Results for ' event runs'

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  1.  30
    Contingencies among event runs in binary prediction.Patricia A. Butler, Nancy A. Myers & Jerome L. Myers - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 79 (3p1):424.
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    Cue properties of the event run in choice discrimination learning.Joseph Halpern, Alma E. Lantz & Jeffrey A. Schwartz - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 80 (2p1):237.
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    Effect of mean and variability of event run length on two-choice learning.Blase Gambino & Jerome L. Myers - 1966 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 72 (6):904.
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    Role of event runs in probability learning.Blase Gambino & Jerome L. Myers - 1967 - Psychological Review 74 (5):410-419.
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    Prediction of sequential two-choice decisions from event runs.Delmer C. Nicks - 1959 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 57 (2):105.
  6.  20
    An End-to-End Rumor Detection Model Based on Feature Aggregation.Aoshuang Ye, Lina Wang, Run Wang, Wenqi Wang, Jianpeng Ke & Danlei Wang - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-16.
    The social network has become the primary medium of rumor propagation. Moreover, manual identification of rumors is extremely time-consuming and laborious. It is crucial to identify rumors automatically. Machine learning technology is widely implemented in the identification and detection of misinformation on social networks. However, the traditional machine learning methods profoundly rely on feature engineering and domain knowledge, and the learning ability of temporal features is insufficient. Furthermore, the features used by the deep learning method based on natural language processing (...)
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    Running across the mind or across the park: does speech about physical and metaphorical motion go hand in hand?Wojciech Lewandowski & Şeyda Özçalışkan - 2023 - Cognitive Linguistics 34 (3-4):411-444.
    Expression of physical motion (e.g.,man runs by) shows systematic variability not only between language types (i.e., inter-typological) but also within a language type (i.e., intra-typological). In this study, we asked whether the patterns of variability extend to metaphorical motion events (e.g.,time runs by). Our analysis of randomly selected 450 physical motion (150/language) and 450 metaphorical motion (150/language) event descriptions from written texts originally produced by German, Polish, and Spanish authors showed strong inter-typological differences in the expression of (...)
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    Effect of run length on the "gambler's fallacy".Peter L. Derks - 1963 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 65 (2):213.
  9.  21
    Run Away from History.Kazim Ali - 2022 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 12 (1):139-140.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Run Away from HistoryKazim Ali (bio)I’m at the tail end of this conversation but also at the tail end of history. Fanny Howe says five Black boys on a corner (any corner) are “runaways from history.” Meaning they are still enslaved. Still a slave. Tongo Eisen-Martin says, “I am arrested all the time for nothing.” And yet there is no white crime in America, statistically speaking, no police crime.When (...)
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    From Running to Cross-Country Skiing and Beyond – Can Sport Count as a Pre-Eminently Aesthetic Activity?Margus Vihalem - 2023 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 18 (2):229-243.
    The article explores the realm of sport from an aesthetic point of view. Making a sustained physical effort regularly may have a positive impact on our psycho-somatic being and can sustain our health and well-being. But what exactly is this aesthetic component in sport and is it possible that this aesthetic component prevails over other components when it comes to individual sport? Moreover, is this aesthetic component complex in its nature or can it be reduced to some unique underlying principle? (...)
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    “Like Nothing I’ve Seen Before”: A Qualitative Inquiry Into the Lived Experience of Competing in a Trail Running Event.Timothy P. Chambers & Jennifer Poidomani - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundA recent upsurge in nature-based exercise research demonstrates the potential added benefits of exercising in this context compared to more urban ones. Yet there is a lack of qualitative research investigating the lived experiences of those who participate in nature-based exercise events.ObjectiveTo explore the lived experience of individuals who were first-time participants in a nature-based running event.MethodSix participants who completed the Run Forrest trail run for the first time were individually interviewed. Semi-structured interviews were devised, and participants were invited (...)
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    Self-Will Run Riot.Roget Lockard - 2003 - Janus Head 6 (2):190-207.
    This paper proposes that the major national/cultural states of consciousness in the world today are characterized by an addictive epistemology — the corruption of will into willfulness. The essence of addiction is seen to reside in the issue of control While World War II had a singularly "intoxicating" effect on the world's consciousness, the war in Vietnam was an occasion when this consciousness "hit bottom." The hitting bottom event is not a function of objective circumstances, but of consciousness; of (...)
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    “Hit-and-run”: Transcription factors get caught in the act.Varodom Charoensawan, Claudia Martinho & Philip A. Wigge - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (7):748-754.
    A key challenge for understanding transcriptional regulation is being able to measure transcription factor (TF)‐DNA binding events with sufficient spatial and temporal resolution; that is, when and where TFs occupy their cognate sites. A recent study by Para et al. has highlighted the dynamics underlying the activation of gene expression by a master regulator TF. This study provides concrete evidence for a long‐standing hypothesis in biology, the “hit‐and‐run” mechanism, which was first proposed decades ago. That is, gene expression is dynamically (...)
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    Born to Run: Athletes of the Iditarod.Albert Lewis - 2013 - Albert Lewis.
    It's a familiar image: a line of dogs surging through snow along the Iditarod trail. It can be easy to forget that each team is made up of individual dogs, each one bred and trained to perform at the pinnacle of canine ability. Albert Lewis, a professional photographer and dog lover, was skeptical of the race when he first moved to Alaska, but after seeing the dogs' excitement at the Iditarod starting line and experiencing the mushers' deep connection with these (...)
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  15. Drama on the run: A prelude to mapping the practice of process drama.Pamela Bowell & Brian Heap - 2005 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 39 (4):58-69.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Drama on the Run:A Prelude to Mapping the Practice of Process DramaPamela Bowell (bio) and Brian Heap (bio)In the current educational climate prevailing in a number of countries, increased emphasis is being placed on the concept of "the artist in schools." Funding is being channeled to support a range of initiatives and schemes that are designed to bring arts professionals from all the art forms into the classroom where (...)
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    (1 other version)Between the Horns: A Dilemma in the Interpretation of the Running of the Bulls – Part 1: The Confrontation.Jesús Ilundáin-Agurruza - 2007 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 1 (3):325-345.
    The essay, divided in two parts, examines the event of the running of the bulls (encierro in Spanish). The phenomenon of the encierro, a complex cultural activity of deep historical roots, demands to be understood: What drives people to risk injury or death at the horns of untamed bulls? How should we make sense of this, subjective and objectively? To answer these questions, I use a framework that relies on explanation and assessment of popular views on the way to (...)
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  17. Feeling good, sensory engagements, and time out: Embodied pleasures of running.Patricia Jackman, Jacquelyn Allen-Collinson, Noora Ronkainen & Noel Brick - 2022 - Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health 14 (Online early).
    Despite considerable growth in understanding of various aspects of sporting and exercise embodiment over the last decade, in-depth investigations of embodied affectual experiences in running remain limited. Furthermore, within the corpus of literature investigating pleasure and the hedonic dimension in running, much of this research has focused on experiences of pleasure in relation to performance and achievement, or on specific affective states, such as enjoyment, derived after completing a run. We directly address this gap in the qualitative literature on sporting (...)
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    Memory: A River Runs through It.Maryanne Garry, Elizabeth F. Loftus & Scott W. Brown - 1994 - Consciousness and Cognition 3 (3-4):438-451.
    Two decades of research using repeated false statements and underhanded information have shown that people can easily be made to believe that they have seen or experienced something they never did. In this paper, we discuss the possibility that the mental health professional and client may unknowingly collaborate to create a client′s false memory of childhood sexual abuse. Both therapist and client bring beliefs into therapy, and the confirmation bias shows that people discover what they already believe to be true. (...)
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    Recommendations for Overcoming the Challenges of Running a Science Café.Louise Ringuette, Charles Dupras & Sylvain Charbonneau - 2024 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 7 (4):109-118.
    For graduate students and junior researchers alike, organising a science café may seem a simple and relatively harmless academic activity. However, organising such an event, especially when it aims to share complex and sophisticated thinking with the general public, can raise challenges from conception to completion. In this text, we share our reflections on the challenges and other lessons learned by the members of the organising team of a bioethics café funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, in (...)
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    The Effect of Environmental Activism on the Long-run Market Value of a Company: A Case Study.Robert Lewis, Gary O’Donovan & Roger Willett - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 140 (3):455-476.
    This paper investigates the impact of activism on a large, powerful corporation in Tasmania. Gunns Ltd was a large woodchip processor in Tasmania that fought a long-running battle with environmental activists regarding Gunns’ logging and processing activities. The study focuses on events in 2004–2005, when Gunns applied to build a pulp mill in rural northern Tasmania and began a legal case against activists. The research question is whether there is clear statistical evidence that these events were important, as is widely (...)
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    On Literary Works as Simulations that Run on Minds.Rainer Reisenzein - 2009 - Emotion Review 1 (1):35-36.
    This commentary discusses Oatley's proposal that literary works considered as simulations that run on minds can fulfill similar epistemic functions as computer simulations of mental processes. Whereas in computer simulation, both the input data and the computations to be performed on these data are explicit, only the input is explicitly known in the case of mental simulation. For this reason, literary simulations cannot play exactly the same epistemic role as computer simulations. Still, literary simulations can provide knowledge (e.g., about the (...)
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    The Knower, the Sayer, and the Doer in Norman Maclean’s A River Runs Through It.James Mayo - 2020 - Renascence 72 (4):215-230.
    This essay addresses the connections between Emersonian and Wordsworthian concepts and Norman Maclean’s novella A River Runs through It, specifically those ideas of the Knower, the Sayer, and the Doer from Emerson’s “The Poet,” Emerson’s concept of what constitutes poetry and “The Poet,” as well as Wordsworth’s notions of poetic creativity. As discussed in the essay, Emerson’s concepts of the Knower, the Sayer, and the Doer line up with the three central characters of the novella—The Reverend Maclean, Norman Maclean (...)
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    Free Will for the Long Run.Benjamin I. Huff - 2021 - The Monist 104 (3):352-365.
    For beings that have a beginning in time, free will seems impossible, because our choices seem to be a result of past events over which we had no control. Latter-day Saint theology offers what seems a simple solution: the idea that human beings have always existed in the form of spirits or “intelligences.” While this idea solves some key puzzles, contemplating an infinite past also brings the recognition that causal autonomy is not enough for freedom. A crucial feature of humanity (...)
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    Chinese Stock Market’s Reaction to COVID-19 in the Short and Long Run.Hongxia Wang & Zongzheng Yu - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-18.
    We study the impact of COVID-19 on Chinese stock market which can be seen as a complex system. We use the event study method to evaluate its performance change in terms of the return rate, turnover rate, etc. We show that the abnormal return of stock market was significantly negative after the outbreak of COVID-19 and did not turn positive until May 2020. Moreover, the five-factor model is used to estimate the ordinary returns of different industries and show that (...)
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    (1 other version)Between the Horns: A Dilemma in the Interpretation of the Running of the Bulls - Part 2: The Evasion.Jesus Ilundain-Agurruza - 2008 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 2 (1):18 – 38.
    This second part of the essay deals with the horns of the dilemma at the conceptual level and ?on the street?. The first part ended with that quandary where a deep understanding was precluded no matter which way one turned, whether an inadequate comprehension based on individual and partial notions, a perplexing pluralist path or a relinquishment of the hermeneutic enterprise altogether. The philosophical solution of existential overtones presently put forward deftly avoids the sharp ends of the predicament by means (...)
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    The Power of Exercise and the Exercise of Power: The Harvard Fatigue Laboratory, Distance Running, and the Disappearance of Work, 1919–1947.Robin Wolfe Scheffler - 2015 - Journal of the History of Biology 48 (3):391-423.
    In the early twentieth century, fatigue research marked an area of conflicting scientific, industrial, and cultural understandings of working bodies. These different understandings of the working body marked a key site of political conflict during the growth of industrial capitalism. Many fatigue researchers understood fatigue to be a physiological fact and allied themselves with Progressive-era reformers in urging industrial regulation. Opposed to these researchers were advocates of Taylorism and scientific management, who held that fatigue was a mental event and (...)
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  27. On the event relativity of modal auxiliaries.Valentine Hacquard - 2010 - Natural Language Semantics 18 (1):79-114.
    Crosslinguistically, the same modal words can be used to express a wide range of interpretations. This crosslinguistic trend supports a Kratzerian analysis, where each modal has a core lexical entry and where the difference between an epistemic and a root interpretation is contextually determined. A long-standing problem for such a unified account is the equally robust crosslinguistic correlation between a modal’s interpretation and its syntactic behavior: epistemics scope high (in particular higher than tense and aspect) and roots low, a fact (...)
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  28. Events, Topology and Temporal Relations.Fabio Pianesi & Achille C. Varzi - 1996 - The Monist 79 (1):89--116.
    We are used to regarding actions and other events, such as Brutus’ stabbing of Caesar or the sinking of the Titanic, as occupying intervals of some underlying linearly ordered temporal dimension. This attitude is so natural and compelling that one is tempted to disregard the obvious difference between time periods and actual happenings in favor of the former: events become mere “intervals cum description”.1 On the other hand, in ordinary circumstances the point of talking about time is to talk about (...)
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  29. An event-without-witness: a Nietzschean theory of the digital will to power as the will to temporalize.Talha Can Issevenler - 2022 - The Agonist : A Nietzsche Circle Journal 16 (2):83-93.
    This article offers a Nietzschean theory of digital will to power to conceptualize the temporality of social media feeds run by algorithms. Stylistic and methodological temporalities of Nietzsche are discussed as well as their influence in subsequent social theory of political technologies. The paradox of heavy investment in both subjective expression and nonhuman temporalization in social media milieus is addressed with the concept of an event-without-witness drawn from Nietzsche’s account of himself as the solitary thinker of catastrophe of nihilism (...)
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  30. Tele-Mournings: Actuvirtual Events and Shared Responsibilities.Thomas Clément Mercier - 2020 - Derrida Today 13 (2):189-197.
    This thought piece dealing with the Covid-19 ‘crisis’ was written – in the form of a diary that runs from February to July 2020 – for a special issue of Derrida Today entitled ‘Fire, Flood, Pestilence and Protest’, edited by Nicole Anderson, and published in November 2020. The piece deals with matters of biopolitics, telecommunication, death and mourning through Derrida and Agamben, and interrogates the eventness of what is called an ‘event’.
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    Event coding as feature guessing: The lessons of the motor theory of speech perception.Bruno Galantucci, Carol A. Fowler & M. T. Turvey - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (5):886-887.
    The claim that perception and action are commonly coded because they are indistinguishable at the distal level is crucial for theories of cognition. However, the consequences of this claim run deep, and the Theory of Event Coding (TEC) is not up to the challenge it poses. We illustrate why through a brief review of the evidence that led to the motor theory of speech perception.
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    Theology and the event: The ambivalence of Alain Badiou.Roland Boer - 2011 - Heythrop Journal 52 (2):234-249.
    A tension runs through the lucidly militant work of Alain Badiou. It takes various shapes, such as the tension between the rigorous ontology of mathematics and the structures of narrative, or between fiction and argument, image and formula, poem and matheme, or Anglo-American analytic rationalism and continental lyricism. However, the shape of that tension that interests me most is between the triumphant banishing of theology via mathematics and its perpetual recurrence in his thought. For all Badiou’s efforts to dismiss (...)
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  33.  12
    Earworm and Event: Music, Daydreams, and Other Imaginary Refrains.Eldritch Priest - 2022 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    In _Earworm and Event_ Eldritch Priest questions the nature of the imagination in contemporary culture through the phenomenon of the earworm: those reveries that hijack our attention, the shivers that run down our spines, and the songs that stick in our heads. Through a series of meditations on music, animal mentality, abstraction, and metaphor, Priest uses the earworm and the states of daydreaming, mind-wandering, and delusion it can produce to outline how music is something that is felt as thought rather (...)
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    A Bayesian Baseline for Belief in Uncommon Events.Vesa Palonen - 2017 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 9 (3):159-175.
    The plausibility of uncommon events and miracles based on testimony of such an event has been much discussed. When analyzing the probabilities involved, it has mostly been assumed that the common events can be taken as data in the calculations. However, we usually have only testimonies for the common events. While this difference does not have a significant effect on the inductive part of the inference, it has a large influence on how one should view the reliability of testimonies. (...)
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    The Representation of Cross-Border Surrogacy in Australian Surrogacy Events.Yingyi Luo, Denise Cuthbert & Shelley Marshall - 2023 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 16 (2):95-114.
    As a method of family formation, cross-border surrogacy is controversial and beset by risks of exploitation. This article extends the literature on surrogacy by examining the way Australian surrogacy promotion and information events represent cross-border surrogacy. It examines the emerging phenomenon of surrogacy events held by a not-for-profit surrogacy organization to promote cross-border surrogacy in Australia—a country that prohibits commercial surrogacy. The article draws on observations from a series of surrogacy events in Australia and online during the 2019–21 time period. (...)
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    Acts, Events, and Stories. On the History of Danto’s Compatibilist Narrativism.Thomas Uebel - 2019 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 14 (1):47-79.
    The response given to C.G. Hempel’s well-known challenge by Arthur Danto in his Analytical Philosophy of History of 1965 – that deductive-nomological and narrative explanations are logically compatible yet employ incommensurable schemata – is here investigated from a historical perspective. It is shown that the developmental trajectory that emerges from an analysis of Danto’s previous writings – including not only a forgotten paper of 1958 but also his PhD dissertation of 1952 – contains distinctive step-changes with publications of 1953 and (...)
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    Can Ontology Do Without Events?Nicholas Wolterstorff - 1979 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 7 (1):177-201.
    In his book Persons and Objects, Professor Chisholm undertakes to show the satisfactoriness of an ontology which does not admit the existence of concrete events, such as sneezings, runnings, etc. He attempts to show that if we allow the existence of states of affairs, these being everlastingly existing entities, we need not acknowledge the existence of those perishing entities which are concrete events. I n this paper I discuss the tenability of this contention, considering especially whether the reductions that Chisholm (...)
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    Can Ontology Do Without Events?Nicholas Wolterstorff - 1979 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 7 (1):177-201.
    In his book Persons and Objects, Professor Chisholm undertakes to show the satisfactoriness of an ontology which does not admit the existence of concrete events, such as sneezings, runnings, etc. He attempts to show that if we allow the existence of states of affairs, these being everlastingly existing entities, we need not acknowledge the existence of those perishing entities which are concrete events. I n this paper I discuss the tenability of this contention, considering especially whether the reductions that Chisholm (...)
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    ‘News media’-media events: Terrorist acts as media events.Hillel Nossek - 2008 - Communications 33 (3):313-330.
    Based on longitudinal research on the media coverage of terrorist attacks, this article suggests a model of how the coverage of these attacks may be conceptualized as a media event and explores the function this serves within society. The main assumption of the model is that journalists change their ritual of news coverage when dealing with exceptional terrorist attacks; they abandon their usual normative professional frame that encompasses such activities as critical scrutiny of governmental actions, and assume a national-patriotic (...)
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    Problematising the technological: The object as event?Adrian Mackenzie - 2005 - Social Epistemology 19 (4):381 – 399.
    The paper asks how certain zones of technical practice or technologies come to matter as "the Technological", a way of construing political change in terms of technical innovation and invention. The social construction of technology (SCOT) established that things mediate social relations, and that social practices are constantly needed to maintain the workability of technologies. It also linked the production, representation and use of contemporary technologies to scientific knowledge. However, it did all this at a certain cost. To understand something (...)
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  41. The progressive in English: Events, states and processes. [REVIEW]Terence Parsons - 1989 - Linguistics and Philosophy 12 (2):213 - 241.
    This paper has two goals. The first is to formulate an adequate account of the semantics of the progressive aspect in English: the semantics of Agatha is making a cake, as opposed to Agatha makes a cake. This account presupposes a version of the so-called Aristotelian classification of verbs in English into EVENT, PROCESS and STATE verbs. The second goal of this paper is to refine this classification so as to account for the infamous category switch problem, the problem (...)
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    How It Feels: Black Screen as Negative Event in Early Cinema and 9/11 Films.Tanya Shilina-Conte - 2016 - Studia Phaenomenologica 16:409-438.
    In this essay I engage the perspective of film phenomenology to analyze the black screen as a frame-breaking negative experience, based on an understanding of cinema as event. Relying on Vivian Sobchack’s phenomenological approach and taking inspiration from Cecil M. Hepworth’s How It Feels to Be Run Over, a case in point for a method predicated on the question of “how,” I place emphasis on the “film’s body” and consciousness which, through its own paralysis and impairment, affects the spectator’s (...)
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    Occult History: Historical Personalities and Events in the Light of Spiritual Science.Rudolf Steiner - 1982 - Rudolf Steiner Press.
    These lectures are concerned with spiritual forces and influences working in world history and in the karma of human beings. Steiner's penetrating insights into the events and personalities history are one of his major contributions to modern times. Steiner focuses here on the Babylonian and Greek cultures and the connecting threads running between individual personalities and the evolution of humanity as a whole.
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  44. Understanding Digital Events: Process Philosophy and Causal Autonomy.David Kreps, Frantz Rowe & Jessica Muirhead - 2020 - Proceedings of 53rd Hawaiian International Conference on Systems Sciences.
    This paper argues that the ubiquitous digital networks in which we are increasingly becoming immersed present a threat to our ability to exercise free will. Using process philosophy, and expanding upon understandings of causal autonomy, the paper outlines a thematic analysis of diary studies and interviews gathered in a project exploring the nature of digital experience. It concludes that without mindfulness in both the use and design of digital devices and services we run the risk of allowing such services to (...)
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    Perception of randomness and predicting uncertain events.Przemysław Sawicki, Raymond Dacey, Piotr Zielonka & Tadeusz Tyszka - 2008 - Thinking and Reasoning 14 (1):83-110.
    Using randomly generated sequences of binary events we asked participants to make predictions about the next event. It turned out that while predicting uncertain events, people do not behave unsystematically. Our research identifies four types of relatively consistent strategies for predicting uncertain binary events: a strategy immune to short-run sequential dependencies consisting of the persistent prediction of long-run majority events, hereafter called the long-run momentum strategy ; a strategy immune to short-run sequential dependencies consisting of the persistent prediction of (...)
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    "British Cannibals": Contemplation of an Event in the Death and Resurrection of James Cook, Explorer.Gananath Obeyesekere - 1992 - Critical Inquiry 18 (4):630-654.
    I have recently completed a work entitled The Apotheosis of Captain Cook: European Mythmaking in the Pacific.1 In it I present an alternative view of the events leading to the apotheosis of James Cook by the Hawaiians in 1779 when he first landed there, in effect making the case that the supposed deification of the white civilizer is a Western myth model foisted on the Hawaiians and having a long run in European culture and consciousness. As a result of reading (...)
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    Assessing the Learning Outcomes of Food-related Educational Tourism Events for University Students: The Case of the International Student Competition of Fermo, Italy.Sabrina Tomasi, Alessio Cavicchi, Gigliola Paviotti, Giovanna Bertella & Cristina Santini - 2019 - International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal 24 (2):95-125.
    This paper examines the International Student Competition on Place Brand­ing and Mediterranean Diet held in Fermo, Italy, in the context of the devel­opment of rural areas. This one-week food-related educational programme was organised by the University of Macerata’s Department of Education, Cultural Heritage and Tourism in collaboration with The Piceno Laboratory on the Mediterranean Diet, a local network of public and private stakehold­ers committed to the promotion of Fermo area as a touristic destination based on traditional gastronomy. The aim of (...)
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    Limitations on verbal reports of internal events: A refutation of Nisbett and Wilson and of Bem.Peter White - 1980 - Psychological Review 87 (1):105-112.
    Discusses R. E. Nisbett and T. D. Wilson's work on the limitations to conscious awareness of mental processes. In particular, it is suggested that their theoretical stance is not clearly formulated, that they make unwarranted assumptions about the relationship between conscious awareness and the process and the verbal report, and that their experiments do not provide information on consciousness. Some methodological recommendations are listed, and a brief report is given of some experimental findings that run counter to those of Nisbett (...)
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    Occult History: Historical Personalities and Events in the Light of Spiritual Science. 6 Lectures Given in Stuttgart, 27th Dec., 1910 to 1st January, 1911.Rudolf Steiner - 1957 - Rudolf Steiner Press.
    These lectures are concerned with spiritual forces and influences working in world history and in the karma of human beings. Steiner's penetrating insights into the events and personalities history are one of his major contributions to modern times. Steiner focuses here on the Babylonian and Greek cultures and the connecting threads running between individual personalities and the evolution of humanity as a whole.
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    The spaces of narrative consciousness: Or, what is your event?Law Alsobrook - 2015 - Technoetic Arts 13 (3):239-244.
    Cyberspace, a term popularized in the 1984 novel Neuromancer, was used by William Gibson to describe the ‘consensual hallucination’ and interstitial online world that lies between the reality of our world and that of the surreal terrain of dreamscapes. While many attempts have been made to describe this intangible, yet seemingly perceptible space, the digital domain as a metaphor mirrors in many ways our own inadequate understanding of consciousness. Conversely, the physicist Michio Kaku explains that our reality is bounded by (...)
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