Results for ' encoding'

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  1.  22
    On Encoded Lexical Meaning: Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives.Stavros Assimakopoulos - 2012 - Humana Mente 5 (23).
    The past few years have seen quite a bit of speculation over relevance theorists’ commitment to Fodorian semantics as a means to account for the notion of encoded lexical meaning that they put forth in their framework. In this paper, I take on the issue, arguing that this view of lexical semantics compromises Relevance Theory’s aim of psychological plausibility, since it effectively binds it with the ‘literal first’ hypothesis that has been deemed unrealistic from a psycholinguistic viewpoint. After discussing the (...)
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    Encoding without perceiving: Can memories be implanted?Jonathan Najenson - 2023 - Philosophical Psychology:1 - 28.
    The origin of memories is thought to be found in sensory perception. This conception is central to how the memory sciences characterize encoding. This paper considers how novel memory traces can be formed independently of external sensory inputs. I present a case study in which memory traces are created without sensory perception using a technique I call optogenetic memory implantation. Comparing this artificial process with normal memory encoding, I consider its implications for rethinking the causal chain that leads (...)
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    Spatial encoding of auditory stimuli in sequential short-term memory.Richard A. Monty & Robert Karsh - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 81 (3):572.
  4.  29
    Encoding third-person epistemic states contributes to episodic reconstruction of memories.Dora Kampis, András Keszei & Ildikó Király - 2018 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 41:e18.
    We propose an extension to Mahr & Csibra's (M&C's) theory. For successful episodic memory formation, potentially relevant aspects of a situation need to be identified and encodedonlineand retained for prospective interactions.To be maximally convincing, the communicator not only has to encode not justanycontextual detail, but also has to track informationin relation tosocial partners.
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  5. Neural encoding of species dependent face-categories in the macaque temporal cortex.Kristina Nielsen & Gregor Rainer - unknown
    When perceiving a face, we can easily decide whether it belongs to a human or non-human primate. It is thought that face information is represented by neurons in the macaque temporal cortex. However, the precise encoding mechanisms used by these neurons remain unclear. Here we use face stimuli of humans, monkeys and monkey-human hybrids (morphs) to gain a better understanding of these mechanisms, in particular of the categorization of faces into different species, and how learning affects representation of these (...)
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  6.  38
    Semantic encoding and recognition memory: A test of encoding variability theory.Eugene Winograd & Mary F. Geis - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 102 (6):1061.
  7.  34
    Encoding and retrieval from long-term storage.Gordon Wood & Joyce Pennington - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 99 (2):243.
  8.  33
    ENCODE and the parts of the human genome.Marie I. Kaiser - 2018 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 72 (C):28-37.
    This paper examines a specific kind of part-whole relations that exist in the molecular genetic domain. The central question is under which conditions a particular molecule, such as a DNA sequence, is a biological part of the human genome. I address this question by analyzing how biologists in fact partition the human genome into parts. This paper thus presents a case study in the metaphysics of biological practice. I develop a metaphysical account of genomic parthood by analyzing the investigative and (...)
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  9.  39
    Encoded summarization: summarizing documents into continuous vector space for legal case retrieval.Vu Tran, Minh Le Nguyen, Satoshi Tojo & Ken Satoh - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 28 (4):441-467.
    We present our method for tackling a legal case retrieval task by introducing our method of encoding documents by summarizing them into continuous vector space via our phrase scoring framework utilizing deep neural networks. On the other hand, we explore the benefits from combining lexical features and latent features generated with neural networks. Our experiments show that lexical features and latent features generated with neural networks complement each other to improve the retrieval system performance. Furthermore, our experimental results suggest (...)
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    Deviant encodings and Turing’s analysis of computability.B. Jack Copeland & Diane Proudfoot - 2010 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 41 (3):247-252.
    Turing’s analysis of computability has recently been challenged; it is claimed that it is circular to analyse the intuitive concept of numerical computability in terms of the Turing machine. This claim threatens the view, canonical in mathematics and cognitive science, that the concept of a systematic procedure or algorithm is to be explicated by reference to the capacities of Turing machines. We defend Turing’s analysis against the challenge of ‘deviant encodings’.Keywords: Systematic procedure; Turing machine; Church–Turing thesis; Deviant encoding; Acceptable (...)
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  11. Shared encoding and the costs and benefits of collaborative recall.Celia Harris, Amanda Barnier & John Sutton - 2013 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 39 (1):183-195.
    We often remember in the company of others. In particular, we routinely collaborate with friends, family, or colleagues to remember shared experiences. But surprisingly, in the experimental collaborative recall paradigm, collaborative groups remember less than their potential, an effect termed collaborative inhibition. Rajaram and Pereira-Pasarin (2010) argued that the effects of collaboration on recall are determined by “pre-collaborative” factors. We studied the role of 2 pre-collaborative factors—shared encoding and group relationship—in determining the costs and benefits of collaborative recall. In (...)
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  12.  45
    Sequence Encoders Enable Large‐Scale Lexical Modeling: Reply to Bowers and Davis (2009).Daragh E. Sibley, Christopher T. Kello, David C. Plaut & Jeffrey L. Elman - 2009 - Cognitive Science 33 (7):1187-1191.
    Sibley, Kello, Plaut, and Elman (2008) proposed the sequence encoder as a model that learns fixed‐width distributed representations of variable‐length sequences. In doing so, the sequence encoder overcomes problems that have restricted models of word reading and recognition to processing only monosyllabic words. Bowers and Davis (2009) recently claimed that the sequence encoder does not actually overcome the relevant problems, and hence it is not a useful component of large‐scale word‐reading models. In this reply, it is noted that the sequence (...)
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  13.  26
    Analogical Encoding Fosters Ethical Decision Making Because Improved Knowledge of Ethical Principles Increases Moral Awareness.Jihyeon Kim & Jeffrey Loewenstein - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 172 (2):307-324.
    The current paper examines whether knowledge of an ethical principle influences moral awareness and ethical decision making. Using hypothetical scenarios and a behavioral task, three experiments examine the effects of deepening people’s knowledge of ethical principles. In each study, an analogical encoding learning intervention led to greater knowledge of an ethical principle, which in turn resulted in a greater likelihood of moral awareness and making ethical decisions. These findings suggest that moral awareness is partly a matter of the depth (...)
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  14.  90
    Associative encoding and retrieval: Weak and strong cues.Donald M. Thomson & Endel Tulving - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 86 (2):255.
  15. Montaigne, encoder and decoder, in propria persona.Robert F. Jones - 1989 - Communication and Cognition: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly Journal 22 (3-4):263-276.
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  16. Encoding stable memory traces in neural network models.Wl Oliver - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (6):492-492.
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  17. Encoding specificity and retrieval processes in episodic memory.Endel Tulving & Donald M. Thomson - 1973 - Psychological Review 80 (5):352-373.
  18.  30
    Encoding in Conceivability-Contexts: Zalta’s Theory of Intentionality versus Bourgeois-Gironde’s Notion of Quasi-encoding.Valentina Luporini - 2022 - Metaphysica 23 (2):341-367.
    In, the author proposes a survey of Zalta’s Object Theory and, more specifically, of the Modal Axiom of Encoding. MAE claims that if something x possibly encodes a property F, then x necessarily encodes F. According to Bourgeois-Gironde, MAE fails to account for intentional phenomena which occur in conceivability-contexts. His solution is based on the notion of quasi-encoding: x quasi-encodes F iff x possibly encodes F. In this paper, I show that Bourgeois-Gironde’s concern is misguided and that Zalta’s (...)
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  19.  13
    Incidental encoding of visual information in temporal reference frames in working memory.Anna Heuer & Martin Rolfs - 2021 - Cognition 207 (C):104526.
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  20.  18
    Categorical encoding in short-term memory by 4- to 11-year-old children.Harry W. Hoemann, Donald V. DeRosa & Carol E. Andrews - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 3 (1):63-65.
  21.  13
    Encoding processes for recall and recognition: The effect of instructions and auxiliary task performance.Stephen A. Maisto, Richard J. Dewaard & Marilyn E. Miller - 1977 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 9 (2):127-130.
  22.  11
    Encoding and retrieval of orientation: A new slant on an old problem.Jean M. Mandler & Nancy L. Stein - 1977 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 10 (1):9-12.
  23.  62
    Language Encodes Geographical Information.Max M. Louwerse & Rolf A. Zwaan - 2009 - Cognitive Science 33 (1):51-73.
    Population counts and longitude and latitude coordinates were estimated for the 50 largest cities in the United States by computational linguistic techniques and by human participants. The mathematical technique Latent Semantic Analysis applied to newspaper texts produced similarity ratings between the 50 cities that allowed for a multidimensional scaling (MDS) of these cities. MDS coordinates correlated with the actual longitude and latitude of these cities, showing that cities that are located together share similar semantic contexts. This finding was replicated using (...)
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  24.  33
    Encoding during the attentional lapse: Accuracy of encoding during the semantic sustained attention to response task.J. Smallwood, L. Riby, D. Heim & J. Davies - 2006 - Consciousness and Cognition 15 (1):218-231.
    An experiment investigated the relationship between the ability to encode verbal stimuli during an attentional lapse. The task employed a variation on the sustained attention to response task which involved the detection of an infrequent target against a background of words. As a manipulation, participants were either instructed to encode the stimuli or were merely exposed to the stimuli. Retrieval was measured using process dissociation. Irrespective of the instructions given to the participants during the task, participants were more likely to (...)
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  25.  23
    Encoding variability and imagery: Evidence for a spacing-type effect without spacing.Donald Robbins & Phillip S. Wise - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 95 (1):229.
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  26.  35
    (1 other version)Encoding and Accessing Linguistic Representations in a Dynamically Structured Holographic Memory System.Dan Parker & Daniel Lantz - 2016 - Topics in Cognitive Science 8 (4).
    This paper presents a computational model that integrates a dynamically structured holographic memory system into the ACT-R cognitive architecture to explain how linguistic representations are encoded and accessed in memory. ACT-R currently serves as the most precise expression of the moment-by-moment working memory retrievals that support sentence comprehension. The ACT-R model of sentence comprehension is able to capture a range of linguistic phenomena, but there are cases where the model makes the wrong predictions, such as the over-prediction of retrieval interference (...)
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  27.  9
    The encoding of placement and removal events in Ākhoe Hai om.Christian J. Rapold - 2012 - In Anetta Kopecka & Bhuvana Narasimhan, Events of Putting and Taking: A Crosslinguistic Perspective. John Benjamins. pp. 100--79.
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  28.  69
    Encoding legislation: a methodology for enhancing technical validation, legal alignment and interdisciplinarity.Alice Witt, Anna Huggins, Guido Governatori & Joshua Buckley - 2024 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 32 (2):293-324.
    This article proposes an innovative methodology for enhancing the technical validation, legal alignment and interdisciplinarity of attempts to encode legislation. In the context of an experiment that examines how different legally trained participants convert select provisions of the Australian Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) into machine-executable code, we find that a combination of manual and automated methods for coding validation, which focus on formal adherence to programming languages and conventions, can significantly increase the similarity of encoded rules between coders. Participants nonetheless (...)
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  29.  33
    Encoding Complete Metric Structures by Classical Structures.Nathanael Leedom Ackerman - 2020 - Logica Universalis 14 (4):421-459.
    We show how to encode, by classical structures, both the objects and the morphisms of the category of complete metric spaces and uniformly continuous maps. The result is a category of, what we call, cognate metric spaces and cognate maps. We show this category relativizes to all models of set theory. We extend this encoding to an encoding of complete metric structures by classical structures. This provide us with a general technique for translating results about infinitary logic on (...)
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  30.  12
    Encoding true second‐order arithmetic in the real‐algebraic structure of models of intuitionistic elementary analysis.Miklós Erdélyi-Szabó - 2021 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 67 (3):329-341.
    Based on the paper [4] we show that true second‐order arithmetic is interpretable over the real‐algebraic structure of models of intuitionistic analysis built upon a certain class of complete Heyting algebras.
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  31. Junk or functional DNA? ENCODE and the function controversy.Pierre-Luc Germain, Emanuele Ratti & Federico Boem - 2014 - Biology and Philosophy 29 (6):807-831.
    In its last round of publications in September 2012, the Encyclopedia Of DNA Elements (ENCODE) assigned a biochemical function to most of the human genome, which was taken up by the media as meaning the end of ‘Junk DNA’. This provoked a heated reaction from evolutionary biologists, who among other things claimed that ENCODE adopted a wrong and much too inclusive notion of function, making its dismissal of junk DNA merely rhetorical. We argue that this criticism rests on misunderstandings concerning (...)
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  32.  90
    Deep plasticity: The encoding approach to perceptual change.Mark Rollins - 1994 - Philosophy of Science 61 (1):39-54.
    The basic problem of perceptual change is how to account for both variation and constancy in perceiving the world. Is order learned? How deep does plasticity go in that respect? I argue that different kinds of perceptual plasticity have been confused in recent debates, notably between J. Fodor and P. M. Churchland. By focusing on changes in the use of concepts, the issues in the Fodor-Churchland debate can be resolved. Beyond that debate, I propose a generalized encoding approach to (...)
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  33.  59
    Distinctiveness and encoding effects in online sentence comprehension.Philip Hofmeister & Shravan Vasishth - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:98835.
    In explicit memory recall and recognition tasks, elaboration and contextual isolation both facilitate memory performance. Here, we investigate these effects in the context of sentence processing: targets for retrieval during online sentence processing of English object relative clause constructions differ in the amount of elaboration associated with the target noun phrase, or the homogeneity of superficial features (text color). Experiment 1 shows that greater elaboration for targets during the encoding phase reduces reading times at retrieval sites, but elaboration of (...)
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  34.  21
    Encoding specificity in the cued and free recall of categorically and alphabetically organized words.Patricia A. Lauer - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 4 (5):496-498.
  35.  44
    Neural encoding principles in face perception revealed using non-primate models.Keith Kendrick & Jianfeng Feng - 2011 - In Andy Calder, Gillian Rhodes, Mark Johnson & Jim Haxby, Oxford Handbook of Face Perception. Oxford University Press.
    Specialized neural systems for encoding faces and face emotion cues are found in sheep which are very similar to those described in human and non-human primates. Sheep exhibit highly sophisticated face identity and face emotion discrimination skills, use configural cues, and also show right hemisphere dominance in face processing. Findings provide evidence for both sparse and population-based encoding with small populations of cells encoding selectively for specific individuals or categories of individual but nevertheless with widespread and overlapping (...)
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  36.  96
    Encoding modal logics in logical frameworks.Arnon Avron, Furio Honsell, Marino Miculan & Cristian Paravano - 1998 - Studia Logica 60 (1):161-208.
    We present and discuss various formalizations of Modal Logics in Logical Frameworks based on Type Theories. We consider both Hilbert- and Natural Deduction-style proof systems for representing both truth (local) and validity (global) consequence relations for various Modal Logics. We introduce several techniques for encoding the structural peculiarities of necessitation rules, in the typed -calculus metalanguage of the Logical Frameworks. These formalizations yield readily proof-editors for Modal Logics when implemented in Proof Development Environments, such as Coq or LEGO.
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  37.  19
    Encoding variability in mediated transfer.John H. Mueller - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 1 (3):175-177.
  38.  64
    Encoding categories of words: An empirical approach to meaning.Delos D. Wickens - 1970 - Psychological Review 77 (1):1-15.
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  39.  43
    Encoding variability: Tests of the Martin hypothesis.Robert F. Williams & Benton J. Underwood - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 86 (2):317.
  40.  17
    Impaired Encoding: Calculating, Ordering, and the “Disability Percentages” Classification System.Gaby Admon-Rick - 2014 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 39 (1):105-129.
    Work injury compensation and pensions are often determined according to medical disability rating scales attributing a percentage to each impaired body part or function. Incorporated into central medical–administrative networks of committees and examinations, these produce disability as a calculable space. This article examines the specific case of the Israeli National Insurance regulations regarding work injuries of 1956 and analyzes the shifted order they set. Looking at this system in the specific historical context of transition from the British Mandate workmen’s compensation (...)
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  41.  59
    Encoding effects of response belongingness and stimulus meaningfulness on recognition memory of trigram stimuli.Henry C. Ellis & E. Chandler Shumate - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 98 (1):70.
  42.  40
    Encoding and retrieval processes in long-term retention.Axel Gotz & Larry L. Jacoby - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 102 (2):291.
  43.  22
    Encoding effects on complex problem solving.Roger I. Simon - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 83 (2p1):227.
  44. Grammatical encoding.Victor S. Ferreira & Slevc & L. Robert - 2009 - In Gareth Gaskell, Oxford Handbook of Psycholinguistics. Oxford University Press.
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  45. The Encoding of Spatial Information During Small-Set Enumeration.Harry Haladjian, Manish Singh, Zenon Pylyshyn & Randy Gallistel - 2010 - In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone, Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
    Using a novel enumeration task, we examined the encoding of spatial information during subitizing. Observers were shown masked presentations of randomly-placed discs on a screen and were required to mark the perceived locations of these discs on a subsequent blank screen. This provided a measure of recall for object locations and an indirect measure of display numerosity. Observers were tested on three stimulus durations and eight numerosities. Enumeration performance was high for displays containing up to six discs—a higher subitizing (...)
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  46.  32
    Encoding of event roles from visual scenes is rapid, spontaneous, and interacts with higher-level visual processing.Alon Hafri, John C. Trueswell & Brent Strickland - 2018 - Cognition 175 (C):36-52.
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  47.  31
    Congruency Encoding Effects on Recognition Memory: A Stage-Specific Account of Desirable Difficulty.Melissa J. Ptok, Sandra J. Thomson, Karin R. Humphreys & Scott Watter - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:446352.
    Recent research suggests that selectively attending to relevant stimuli while having to ignore or resist conflicting stimuli can lead to improvements in learning. While mostly discussed within a broader “desirable difficulty” framework in the memory and education literatures, some recent work has focused on more mechanistic questions of how processing conflict (e.g., from incongruent primes) might elicit increased attention and control, producing enhanced incidental encoding of high-conflict stimuli. This encoding benefit for high-control-demand or high-difficulty situations has been broadly (...)
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  48.  29
    Encoding time from iconic storage: A single-letter visual display.Terry J. Spencer - 1971 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 91 (1):18.
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  49.  32
    Information encoding and decision time as variables in human choice behavior.Louis M. Herman - 1966 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 71 (5):718.
  50.  43
    Encoding and recognition memory for naturalistic sounds.Gordon H. Bower & Keith Holyoak - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 101 (2):360.
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