Results for ' institutional pillars'

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  1.  49
    Institutional Pillars and Corruption at the Societal Level.Ji Li, Jane Moy, Kevin Lam & W. L. Chris Chu - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 83 (2):327-339.
    This article studies the effects of social institutions on organizational corruption at the societal level by focusing on the possible interactions between the institutional pillars that have been identified in past research. Based on these three institutional aspects or pillars, this article tests the interactive effects of social institutions among societies throughout the world. The results suggest that the three institutional pillars have significant interactive effects on organizational corruption at the societal level. A discussion (...)
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    Institutional Pillars and Corruption at the Societal Level.Ji Li, Jane Moy, Kevin Lam & W. Chris Chu - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 83 (2):327-339.
    This article studies the effects of social institutions on organizational corruption at the societal level by focusing on the possible interactions between the institutional pillars that have been identified in past research. Based on these three institutional aspects or pillars, this article tests the interactive effects of social institutions among societies throughout the world. The results suggest that the three institutional pillars have significant interactive effects on organizational corruption at the societal level. A discussion (...)
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  3. At the Eleventh Hour: The Biography of Swami Rama. By Pandit Rajmani Tigu-nait, Ph. D. Honesdale, Pennsylvania: Himalayan Institute Press, 2002. Pp. 427. Hardcover $18.95. Awakening and Insight: Zen Buddhism and Psychotherapy. Edited by Polly Young-Eisendrath and Shoji Muramoto. Hove, England: Brunner-Routledge, 2002. [REVIEW]Dharma Bell, Dharan ı Pillar, Li Po’S. Buddhist Inscriptions By & Paul W. Kroll - 2003 - Philosophy East and West 53 (3):431-434.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Books ReceivedAt the Eleventh Hour: The Biography of Swami Rama. By Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, Ph.D. Honesdale, Pennsylvania: Himalayan Institute Press, 2002. Pp. 427. Hardcover $18.95.Awakening and Insight: Zen Buddhism and Psychotherapy. Edited by Polly Young Eisendrath and Shoji Muramoto. Hove, England: Brunner-Routledge, 2002. Pp. xii + 275. Paper $24.95.Beyond Metaphysics Revisited: Krishnamurti and Western Philosophy. By J. Richard Wingerter. Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America, 2002. Pp. vii + (...)
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  4. Two Pillars of Institutions: Constitutive Rules and Participation.Wolfgang Huemer - 2021 - In Leo Townsend, Preston Stovall & Hans Bernhard Schmid, The Social Institution of Discursive Norms: Historical, Naturalistic, and Pragmatic Perspectives. Routledge.
    The creation of new institutions and the initiation of new forms of behaviour cannot be explained only on the basis of constitutive rules – they also require a broader commitment of individuals who participate in social practices and, thus, to become members of a community. In this paper, I argue that the received conception of constitutive rules shows a problematic intellectualistic bias that becomes particularly manifest in three assumptions: (i) constitutive rules have a logical form, (ii) constitutive rules have no (...)
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  5.  25
    University vs. Research Institute? The Dual Pillars of German Science Production, 1950–2010.Jennifer Dusdal, Justin J. W. Powell, David P. Baker, Yuan Chih Fu, Yahya Shamekhi & Manfred Stock - 2020 - Minerva 58 (3):319-342.
    The world’s third largest producer of scientific research, Germany, is the origin of the research university and the independent, extra-university research institute. Its dual-pillar research policy differentiates these organizational forms functionally: universities specialize in advanced research-based teaching; institutes specialize intensely on research. Over the past decades this policy affected each sector differently: while universities suffered a lingering “legitimation crisis,” institutes enjoyed deepening “favored sponsorship”—financial and reputational advantages. Universities led the nation’s reestablishment of scientific prominence among the highly competitive European and (...)
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  6.  45
    Three (Potential) Pillars of Transnational Economic Justice: The Bretton Woods Institutions as Guarantors of Global Equal Treatment and Market Completion.Robert Hockett - 2005 - Metaphilosophy 36 (1-2):93-127.
    Abstract:This essay aims to bring two important lines of inquiry and criticism together. It first lays out an institutionally enriched account of what a just world economic order will look like. That account prescribes, via the requisites to that mechanism which most directly instantiates the account, “three realms of equal treatment and market completion”—the global products, services, and labor markets; the global investment/financial markets; and the global preparticipation opportunity allocation. The essay then suggests how, with minimal if any departure from (...)
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  7.  19
    The pillar of metropolitan greatness: The long making of archeological objects in Paris (1711–2001).Stéphane Van Damme - 2017 - History of Science 55 (3):302-335.
    Over three centuries after the 1711 discovery in the choir of Notre-Dame in Paris of a square-section stone bas-relief (the Pillar of the Boatmen) with depictions of several deities, both Gaulish and Roman, the blocks comprising it were analyzed as a symbol of Parisian power, if not autonomy, vis-à-vis the Roman Empire. Variously considered as local, national, or imperial representations, the blocks were a constant object of admiration, interrogation, and speculation among antiquarians of the Republic of Letters. They were also (...)
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  8.  30
    Institutional Theory of Action and Its Significance for Jurisprudence.Ota Weinberger - 1993 - Ratio Juris 6 (2):171-180.
    Once affirmed that a formal and finalistic theory of action is one of the four pillars of neo‐institutionalism, the author introduces the concept of Freedom of action, which is based on two points: the empirical existence of a scope for action and an information process which determine the choice between alternative actions. He then analyzes different versions of determinism and the distinction between descriptive and practical sentences, and concludes that a theory of action based on the information process has (...)
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  9.  57
    The Role of National Human Rights Institutions in the Implementation of the UN Guiding Principles.Veronika Haász - 2013 - Human Rights Review 14 (3):165-187.
    National human rights institutions (NHRIs) are key domestic mechanisms for promotion and protection of human rights. The institutions' broad mandate, competencies, and special status between state and nonstate actors on the one hand, and special status between the national and international levels on the other hand enable them to engage effectively in the field of business and human rights. Since 2009, NHRIs have been engaging with the international human rights system in order to increase understanding and raise awareness of their (...)
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  10.  17
    Exploring the impact of environmental, social, and governance on clean development mechanism implementation through an institutional approach.Sue Kyoung Lee, Gayoung Choi, Taewoo Roh, So Young Lee & Dan-Bi Um - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The study hypothesizes that the environmental, social, and governance of the host country have a significant effect on clean development mechanism implementation. As CDM incorporates sustainable development as one of the objectives for the green transition, many countries endeavor to adopt and implement CDM as their cleaner production method. Based on the institutional theory, the study aims to investigate the mechanism by which the institutional process of each ESG pillar makes an opportunity for a host country and to (...)
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  11. Sustainable internationalization?: measuring the diversity of internationalization at higher education institutions.Miguel Rodriguez Lopez, Benjamin R. K. Runkle, Stefan Roski, Jana Stöver, Kerstin Jantke, Manuel Gottschick & Delf Rothe - 2016 - In [no title].
    Sustainability and internationalization are considered to be core values of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), but their relationship is rarely investigated. The current study develops a framework to create a sustainable internationalization policy for an HEI; it analyzes how to measure the sustainability of an internationalization policy in two steps. First, this study presents a theoretical framework for a cost-benefit analysis of HEIs’ sustainable internationalization policies using three sustainability pillars (economic, ecological, and social), each with examples for their own measurable (...)
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  12.  37
    Berlin Roots Zionist Incarnation: The Ethos of Pure Mathematics and the Beginnings of the Einstein Institute of Mathematics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.Shaul Katz - 2004 - Science in Context 17 (1-2):199-234.
    Officially inaugurated in 1925, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem was designed to serve the academic needs of the Jewish people and the Zionist enterprise in British Mandatory Palestine, as well as to help fulfill the economic and social requirements of the Middle East. It is intriguing that a university with such practical goals should have as one of its central pillars an institute for pure mathematics that purposely dismissed any of the varied fields of applied mathematics. This paper tells (...)
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  13.  78
    Local attitudes, moral obligation, customary obedience and other cultural practices: Their influence on the process of gaining informed consent for surgery in a tertiary institution in a developing country.David O. Irabor & Peter Omonzejele - 2007 - Developing World Bioethics 9 (1):34-42.
    The process of obtaining informed consent in a teaching hospital in a developing country (e.g. Nigeria) is shaped by factors which, to the Western world, may be seen to be anti-autonomomous: autonomy being one of the pillars of an ideal informed consent. However, the mix of cultural bioethics and local moral obligation in the face of communal tradition ensures a mutually acceptable informed consent process. Paternalism is indeed encouraged by the patients who prefer to see the doctor as all-powerful (...)
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  14.  38
    A tripartite model of federalism.Raf Geenens & Helder De Schutter - 2023 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 49 (7):753-785.
    The classical account of federalism is bipartite. Federal systems are understood to have a dual nature: on the one hand, there is the central government, and on the other hand, there are the constituent units. We argue instead for a tripartite model of federalism. In this model, a third institutional pillar is added to federal systems. This third pillar deals exclusively with matters related to the institutional architecture of the system. We argue for tripartite federalism on three grounds: (...)
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  15.  29
    Basic characteristics of the development of Serbian philosophical periodicals.Marinko Lolic - 2013 - Filozofija I Društvo 24 (2):5-15.
    This work discusses the creation, development, and key characteristics of philosophical periodicals in Serbia, as one of the most important institutional pillars for the development of a philosophical culture. The author shows that Serbian philosophical periodicals played a significant role in the development and dissemination, not only of its primary goal, philosophical culture, but also in building general standards of criticism, necessary for critical thinking in science and our society. At the end of the account, the author emphasizes (...)
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  16.  43
    Couples, Canons, and the Uncouth: Spenser-and-Milton in Educational Theory.Annabel Patterson - 1990 - Critical Inquiry 16 (4):773-793.
    Among the processes of canon-formation is the habit of coupling writers; and among the most powerful of couples in the traditional English literary canon is Spenser-and-Milton. Much of my own professional life has probably been determined by my first teaching assignment of 1963, which included “Spenser-and-Milton,” in those days at Toronto a famous cornerstone course carrying the tamp of the stamp of the formidable Renaissance scholar A. S. P. Woodhouse, known affectionately if disrespectfully to his students as Professor Nature-and-Grace. For (...)
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    The Force, Frailty, and Future of Human Rights under Globalization.Ulrich K. Preuss - 2000 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 1 (2).
    The author makes the claim that human rights have become an important institution of international relations, their inherent powerlessness notwithstanding. In the first step of the analysis, the author discusses the positive correlation between a nationâs socioeconomic well-being and the safe guarantee of human rights. However, the social and political disembeddedness of human rights and their universalist character actually constitute their inherent weakness, which is analyzed in the second part. In the third part, which deals with the future development of (...)
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  18.  15
    Secularism, Religion, and Politics: India and Europe.Péter Losonczi & Walter van Herck - 2014 - Routledge India.
    "What is secularism? Is it possible to separate religion from politics? This critical volume examines the dynamic relationship between the state and religion in India and Europe. It first conceptualizes the nature and challenges of secularism in the wake of radical changes in post-9/11 world politics. Second, in assessing the scope and future of secularism in the actual contexts of its emergence and practice, it redraws the boundaries and definitions of the institutional pillars of the state - judiciary, (...)
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  19.  37
    The Care Dialog: the “ethics of care” approach and its importance for clinical ethics consultation.Patrick Schuchter & Andreas Heller - 2018 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 21 (1):51-62.
    Ethics consultation in institutions of the healthcare system has been given a standard form based on three pillars: education, the development of guidelines and concrete ethics consultation in case conferences. The spread of ethics committees, which perform these tasks on an organizational level, is a remarkable historic achievement. At the same time it cannot be denied that modern ethics consultation neglects relevant aspects of care ethics approaches. In our essay we present an “ethics of care” approach as well as (...)
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  20.  26
    Disentangling the Knot: Variable Mixing of Four Motivations for Firms’ Use of Social Practices. [REVIEW]Adele Santana - 2015 - Business and Society 54 (6):763-793.
    The objective of this study is to reach a deeper understanding of the nature of the motivations behind social practices used by firms. The motivation-mix model is a proposal that attempts to classify the different reasons that may motivate the use of each practice. The article proposes that this motivation-mix can be examined as intrafirm, indicating a particular combination for each social practice within each firm, at a given moment. The article argues that the aggregate of motivation-mixes for all social (...)
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  21.  9
    Economia, Diritto e Politica nella filosofia di Croce. Tra finzioni, istituzioni e libertà.Paolo Silvestri - 2012 - Torino: Giappichelli.
    Italian Abstract: Il testo propone una rilettura critica della filosofia di Croce, articolata attorno ai quei due snodi che la teoria degli «pseudoconcetti» mira a trattare unitariamente: il finzionale e l’istituzionale. Tentando di rinnovare il nominalismo e contro ogni ipostatizzazione metafisica, lo pseudoconcetto si incarica di rendere conto della logica dell’astratto e dell’‘empirico’: le leggi, i tipi, i modelli e gli schemi delle scienze sociali, ma anche le istituzioni e le leggi degli ordinamenti giuridici, politici ed economici. Donde la riconfigurazione, (...)
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  22.  9
    The modern land-grant university.Robert J. Sternberg (ed.) - 2014 - West Lafayette, Indiana: Purdue University Press.
    In an increasingly competitive higher education environment, America's public universities are seeking ways to differentiate themselves. This book suggests that a hopeful vision of what a university should be lies in a reexamination of the "land-grant mission," the common system of values originally set forth in the Morrill Land Grant Acts of 1862 and 1890, which established a new system of practically oriented higher learning across the United States. While hard to define, these values are often expressed by the one (...)
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  23.  54
    Bringing Bourdieu’s master concepts into organizational analysis.David L. Swartz - 2008 - Theory and Society 37 (1):45-52.
    This article argues that while elements of Pierre Bourdieu’s sociology are increasingly employed in American sociology, it is rare to find all three of Bourdieu’s master concepts—habitus, capital, and field—incorporated into a single study. Moreover, these concepts are seldom deployed within a relational perspective that was fundamental to Bourdieu’s thinking. The article “Bourdieu and Organizational Analysis” by Mustafa Emirbayer and Victoria Johnson is a welcomed exception, for it draws on all three of Bourdieu’s pillar concepts to propose a relational approach (...)
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  24.  30
    Zek'tın Devlet Eliyle Yönetilmesi Ve Malezya Zek't Sistemi Örneği.Murat Aydın - 2018 - Dini Araştırmalar 21 (54):145-174.
    One of the five pillars of the Islam, zakat (alms) was made necessary after the hijra. Although Zakat was one of the most important resources of Islamic state treasury for many years, it was excluded from the state authority in the period of Omar bin Abdul-Aziz. In recent years, it has been seen that some Muslim-majority states have made significant attempts to manage zakat under the control of the state. For example; Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sudan, and Nigeria are very (...)
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    Діяльність військових училищ російської імперії в межах військових округів на українських землях на початку хх ст.Melnykov Eduard - 2016 - Схід 6 (146):65-69.
    The article discusses the military schools activities and educational aspects of the officer corps formation of the Russian Empire in the Ukrainian lands of early ХХ century. The armed forces of each state in the world cannot be imagined without a command structure. The efficiency of the army depends on training and moral character of the officer contingent. Graduates of military schools were considered the elite society of Imperial Russia, they were role models for the younger generation and a reliable (...)
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  26.  18
    Humanistic Management: Protecting Dignity and Promoting Well-Being.Michael Pirson - 2017 - Cambridge University Press.
    In a world facing multiple crises, our foundational institutions are failing to offer effective solutions. Drawing on the emerging consilience of knowledge, Michael Pirson debunks the fundamental yet outdated assumptions of human nature that guide twentieth-century management theory and practice - as captured in the 'economistic' paradigm - and instead provides an urgently needed conceptual and practical 'humanistic' framework, based on the protection of human dignity and the promotion of well-being. By outlining the science-based pillars of this innovative system, (...)
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  27.  19
    Parliamentary Democracy by Default: Applying the European Convention on Human Rights to Presidential Elections and Referendums.Kriszta Kovács - 2020 - Jus Cogens 2 (3):237-258.
    This paper is concerned with the Convention’s “democracy clause,” that is Article 3 of Protocol No. 1, which provides for the right to free elections. Why should it be described as a “democracy clause” and what is its significance for today? The paper first sketches out the drafting history, which reveals that while the framers were keen to preserve their inherited domestic institutions, they also thought it crucial to promote democracy. The Convention invokes but does not define democracy. It is (...)
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  28.  32
    Preparing for a Sustainable Future.Fayez Albadri, Najwa Ashal, Ambareen Beebeejaun, Khoyratty Bushra, David Crowther, Maria Costa, Marcia Juliana D’Angelo, Bheekharry Normada Devi, Cristina Góis, Srushti Govilkar, Kritika Jaiswal, Vimi Neeroo Lockmun-Bissessur, Chris McLean, José Lázaro Oliveira Nunes, Flávio Oliveira, Swaleha Peeroo, Dineshwar Ramdhony, Raysa Geaquinto Rocha, Martin Samy, Maria João Santos, Aatman Shukla, Ruchi Tewari, Subrun Veerunjaysingh & Clara Viseu - 2023 - Springer Nature Singapore.
    The term sustainability has become one of the most significant in the current era. It seems to be ubiquitous amongst academics, politicians, business leaders, media personnel and even the general public. It is no exaggeration to state that it is considered all over the world to be the most pressing issue to be addressed for the long-term future of the planet and its inhabitants. The topic is of course complex, and the issue of sustainability is under much debate as to (...)
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  29.  37
    Rethinking the Alternatives: Food Sovereignty as a Prerequisite for Sustainable Food Security.Ronald Byaruhanga & Ellinor Isgren - 2023 - Food Ethics 8 (2):1-20.
    The concept of food sovereignty is primarily taken as an alternative to the prevailing neoliberal food security model. However, the approach has hitherto not received adequate attention from policy makers. This could be because the discourse is marked by controversies and contradictions, particularly regarding its ability to address the challenges of feeding a rapidly growing global population. In response to these criticisms, this paper argues that the principles of food sovereignty, such as democratic and transparent food systems, agroecology, and local (...)
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  30.  91
    Evidence – competence – discourse: The theoretical framework of the multi-centre clinical ethics support project metap.Stella Reiter-Theil, Marcel Mertz, Jan Schürmann, Nicola Stingelin Giles & Barbara Meyer-Zehnder - 2011 - Bioethics 25 (7):403-412.
    In this paper we assume that ‘theory’ is important for Clinical Ethics Support Services (CESS). We will argue that the underlying implicit theory should be reflected. Moreover, we suggest that the theoretical components on which any clinical ethics support (CES) relies should be explicitly articulated in order to enhance the quality of CES.A theoretical framework appropriate for CES will be necessarily complex and should include ethical (both descriptive and normative), metaethical and organizational components. The various forms of CES that exist (...)
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    The Developmental Challenge to the Paradox of Pain.Kevin Reuter - 2017 - Erkenntnis 82 (2):265-283.
    People seem to perceive and locate pains in bodily locations, but also seem to conceive of pains as mental states that can be introspected. However, pains cannot be both bodily and mental, at least according to most conceptions of these two categories: mental states are not the kind of entities that inhabit body parts. How are we to resolve this paradox of pain? In this paper, I put forward what I call the ‘Developmental Challenge’, tackling the second pillar of this (...)
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  32. Compensation Duties.Kian Mintz-Woo - 2023 - In Gianfranco Pellegrino & Marcello Di Paola, Handbook of the Philosophy of Climate Change. Springer. pp. 779-797.
    While mitigation and adaptation will help to protect us from climate change, there are harms that are beyond our ability to adapt. Some of these harms, which may have been instigated from historical emissions, plausibly give rise to duties of compensation. This chapter discusses several principles that have been discussed about how to divide climate duties—the polluter pays principle, the beneficiary pays principle, the ability to pay principle, and a new one, the polluter pays, then receives principle. The chapter introduces (...)
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    Governments, grassroots, and the struggle for local food systems: containing, coopting, contesting and collaborating.Stéphane M. McLachlan, Colin R. Anderson & Julia M. L. Laforge - 2017 - Agriculture and Human Values 34 (3):663-681.
    Local sustainable food systems have captured the popular imagination as a progressive, if not radical, pillar of a sustainable food future. Yet these grassroots innovations are embedded in a dominant food regime that reflects productivist, industrial, and neoliberal policies and institutions. Understanding the relationship between these emerging grassroots efforts and the dominant food regime is of central importance in any transition to a more sustainable food system. In this study, we examine the encounters of direct farm marketers with food safety (...)
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  34.  53
    The Evolving Political Marketplace: Revisiting 60 Years of Theoretical Dominance Through a Review of Corporate Political Activity Scholarship in Business & Society and Major Management Journals.Colby Green, Timothy Werner, Richard Marens, Douglas Schuler & Stefanie Lenway - 2022 - Business and Society 61 (5):1416-1470.
    We review articles about corporate political activity published in Business & Society since its beginnings 60 years ago and in a set of other leading management journals over the past decade. We present evidence that most studies of CPA use the political markets’ perspective. Under the premise that the contemporary political environment has changed significantly since the inception of the political markets’ perspective, our review asks two interconnected questions. First, to what degree have changes in the political environment challenged the (...)
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    Clinical Trials Infrastructure as a Quality Improvement Intervention in Low- and Middle-Income Countries.Avram Denburg, Carlos Rodriguez-Galindo & Steven Joffe - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (6):3-11.
    Mounting evidence suggests that participation in clinical trials confers neither advantage nor disadvantage on those enrolled. Narrow focus on the question of a “trial effect,” however, distracts from a broader mechanism by which patients may benefit from ongoing clinical research. We hypothesize that the existence of clinical trials infrastructure—the organizational culture, systems, and expertise that develop as a product of sustained participation in cooperative clinical trials research—may function as a quality improvement lever, improving the quality of care and outcomes of (...)
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    Role of Country- and Firm-Level Determinants in Environmental, Social, and Governance Disclosure.Maria Baldini, Lorenzo Dal Maso, Giovanni Liberatore, Francesco Mazzi & Simone Terzani - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (1):79-98.
    In recent years, companies receive pressure to release environmental, social, and governance disclosure, since these are perceived as critical issues by society. Despite this pressure, ESG disclosure practices considerably vary by firm. Prior academic literature investigated country- and firm-level factors determining such variation, alternatively adopting the institutional and legitimacy theory. By combining these theories in a unique framework, this study investigates the extent to which social structures and social legitimization influence ESG disclosure practices and each pillar. Results obtained using (...)
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  37. Compensation Duties.Kian Mintz-Woo - 2023 - In Gianfranco Pellegrino & Marcello Di Paola, Handbook of the Philosophy of Climate Change. Springer. pp. 779-797.
    While mitigation and adaptation will help to protect us from climate change, there are harms that are beyond our ability to adapt. Some of these harms, which may have been instigated from historical emissions, plausibly give rise to duties of compensation. This chapter discusses several principles that have been discussed about how to divide climate duties – the polluter pays principle, the beneficiary pays principle, the ability to pay principle, and a new one, the polluter pays, then receives principle. The (...)
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    What's Political about Political Refugeehood? A Normative Reappraisal.Felix Bender - 2022 - Ethics and International Affairs 36 (3):353-375.
    What is political about political refugeehood? Theorists have assumed that refugees are special because their specific predicament as those who are persecuted sets them aside from other “necessitous strangers.” Persecution is a special form of wrongful harm that marks the repudiation of a person's political membership and that cannot—contrary to certain other harms—be remedied where they are. It makes asylum necessary as a specific remedial institution. In this article, I argue that this is correct. Yet, the connection between political membership, (...)
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    Fixing Technology with Society: The Coproduction of Democratic Deficits and Responsible Innovation at the OECD and the European Commission.Sebastian Pfotenhauer, Tess Doezema & Nina Frahm - 2022 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 47 (1):174-216.
    Long presented as a universal policy-recipe for social prosperity and economic growth, the promise of innovation seems to be increasingly in question, giving way to a new vision of progress in which society is advanced as a central enabler of technoeconomic development. Frameworks such as “Responsible” or “Mission-oriented” Innovation, for example, have become commonplace parlance and practice in the governance of the innovation–society nexus. In this paper, we study the dynamics by which this “social fix” to technoscience has gained legitimacy (...)
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    Co-Evolution in Relation to Small Cars and Sustainability in China: Interactions Between Central and Local Governments, and With Business.Stephen Tsang & Ans Kolk - 2017 - Business and Society 56 (4):576-616.
    This article explores how the institutional context, including central and local governments, has co-evolved with business in relation to small cars and sustainability. This issue is very relevant for business and society in view of the environmental implications of the rapidly growing vehicle fleet in China, the economic importance attached to this pillar industry by the government, and citizen interest in owning and driving increasingly larger cars. The interactions between different levels of government, and with business in countries with (...)
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    CSR, Sustainability and the Meaning of Global Reporting for Latin American Corporations.Luis A. Perez-Batres, Van V. Miller & Michael J. Pisani - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 91 (2):193-209.
    We seek to add to the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainable Development (SD) literature through the empirical study of Latin American firm membership in the United Nations Global Compact (GC) and Global Report Initiative (GRI). Within an institutional-based framework, we explore through three filters – commercial, state-signaling, and distinguished peers – the impact of normative and mimetic pressures associated with GC/gri membership. Our sample includes 207 public firms from six Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and (...)
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  42.  58
    E Pluribus Unum? Legitimacy Issues and Multi-stakeholder Codes of Conduct.Valentina Mele & Donald H. Schepers - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 118 (3):561-576.
    Regulatory schema has shifted from government to governance-based systems. One particular form that has emerged at the international level is the multi-stakeholder voluntary code of conduct (MSVC). We argue that such codes are not only simply mechanisms by which various stakeholders attempt to govern the action of the corporation but also systems by which each stakeholder attempts to gain or retain some legitimacy goal. Each stakeholder is motivated by strategic legitimacy goal to join the code, and once a member, is (...)
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    Urban Regeneration: A Comprehensive Strategy For Achieving Social Sustainability in Historical Squares.Asma Mehan - 2016 - In Adrian Boldisor, 3rd INTERNATIONAL MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE ON SOCIAL SCIENCES AND ARTS S G E M 2 0 1 6 ANTHROPOLOGY, ARCHAEOLOGY, HISTORY & PHILOSOPHY CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS. Sofia: STEF92 Technology. pp. 861-868.
    An influencing paradigm which presented as an integrated approach in social, cultural, environmental and economical dimensions is the concept of sustainable Urban Regeneration, which tries to resolve urban challenges, environmental crises and development problems for enhancing quality of life and creating balance between Growth, Preservation and Regeneration. However in recent years social sustainability has gained increased recognition as a fundamental component of sustainable development, beginning to receive political and institutional endorsement within the Urban Regeneration agenda. The first objective of (...)
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    Reconstructing Human Rights: A Pragmatist and Pluralist Inquiry Into Global Ethics.Joe Hoover - 2016 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press UK.
    We live in a human-rights world. The language of human-rights claims and numerous human-rights institutions shape almost all aspects of our political lives, yet we struggle to know how to judge this development. Scholars give us good reason to be both supportive and sceptical of the universal claims that human rights enable, alternatively suggesting that they are pillars of cross-cultural understanding of justice or the ideological justification of a violent and exclusionary global order. All too often, however, our evaluations (...)
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    Intimacy and Sexuality in Institutionalized Dementia Care: Clinical-Ethical Considerations.Lieslot Mahieu, Luc Anckaert & Chris Gastmans - 2017 - Health Care Analysis 25 (1):52-71.
    Intimacy and sexuality expressed by nursing home residents with dementia remains an ethically sensitive issue for care facilities, nursing staff and family members. Dealing with residents’ sexual longings and behaviour is extremely difficult, putting a burden on the caregivers as well as on the residents themselves and their relatives. The parties in question often do not know how to react when residents express themselves sexually. The overall aim of this article is to provide a number of clinical-ethical considerations addressing the (...)
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    Assisting you to advance with ethics in research: an introduction to ethical governance and application procedures.Zeenath Reza Khan, Veronika Kralikova, Dita Henek Dlabolová & Shivadas Sivasubramaniam - 2021 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 17 (1).
    Ethics and ethical behaviour are the fundamental pillars of a civilised society. The focus on ethical behaviour is indispensable in certain fields such as medicine, finance, or law. In fact, ethics gets precedence with anything that would include, affect, transform, or influence upon individuals, communities or any living creatures. Many institutions within Europe have set up their own committees to focus on or approve activities that have ethical impact. In contrast, lesser-developed countries are trying to set up these committees (...)
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  47. Popper's Communitarianism.Jeff Kochan - 2009 - In Zuzana Parusniková & Robert S. Cohen, Rethinking Popper. London: Springer. pp. 287--303.
    In this chapter, I argue that Karl Popper was a communitarian philosopher. This will surprise some readers. Liberals often tout Popper as one of their champions. Indeed, there is no doubt that Popper shared much in common with liberals. However, I will argue that Popper rejected a central, though perhaps not essential, pillar of liberal theory, namely, individualism. This claim may seem to contradict Popper's professed methodological individualism. Yet I argue that Popper was a methodological individualist in name only. In (...)
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    Bentham's International Political Theory: Taking States’ Responsibilities Seriously.Benjamin Bourcier - forthcoming - Utilitas:1-17.
    In this article, I defend the idea that Bentham's international political theory entails a cosmopolitan dimension. First, I explain that Bentham rejects two pillars of internationalism, namely, the sovereign's unconstrained autonomous power and authority in international politics, and the legal and moral personality of the state in the international realm. This critique leads Bentham to construct a complex international political theory which places the issue of states’ responsibility at its centre. Bentham's international theory articulates a minimalist international system of (...)
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  49. Introduction to operations research.Frederick S. Hillier - 1967 - San Francisco,: Holden-Day. Edited by Gerald J. Lieberman.
    For over four decades, "Introduction to Operations Research" by Frederick Hillier has been the classic text on operations research. While building on the classic strengths of the text, the author continues to find new ways to make the text current and relevant to students. One way is by incorporating a wealth of state-of-the-art, user-friendly software and more coverage of business applications than ever before. The hallmark features of this edition include clear and comprehensive coverage of fundamentals, an extensive set of (...)
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    Books with potential for character education and a literacy-rich social studies classroom: A research study.Arlene L. Barry, Suzanne Rice & Molly McDuffie-Dipman - 2013 - Journal of Social Studies Research 37 (1):47-61.
    This study was conducted to determine the appropriateness and potential of a set of books as a resource for infusing character education in a social studies classroom. Based on a research review, the literature chosen was the past decade (2001–2011) of Newbery-Award winning books. As recipients of perhaps the most prestigious award for children's literature, Newbery books were of exceptional quality and widely available. Narrative analysis ( Neuendorf, 2002 ) allowed us to explore their suitability for character education. The Josepheson (...)
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