Results for ' institutional precedents'

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  1. An Artefactual Theory of Precedent.Kenneth M. Ehrenberg - 2023 - In Timothy Endicott, Hafsteinn Dan Kristjánsson & Sebastian Lewis, Philosophical Foundations of Precedent. Oxford University Press. pp. 268-280. Translated by Timothy Endicott, Hafsteinn Dan Kristjánsson & Sebastian Lewis.
    This chapter provides an explanation of precedent as a kind of artefact, in keeping with broader accounts of law that do so, specifically the author’s account of law as a genre of institutionalized abstract artefact. The chapter develops its explanation by responding to an argument by Dan Priel against seeing the common law as an artefact when understood to be a form of custom. The chapter shows that customs can themselves be artefacts but also that the precedential elements of common (...)
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  2. Precedent autonomy and personal identity.Michael Quante - 1999 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 9 (4):365-381.
    : Debates on precedent autonomy and some forms of paternalistic interventions, which are related to questions of personal identity, are analyzed. The discussion is based on the distinction between personal identity as persistence and as biographical identity. It first is shown that categorical objections to advance directives and "Ulysses contracts" are based on false assumptions about personal identity that conflate persistence and biographical identity. Therefore, advance directives and "Ulysses contracts" are ethically acceptable tools for prolonging one's autonomy. The notions of (...)
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    Institution et passivité: lectures de M. Merleau-Ponty.Anne Gléonec - 2017 - Grenoble: Millon.
    "Si le "jargon de l'authenticité" a sans doute rendu nombre de phénoménologies incapables de penser l'histoire et le politique, Merleau-Ponty a su le faire au coeur des textes étrangement les moins commentés, dans leur lien même, ceux des cours au Collège de France de 1954-1955: L'Institution et La Passivité. Des cours que cet ouvrage se propose enfin de relire, en discussion serrée avec l'ensemble de l'oeuvre merleau-pontienne, tant celle qui les précède que celle qui leur succède, pour la dévoiler autrement. (...)
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    Institutional Impediments to Voluntary Ethics Measurement Systems.O. Scott Stovall, John D. Neill & Brad Reid - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 66 (2/3):169 - 175.
    In this paper, we argue that calls for widespread implementation of ethics measurement systems would be better informed by institutional economic analysis. Specifically, we assert that proponents of such systems must first recognize and understand the institutions that potentially impede such efforts. We identify two potential institutional impediments to measuring ethics and social responsibility. First, we suggest that neoclassical economics, supported by traditional business education and legal precedent, serves to reinforce the notion that shareholders are the primary corporate (...)
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    Defining institutional review board application quality: critical research gaps and future opportunities.Kimberley Serpico - 2024 - Research Ethics 20 (1):19-35.
    The quality of a research study application sends a distinct signal to the institutional review board (IRB) about the skills, capacities, preparation, communication, experience, and resources of its authors. However, efforts to research and define IRB application quality have been insufficient. Inattention to the quality of an IRB application is consequential because the application precedes IRB review, and perceptions of quality between the two may be interrelated and interdependent. Without a clear understanding of quality, IRBs do not know how (...)
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    Institutional Conscientious Objection to Medical Assistance in Dying in Canada: A Critical Analysis of the Personnel-Based Arguments.Nicholas Abernethy - 2023 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 6 (2):43-52.
    Debate rages over whether Canadian provincial and territorial governments should allow healthcare institutions to conscientiously object to providing medical assistance in dying (MAiD). This issue is likely to end up in court soon through challenges from patients, clinicians, or advocacy groups such as Dying With Dignity Canada. When it does, one key question for the courts will be whether allowing institutional conscientious objection (ICO) to MAiD respects (i.e., shows due regard for) the consciences of the objecting healthcare institutions, understood (...)
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    Precedents of the strategic planning process as fundamentals for the achievement of an endogenous sustainable development from the university.Jorge Clímaco Cañarte - 2012 - Humanidades Médicas 12 (3):464-486.
    En el artículo se realizó una revisión de los modelos de planificación estratégica en sentido general, pero que son aplicados en los momentos actuales en el ámbito de las instituciones de educación superior. El modelo globalizador, el cual es el básico en la mayor parte de los ejercicios de planificación; el modelo sectorial, que tiene un importante arraigo en el sector educativo latinoamericano, y el modelo situacional, cuya noción básica consiste en que planificar es una acción de todos los actores. (...)
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    (1 other version)L'institution et le genre. À propos de l'accès des femmes au sacré dans l'Occident médiéval.Michel Lauwers - 1995 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 2:13-13.
    La question du sacerdoce des femmes dans l'Occident chrétien doit être examinée à la lumière des catégories sociales (masculin/féminin, laïc/ecclésiastique) imaginées par l'Église durant le Moyen Age. C'est en forgeant, entre le IIIe et le XIIe siècle, des systèmes de classification adaptés à leur insertion croissante dans la société que les clercs en vinrent à exclure catégoriquement les femmes du ministère sacerdotal, tout en définissant des fonctions socio-religieuses spécifiquement féminines. Au cours du XIIIe siècle, alors que l'ordre social défini par (...)
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    Ú. V. Matiásévič Dvé rédukcii 10-j problémy Gilbérta. Isslédovaniá po konstruktivnoj matématiké i matématičéskoj logiké, II, edited by A. O. Slisénko, Zapiski Naučnyh Séminarov Léningradskogo Otdéléniá Ordéna Lénina Matématičéskogo Instituta im. V. A. Stéklova AN SSSR, vol. 8, Izdatél'stvo “Nauka,” Leningrad 1968, pp. 144–158. - Yu. V. Matiyasevich. Two reductions of Hilbert's tenth problem. English translation of the preceding. Studies in constructive mathematics and mathematical logic, Part II, edited by A. O. Slisenko, Seminars in Mathematics, V. A. Steklov Mathematical Institute, Leningrad, vol. 8, Consultants Bureau, New York-London 1970, pp. 68–74. [REVIEW]Ann S. Ferebee - 1972 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 37 (3):604-605.
  10.  21
    Maurice Halbwachs ;, Alfred Sauvy. Le point de vue du nombre, 1936: Précédé de l'avant-propos au Tome VII de l'Encyclopédie française de Lucien Febvre et suivi de trois articles de Maurice Halbwachs. Edited by, Marie Jaisson and Éric Brian. vi + 469 pp., apps., tables, bibl., illus., indexes. Paris: Éditions de l'Institut National d'Études Démographiques, 2005. €48. [REVIEW]Libby Schweber - 2008 - Isis 99 (3):652-653.
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    Ú. V. Matiásévič Arifmétičéskié prédstavléniá stépénéj. Isslédovaniá po konstruktivnoj matématiké i matématičéskoj logiké, II, edited by A. O. Slisénko, Zapiski Naučnyh Séminarov Léningradskogo Otdéléniá Ordéna Lénina Matématičéskogo Instituta im. V. A. Stéklova AN SSSR, vol. 8, Izdatél'stvo “Nauka,” Leningrad 1968, pp. 159–165. - Yu. V. Mattyasevich. Arithmetic representations of powers. English translation of the preceding. Studies in constructive mathematics and mathematical logic, Part II, edited by A. O. Slisenko, Seminars in Mathematics, V. A. Steklov Mathematical Institute, Leningrad, vol. 8, Consultants Bureau, New York-London 1970, pp. 75–78. [REVIEW]Ann S. Ferebee - 1972 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 37 (3):605.
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    Daniel Lascar. Stabilité en théorie des modèles. French original of the preceding. Monographies de mathèmatique, no. 2. Institut de Mathématique Pure et Appliquée, Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve1986, 231 pp. - Ray Mines, Fred Richman, and Wim Ruitenburg. A course in constructive algebra. Universitext. Springer-Verlag, New York, Berlin, Heidelberg, etc., 1988, xi + 344 pp. [REVIEW]Philip Scowcroft - 1990 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 55 (2):883-886.
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    Institutions and deviance: Art and psychiatry.Laurie Calhoun - 1994 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 8 (3):393-409.
    Deviance is esteemed in the art world, and all great artists have broken with the traditions that preceded them and rebelled against their contemporaries. Yet in society deviance is more often than not condemned. Our apparently contradictory attitudes toward artistic and social deviance are explicable in light of the conservative nature of institutions and the nature of comprehensibility and psychiatry.
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    Towards a general practice of precedent.Sebastian Lewis - 2022 - Jurisprudence 14 (2):202-220.
    A general practice of precedent is one that can plausibly apply to any well-functioning legal system. This practice, which can be grounded in the Rule of Law, needs to make it the case that courts always have a legal reason for following relevant precedent – even if the precedent is morally suboptimal, so long as it is not evil. Without this reason, a precedent may be treated as having no legal influence for the later court (‘the Null Model’), and this (...)
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    G. É. Minc. Dizúnktivnaá intérprétaciá isčisléniá LJ. Isslédovaniá po konstruktivnoj matématiké i matématičéskoj logiké, II, edited by A. O. Slisénko, Zapiski Naučnyh Séminarov Léningradskogo Otdéléniá Ordéna Lénina Matématičéskogo Instituta im. V. A. Stéklova AN SSSR, vol. 8, Izdatél′stvo “Nauka,” Leningrad 1968, pp. 182–188. - G. E. Mints. Disjunctive interpretation of the LJ calculus. English translation of the preceding. Studies in constructive mathematics and mathematical logic, Part II, edited by A. O. Slisenko, Seminars in Mathematics, V. A. Steklov Mathematical Institute, Leningrad, vol. 8, Consultants Bureau, New York-London1970, pp. 86–89. [REVIEW]J. van Heijenoort - 1971 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 36 (3):527-528.
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    Ideology and Institutions in the Evolution of Capital.Katharina Pistor - 2021 - Analyse & Kritik 43 (1):23-40.
    In Capital and Ideology, Thomas Piketty poses the intriguing thesis that ideology, or ideas about how society should be governed, is a powerful determinant for how society will be governed-as long as we take advantage of historical switch points. In this review essay I challenge this thesis by pointing out that many powerful ideas have run aground because of countervailing institutional arrangements. Oftentimes, they are leftovers from earlier times that precede the change and are now strategically employed for reconstituting (...)
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    Human rights from the Nuremberg Doctors Trial to the Geneva Declaration. Persons and institutions in medical ethics and history.Andreas Frewer - 2010 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 13 (3):259-268.
    The “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” and the “Geneva Declaration” by the World Medical Association, both in 1948, were preceded by the foundation of the United Nations in New York (1945), the World Medical Association in London (1946) and the World Health Organization in Geneva (1948). After the end of World War II the community of nations strove to achieve and sustain their primary goals of peace and security, as well as their basic premise, namely the health of human beings. (...)
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    Role of the institutional animal care and use committee in monitoring research.Nicholas H. Steneck - 1997 - Ethics and Behavior 7 (2):173 – 184.
    During the 1980s, federal regulations transferred significant portions of the responsibility for monitoring the care and use of research animals from animal care programs to Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees (IACUCs). After a brief review of the history of the regulation of the use of animals in research preceding and during the 4 decades following World War 11, this article raises 4 problems associated with the role IACUCs currently play in monitoring the use of animals in research: (a) (...)
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    Merleau-Ponty and the Institution of Animate Form: The Generative Origins of Animal Perception and Movement.Don Beith - 2013 - Chiasmi International 15:201-218.
    From his earliest work in The Structure of Behavior, Maurice Merleau-Ponty abrogates accounts of organic form that posit the organism as either passively ordered by the environment which precedes it, or as actively constituting its environment. I argue that Merleau-Ponty first develops what I term a genetic concept of form, in which the organism-environment relationship unfolds developmentally. This account of genetic form, however, requires a further concept of generative form to overcome the conceptual distinction between constituting activity and constituted passivity. (...)
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    Dharma and Destruction: Buddhist Institutions and Violence.Christopher Ives - 2002 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 9 (1):151-174.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:DHARMA AND DESTRUCTION: BUDDHIST INSTITUTIONS AND VIOLENCE Christopher Ives Stonehill College Photographs ofgentle monks in saffron, the cottageindustry ofbooks on mindfulness, and the Dalai Lama's response to the Chinese invasion of Tibet have all helped portray Buddhism as the "religion of nonviolence." This representation ofBuddhism finds support in Buddhist texts, doctrines, and ritual practices, which often advocate ahimsa, nonharming or non-violence. The historical record, however, belies the portrayal of (...)
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  21. Towards a New Ethos of Science or a Reform of the Institution of Science? Merton Revisited and the Prospects of Institutionalizing the Research Values of Openness and Mutual Responsiveness.Rene Von Schomberg, Carl Mitcham, Sabina Leonelli, Fuchs Lukas, Alfred Nordmann & Monica Edwards-Schachter - 2024 - Novation 1 (6):1-33.
    In this article, I will explore how the underlying research values of ‘openness’ and ‘mutual responsiveness’, which are central to open science practices, can be integrated into a new ethos of science. Firstly, I will revisit Robert Merton's early contribution to this issue, examining whether the ethos of science should be understood as a set of norms for scientists to practice ‘good’ science or as a set of research values as a functional requirement of the scientific system to produce knowledge, (...)
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    Wind Power in Australia: Overcoming Technological and Institutional Barriers.Andrea Bunting & Gerard Healey - 2008 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 28 (2):115-127.
    Until recently, Australia had little installed wind capacity, although there had been many investigations into its potential during the preceding decades. Formerly, state-owned monopoly utilities showed only token interest in wind power and could dictate the terms of energy debates. This situation changed in the late 1990s: Installed wind capacity began growing rapidly following the introduction of supportive renewable energy policies and the restructuring of the electricity industry. However, wind farms still provide only 1% of Australia's electricity, the future of (...)
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    In Search for Conceptual Comprehension of the Institute of Impeachment.Egidijus Šileikis - 2012 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 19 (3):955-985.
    It is important that from a wider scientific perspective the basics of the conceptual comprehension of impeachment entrenched in the 1992 Lithuanian Constitution be related not only to (a) the nine explicit provisions whereby impeachment relations are regulated directly (Item 5 of Article 63, Article 74, Paragraph 2 of Article 86, Item 5 of Article 88, the first sentence of Paragraph 1 of Article 89, Item 4 of Paragraph 3 of Article 105, Paragraph 3 of Article 107, Item 5 of (...)
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    “Westernizations” from Peter I to Meiji: war, political competition, and institutional change.Igor Fedyukin - 2018 - Theory and Society 47 (2):207-231.
    Radical “Westernizing” transformations in extra-European countries, from Peter I’s Russia to Meiji Japan, are traditionally presented as a response to pressures from the more militarily and technologically advanced European powers. This corresponds to the general tendency to view war as the driving force behind early modern state-building. However, the question remains: how exactly did such transformations happen, and what explains their timing? Why did some countries, such as Russia, embark on radical institutional restructuring that threatened large sections of the (...)
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    Causal and Corrective Organisational Culture: A Systematic Review of Case Studies of Institutional Failure.E. Julie Hald, Alex Gillespie & Tom W. Reader - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 174 (2):457-483.
    Organisational culture is assumed to be a key factor in large-scale and avoidable institutional failures. Whilst models such as “ethical culture” and “safety culture” have been used to explain such failures, minimal research has investigated their ability to do so, and a single and unified model of the role of culture in institutional failures is lacking. To address this, we systematically identified case study articles investigating the relationship between culture and institutional failures relating to ethics and risk (...)
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    Relocating Pastorian Medicine: Accommodation and Acclimatization of Pastorian Practices against Smallpox at the Pasteur Institute of Chengdu, China, 1908–1927.Chien-Ling Liu - 2017 - Science in Context 30 (1):33-59.
    ArgumentRevising the diffusionist view of current scholarship on the Pasteur Institutes in China, this paper demonstrates the ways in which local networks and circumstances informed the circulation and construction of knowledge and practices relating to smallpox prophylaxis in the Southwest of China during the early twentieth century. I argue that the Pasteur Institute of Chengdu did not operate in a natural continuity with the preceding local French medical institutions, but rather presented an intentional break from them. This Institute, as the (...)
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    Sociology of Religion and Religious Studies: Institutional Contexts and Intellectual Concerns.Rhys H. Williams - 2016 - Critical Research on Religion 4 (3):299-306.
    This concluding comment draws upon the common themes articulated by the preceding contributors about how Sociology of Religion and Religious Studies can influence each other, as well as considering some of the obstacles to that. It concludes with some intellectual suggestions for furthering some of our common interests.
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    The rural social sciences: An overview of research institutions, tools, and knowledge for addressing problems and issues. [REVIEW]Frederick H. Buttel - 1987 - Agriculture and Human Values 4 (1):42-65.
    This paper seeks to provide a broad overview of the historical, contemporary, and future roles of the rural social sciences. This overview is preceded by a brief elaboration of a model of the social, political, and economic structure of experiment station research organizations which is helpful in identifying the particular types of agricultural and social sciences research that have tended to be conducted in land-grant institutions. Agricultural economics and rural sociology are given particular emphasis in the next section of the (...)
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    The land reform in independent Estonia: Memory as precedent — Toward the reconstruction of agriculture in Eastern Europe. [REVIEW]Mark B. Lapping - 1993 - Agriculture and Human Values 10 (1):52-59.
    As literally every East European nation struggles to reformits agricultural sector, land reform in its many forms figures preeminently in strategic thinking on the problem. Estonia's historic program, instituted during the first republican period, was a highly successful reform from many perspectives. With political as well as economic goals, the reform had an important social dimension as well in that it reinvigorated entire rural regions and established a vital family farming system. The land reform's achievements owe as much to the (...)
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    El todo y el nada: un espacio para la memoria.Daniel Plenc - 2011 - Enfoques 23 (2):105-109.
    El presente ensayo justifica históricamente la elección de un sitio que alguna vez se conoció como "Barranca blanca", como el lugar donde la Universidad Adventista del Plata (UAP) levan-tará un monumento conmemorativo. Allí en casa de Reinhardt Hetze y su familia se realizó la primera actividad misi..
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    Humility as a necessary virtue in common-law decision making.Katharina Stevens - 2023 - Jurisprudence 14 (4):443-461.
    Humility holds a modest but important place among the judicial virtues. But in spite of its growing popularity, it does not yet have a place on the ‘central judicial virtues’ lists. This paper provides an argument that judicial humility, especially institutional judicial humility, should be considered a necessary judicial virtue at least in common-law jurisdictions. This is because it is a necessary ingredient in precedent-based decisions that are fully justified from the point of view of the law and of (...)
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    History as a double-edged sword: Historical boundaries and territorial claims.David B. Carter - 2017 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 16 (4):400-421.
    Recent evidence suggests that historical boundary precedents play a central role in the outbreak, character, and long-term consequences of territorial disputes. The institutional theory of borders holds promise in explaining why leaders find old borders to be attractive as new borders. However, the mechanisms that link historical precedents to territorial claims and their consequences are not fully specified in the extant literature. I argue that there are three key arguments that can explain why boundary precedents are (...)
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    The Struggle between "Emphasizing the Present While Slighting the Past" and "Using the Past to Criticize the Present".Hung Shih-Ti - 1975 - Chinese Studies in History 8 (1-2):116-131.
    The preceding chapter listed the measures Ch'in Shih-huang took to consolidate the unification. Before all this, the state of Ch'in, through Shang Yang's reforms, had eliminated the hereditary privileges of the aristocracy, dealt a severe blow to the power of the slave-owning aristocracy, instituted the system of landownership by the landlords, established the system of commanderies, unified weights and measures, and carried out the policy of "emphasizing agriculture and restricting commerce," so as to enable the landlord economy to achieve greater (...)
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    Delegation in our Justice-Seeking Constitution.Lawrence Sager - 2017 - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho 1 (11).
    The place of the written Constitution in our constitutional practice is defined secondarily, from outside the text, not commanded by the text. Like moral readers of our constitutional practice, originalists of all stripes have to argue from outside the text. This makes the new originalist turn to the theory of language come too early; the place of such theory is necessarily subordinate to a convincing moral account of our practice as a whole. To lament the existence of constitutional provisions that (...)
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    Reviving Tradition.Geoff Moore - 2012 - Business Ethics Quarterly 22 (2):293-318.
    The current economic and preceding financial crises seem to provide evidence in favour of the self-destruction thesis of capitalism. Responses to the crisis have been polarised. Some suggest that regulatory changes are all that is needed. Others suggest the need to change the economic system by developing a new global economic ethic. The first is too limited, the second too utopian. This article suggests that a MacIntyrean virtue ethics approach provides both a more convincing diagnosis of the problem and leads (...)
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    Controversies in the Ukrainian field of philosophy of educatio.Serhii Klepko - 2023 - Філософія Освіти 29 (1):153-179.
    In order to establish and outline the current state of Ukrainian philosophy of education as a scientific philosophical direction and at the same time a social institutional system that has emerged in Ukraine during the last three decades, a “controversial” approach is used, a method of studying controversies or disputed points, contradictions and tensions between representations and discourses regarding education A working definition of controversy is formulated as an intermediate category that contributes to overcoming gaps between the object of (...)
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    Demokratische „Bürgertugend“ und die Krise des Parlamentarismus.Erhard Denninger - 2021 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 107 (1):114-127.
    Individual questions of the institutional reforms of the representative-democratic parliamentary system, such as issues of electoral law, party law, and parliamentary law, are frequently discussed. But all these reflections - and this is the principal thesis of this article - must eventually remain without success, if they do not address the preceding basic problem concerning the democratically indispensable conditions of the mental constitution of the active citizen, the „civis“. There, a key role, consciously experienced like a paradox, falls upon (...)
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    An Institutionalist Reframing of the Religion and Public Reason Debate.Jonathan Chaplin - 2021 - Social Theory and Practice 47 (3):589-602.
    Responding to the preceding four articles, this piece presents a theologically-informed ‘institutionalist’ perspective on the debate within political liberalism over religion and public reason. Institutionalism calls for greater attention to the normative purpose and structural design of political institutions in order better to frame what political deliberation in a liberal democracy should look like. Eschewing any ‘idealization’ of citizens, and favouring an ‘argumentative’ account of democratic deliberation, it explores what public reasoning should consist in when viewed as an empirical practice (...)
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    Market governance, financial innovation, and financial instability: lessons from banks’ adoption of shareholder value management.Kim Pernell - 2020 - Theory and Society 49 (2):277-306.
    As the economy has grown increasingly financialized, the relationship between financial innovation and instability has attracted more attention. Previous research finds that the proliferation of complex financial innovations, like asset securitization and new financial derivatives, helped to erode the market governance arrangements that kept excessive bank risk-taking in check, inviting instability. This article presents an alternative way of understanding how financial innovations and market governance arrangements combine to shape instability. Market governance arrangements also shape how financial firmsreceiveinnovations, leading to greater (...)
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    When Ethics Becomes Unethical: An Autoethnographic Account of Gaining Ethics Approval to Conduct Ethnography in a Healthcare Setting.Jillian Schneidman - forthcoming - Journal of Academic Ethics:1-9.
    Many ethnographic researchers have raised concerns over the potential impacts that the institutionalization of ethics review boards can have on social science research, especially within healthcare settings. However, few articles to-date have documented how these norms and practices play out in actuality. This paper, therefore, uses autoethnography to provide an account of three ethical challenges that arose during my process of seeking ethics approval through institutional review boards to conduct ethnographic fieldwork in a healthcare setting. In doing so, I (...)
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  41. Hegel on the Body.John Edward Russon - 1990 - Dissertation, University of Toronto (Canada)
    There is a phenomenology of the body worked out implicitly in Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit, in which the full implications of a rejection of a dualistic conception of self and body are articulated. A concept of body can be derived from Hegel's analysis of life, according to which the body is the phusis, hexis and logos of the self, that is, it is the qualitatively determinate conditions--hexis--of un-self-conscious comportment to the world in and by which a situation is constituted which (...)
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  42. Whiteness and the General Will: Diversity Work as Willful Work.Sara Ahmed - 2012 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 2 (1):1-20.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Whiteness and the General WillDiversity Work as Willful WorkSara AhmedIn this essay I explore whiteness in relation to the general will. My starting point is that the idea of “the general will” offers us a vocabulary for thinking through the materiality of race. In his keynote address to the 40th Annual Philosophy Symposium in 2010, Charles Mills argues that race is material: it becomes part of the living human (...)
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    Behind Closed Doors: Irbs and the Making of Ethical Research.Laura Stark - 2011 - University of Chicago Press.
    IRBs in action -- Everyone's an expert? Warrants for expertise -- Local precedents -- Documents and deliberations: an anticipatory perspective -- Setting IRBs in motion in Cold War America -- An ethics of place -- The many forms of consent -- Deflecting responsibility -- Conclusion: the making of ethical research.
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    Politics Is a Mushroom: Worldly Sources of Rule and Exception in Carl Schmitt and Walter Benjamin.Kam Shapiro - 2007 - Diacritics 37 (2/3):121-134.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Politics Is a Mushroom: Worldly Sources of Rule and Exception in Carl Schmitt and Walter BenjaminKam Shapiro (bio)Life is not a mushroom growing out of death.—Carl Schmitt, The Visibility of the ChurchTo isolate death from life, not leaving the one intimately woven in the other, and each one entering into the other’s midst—this is what one must never do.—Jean-Luc Nancy, L’intrus1Carl Schmitt’s theory of the exception was bound up (...)
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    Technosystem: The Social Life of Reason.Andrew Feenberg - 2017 - Harvard University Press.
    We live in a world of technical systems, designed in accordance with technical disciplines and operated by a personnel trained in those disciplines. This is a unique form of social organization without historical precedent. It overshadows traditional democratic institutions and largely determines our way of life. Technosystem: The Social Life of Reason reconstructs the idea of democracy for this brave new world. The author draws on the tradition of radical social criticism represented by Herbert Marcuse and the Frankfurt School as (...)
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  46. The Visions of the Future of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels: Sources and Evolution.Richard Adamiak - 2001 - Dissertation, The University of Chicago
    The Marxian visions of the post-capitalist future evolved with significant changes over three decades. From the outset Marx and Engels divided the future into stages, economically and philosophically, a final communist or socialist stage, and a transitional stage or stages preceding it. The final stage remained largely constant throughout, the actualization of the ideal of Feuerbach's anthropological philosophy, supplemented by Fourier's ideas for the abolition of the division of labor and its transformation into pleasurable activity. The original institutional conception (...)
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    Axel Honneth’s Dialogue on Hegel’s Philosophy of Law.Werner Euler - 2021 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 18:45-64.
    This article has two purposes. First, it aims to present a detailed analysis of the argument of “recognition” or even of the “fight for recognition”, which Hegel uses in his fragments from Jena treating of the system of philosophy, especially of the philosophy of spirit. It will be necessary to determine precedently by means of an exact interpretation the content of that expressions, in order to criticize and to compare, his original significance in Hegel with the theoretical application made by (...)
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    Ideały moralne edukacji azteckiej.Irena Curyło-Gonzáles - 1988 - Etyka 24:105-122.
    The article is a continuation of a paper published in “Etyka”, vol. 21, Concepts of Man in the Náhuatlan Culture and contains an overview of the fundamental types of education provided by the Aztecs, with special emphasis on moral ideals. The investigation of Indian education not only furthers historical knowledge but also plays a role in the search of the origins of the specific religious, moral and behavioural expression of contemporary Mexico, due to the fact that some elements of the (...)
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    Reassessing the political dimension of the labor market: Power relations, recommodification, and epistemic reflexivity.Jorge Sola - 2024 - Thesis Eleven 184-185 (1):31-48.
    Labor market deregulation has been at the core of the changes in the political economy during the last decades. The pervasive neoliberal wisdom has depoliticized the nature and effects of this process, a bias that has also affected the scholarship, which often overlooks its power dimension. This article aims to explore the role of power in the labor market to offer some theoretical insights for empirical research and public debate. Departing from the worker–employer “contested exchange” at the workplace, the article (...)
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    Introduction.Luk Bouckaert - 1999 - Ethical Perspectives 6 (1):1-3.
    In the Thirties, European personalism was an inspirational philosophical movement, with its birthplace in France, but with proponents and sympathizers in many other countries as well. Following the Second World War, Christian-Democratic politicians translated personalistic ideas into a political doctrine. Sometimes they still refer to personalism, but most often this reference is little more than a nostalgic salute. In the mainstream of Anglo-Saxon political philosophy, there are practically no references to personalistic philosophers. Is personalism exhausted as a philosophy or political (...)
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