Results for ' literary Darwinism'

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  1.  13
    Angus Fletcher’s Other Literary Darwinism.Joseph Carroll - 2021 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 5 (2):99-108.
    Angus Fletcher pitches his book to general readers. Though it consists of literary criticism, it is designed as a psychological self-help manual-literature as therapy. Fletcher's thera­peutic program is presented as an alternative to the kind of literary Darwinism that iden­tifies human nature as the basis for literature. He acknowledges the existence of human nature but aims at transcending it by promoting an Aquarian ethos of harmony and un­derstanding. He has some gifts of style, but the dominant voice (...)
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    Another Literary Darwinism.Angus Fletcher - 2014 - Critical Inquiry 40 (2):450-469.
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    Plotting Devices: Literary Darwinism in the Laboratory.John Hay - 2014 - Philosophy and Literature 38 (1A):A148-A161.
    Critics of literary Darwinism like to point out the weaknesses of its scientific scaffolding, but the real flaw in this research program is its neglect of literary history and stylistic evolution. A full-fledged scientific approach to literary criticism should incorporate the kind of work being done by Franco Moretti at the Stanford Literary Lab—a quantitative analysis of the history of literary form. While Moretti and the literary Darwinists are almost never mentioned together, I (...)
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    Against Literary Darwinism.Françoise Meltzer, Anca Parvulescu, Robert B. Pippin, Chris Dumas, Ariella Azoulay, Jan De Vos & Jonathan Kramnick - 2011 - Critical Inquiry 37 (2):315-347.
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    Critical Response I: Who Cares about the Evolution of Stories?: Responses to "Against Literary Darwinism," by Jonathan Kramnick.Paul Bloom - 2012 - Critical Inquiry 38 (2):388-393.
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    Critical Response V: Evolved Reading and the Science of Literary Study: A Response to Jonathan Kramnick: Responses to "Against Literary Darwinism," by Jonathan Kramnick.G. Gabrielle Starr - 2012 - Critical Inquiry 38 (2):418-425.
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    Literary study and evolutionary theory.Joseph Carroll - 1998 - Human Nature 9 (3):273-292.
    Several recent books have claimed to integrate literary study with evolutionary biology. All of the books here considered, except Robert Storey’s, adopt conceptions of evolutionary theory that are in some way marginal to the Darwinian adaptationist program. All the works attempt to connect evolutionary study with various other disciplines or methodologies: for example, with cultural anthropology, cognitive psychology, the psychology of emotion, neurobiology, chaos theory, or structuralist linguistics. No empirical paradigm has yet been established for this field, but important (...)
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    Peirce, evolutionary aesthetics, and literary meaning: Tension, index, symbol.Dustin Hellberg - 2018 - Semiotica 2018 (221):71-103.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2018 Heft: 221 Seiten: 71-103.
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    Excavating Stephen King: A Darwinist Hermeneutic Study of the Fiction.James Arthur Anderson - 2020 - Lexington Books.
    This book combines approaches from science, literary theory, and philosophy to examine the canon of Stephen King’s fiction from a Darwinist hermeneutic perspective in one critical study.
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    Nietzsche’s Anti-Darwinism. By Dirk R. Johnson. [REVIEW]Ruth Burch - 2014 - The European Legacy 19 (1):99-100.
    Nietzsche’s Anti-Darwinism. By Dirk R. Johnson (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010) In this substantial and incisive monograph, Dirk R. Johnson traces in minute detail Nietzsche’s stance towards Darwin at the various stages of his intellectually productive life. Johnson’s book is in two principal parts: Part 1 is on Nietzsche’s early Darwinism, which turned into anti-Darwinism, and Part 2 is a close reading of all three essays of Nietzsche’s Genealogy of Morals in their historical context since together they (...)
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    Antiutopianism, Social Darwinism, and Self-Preservation: Some Reflections.Antonis Balasopoulos - 2023 - Utopian Studies 34 (2):312-318.
    Abstractabstract:This essay responds to Darko Suvin by focusing on his observations on self hood and personality. Antiutopias are defined as narrative texts framed by fear and anxiety regarding the self-preservation of individuality and by subscription to the principle of relentless struggle for survival amid resource scarcity. The ambiguities that insinuate themselves within this framework include: first, the conflation of “self-preservation” with domination over others; second, the oscillation of self-preservation between a “biopolitical” pole and a “cultural” one. Turning to Adorno and (...)
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  12. Scientizing the humanities.Barbara Herrnstein Smith - 2016 - Common Knowledge 22 (3):353-372.
    Advocates of literary Darwinism, cognitive cultural studies, neuroaesthetics, digital humanities, and other such hybrid fields now seek explicitly to make the aims and methods of one or another humanities discipline approximate more closely the aims and methods of science, and at their most visionary, they urge as well the overall integration of the humanities and natural sciences. This essay indicates some major considerations—historical, conceptual, and pragmatic—that may be useful for assessing these efforts and predicting their future. Arguments promoting (...)
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    Today and Tomorrow Volume 8 Science and Medicine: Galatea, or the Future of Darwinism Daedalus, or Science & the Future Automaton, or the Future of Mechanical Man Gallio, or the Tyranny of Science.Haldane Brain - 2008 - Routledge.
    Galatea, or the Future of Darwinism W Russell Brain Originally published in 1927 "A brilliant exposition…of the evolutionary hypothesis." The Guardian "Should prove invaluable…" Literary Guide This non-technical but closely-reasoned book is a challenge to the orthodox teaching on evolution known as Neo-Darwinism. The author claims that although Neo-Darwinian theories can possibly account for the evolution of forms, they are quite inadequate to explain the evolution of functions. 88pp ************** Daedalus or Science and the Future J B (...)
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    The tree of knowledge and Darwinian literary study.Jonathan Gottschall - 2003 - Philosophy and Literature 27 (2):255-268.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 27.2 (2003) 255-268 [Access article in PDF] The Tree of Knowledge and Darwinian Literary Study Jonathan Gottscha I THE BRANCHES OF KNOWLEDGE are not strewn randomly on the ground; they are part of a coherent, interconnected tree. Physics is the most fundamental of all the sciences, so it is the trunk of the tree. The branch of chemistry emerges from physics, because the laws of (...)
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    Motherhood, evolutionary psychology and mirror neurons or: ‘Grammar is politics by other means’.Karín Lesnik-Oberstein - 2015 - Feminist Theory 16 (2):171-187.
    Through a close analysis of socio-biologist Sarah Blaffer Hrdy’s work on motherhood and ‘mirror neurons’ it is argued that Hrdy’s claims exemplify how research that ostensibly bases itself on neuroscience, including in literary studies ‘literary Darwinism’, relies after all not on scientific, but on political assumptions, namely on underlying, unquestioned claims about the autonomous, transparent, liberal agent of consumer capitalism. These underpinning assumptions, it is further argued, involve the suppression or overlooking of an alternative, prior tradition of (...)
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    Concerning the Sciences, the Arts: And the Humanities.Leonard B. Meyer - 1974 - Critical Inquiry 1 (1):163-217.
    Like a number of other writers, [Gunther S.] Stent contends that in essential ways science and art are comparable. As he puts it: "Both the arts and the sciences are activities that endeavor to discover and communicate truths about the world" . Although one cannot but sympathize with the desire to bring the so-called Two Cultures together, a viable and enduring union will not be achieved by ignoring or glossing over important differences. Using the behavior of scientists, artists, and laymen (...)
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    “Black CNN”: Cultural Transmission of Moral Norms through Narrative Art.Jan Horský - 2022 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 22 (3-4):264-293.
    In recent debates in moral psychology and literary Darwinism, several authors suggested that narrative art plays a significant role in the process of the social learning of moral norms, functioning as storage of locally salient moral information. However, an integrative view, which would help explain the inner workings of this morally educative function of narrative art, is still lacking. This paper provides such a unifying theoretical account by bringing together insights from moral psychology, educational sciences, cognitive/evolutionary narratology, and (...)
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    The Pleasures of Fiction.Denis Dutton - 2004 - Philosophy and Literature 28 (2):453-466.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Pleasures of FictionDenis DuttonHuman Beings Expend staggering amounts of time and resources on creating and experiencing art and entertainment—music, dancing, and static visual arts. Of all of the arts, however, it is the category of fictional story-telling that across the globe today is the most intense focus of what amounts to a virtual human addiction. A recent government study in Britain showed that if you add together annual (...)
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    Die geisteswissenschaftliche Inanspruchnahme der Evolutionsbiologie.Georg Toepfer - 2014 - Zeitschrift für Kritische Sozialtheorie Und Philosophie 1 (1):40-80.
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    The Viking and the Farmer: Alternative Male Life Histories Portrayed in the Romantic Poetry of Erik Gustaf Geijer.Emelie Jonsson & Daniel J. Kruger - 2019 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 3 (2):17-38.
    This article applies a life history model to advance the evolutionary understanding of poetry that inspired nineteenth-century Swedish National Romanticism. We show that the characters featured in two of Erik Gustaf Geijer’s poems, “The Viking” and “The Yeoman Farmer”, display patterns of time perspective, mating effort, and parental invest­ment that are now recognized as central life history attributes: a fast strategy and a slow strategy, respectively. These patterns were identified by undergraduate participants who read excerpts of the poems that had (...)
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    Why Thomas is so hardy: literature inspired by evolution to make sense of the senseless.David P. Barash - 2013 - Biology and Philosophy 28 (1):115-123.
    Although existentialism and evolutionary biology might appear to be polar opposites, with the former denying a role for “human nature” and the latter emphasizing it, there are some unrecognized parallels. One in particular is that both disciplines assume that human life is not inherently meaningful, such that any attribution of meaning must arise from human actions. The present article traces some of this intellectual correspondence in the realm of literature.
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    Conu' Shafirida faţă cu reacţiunea: Joseph de Maistre sau Fandacsia Descătuşata/ Master Shafirida Stands Up to Reaction: Joseph De Maistre or Unleashing Unreason.Michael Shafir - 2007 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 6 (16):147-158.
    Was Joseph de Maistre a conservative thinker?; an actor who might at any time switch roles with his alleged British counterpart Edmund Burke in a show called “Reactions to the French Revolution”? Or was de Maistre (as Sir Isaiah Berlin saw him) a milestone on mankind’s rush to the “Age of Unreason” in general, and to the Nazi folly in particular? To answer this controversy, Professor Michael Shafir called on the witness’ stand an unexpected expert in conservatism and the folly (...)
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    The ‘Optimistic Cruelty’ of Hayek’s Market Order: Neoliberalism, Pain and Social Selection.Carla Ibled - 2023 - Theory, Culture and Society 40 (3):81-101.
    This article argues that cruelty, as a willingness to see or orchestrate the suffering of others, is not an unfortunate side-effect of neoliberal theories put into practice but is constitutive of the neoliberal project from its theoretical inception. Drawing on Lisa Duggan’s concept of ‘optimistic cruelty’ and treating the canonical texts of neoliberal economic theory as literary artefacts, the article develops this argument through a close reading of one of the central architects of the neoliberal project, the philosopher and (...)
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  24.  28
    How the Mule Got Its Tale: Moretti's Darwinian Bricolage.Geoffrey Winthrop-Young - 1999 - Diacritics 29 (2):18-40.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:How The Mule Got Its Tale: Moretti’s Darwinian BricolageGeoffrey Winthrop-Young* (bio)Franco Moretti. Atlas Of The European Novel. London: Verso, 1998. [AN]Franco Moretti. Modern Epic: The World System From Goethe To García Márquez. Trans. Quentin Hoare. London: Verso, 1996. [ME]1. Darwinian Preliminaries1805: Cousin de Grainville, Le dernier homme. A world in which humans have displaced the oceans dies from ecological exhaustion. 1836: Louis Geoffroy, Napoléon et la conquête du monde. (...)
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    Making a Moral Society: Ethics and the State in Meiji Japan.Richard M. Reitan - 2009 - University of Hawaii Press.
    This innovative study of ethics in Meiji Japan (1868–1912) explores the intense struggle to define a common morality for the emerging nation-state. In the Social Darwinist atmosphere of the time, the Japanese state sought to quell uprisings and overcome social disruptions so as to produce national unity and defend its sovereignty against Western encroachment. Morality became a crucial means to attain these aims. Moral prescriptions for re-ordering the population came from all segments of society, including Buddhist, Christian, and Confucian apologists; (...)
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    Nietzsche, Biology and Metaphor (review).Babette E. Babich - 2004 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 42 (3):348-349.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Nietzsche, Biology and MetaphorBabette E. BabichGregory Moore. Nietzsche, Biology and Metaphor. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002. Pp. viii + 228. Cloth, $55.00.Gregory Moore's Nietzsche, Biology and Metaphor is a well-written book on a topic of growing importance in Nietzsche studies. Not only concerned with offering an interpretation of Nietzsche in terms of biology and metaphor, Moore's approach offers a literary contextualization of Darwinism in the (...)
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  27.  4
    European Thought & Culture in the 19th Century.Lloyd S. Kramer - 2001 - Teaching Co..
    Lecture 1. What is intellectual history? -- Lecture 2. The scientific origins of the Enlightenment -- Lecture 3. The emergence of the modern intellectual -- Lecture 4. The cultural meaning of the French Revolution -- Lecture 5. The new conservatism in post-revolutionary Europe -- Lecture 6. The new German philosophy -- Lecture 7. Hegel's philosophical conception of history -- Lecture 8. The new liberalism -- Lecture 9. The literary culture of Romanticism -- Lecture 10. The meaning of the romantic (...)
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    Pioneers of evolution from Thales to Huxley.Edward Clodd - 1897 - Freeport, N.Y.,: Books for Libraries Press.
    "Pioneers of Evolution" is a 1896 treatise by English Edward Clodd within which he explores the early proponents of evolution and the scientific answers to the origin of humankind. Looking at the world of such notable figures as Charles Darwin and Gerbert Spencer, this fascinating volume is not to be missed by those with an interest in evolution and the history of related ideas. Contents include: "Pioneers of Evolution From Thales to Lucretius," "The Arrest of Enquiry," "From the Early Christian (...)
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    Was Aldo Leopold a Pragmatist? Rescuing Leopold from the Imagination of Bryan Norton.J. Baird Callicott, William Grove-Fanning, Jennifer Rowland, Daniel Baskind, Robert Heath French & Kerry Walker - 2009 - Environmental Values 18 (4):453 - 486.
    Aldo Leopold was a pragmatist in the vernacular sense of the word. Bryan G. Norton claims that Leopold was also heavily influenced by American Pragmatism, a formal school of philosophy. As evidence, Norton offers Leopold's misquotation of a definition of right (as truth) by political economist, A.T. Hadley, who was an admirer of the philosophy of William James. A search of Leopold's digitised literary remains reveals no other evidence that Leopold was directly influenced by any actual American Pragmatist or (...)
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  30. Aestheticism, Homoeroticism, and Christian Guilt in The Picture of Dorian Gray.Joseph Carroll - 2005 - Philosophy and Literature 29 (2):286-304.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Aestheticism, Homoeroticism, and Christian Guilt in The Picture of Dorian GrayJoseph CarrollSince the advent of the poststructuralist revolution some thirty years ago, interpretive literary criticism has suppressed two concepts that had informed virtually all previous literary thinking: (1) the idea of the author as an individual person and an originating source for literary meaning, and (2) the idea of "human nature" as the represented subject and (...)
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    The many histories of the conflict thesis: the science vs. religion narrative in nineteenth-century Germany.Christoffer Leber & Claus Spenninger - 2023 - Annals of Science 80 (4):390-417.
    The idea of an inevitable conflict between science and religion leading to relentless hostility between the two emerged in the nineteenth century and has become a powerful narrative of modernity. Most historians of science trace the origins of the so-called ‘conflict thesis’ to the English-speaking world, more precisely to scientist-historian John William Draper and literary scholar Andrew Dickson White. Their books on the history of scientific-religious conflict turned into bestsellers. Yet, if we look beyond the Anglo-American world, the conflict (...)
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    Darwin’s Perplexing Paradox: Intelligent Design in Nature.Steinar Thorvaldsen & Peter Øhrstrøm - 2013 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 56 (1):78-98.
    Much has been written through the years of the clash between Darwinism and natural theology, and the basic tenants of this debate are well understood (Gillispie 1959; Bowler 1977; Ruse 2003; McGrath 2011). However, the literature is still growing, and one may wonder if anything new may yet be added. Of these new literary sources, one of the richest is the online Darwin Correspondence Project, which makes it possible to search and read the full texts of all correspondence (...)
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  33. Editorial offlcts: The eugenics society-69 eccleston square• London-swi• Victoria 209i.Twentieth Century Darwinism - 1960 - The Eugenics Review 52:65.
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    Hayden White.Literary Artifact - 2001 - In Geoffrey Roberts (ed.), The history and narrative reader. New York: Routledge. pp. 221.
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  35. Alain Pottage.Literary Materiality - 2018 - In Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Law and Theory. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  36. Characters, Selves, Individuals.Amelie Oxenberg Rorty & Literary Postscript - 1976 - In Amélie Rorty (ed.), The Identities of Persons. University of California Press.
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  37. Characters, Persons, Selves, Individuals.A. Literary Postscript - 1976 - In Amélie Rorty (ed.), The Identities of Persons. University of California Press. pp. 301--324.
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  38. Sam Shpall, University of Sydney.Dworkin'S. Literary Analogy - 2019 - In Toh Kevin, Plunkett David & Shapiro Scott (eds.), Dimensions of Normativity: New Essays on Metaethics and Jurisprudence. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    I. Re-framing Genre Theory.Engendering Literary Genre - 2006 - In Garin Dowd, Lesley Stevenson & Jeremy Strong (eds.), Genre Matters. Intellect.
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    The Eclipse of Darwinism: Anti-Darwinian Evolution Theories in the Decades around 1900.Peter J. Bowler - 1984 - Journal of the History of Biology 17 (3):433-434.
  41.  72
    The Creativity of Natural Selection? Part I: Darwin, Darwinism, and the Mutationists.John Beatty - 2016 - Journal of the History of Biology 49 (4):659-684.
    This is the first of a two-part essay on the history of debates concerning the creativity of natural selection, from Darwin through the evolutionary synthesis and up to the present. Here I focus on the mid-late nineteenth century to the early twentieth, with special emphasis on early Darwinism and its critics, the self-styled “mutationists.” The second part focuses on the evolutionary synthesis and some of its critics, especially the “neutralists” and “neo-mutationists.” Like Stephen Gould, I consider the creativity of (...)
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    The Theme and Target of Plato's Dialogues in Neoplatonist Cosmo-Literary Theory.Anna Motta - 2023 - Classical Quarterly 73 (1):78-89.
    This paper investigates Neoplatonist literary criticism by framing the special interest in the target of each dialogue within the context of cosmo-literary theory. The starting hypothesis is that the themes of Plato's dialogues do not fully meet the expectations of a new didactics based on isagogical schemes as an image of Neoplatonic metaphysics. Among these schemes is the target of each dialogue, whose relation to the theme can be explained, in a fruitful and innovative way, through a cosmic (...)
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    Erogenous organs: The metamorphosis of polyphemus'syrinx in ovid, metamorphoses 13.784.I. Literary Metamorphoses - 2009 - Classical Quarterly 59:562-577.
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    Ritual Texts and Literary Texts in Abhinavagupta’s Aesthetics: Notes on the Beginning of the ‘Critical Reconstruction’.Andrew Ollett - 2016 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 44 (3):581-595.
    In a recent paper in this Journal Hugo David discussed the possible sources for the comparison that Abhinavagupta draws between ritual and literary discourse at the beginning of his “critical reconstruction” of the theory of rasa in the sixth chapter of his New Dramatic Art. The question of Abhinavagupta’s sources raises more general questions about Abhinavagupta’s use of the concepts and analytical procedures of Mīmāṃsā in his literary-theoretical works. What, if anything, does Mīmāṃsā really have to do with (...)
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    Literary Functions, Roles, Masks.James L. Jarrett - 1967 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 41:35 - 56.
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    Literary Form, Philosophical Content: Historical Studies of Philosophical Genres. Edited by Jonathan Lavery and Louis Groarke.Hugo Meynell - 2011 - Heythrop Journal 52 (6):1082-1083.
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    Literary Criticism, an Autopsy (review).Roger Seamon - 1998 - Philosophy and Literature 22 (2):523-526.
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    What makes a metaphor literary? Answers from two computational studies.Arthur M. Jacobs & Annette Kinder - 2018 - Metaphor and Symbol 33 (2):85-100.
    ABSTRACTIn this article we investigate structural differences between “literary” metaphors created by renowned poets and “nonliterary” ones imagined by non-professional authors from Katz et al.’s 1988 corpus. We provide data from quantitative narrative analyses of the altogether 464 metaphors on over 70 variables, including surface features like metaphor length, phonological features like sonority score, or syntactic-semantic features like sentence similarity. In a first computational study using machine learning tools we show that Katz et al.’s literary metaphors can be (...)
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    Human praxis-oriented literary appreciation in the educational context of a medical university.Yunexis Teresa Nobalbo Aguilera, Sonia Reina Socarrás Sánchez & Isis Angélica Pernas Álvarez - 2017 - Humanidades Médicas 17 (1):66-85.
    La lectura de obras literarias constituye una herramienta para contribuir al desarrollo cognoscitivo, valorativo y empático del estudiante, así como a la aprehensión y transformación de la realidad. Por lo que el objetivo consistió en valorar la importancia de los talleres de apreciación literaria como contribución a la praxis humana en la Educación Médica mediante el criterio de especialistas. Reading literary works is a tool to contribute to students' cognitive, assessable and empathetic development as well as to capture and (...)
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  50. On the Defense of Literary Value.Brady Bowman - 2014 - In Dalia Nassar (ed.), The Relevance of Romanticism: Essays on German Romantic Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Identifying cognition in general with propositional knowledge exposes the cognitive value of literature to abiding skepticism. This chapter argues that German romanticism has generated two competing views of the relation between literature and the overtly truth-seeking disciplines. One is a legacy of skepticism and antirealism that is powerless to give a positive account of literary value. The other is a complementarist legacy emphasizing literature’s cognitive priority to and its role as the cognitive fulfillment of discursive knowledge. This tradition offers (...)
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