Results for ' magnitude equivalence'

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  1.  31
    On Comparison, Equivalence and Addition of Magnitudes.Paulo A. Veloso, Abel Lassalle-Casanave & Eduardo N. Giovannini - 2019 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 23 (2):153-173.
    A theory of magnitudes involves criteria for their comparison, equivalence and addition. We examine these aspects from an abstract viewpoint, stressing independence and definability. These considerations are triggered by the so-called De Zolt’s principle in the theory of equivalence of plane polygons.
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    The algebra of physical magnitudes.R. M. Cooke & J. Hilgevoord - 1980 - Foundations of Physics 10 (5-6):363-373.
    We define a physical magnitude as an equivalence class of measurement procedures and formulate sufficient restrictions on the equivalence relation to guarantee meaningful algebraic operations between magnitudes. These restrictions are not sufficient to let the Kochen and Specker argument go through. They are, however, stronger than mere statistical equivalence of measurement procedures and thus are relevant to the problem of the completeness of quantum mechanics. In fact, they give rise to a strong argument for the incompleteness (...)
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    Autonomic responses to electronic gambling wins and losses of equivalent magnitude.Maiuolo Michelle, Bailey Phoebe, Leon Tarren, Benedek Gülten & Gonsalvez Craig - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  4. Why Logically Equivalent Predicates May Pick out Different Properties.Elliott Sober - 1982 - American Philosophical Quarterly 19 (2):183-189.
    The properties, theoretical magnitudes, and natural kinds which science seeks to characterize, and not the sense or meanings which parts of speech may possess, are the subject of this paper. Many philosophers (e.g., Putnam [1971] and Achinstein [1974]) have agreed that two predicates of different meaning may pick out the same property, but they usually hold that that logically equivalent predicates must pick out the same properties. I propose to deny this thesis. My argument is by way of an example (...)
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  5. Clocks and the Equivalence Principle.Ronald R. Hatch - 2004 - Foundations of Physics 34 (11):1725-1739.
    Einstein’s equivalence principle has a number of problems, and it is often applied incorrectly. Clocks on the earth do not seem to be affected by the sun’s gravitational potential. The most commonly accepted reason given is a faulty application of the equivalence principle. While no valid reason is available within either the special or general theories of relativity, ether theories can provide a valid explanation. A clock bias of the correct magnitude and position dependence can convert the (...)
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  6.  26
    Plagiarism in five universities in Mozambique: Magnitude, detection techniques, and control measures: Magnitude, detection techniques, and control measuresa.Peter E. Coughlin - 2015 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 11 (1).
    Hugely facilitated by the Internet, plagiarism by students threatens educational quality and professional ethics worldwide. Plagiarism reduces learning and is correlated with increased fraud and inefficiency on the job, thus lessening competitiveness and hampering development.In this context, the present research examines 48 licenciatura theses and 102 masters theses from five of Mozambique’s largest universities. Of the 150 theses, 75% contained significant plagiarism (>100 word equivalents) and 39%, very much (>500 word equivalents). Significant plagiarism was detected in both licenciatura and masters (...)
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    De Zolt’s Postulate: An Abstract Approach.Eduardo N. Giovannini, Edward H. Haeusler, Abel Lassalle-Casanave & Paulo A. S. Veloso - 2022 - Review of Symbolic Logic 15 (1):197-224.
    A theory of magnitudes involves criteria for their equivalence, comparison and addition. In this article we examine these aspects from an abstract viewpoint, by focusing on the so-called De Zolt’s postulate in the theory of equivalence of plane polygons (“If a polygon is divided into polygonal parts in any given way, then the union of all but one of these parts is not equivalent to the given polygon”). We formulate an abstract version of this postulate and derive it (...)
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    Quantifying India’s Climate Vulnerability.Mark Budolfson, Melissa LoPalo, Dean Spears & Kevin Kuruc - 2020 - In Mark Budolfson, Melissa LoPalo, Dean Spears & Kevin Kuruc, India Policy Forum, NCAER.
    This paper asks about the climate damages that Indian policymakers can expect. What is the likely magnitude of climate damages, and how sensitive are they to the level of warming? How much worse would climate damages be for Indians under, say, 5° of warming rather than 3°? Understanding the magnitude of climate damages and how rapidly they increase as temperature change increases is critical for finding the right climate mitigation policy. This paper provides projections of India’s climate vulnerability (...)
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  9. The incorporeality of what-is in Melissus of Samos.Daniel Matos - forthcoming - Ancient Philosophy.
    The passage “it must not have a body” of Melissus’ B9 is in contradiction, real or apparent, with the contents of B3 ̶ “it must be always unlimited in magnitude” ̶ and B7 ̶ “it is full.” After all, how can something without a body have magnitude and fullness? In this manuscript, I propose what I call the “immateriality thesis,” a view according to which what-is, as it has no body, no thickness, and no parts, is also immaterial. (...)
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  10. Taking values seriously.Krister Bykvist - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):6331-6356.
    Recently, there has been a revival in taking empirical magnitudes seriously. Weights, heights, velocities and the like have been accepted as abstract entities in their own right rather than just equivalence classes of objects. The aim of my paper is to show that this revival should include value magnitudes. If we posit such magnitudes, important value comparisons can be easily explained; it becomes easier to satisfy the axioms for measurement of value; goodness, badness, and neutrality can be given univocal (...)
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  11. equality and identity.John Corcoran & Anthony Ramnauth - 2013 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 19 (3):255-256.
    Equality and identity. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 19 (2013) 255-6. (Coauthor: Anthony Ramnauth) Also see This article uses ‘equals’ [‘is equal to’] and ‘is’ [‘is identical to’, ‘is one and the same as’] as they are used in ordinary exact English. In a logically perfect language the oxymoron ‘the numbers 3 and 2+1 are the same number’ could not be said. Likewise, ‘the number 3 and the number 2+1 are one number’ is just as bad from a logical point (...)
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  12.  14
    A billion-dollar donation: estimating the cost of researchers’ time spent on peer review.Alex O. Holcombe, Barnabas Szaszi & Balazs Aczel - 2021 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 6 (1).
    BackgroundThe amount and value of researchers’ peer review work is critical for academia and journal publishing. However, this labor is under-recognized, its magnitude is unknown, and alternative ways of organizing peer review labor are rarely considered.MethodsUsing publicly available data, we provide an estimate of researchers’ time and the salary-based contribution to the journal peer review system.ResultsWe found that the total time reviewers globally worked on peer reviews was over 100 million hours in 2020, equivalent to over 15 thousand years. (...)
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  13.  46
    Leucipo, Demócrito e Kant: uma Reflexão sobre a Equivalência entre Ser e Não-Ser.Eberth Eleuterio dos Santos - 2015 - Trans/Form/Ação 38 (2):71-94.
    De início, apresentaremos a tese de Demócrito e Leucipo, segundo a qual o ser não é mais que o não-ser, tendo como contraponto o pensamento eleata acerca da inexistência necessária do não-ser. Esta discussão nos remete à oposição entre o pleno e o vazio que será posteriormente traduzida na oposição entre o ser e o nada. Desse modo, a oposição entre o pleno e o vazio é uma oposição que se desloca para o ser e o não-ser. Em seguida, faremos (...)
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  14. (1 other version)Attitude ascription's affinity to measurement.Mitchell S. Green - 1999 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 7 (3):323-348.
    The relation between two systems of attitude ascription that capture all the empirically significant aspects of an agents thought and speech may be analogous to that between two systems of magnitude ascription that are equivalent relative to a transformation of scale. If so, just as an objects weighing eight pounds doesnt relate that object to the number eight (for a different but equally good scale would use a different number), similarly an agents believing that P need not relate her (...)
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    Research involving prisoners: Consensus and controversies in international and european regulations.Bernice S. Elger - 2008 - Bioethics 22 (4):224–238.
    This article examines international and European regulations on research involving prisoners for consensus, differences, and their consequences, and offers a critical evaluation of the various approaches. Agreement exists that prisoners are at risk of coercion, which might interfere with their ability to provide voluntary informed consent to research. Controversy exists about the magnitude of this risk and the consequences that should follow from this risk. Two strategies are proposed for a method of protecting prisoners that does not lead to (...)
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  16.  41
    Ethical quandaries posing as conflicts of interest.M. Kottow - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (6):328-332.
    Conflicts of interest are receiving increased attention in medical research, clinical practice and education. Criticism of, and penalties for, conflicts of interest have been insufficiently discussed and have been applied without adequate conceptual backing. Genuine conflicts of interest are situations in which alternative courses of action are ethically equivalent, decision-making being less a matter of moral deliberation than of personal weighing of interest. In contrast, situations usually thought of as conflicts of interest are mostly temptations to follow an attractive but (...)
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  17.  46
    The effects of cognitive reappraisal and sleep on emotional memory formation.Brandy S. Martinez, Dan Denis, Sara Y. Kim, Carissa H. DiPietro, Christopher Stare, Elizabeth A. Kensinger & Jessica D. Payne - 2023 - Cognition and Emotion 37 (5):942-958.
    Emotion regulation (i.e. either up- or down-regulating affective responses to emotional stimuli) has been shown to modulate long-term emotional memory formation. Further, research has demonstrated that the emotional aspects of scenes are preferentially remembered relative to neutral aspects (known as the emotional memory trade-off effect). This trade-off is often enhanced when sleep follows learning, compared to an equivalent period of time spent awake. However, the interactive effects of sleep and emotion regulation on emotional memory are poorly understood. We presented 87 (...)
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  18. Designing the structures of discrete solid-alloy elements for broaching the holes of significant diameter based on the assessment of their strength.Ya Nemyrovskyi, I. Shepelenko, E. Posviatenko, Yu Tsekhanov, S. Polotnyak, Sergii Sardak, V. Bandura & Yu Paladiichuk - 2020 - Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 3 (7):57-65.
    This paper addresses the issues related to designing and estimating the strength of solid-alloy elements in the deforming broaches of significant diameter (exceeding 150 mm) for the developed process of discrete broaching. The tool limit condition was assessed based on two strength criteria: the specific potential energy of shape change and the maximum tangent stresses. Numerical modeling using the finite element method has made it possible to derive the distribution of equivalent stresses in the tool elements and the contact stresses (...)
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  19. Spirit of Place and Sense of Place in Virtual Realities.Edward Relph - 2007 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 10 (3):17-25.
    About forty years ago, when print media were still in their ascendancy, Marshall McLuhan argued that all media are extensions of the senses and that the rational view of the world associated with print is being replaced by a world-view associated with electronic media that stresses feelings and emotions. In 2003 researchers from the School of Information Management Sciences at Berkeley estimated that five exabytes of information had been generated in the previous year, equivalent to 37,000 times the holdings of (...)
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  20.  48
    Aspects of the Mach–Einstein Doctrine and Geophysical Application (A Historical Review).W. Schröder & H. -J. Treder - 2006 - Foundations of Physics 36 (6):883-901.
    The present authors have given a mathematical model of Mach's principle and of the Mach–Einstein doctrine about the complete induction of the inertial masses by the gravitation of the universe. The analytical formulation of the Mach–Einstein doctrine is based on Riemann's generalization of the Lagrangian analytical mechanics (with a generalization of the Galilean transformation) on Mach's definition of the inertial mass and on Einstein's principle of equivalence. All local and cosmological effects—which are postulated as consequences of Mach's principle by (...)
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  21.  19
    Neo-classical Relativistic Mechanics Theory for Electrons that Exhibits Spin, Zitterbewegung, Dipole Moments, Wavefunctions and Dirac’s Wave Equation.James L. Beck - 2023 - Foundations of Physics 53 (3):1-39.
    In this work, a neo-classical relativistic mechanics theory is presented where the spin of an electron is an inherent part of its world space-time path as a point particle. The fourth-order equation of motion corresponds to the same covariant Lagrangian function in proper time as in special relativity except for an additional spin energy term. The theory provides a hidden-variable model of the electron where the dynamic variables give a complete description of its motion, giving a classical mechanics explanation of (...)
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  22.  31
    De la Práctica Euclidiana a la Práctica Hilbertiana: las Teorías del Área Plana.Eduardo N. Giovannini, Abel Lassalle Casanave & Paulo A. S. Veloso - 2017 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 73 (3-4):1263-1294.
    This paper analyzes the theory of area developed by Euclid in the Elements and its modern reinterpretation in Hilbert’s influential monograph Foundations of Geometry. Particular attention is bestowed upon the role that two specific principles play in these theories, namely the famous common notion 5 and the geometrical proposition known as De Zolt’s postulate. On the one hand, we argue that an adequate elucidation of how these two principles are conceptually related in the theories of Euclid and Hilbert is highly (...)
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  23.  16
    Sustaining Action and Optimizing Entropy: Coupling Efficiency for Energy and the Sustainability of Global Ecosystems.Ivan R. Kennedy, Angus N. Crossan & Michael T. Rose - 2008 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 28 (3):260-272.
    Consideration of the property of action is proposed to provide a more meaningful definition of efficient energy use and sustainable production in ecosystems. Action has physical dimensions similar to angular momentum, its magnitude varying with mass, spatial configuration and relative motion. In this article, the relationship of action to thermodynamic processes such as the spontaneous increase in entropy of the second law is explained and the utility of action for measuring changes in energy and material distribution is promoted. In (...)
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  24.  16
    Measurement.Henry E. Kyburg Jr - 1990 - In Henry Ely Kyburg, Science & reason. New York: Oxford University Press.
    The chapter begins by explaining the concepts of quantity and magnitude. It then presents the method of measurement without using magnitude. This method of direct measurement can be achieved through the observation of the transitive relation among objects. A particular set of equivalence classes is selected to serve as a unit of measurement and is assigned magnitude. The concept of measurement error and approximation is then introduced. In some cases, such as temperature, indirect measurement, or measurement (...)
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  25.  45
    Protophysik und spezielle relativitätstheorie.Wolfgang Schonefeld - 2000 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 31 (1):157-178.
    Protophysics and Special Theory of Relativity. First, a proposal for a constructive foundation of the Special Theory of Relativity by M. Buth is criticized and confronted with an alternative proposal by the author. The main idea is to solve the problem of transforming coordinates between inertial systems in terms of the General Theory of Measurement. Regarding transformations of co-ordinates as transformations of thecorresponding “functions of measurement” these functions have to meet two demands. 1. To identify measured values which are related (...)
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  26.  38
    On the Possibility of the Prophet's Inauspicious Expression to Safiyya with re-spect to the ‘Aqrā-Ḥalqā Phrase.Şule Yüksel Uysal - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (1):321-344.
    Understanding the hadiths requires not only knowing the language well but also knowing the intention of the narrator, the environment and context in which the word is uttered. Furthermore, within a language, the presence of the words which have entirely disconnected from their real meaning due to the metaphoric and idiomatic use of them developed in time requires making more efforts to understand them. In this respect, the expression ‘Aqrā-Ḥalqā’ used by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) for Ṣafiyya in the Farewell Sermon (...)
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  27.  1
    Comparing Guaranteed Minimum Income and Universal Basic Income: The Importance of Household Structure.Peter Limerick & John Quiggin - forthcoming - Basic Income Studies.
    Proposals for various forms of Basic Income, including Guaranteed Minimum Income (GMI) and Universal Basic Income (UBI) have received increasingly broad attention in recent years, both globally and in Australia. If all existing payments and taxes are applied on a purely individual basis (or entirely on a household basis), the distributional impacts of the introduction of GMI and UBI are equivalent. The key concept here is the effective marginal rate of taxation (EMTR), which is the combined effect of taxes paid (...)
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  28.  49
    Is a pre-change object representation weakened under correct detection of a change?☆.Yei-Yu Yeh & Cheng-Ta Yang - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (1):91-102.
    We investigated whether a pre-change representation is inhibited or weakened under correct change detection. Two arrays of six objects were rapidly presented for change detection in three experiments. After detection, the perceptual identification of degraded stimuli was tested in Experiments 1 and 2. The weakening of a pre-change representation was not observed under correct detection. The repetition priming effect was observed for a pre-change object and the magnitude was equivalent to the effect for a post-change object. Under change blindness, (...)
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  29. Kant’s analytic-geometric revolution.Scott Heftler - 2011 - Dissertation, University of Texas at Austin
    In the Critique of Pure Reason, Kant defends the mathematically deterministic world of physics by arguing that its essential features arise necessarily from innate forms of intuition and rules of understanding through combinatory acts of imagination. Knowing is active: it constructs the unity of nature by combining appearances in certain mandatory ways. What is mandated is that sensible awareness provide objects that conform to the structure of ostensive judgment: “This (S) is P.” -/- Sensibility alone provides no such objects, so (...)
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  30.  51
    On the unification of the law of motion.Leopold Halpern - 1984 - Foundations of Physics 14 (10):1011-1026.
    Following a heuristic modification of the principle of inertia and the principle of equivalence, a higher-dimensional metric theory is constructed on the manifold of the SO(3, 2) De Sitter group which allows us to treat structureless and spinning particles on the same footing. A dimensional analysis of the physical magnitudes is performed.
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    Value, a Way Out of Uncertainties: A Physical Model for Ethics and Freedoms. [REVIEW]Emmanuel Chauvet - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 113 (3):395-413.
    Value analysis establishes a way to practice functional analysis which enables to think all matter as sets of functions. The study of the correlations between the phases of activation of these functions leads to consider the aggregation of correlated activation functions as an attractor in a configuration space. This point of view allows figuring out general behaviors reducing the conceptual gap between microeconomics and macroeconomics. Then, based on a characterization of complex adaptive systems in terms of functional attractors, the theory (...)
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  32.  10
    Daoist wisdom and popular wisdom: A sociolinguistic analysis of the philosophical maxims.Proverbial Equivalents - 2004 - Wisdom in China and the West 22:303.
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  33. Com 1 models of pouer to.L. -Elementarily Equivalent - 1981 - In Manuel Lerman, James Henry Schmerl & Robert Irving Soare, Logic year 1979-80, the University of Connecticut, USA. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 859--120.
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  34. Analogue Magnitude Representations: A Philosophical Introduction.Jacob Beck - 2015 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 66 (4):829-855.
    Empirical discussions of mental representation appeal to a wide variety of representational kinds. Some of these kinds, such as the sentential representations underlying language use and the pictorial representations of visual imagery, are thoroughly familiar to philosophers. Others have received almost no philosophical attention at all. Included in this latter category are analogue magnitude representations, which enable a wide range of organisms to primitively represent spatial, temporal, numerical, and related magnitudes. This article aims to introduce analogue magnitude representations (...)
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  35.  42
    Magnitude judgments and difference judgments of lightness and darkness: A two-stage analysis.Stanley J. Rule, Ronald C. Laye & Dwight W. Curtis - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 103 (6):1108.
  36.  21
    Magnitude and Order are Both Relevant in SNARC and SNARC‐like Effects: A Commentary on Casasanto and Pitt.Valter Prpic, Serena Mingolo, Tiziano Agostini & Mauro Murgia - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (7):e13006.
    In a recent paper by Casasanto and Pitt (2019), the authors addressed a debate regarding the role of order and magnitude in SNARC and SNARC‐like effects. Their position is that all these effects can be explained by order, while magnitude could only account for a subset of evidence. Although we agree that order can probably explain the majority of these effects, in this commentary we argue that magnitude is still relevant, since there is evidence that cannot be (...)
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  37. Magnitudes: Metaphysics, Explanation, and Perception.Christopher Peacocke - 2015 - In Danièle Moyal-Sharrock, Volker Munz & Annalisa Coliva, Mind, Language and Action: Proceedings of the 36th International Wittgenstein Symposium. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 357-388.
    I am going to argue for a robust realism about magnitudes, as irreducible elements in our ontology. This realistic attitude, I will argue, gives a better metaphysics than the alternatives. It suggests some new options in the philosophy of science. It also provides the materials for a better account of the mind’s relation to the world, in particular its perceptual relations.
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    Magnitude estimations and category judgments of brightness and brightness intervals: A two-stage interpretation.Dwight W. Curtis - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 83 (2p1):201.
  39.  83
    Icons, Magnitudes, and Their Parts.Corey J. Maley - 2023 - Critica 55 (163):129-154.
    Analog representations come in different types. One distinction is between those representations that have parts that are themselves representations and those that do not (i.e., those for which the Parts Principle is true and those for which it is not). I offer a unified account of analog representation, showing what all types have in common. This account clarifies when the Parts Principle applies and when it does not, thereby illuminating why the Parts Principle is less interesting than one might have (...)
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  40.  56
    Against Magnitude Realism.Geoffrey Lee - 2023 - Critica 55 (163):13-44.
    In recent work, Christopher Peacocke has argued for a kind of realism (or anti-reductionism) about magnitudes such as temperature and spatial distance. Peacocke’s argument is that magnitudes are an ineliminable commitment of scientific and everyday explanations (including high-level explanations), and that they are the natural candidates for semantic values of our ordinary magnitude talk, and for contents of our mental states. I critique these arguments, in particular focusing on whether the realist has a satisfactory account of how high-level (...) facts are grounded in lower-level facts. I argue that a less realist (i.e., more reductionist approach) is preferable, or at least viable. I also aim to substantially clarify what is at stake in the debate. (shrink)
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  41. Magnitude, Matter, and Kant's Principle of Mechanism.Aaron Wells - 2024 - Kant Yearbook 16 (1):101-119.
    For Kant, inquiry into nature properly requires seeking to explain all material wholes merely mechanically, in terms of their parts. There is no consensus on how he justifies this Principle of Mechanism. I argue that Kant seeks to derive this claim about part and wholes neither from his laws or mechanics, nor from the mere discursivity of our understanding (two standard options in the literature), but instead from a priori principles laid out in the first Critique, which govern parts, wholes, (...)
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    Equivalence of consequence relations: an order-theoretic and categorical perspective.Nikolaos Galatos & Constantine Tsinakis - 2009 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 74 (3):780-810.
    Equivalences and translations between consequence relations abound in logic. The notion of equivalence can be defined syntactically, in terms of translations of formulas, and order-theoretically, in terms of the associated lattices of theories. W. Blok and D. Pigozzi proved in [4] that the two definitions coincide in the case of an algebraizable sentential deductive system. A refined treatment of this equivalence was provided by W. Blok and B. Jónsson in [3]. Other authors have extended this result to the (...)
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  43. Quantities, magnitudes, and numbers.Henry E. Kyburg - 1997 - Philosophy of Science 64 (3):377-410.
    Quantities are naturally viewed as functions, whose arguments may be construed as situations, events, objects, etc. We explore the question of the range of these functions: should it be construed as the real numbers (or some subset thereof)? This is Carnap's view. It has attractive features, specifically, what Carnap views as ontological economy. Or should the range of a quantity be a set of magnitudes? This may have been Helmholtz's view, and it, too, has attractive features. It reveals the close (...)
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  44. Functional equivalence and the defense of materialism.Robert K. Shope - 1973 - Philosophical Forum 4 (4):500-12.
  45. Kant on Intentionality, Magnitude, and the Unity of Perception.Sacha Golob - 2011 - European Journal of Philosophy 22 (4):505-528.
    This paper addresses a number of closely related questions concerning Kant's model of intentionality, and his conceptions of unity and of magnitude [Gröβe]. These questions are important because they shed light on three issues which are central to the Critical system, and which connect directly to the recent analytic literature on perception: the issues are conceptualism, the status of the imagination, and perceptual atomism. In Section 1, I provide a sketch of the exegetical and philosophical problems raised by Kant's (...)
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  46.  28
    Modeling Magnitude Discrimination: Effects of Internal Precision and Attentional Weighting of Feature Dimensions.Emily M. Sanford, Chad M. Topaz & Justin Halberda - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (2):e13409.
    Given a rich environment, how do we decide on what information to use? A view of a single entity (e.g., a group of birds) affords many distinct interpretations, including their number, average size, and spatial extent. An enduring challenge for cognition, therefore, is to focus resources on the most relevant evidence for any particular decision. In the present study, subjects completed three tasks—number discrimination, surface area discrimination, and convex hull discrimination—with the same stimulus set, where these three features were orthogonalized. (...)
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  47. Magnitude estimations of reflex-eliciting stimuli-(non) contribution of the reflex.Cb Woods & P. Haerich - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (6):487-487.
  48.  56
    Gestalt, Equivalency, and Functional Dependency. Kurt Grelling’s Formal Ontology.Arkadiusz Chrudzimski - 2013 - In Nikolay Milkov & Volker Peckhaus, The Berlin Group and the Philosophy of Logical Empiricism. Berlin: Springer. pp. 245--261.
    In his ontological works Kurt Grelling tries to give a rigorous analysis of the foundations of the so-called Gestalt-psychology. Gestalten are peculiar emergent qualities, ontologically dependent on their foundations, but nonetheless non reducible to them. Grelling shows that this concept, as used in psychology and ontology, is often ambiguous. He distinguishes two important meanings in which the word “Gestalt” is used: Gestalten as structural aspects available to transposition and Gestalten as causally self-regulating wholes. Gestalten in the first meaning are, according (...)
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    Equivalence Principle and the Principle of Local Lorentz Invariance.W. A. Rodrigues Jr & M. Sharif - 2001 - Foundations of Physics 31 (12):1785-1806.
    In this paper we scrutinize the so called Principle of Local Lorentz Invariance (PLLI) that many authors claim to follow from the Equivalence Principle. Using rigourous mathematics, we introduce in the General Theory of Relativity two classes of reference frames (PIRFs and LLRFγs) which as natural generalizations of the concept of the inertial reference frames of the Special Relativity Theory. We show that it is the class of the LLRFγs that is associated with the PLLI. Next we give a (...)
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    Anti-equivalence: Pragmatics of post-liberal dispute.William Davies - 2021 - European Journal of Social Theory 24 (1):44-64.
    In the early twenty-first century, liberal democracies have witnessed their foundational norms of critique and deliberation being disrupted by a combination of populist and technological forces. A distinctive style of dispute has appeared, in which a speaker denounces the unfairness of all liberal and institutional systems of equivalence, including the measures of law, economics and the various other ‘tests’ which convention scholars have deemed core to organisations. The article reviews how sociologists of critique have tended to treat critical capacities (...)
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