Results for ' intercultural'

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  1.  29
    Intercultural Philosophical Wayfaring: An Autobiographical Account in Conversation with a Friend.Michiko Yusa - 2018 - Journal of World Philosophies 3 (1):123-134.
    The formation of the discipline of intercultural philosophy reveals its “karmic aspects,” in which dynamic encounters of scholars and students lay its future courses and clear unexpected paths. What was it like for a Japanese female Junior Year Abroad Exchange student to be in the American academic environment in the early 1970s, and her subsequent experience at the University of California Santa Barbara? A slice of her early memories, as well as her observations regarding the present and future of (...)
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    Intercultural global bioethics.Yaw Frimpong-Mansoh - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (5):339-340.
    Over the last two decades or so, the need to decolonise bioethics and make it inclusive, equitable and accommodative of voices from the traditionally marginalised global South has received increasing attention in academic scholarship. The recent publication by Pratt and de Vries offers a very comprehensive critical analysis and thoughtful overview of the issue, using global health ethics as its starting point.1 I fundamentally agree with their characterisation of the issue as an ‘epistemic justice’ problem. I further find their recommended (...)
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    Filosofía Intercultural y Nuestra Améfrica Profunda.Magali Mendes de Menezes - 2022 - Cuestiones de Filosofía 8 (31):133-148.
    O presente texto pretende refletir sobre a interculturalidade e sua necesidade histórica, através de dois autores centrais, Raúl Fornet-Betancourt e LéliaGonzalez. O conhecimento dos porvos indígenas e negros foi apagado e nem sequer reconhecido como conhecimento filosófico. Qusndo se reconhece a filosofia amerindia, se faz em comparação com a filosofia ocidental e com tudo que esta produziu. Neste sentido, la Filosofia Intercultural coloca o desafio de repensar la filosofia desde outras experiências de pensamento. O epistemicidio expõe o racismo em (...)
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    Intercultural Pragmatics.Istvan Kecskes - 2013 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Intercultural Pragmatics studies how language systems are used in social encounters between speakers who have different first languages and cultures, yet communicate in a common language. The field first emerged in the early 21st century, joining two seemingly antagonistic approaches to pragmatics research: the cognitive-philosophical approach, which considers intention as an a priori mental state of the speaker, and the sociocultural-interactional approach, which considers it as a post factum construct created by both speaker and hearer though conversation. Istvan Kecskes, (...)
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    Reconfiguring Intercultural Communication Education through the dialogical relationship of Istina(Truth) and Pravda(Truth in Justice).Ashley Simpson - 2023 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (4):456-467.
    This conceptual paper argues for the reconfiguring of Intercultural Communication Education (ICE) through a dialogical engagement with Istina (Truth) and Pravda (Truth in Justice). The paper argues that the field of ICE is predominantly characterised by normative conceptualisations of truth (e.g., characterised by fixed or ‘objective’ interpretations of language and culture) or hyper-relativist post-truth conceptualisations (e.g., non-essentialist approaches to ICE). This conceptual paper, therefore, addresses the following research question: To what extent can a dialogical approach to truth address and (...)
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    An Intercultural Nursing Perspective on Autonomy.Ingrid Hanssen - 2004 - Nursing Ethics 11 (1):28-41.
    This article is based on an empirical study regarding ethical challenges in intercultural nursing. The focus is on autonomy and disclosure. Autonomy is a human capacity that has become an important ethical principle in nursing. Although the relationship between autonomy and patients’ possibly harmful choices is discussed, the focus is on ‘forced’ autonomy. Nurses seem to equate respect with autonomy; it seems to be hard to cope with the fact that there are patients who voluntarily undergo treatment but who (...)
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    Towards Intercultural Philosophy of Education.Heesoon Bai, Claudia Eppert, Charles Scott, Saskia Tait & Tram Nguyen - 2014 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 34 (6):635-649.
    In this paper, we propose an understanding of philosophy of education as cultural and intercultural work and philosophers of education as cultural and intercultural workers. In our view, the discipline of philosophy of education in North America is currently suffering from measures of insularity and singularity. It is vital that we justly and respectfully engage with and expand our knowledge and understanding of sets of conceptual and life-practice resources, and honor and learn from diverse histories, cultures, and traditions. (...)
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    Contextuality, interculturality and decolonisation as schemes of power relations.Benson O. Igboin - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (4):1-11.
    Western imperialism and colonialism have tremendously affected the epistemological conception of Africa and Africans. In the same vein, early missionaries did not countenance the cosmologies and lived experiences of the Africans in their interpretation and application of the Bible. On the contrary, they imposed Western epistemologies and theological images on Africa. Although much work has been carried out in these areas, little attention has been devoted to how contextuality, interculturality and decolonisation are exercised in power struggles: the power to define (...)
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    Intercultural constructions of the New Testament: Epistemological foundations.Jean-Claude Loba-Mkole - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (2):8.
    The present study discusses epistemological foundations of intercultural constructions of the New Testament in Africa. Before embarking on this discussion, it documents the history and procedures of this interpretive tool. In Africa, the intercultural method emanates from the paradigm of inculturation coupled with reconstruction. It has already embraced biblical exegesis, translation studies, canonical criticism and ecological hermeneutics. Contribution: The insights of the article ‘Intercultural constructions of the New Testament: Epistemological foundations’ pertain firstly to the description of the (...)
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  10.  19
    Teaching intercultural competence: Dialogue, cognition and position in Luke 10:25-37.Erastus Sabdono, Erni M. C. Efruan, Morris P. Takaliuang, Leryani M. M. Manuain & Zummy A. Dami - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):1-8.
    This research aimed to know the intercultural competency teaching model of Jesus using a parable technique based on Luke 10:25-37 to improve intercultural competence. The authors used a method of diacognitive analysis with three lenses that include dialogue, cognition and position. The results of the study have shown that the application of the parable technique can improve the competence of intercultural students towards people with different cultures, as well as increase the understanding and awareness that love is (...)
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  11.  3
    Intercultural origin and philosophical background of Argentinian Tango.Agnieška Juzefovič - 2024 - Filosofija. Sociologija 27 (1).
    The paper offers a philosophical and anthropological investigation of the industry of entertainment, which during recent decades has faced the process of rapid development and transformations. The author argues that various intercultural influences have played an essential role in the process of its formation, development and spreading. Tango developed as a product of the influences of Afro-Argentinians, local nomadic cowboys (gauchos) and European immigrants who flooded Argentina at the end of XIX century. Therefore the philosophical and cultural background of (...)
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    Intercultural mediation with the roma community in health-care contexts.Ana Giménez Adelantado - 2012 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 11 (11):125-143.
    Intercultural mediation essentially deals with perceptions. Perceived reality is frequently very different and far removed from actual reality. From our human and cultural position we must endeavor to understand the «other», starting from the principle that our lives are guided by certain norms and principles that are impregnated with cultural values and traditions. Any attempt to find logical reasons for this perception, in other words, the causes and consequences of the behavior and attitudes of those who do not share (...)
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    Intercultural Dialogue.Michael Mitias & Abdullah Al-Jasmi - 2004 - Dialogue and Universalism 14 (3):143-161.
    Intercultural dialogue is the surest method for the transformation of humankind from as an agglomeration of states into a human community. Any attempt to engage in intercultural dialogue short of this ultimate goal will be superficial and vacuous. Working together toward this goal is an imperative, and it is an imperative because in spite of their diversity human cultures are various expressions of one nature: human nature. Their existence is an indication of the creativity and resourcefulness of this (...)
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  14.  7
    Intercultural phenomenology: playing with reality.Yuko Ishihara - 2024 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic. Edited by Steven Tainer.
    Intercultural Phenomenology explores the nature of reality by engaging in a cross-cultural dialogue between two of the most influential philosophical traditions of the 20th century. Drawing on ideas from phenomenology, Japanese philosophy and Zen Buddhism, it follows the philosophers who changed their perception of the world by choosing to suspend judgement. Guided by this philosophical method known as the "epoché", or suspension of judgment in ancient Greek, it is an introduction to the philosophy and practice of letting objects in (...)
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    (1 other version)Intercultural information ethics: foundations and applications.Rafael Capurro - 2008 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 6 (2):116-126.
    – This paper aims to examine the present status of the research field intercultural information ethics including the foundational debate as well as specific issues., – A critical overview of the recent literature of the field is given., – The present IIE debate focuses on a narrow view of the field leaving aside comparative studies with non‐digital media as well as with other epochs and cultures. There is an emphasis on the question of privacy but other issues such as (...)
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  16.  20
    Intercultural Communication: Critical Approaches and Future Challenges.Giuliana Ferri - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    Drawing on interdisciplinary theoretical perspectives, this book critically examines intercultural theory and its interrelations with globalisation, education and dialogue in multicultural societies. Applying the ethics of Emmanuel Levinas, the author repositions intercultural communication within a new paradigm that challenges static interpretations of self and other, and suggests future directions for the development of a post-methodological framework based on the decentring of the researcher. This innovative work will provide researchers and language teachers with the critical tools needed to challenge (...)
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  17.  15
    Quijote intercultural: Recreaciones y prácticas de lectura inclusivas.Loreto Cantillana, Raquel Villalobos & Juan Pablo Catalán - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 18 (3):1-12.
    El objetivo del estudio es analizar las prácticas de lectura inclusivas en niñas, niños y adolescentes mapuches con el fin de recrear la novela cervantina, desde la cosmovisión de este pueblo. La investigación se efectuó en dos escuelas interculturales con estudiantes de Educación Básica. En su ejecución se implementó un cuadernillo de trabajo con fragmentos del Quijote editado por Santos Tornero y fichas sobre la cultura mapuche que fueron desarrolladas por los participantes. Los resultados muestran la recreación de la obra (...)
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    Intercultural Discourse and African-Caribbean Philosophy.Edward Demenchonok - 2005 - Dialogue and Universalism 15 (1-2):181-201.
    The explosion of publications on race, gender, and minority cultures during recent decades was a natural reaction to the universalistic pretensions of Western philosophy, for which many of these issues were invisible. The theoretical articulation of these issues has substantially contributed to the transformation of philosophy. However, the side-effect of an overemphasis on difference is an underestimating of unity, which may lead to disintegration. The challenge to philosophical thought on race, gender, and culture is to reconcile the difference with commonality, (...)
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  19.  19
    Interculturality in peace-building and mutual edification.Jean-Claude Loba-Mkole - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (4):1-8.
    This article shows that, according to Romans 14:19, peace-building and mutual edification are closely interrelated. This hypothesis is substantiated through an intercultural method, which explores the issues of peace from a triple perspective: a contemporary culture, an original Biblical culture and a past Church culture. These three frames basically agree that for restoring and maintaining peace, it is important to fight against its main cause, namely sin. It is equally important to cultivate things that promote peace and mutual edification.
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    Preconditions of an Intercultural Dialogue on Human Rights.Marek Hrubec - 2010 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 55 (1):183-205.
    O artigo trata da questão dos direitos humanos quanto ao potencial de consenso entre culturas através do diálogo intercultural. Trata-se de uma contribuição para superar os confrontos entre civilizações e a imposição coercitiva de direitos humanos sobre outras culturas. O paper mostra que a promoção intercultural de direitos humanos entre culturas individuais que se reconhecem mutuamente é uma das formas efetivas de resistência contra a falta de reconhecimento. Todavia, é mister uma formulação dos direitos humanos embasada nos valores (...)
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  21. Interculturality of philosophy and religion.Gregory D'Souza (ed.) - 1996 - Bangalore: National Biblical Catechetical & Liturgical Centre.
    Contributed research papers presented at a seminar organized by Dept. of Post-graduate Studies and Research in Christianity, University of Mysore, India in collaboration with the Society of Intercultural Philosophy, Koeln, Germany in Oct. 1994.
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    Intercultural Philosophy and the Nondual Wisdom of ‘Basic Goodness’: Implications for Contemplative and Transformative Education.Heesoon Bai, Claudia Eppert, Daniel Vokey & Tram Nguyen - 2015 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 49 (2):274-293.
    Radical personal and systemic social transformation is urgently needed to address world-wide violence and inequality, pervasive moral confusion and corruption, and the rapid, unprecedented global destruction of our environment. Recent years have seen an embrace of intersubjectivity within discourse on educational transformation within academia and the public sphere. As well, there has been a turn toward contemplative education initiatives within North American schools, colleges and universities. This article contends that these turns might benefit from openness to the ontologies, epistemologies, and (...)
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  23.  30
    Intercultural Competence Development at Universities.Liudmyla Holubnycha, Ilona Kostikova, Natalia Soroka, Tetiana Shchokina & Inna Golopych - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (1Sup1):200-214.
    The aim of the paper is to identify and describe some specifics of intercultural competence development at the tertiary level in the framework of language and culture. Different views on intercultural competence development in higher education are presented as well as intercultural competence development in different countries and many scholars’ points of views. The results show certain specifics of intercultural competence development including linguistic competence, linguistic and cultural competence, as well as the components of intercultural (...)
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    Interculturality, Intraculturality and Education: New Proposals for Sociocultural Intervention in Latin America.Jesús M. Aparicio Gervás, Daniel Valério Martins, Charles David Tilley Bilbao & Lucicleide de Souza Barcelar - 2017 - Journal of Human Values 23 (2):106-115.
    Today it is difficult to investigate how to deal with the interaction of heterogeneous societies living in common spaces of coexistence (interculturality). Certainly, the intervention in this field of scientific knowledge requires to know and to be able to apply the concepts, models and paradigms of social relation that differ considerably according to the social context in which we are investigating. It is not the same (although done fairly frequently), contextualizing this situation in the American society, or in the European, (...)
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    Early Interculturation, Late Interculturation – Does It Make a Difference in Our Memories?Rachid Oulahal & Patrick Denoux - 2020 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 20 (1-2):116-126.
    Our research is in the perspective of intercultural psychology and addresses the question of memories an intercultural situation leaves for individuals who experience it during their life. More precisely, it is through the autobiographical memory that our research analyzes the articulation between identity and memory processes in relation to a life experience in an intercultural situation, whether it is a life in a multicultural environment, a migration towards a new cultural environment, a plurality of cultural affiliations or (...)
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    Intercultural education and everyday life: suggestions from Michel de Certeau.Federico Rovea - 2020 - Ethics and Education 15 (1):62-76.
    ABSTRACTIn recent years, the reflection on intercultural education has focused on the importance of managing everyday situations in intercultural contexts. This focus is generally recognized as fundamental for the shift from the perspective of multiculturalism to a more interculturalist approach. An example of the interculturalist turn can be found in the EU document White Paper on Intercultural Dialogue ‘Living Together As Equals in Dignity’, which promotes the intercultural approach in education. In this article, referring to the (...)
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    Does Intercultural Dialogue Need Relativism? Moral Rationality and Cultural Difference.Rui Silva - 2013 - Dialogue and Universalism 23 (3):153-163.
    Is a rational approach always able to resolve intercultural conflicts about values and morals? The leading questions of this paper deal with the relationship between cultural difference and moral reasoning, the possibility to argue about cultural differences and the possibility of rational grounds for intercultural dialogue. The underlying idea is that a true intercultural attitude needs a serious theoretical and methodological reflection in order to be aware of the limits of understanding and the pitfalls of universalism. In (...)
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  28.  13
    Intercultural Philosophy.Мариэтта Степанянц - 2021 - Philosophical Anthropology 7 (1):168-184.
    Intercultural philosophy emerged in the 1980s and 1990s in Germany and Austria. It has become widespread throughout the world. Geopolitical changes, which defined the nature of modernity as an era of post-colonialism and globalization, played a decisive role in its emergence. The new philosophic trend has grown from a comparative philosophy that has gone through three stages of evolution: from proving the universal "truth" of Western philosophy, to attempts to create a "synthetic philosophy" and, finally, to the recognition of (...)
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  29.  14
    Razón intercultural y lectura del Evangelio.José Sarrión Cayuela - 2015 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 42 (1):257-272.
    El esfuerzo de relacionar la situación social, política, económica y cultural del inicio del siglo XXI desde ámbitos de una racionalidad intercultural con los valores que emanan del Evangelio lleva a cuestionarnos realidades muy duras de nuestra sociedad actual. Nuestro mundo muestra de una forma evidente que vive en una situación de hechos inde-seables. Así nace una rueda de guerras que anuncian la intención de ser la última de ellas para generar más tarde otra guerra. Y ningún ser humano (...)
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    Confluences intercultural journeying in research and teaching: from hermeneutics to a changing world order.David Geoffrey Smith - 2019 - Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
    In this book, Canadian scholar David Geoffrey Smith reflects on over thirty years of research and teaching in the human sciences, including education. Written between 1986 and 2018, the essays are organized around three themes: Hermeneutics and the Human Sciences; The Poststructuralist Turn; Globalization and Its Discontents; East/West Encounters and the Search for Wisdom. As a historical guide through the defining discourses in the human sciences, this volume could well serve as an introductory text for graduate students in education and (...)
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    Intercultural Communication and New Forms of Citizenship.Mohammed Elhajji - 2008 - Diogenes 55 (4):99-104.
    This paper presents some thoughts focusing on the problems of ethnico-cultural communalism, its meaning in the current global socio-political context and its implications with regard to principles of democracy, citizenship and the nation-state. It gives particular attention to the issues of interculturality and intercultural communication (IC) as central markers in the contemporary socio-political landscape. The author claims that IC (particularly in its communal and ethnic forms) may prevent or resolve the communal separation that threatens many groups throughout the world. (...)
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  32.  18
    Matemática Intercultural en la transformación de la práctica pedagógica y la mejora de los aprendizajes.Wilfredo Hernán Bizarro Flores - 2020 - Voces de la Educación 5 (9):3-25.
    Frente a la problemática identificada: dificultades en el aprendizaje de la matemática el cual se refleja en los resultados al terminar el año escolar y en las diferentes pruebas aplicadas a nivel local, nacional e internacional. El artículo tiene como propósito por una parte la transformación de la práctica docente en aula y por otro lado como consecuencia de ella la de mejorar los niveles de aprendizaje estudiantil, luego de aplicar la propuesta de la Matemática Intercultural con estudiantes de (...)
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    Teaching intercultural competence through heavy metal music.Daniel Guberman - 2020 - Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 20 (2):115-132.
    What does it mean to teach intercultural competence? Do we need to travel to “other” places? In what way does content need to reflect the traditions of “other” cultures? How can popular musics info...
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  34.  17
    Evaluation of English intercultural adaptability and teaching realization from the perspective of philosophical deconstruction.Huijun Li - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (4):e0240089.
    Resumen: Desde su aparición, el deconstruccionismo filosófico ha sido considerado como una ideología no convencional y anti dogmática, que tiene un fuerte significado de referencia para la reforma de los cursos de inglés en las universidades chinas. China se encuentra en un periodo crítico de transformación, que exige que la enseñanza universitaria del inglés cambie radicalmente los conceptos educativos tradicionales y lleve a cabo reformas integrales de la enseñanza del inglés. Al mismo tiempo, cuestiones como la adaptabilidad transcultural y la (...)
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    Intercultural Competence in EMP Training: A Case Study and Implications for Syllabus Design.Agnieszka Dudzik & Agnieszka Dzięcioł-Pędich - 2017 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 49 (1):55-71.
    Due to the development of global economy and increased geographical and occupational mobility, communication with people from multicultural backgrounds has become commonplace in many healthcare institutions. As the demographic profiles of both patients and medical personnel are increasingly varied, intercultural competence has become an integral component of English for Medical Purposes training. However, are medical students generally familiar with the notion of intercultural competence? What intercultural aspects should they be aware of in order to practise effectively when (...)
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    Intercultural dialogues in times of global pandemics: The Confucian ethics of relations and social organization in Sinic societies.Jana S. Rošker - 2021 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 11 (3-4):206-216.
    Since COVID-19 is a global-scale pandemic, it can only be solved on the global level. In this context, intercultural dialogues are of utmost importance. Indeed, different models of traditional ethics might be of assistance in constructing a new, global ethics that could help us confront the present predicament and prepare for other possible global crises that might await us in the future. The explosive, pandemic spread of COVID-19 in 2020 clearly demonstrated that in general, one of the most effective (...)
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    Towards Intercultural Philosophy of Education.Michael A. Peters & Gert Biesta - 2015 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 34 (6):635-649.
    In this paper, we propose an understanding of philosophy of education as cultural and intercultural work and philosophers of education as cultural and intercultural workers. In our view, the discipline of philosophy of education in North America is currently suffering from measures of insularity and singularity. It is vital that we justly and respectfully engage with and expand our knowledge and understanding of sets of conceptual and life-practice resources, and honor and learn from diverse histories, cultures, and traditions. (...)
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    Medieval Muslim Philosophers and Intercultural Communication: Towards a Dialogical Paradigm in Education.Wisam Abdul-Jabbar - 2022 - Routledge.
    The Intercultural, Educational, and Interdisciplinary Borderlines -- Intercultural Encounters, Discord, and Discovery: Medieval Times Amid Evil Times? -- The Dialogical Paradigm -- Al-Kindi on Education: Curriculum Theorizing and the Intercultural Minhaj -- Intercultural Farabism: Towards a Tripartite Model of Dialogical Education -- Rihla as the Sojourner's Deliverer from Error: Al-Ghazali's Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Journey of Epistemic Crisis -- The Averroesian Deliberative Pedagogy of Intercultural Education -- Concluding Thoughts and Implications.
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    Intercultural criticism of spiritual warfare.Victor L. Budha - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (3).
    The text of Ephesians 6:10–20 reframes the sectors of what we know as ‘spiritual warfare’ to tackle demons that menace and disturb people’s daily life. Reading this text from an African perspective helps to understand the text as well as believers in Africa to efficiently use the proposed weapons.Contribution: An approach such as an intercultural criticism with the aid of a four-legged stool model in this research proved to be appropriate.
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    Translation, Intercultural Dialogue and the Mediation of Legal Semiotics.J. M. Aroso Linhares - forthcoming - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique:1-19.
    Contemporary meta-dogmatic legal discourse has frequently mobilized the signifier “translation”, in different stages and to face diverse problems ─ the multidirectional interactions between _legal language_ and _ordinary language_, the plural network of (national and international, state and non-state) legal orders, the dialectics between presupposed legal materials and practical controversies, the intersubjective place of the judge as the impartial _third_, the invention of exemplarity as _concreteness ─_ always however with decisive projections in the understanding or experiencing of _juridicalness_ (its aspirations, categories (...)
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    Antipsiquiatría intercultural.Rubén Muñoz Martínez - 2022 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 107:219-260.
    En este artículo se propone el concepto antipsiquiatría intercultural a partir del análisis de una práctica de cuidados comunitarios en la que exiliados peul, mauritanos, residiendo en situación «administrativa irregular» en Bruselas, proporcionan alojamiento y acompañamiento a personas belgas con padecimiento mental/relacional, en el marco de una asociación militante de la corriente antipsiquiátrica, mientras son asesorados en su petición de asilo. A la luz de este estudio de caso, se desarrolla y discute la propuesta de David Cooper relativa a (...)
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    Philosophy and Intercultural Communication: The Phenomenon of a Human Being in the Confucian Tradition.T. V. Danylova - 2023 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 23:146-158.
    _Purpose._ This paper aims to investigate the phenomenon of a human being within the Confucian tradition as well as its interpretations from intercultural perspective. _Theoretical basis._ One of the ways to understand the deepest level of the intercultural dialogue is to reveal the interpretations of a human being in philosophical traditions, since they refer to the formation of personality and identity within a given culture including interpersonal, intergroup, and intercultural relations. Humanism based on the unity of Human (...)
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    Didática intercultural e decolonial entre o povo Iny da aldeia Buridina: possibilidades epistêmicas da educação escolar indígena brasileira a partir da reconstrução dos costumes das línguas maternas.Natália Rita de Almeida, Marilza Vanessa Rosa Suanno, João Henrique Suanno & Marcos Fernandes-Sobrinho - 2024 - Odeere 9 (3):247-260.
    A pesquisa se baseou na análise bibliográfica acerca dos conceitos de didática intercultural e decolonialidade de Vera Candau (2023), Catherine Walsh (2005) e Walter Mignolo (2005). Ademais, trabalhou-se com autores que desenvolvem pesquisas a respeito da Escola Indígena Maurehi como Leandro Mendes Rocha (1998), Joel Orlando Bevilaqua Marin (2009) e Maria do Socorro Pimentel da Silva (2009), com intuito de contextualizar o surgimento e o processo de criação da didática escolar indígena em específico entre os Iny. A análise documental (...)
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    Intercultural competence in medical practice.Tatjana Grützmann, Christina Rose & Tim Peters - 2012 - Ethik in der Medizin 24 (4):323-334.
    Durch Migrationsprozesse und zunehmenden Pluralismus ist in Deutschland das Thema „kulturelle Diversität“ in der Medizin aktueller denn je. In der medizinischen Fachliteratur und im gesellschaftlichen Diskurs wird vermehrt von interkulturellen Konflikten im Kontakt zwischen Arzt und Patient berichtet, was die Frage nach der Rolle von Interkultureller Kompetenz für die klinische Praxis aufwirft. Zunächst widmet sich der Beitrag kritisch den verschiedenen Auffassungen des Begriffs „Kultur“ im medizinischen Kontext, um anschließend eine Methode der interkulturellen Philosophie als eine Möglichkeit für eine kultursensitive Ethik (...)
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    "Anamnesis" Intercultural.Juan Masiá Clavel - 2011 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 67 (4):679-694.
    No encontro intercultural e inter-religioso não se converte cada interlocutor à cultura e religiosidade alheia, mas abrem-se ambos à escuta (anamnesis originária) do Mistério que garante a autenticidade da própria vivência espiritual. O resultado deste processo é a transformação das duas religiosidades que se fecundam mutuamente, passando por um caminho de autocrítica, diálogo e práxis em comum. A teologia católica deveria estar preparada para aproveitar este desafio do pluralismo religioso interactivo e deixar-se transformar; mas, para isso, teria que avançar (...)
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    Potencialidades da Educação Intercultural na Aldeia Muã Mimatxi.Maria Regina Lins Brandão Veas & Karla Cunha Pádua - 2022 - Odeere 7 (3):45-63.
    Este artigo buscou problematizar dados de uma pesquisa de viés socioantropológico, realizada em uma comunidade indígena Pataxó localizada na cidade de Itapecerica- MG, acerca da educação intercultural. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, que utilizou a revisão de literatura, entrevistas narrativas, bem como análise documental como método de pesquisa. Apoiando em estudos sobre interculturalidade, e em uma coletânea das histórias indígenas contadas na comunidade em questão, foi possível entrecruzar as vozes da comunidade indígena, constatando que a educação intercultural é (...)
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    Competencia intercultural y conciencia cultural en el aula de lenguas extranjeras.Raúl Dávila-Romero - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (6):1-10.
    En este estudio se exploran recursos didácticos para fomentar la reflexión intercultural en el aula de idiomas. En un aula de alemán como lengua extranjera de una universidad española, con alumnas y alumnos de nivel inicial (A1.2), se integraron actividades para el desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa intercultural en una programación anterior de orientación comunicativa y con fuerte presencia de la interacción oral entre pares. Los resultados obtenidos en esta investigación cuasi-experimental informan sobre el desarrollo de la conciencia (...)
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    Competencia Intercultural Procedimental.Emilio Iriarte Romero & Estíbaliz de Miguel Vallés - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (6):1-12.
    Instituciones como el Consejo de Europa o el Instituto Cervantes y expertos como Byram o Deardorff han desarrollado modelos y bases educativas que dan luz a los docentes para ejecutar programas para el desarrollo de una ciudadanía pluricultural, que se comunica y está inmersa en la diversidad.Este estudio analiza si dichos modelos permiten establecer unos descriptores que definan la competencia intercultural desde una perspectiva procedimental. De esta manera, se pretende establecer un análisis de las bases teóricas y prácticas de (...)
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    Intercultural Communicative Performance and the Body.Stephen Holmes - 2015 - Contemporary Pragmatism 12 (2):275-301.
    From the standpoint of an intercultural communication trainer in an exploration mode, the author starts by analyzing and evaluating two Third Culture models in order to sort out their contributions to practically improving intercultural communicative performance with the stranger. In his exploration he strives to move from competence to performance by shifting the focus of the abstract potential of competence to the body as an experiencing organism and its environment, the point in a situation where performance takes place. (...)
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    Intercultural Communication in Adaptation Process to Minimize Culture Shock.I. Gusti Ayu Ratna Pramesti Dasih, I. Gusti Ayu Diah Prameswara Padawati Indraswari & Ni Putu Yunita Anggreswari - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:706-716.
    Malang City has evolved into a prominent hub for students. Embracing this new role, it has become a sought-after destination for learners from outside Java who wish to pursue their education at local universities. The influx of international students brings a vibrant intercultural dynamic to the city, affecting both the local community and the students themselves. As these students undergo the adaptation process to integrate and thrive in their new environment, they often face challenges such as culture shock, which (...)
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