Results for ' facies'

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  1. Romane Clark.Prima Facie Generalizations - 1973 - In Glenn Pearce & Patrick Maynard (eds.), Conceptual change. Boston,: D. Reidel. pp. 42.
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    Monitoring compliance with E-contracts and norms.Sanjay Modgil, Nir Oren, Noura Faci, Felipe Meneguzzi, Simon Miles & Michael Luck - 2015 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 23 (2):161-196.
    The behaviour of autonomous agents may deviate from that deemed to be for the good of the societal systems of which they are a part. Norms have therefore been proposed as a means to regulate agent behaviours in open and dynamic systems, where these norms specify the obliged, permitted and prohibited behaviours of agents. Regulation can effectively be achieved through use of enforcement mechanisms that result in a net loss of utility for an agent in cases where the agent’s behaviour (...)
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  3. Prima Facie and Pro Tanto Oughts.Andrew Reisner - 2013 - In Hugh LaFollette (ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Ethics. Hoboken, NJ: Blackwell.
    There are many uses in English of the word “ought” (see Ought). This essay concerns the normative uses and the concepts or properties denoted thereby. In particular, it concerns two nonfinal oughts commonly used in the philosophical literature: prima facie oughts and pro tanto oughts.
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  4. Prima facie obligation.Nicholas Asher & Daniel Bonevac - 1996 - Studia Logica 57 (1):19-45.
    This paper presents a nonmonotonic deontic logic based on commonsense entailment. It establishes criteria a successful account of obligation should satisfy, and develops a theory that satisfies them. The theory includes two conditional notions of prima facie obligation. One is constitutive; the other is epistemic, and follows nonmonotonically from the constitutive notion. The paper defines unconditional notions of prima facie obligation in terms of the conditional notions.
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    Prima Facie Ought. A Logical and Methodological Enquiry.Ota Weinberger - 1999 - Ratio Juris 12 (3):239-251.
    The pressing problem of prima facie validity must be treated on the basis of a differentiation of types of normative rules. Rules stating principles or purposes are always applied as views determining the decision by weighing (but not by subsumption) so that the problem of prima facie validity does not arise. Neither is there a problem of such a restricted form of validity concerning power‐conferring rules. The author shows that prima facie validity of rules of behaviour must not be treated (...)
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    Prima Facie and Actual Duty.Arthur M. Wheeler - 1977 - Analysis 37 (3):142 - 144.
    In "moral philosophy" richard garner and bernard rosen give a counter-Example against w d ross. We have no prima facie duty to tell a neighbor our love life, Although he might gain knowledge and pleasure. I argue that for ross we could have such a prima facie, Though not an actual, Duty. The lover-Acquaintance relation makes unlikely such an action becoming an actual duty. Also we can conceive of cases in which it might be an actual duty; viz. A case (...)
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  7. Prima facie obligations, ceteris paribus laws in moral theory.Paul Pietroski - 1993 - Ethics 103 (3):489-515.
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    Prima facie good.R. Kane - 1988 - Journal of Value Inquiry 22 (4):279-297.
    It is argued that a little-Discussed notion of prima facie good (and a related notion of a "basic value experience") can throw light on some of the most vexing problems of value theory, About the meaning of 'good', The naturalistic fallacy, The objectivity of value, The fact-Value distinction and intrinsic value. The notion of prima facie good is formally analogous to w d ross's notion of prima facie duty, But is more general (applying to value generally) and (it is argued) (...)
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    Prima facie versus natural (human) rights.Tibor R. Machan - 1976 - Journal of Value Inquiry 10 (2):119-131.
    The paper argues that the idea of prima facie rights implies insurmountable difficulties in connection with the function such rights are said to have in a scheme of justice. G vlastos's version of prima facie rights theories is scrutinized as typical and more advanced than others. The paper shows that natural rights are contextually absolute; they cannot (morally) be overruled in a context of normal political circumstances but may have to be disregarded whenever politics is impossible. Vlastos's insight is preserved (...)
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    Prima facie obligation and doing the best one can.Michael Zimmerman - 1995 - Philosophical Studies 78 (2):87 - 123.
    Analyses are given of the concepts of absolute and prima facie obligation. The former is a maximizing analysis: roughly, one ought absolutely to perform those actions which are performed in the best worlds accessible to one. The latter analysis is roughly this: one ought prima facie to perform those actions which are such that those accessible worlds in which they are performed are better than the closest accessible worlds in which they are not performed. Accounts of conditional obligation, both absolute (...)
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  11. Prima facie and pro tanto oughts.Andrew Reisner - 2013 - In Hugh LaFollette (ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Ethics. Hoboken, NJ: Blackwell. pp. 4082–6.
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    Prima facie generalizations.Romane Clark - 1973 - In Glenn Pearce & Patrick Maynard (eds.), Conceptual change. Boston,: D. Reidel. pp. 42--54.
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    Undermining Prima Facie Consent in the Criminal Law.Mark Dsouza - 2014 - Law and Philosophy 33 (4):489-524.
    Even when a person appears to have consented to another’s interference with her interests, we sometimes treat this apparent consent as ineffective. This may either be because the law does not permit consent to validate the actions concerned, or because the consent is undermined by the presence of additional factors which render it insufficiently autonomous to be effective. In this paper I propose that the project of categorising and systematically analysing the latter set of cases, would be furthered by recognising (...)
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    Prima facie duty.Robert K. Shope - 1965 - Journal of Philosophy 62 (11):279-287.
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  15. Prima Facie Evidence.Michael Martin - 1982 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 9 (3):235.
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    Eliminativism about Derivative Prima Facie Duties.Philip Stratton-Lake - 2011 - In Thomas Hurka (ed.), Underivative Duty: British Moral Philosophers from Sidgwick to Ewing. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Ross divides prima facie duties into derivative and foundational ones, but seems to understand the notion of a derivative prima facie duty in two very different ways. Sometimes he understands them in a non-eliminativist way. According to this understanding, basic prima facie duties ground distinct derivative ones. According to the eliminativist understanding, basic duties do not ground distinct derivative duties, but replace them. On the eliminativist view, discovering that a prima facie duty is derivative is discovering that it is not (...)
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    Why do prima facie intuitive theories work in organic chemistry?Hirofumi Ochiai - 2023 - Foundations of Chemistry 25 (3):359-367.
    In modern German ‘Anschauung’ is translated as intuition. But in Kant’s technical philosophical context, it means an intuition derived from previous visualizations of physical processes in the world of perceptions. The nineteenth century chemists’ predilection for Kantian Anschauung led them to develop an intuitive representation of what exists beyond the bounds of the senses. Molecular structure is one of the illuminating outcomes. (Ochiai 2021, pp. 1–51) This mental habit seems to be dominant among chemists even in the twentieth century, as (...)
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    Sapientiae facies: étude sur les images de Sénèque.Mireille Armisen-Marchetti - 1989 - Paris: Les Belles Lettres.
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  19. Prima facie and seeming duties.Michael Morreau - 1996 - Studia Logica 57 (1):47 - 71.
    Sir David Ross introduced prima facie duties, or acts with a tendency to be duties proper. He also spoke of general prima facie principles, wwhich attribute to acts having some feature the tendency to be a duty proper. Like Utilitarians from Mill to Hare, he saw a role for such principles in the epistemology of duty: in the process by means of which, in any given situation, a moral code can help us to find out what we ought to do.After (...)
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    Is There a Prima Facie Duty to Preserve Genetic Integrity in Conservation Biology?Yasha Rohwer & Emma Marris - 2015 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 18 (3):233-247.
    Some conservation biologists invoke the concept of ‘genetic integrity,’ which they generally assume is a good worth preserving without explicit justification. We examine the question of whether or not there is a prima facie duty to preserve genetic integrity in conservation biology. We examine several possible justifications for the potential duty found in the conservation biology literature. We argue, contra a dominant trend of thought in conservation biology, that there is no prima facie duty to preserve genetic integrity and that (...)
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    Dice and Facie: Quintilian, Institutio Oratoria 1.7.23 and 9.4.39.J. Bradford Churchill - 2000 - American Journal of Philology 121 (2):279-289.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 121.2 (2000) 279-289 [Access article in PDF] Dice and Facie: Quintilian, Institutio Oratoria 1.7.23 And 9.4.39 J. Bradford Churchill In his discussion of orthography in book 1 of his Institutio Oratoria Quintilian mentions several examples of archaic spelling conventions, among them a practice of the Elder Cato, which I present here with readings I shall propose and defend during the course of this essay: Non (...)
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    Prima facie consequence in update semantics for change expressions.Berislav Žarnić - 2003 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 9 (1):111-112.
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    Prima facie duties.Bernard H. Baumrin - 1965 - Journal of Philosophy 62 (24):736-739.
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    ‘Prima facie’ obligations and iterated modalities1.Jaakko Hintikka - 1970 - Theoria 36 (3):232-240.
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    Liberties and Prima Facie Rights.Phillip Montague - 1987 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 68 (2):79.
    This paper is about certain of the ways in which rights and liberties are interrelated. It is also about the distinction between "prima facie" and "on balance" rights. Although philosophers concerned with the former issue commonly reject the notion of a prima facie right or ignore it entirely, I argue that an adequate account of how rights are related to liberties must rest on the idea that some rights are only prima facie.
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    Obligaciones prima facie y derrotabilidad.Carlos A. Oller - 2006 - Análisis Filosófico 26 (1):147-155.
    Este artículo examina algunos de los problemas que presenta el tratamiento lógico de las obligaciones prima facie en la obra de Carlos Alchourrón. Por una parte, señalaremos que su sistema para los condicionales derrotables DFT no formaliza adecuadamente la noción intuitiva de condición contribuyente que Alchourrón utiliza para elucidar la de condicional derrotable. Por otra parte, argumentaremos que la noción de deber prima facie de David Ross no queda adecuadamente formalizada en el sistema AD de lógica deóntica que Alchourrón construye (...)
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    Political Persuasion is Prima Facie Disrespectful.Colin Marshall - 2024 - Journal of Moral Philosophy:1-34.
    Political persuasion can express moral respect. In this article, however, I rely on two psychological assumptions to argue that political persuasion is prima facie disrespectful: (1) that we maintain our political beliefs largely for non-epistemic, personal reasons and (2) that our political beliefs are connected to our epistemic esteem. Given those assumptions, a persuader can either ignore the relevant personal reasons, explicitly address them, or implicitly address them. Ignoring those reasons, I argue, constitutes prima facie insensitivity. Explicitly addressing them constitutes (...)
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  28. Prima Facie obligation: its deconstruction and reconstruction.Barry Loewer & Marvin Belzer - 1991 - In Ernest Lepore (ed.), John Searle and His Critics. Cambridge: Blackwell.
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  29. The definition of prima facie duties.Frank Snare - 1974 - Philosophical Quarterly 24 (96):235-244.
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    Hintikka on "Prima Facie" Obligations.Lars Bergstrom - 1974 - Theoria 40 (3):163-165.
    In this note it is argued that professor jaakko hintikka's explication of the notion of a 'prima facie obligation' within the framework of deontic logic must be regarded as unsatisfactory. since our world is not morally (or 'deontically') perfect, hintikka's proposal seems to have the absurd consequence that everything is a prima facie obligation.
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    Prima facie versus critical moral principles critical comments on R. M. Hare's 'moral thinking'.Thomas Spitzley - 1989 - Ratio 2 (1):63-74.
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  32. Prima facie obligations.John Searle - 1978 - In Joseph Raz (ed.), Practical reasoning. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 81--81.
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  33. Are some prima facie duties more binding than others?Michael Robinson - 2010 - Utilitas 22 (1):26-32.
    In The Right and the Good, W. D. Ross commits himself to the view that, in addition to being distinct and defeasible, some prima facie duties are more binding than others. David McNaughton has argued that there appears to be no way of making sense of this claim that is both coherent and consistent with Ross's overall picture. I offer an alternative way of understanding Ross's remarks about the comparative stringency of prima facie duties, which, in addition to being compatible (...)
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    Ross and prima facie duties.John Atwell - 1978 - Ethics 88 (3):240-249.
  35. Prima Facie Versus Critical Moral Principles.Thomas Spitzley - 1989 - Ratio:63.
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    Doubts about Prima Facie Duties.Peter Jones - 1970 - Philosophy 45 (171):39 - 54.
    Sir David Ross introduced and discussed his notion of prima facie duties in chapter 2 of The Right and the Good , and it is to this chapter that I shall devote most attention. I wish to show that the distinction between prima facie and “actual” duties, as expounded by Ross, entails that there are no “actual” duties; and I wish to show that this unfortunate consequence of the distinction arises from Ross's explicit epist-emological views. Writers such as Ewing, Baier (...)
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    Prima Facie Rights And Absolute Rights.B. C. Postow - 1978 - International Studies in Philosophy 10:23-32.
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  38. The Prima Facie View of Perceptual Imagination.Andrea Rivadulla-Duró - forthcoming - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy.
    Perception is said to have assertoric force: It inclines the perceiver to believe its content. In contrast, perceptual imagination is commonly taken to be non-assertoric: Imagining winning a piano contest does not incline the imaginer to believe they actually won. However, abundant evidence from clinical and experimental psychology shows that imagination influences attitudes and behavior in ways similar to perceptual experiences. To account for these phenomena, I propose that perceptual imaginings have implicit assertoric force and put forth a theory—the Prima (...)
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  39. The Prima Facie Case against Homeschooling.Randall Curren & J. Blokhuis - 2011 - Public Affairs Quarterly 25 (1):1-20.
    Until recently, it was widely assumed in societies with long-established, publicly funded school systems that school attendance served the interests of children, society, and parents alike. In the United States and other common-law jurisdictions, safeguarding and promoting the independent welfare and developmental interests of every child was a public responsibility under the parens patriae doctrine. Compulsory schooling laws enacted under parens patriae authority required all persons having care and control of a child to share their custodial authority with publicly certified (...)
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  40. Prima-facie obligations.John Searle - 1980 - In Z. Van Straaten (ed.), Philosophical Subjects: Essays Presented to P.F. Strawson. New York: Oxford: Clarendon Press. pp. 238–59.
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    Mireille Armisen-Marchetti, Sapientiae faciès. Étude sur les images de Sénèque.Pierre Destrée - 1991 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 89 (82):352-354.
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  42. Obligaciones prima facie y condicionales derrotables en la obra de Carlos E. Alchourrón.Gladys Palau, Carlos Oller & Sandra Lazzer - 1998 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 43:73-79.
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    In defence of moral imperialism: four equal and universal prima facie principles.A. Dawson - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (4):200-204.
    Raanan Gillon is a noted defender of the four principles approach to healthcare ethics. His general position has always been that these principles are to be considered to be both universal and prima facie in nature. In recent work, however, he has made two claims that seem to present difficulties for this view. His first claim is that one of these four principles, respect for autonomy, has a special position in relation to the others: he holds that it is first (...)
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  44. Political persuasion is prima facie disrespectful.Colin Marshall - forthcoming - Journal of Moral Philosophy.
    Political persuasion can express moral respect. In this article, however, I rely on two psychological assumptions to argue that political persuasion is generally prima facie disrespectful: (1) that we maintain our political beliefs largely for non-epistemic, personal reasons and (2) that our political beliefs are connected to our epistemic esteem. Given those assumptions, a persuader can either ignore the relevant personal reasons, explicitly address them, or implicitly address them. Ignoring those reasons, I argue, constitutes prima facie insensitivity. Explicitly addressing them (...)
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    The moral prima facie obligation to obey the law.Burleigh T. Wilkins - 1994 - Journal of Social Philosophy 25 (2):92-96.
  46. Prima facie duties.William David Ross - 1987 - In Christopher W. Gowans (ed.), Moral dilemmas. New York: Oxford Uiversity Press.
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    Moses' „cornuta facies” (ex 34, 29–35).J. de Fraine - 1959 - Bijdragen 20 (1):28-38.
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  48. The direct argument is a prima facie threat to compatibilism.Ori Beck - 2020 - Synthese 199 (1-2):1791-1817.
    In the early 1980’s van Inwagen presented the Direct Argument for the incompatibility of determinism with moral responsibility. In the course of the ensuing debate, Fischer, McKenna and Loewenstein have replied, each in their own way, that versions of the Direct Argument do not pose even a prima facie threat to compatibilism. Their grounds were that versions of the Direct Argument all use the “Transfer NR” inference rule in a dialectically problematic way. I rebut these replies here. By so doing, (...)
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    ,... in cuius facie deitatis imago splendet' Die Prägung des Physionomischen in der gotischen Skulptur Frankreichs.Wilhelm Schlink - 1997 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 23:425-447.
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    A Prima Facie Duty Approach to Machine Ethics Machine Learning of Features of Ethical Dilemmas, Prima Facie Duties, and Decision Principles through a Dialogue with Ethicists.Susan Leigh Anderson & Michael Anderson - 2011 - In Michael Anderson & Susan Leigh Anderson (eds.), Machine Ethics. Cambridge Univ. Press.
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