Results for ' individual relations'

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  1. Internal, External and Intra-Individual Relations.Arkadiusz Chrudzimski - 2005 - Axiomathes 15 (4):487-512.
    In this paper I argue that there are in fact external relations in Russell’s sense. The level at which we are forced to acknowledge them is, however, not the level of relations between concrete individual objects. All relations of this kind, which I will call “inter-individualrelations, can be construed as supervenient on the monadic properties of their terms. But if we pursue our ontological analysis a little bit deeper and consider the internal structure (...)
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    The Power of School Conditions: Individual, Relational, and Organizational Influences on Educator Wellbeing.Rachel Fiona Cann, Claire Sinnema, Alan J. Daly, Joelle Rodway & Yi-Hwa Liou - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:775614.
    Wellbeing in schools is often focused at the individual level, exploring students’ or teachers’ individual traits, habits, or actions that influence wellbeing. However, studies rarely take a whole-school approach that includes staff wellbeing, and frequently ignore relational and organizational level variables. We take a systems informed positive psychology approach and argue that it is essential to build greater understanding about organizational and relational influences on wellbeing in order for schools to support educator wellbeing. Our study evaluated the relative (...)
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    Beyond Individual Responsibilisation: How Social Relations are Mobilised in Communication About a Dementia Self-Testing App.Alexandra Kapeller - forthcoming - Health Care Analysis:1-15.
    Research on mobile health (mHealth) applications has investigated how such technologies contribute to a responsibilisation of users/patients. This literature largely focuses on the individual responsibilities constructed by the apps and the neoliberal environments that enable the positioning of the user as responsible. With this focus, this scholarship is less attentive to the role of social relations in responsibilisation. In this article, I demonstrate how relational responsibilities are constructed in the communication of a North American self-testing app for “early (...)
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  4. The individual's place in the logical space: Leibniz on possible individuals and their relations.Ohad Nachtomy - 1998 - Studia Leibnitiana 30 (2):161-177.
    La communication qui suit porte sur le concept de relation tel que le définit Leibniz dans sa correspondance avec Arnauld. La première partie présente trois des présupposés impliqués dans ce concept, à savoir 1) qu'il y a des relations entre des individus possibles, 2) que ces relations sont nécessaires à la notion de mondes possibles et 3) qu'elles sont également nécessaires pour compléter l'individuation des individus possibles. Dans la deuxième partie, on verra que le premier présupposé semble entrer (...)
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    Age‐Related Diversification and Specialization in the Mental Lexicon: Comparing Aggregate and Individual‐Level Network Approaches.Dasol Jeong & Thomas T. Hills - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (11):e70008.
    The mental lexicon changes across the lifespan. Prior work, aggregating data among individuals of similar ages, found that the aging lexicon, represented as a network of free associations, becomes more sparse with age: degree and clustering coefficient decrease and average shortest path length increases. However, because this work is based on aggregated data, it remains to be seen whether or not individuals show a similar pattern of age-related lexical change. Here, we demonstrate how an individual-level approach can be used (...)
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  6. Complex individuals and multigrade relations.Adam Morton - 1975 - Noûs 9 (3):309-318.
    I relate plural quantification, and predicate logic where predicates do not need a fixed number of argument places, to the part-whole relation. For more on these themes see later work by Boolos, Lewis, and Oliver & Smiley.
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    The Individual in Relation to the Sangha in American Buddhism: An Examination of ''Privatized Religion''.Kenneth K. Tanaka - 2007 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 27 (1):115-127.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Individual in Relation to the Sangha in American Buddhism:An Examination of "Privatized Religion"Kenneth K. TanakaIn his celebrated book Bowling Alone (2000), Robert Putnam noted the increased level in the phenomenon of "privatized religion" within the previous thirty-five years. Many of the Baby Boomer generation left churches in the late 1960s and the 1970s. Some sought out new religious movements and religious therapies, but most simply "dropped out" (...)
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  8. Relational narratives: solving an ethical dilemma concerning an individual's insurance policy.Robin Lindsay Helen Graham - 2003 - In Verena Tschudin, Approaches to ethics: nursing beyond boundaries. New York: Butterworth-Heinemann.
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    Individual Differences in Reproductive Strategy are Related to Views about Recreational Drug Use in Belgium, The Netherlands, and Japan.Katinka J. P. Quintelier, Keiko Ishii, Jason Weeden, Robert Kurzban & Johan Braeckman - 2013 - Human Nature 24 (2):196-217.
    Individual differences in moral views are often explained as the downstream effect of ideological commitments, such as political orientation and religiosity. Recent studies in the U.S. suggest that moral views about recreational drug use are also influenced by attitudes toward sex and that this relationship cannot be explained by ideological commitments. In this study, we investigate student samples from Belgium, The Netherlands, and Japan. We find that, in all samples, sexual attitudes are strongly related to views about recreational drug (...)
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    Radical-cum-Relation: Bridging Feminist Ethics and Native Individual Autonomy.Shay Welch - 2013 - Philosophical Topics 41 (2):203-222.
    For the purpose of advancing the feminist commitment to inclusion and nonliberal articulations of pluralism, in this essay I conceptualize the Native account of individual autonomy that itself evolves from a commitment to pluralism. I demonstrate that Native individual autonomy is concurrently strong and feminist in nature—what I call “radical-cum-relational.” That is, Native autonomy is more radical than the traditional liberal conception and is simultaneously grounded in relationality, which is the basis of much of feminist ethics. I demonstrate (...)
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    Individuation, Relationality, Affect: Rethinking the Human in Relation to the Living.Couze Venn - 2010 - Body and Society 16 (1):129-161.
    This article searches for a way of theorizing the interconnectedness of processes of individuation, relationality and affect, with the aim of clearing the ground for an approach that establishes the basis of this interconnectedness by reference to mechanisms common to all living things. It establishes a number of shifts that enable us to think the categories and concepts like the individual, the subject, the group, the threshold, relationality, co-implication and so on according to a fundamental decentring, finally breaking with (...)
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  12. Lifestyle-related diseases and individual responsibility through the prism of solidarity.Alena Buyx & Barbara Prainsack - 2012 - Clinical Ethics 7 (2):79-85.
    The concept of lifestyle-related diseases and individual responsibility for health has played an important role in debates on the fair allocation of increasingly scarce health-care resources. In this article, we examine this discussion through the prism of solidarity. Based on an understanding of solidarity as shared practices reflecting a collective commitment to carry ‘costs’ (financial, social, emotional or otherwise) to assist others, we analyse frequent arguments in the debate and, in particular, the tool of risk-stratification. We then offer a (...)
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  13. Relating inter-individual differences in metacognitive performance on different perceptual tasks.Chen Song, Ryota Kanai, Stephen M. Fleming, Rimona S. Weil, D. Samuel Schwarzkopf & Geraint Rees - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4):1787.
    Human behavior depends on the ability to effectively introspect about our performance. For simple perceptual decisions, this introspective or metacognitive ability varies substantially across individuals and is correlated with the structure of focal areas in prefrontal cortex. This raises the possibility that the ability to introspect about different perceptual decisions might be mediated by a common cognitive process. To test this hypothesis, we examined whether inter-individual differences in metacognitive ability were correlated across two different perceptual tasks where individuals made (...)
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    Individual, Sociodemographic, and Environmental Factors Related to Physical Activity During the Spring 2020 COVID-19 Lockdown. [REVIEW]Claudia Teran-Escobar, Cyril Forestier, Clément Ginoux, Sandrine Isoard-Gautheur, Philippe Sarrazin, Anna Clavel & Aïna Chalabaev - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: Research has shown important between-individual variations in physical activity during the COVID-19 lockdown.Objectives: The objectives of this is study are to examine the individual, sociodemographic, and environmental factors related to PA during the spring 2020 COVID-19 lockdown in France and to explore the mediating and moderating role of intention and self-efficacy toward PA in the relationships between sociodemographic/environmental variables and PA.Design: In this cross-sectional study, participants living in France completed an online survey between March 30 and April (...)
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  15. Social relations and the individuation of thought.Michael V. Antony - 1993 - Mind 102 (406):247-61.
    Tyler Burge has argued that a necessary condition for individual's having many of the thoughts he has is that he bear certain relations to other language users. Burge's conclusion is based on a thought experiment in which an individual's social relations are imagined, counterfactually, to differ from how they are actually. The result is that it seems, counterfactually, the individual cannot be attributed many of the thoughts he can be actually. In the article, an alternative (...)
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    Are Individual Differences in Arithmetic Fact Retrieval in Children Related to Inhibition?Elien Bellon, Wim Fias & Bert De Smedt - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:180700.
    Although it has been proposed that inhibition is related to individual differences in mathematical achievement, it is not clear how it is related to specific aspects of mathematical skills, such as arithmetic fact retrieval. The present study therefore investigated the association between inhibition and arithmetic fact retrieval and further examined the unique role of inhibition in individual differences in arithmetic fact retrieval, in addition to numerical magnitude processing. We administered measures of cognitive inhibition (i.e., numerical and non-numerical stroop (...)
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  17. Individuating Part-whole Relations in the Biological World.Marie I. Kaiser - 2018 - In O. Bueno, R. Chen & M. B. Fagan, Individuation across Experimental and Theoretical Sciences. Oxford University Press.
    What are the conditions under which one biological object is a part of another biological object? This paper answers this question by developing a general, systematic account of biological parthood. I specify two criteria for biological parthood. Substantial Spatial Inclusionrequires biological parts to be spatially located inside or in the region that the natural boundary of t he biological whole occupies. Compositional Relevance captures the fact that a biological part engages in a biological process that must make a necessary contribution (...)
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  18. (2 other versions)Individuals, universals, collections: On the foundational relations of ontology.Thomas Bittner, Maureen Donnelly & Barry Smith - 2001 - In Barry Smith & Christopher Welty, Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS). ACM Press. pp. 37–48.
    This paper provides an axiomatic formalization of a theory of foundational relations between three categories of entities: individuals, universals, and collections. We deal with a variety of relations between entities in these categories, including the is-a relation among universals and the part-of relation among individuals as well as cross-category relations such as instance-of, member-of, and partition-of. We show that an adequate understanding of the formal properties of such relations – in particular their behavior with respect to (...)
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    Fatigue-Related and Timescale-Dependent Changes in Individual Movement Patterns Identified Using Support Vector Machine.Johannes Burdack, Fabian Horst, Daniel Aragonés, Alexander Eekhoff & Wolfgang Immanuel Schöllhorn - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:551548.
    The scientific and practical fields—especially high-performance sports—increasingly request a stronger focus be placed on individual athletes in human movement science research. Machine learning methods have shown efficacy in this context by identifying the unique movement patterns of individuals and distinguishing their intra-individual changes over time. The objective of this investigation is to analyze biomechanically described movement patterns during the fatigue-related accumulation process within a single training session of a high number of repeated executions of a ballistic sports movement—specifically, (...)
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    (1 other version)Individuals’ Self-Reactions Toward COVID-19 Pandemic in Relation to the Awareness of the Disease, and Psychological Hardiness in Saudi Arabia.Aljawharh Ibrahim Alsukah, Nourah Abdulrhman Algadheeb, Monira Abdulrahman Almeqren, Fatimah Sayer Alharbi, Rasis Abdullah Alanazi, Amal Abdulrahman Alshehri, Futiem Nasha Alsubie & Reem Khalid Ahajri - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The coronavirus outbreak around the world has caused public health concerns and changes in peoples’ behaviors and psychological distress. The pandemic impacts on human behavior, emotions, and cognition, leading to diverse reactions in relation to awareness of the disease. However, there is little understanding around the psychological impacts of the pandemic and strategies to overcome this impact. This study aimed to examine individuals’ reactions toward the COVID-19 pandemic in relation to their psychological hardiness, their degree of awareness toward the pandemic, (...)
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    Individual Differences in Attentional Breadth Changes Over Time: An Event-Related Potential Investigation.Brent Pitchford & Karen M. Arnell - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Event-related potentials to hierarchical stimuli have been compared for global/local target trials, but the pattern of results across studies is mixed with respect to understanding how ERPs differ with local and global bias. There are reliable interindividual differences in attentional breadth biases. This study addresses two questions. Can these interindividual differences in attentional breadth be predicted by interindividual ERP differences to hierarchical stimuli? Can attentional breadth changes over time within participants be predicted by ERPs changes over time when viewing hierarchical (...)
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    Individual Differences in Relational Learning and Analogical Reasoning: A Computational Model of Longitudinal Change.Leonidas A. A. Doumas, Robert G. Morrison & Lindsey E. Richland - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:304110.
    Children’s cognitive control and knowledge at school entry predict growth rates in analogical reasoning skill over time; however, the mechanisms by which these factors interact and impact learning are unclear. We propose that inhibitory control (IC) is critical for developing both the relational representations necessary to reason and the ability to use these representations in complex problem solving. We evaluate this hypothesis using computational simulations in a model of analogical thinking, Discovery of Relations by Analogy/Learning and Inference with Schemas (...)
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  23. Relating introspective accuracy to individual differences in brain structure.Stephen Fleming, R. Weil, Z. Nagy, Raymond Dolan & G. Rees - 2010 - Science 329:1541–3.
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    Relational Phenomenology: Individual Experience and Social Meaning in Buddhist Meditation.W. Vogd & J. Harth - 2019 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 26 (7-8):238-267.
    Buddhist meditation practices presuppose that the abstract doctrines of Buddhist teachings can be transformed into individual experiences. In contrast to the assumption of a merely solipsistic phenomenology which focuses on first-person perspectives alone, we would like to propose a sociological extension of this perspective to a relational perspective that includes specific world- and selfreferences. With the empirical case of a long-time practitioner of Theravada Buddhism, we show how the primary focus on individual experiences may be misleading in terms (...)
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    The individual and his relation to society as reflected in British ethics.James Hayden Tufts - 1898 - New York,: A. M. Kelley. Edited by Helen Thompson Woolley.
    pt. 1. The individual in relation to law and institutions.--pt. 2. British ethics of the 18th century.
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    School-Related and Individual Predictors of Subjective Well-Being and Academic Achievement.Ricarda Steinmayr, Anke Heyder, Christian Naumburg, Josi Michels & Linda Wirthwein - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    Recent research in the educational context has focused not only on academic achievement but also on subjective well-being (SWB) as both play a major role in students’ lives. Whereas the determinants of academic achievement have been extensively investigated, little research has been conducted on school-related determinants of SWB in comparison with other students’ characteristics. In the present cross-sectional study, we set out to investigate whether perceived school climate predicts school grades and SWB above and beyond other variables that are important (...)
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    Intergroup Relations During the Refugee Crisis: Individual and Cultural Stereotypes and Prejudices and Their Relationship With Behavior Toward Asylum Seekers.Hege H. Bye - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    In this paper, I investigate intergroup relations between natives and asylum seekers during the European refugee crisis, and contribute to the reemerging methodological debate on the measurement of stereotypes and prejudices as individual and collective constructs. Drawing on data from the Norwegian Citizen Panel, I examined how Norwegians stereotyped asylum seekers at the height of the refugee crisis and the emotional prejudices asylum seekers as a group elicited. By experimentally manipulating the survey question format, I examined whether and (...)
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  28. Difference-Making and Individuals' Climate-Related Obligations.Holly Lawford-Smith - 2016 - In Clare Heyward & Dominic Roser, Climate Justice in a Non-Ideal World. Oxford University Press UK. pp. 64-82.
    Climate change appears to be a classic aggregation problem, in which billions of individuals perform actions none of which seem to be morally wrong taken in isolation, and yet which combine to drive the global concentration of greenhouse gases (GHGs) ever higher toward environmental (and humanitarian) catastrophe. When an individual can choose between actions that will emit differing amounts of GHGs―such as to choose a vegan rather than carnivorous meal, to ride a bike to work rather than drive a (...)
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    Causal relations between asymmetries at the individual level?Rebecca G. Deason, David R. Andresen & Chad J. Marsolek - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (4):596-597.
    Studies with humans have failed to produce evidence that any direct causal relation exists between the asymmetry of one function in an individual and the asymmetry of a different function in that individual. Without such evidence, factors external to an individual's nervous system, such as social interactions, may play crucial roles in explaining the directions of all asymmetries at all levels.
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    Thinking, Relating and Choosing: Resolving the Issue of Faith, Ethics and the Existential Responsibility of the Individual.Neil Alan Soggie - 2009 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 9 (2):1-5.
    Which is worse: Doing evil or being evil? If we are free to define ourselves through our choices, as existentialism posits, then the latter is worse. This paper attempts to resolve the issue of the difference between religious (group) ethics and the ethics of a person of faith that embraces individuals with an existential understanding. In the existential view, the individual (whether the self or the other) is the primary concern, and so the issue of personal relational morality supersedes (...)
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    Individual Self, Relational Self, Collective Self.Constantine Sedikides & Marilynn B. Brewer (eds.) - 2000 - Psychology Press.
    First published in 2002. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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  32. Individuals, Worlds, and Relations: A Discussion of Catherine Wilson’s “Plenitude and Compossibility in Leibniz”.Ohad Nachtomy - 2001 - The Leibniz Review 11:117-124.
    In her stimulating article, Catherine Wilson considers the moment of worlds-making in Leibniz’s philosophy. She raises the following question: “How do possible substances give rise to possible worlds?“ and observes that the moment of world-making is as puzzling as it is interesting. In section 2 of her article, Wilson considers two approaches to the question. According to the first, possible individuals logically precede possible worlds and possible worlds are constituted either by combinations of possible individuals or by mechanically checking the (...)
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    Individuals and Relational Beings.P. J. Lomelino - 2007 - Social Philosophy Today 23:87-101.
    Currently, the universal human rights model relies on the notion of individual human rights. According to Michael Ignatieff, this is based on the fact that universal human rights are necessarily individual rights. However, there are cultures in which persons define themselves as relational beings (firmly believing that the foundation of their value as persons rests in their being an integral part of a larger whole rather than their being identified as an individual self). Thus, the problem arises (...)
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    Individual differences in children’s mathematical competence are related to the intentional but not automatic processing of Arabic numerals.Stephanie Bugden & Daniel Ansari - 2011 - Cognition 118 (1):32-44.
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    Relational Narratives: Solving an Ethical Dilemma Concerning an Individual’s Insurance Policy.Robin Lindsay & Helen Graham - 2000 - Nursing Ethics 7 (2):148-157.
    Decisions based on ethics confront nurses daily. In this account, a cardiac nurse struggles with the challenge of securing health care benefits for Justin, a patient within the American system of health care. An exercise therapy that is important for his well-being is denied. The patient’s nurse and an interested insurance agent develop a working relationship, resulting in a relational narrative based on Justin’s care. Gadow’s concept of a relational narrative and Keller’s concept of a relational autonomy guide this particular (...)
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    Individual and Organizational Antecedents of Professional Ethics of Public Relations Practitioners in Korea.Ji Yeon Han, Hyun Soon Park & Hyeonju Jeong - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 116 (3):553-566.
    This study examines the effects of individual ethical values and organizational factors on the professional ethics of PR practitioners in Korea by considering a person–situation interactionist model. Individual ethical values are used as individual factors, and organizational factors consist of an organization’s reward and punishment for ethical/unethical behavior, the behavior of peers, and the ethical integrity of the chief ethics officer. The professional ethics of PR practitioners (the dependent variable) are classified into the following three dimensions: professional (...)
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  37. The individual and group in Confucianism: A relational perspective.Ambrose Yc King - 1985 - In Donald J. Munro, Individualism and holism: studies in Confucian and Taoist values. Ann Arbor: Center for Chinese Studies, University of Michigan.
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    Cosmopolitan Responsibility: Global Injustice, Relational Equality, and Individual Agency.Jan-Christoph Heilinger - 2019 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    The world we live in is unjust. Preventable deprivation and suffering shape the lives of many people, while others enjoy advantages and privileges aplenty. Cosmopolitan responsibility addresses the moral responsibilities of privileged individuals to take action in the face of global structural injustice. Individuals are called upon to complement institutional efforts to respond to global challenges, such as climate change, unfair global trade, or world poverty. Committed to an ideal of relational equality among all human beings, the book discusses the (...)
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    Relations Between Dual Filial Piety and Life Satisfaction: The Mediating Roles of Individuating Autonomy and Relating Autonomy.Peizhen Sun, Xiaoyue Fan, Yudi Sun, Hongyan Jiang & Lu Wang - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  40. Burnout Syndrome: an individual problem or a job-related problem.M. S. Carlotto & M. D. Gobbi - 1999 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 10:103-114.
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    Individual behavior in social situations: its relation to anxiety, neuroticism, and group solidarity.Vladimir Cervin - 1956 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 51 (2):161.
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    Faith, Hope and Charity as Character Traits in Adler's Individual Psychology: With Related Essays in Spirituality and Phenomenology.Allan Maurice Savage, Sheldon William Nicholl & Erik Mansager - 2003 - Upa.
    This book presents a synopsis of Adler's Individual Psychology and then explores its application to the Christian virtues. There is an addendum of related spiritual and phenomenological essays.
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    Event-Related Alpha-Band Power Changes During Self-reflection and Working Memory Tasks in Healthy Individuals.Takahiro Matsuoka, Takaki Shimode, Toshio Ota & Koji Matsuo - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Dysfunctional attentional control is observed in patients with mental disorders. However, there is no established neurophysiological method to assess attention in such patients. We showed a discrepancy in alpha-band power in the tasks that evoked internal and external attention event-related alpha-band power changes in healthy subjects during self-reflection and working memory tasks in a preliminary study. In this study, we aimed at elucidating event-related alpha-band power changes in healthy subjects during the tasks, addressing the shortcomings of the previous study. Sixteen (...)
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    Relations and the problem of individuation.Edwin B. Allaire - 1968 - Philosophical Studies 19 (4):61 - 63.
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  45. Biological individuality: a relational reading.Scott F. Gilbert - 2017 - In Scott Lidgard & Lynn K. Nyhart, Biological Individuality: Integrating Scientific, Philosophical, and Historical Perspectives. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
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    Hypoactive error-related activity associated with failure to learn from errors in substance dependent individuals.Upton Daniel, O'Connor David, Charles-Walsh Kathleen, Rossiter Sarah, Moore Jennifer & Hester Robert - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Attentional Bias to Threat-Related Information Among Individuals With Dental Complaints: The Role of Pain Expectancy.Mohsen Dehghani, Somayyeh Mohammadi, Louise Sharpe & Ali Khatibi - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Do relations individuate?Jack W. Meiland - 1966 - Philosophical Studies 17 (5):65 - 69.
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    Individuals in Relation to Others: Independence and Interdependence in a Kindergarten Classroom.Catherine Raeff - 2006 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 34 (4):521-557.
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    Individual differences in physiological reactions to stimulation and their relation to other measures of emotionality.G. L. Freeman & E. T. Katzoff - 1942 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 31 (6):527.
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