Results for ' handwriting legibility'

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  1.  21
    Handwriting Legibility and Its Relationship to Spelling Ability and Age: Evidence From Monolingual and Bilingual Children.Markéta Caravolas, Cameron Downing, Catrin Leah Hadden & Caspar Wynne - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The Role of Handwriting Instruction in Writers’ Education.Teresa Limpo & Steve Graham - 2020 - British Journal of Educational Studies 68 (3):311-329.
    Based on the Writer(s)-within-Community Model, this article focuses on the role of handwriting in writers’ composing process. With the goal of highlighting the importance of researching and promoting handwriting, we provide an extensive summary of current evidence on the topic. It is well established that an important condition for skilled writing is handwriting automaticity. As here reviewed, there are at least four reasons why poor and slow handwriting can interfere with writing: it has a negative impact (...)
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    Mollā Gūrānı̄’s Commentary Criticism of Qāḍı̄ and Zamakhsharı̄ on Their Interpretations of Fātiḥa and Baqara Sūras.Kutbettin EKİNCİ - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (1):317-346.
    This work deals with Mollā Gūrānı̄’s critique (d. 813/1488) of Qāḍı̄ al-Bayḍawı̄ (d. 596/1200) and Zamakhsharı̄ (d. 538/1144). The Fātiḥ̣a and Baqara sūras in his manuscript tafsı̄r “Ghāyat al-Amānı̄” are chosen as the texts to examplify Mollā Gūrānı̄’s critique. His criticism is mostly related to language, qirāʾa (recitation and vocalization of Qur’ānic text), conceptual meaning and disagreement in interpretations of the Qur’ānic verses in question. Gūrānı̄ primarly criticisez Qāḍı̄ due to his reputation among Ottoman scholars. Guranı̄ has not only criticized (...)
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  4. Aestheticism and Spiritualism: A Narrative Study of the Exploration of Self through the Practice of Chinese Calligraphy.Ming-tak Hue - 2010 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 44 (2):18.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Aestheticism and SpiritualismA Narrative Study of the Exploration of Self through the Practice of Chinese CalligraphyMing-Tak Hue (bio)IntroductionCalligraphy has been used to preserve significant writings and texts in a beautiful form and to make the different styles of writing enjoyable. It is not only the art of beautiful handwriting but also a cultural heritage and tradition that reflects the culture and history of a society, a race, a (...)
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    Re-place: The Embodiment of Virtual Space.Embodied Interfaces & Legible City - 2011 - In Thomas Bartscherer & Roderick Coover (eds.), Switching Codes: Thinking Through Digital Technology in the Humanities and the Arts. University of Chicago Press. pp. 218.
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    Promoting Handwriting Fluency for Preschool and Elementary-Age Students: Meta-Analysis and Meta-Synthesis of Research From 2000 to 2020.Carmen López-Escribano, Javier Martín-Babarro & Raquel Pérez-López - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:841573.
    Handwriting is a complex activity that involves continuous interaction between lower-level handwriting and motor skills and higher-order cognitive processes. It is important to allocate mental resources to these high-order processes since these processes place a great demand on cognitive capacity. This is possible when lower-level skills such as transcription are effortlessness and fluent. Given that fluency is a value in virtually all areas of academic learning, schools should provide instructional activities to promote writing fluency from the first stages (...)
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    Learning Handwriting: Factors Affecting Pen-Movement Fluency in Beginning Writers.Camilla L. Fitjar, Vibeke Rønneberg, Guido Nottbusch & Mark Torrance - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Skilled handwriting of single letters is associated not only with a neat final product but also with fluent pen-movement, characterized by a smooth pen-tip velocity profile. Our study explored fluency when writing single letters in children who were just beginning to learn to handwrite, and the extent to which this was predicted by the children’s pen-control ability and by their letter knowledge. 176 Norwegian children formed letters by copying and from dictation. Performance on these tasks was assessed in terms (...)
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    Deconstruction, legibility and space: Four experimental typographic practices.Elif Ayiter, Onur Yazıcıgil, Sina Cem Çetin & Doruk Türkmen - 2013 - Technoetic Arts 11 (3):209-220.
    In this article we wish to present the typographic experimentations of four designers, each of whom looks at typography and its implementations from different viewpoints; however with similar goals – namely to investigate how typographic systems can be implemented, their attributes as carriers of semantic meaning be redefined, and/or their functions be improved upon within the digital medium that presents challenges as well as opportunities that enable graphic designers to reach well beyond the traditional medium of typographic work; i.e., printed (...)
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  9.  33
    Letter legibility and visual word recognition.J. Kevin O'Regan - unknown
    Word recognition performance varies systematically as a function of where the eyes fixate in the word. Performance is maximal with the eye slightly left of the center of the word, and decreases drastically to both sides of this 'Optimal Viewing Position'. While manipulations of lexical factors have only marginal effects on this phenomenon, previous studies have pointed to a relation between the viewing position effect and letter legibility: When letter legibility drops, the viewing position effect becomes more exaggerated. (...)
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  10.  93
    Is Handwriting Performance Affected by the Writing Surface? Comparing Preschoolers', Second Graders', and Adults' Writing Performance on a Tablet vs. Paper.Sabrina Gerth, Annegret Klassert, Thomas Dolk, Michael Fliesser, Martin H. Fischer, Guido Nottbusch & Julia Festman - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  11.  25
    Less Legible Meanings: Between Poetry and Philosophy in the Work of Emerson.Pamela Schirmeister - 1999 - Stanford University Press.
    Examining both why and how Emerson evades the ancient quarrel between literature and philosophy, this book entirely rethinks the nature of Emerson's radical individualism and its relation to the possibility of an ethics and a politics. The author argues that the quarrel between literature and philosophy never took place in America, and that instead traditional philosophical work staged itself here as a form of literary praxis and cultural therapeutics, epitomized in the work of Emerson. A revisionary study of some of (...)
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    Detecting Honest People’s Lies in Handwriting: The Power of the Ten Commandments and Internalized Ethical Values.Thomas Li-Ping Tang - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 106 (4):389-400.
    Can managers detect honest people’s lies in a handwritten message? In this article, I will briefly discuss graphology and a basic model of interpersonal communication. I will then develop a fundamental theoretical framework of eight principles for detecting lies based on the basic communication model, handwriting analyses, and the following assumptions: For most people, it is easier to tell the truth than to tell lies. This applies to handwritings also. When most honest people lie, they try to hide their (...)
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  13.  10
    Legibility and Transparency in Contemporary Democracy.Gianfranco Pellegrino - forthcoming - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche.
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  14. Handwriting control: a functional model.R. Plamondon - 1989 - In Rodney M. J. Cotterill (ed.), Models of Brain Function. Cambridge University Press. pp. 563--574.
  15.  27
    Legibility as a Design Principle: Surfacing Values in Sensing Technologies.Jeroen van den Hoven, John Bolte, Taylor Stone & Holly Robbins - 2021 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 46 (5):1104-1135.
    This paper introduces the design principle of legibility as means to examine the epistemic and ethical conditions of sensing technologies. Emerging sensing technologies create new possibilities regarding what to measure, as well as how to analyze, interpret, and communicate said measurements. In doing so, they create ethical challenges for designers to navigate, specifically how the interpretation and communication of complex data affect moral values such as autonomy. Contemporary sensing technologies require layers of mediation and exposition to render what they (...)
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  16.  12
    Examining Motor Anticipation in Handwriting as an Indicator of Motor Dysfunction in Schizophrenia.Yasmina Crespo Cobo, Sonia Kandel, María Felipa Soriano & Sergio Iglesias-Parro - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Dysfunction in motor skills can be linked to alterations in motor processing, such as the anticipation of forthcoming graphomotor sequences. We expected that the difficulties in motor processing in schizophrenia would be reflected in a decrease of motor anticipation. In handwriting, motor anticipation concerns the ability to write a letter while processing information on how to produce the following letters. It is essential for fast and smooth handwriting, that is, for the automation of graphomotor gestures. In this study, (...)
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    Symbolism in handwriting.Annette Poizner - 2011 - Semiotica 2011 (185):113-122.
    Although semioticians routinely examine the use of signs and symbols in everyday life, they rarely explore symbols embedded within handwriting. Graphology, , is an academic discipline that has practitioners analyzing graphic features of handwriting in order to discern the personality of the writer. Graphologists perform a “semiotic read” of signatures, often demonstrating how writers inadvertently express their interests, affiliations or emotional issues by embedding symbols within handwritten script. Handwriting samples are reproduced in order to demonstrate this phenomenon (...)
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  18.  9
    Handwriting as Practice of Russian Governmentality.K. B. Gaaze - 2016 - Sociology of Power 28 (4):104-131.
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  19. The legibility of the bowels: Lichtenberg's excretory vision of Hogarth's A Harlot's Progress.Anthony Mahler - 2018 - In Rebecca Anne Barr, Sylvie Kleiman-Lafon & Sophie Vasset (eds.), Bellies, bowels and entrails in the eighteenth century. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
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  20.  40
    Reading and legibility of Chinese characters, III: Judging the position of Chinese characters by American subjects.S. K. Chou - 1930 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 13 (5):438.
  21.  34
    Is handwriting a mixed strategy or a mixture of strategies?Hans-Leo Teulings & Arnold J. W. M. Thomassen - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (2):232-233.
  22.  25
    A Handwriting ManualThe Calligrapher's Handbook.Geoffrey Tillotson, Alfred Fairbank & C. M. Lamb - 1957 - British Journal of Educational Studies 5 (2):186.
  23.  6
    Legibility and Transparency in Contemporary Democracy.Natascia Villani - forthcoming - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche.
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    Effect of Handwriting on Visual Word Recognition in Chinese Bilingual Children and Adults.Connie Qun Guan, Elaine R. Smolen, Wanjin Meng & James R. Booth - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    In a digital era that neglects handwriting, the current study is significant because it examines the mechanisms underlying this process. We recruited 9- to 10-year-old Chinese children, who were at an important period of handwriting development, and adult college students, for both behavioral and electroencephalogram experiments. We designed four learning conditions: handwriting Chinese, viewing Chinese, drawing shapes followed by Chinese recognition, and drawing shapes followed by English recognition. Both behavioral and EEG results showed that HC facilitated visual (...)
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  25.  28
    Reading and legibility of Chinese characters.S. K. Chou - 1929 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 12 (2):156.
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    Political Disorientation and Legibility Loss in the Trumpian Years.Roberto Alejandro - 2024 - Philosophy and Global Affairs 4 (1):21-58.
    This essay discusses political disorientation and what I define as a legibility crisis ushered in by the election of Donald Trump in 2016. After defining these concepts, it provides evidence for them and fleshes out how they were expressed in prophecies about Trump in white evangelical communities. A legibility crisis is the realization that some fundamental aspects of the symbolic domain (language, civic values, political practices, and institutions) are no longer binding or recognizable. There is a loss of (...)
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    Reading Cursive Handwriting by Alignment of Letter Prototypes.Shimon Edelman - unknown
    We describe a new approach to the visual recognition of cursive handwriting. An effort is made to attain humanlike performance by using a method based on pictorial alignment and on a model of the process of handwriting.
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    Distributing Legibility.Frances Ferguson - 2023 - Critical Inquiry 50 (1):67-87.
    Stenography had been used for centuries to capture the words of orators, lecturers, and royals, but there was a significant expansion of the use of stenography in the eighteenth century. During the period when Samuel Richardson held the contract to report on decisions reached in the House of Commons, Thomas Gurney began transcribing the testimony of many speakers at trials in the Old Bailey. In this article, I suggest that Richardson, increasingly aware of stenography as a technology for capturing many (...)
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  29.  36
    The relative legibility of modern and old style numerals.M. A. Tinker - 1930 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 13 (5):453.
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    Reading the Human Brain: How the Mind Became Legible.Nikolas Rose - 2016 - Body and Society 22 (2):140-177.
    The human body was made legible long ago. But what of the human mind? Is it possible to ‘read’ the mind, for one human being to know what another is thinking or feeling, their beliefs and intentions. And if I can read your mind, how about others – could our authorities, in the criminal justice system or the security services? Some developments in contemporary neuroscience suggest the answer to this question is ‘yes’. While philosophers continue to debate the mind-brain problem, (...)
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  31.  29
    Reading and legibility of Chinese characters: IV. An analysis of judgments of positions of Chinese characters by American subjects.S. K. Chou - 1935 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 18 (3):318.
  32.  18
    Reading and legibility of Chinese characters. II.S. K. Chou - 1930 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 13 (4):332.
  33.  19
    Exploring Orthographic Representation in Chinese Handwriting: A Mega-Study Based on a Pedagogical Corpus of CFL Learners.Jun Zhang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:782345.
    Writing and reading are closely related and are thus likely to have a common orthographic representation. A fundamental question in the literature on the production of written Chinese characters concerns the structure of orthographic representations. We report on a Chinese character handwriting pedagogical corpus involving a class of 22 persons, 232 composite character types, 1,913 tokens, and 13,057 stroke records, together with the inter-stroke interval (ISI), which reflects the parallel processing of multilevel orthographic representation during the writing execution, and (...)
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  34.  54
    Spontaneous Emergence of Legibility in Writing Systems: The Case of Orientation Anisotropy.Olivier Morin - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (2):664-677.
    Cultural forms are constrained by cognitive biases, and writing is thought to have evolved to fit basic visual preferences, but little is known about the history and mechanisms of that evolution. Cognitive constraints have been documented for the topology of script features, but not for their orientation. Orientation anisotropy in human vision, as revealed by the oblique effect, suggests that cardinal orientations, being easier to process, should be overrepresented in letters. As this study of 116 scripts shows, the orientation of (...)
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    The Embodied Penman: Effector‐Specific Motor–Language Integration During Handwriting.Olivia Afonso, Paz Suárez-Coalla, Fernando Cuetos, Agustín Ibáñez, Lucas Sedeño & Adolfo M. García - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (7):e12767.
    Several studies have illuminated how processing manual action verbs (MaVs) affects the programming or execution of concurrent hand movements. Here, to circumvent key confounds in extant designs, we conducted the first assessment of motor–language integration during handwriting—a task in which linguistic and motoric processes are co‐substantiated. Participants copied MaVs, non‐manual action verbs, and non‐action verbs as we collected measures of motor programming and motor execution. Programming latencies were similar across conditions, but execution was faster for MaVs than for the (...)
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  36.  14
    (1 other version)And another thing'–¦ Why handwriting is important – in spite of Gutenberg and the computer.Fernand Baudin - 1993 - Logos 4 (2):105-108.
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    The Reciprocal Relationship Between Handwriting Fluency and Spelling Accuracy in Chinese: A Longitudinal Study.Yuan Ding, Liping Li & Xinchun Wu - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    (1 other version)Judgments on handwriting similarity and difference.June E. Downey - 1914 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 11 (20):544-553.
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  39.  22
    The painter’s handwriting in modern French art.J. P. Hodin - 1949 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 7 (3):181-199.
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    Autofiction With a good handwriting. Figuration of author in the publisher’s peritext.Cecilia Malik de Tchara - 2022 - Alpha (Osorno) 54:214-225.
    Resumen: El corpus, siendo una herramienta eficaz, se está empleando en múltiples ámbitos, entre los que se encuentran los estudios de traducción. Sin embargo, dicho recurso no se utiliza con mucha frecuencia en las investigaciones traductológicas cuando una de las lenguas en cuestión es chino clásico (la lengua escrita empleada antiguamente en China), y autores que sí hacen estas investigaciones suelen no mencionar los pasos a seguir cuando se trata un corpus paralelo ad hoc. El objetivo del presente artículo es (...)
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  41.  8
    Unconscious imitation in handwriting.Daniel Starch - 1911 - Psychological Review 18 (4):223-228.
  42.  20
    Making Love “Legible” in China: Politics and Society during the Enforcement of Civil Marriage Registration, 1950-66.Neil J. Diamant - 2001 - Politics and Society 29 (3):447-480.
    This article looks at marriage registration as a window into state building and state-family relations in Maoist China. It focuses on the interaction between officials and citizens as they tried to make sense of the new state's unprecedented demand that people register their marriages prior to their consummation. Marriage registration was expected to make Chinese society more “legible” to the state, as well as contribute to a “healthier” nation. While much of the literature of Maoist China would anticipate state success, (...)
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  43.  26
    Functional MRI of Handwriting Tasks: A Study of Healthy Young Adults Interacting with a Novel Touch-Sensitive Tablet.Mahta Karimpoor, Nathan W. Churchill, Fred Tam, Corinne E. Fischer, Tom A. Schweizer & Simon J. Graham - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  44.  31
    The Importance of Cursive Handwriting Over Typewriting for Learning in the Classroom: A High-Density EEG Study of 12-Year-Old Children and Young Adults.Eva Ose Askvik, F. R. van der Weel & Audrey L. H. van der Meer - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  45.  55
    Judging age from handwriting done with and without visual feedback.Eugene A. Lovelace, Beth A. Vella & Donna M. Anderson - 1993 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 31 (2):111-113.
  46.  34
    A simple measure of handwriting as an index of stress.Alan M. Wing & Alan D. Baddeley - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 11 (4):245-246.
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    Temporality, Storage, Legibility: Freud, Marey, and the Cinema.Mary Ann Doane - 1996 - Critical Inquiry 22 (2):313-343.
  48.  11
    Optimizing pathfinding for goal legibility and recognition in cooperative partially observable environments.Sara Bernardini, Fabio Fagnani, Alexandra Neacsu & Santiago Franco - 2024 - Artificial Intelligence 333 (C):104148.
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  49.  23
    Lack of evidence for the assessment of personality traits using handwriting analysis.Barbara Gawda - 2014 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 45 (1):73-79.
    Background: The aim of the study is to clarify the beliefs and numerous doubts about the possible identification of personality in handwriting. The purpose of the described studies was to show an association between personality traits and handwriting features. The author aimed to verify whether or not there are any specific characteristics of writing in relation to personality traits. | Method: Two different studies have been described. A different number of subjects participated in the investigations and different techniques (...)
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  50.  24
    A quadrant tachistoscope for studying the legibility of Chinese characters.S. K. Chou - 1929 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 12 (2):178.
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