Results for ' interaction effects'

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  1.  76
    The Interactive Effect of Internal and External Factors on a Proactive Environmental Strategy and its Influence on a Firm's Performance.Bulent Menguc, Seigyoung Auh & Lucie Ozanne - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 94 (2):279 - 298.
    While the literature on the effective management of business and natural environment interfaces is rich and growing, there are still two questions regarding which the literature has yet to reach a definitive conclusion: (1) what is the interactive effect between internal and external drivers on a proactive environmental strategy (PES)? and (2) does a PES influence firm's performance? Drawing on the resource-based view for the internal drivers' perspective and institutional and legitimacy theories for the external drivers' perspective, this study suggests (...)
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  2.  31
    Interactive effect of drive and S-R compatibility on speed of digit coding.Dennis L. Wack & Nickolas B. Cottrell - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 80 (3p1):562.
  3. Interaction effects in software piracy.Kin‐wai Lau - 2007 - Business Ethics: A European Review 16 (1):34-47.
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  4.  61
    Interactive Effects of Task Set and Working Memory on Attentional Capture.Jacoby Oscar, Remington Roger, Becker Stefanie, Kamke Marc & Mattingley Jason - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  5.  29
    Interacting Effect of Catechol-O-Methyltransferase (COMT) and Monoamine Oxidase A (MAOA) Gene Polymorphisms, and Stressful Life Events on Aggressive Behavior in Chinese Male Adolescents.Meiping Wang, Hailei Li, Kirby Deater-Deckard & Wenxin Zhang - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:355279.
    Numerous studies have demonstrated that both catechol- O -methyltransferase ( COMT ) gene and monoamine oxidase A ( MAOA ) gene have been involved in aggressive behavior, as have stressful life events (SLEs). However, most of available evidence was based upon single gene or single gene–environment design, which is limited in accounting for the variance of aggressive behavior, a complex phenotype. This study examined the possible gene × gene × environment interactions between SLE (interpersonal problems and academic pressure) and two (...)
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  6. An interaction effect of norm violations on causal judgment.Maureen Gill, Jonathan F. Kominsky, Thomas F. Icard & Joshua Knobe - 2022 - Cognition 228 (C):105183.
    Existing research has shown that norm violations influence causal judgments, and a number of different models have been developed to explain these effects. One such model, the necessity/sufficiency model, predicts an interac- tion pattern in people’s judgments. Specifically, it predicts that when people are judging the degree to which a particular factor is a cause, there should be an interaction between (a) the degree to which that factor violates a norm and (b) the degree to which another factor (...)
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  7.  37
    Interaction effects and subgroup analyses in clinical trials: more than meets the eye?Nick Sevdalis & Rosamond Jacklin - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (5):919-922.
    In clinical trials, it is common practice to follow up significant interactions between the factors under investigation with subgroup analyses. Such analyses pose at least two analytical and interpretational challenges. The first challenge is that performing multiple subgroup analyses increases the likelihood of obtaining spuriously significant results. This has been acknowledged and relevant guidance exists in the medical literature. The second challenge is that the effects that are obtained at the level of subgroup are composite. This has yet to (...)
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  8. Interactive Effects of External Environmental Conditions and Internal Firm Characteristics on MNEs’ Choice of Strategy in the Development of a Code of Conduct.Linda M. Sama - 2006 - Business Ethics Quarterly 16 (2):137-165.
    Effects of globalization have amplified the magnitude and frequency of corporate abuses, particularly in developing economies where weak or absent rules undermine social norms and principles. Improving multinational enterprises’ (MNEs) ethical conduct is a factor of both the ability of firms to change behaviors in the direction of the moral good, and their willingness to do so. Constraints and enablers of a firm’s ability to act ethically emanate from the external environment, including the industry environment of which the firm (...)
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  9.  37
    The Interactive Effect of Authentic Leadership and Leader Competency on Followers’ Job Performance: The Mediating Role of Work Engagement.Feng Wei, Yi Li, Yi Zhang & Shubo Liu - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 153 (3):763-773.
    The effect of authentic leadership and leader competency on employee job performance has received growing attention in the past decades; however, few studies have simultaneously integrated these two leadership perspectives. We have thus developed a mediated moderation model to test the interactive effect of authentic leadership and competency on followers’ job performance through work engagement. Based on a sample of 248 subordinate–supervisor pairs, hierarchical regression analyses reveal that authentic leadership positively relates to followers’ task performance and organizational citizenship behavior ; (...)
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  10.  21
    Interactive effects within visual patterns on the discriminability of individual elements.E. Rae Harcum - 1964 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 68 (4):351.
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    (1 other version)Interaction effects in software piracy.Eric Kin-wai Lau - 2007 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 16 (1):34-47.
    The paper presents an exploratory attempt to analyse self‐reported leniency toward software piracy systematically, using an approach based on empirical factors, rather than ethical factors. The empirical factors studied were: social acceptance of software piracy; the cost of original software; urgency of the subject's need for software; availability of original software; knowledge of computer software copyright law; gender; monthly household income; and education level. It provides new insights to software companies and government officials who are developing programmes to promote the (...)
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  12.  37
    Interactive effects on reaction time of preparatory interval length and preparatory interval frequency.Alfred A. Baumeister & Charles E. Joubert - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 82 (2):393.
  13.  29
    An interactive effect of the criterion in concept identification: Conditional and biconditional rule difficulty.Leonard M. Giambra - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 97 (3):310.
  14.  15
    Interaction Effects of Behavioral Inhibition System/Behavioral Activation System and Cost/Probability Biases on Social Anxiety.Risa Ito, Natsuki Kobayashi, Satoshi Yokoyama, Haruna Irino, Yui Takebayashi & Shin-Ichi Suzuki - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Introduction Social anxiety disorder (SAD) symptoms are maintained by cognitive biases, which are overestimations of the severity and likelihood of negative social events (cost/probability biases), and by sensitivity to rewards and punishments that are determined according to behavioral inhibition/behavioral activation systems (BIS/BAS). Cost/probability biases might activate the behavioral immune system and exacerbate the avoidance of social events. Earlier studies have proposed that low BIS or high BAS decrease SAD symptoms; BIS/BAS may even change the effects of cognitive biases on (...)
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  15.  59
    Interactive Effects of Explicit Emergent Structure: A Major Challenge for Cognitive Computational Modeling.Robert M. French & Elizabeth Thomas - 2015 - Topics in Cognitive Science 7 (2):206-216.
    David Marr's (1982) three‐level analysis of computational cognition argues for three distinct levels of cognitive information processing—namely, the computational, representational, and implementational levels. But Marr's levels are—and were meant to be—descriptive, rather than interactive and dynamic. For this reason, we suggest that, had Marr been writing today, he might well have gone even farther in his analysis, including the emergence of structure—in particular, explicit structure at the conceptual level—from lower levels, and the effect of explicit emergent structures on the level (...)
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  16.  38
    The Interactive Effect of Religiosity and Perceived Organizational Adversity on Change-Oriented Citizenship Behavior.Inam Ul Haq, Dirk De Clercq, Muhammad Umer Azeem & Aamir Suhail - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 165 (1):161-175.
    This study adds to business ethics research by examining how employees’ religiosity might enhance their propensity to engage in change-oriented citizenship behavior, as well as how this effect may be invigorated in adverse organizational climates with respect to voluntarism. Two-wave survey data collected from employees in Pakistan show that change-oriented citizenship activities increase to the extent that employees can draw on their personal resource of religiosity and perceive little adversity, measured in this study with respect to whether voluntarism is encouraged. (...)
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  17.  25
    The Interactive Effect of a Leader’s Sense of Uniqueness and Sense of Belongingness on Followers’ Perceptions of Leader Authenticity.Michelle Xue Zheng, Yingjie Yuan, Marius van Dijke, David De Cremer & Alain Van Hiel - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 164 (3):515-533.
    Researchers have emphasized the value of authenticity, but not much is known about what makes a person authentic in the eyes of others. Our research takes an interpersonal perspective to examine the determinants of followers’ perceptions of leader authenticity. Building on social identity theory, we propose that two fundamental self-identifications–a leader’s sense of uniqueness and sense of belongingness–interact to influence followers’ perceptions of a leader’s authenticity via perceptions of a leader’s self-concept consistency. In a field study conducted among leader–follower dyads (...)
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  18.  10
    Interactive Effects of Situational Variables Regarding Teams’ Technical Performance in the UEFA Champions League.Qing Yi, Jingyong Yang, Xinlei Wang, Yang Gai & Miguel-Ángel Gómez-Ruano - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The aim of this study was to examine the interactive effects of situational variables on teams’ technical performance in the UEFA Champion League. Match data of 19 technical actions and events were collected and classified into three groups during eight seasons. Repeated-measures analysis of variance was used to identify the differences in the technical performances among teams. Results showed that the significant differences in the technical performance between the group stage and the knockout stage were only found in dribble (...)
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  19. Modeling Interaction Effects in Polarization: Individual Media Influence and the Impact of Town Meetings.Patrick Grim, Eric Pulick, Patrick Korth & Jiin Jung - 2016 - Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 10 (2).
    We are increasingly exposed to polarized media sources, with clear evidence that individuals choose those sources closest to their existing views. We also have a tradition of open face-to-face group discussion in town meetings, for example. There are a range of current proposals to revive the role of group meetings in democratic decision-making. Here, we build a simulation that instantiates aspects of reinforcement theory in a model of competing social influences. What can we expect in the interaction of polarized (...)
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  20. Interactive Effects of Racial Identity and Repetitive Head Impacts on Cognitive Function, Structural MRI-Derived Volumetric Measures, and Cerebrospinal Fluid Tau and Aβ.Michael L. Alosco, Yorghos Tripodis, Inga K. Koerte, Jonathan D. Jackson, Alicia S. Chua, Megan Mariani, Olivia Haller, Éimear M. Foley, Brett M. Martin, Joseph Palmisano, Bhupinder Singh, Katie Green, Christian Lepage, Marc Muehlmann, Nikos Makris, Robert C. Cantu, Alexander P. Lin, Michael Coleman, Ofer Pasternak, Jesse Mez, Sylvain Bouix, Martha E. Shenton & Robert A. Stern - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  21.  34
    The interacting effects of prices and weather on population cycles in a preindustrial community.Susan Scott, S. R. Duncan & C. J. Duncan - 1998 - Journal of Biosocial Science 30 (1):15-32.
    The exogenous cycles and population dynamics of the community at Penrith, Cumbria, England, have been studied (1557-1812) using aggregative analysis, family reconstitution and time series analysis. This community was living under marginal conditions for the first 200 years and the evidence presented is of a homeostatic regime where famine, malnutrition and epidemic disease acted to regulate the balance between resources and population size. This provides an ideal historic population for an investigation of the direct and indirect effects of malnutrition. (...)
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  22.  24
    The Interactive Effect of Perceived Overqualification and Peer Overqualification on Peer Ostracism and Work Meaningfulness.Yejun Zhang, Mark C. Bolino & Kui Yin - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 182 (3):699-716.
    Integrating victim precipitation theory with the belongingness perspective of work meaningfulness, this study investigates the interplay among employee perceived overqualification, peer overqualification, and peer ostracism and examines how peer ostracism, in turn, leads to subsequent reduced work meaningfulness. In Study 1, a time-lagged field study of 282 employees, we found that employees who felt overqualified, while working with peers who were less overqualified, experienced more ostracism, which was associated with reduced levels of work meaningfulness. These findings were replicated in Study (...)
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  23.  18
    The Negative Interactive Effects of Nostalgia and Loneliness on Affect in Daily Life.David B. Newman & Matthew E. Sachs - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Research has suggested that nostalgia is a mixed, albeit predominantly positive emotion. One proposed function of nostalgia is to attenuate the negative consequences of loneliness. This restorative effect of nostalgia, however, has been demonstrated with cross sectional and experimental methods that lack ecological validity. In studies that have measured nostalgia in daily life, however, nostalgia has been negatively related to well-being. We propose an alternative theory that posits that the effect of nostalgia on well-being depends on the event or experience (...)
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  24. Interaction effect of response medium and working memory capacity on creative idea generation.Ning Hao, Huan Yuan, Rui Cheng, Qing Wang & Mark A. Runco - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  25.  68
    The Interactive Effects of Behavioral Integrity and Procedural Justice on Employee Job Tension.Martha C. Andrews, K. Michele Kacmar & Charles Kacmar - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 126 (3):1-9.
    Using data collected from 280 full-time employees from a variety of organizations, this study examined the effects of employee perceptions of the behavioral integrity (BI) of their supervisors on job tension. The moderating effect of procedural justice (PJ) on this relationship also was examined. Substitutes for leadership theory (Kerr and Jermier, 1978) and psychological contract theory (Rousseau, Empl Responsib Rights J 2:121–139, 1989) were used as the theoretical foundations for the hypothesized relationships. Results indicated a negative relationship between BI (...)
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  26.  48
    Interacting Effects of Instructions and Presentation Rate on Visual Statistical Learning.Julie Bertels, Arnaud Destrebecqz & Ana Franco - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  27.  31
    Interactive effects of preparatory intervals, stimulus intensity, and experimental design on reaction time.George Kellas, Alfred A. Baumeister & Stephen J. Wilcox - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 80 (2p1):311.
  28.  17
    The Interactive Effect of EFL Teachers’ Emotions and Cognitions on Their Pedagogical Practices.Yan Shi - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Emotion and cognition have long been considered as two influential factors determining the quality of teaching and learning. They form the foundation of all aspects of teaching as an emotional and thought-provoking profession. With the advent of Positive Psychology and affective pedagogy, now English as a Foreign Language teachers’ inner states and emotions are placed at the center of every educational program all around the world. This consideration has led to a rise in various domains of teaching and teacher education. (...)
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  29.  35
    Interaction Effect of Sex and Body Mass Index on Gray Matter Volume.Yufei Huang, Xianjie Li, Todd Jackson, Shuaiyu Chen, Jie Meng, Jiang Qiu & Hong Chen - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  30.  29
    The interactive effects of instructional set and environmental context changes on the serial position effect.Sara J. Nixon & N. Jack Kanak - 1981 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 18 (5):237-240.
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  31.  25
    Interactive effects of the two rewards in a differential magnitude of reward discrimination.John R. Mackinnon - 1967 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 75 (3):329.
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  32.  28
    An interaction effect is not a measurement.Fred L. Bookstein - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (1):121-122.
  33. The Interactive Effect of Goal Attainment and Goal Importance on Acculturation and Well-Being.Agnes Toth-Bos, Barbara Wisse & Klara Farago - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:499208.
    The purpose of the present research is to shed light on whether and how migrants’ goal pursuit relates to their acculturation and well-being. Previous research has demonstrated the beneficial role that striving for and attaining intrinsic goals has for well-being. Yet, the relationship between the pursuit of intrinsic goals and acculturation has hardly been addressed. To fill this void, we investigated whether migrants’ acculturation and well-being can be seen as a function of their pursuit of intrinsic goals. We posited that (...)
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  34.  48
    The interactive effect of emotional reactivity and maladaptive metacognitive beliefs on anxiety.Kate Clauss, Joseph R. Bardeen, Kelsey Thomas & Natasha Benfer - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 34 (2):393-401.
    Emotional reactivity has been implicated in the development and maintenance of anxiety. The metacognitive model suggests that maladaptive metacognitive beliefs may inc...
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  35.  16
    Interactive effects of interpellet interval and pellet composition on schedule-induced licking and drinking behavior.Walter P. Christian - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 5 (2):122-124.
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  36.  27
    Interacting effects of amygdala lesions with chlordiazepoxide and pilocarpine on mouse killing by rats.Patricia E. Gay, Larry S. Potter & Sherwood O. Cole - 1976 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 7 (1):69-71.
  37. Interaction effect of personality characteristics, classroom climate, and science achievement.Gerry D. Haukoos & John E. Penick - 1987 - Science Education 71 (5):735-743.
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  38.  30
    Interaction Effects of Life Events and Hair Cortisol on Perceived Stress, Anxiety, and Depressive Symptoms Among Chinese Adolescents: Testing the Differential Susceptibility and Diathesis-Stress Models.Youyun Xu, Yapeng Liu, Zheng Chen, Jing Zhang, Huihua Deng & Jiexin Gu - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Interactive effect of stress and stimulus generalization on children's oddity learning.Lewis P. Lipsitt & Vincent M. Lolordo - 1963 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 66 (2):210.
  40.  20
    Interaction effects in a multiple schedule of signaled and unsignaled reinforcement.Robert W. Powell & Linda J. Palm - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 16 (1):11-14.
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  41.  11
    The interaction effect of board characteristics and ESG reporting on the financial performance of multinational enterprises: a quantile regression approach.Ayse Demir, Alireza Zarei & Ibrahim Khalifa Elmghaamez - 2024 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 1 (1).
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  42.  20
    Interactive effects between auditory and vibrotactile stimuli.Kal M. Telage & Janet C. Scott - 1982 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 19 (3):148-150.
  43.  50
    The emotion potential of simple sentences: additive or interactive effects of nouns and adjectives?Jana Lüdtke & Arthur M. Jacobs - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:129121.
    The vast majority of studies on affective processes in reading focus on single words. The most robust finding is a processing advantage for positively valenced words, which has been replicated in the rare studies investigating effects of affective features of words during sentence or story comprehension. Here we were interested in how the different valences of words in a sentence influence its processing and supralexical affective evaluation. Using a sentence verification task we investigated how comprehension of simple declarative sentences (...)
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  44.  46
    Ethically Questionable Negotiating: The Interactive Effects of Trust, Competitiveness, and Situation Favorability on Ethical Decision Making. [REVIEW]Filipe Sobral & Gazi Islam - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 117 (2):281-296.
    This study explores the direct and interactive effects of individual differences in interpersonal trust and negotiation style on ethical decision-making processes across commonly faced negotiation situations. Individual differences influence basic ideas about legitimate negotiating behaviors, affect behavioral intentions directly, and interact with the favorability of negotiating situations, resulting in direct, indirect, and interactive effects on ethical decision-making processes. Using a sample of 298 participants in executive education workshops, the study analyzes the relationship between interpersonal trust, competitiveness, moral judgment, (...)
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  45.  51
    Explaining Helping Behavior in the Workplace: The Interactive Effect of Family-to-Work Conflict and Islamic Work Ethic.Inam Ul Haq, Zahid Rahman & Dirk De Clercq - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 155 (4):1167-1177.
    Drawing from conservation of resources theory, this study investigates the interactive effect of employees’ family-to-work conflict and Islamic work ethic on their helping behavior, theorizing that the negative relationship between family-to-work conflict and helping behavior is buffered by Islamic ethical values. Data from Pakistan reveal empirical support for this effect. Organizations whose employees suffer resource depletion at work because of family obligations can still enjoy productive helping behaviors within their ranks, to the extent that they support relevant work ethics.
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  46.  52
    To Avenge or Not to Avenge? Exploring the Interactive Effects of Moral Identity and the Negative Reciprocity Norm.Laurie J. Barclay, David B. Whiteside & Karl Aquino - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 121 (1):15-28.
    Across three studies, the authors examine the interactive effects of moral identity and the negative reciprocity norm in predicting revenge. The general argument is that moral identity provides the motivational impetus for individuals’ responses, whereas the normative framework that people adopt as a basis for guiding moral action influences the direction of the response. Results indicated that moral identity and the negative reciprocity norm significantly interacted to predict revenge. More specifically, the symbolization dimension of moral identity interacted with the (...)
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  47.  30
    (1 other version)You Support Diversity, But Are You Ethical? Examining the Interactive Effects of Diversity and Ethical Climate Perceptions on Turnover Intentions.Robert W. Stewart - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 99 (3):453-465.
    Efforts to identify antecedents of employee turnover are likely to offer value to organizations through money saved on recruitment and new-hire training. The authors utilized the stakeholder perspective to corporate social responsibility to examine the effects of a perceived climate for ethics on the relationship between diversity climate and voluntary turnover intentions. Specifically, they examined how ethics climate affected the diversity climate–turnover intentions relationship. Results indicated that ethics climate moderated the diversity climate–turnover intentions relationship. Turnover intentions were lowest among (...)
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  48.  78
    Ethical Behavior as a Strategic Choice by Large Corporations: The Interactive Effect of Marketplace Competition, Industry Structure and Firm Resources.Linda M. Sama - 1998 - Business Ethics Quarterly 8 (1):85-104.
    Abstract:Analysis of ethical conduct of business organizations has hitherto placed primary emphasis on the conduct of that corporation’s managers because ethical conduct, like all conduct, must manifest itself through individual behavior. This paper argues that in the real world corporate actions are influenced, to a considerable extent, by external market-based conditions. Therefore, a more comprehensive explanation of ethical business conduct must incorporate both corporate, i.e., internal considerations, and competitive, industry structure-based, i.e., external considerations. A framework is presented that provides a (...)
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  49.  19
    Investigating the Interactive Effects of Prosocial Actions, Construal, and Moral Identity on the Extent of Employee Reporting Dishonesty.Joseph A. Johnson, Patrick R. Martin, Bryan Stikeleather & Donald Young - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 181 (3):721-743.
    Employee reporting dishonesty is a significant area of concern for firms. In this study, we investigate how providing information about their prosocial actions, such as organizational citizenship behaviors, affects the extent of employee reporting dishonesty. We distinguish prosocial actions whose welfare effects are mutually beneficial (i.e., that help others and the employee), which are common in business practice, from those that are selfless in nature (i.e., that help others at a personal cost to the employee). In addition to examining (...)
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  50.  86
    Perceived Greenwashing: The Interactive Effects of Green Advertising and Corporate Environmental Performance on Consumer Reactions. [REVIEW]Gergely Nyilasy, Harsha Gangadharbatla & Angela Paladino - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 125 (4):1-15.
    The current study investigates the effects of green advertising and a corporation’s environmental performance on brand attitudes and purchase intentions. A 3 × 3 (firm’s environmental performance and its advertising efforts as independent variables) experiment using n = 302 subjects was conducted. Results indicate that the negative effect of a firm’s low performance on brand attitudes becomes stronger in the presence of green advertising compared to general corporate advertising and no advertising. Further, when the firm’s environmental performance is high, (...)
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