Results for ' incommensurability of systems of communication'

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  1.  47
    The incommensurability of nursing as a practice and the customer service model: an evolutionary threat to the discipline.Wendy J. Austin - 2011 - Nursing Philosophy 12 (3):158-166.
    Corporate and commercial values are inducing some healthcare organizations to prescribe a customer service model that reframes the provision of nursing care. In this paper it is argued that such a model is incommensurable with nursing conceived as a moral practice and ultimately places nurses at risk. Based upon understanding from ongoing research on compassion fatigue, it is proposed that compassion fatigue as currently experienced by nurses may not arise predominantly from too great a demand for compassion, but rather from (...)
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  2. Sociology as a source of anomaly in Thomas Kuhn's system of science.Struan Jacobs & Brian Mooney - 1997 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 27 (4):466-485.
    It is a testimony to the enduring importance of Thomas Kuhn's The Structure of Scientific Revolutions that, 30 years on, its doctrines of normal science and paradigm, incommensurability and revolution continue to challenge metascien tists and stimulate vigorous debate. Critique has mainly come from philosophers and historians; by and large, interested sociologists have embraced Kuhn. Un justifiably so, this article argues, bringing to light a serious difficulty or "anom aly" in his account of the social side of science. Contrary (...)
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  3. The Incommensurability Thesis.Howard Sankey - 1994 - Abingdon: Taylor and Francis.
    This book presents a critical analysis of the semantic incommensurability thesis of Thomas Kuhn and Paul Feyerabend. In putting forward the thesis of incommensurability, Kuhn and Feyerabend drew attention to complex issues concerning the phenomenon of conceptual change in science. They raised serious problems about the semantic and logical relations between the content of theories which deploy unlike systems of concepts. Yet few of the more extreme claims associated with incommensurability stand scrutiny. The argument of this (...)
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    Incommensurability in Aristotle's Theory of Reciprocal Justice.Robert L. Gallagher - 2012 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 20 (4):667 - 701.
    In just proportional exchange, under Aristotle's theory of reciprocal justice, superior sharers in a community materially assist the weaker, and receive honour as a reward. Aristotle's economic thought is represented with a system of 18 formulae. Explained are: (1) What Aristotle means when he says that it is impossible for two sharers or their erga to be commensurable; (2) The extent to which the variables in Aristotle's proportions can be quantified. (3) What diagonal pairing ( ?ατ δ? ??τ?o? σ ??????) (...)
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    Sociology as a Serious Source of Anomaly in Thomas Kuhn's System of Science.Struan Jacobs & T. Brian Mooney - unknown
    It is a testimony to the enduring importance of Thomas Kuhn's The Structure of Scientific Revolutions that, 30 years on, its doctrines of normal science and paradigm, incommensurability and revolution continue to challenge metascien tists and stimulate vigorous debate. Critique has mainly come from philosophers and historians; by and large, interested sociologists have embraced Kuhn. Un justifiably so, this article argues, bringing to light a serious difficulty or anom aly in his account of the social side of science. Contrary (...)
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    A system of communication rules for justifying and explaining beliefs about facts in civil trials.João Marques Martins - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 28 (1):135-150.
    This paper addresses the problems of justifying and explaining beliefs about facts in the context of civil trials. The first section contains some remarks about the nature of adjudicative fact-finding and highlights the communicative features of deciding about facts in judicial context. In Sect. 2, some difficulties and the incompleteness presented by Bayesian and coherentist frameworks, which are taken as methods suitable to solve the above-mentioned problems, are pointed out. In the third section, the purely epistemic approach to the justification (...)
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    (2 other versions)Art as a social system.Niklas Luhmann - 2000 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    Germany's leading contemporary social theorist provides a definitive analysis of art as a social and perceptual system which not only represents an important intellectual step in discussions of art but also an important advance in systems theory. Luhmann insists on the radical incommensurability between psychic systems (perception) and social systems (communication). Art is a special kind of communication that operates at the boundary between the social system and consciousness in ways that profoundly irritate (...) while remaining strictly internal to the social. Each chapter elaborates a particular aspect of the general problem of art's status as a social system. The book draws on a vast body of research in the social sciences, phenomenology, evolutionary biology, cybernetics, and information theory, combined with an intimate knowledge of art history, literature, aesthetics, and contemporary literary theory. The book also engages virtually every major theorist of art and aesthetics from Baumgarten to Derrida. (shrink)
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    Instantaneous systems of communicative conventions through virtual bargaining.Jennifer Misyak & Nick Chater - 2022 - Cognition 225 (C):105097.
  9.  41
    Communication Analysis of Network-Centric Warfare via Transformation of System of Systems Model into Integrated System Model Using Neural Network.Bong Gu Kang, Kyung-Min Seo & Tag Gon Kim - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-16.
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    Understanding of the Logic System of Communication of Moutza(墨子). 신요셉 - 2020 - Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 91:177-198.
    이 글은 묵자의 철학 가운데 소통문제에 대한 연구이다. 먼저 묵자의 소통을 위한 논증적 이론체계의 구축과정을 살펴보고, 그 논증을 통하여 도출된 이론들을 실천에 옮기는 소통에 집중하고자 하였다. 묵자는 천의지에 의한 의를 소통적 본질로 하여 의존 관계인 사와 실을 소통 방법의 기능으로 삼아 백성들의 삶을 안정시키는 것에 중점을 둔다. 그리고 소통을 형성하는 관계적 언어를 다스림인 치에 두면서, 그 다스림을 내외적 다스림의 논증적 사유체계로 확장시켜 나간다. 이것은 인간이 사물과 접촉함으로써 발현되는 앎(知)으로 나타나 실용적 가치인 이(利)를 창출하는 것이다. 묵자의 소통을 위한 논리는 실리주의를 기초로 (...)
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    Internal Communication in Bangladeshi Ready-Made Garment Factories: Illustration of the Internal Communication System and Its Connection to Labor Unrest.Helene Blumer - 2015 - Wiesbaden: Imprint: Springer Gabler.
    By drawing up a model of the internal communication system of Bangladeshi ready-made garment factories, Helene Blumer identifies the existence and intensity of its communication flows. She furthermore discloses a connection from this communication system to labor unrest. The absence of a functioning formal channel within the factory, the lack of effective labor representation and the rare physical presence of the factory owners confirm the existence of a communication barrier. As symptom of a flawed communication (...)
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    On the re-materialization of the virtual.Ismo Kantola - 2013 - AI and Society 28 (2):189-198.
    The so-called new economy based on the global network of digitalized communication was welcomed as a platform of innovations and as a vehicle of advancement of democracy. The concept of virtuality captures the essence of the new economy: efficiency and free access. In practice, the new economy has developed into an heterogenic entity dominated by practices such as propagation of trust and commitment to standards and standard-like technological solutions; entrenchment of locally strategic subsystems; surveillance of unwanted behavior. Five empirical (...)
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    Justice Without Retribution? The Case of the System of Communal Security, Justice and Reeducation of Montaña and Costa Chica in Guerrero, Mexico.Alexander Stachurski - 2024 - Diametros 21 (79):24-39.
    This paper discusses a non-state justice system (Sistema Comunitario de Seguridad, Justicia y Reeducación, hereafter: SCSJR) applied by some of the Afromexican and Indigenous communities of the Guerrero state in Mexico as an example of a maximalist restorative justice system. Restorative justice is presented here as an alternative to criminal justice. While it responds to similar moral concerns as retributive justifications do, it offers more adequate mechanisms of dealing with certain crimes and aims to reduce coerciveness of justice when dealing (...)
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  14.  22
    System of Training Actions for Community Nursing to Prevent Pregnancy in Adolescence.Emna Aldana Tena & Morales López - 2013 - Humanidades Médicas 13 (3):655-681.
    Se realizó una investigación en sistemas y servicios de salud de tipo descriptiva transversal, con el objetivo de elaborar un sistema de acciones de capacitación para el profesional de la enfermería comunitaria en la prevención del embarazo en la adolescencia. Se aplicaron métodos teóricos y empíricos propios de la investigación científica. El universo lo constituyeron 20 profesionales de enfermería que laboran en consultorios del Área Salud "Tula Aguilera". La muestra quedó conformada por los 12 profesionales que aceptaron participar en el (...)
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  15. The Incommensurability of Styles of Reasoning: The Case of the Existence of Theoretical Entities.Luca Sciortino - 2023 - In History of Rationalities: Ways of Thinking from Vico to Hacking and Beyond. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 271-302.
    In this chapter I shall address the question as to whether there exists a universal and atemporal justification for the claims made by a community that adopts a particular style of reasoning. I shall present a case study in which a claim made in the laboratory style of reasoning has no universal and atemporal justification. As I shall explain, Hacking justifies his belief that unobservable entities exist on the ground that they can be regularly manipulated by experimenters in order to (...)
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    The Ethical Community in Kant’s Pure Rational System of Religion: Comments on Rossi’s The Ethical Commonwealth in History.Lawrence Pasternack - 2021 - Philosophia 49 (5):1901-1916.
    This commentary on Rossi’s The Ethical Commonwealth in History will address three points of interpretation related to Kant’s conception of the ethical community/commonwealth (ethischen gemeinen Wesen). First, I will raise a number of concerns related to Rossi’s use of Kant’s concept of the highest good. Second, I will examine the relevance of the overall project of Kant’s Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason to his discussion of the ethical community, a matter that Rossi does not take up. Third, I (...)
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  17.  30
    Intentionality of Communication: Theory of Self-referential Social Systems as Sociological Phenomenology.Mitsuhiro Tada - 2010 - Schutzian Research. A Yearbook of Worldly Phenomenology and Qualitative Social Science 2:183-202.
    The aim of this article is to explore how a self-referential social system, although it is not a human being, can be said to “observe.” For this purpose, the article reformulates Niklas Luhmann’s theory of social systems as sociological phenomenology, or the de-consciousness philosophized phenomenology, because a social system has the same structure of intentionality as consciousness: Just as consciousness is always consciousness of something, communication is always communication of something. In correlation to this communicative intentionality, communicated (...)
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  18. Incommensurability and Cross-Language Communication.Xinli Wang - 2007 - Ashgate Publishing Ltd, England.
    Against the received translation-failure interpretation, this book presents a presuppositional interpretation of incommensurability, that is, the thesis of incommensurability as cross-language communication breakdown due to the incompatible metaphysical presuppositions underlying two competing presuppositional languages, such as scientific languages. This semantically sound, epistemologically well-established, and metaphysically profound interpretation not only affirms the tenability of the notion of incommensurability and confirms the reality of the phenomenon of incommensurability, but also makes some significant contributions to the discussion of (...)
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  19.  23
    Evolution of communication systems: A comparative approach.Asif A. Ghazanfar - 2006 - Acta Biotheoretica 54 (2):147-150.
  20.  27
    System of actions of Community Health Nursing implemented in a Cuban rural settlement.José Eduardo Vera Rodríguez, Nereida Rojo Pérez & Irene Sofía Quiñones Varela - 2016 - Humanidades Médicas 16 (1):130-143.
    Se realizó una intervención comunitaria en el asentamiento rural "El León" de Camagüey basada en los resultados de un estudio anterior. Su objetivo fue implementar un sistema de acciones socio-sanitarias colectadas en un manual que organizó contenidos de antropología socio cultural, psicología y sociología de la salud, fue conducida por profesionales de enfermería cuyo encargo social les asigna una mayor permanencia e intercambio con los pobladores. Se potenció el trabajo comunitario a partir de febrero de 2010. La investigación constituyó un (...)
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    Personal Trust and System Trust in the Sharing Economy: A Comparison of Community- and Platform-Based Models.Sabine Gruber - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Currently, new business models created in the sharing economy differ considerably and they differ in the formation of trust as well. If and how trust can be created is shown by a comparison of two examples which diverge in their founding philosophy. The chosen example of community-based economy, Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), no longer trusts the capitalist system and therefore distances itself and creates its own environment including a new business model. It is implemented within rather small groups where trust (...)
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  22. Verifying time, memory and communication bounds in systems of reasoning agents.Natasha Alechina, Brian Logan, Hoang Nga Nguyen & Abdur Rakib - 2009 - Synthese 169 (2):385-403.
    We present a framework for verifying systems composed of heterogeneous reasoning agents, in which each agent may have differing knowledge and inferential capabilities, and where the resources each agent is prepared to commit to a goal (time, memory and communication bandwidth) are bounded. The framework allows us to investigate, for example, whether a goal can be achieved if a particular agent, perhaps possessing key information or inferential capabilities, is unable (or unwilling) to contribute more than a given portion (...)
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  23.  15
    Elements of the Orthodox communication system.Mariya S. Petrushkevych - 2006 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 39:79-92.
    For many centuries, religious beliefs, ecclesiastical institutes, and religious practices have dominated and radically influenced secular manifestations of social consciousness, social organization, and culture. Religion through the development of certain doctrines and religious practices and the church, not only as a sacred concept, but also as a social institution uniting the followers of a particular religion, are very important areas of our reality. Therefore, the impact of religion on the mentality is deep and diverse.
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  24. Kuhn's theory of scientific revolutions and cognitive psychology.Xiang Chen, Hanne Andersen & Peter Barker - 1998 - Philosophical Psychology 11 (1):5 – 28.
    In a previous article we have shown that Kuhn's theory of concepts is independently supported by recent research in cognitive psychology. In this paper we propose a cognitive re-reading of Kuhn's cyclical model of scientific revolutions: all of the important features of the model may now be seen as consequences of a more fundamental account of the nature of concepts and their dynamics. We begin by examining incommensurability, the central theme of Kuhn's theory of scientific revolutions, according to two (...)
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  25. The emergence of symbol-based communication in a complex system of artificial creatures.Angelo Loula, Ricardo Gudwin, Charbel El-Hani & João Queiroz - unknown
    We present here a digital scenario to simulate the emergence of self-organized symbol-based communication among artificial creatures inhabiting a virtual world of predatory events. In order to design the environment and creatures, we seek theoretical and empirical constraints from C.S.Peirce Semiotics and an ethological case study of communication among animals. Our results show that the creatures, assuming the role of sign users and learners, behave collectively as a complex system, where self-organization of communicative interactions plays a major role (...)
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    The “System of Chymists” and the “Newtonian dream” in Greek-speaking Communities in the 17th–18th Centuries.Efthymios P. Bokaris & Vangelis Koutalis - 2008 - Science & Education 17 (6):641-661.
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  27. When communication fails : a study of failures of global systems.Jerome Ravetz - 2006 - In Ângela Guimarães Pereira, Sofia Guedes Vaz & Sylvia S. Tognetti (eds.), Interfaces between science and society. Sheffield, UK: Greenleaf.
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    Religion as a communicative element in the stratification system of society.Vitaliy Docush - 2017 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 83:29-35.
    Investigating religion as a social phenomenon, sociology of religion goes to its communication function, revealing the communicative nature of each of its elements. The V.Dokash's article shows how these questions were solved by the classics of the sociology of religion, in particular E. Durkheim, K. Marx, S. Freud, V. Bryan, O. Kond, P. Berger, C.Glock and others.
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    The thematic system in the construction of Arabic Sufism communities and Islamic identity.Muhammad Y. Anis, Mangatur Nababan, Riyadi Santosa & Mohammad Masrukhi - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4).
    This research aims to investigate the thematic system of Arabic texts, especially Arabic Sufi texts related to al-Hikam aphorisms. Thematic structure is defined as the set of options relating to ‘information structure’, the linguistic representation of extralinguistic experience and how a Sufi constructs an information structure in al-Hikam aphorisms. In this case, the extralinguistic experience is focused on the Arabic Sufi communities. The first problem of this research, about thematic system in al-Hikam aphorism related to Arabic Sufi communities and Islamic (...)
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  30.  6
    The Incommensurability of Scientific Theories.Howard Sankey - 1989 - Dissertation, University of Melbourne
    Kuhn and Feyerabend argue that successive or rival scientific theories may be incommensurable due to differences in the concepts and language they employ. The terms employed by such theories are unlike in meaning, and even reference, so they may fail to be translatable from one theory into the other. Owing to such semantical differences, statements from one theory neither agree nor disagree with statements from another theory with which it is incommensurable; so the content of such theories cannot be directly (...)
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    (1 other version)The effects of rapidity of fading on communication systems.Bruno Galantucci, Christian Kroos & Theo Rhodes - 2010 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 11 (1):100-111.
    Although rapidity of fading has been long identified as one of the crucial design features of language, little is known about its effects on the design of communication systems. To investigate such effects, we performed an experiment in which pairs of participants developed novel communication systems using media that had different degrees of rapidity of fading. The results of the experiment suggest that rapidity of fading does not affect the pace with which communication systems (...)
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  32.  14
    Norms for a Pictographic System: The Aragonese Portal of Augmentative/Alternative Communication (ARASAAC) System.Daniela Paolieri & Alejandra Marful - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Sense of responsible togetherness, sense of community and participation: Looking at the relationships in a university campus.Fortuna Procentese, Flora Gatti & Annarita Falanga - 2019 - Human Affairs 29 (2):247-263.
    This contribution explores the role that the Sense of Responsible Togetherness (SoRT) exerts with reference to Participation and Sense of Community. The study was conducted on a university campus, as campuses represent places where academic and community lives go hand in hand and the community is heterogeneous. A questionnaire with the SoRT scale, the Participation scale and the Italian Scale of the Sense of Community (SISC) was administered to 130 university students. SoRT had a significant indirect effect on the students’ (...)
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    Reflections on futures for music education philosophy.Estelle Ruth Jorgensen - 2006 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 14 (1):15-22.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reflections on Futures for Music Education PhilosophyEstelle R. JorgensenIn 1990, when I convened the first International Symposium for the Philosophy of Music Education at Bloomington, Indiana, there was one dominant philosophy of music education in the United States and another was about to make its appearance. The five succeeding symposia (Toronto, Canada, in 1994, led by David Elliott; Los Angeles, United States, in 1997, led by Anthony Palmer and (...)
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    Images of Community: Durkheim, Social Systems and the Sociology of Art.John A. Smith & Chris Jenks - 2000 - Ashgate Publishing.
    An original sociology of art and artistic practice, based on the theories of Emile Durkheim and contemporary models of complex social systems. The book offers a critique of current history, philosophy and sociology of art and stands in a constructive and informative relation to much contemporary art historical theory.
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    Analysis of Communication, Team Situational Awareness, and Feedback in a Three-Person Intelligent Team Tutoring System.Kaitlyn M. Ouverson, Alec G. Ostrander, Jamiahus Walton, Adam Kohl, Stephen B. Gilbert, Michael C. Dorneich, Eliot Winer & Anne M. Sinatra - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This research assessed how the performance and team skills of three-person teams working with an Intelligent Team Tutoring System on a virtual military surveillance task were affected by feedback privacy, participant role, task experience, prior team experience, and teammate familiarity. Previous work in Intelligent Tutoring Systems has focused on outcomes for task skill training for individual learners. As research extends into intelligent tutoring for teams, both task skills and team skills are necessary for good team performance. This work includes (...)
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    Design of emotional branding communication model based on system dynamics in social media environment and its influence on new product sales.Yin Zhang, Zhongfang Tu, Wenting Zhao & Lu He - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In the current social media environment, emotional branding communication has become a common marketing tool for brand owners, and therefore it has become particularly important and urgent to study it. Based on the perspective of brand equity theory, combined with the new characteristics of marketing communication in the social media environment, this paper constructed an emotional branding communication model in the social media environment. The system dynamics method was used to simulate and analyze the new product marketing (...)
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    Incorporation of the Concept of Systems in the “Theory of Communicative Action”: First Approaches.Marco Bettine - 2021 - Revista de Filosofia Moderna E Contemporânea 9 (3):343-358.
    This essay will discuss how the Theory of Communicative Action incorporates the systemic complexification process and the Systems and Life World duality. Part of this process will be carried out with the discussion of communicative action, as a space for dialogue between people seeking understanding. The process of new forms of understanding and construction of knowledge is possible through the integrative structure of the lifeworld, such as semantic dimension, social space, and historical time. However, there is the other side, (...)
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    Publishers as elements of the scientific communication system.Wulf D. V. Lucius - 2007 - Poiesis and Praxis 5 (2):125-137.
    The author argues that the new digital possibilities in scientific communication do not imply, by any means, that many old requirements are becoming dispensable. The essential elements of the system, such as quality assurance, authenticity, orientation and navigation will still demand considerable expense. The overall system costs will rather be higher in a hybrid system. In the second part of his lecture, the author discusses the two fundamentally different open access models, the Golden Road, which is supposed to be (...)
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    The evolving model of communication in sociotechnical systems.Graziella Mazzoli - 1992 - AI and Society 6 (3):221-231.
    Reflection on the natural/artificial, real/imaginary, subjective/objective dicotomies is increasingly the subject of debate on systems of communication, which make more and more widespread use of expert and/or intelligent advanced technologies.This paper analyses different forms of communication operating in a socio-technical system. The analysis is concerned with changes in creativity and participation of the human being in the decision and production processes within various contexts of social life. It is thus important to verify the possibility of an interpolation (...)
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    Semiotics of Communication: From Semiosis of Nature to Culture.Irene Machado & Vinícius Romanini - 2012 - Biosemiotics 5 (1):47-60.
    Communication Studies currently undergoes a crisis of paradigms that requires an ontological review that must begin with a debate about the conditions of possibility of every communicational phenomena. In this article we argue that semiosis offers a conceptual framework that allows for the study of communication as qualitative action. Semiosis, or the action of the sign, is here defined as a fundamental process based on perception that models the world of species, creating cognition and culture. At the core (...)
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    A Formal Model of Communication and Context Awareness in Multiagent Systems.Julien Saunier, Flavien Balbo & Suzanne Pinson - 2014 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 23 (2):219-247.
    Awareness is a concept that has been frequently studied in the context of Computer Supported Cooperative Work. However, other fields of computer science can benefit from this concept. Recent research in the multi-agent systems field has highlighted the relevance of complex interaction models such as multi-party communication and context awareness for simulation and adaptive systems. In this article, we present a generic interaction model that enables to use these different models in a standardized way. Emerging as a (...)
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    User-Centred Design of Communication Environments and Systems for Disabled People.Margherita Pillan & Fiammetta Costa - 2009 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 22 (4):265-273.
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    Logics of Communication and Change. van Benthem, Johan, van Eijck, Jan & Kooi, Barteld - unknown
    Current dynamic epistemic logics for analyzing effects of informational events often become cumbersome and opaque when common knowledge is added for groups of agents. Still, postconditions involving common knowledge are essential to successful multi-agent communication. We propose new systems that extend the epistemic base language with a new notion of ‘relativized common knowledge’, in such a way that the resulting full dynamic logic of information flow allows for a compositional analysis of all epistemic postconditions via perspicuous ‘reduction axioms’. (...)
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    Selfcontrolled Interactive Learning Systems: an Application of Communications Theory.I. Lazar & D. R. Steg - 1987 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 7 (1-2):300-305.
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    The foundation of communication and action in consciousness: Confronting action theory with systems theoretical arguments.Frank Huysmans - 2003 - Communications 28 (1):17-31.
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    System and life-world in Habermas'stheory of communicative action.Hugh Baxter - 1987 - Theory and Society 16 (1):39-86.
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    Civic seeds: new institutions for seed systems and communities—a 2016 survey of California seed libraries.Daniela Soleri - 2018 - Agriculture and Human Values 35 (2):331-347.
    Seed libraries are institutions that support the creation of semi-formal seed systems, but are often intended to address larger issues that are part of the “food movement” in the global north. Over 100 SLs are reported present in California. I describe a functional framework for studying and comparing seed systems, and use that to investigate the social and biological characteristics of California SLs in 2016 and how they are contributing to alternative seed systems based on interviews with (...)
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    Molecular signaling mechanisms of axon–glia communication in the peripheral nervous system.Tamara Grigoryan & Walter Birchmeier - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (5):502-513.
    In this article we discuss the molecular signaling mechanisms that coordinate interactions between Schwann cells and the neurons of the peripheral nervous system. Such interactions take place perpetually during development and in adulthood, and are critical for the homeostasis of the peripheral nervous system (PNS). Neurons provide essential signals to control Schwann cell functions, whereas Schwann cells promote neuronal survival and allow efficient transduction of action potentials. Deregulation of neuron–Schwann cell interactions often results in developmental abnormalities and diseases. Recent investigations (...)
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    Incommensurability and Communication: To the Communicative Turn in the Philosophy of Science.Alexander Yu Antonovski - 2022 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 59 (4):92-110.
    The article shows that Kuhn's concept of incommensurability emphasizes mainly the objective dimension of communication. To the thesis about the incommensurability of the meanings of scientific concepts in competing paradigms, we oppose the idea of a three-dimensional space of communicative dimensions. We supplement the objective dimension of communication, within which the environmental evolutionary selection of the best knowledge is carried out, with equal social and temporal horizons.
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