion et biens communs : Fractures dans la société de la connaissance.Hervé le Crosnier - 2006 - Hermes 45:51.
    La «société de la connaissance» concerne l'ensemble des secteurs productifs. Elle induit une réorganisation des entreprises, qui a des conséquences sur la définition du travail et sur l'établissement de la valeur des firmes. Les enjeux de transfert de connaissances pour le développement sont devenus critiques, comme le montre l'exemple des médicaments. Dans cette situation, une stratégie de verrouillage, par la construction de nouvelles enclosures dans le domaine immatériel est en chantier dans l'ensemble des pays développés. En contrepoint, les nouveaux mouvements (...)
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    The Poor Clares during the Era of Observant Reforms: Attempts at a Typology.Bert Roest - 2011 - Franciscan Studies 69:343-386.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:IntroductionFrom the closing decades of the fourteenth century onwards, reform attempts within the various religious orders gained impetus under the banner of so-called Observant movements. In nearly all orders, these Observant movements advocated a return to the lifestyle of an imagined pristine beginning in the face of a real or perceived crisis.1Within the Clarissan world, there were a number of signs pointing towards such a crisis. Adherence to the (...)
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    Desecularisation: thinking secularisation beyond metaphysics.Erik Meganck - 2021 - Angelaki 26 (3-4):178-194.
    Theologians and philosophers remain rather indecisive about the notion of desecularisation. I suggest that desecularisation should be considered relevant insofar as it interacts with other notions belonging to contemporary thought, namely: radical secularisation, desacralisation, deconstruction, and dis-enclosure. I argue that desecularisation can be understood as belonging to the same movement as the one marked by deconstruction and dis-enclosure. Staging this interaction will yield the following: the necessity of secularising secularisation itself, the importance of differentiating between secularisation and (...)
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    Getting into shape: epidermal morphogenesis in Caenorhabditis elegans embryos.Jeffrey S. Simske & Jeff Hardin - 2001 - Bioessays 23 (1):12-23.
    The change in shape of the C. elegans embryo from an ovoid ball of cells into a worm-shaped larva is driven by three events within the cells of the hypodermis (epidermis): (1) intercalation of two rows of dorsal cells, (2) enclosure of the ventral surface by hypodermis, and (3) elongation of the embryo. While the behavior of the hypodermal cells involved in each of these processes differs dramatically, it is clear that F-actin and microtubules have essential functions in each (...)
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    The multitude beyond measure: Building a common stupor.Derek R. Ford & Masaya Sasaki - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (7):938-945.
    In response to contagion, competing and contradictory movements emerge that engender openness to new modes of life and reactionary defenses of old ones, that acknowledge mutual dependency and vulnerability and that heighten the policing and surveillance of borders. Through reading the Empire project, this article articulates these as struggles over measure that unfold on the terrain of sovereignty and biopolitical economy. We show that the passage from modern to imperial sovereignty hinges on the former’s inability to adequately impose calculatory regimes, (...)
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    Calibrating Study and Learning as Hermeneutic Principles Through Greco-Christian Seeing, Rabbinic Hearing, and Chinese Yijing Observing.Weili Zhao - 2020 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 39 (3):321-336.
    Study is recently re-invoked as an alternative educational formation to disrupt the learning trap and trope. This paper calibrates study and learning as two hermeneutic principles and correlates them with seeing, hearing, and observing as three onto-epistemic modes that respectively underpin Greco-Christian, Rabbinic, and ancient Chinese exegetical traditions. Linking study and learning with the hermeneutic issues of language, text, meaning, and reality, my calibration unfolds in four steps. First, I introduce an epistemic aporia encountered in interpreting some Chinese educational “wind” (...)
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  14. Mindfulness and Creativity: The Impact of Michel Henry and Otto Rank on Psychoanalysis.Max Schaefer - 2023 - In Susi Ferrarello & Christos Hadjioannou (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Phenomenology of Mindfulness. New York, NY: Routledge.
    This chapter highlights the impact of the work of French phenomenologist Michel Henry and Austrian psychoanalyst Otto Rank on psychoanalysis. I contend that Henry and Rank clarify the nature and role of mindfulness and creativity in psychoanalysis. To begin, I draw out the implications of Henry’s critique of Freudian psychoanalysis. In my view, Henry’s work reveals and untangles basic inconsistencies in Freud’s views on the unconscious, affective layer of the subject’s life, and establishes that the creativity of life’s immanent (...) is essential to the development of the subject’s personality and to the acquisition and alleviation of neuroses. At the same time, I maintain that, while Henry’s work acknowledges a potential role for mindfulness in the development of life’s creativity, his account is problematic. At the end of the day, Henry’s conception of life as an immanent, self-enclosed reality fails to adequately account for the relation between life (creativity) and intentionality (mindfulness). As a result, it fails to sufficiently account for the intersubjective character of creativity and mindfulness. To address these issues, I bring Henry’s insights into these matters into dialogue with Rank’s psychology of difference, which similarly regards affectivity and creativity as central to human life and to psychoanalysis. By doing so, what comes forward is that mindfulness and creativity are relationships that can strengthen and weaken one another, and which always involve self-enclosure and openness towards others and the cosmos. Bearing this in mind, I maintain that mindfulness and creativity can play an important role in allowing psychoanalysis to realize its aim of improving the well-being of human beings. (shrink)
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    The Politics of Justification: Newspaper Representations of Environmental Conflict between Fishers and the Oil Industry in Mexico.Liina-Maija Quist & Pia Rinne - 2017 - Environmental Values 26 (4):457-479.
    Media representations of environmental conflicts between companies and communities play an important role in influencing ideas about the rightful exploitation of natural resources. This article examines local newspapers’ representations of fishers’ claims over resource access in a conflict between fishers and the oil industry in Tabasco, Mexico. Our analysis is based on articles from two newspapers dating from 2003–2004 and 2007–2012, and ethnographic data from 2011–2012. Drawing on Boltanski and Thévenot's theory of jus-tification, discussions on patrimonial collectivities, and studies of (...)
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    (1 other version)Murs, frontières et communication : l’éternelle question des rapports entre soi et les autres.Dominique Wolton - 2012 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 63 (2):, [ p.].
    Cinq réflexions sont indispensables pour repenser la question des murs et frontières dans le contexte contemporain. Dans un monde ouvert où la liberté de circulation est une valeur dominante, ceux-ci n’ont jamais été aussi nombreux. Toute problématique de « Murs et Frontières » symbolise la question du rapport à l’autre. Les rapports entre identité et murs sont complexes : il n’y a pas de vie individuelle ou collective sans identité, et donc sans fermeture. Le projet politique de l’Europe représente le (...)
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    First Direct Evidence of Cue Integration in Reorientation: A New Paradigm.Alexandra D. Twyman, Mark P. Holden & Nora S. Newcombe - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (S3):923-936.
    There are several models of the use of geometric and feature cues in reorientation. The adaptive combination approach posits that people integrate cues with weights that depend on cue salience and learning, or, when discrepancies are large, they choose between cues based on these variables. In a new paradigm designed to evaluate integration and choice, disoriented participants attempted to return to a heading direction, in a trapezoidal enclosure in which feature and geometric cues both unambiguously specified a heading, but (...)
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  18. Mindfulness and Creativity: The Impact of Michel Henry and Otto Rank on Psychoanalysis.Max Schaefer - 2023 - In Susi Ferrarello & Christos Hadjioannou (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Phenomenology of Mindfulness. New York, NY: Routledge.
    This chapter highlights the impact of the work of French phenomenologist Michel Henry and Austrian psychoanalyst Otto Rank on psychoanalysis. I contend that Henry and Rank clarify the nature and role of mindfulness and creativity in psychoanalysis. To begin, I draw out the implications of Henry’s critique of Freudian psychoanalysis. In my view, Henry’s work reveals and untangles basic inconsistencies in Freud’s views on the unconscious, affective layer of the subject’s life, and establishes that the creativity of life’s immanent (...) is essential to the development of the subject’s personality and to the acquisition and alleviation of neuroses. At the same time, I maintain that, while Henry’s work acknowledges a potential role for mindfulness in the development of life’s creativity, his account is problematic. At the end of the day, Henry’s conception of life as an immanent, self-enclosed reality fails to adequately account for the relation between life (creativity) and intentionality (mindfulness). As a result, it fails to sufficiently account for the intersubjective character of creativity and mindfulness. To address these issues, I bring Henry’s insights into these matters into dialogue with Rank’s psychology of difference, which similarly regards affectivity and creativity as central to human life and to psychoanalysis. By doing so, what comes forward is that mindfulness and creativity are relationships that can strengthen and weaken one another, and which always involve self-enclosure and openness towards others and the cosmos. Bearing this in mind, I maintain that mindfulness and creativity can play an important role in allowing psychoanalysis to realize its aim of improving the well-being of human beings. (shrink)
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  19. The new/different (of Terms Of Movement) - 2018 - In Tobias Rees (ed.), After ethnos. Durham: Duke University Press.
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    Curriculum Materials Reviews.Christian Education Movement - 1992 - Journal of Moral Education 21 (1):81.
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  21. 66 Public Documents as Sources of Social Constructions homogeneous in their objective characteristics and in their subjective consciousness; that is, they are similar in their class or other statuses, they are committed to the movement for similar reasons, and their conceptions of leadership and doctrine are alike (Morris, 1981; Killian. [REVIEW]Heterogeneous Movement Participants - 1994 - In Theodore R. Sarbin & John I. Kitsuse (eds.), Constructing the social. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications. pp. 65.
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  22. Reptile Haven 1,000 S in stock captive-bred & imported:• Boas & pythons• turtles & tortoises.Free Catalogs, Order Catalogs Toll Free, Reptile Needs At Far, Size Orders, Big Brand, Housing Enclosures, Tera Top Screen Covers, E. S. U. Lizard Litter, Zoo Med Reptisun Bulbs & Reptile Leashes - 1997 - Vivarium 9:26.
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  23. Olivia Barr.Movement an Homage to Legal Drips, Wobbles & Perpetual Motion - 2018 - In Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Law and Theory. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  24. Freedom of Movement and the Rights to Enter and Exit.Christopher Heath Wellman - 2016 - In Sarah Fine & Lea Ypi (eds.), Migration in Political Theory: The Ethics of Movement and Membership. Oxford University Press UK.
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    The Peace Movement in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.Naofumi Masumoto - 2010 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 32 (1):1-11.
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    The German Trade Union Movement under American Occupation, 1945-1949.Paul Phillips - 1950 - Science and Society 14 (4):289 - 306.
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  27. Are local food and the local food movement taking us where we want to go? Or are we hitching our wagons to the wrong stars?Laura B. DeLind - 2011 - Agriculture and Human Values 28 (2):273-283.
    Much is being made of local food. It is at once a social movement, a diet, and an economic strategy—a popular solution—to a global food system in great distress. Yet, despite its popularity or perhaps because of it, local food (especially in the US) is also something of a chimera if not a tool of the status quo. This paper reflects on and contrasts aspects of current local food rhetoric with Dalhberg’s notion of a regenerative food system. It identifies (...)
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    The Peace Movement Debate: Provisional Conclusions.Russell A. Berman - 1983 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1983 (57):129-144.
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    The New Idealistic Movement in Philosophy.Immediate Experience and Mediation.H. Wildon Carr & Harold H. Joachim - 1920 - Philosophical Review 29 (5):503-504.
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    Altering movement parameters disrupts metacognitive accuracy.E. R. Palser, A. Fotopoulou & J. M. Kilner - 2018 - Consciousness and Cognition 57:33-40.
  31. On the failure of movement in dream.F. H. Bradley - 1894 - Mind 3 (11):373-377.
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    Successive approximation in targeted movement: An alternative hypothesis.Paul J. Cordo & Leslie Bevan - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (4):729-730.
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  33. The e-z reader model of eye-movement control in reading: Comparisons to other models.Erik D. Reichle, Keith Rayner & Alexander Pollatsek - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (4):445-476.
    The E-Z Reader model (Reichle et al. 1998; 1999) provides a theoretical framework for understanding how word identification, visual processing, attention, and oculomotor control jointly determine when and where the eyes move during reading. In this article, we first review what is known about eye movements during reading. Then we provide an updated version of the model (E-Z Reader 7) and describe how it accounts for basic findings about eye movement control in reading. We then review several alternative models (...)
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    What was the Oxford Movement?John T. Ford - 2004 - Newman Studies Journal 1 (2):113-115.
  35. Cinema I the movement-image, 1983.Gilles Deleuze - 2019 - In Christopher Want (ed.), Philosophers on film from Bergson to Badiou: a critical reader. New York: Columbia University Press.
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    Review Essay: Affecting Performance: Meaning, Movement, and Experience in Okiek Women's Initiation.Steven M. Friedson - 1995 - Anthropology of Consciousness 6 (2):37-39.
    Affecting Performance: Meaning, Movement, and Experience in Okiek Women's Initiation. Corinne A. Kratz. Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1994. 469 pp. $69.00 (cloth), $24.95 (paper).
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    Changes in Movement Coordination Associated With Skill Acquisition in Baseball Batting: Freezing/Freeing Degrees of Freedom and Functional Variability.Rob Gray - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Aristotle's Circular Movement as a Logos Doctrine.Murray Greene - 1965 - Review of Metaphysics 19 (1):115 - 132.
    Kierkegaard notwithstanding, Hegel's notion of the "good" and "bad" infinity was not unprecedented. On the contrary, this attempt to invest a "logical" category with ethical significances goes back to the very roots of the Western metaphysical tradition. In the Pythagorean doctrine of limit and the unlimited, limit was the arche of the good; the unlimited of evil. In the Pythagorean concept of number as an ens, limit and the unlimited attained ontological status. And since number constituted the determinate character of (...)
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  39. The Affiliative Use of Emoji and Hashtags in the Black Lives Matter Movement in Twitter.Mark Alfano, Ritsaart Reimann, Ignacio Quintana, Marc Cheong & Colin Klein - 2022 - Social Science Computer Review (N/A).
    Protests and counter-protests seek to draw and direct attention and concern with confronting images and slogans. In recent years, as protests and counter-protests have partially migrated to the digital space, such images and slogans have also gone online. Two main ways in which these images and slogans are translated to the online space is through the use of emoji and hashtags. Despite sustained academic interest in online protests, hashtag activism and the use of emoji across social media platforms, little is (...)
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    The Workers' Movement and the Bolivian Revolution Reconsidered.Paul Cammack - 1982 - Politics and Society 11 (2):211-222.
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    A theory of visual movement perception.R. A. Kinchla & Lorraine G. Allan - 1969 - Psychological Review 76 (6):537-558.
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  42. Motus Dei: The Movement of God to Disciple the Nations.[author unknown] - 2021
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  43. The space of a movement : life-writing against racism.Vron Ware - 2014 - In Mary Evans, Clare Hemmings, Marsha Henry, Hazel Johnstone, Sumi Madhok, Ania Plomien & Sadie Wearing (eds.), The SAGE handbook of feminist theory. Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE reference.
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    Phrasal movement and its Kin.David Pesetsky - manuscript
    The investigations reported here are the result of three lucky events. The first occurred in 1986. I had recently done the work reported in Pesetsky (1987), and received in the mail a copy of Kiss (1986). Since I had argued at length that D-linked wh-phrases do not display Superiority effects. I was astonished by a paradigm reported by Kiss, which appears here as example (98). These facts remained stubbornly in my mind for the next decade as an unsolved puzzle. Kiss (...)
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  45. The presentative movement or why the ideal word order is VSOP.Robert Hetzron - 1975 - In Charles N. Li (ed.), Word order and word order change. Austin: University of Texas Press. pp. 346--388.
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  46. (1 other version)The Place of Movement in Consciousness.W. B. Pillsbury - 1911 - Philosophical Review 20:584.
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  47. In Defense of the Student Movement.Noam Chomsky - unknown
    The student movement today is the one organized, significant segment of the intellectual community that has a real and active commitment to the kind of social change that our society desperately needs. Developments now taking place may lead to its destruction, in part through repression, in part through what I think are rather foolish tactics on the part of the student movement itself. I think this would be a great, perhaps irreparable, loss. And I think if it does (...)
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    The Influence of Movement Initiation Deficits on the Quantification of Retention in Parkinson’s Disease.Lisa K. Pendt, Heiko Maurer & Hermann Müller - 2012 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6.
  49. From Enclosure to Foreclosure and Beyond: Opening AI’s Totalizing Logic.Katia Schwerzmann - forthcoming - AI and Society.
    This paper reframes the issue of appropriation, extraction, and dispossession through AI—an assemblage of machine learning models trained on big data—in terms of enclosure and foreclosure. While enclosures are the product of a well-studied set of operations pertaining to both the constitution of the sovereign State and the primitive accumulation of capital, here, I want to recover an older form of the enclosure operation to then contrast it with foreclosure to better understand the effects of current algorithmic rationality. (...)
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    (1 other version)Special Supplement: A Grassroots Movement in Bioethics.Bruce Jennings - 1988 - Hastings Center Report 18 (3):1.
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