Results for ' imperative, an action in itself'

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  1.  17
    Categorical Imperative as the Source for Morality.Joyce Lazier - 2011 - In Michael Bruce & Steven Barbone, Just the Arguments. Chichester, West Sussex, U.K.: Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 217–220.
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  2. Antiracism as an ethical imperative: An example from feminist therapy.Laura S. Brown - 1991 - Ethics and Behavior 1 (2):113 – 127.
    This article presents a conceptual framework within feminist therapy theory for viewing overt and covert racist behaviors as forms of unethical action. Using the personal as theoretical and political, the author traces her process of having her consciousness raised regarding the issue of racism in psychotherapy. Racism is then conceptualized as an ethics problem in terms of lack of mutuality and respect, violation of boundaries, and unethical imbalance of power in the therapy relationship. The concept of antiracism, a proactive (...)
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  3. The Imperative of Integration.Elizabeth Anderson - 2010 - Princeton University Press.
    More than forty years have passed since Congress, in response to the Civil Rights Movement, enacted sweeping antidiscrimination laws in the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the Fair Housing Act of 1968. As a signal achievement of that legacy, in 2008, Americans elected their first African American president. Some would argue that we have finally arrived at a postracial America, butThe Imperative of Integration indicates otherwise. Elizabeth Anderson demonstrates that, despite progress toward racial (...)
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  4. Imperative Inference and Practical Rationality.Daniel W. Harris - 2021 - Philosophical Studies (4):1065-1090.
    Some arguments include imperative clauses. For example: ‘Buy me a drink; you can’t buy me that drink unless you go to the bar; so, go to the bar!’ How should we build a logic that predicts which of these arguments are good? Because imperatives aren’t truth apt and so don’t stand in relations of truth preservation, this technical question gives rise to a foundational one: What would be the subject matter of this logic? I argue that declaratives are used to (...)
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  5. Imperative Statics and Dynamics.Nate Charlow - manuscript
    Imperatives are linguistic devices used by an authority (speaker) to express wishes, requests, commands, orders, instructions, and suggestions to a subject (addressee). This essay's goal is to tentatively address some of the following questions about the imperative. -/- METASEMANTIC. What is the menu of options for understanding fundamental semantic notions like satisfaction, truth-conditions, validity, and entailment in the context of imperatives? Are there good imperative arguments, and, if so, how are they to be characterized? What are the options for understanding (...)
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  6. Imperative change and obligation to do.Berislav Žarnić - 2003 - In Krister Segerberg & Ryszard Sliwinski, Logic, Law, Morality: Thirteen Essays in Practical Philosophy in Honour of Lennart Åqvist. Department of Philosophy, Uppsala University. pp. 79-95.
    The ambition of the paper is to provide a solution to the problem posed by Von Wright (1999): how is it possible that the two actions, one of producing P and the other of preventing P can have different deontic status, the former being obligatory and the latter being forbidden. The solution for the problem is sought for by an investigation into connections between imperative and deontic logic. First, it is asked whether a solution could be found in Lemmon's (1965) (...)
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  7. Imperative Sense and Libidinal Event.Bryan Lueck - 2007 - Dissertation, The Pennsylvania State University
    My dissertation presents a comprehensive rethinking of the Kantian imperative, articulating it on the basis of what I call originary sense. Calling primarily upon the works of Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Gilles Deleuze, and Jean-François Lyotard, I show (1) that sense constitutes the ontologically most basic dimension of our worldly being and (2) that the way in which this sense happens is determinative for our experience of the ethical imperative. By originary sense I mean to name something that is neither sensible sense (...)
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  8. Impossible Imperatives.Impossible Imperatives - unknown
    The usual conception of transcendence is as the success of a process or practice of mediation, meditation, transmutation, salvation, supplication, application or implication. Blanchot's unusual transcendence escapes the inevitable ruin of such achievements by arriving in the form of the failure of immanence. Although it is impossible to describe that failure explicitly, it can be approached apophatically. Following an impossible imperative to see the whole, immanence generates inadvertent transcendence “thus exposing the essential ambiguity of transcendence and the impossibility that this (...)
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  9. Praxeology, imperatives, and shifts of view.Benj Hellie - 2018 - In Rowland Stout, Process, Action, and Experience. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. pp. 185--209.
    Recent neo-Anscombean work in praxeology (aka ‘philosophy of practical reason’), salutarily, shifts focus from an alienated 'third-person' viewpoint on practical reason to an embedded 'first-person' view: for example, the 'naive rationalizations' of Michael Thompson, of form 'I am A-ing because I am B-ing', take up the agent's view, in the thick of action. Less salutary, in its premature abandonment of the first-person view, is an interpretation of these naive rationalizations as asserting explanatory links between facts about organically structured agentive (...)
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  10. Practical Reason: Categorical Imperative, Maxims, Laws.Kenneth R. Westphal - 2010 - In Will Dudley & K. Engelhard, Kant: Key Concepts. Acumen Publishing.
    This chapter considers the centrality of principles in Kant’s moral philosophy, their distinctively ‘Kantian’ character, why Kant presents a ‘metaphysical’ system of moral principles and how these ‘formal’ principles are to be used in practice. These points are central to how Kant thinks pure reason can be practical. These features have often puzzled Anglophone readers, in part due to focusing on Kant’s Groundwork, to the neglect of his later works in moral philosophy, in which the theoretical preliminaries of that first (...)
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  11. (1 other version)Pain Experiences and Their Link to Action: Challenging Imperative Theories.Sabrina Coninx - 2020 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 27 (9-10):104-126.
    According to pure imperativism, pain experiences are experiences of a specific phenomenal type that are entirely constituted by imperative content. As their primary argument, proponents of imperativism rely on the biological role that pain experiences fulfill, namely, the motivation of actions whose execution ensures the normal functioning of the body. In the paper, I investigate which specific types of action are of relevance for an imperative interpretation and how close their link to pain experiences actually is. I argue that, (...)
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  12. The “new categorical imperative” and Adorno’s aporetic moral philosophy.Itay Snir - 2010 - Continental Philosophy Review 43 (3):407-437.
    This article offers a new interpretation of Adorno’s new categorical imperative : it suggests that the new imperative is an important element of Adorno’s moral philosophy and at the same time runs counter to some of its essential features. It is suggested that Adorno’s moral philosophy leads to two aporiae, which create an impasse that the new categorical imperative attempts to circumvent. The first aporia results from the tension between Adorno’s acknowledgement that praxis is an essential part of moral philosophy, (...)
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  13.  40
    The Extraordinary Categorical Imperative.Shalini Satkunanandan - 2011 - Political Theory 39 (2):234-260.
    Many political theorists assume that Kant's categorical imperative can only present itself to politics epistemologically—that is, as a test or procedure for acquiring more certain knowledge of duties. This study retrieves the ontological aspect of the categorical imperative by showing that the Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals is a conversion narrative. In the Groundwork Kant describes a transformative encounter with the categorical imperative as a principle that discloses our ontological condition. This encounter opens a new mode of being (...)
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  14. Do Hypothetical Imperatives Require Categorical Imperatives?Jeremy Schwartz - 2010 - European Journal of Philosophy 18 (1):84-107.
    Abstract:Recently, the idea that every hypothetical imperative must somehow be ‘backed up’ by a prior categorical imperative has gained a certain influence among Kant interpreters and ethicists influenced by Kant. Since instrumentalism is the position that holds that hypothetical imperatives can by themselves and without the aid of categorical imperatives explain all valid forms of practical reasoning, the influential idea amounts to a rejection of instrumentalism as internally incoherent. This paper argues against this prevailing view both as an interpretation of (...)
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  15. The Hypothetical Imperative as an Indicator of Irrational Will: The Case of the 2018 Toronto Van Attack.Kevin Michael Stevenson - 2023 - International Journal of Theology, Philosophy and Science 7 (13):13-23.
    The categorical imperative inherent in Kant’s ethics has had indubitable historical influence on societies worldwide whether in the form of laws, democracy or public deliberation. The Toronto Van Attack of 2018 and its subsequent legal trial is a case example that shows how the categorical imperative can be applied to assist in understanding the reasoning for the case’s guilty verdict. This paper will convey the applicability of the categorical imperative for examining criminal case studies by closing the gap between ethical (...)
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  16. Reasoning with Imperatives Using Classical Logic.Joseph S. Fulda - 1995 - Sorites 3:7-11.
    As the journal is effectively defunct, I am uploading a full-text copy, but only of my abstract and article, and some journal front matter. -/- Note that the pagination in the PDF version differs from the official pagination because A4 and 8.5" x 11" differ. -/- Traditionally, imperatives have been handled with deontic logics, not the logic of propositions which bear truth values. Yet, an imperative is issued by the speaker to cause (stay) actions which change the state of affairs, (...)
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    The survival imperative: upshifting to conscious evolution: a guide to returning peace and harmony to the planet.Ervin Laszlo - 2023 - Fort Lauderdale, FL: Light on Light Press.
    With humanity facing its greatest series of simultaneous crises, leading systems thinker Ervin Laszlo offers the solutions that will ensure the wellbeing of society at all levels and of our planetary home. Providing a holistic context to where we are and how we got here, he assures us that evolution unfolds in a nonlinear, fluctuating fashion. What is called for at this critical juncture - as our sacred task - is a phase of upshift to higher levels of order and (...)
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  18. How Are the Different Formulas of the Categorical Imperative Related?Ido Geiger - 2015 - Kantian Review 20 (3):395-419.
    The article defends three claims regarding the relation between the different formulas of the categorical imperative. On its prevailing reading, FUL gives different moral guidance than FH; left answered, this problem is an argument for adopting a competing perspective on FUL. The prohibitions and commands of the formulas should be taken to be extensionally the same; but FKE adds a dimension missing from the others, gained by uniting their perspectives, namely, bringing the variety of moral laws into systematic unity. The (...)
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    Response to the environmental and welfare imperatives by U.k. Livestock production industries and research services.Colin T. Whittemore - 1995 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 8 (1):65-84.
    Production methods for food from U.K. livestock industries (milk, dairy products, meat, eggs, fibre) are undergoing substantial change as a result of the need to respond to environmental and animal welfare awareness of purchasing customers, and to espouse the principles of environmental protection. There appears to be a strong will on the part of livestock farmers to satisfy the environmental imperative, led by the need to maintain market share and by existing and impending legislation. There has been support forthcoming in (...)
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    Heidegger’s critique of the technology and the educational ecological imperative.Rauno Huttunen & Leena Kakkori - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (5):630-642.
    It is clear that we have to do something in our time concerning global warming yet before we can actually change the world, we must first understand our world. According to Heidegger, technology itself is not good or bad, but the problem is, that technological thinking (calculative thinking) has become the only form of thinking. Heidegger saw that the essence of technology nowadays is enframing – Ge-stell, which means that everything in nature is ‘standing-reserve’ (Bestand). Enframing (as apparatus) is (...)
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  21.  23
    The Romantic Imperative: The Concept of Early German Romanticism.Frederick C. Beiser - 2003 - Belknap Press.
    The Early Romantics met resistance from artists and academics alike in part because they defied the conventional wisdom that philosophy and the arts must be kept separate. Indeed, as the literary component of Romanticism has been studied and celebrated in recent years, its philosophical aspect has receded from view. This book, by one of the most respected scholars of the Romantic era, offers an explanation of Romanticism that not only restores but enhances understanding of the movement's origins, development, aims, and (...)
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    The Other as Categorical Imperative: Levinas’s Reading of Kant.Brigitta Keintzel - 2020 - Levinas Studies 14:127-149.
    For Kant and Levinas, the categorical imperative is the only possible formula for universalization. It has a structural necessity. Its claim is ultimate, valid without exception, and therefore reason-based. What differentiates Levinas from Kant is Kant’s assumption that “pure reason, practical of itself” is “immediately lawgiving.” Levinas contradicted this form of reason legislating itself as an end in itself: according to Levinas, reason has no self-generated power. Although both agree that the achievement of an ethical insight depends (...)
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  23. Naturalizing phenomenology – A philosophical imperative.Maurita Harney - 2015 - Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 119 (3):661-669.
    Phenomenology since Husserl has always had a problematic relationship with empirical science. In its early articulations, there was Husserl's rejection of ‘the scientific attitude’, Merleau-Ponty's distancing of the scientifically-objectified self, and Heidegger's critique of modern science. These suggest an antipathy to science and to its methods of explaining the natural world. Recent developments in neuroscience have opened new opportunities for an engagement between phenomenology and cognitive science and through this, a re-thinking of science and its hidden assumptions more generally. This (...)
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    Hermeneutic philosophy. Part II: a nursing research example of the hermeneutic imperative to address forestructures/pre‐understandings.Rene Geanellos - 1998 - Nursing Inquiry 5 (4):238-247.
    Hermeneutic philosophy. Part II: a nursing research example of the hermeneutic imperative to address forestructures/pre‐understandingsHermeneutic research requires that pre‐understandings are brought to consciousness in order to provide the phenomenon under investigation with the greatest opportunity to reveal itself. This hermeneutic imperative is dealt with in the present study. My research involved explicating the practice knowledge of nursing on residential adolescent mental health units, and as I had worked on such units I held pre‐understandings that would influence the research. I (...)
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    The Rupture as Ethical Imperative: Reading the Phaedrus through Levinas's Ethics.Kevin Musgrave - 2018 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 51 (3):293-314.
    A question as old as the study of rhetoric itself, how we might conceive of the ethical basis of persuasion, is as pressing an issue today as ever. One of the earliest critiques of rhetoric comes from Plato's Phaedrus, in which rhetoric is likened to lust, seduction, domination, and even rape in its stance toward the other. Indeed, rhetorical scholarship has remained in contestation with these depictions of rhetoric as akin to coercion and violence.1 Unable to shake Plato's damning (...)
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  26. The Age of the Systemic Imperative. A Phenomenological Diagnosis of Social Responsibility.Ivo de Gennaro & Ralf Lüfter - 2024 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 13 (2):587-609.
    We provide a phenomenological interpretation of the rise of responsibility as a key concept of contemporary ethics. If we consider the philosophical tradition at large, responsibility has emerged as a concern, or even the center of attention, of ethical reflection only in relatively recent times. How can we account for this emergence? We argue that today’s pervasive concern with responsibility envisages a responsibility that is constitutively “social,” and that the thus understood responsibility traces back to a more original trait of (...)
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  27. “So Many Formulas”: The Relations Among the Formulas of the Categorical Imperative.Robert Guay - unknown
    Kant, having identified the formulas of the supreme principle of morality, offers a succinct explanation of their interrelation. What Kant says is, “The above three ways of representing the principle of morality are at bottom only so many formulae of the very same law, and any one of them of itself unites the other two in it.”1 This claim – hereafter the “Unity Claim” – plays the role of the eccentric cousin in the family of Kant’s ethics: although glaringly (...)
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    Rorty's Neopragmatism and the Imperative of the Discourse of African Epistemology.Amaechi Udefi - 2009 - Human Affairs 19 (1):78-86.
    Rorty's Neopragmatism and the Imperative of the Discourse of African Epistemology Pragmatism, as a philosophical movement, was a dominant orientation in the Anglo-American philosophical circles in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century. Pragmatism, as expressed by its classical advocates, namely, Charles Sanders Peirce, William James and John Dewey, emphasized the primacy of practice or action over speculative thought and a priori reasoning. The central thesis of pragmatism (though there exist other variants) is the belief that the meaning (...)
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    "An option for art but not an option for life": Beauty as an educational imperative.Joe Winston - 2008 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 42 (3):pp. 71-87.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:"An Option for Art But Not an Option for Life":Beauty as an Educational ImperativeJoe Winston (bio)IntroductionIn a recent meeting of the academic staff in the university department where I work, we were asked to state our current research interests. Responses progressed around the circle and everyone listened quietly and respectfully until I stated that my interest was beauty, to which there was general laughter—complicit, not derisory, as if everyone (...)
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    Kant’s Moral Philosophy, an Interpretation of the Categorical Imperative. [REVIEW]L. L. D. - 1980 - Review of Metaphysics 34 (1):158-159.
    A defense of Kant’s moral philosophy. The author seeks to counteract those interpretations of Kant that restrict their focus to the Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals. He argues that one must look at the whole of Kant’s writings, the earlier and later ethical writings as well as the theoretical works. This makes it possible for him to challenge the popular misconceptions of Kant’s teaching: the overemphasis on the correct motive of an action, the mistaken impression that consequences are (...)
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    Kantian Right and the Categorical Imperative: Response to Willaschek.Michael Nance - 2012 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 20 (4):541-556.
    Abstract In his 2009 article "Right and Coercion," Marcus Willaschek argues that the Categorical Imperative and the Universal Principle of Right are conceptually independent of one another because (1) the concept of right and the authorization to use coercion are analytically connected in Kant's "Doctrine of Right", but (2) the authorization to coerce cannot be derived from the Categorical Imperative. Given that the principle of right just is a principle of authorized coercion, the fact that the authorization to coerce cannot (...)
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    Relating research to practice: imperative or circumstance? [REVIEW]Dixi Louise Strand - 2006 - AI and Society 20 (3):420-441.
    This paper provides a starting point for thinking beyond a research–practice divide and discusses possible new conceptualizations of intervention and the role of IT research in contemporary organizational settings. ‘IT research’ denotes a conglomerate of overlapping research conducted under the headings of Information Systems, Systems Development, Critical IS Research and Participatory Design. The paper applies this joint notion of IT research and the IT researcher to draw parallels across these niches of research regarding the question of intervention. Through an analysis (...)
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  33.  21
    Community involvement: An imperative for action.Claudia McCollough Cleary - 1993 - Journal of Social Philosophy 24 (3):80-91.
  34. Against the Banality of Evil: The Categorical Imperative as Duty.Andrii Harbadyn - 2024 - Visnyk of the Lviv University Series Philosophical Sciences 31 (1).
    The article explores the fundamental concept of Immanuel Kant’s categorical imperative in the context of its impact on political theory, moral self-determination, and the problem of the relationship between good and evil. Particular attention is paid to the question «What ought I to do?» from «The Critique of Practical Reason», which Kant examines through the lens of freedom, morality and will. Practical action in Kantian philosophy is interpreted not only as an active deed but also as negation or abstention (...)
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    Kant, Schopenhauer and morality: recovering the categorical imperative.Mark Thomas Walker - 2011 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Introduction : a great reversal? -- Justifying morality -- Groundwork 3 : an enigmatic text -- The second critique -- Groundwork 2 : rational nature as an end-in-itself? -- From rational agency to freedom -- From freedom to non-phenomenal -- From non-phenomenality to universality -- The identity of persons -- Recovering the categorical imperative.
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    Intention of non-action: on performative structure of subjectivity.Irina Dudenkova - 2017 - Sociology of Power 29 (2):70-83.
    Article is devoted to ethical aspect of a performativity which usually remains beyond the scope of esthetic, political, linguistic aspects. In modern performance studies are usually combined the private and exact entered by Ostin definition of a performativity as the word making action, and widespread Marxist idea of the critical, changing the world theory potential. In article the main rate becomes on the heterodox reading of a performativity following criticism of violence of metaphysics of Levinas. If the theory is (...)
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    Language, speech, tools and writing. A cultural imperative.Sue Savage-Rumbaugh, William M. Fields & Jared P. Taglialatela - 2001 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 8 (5-7):5-7.
    Culture can be said to be about the business of 'self-replication'. From the moment of conception, it impresses its patterns and rhythms on the developing, infinitely plastic neuronal substrate of the fetal organism. It shapes this substrate to become preferentially sensitive to its patterns and thus to seek to replicate them as an adult. This process of neural shaping continues throughout life as the capacity of the brain to reorganize itself according to the uses to which it addresses (...) never ceases. The extraordinary capacity of culture to extract different abilities from the biological form is clearly manifest in the lexical, vocal, tool manufacture, and writing capabilities emerging in bonobos raised in a Pan/Homo culture. These findings render moot old questions regarding the innate limits of the ape brain. They raise instead far more productive questions about the form and function of the perpetual dance that is constantly taking place between plastic neuronal systems and their external culturally devised ways of being. (shrink)
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  38. Goedel's Other Legacy And The Imperative Of A Self­reflective Science.Vasileios Basios - 2006 - Goedel Society Collegium Logicum 9:pg. 1-5.
    The Goedelian approach is discussed as a prime example of a science towards the origins. While mere self­referential objectification locks in to its own by­products, self­releasing objectification informs the formation of objects at hand and their different levels of interconnection. Guided by the spirit of Goedel's work a self­reflective science can open the road where old tenets see only blocked paths. “This is, as it were, an analysis of the analysis itself, but if that is done it forms the (...)
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    Nietzsche’s Existential Imperative. [REVIEW]D. W. J. - 1979 - Review of Metaphysics 32 (3):560-561.
    An interesting, important, and well-written interpretation of Nietzsche’s doctrine of eternal recurrence. The first chapter, in addition to providing a useful summary of Nietzsche’s philosophy under the topics of nihilism, morality, Christianity, will-to-power, the Ubermensch, [[sic]] and eternal recurrence, emphasizes Nietzsche’s understanding of the crisis of Western civilization. The root of that crisis is nihilism, itself a product of Western civilization, or more specifically, of Platonism and Christianity. Plato’s rejection of the phenomenal or sensory world in the name of (...)
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    ‘But how will you ensure the objectivity of the researcher?’ Guidelines to address possible misconceptions about the ethical imperatives of community-based research.Samantha Kahts-Kramer & Lesley Wood - 2023 - Research Ethics 19 (1):1-17.
    Many reviewers of applications for ethical approval of research at universities struggle to understand what is considered ethical conduct in community-based research (CBR). Their difficulty in understanding CBR and the ethics embedded within it is, in part, due to the exclusion of CBR from researchers’ mandatory research ethics training. After all, CBR challenges both pedagogically and epistemologically the dominant paradigm/s whose worldviews, values and inherent structures of power help sustain the status quo within academic institutions at large. Consequently, CBR ethics (...)
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    Ending the Energy-Poverty Nexus: An Ethical Imperative for Just Transitions.Saurabh Biswas, Angel Echevarria, Nafeesa Irshad, Yiamar Rivera-Matos, Jennifer Richter, Nalini Chhetri, Mary Jane Parmentier & Clark A. Miller - 2022 - Science and Engineering Ethics 28 (4):1-19.
    Arguments for a just transition are integral to debates about climate change and the drive to create a carbon-neutral economy. There are currently two broad approaches rooted in ethics and justice for framing just energy transitions. The first can be described as internal to the transition and emphasizes the anticipation, assessment, and redressing of harms created by the transition itself and the inclusion in transition governance of groups or communities potentially harmed by its disruptions. In this article, we propose (...)
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    Objective imperatives: an exploration of Kant's moral philosophy.Ralph Charles Sutherland Walker - 2022 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Kant held the moral law to be an objective imperative, an entity in its own right. It carries with it prescriptive force, in parallel to other principles of pure reason, like those of logic and mathematics. Objective imperatives therefore do not derive their authority from any other source,such as common consensus or the will of God. In Objective Imperatives, Ralph C. S. Walker seeks to show that this is a highly defensible view: Kant's Categorical Imperative, properly understood, is broadly right. (...)
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    Resisting Epistemic Injustices: Beyond Anderson’s “Imperative of Integration”.Leon Schlüter - 2021 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 10 (19):59-70.
    In this paper, I take up the question of how epistemic injustices can be resisted. Miranda Fricker, who introduced the term to describe situations in which subjects are wronged as knowers, has initially advocated an individualist, virtue-based account to counteract epistemic injustices. Epistemic injustices, however, do not merely operate at an individual level but are rooted in social practices and structures. Arguably therefore, individually virtuous epistemic conduct is not enough to uproot patterns of epistemic injustice. Institutional change and collective actions (...)
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    The “Tenderness” of the Principle of Least Action: From the Philosophy of Physics to the Paradigm for Sustainable Development.Мария Янушевна Мацевич - 2023 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 66 (3):122-159.
    The paper delves into the methodological aspects of how foundational mathematical and physical tenets, most notably the principle of least action, are interpreted and assimilated within humanities discourse. The pursuit of the article’s objectives is driven by the necessity for a philosophical and methodological analysis of the current conceptual status of the principle of least action. This analysis is informed by cognitive-axiological and teleological imperatives of a “synthetic” development program for the principle. Any fundamental principle will not have (...)
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    The Concept of the Categorical Imperative. [REVIEW]K. B. Pflaum - 1969 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 18:241-243.
    Kant, probably more than any other philosopher, has suffered in the hands of his commentators and critics, both friendly and hostile. The regrettable tendency to truncate philosophical doctrines, to treat them as heaps of bones from which the interpreter can select or pick one or two with the view of using them in his game of intellectual skill, finds its most patent expression in the various treatments of Kant’s account of knowledge, faith and action. It is somehow inviting to (...)
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    The ultimate imperative: an interpretation of Christian ethics.Ronald H. Stone - 1999 - Cleveland, Ohio: Pilgrim Press.
    The Ultimate Imperative reclaims the love ethic as expressed in principles from the Ten Commandments and Jesus. Ronald Stone sets this ethic in tension with more recent theological insights and church pronouncements in order to explore personal and social issues, including race relations, economics, politics, ecology, and peacemaking.
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  47. The Imperative View of Pain.David Bain - 2011 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 18 (9-10):164-85.
    Pain, crucially, is unpleasant and motivational. It can be awful; and it drives us to action, e.g. to take our weight off a sprained ankle. But what is the relationship between pain and those two features? And in virtue of what does pain have them? Addressing these questions, Colin Klein and Richard J. Hall have recently developed the idea that pains are, at least partly, experiential commands—to stop placing your weight on your ankle, for example. In this paper, I (...)
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  48. Imperative Transparency.Manolo Martínez - 2022 - Mind 131 (522):585-601.
    I respond to an objection recently formulated by Barlassina and Hayward against first-order imperativism about pain, according to which it cannot account for the self-directed motivational force of pain. I am going to agree with them: it cannot. This is because pain does not have self-directed motivational force. I will argue that the alternative view—that pain is about dealing with extramental, bodily threats, not about dealing with itself—makes better sense of introspection, and of empirical research on pain avoidance. Also, (...)
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  49. Imperatives, phantom pains, and hallucination by presupposition.Colin Klein - 2012 - Philosophical Psychology 25 (6):917-928.
    Several authors have recently argued that the content of pains (and bodily sensations more generally) is imperative rather than descriptive. I show that such an account can help resolve competing intuitions about phantom limb pain. As imperatives, phantom pains are neither true nor false. However, phantom limb pains presuppose falsehoods, in the same way that any imperative which demands something impossible presupposes a falsehood. Phantom pains, like many chronic pains, are thus commands that cannot be satisfied. I conclude by showing (...)
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  50. Prioritized Imperatives and Normative Conflicts.Fengkui Ju & Fenrong Liu - 2011 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 7 (2):35-58.
    Imperatives occur ubiquitously in natural languages. They produce forces which change the addressee’s cognitive state and regulate her actions accordingly. In real life we often receive conflicting orders, typically, issued by various authorities with different ranks. A new update semantics is proposed in this paper to formalize this idea. The general properties of this semantics, as well as its background ideas are discussed extensively. In addition, we compare our framework with other approaches of deontic logics in the context of normative (...)
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