Results for ' interaction ludique'

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  1.  35
    (1 other version)Communication ludique.Étienne Armand Amato - 2012 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 62 (1):, [ p.].
    Après avoir revisité les résistances culturelles qui ont retardé son étude scientifique, le rappel des différentes genèses parallèles du jeu vidéo et de son mode de propagation aide à comprendre sa puissance originelle. Si les ressorts de la communication ludique semblent expliquer une telle dynamique d’expansion, sa nature cybermédiatique s’est quant à elle nettement révélée avec la mise en réseau des humains et des machines via l’image interactive. Pour intégrer théoriquement les propriétés fondamentales du jeu vidéo, une modélisation des (...)
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    Inventivité des imitations ludiques.Joffrey Becker - 2015 - Multitudes 58 (1):84-89.
    Cet article présente plusieurs machines dont l’existence est intimement liée aux pratiques ludiques. Il montre que ces objets s’inscrivent aussi bien dans la recherche en robotique et en intelligence artificielle que dans les pratiques artistiques contemporaines. Il s’intéresse en particulier à l’espace de jeu ouvert par l’interaction avec les machines et propose de considérer cet espace comme le lieu privilégié d’une forme d’expérimentation anthropologique.
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    Les bornes du comique dans quelques épigrammes sexuelles d’Ausone et de Claudien : autour d’Eunus et de Curète.Adrien Bresson - 2023 - Methodos 23.
    Le genre épigrammatique est connu pour son potentiel comique mais également pour la dimension ludique qu’il peut mettre en place. Cette étude s’intéresse précisément à ces deux aspects et à leur mise en relation au sein des épigrammes à caractère sexuel d’Ausone et de Claudien afin d’observer les interactions entre ces trois dimensions (comique, ludique, sexualité) mais également pour délimiter les moyens et les bornes du comique et du ludique.
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    El juego como manifestación cuántica: una aproximación a la epistemología infantil.Desirée López de Maturana Luna - 2010 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 25.
    La Educación Parvularia en Chile y principalmente su gestión pedagógica, se sitúa en un nuevo escenario que exige de los educadores competencias más humanas que de funcionalidad técnica para adaptarse a las impresiones, la emergencia, la incertidumbre y la complejidad de los procesos epistemológicos infantiles; comprender cómo aprenden los niños, cómo acceden al conocimiento y qué estrategias utilizan para hacerlo, es fundamental para contribuir a un sistema educativo de calidad. Si bien en Chile se han intentado algunas reformas e innovaciones (...)
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    Time, Mechanisms and Technology: Challenges of Abstraction and Decision in Realist Economic Theory.Mark William Johnson - 2013 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 14 (1):105-123.
    Résumé Cet article soutient que la causalité au sens humien (mettant en relief la succession) qui fut la principale cible des critiques du Réalisme Critique de Bhaskar, demeure très présente dans le concept même de “mécanisme”. En effet, le concept de mécanisme implique une abstraction newtonienne du temps ignorée par le Réalisme Critique. Il s’agit cependant d’un problème plus large d’abstraction mécaniste, que cet article analyse simultanément sous l’angle du Réalisme Critique et de la discipline ayant pour objet l’étude des (...)
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    L’apport des pratiques thé'trales pour l’amélioration de l’oral des étudiants chinois.Christine Cuet - 2020 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage.
    Enseigner une langue étrangère en milieu guidé implique des contraintes spatiales et temporelles imposées par l’institution quand l’enseignement se déroule dans une classe ordinaire. Or, l’apprentissage d’une langue mobilise le corps tout entier dans la communication et l’interaction avec des conséquences sur les plans non seulement cognitifs mais aussi émotionnels, relationnels et culturels. En Chine, la culture éducative est fondée sur la transmission de savoirs essentiellement linguistiques, peu de place est accordée à l’oral. Beaucoup d’étudiants ont des difficultés en (...)
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  7. George L. Gerstein.Interactions Within Neuronal - 1990 - In J. McGaugh, Jerry Weinberger & G. Lynch (eds.), Brain Organization and Memory: Cells, Systems, and Circuits. Guilford Press.
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  8. Hitman: Blood Money.[XBOX360].I. O. Interactive - forthcoming - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte.
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    Journal of the International Association for Semiotic Studies/Revue de l'Association Internationale de Sémiotique.Meaning In Motion & Interaction In Cars - 2012 - Semiotica 2012 (191).
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  10. Pushing moral buttons: The interaction between personal force and intention in moral judgment.Joshua D. Greene, Fiery A. Cushman, Lisa E. Stewart, Kelly Lowenberg, Leigh E. Nystrom & Jonathan D. Cohen - 2009 - Cognition 111 (3):364-371.
    In some cases people judge it morally acceptable to sacrifice one person’s life in order to save several other lives, while in other similar cases they make the opposite judgment. Researchers have identified two general factors that may explain this phenomenon at the stimulus level: (1) the agent’s intention (i.e. whether the harmful event is intended as a means or merely foreseen as a side-effect) and (2) whether the agent harms the victim in a manner that is relatively “direct” or (...)
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  11. Time in Embodied Interaction: Synchronicity and Sequentiality of Multimodal Resources.[author unknown] - 2018
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    Interaction with context during human sentence processing.Gerry Altmann & Mark Steedman - 1988 - Cognition 30 (3):191-238.
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    Economic Reasoning and Interaction in Socially Extended Market Institutions.Shaun Gallagher, Antonio Mastrogiorgio & Enrico Petracca - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:452921.
    An important part of what it means for agents to be situated in the everyday world of human affairs includes their engagement with economic practices. In this paper, we employ the concept of cognitive institutions in order to provide an enactive and interactive interpretation of market and economic reasoning. We challenge traditional views that understand markets in terms of market structures or as processors of distributed information. The alternative conception builds upon the notion of the market as a “scaffolding institution.” (...)
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  14. An Analysis of the Interaction Between Intelligent Software Agents and Human Users.Christopher Burr, Nello Cristianini & James Ladyman - 2018 - Minds and Machines 28 (4):735-774.
    Interactions between an intelligent software agent and a human user are ubiquitous in everyday situations such as access to information, entertainment, and purchases. In such interactions, the ISA mediates the user’s access to the content, or controls some other aspect of the user experience, and is not designed to be neutral about outcomes of user choices. Like human users, ISAs are driven by goals, make autonomous decisions, and can learn from experience. Using ideas from bounded rationality, we frame these interactions (...)
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  15. The epigenesis of conversational interaction: A personal account of research development.Mary C. Bateson - 1979 - In Margaret Bullowa (ed.), Before Speech: The beginning of Human Communication. Cambridge University Press. pp. 63--77.
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    On the Interaction of Theory and Data in Concept Learning.Edward J. Wisniewski & Douglas L. Medin - 1994 - Cognitive Science 18 (2):221-281.
    Standard models of concept learning generally focus on deriving statistical properties of a category based on data (i.e., category members and the features that describe them) but fail to give appropriate weight to the contact between people's intuitive theories and these data. Two experiments explored the role of people's prior knowledge or intuitive theories on category learning by manipulating the labels associated with the category. Learning differed dramatically when categories of children's drawings were meaningfully labeled (e.g., “done by creative children”) (...)
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  17. Interaction without reduction: The relationship between personal and sub-personal levels of description.Martin Davies - 2000 - Mind and Society 1 (2):87-105.
    Starting from Dennett's distinction between personal and sub-personal levels of description, I consider the relationships amongst three levels: the personal level, the level of information-processing mechanisms, and the level of neurobiology. I defend a conception of the relationship between the personal level and the sub-personal level of information-processing mechanisms as interaction without reduction . Even given a nonreductionist conception of persons, philosophical theorizing sometimes supports downward inferences from the personal to the sub-personal level. An example of a downward inference (...)
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    Interaction of arousal and recall interval in nonsense syllable paired-associate learning.Lewis J. Kleinsmith & Stephen Kaplan - 1964 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 67 (2):124.
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    Interaction in Spoken Word Recognition Models: Feedback Helps.James S. Magnuson, Daniel Mirman, Sahil Luthra, Ted Strauss & Harlan D. Harris - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Interaction: A Case for Ontological Pluralism.Helen Longino - unknown
    This paper draws on the author's work in social epistemology and on comparative studies of sciences of human behavior to draw attention to the importance of interaction. Drawing further on recent and contemporary research in biology, she argues that interaction ought to be considered a distinct ontological category, not reducible to properties of its participants.
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  21. Toward a Theory of Play: A Logical Perspective on Games and Interaction.Johan van Benthem & Eric Pacuit - unknown
    The combination of logic and game theory provides a fine-grained perspective on information and interaction dynamics, a Theory of Play. In this paper we lay down the main components of such a theory, drawing on recent advances in the logical dynamics of actions, preferences, and information. We then show how this fine-grained perspective has already shed new light on the long-term dynamics of information exchange, as well as on the much-discussed question of extensive game rationality.
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    You Look Human, But Act Like a Machine: Agent Appearance and Behavior Modulate Different Aspects of Human–Robot Interaction.Abdulaziz Abubshait & Eva Wiese - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:277299.
    Gaze following occurs automatically in social interactions, but the degree to which gaze is followed depends on whether an agent is perceived to have a mind, making its behavior socially more relevant for the interaction. Mind perception also modulates the attitudes we have towards others, and deter-mines the degree of empathy, prosociality and morality invested in social interactions. Seeing mind in others is not exclusive to human agents, but mind can also be ascribed to nonhuman agents like robots, as (...)
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  23. The neural basis of the interaction between theory of mind and moral judgment.Liane Young, Fiery Cushman, Marc Hauser & and Rebecca Saxe - 2007 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (20):8235-8240.
    Is the basis of criminality an act that causes harm, or an act undertaken with the belief that one will cause harm? The present study takes a cognitive neuroscience approach to investigating how information about an agent’s beliefs and an action’s conse- quences contribute to moral judgment. We build on prior devel- opmental evidence showing that these factors contribute differ- entially to the young child’s moral judgments coupled with neurobiological evidence suggesting a role for the right tem- poroparietal junction (RTPJ) (...)
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    Personalizing Human-Agent Interaction Through Cognitive Models.Tim Schürmann & Philipp Beckerle - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Cognitive modeling of human behavior has advanced the understanding of underlying processes in several domains of psychology and cognitive science. In this article, we outline how we expect cognitive modeling to improve comprehension of individual cognitive processes in human-agent interaction and, particularly, human-robot interaction (HRI). We argue that cognitive models offer advantages compared to data-analytical models, specifically for research questions with expressed interest in theories of cognitive functions. However, the implementation of cognitive models is arguably more complex than (...)
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  25. Human Interaction and the Law.Lon L. Fuller - 1969 - American Journal of Jurisprudence 14 (1):1-36.
  26. Studies of Laughter in Interaction.[author unknown] - 2013
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  27. Affectivity in Interaction: Sound Objects in English.[author unknown] - 2012
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    Recorded Versus Organic Memory: Interaction of Two Worlds as Demonstrated by the Chromatin Dynamics.Anton Markoš & Jana Švorcová - 2009 - Biosemiotics 2 (2):131-149.
    The “histone code” conjecture of gene regulation is our point of departure for analyzing the interplay between the (quasi)digital script in nucleic acids and proteins on the one hand and the body on the other, between the recorded and organic memory. We argue that the cell’s ability to encode its states into strings of “characters” dramatically enhances the capacity of encoding its experience (organic memory). Finally, we present our concept of interaction between the natural (bodily) world, and the transcendental (...)
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    The Interaction of Theories and the semantic Conception of Evolutionary Theory.Paul Thompson - 1986 - Philosophica 37.
  30. The paradox of social interaction : shared intentionality, we-reasoning and virtual bargaining.Nick Chater, Hossam Zeitoun & Tigran Melkonyan - 2022 - Psychological Review 129 (3):415-437.
    Social interaction is both ubiquitous and central to understanding human behavior. Such interactions depend, we argue, on shared intentionality: the parties must form a common understanding of an ambiguous interaction (e.g., one person giving a present to another requires that both parties appreciate that a voluntary transfer of ownership is intended). Yet how can shared intentionality arise? Many well-known accounts of social cognition, including those involving “mind-reading,” typically fall into circularity and/or regress. For example, A’s beliefs and behavior (...)
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    Epistemics in social interaction.Paul Drew - 2018 - Discourse Studies 20 (1):163-187.
    My argument here is principally that the ubiquity of epistemics is evident in the ways in which knowledge claims and attributions of knowledge to self and other are embedded in turns and sequences, inform the design of turns at talk, are amended in the corrections that speakers sometimes make, to change from one epistemic stance to another, and are contested, in the occasional ‘struggles’ between participants, as to which of them has epistemic primacy. I show that these cannot be understood (...)
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  32. An Introduction to Interaction: Understanding Talk in Formal and Informal Settings.[author unknown] - 2013
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  33. Social Interaction.Talcott Parsons - 2008 - In William A. Darity (ed.), International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. Macmillan. pp. 429-440.
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  34. Multiactivity in Social Interaction: Beyond Multitasking.[author unknown] - 2014
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  35. Personality Structure and Human Interaction: The Developing Synthesis of Psychodynamic Theory.Harry Guntrip - 1963 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 14 (53):54-63.
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    ‘Para-social Interaction’ – Social Interaction as a Matter of Fact?Michael Charlton - 2001 - Communications 26 (4):499-508.
  37. Modeling Interaction Effects in Polarization: Individual Media Influence and the Impact of Town Meetings.Patrick Grim, Eric Pulick, Patrick Korth & Jiin Jung - 2016 - Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 10 (2).
    We are increasingly exposed to polarized media sources, with clear evidence that individuals choose those sources closest to their existing views. We also have a tradition of open face-to-face group discussion in town meetings, for example. There are a range of current proposals to revive the role of group meetings in democratic decision-making. Here, we build a simulation that instantiates aspects of reinforcement theory in a model of competing social influences. What can we expect in the interaction of polarized (...)
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    Investigating the Interaction Between Prosody and Pragmatics Quantitatively: A Case Study of the Chinese Discourse Marker ni zhidao.Yi Shan - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study briefly describes the prosodic and pragmatic characteristics of the discourse marker ni zhidao in spoken Chinese. It mainly explores the interaction between its prosody and pragmatics using instrumental methods. It is the first attempt to use acoustic and statistical analysis to examine the prosodic parameters and prosody-pragmatics interaction of a Chinese discourse marker. The corpus includes 71 interview conversations totaling more than 30 h, in which 490 discourse marker tokens of ni zhidao were found. Ni zhidao (...)
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  39. A dynamic interaction between machine learning and the philosophy of science.Jon Williamson - 2004 - Minds and Machines 14 (4):539-549.
    The relationship between machine learning and the philosophy of science can be classed as a dynamic interaction: a mutually beneficial connection between two autonomous fields that changes direction over time. I discuss the nature of this interaction and give a case study highlighting interactions between research on Bayesian networks in machine learning and research on causality and probability in the philosophy of science.
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  40. Cartesian causation: body–body interaction, motion, and eternal truths.Tad M. Schmaltz - 2003 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 34 (4):737-762.
    There is considerable debate among scholars over whether Descartes allowed for genuine body–body interaction. I begin by considering Michael Della Rocca’s recent claim that Descartes accepted such interaction, and that his doctrine of the creation of the eternal truths indicates how this interaction could be acceptable to him. Though I agree that Descartes was inclined to accept real bodily causes of motion, I differ from Della Rocca in emphasizing that his ontology ultimately does not allow for them. (...)
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    Narrative Theory and the Interaction of Bodies.Thomas F. Broden - 2000 - Semiotics 19 (3):94-107.
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  42. The Interaction of Noetic and Psychosomatic Operations in a Thomist Hylomorphic Anthropology.Daniel De Haan - 2018 - Scientia et Fides 6 (2):55-83.
    This article, the second of a two-part essay, outlines a solution to certain tensions in Thomist philosophical anthropology concerning the interaction of the human person’s immaterial intellectual or noetic operations with the psychosomatic sensory operations that are constituted from the formal organization of the nervous system. Continuing with where the first part left off, I argue that Thomists should not be tempted by strong emergentist accounts of mental operations that act directly on the brain, but should maintain, with Aquinas, (...)
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    Contingency and Units in Interaction.Cecilia E. Ford - 2004 - Discourse Studies 6 (1):27-52.
    Starting with Houtkoop and Mazeland’s study of discourse units, and touching upon recent studies aimed at detailing unit projection in interaction, this article argues that the drive toward abstract and discrete models for units and unit projection is potentially misleading. While it has been established that to engage in talk-in-interaction, as it unfolds in real time, participants rely on projectable units, research aimed at defining units unintentionally backgrounds the contingency inherent in interaction. A central function of language (...)
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  44. Action Ascription in Interaction.[author unknown] - 2022
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    Situating Norms and Jointness of Social Interaction.Patrizio Lo Presti - 2013 - Cosmos and History : The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy 9 (1):225-248.
    The paper argues that contexts of interaction are structured in a way that coordinates part actions into normatively guided joint action without agents having common knowledge or mutual beliefs about intentions, beliefs, or commitments to part actions. The argument shows earlier analyses of joint action to be fundamentally flawed because they have not taken contextual influences on joint action properly into account. Specific completion of earlier analyses is proposed. It is concluded that attention to features distributed in context of (...)
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  46. The character of the interaction of the working and political activities of the personality.V. Rjadova & A. Rjadovoj - 1985 - Filosoficky Casopis 33 (2):183-195.
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  47. The Nature of the Interaction between Moral and Artistic Value.Moonyoung Song - 2018 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 76 (3):285-295.
    This article aims to advance our understanding of the interaction between moral and artistic value by asking what it means that an artwork's moral virtue or defect is an artistic virtue or defect and how we can prove or disprove such a claim. I approach these questions first by distinguishing between intrinsic and contextual value interactions and then by examining two strategies commonly used to establish claims about contextual value interaction: (1) appealing to the counterfactual dependence of the (...)
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  48. On the role of social interaction in social cognition: a mechanistic alternative to enactivism.Mitchell Herschbach - 2012 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 11 (4):467-486.
    Researchers in the enactivist tradition have recently argued that social interaction can constitute social cognition, rather than simply serve as the context for social cognition. They contend that a focus on social interaction corrects the overemphasis on mechanisms inside the individual in the explanation of social cognition. I critically assess enactivism’s claims about the explanatory role of social interaction in social cognition. After sketching the enactivist approach to cognition in general and social cognition in particular, I identify (...)
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    Obfuscation of interaction.Jerry Hirsch - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (3):397-398.
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    The relation between interaction aesthetics and affordances.Ioannis Xenakis & Argyris Arnellos - 2013 - Design Studies 34 (1).
    Even though aesthetics and affordances are two important factors based on which designers provide effective ways of interaction through their artifacts, there is no study or theoretical model that relates these two aspects of design. We suggest a theoretical explanation that relates the underlying functionality of aesthetics, in particular, of interaction aesthetics and of affordances in the design process. Our claim is that interaction aesthetics are one among other factors that allow users to enhance the detection of (...)
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