Results for ' money in politics'

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  1. Money in politics.Thomas Christiano - 2012 - In David Estlund (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Political Philosophy. Oxford University Press USA. pp. 241.
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    Money in Asia (1200–1900): Small Currencies in Social and Political Contexts. Edited by Jane Kate Leonard and Ulrich Theobald. [REVIEW]Helen Dunstan - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 137 (4).
    Money in Asia : Small Currencies in Social and Political Contexts. Edited by Jane Kate Leonard and Ulrich Theobald. Monies, Markets, and Finance in East Asia, 1600–1900, vol. 6. Leiden: Brill, 2015. Pp. l + 522. €180, $234.
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  3. “The Poverty of ‘Corruption’: On Reframing the Debate on Money in Politics”.Molly Brigid Flynn - 2016 - Albany Government Law Review 9 (2).
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  4. Joseph Priestley in cultural context: Philosophic spectacle, popular belief and popular politics in eighteenth-century Birmingham.John Money - 1988 - Enlightenment and Dissent 7:57-81.
  5. Family, political power and money in the Neoplatonic School of Athens.Luc Brisson - 2017 - Schole 11 (2):333-340.
    How was the Neoplatonic School of Athens able to maintain itself for more than a century at Athens, in a hostile environment, while being the target of the opposition of the Christians who were not only in the majority, but also held political power? These are the questions this text seeks to answer. Although it does not promise any earth-shaking discovery, it will try to sketch a clear and precise portrait of the Neoplatonic School of Athens on the family, political (...)
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    Big money in American politics.G. William Domhoff - 1988 - Theory and Society 17 (4):571-588.
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    Psychoanalysis and politics.Roger Ernle Money-Kyrle - 1951 - Westport, Conn.,: Greenwood Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and (...)
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  8. Two Sides of the Same Coin: The Ontology of Money in the Political Economies of David Hume and Adam Smith.Adam Smrcz - 2022 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:117-128.
    This paper analyses how the so-called metallist theory of money gave way to functionalism in early modernity. Theoretical metallism held that something, in order to perform the role of money, must bear some intrinsic value. Functionalism, on the contrary, endorsed a social ontology of money claiming that anything could perform that role as long as it was accepted as a means of payment. The paper argues that the early modern discovery of the so-called quantity theory of (...) played a key role in this transition, since this was the idea to question the inherent valueproofness of commodity money for the first time in history. According to our claim, commodity money was gradually replaced by fiat currencies after the former was no longer was regarded as more valueproof than the latter, and this theoretical struggle is clearly documented by Hume’s and Smith’s respective remarks on the subject. (shrink)
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    Politics, money, and persuasion: democracy and opinion in Plato's Republic.John Russon - 2021 - Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press.
    In Politics, Money, and Persuasion, distinguished philosopher John Russon offers a new framework for interpreting Plato's The Republic. For Russon, Plato's work is about the distinctive nature of what it is to be a human being and, correspondingly, what is distinctive about the nature of human society. Russon focuses on the realities of our everyday experience to come to profoundly insightful assessments of our human realities: the nature of the city, the nature of knowledge, and the nature of (...)
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    The Use of Money in Society: Friedrich Hayek’s Social Work.Jacob Swanson - 2021 - Political Theory 49 (5):801-827.
    Recent studies of Friedrich Hayek have focused on his theorization of spontaneous order and its relationship to his views on freedom and market individualism. For many scholars, the impersonal nature of Hayek’s spontaneous order, which optimally coordinates human action without human coordination, and/or Hayek’s contention that freedom consists of the exercise of individual choice in a market, reveals Hayek’s neoliberal project to replace or erase the social domain of human life and activity. This article makes the claim that two different, (...)
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    Glory, Passions and Money in Alberti’s Della famiglia: A Humanist Reflects on the Foundations of Society.Hanan Yoran - 2015 - The European Legacy 20 (5):527-542.
    The article examines Alberti’s dialogue Della famiglia as a reflection on the foundations of ethics and politics from the perspective of humanist discourse. The polyphonic work presents and critically examines several views. The authorial voice of the text rehearses the traditional philosophical view the humanists inherited, according to which humans are sociable by nature. However, some of the interlocutors reject this convenient view, implying that it cannot be squared with the humanist critique of the premises of mainstream classical and (...)
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    The role of gossip and money in Fyodor Dostoevsky’s The Insulted and Injured, The Idiot and Evdokiia Rostopchina’s “Rank and Money” («Chiny i Den’gi» (1838)).Natalya Khokholova - forthcoming - Studies in East European Thought:1-18.
    Money and gossip in nineteenth-century Russian fiction act as combined forces that disrupt the narrative and the relationships between the main characters. The motifs of money are prominent in the novels of both major and minor Russian writers and when seen side by side, the function of the motifs of money becomes clear as a genre marker. The two writers discussed in this paper are Fyodor Dostoevsky and Yevdokia Rostopchina. By placing their works side by side, it (...)
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    Are Informed Citizens More Trusting? Transparency of Performance Data and Trust Towards a British Police Force.David Mason, Carola Hillenbrand & Kevin Money - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 122 (2):321-341.
    In Britain, substantial cuts in police budgets alongside controversial handling of incidents such as politically sensitive enquiries, public disorder and relations with the media have recently triggered much debate about public knowledge and trust in the police. To date, however, little academic research has investigated how knowledge of police performance impacts citizens’ trust. We address this long-standing lacuna by exploring citizens’ trust before and after exposure to real performance data in the context of a British police force. The results reveal (...)
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  14. On the Currency of Egalitarian Justice, and Other Essays in Political Philosophy.Gerald A. Cohen - 2011 - Princeton University Press.
    G. A. Cohen was one of the most gifted, influential, and progressive voices in contemporary political philosophy. At the time of his death in 2009, he had plans to bring together a number of his most significant papers. This is the first of three volumes to realize those plans. Drawing on three decades of work, it contains previously uncollected articles that have shaped many of the central debates in political philosophy, as well as papers published here for the first time. (...)
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    On the Currency of Egalitarian Justice, and Other Essays in Political Philosophy.Michael Otsuka (ed.) - 2011 - Princeton University Press.
    G. A. Cohen was one of the most gifted, influential, and progressive voices in contemporary political philosophy. At the time of his death in 2009, he had plans to bring together a number of his most significant papers. This is the first of three volumes to realize those plans. Drawing on three decades of work, it contains previously uncollected articles that have shaped many of the central debates in political philosophy, as well as papers published here for the first time. (...)
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    Money, God and Race: The Politics of Reproduction and the Nation in Modern Greece.Alexandra Halkias - 2003 - European Journal of Women's Studies 10 (2):211-232.
    At the present historical moment, the modernization of the Greek nation is at the forefront of discussion in the Greek public sphere. In the shadow of this discussion, the official public sphere has also been grappling with a very low national birth rate - approximately 100,000 per population of 11 million. This statistical phenomenon is coupled with a high frequency of abortion, between 150,000 and 200,000 in 2001, and is referred to in the media and policy discussions as `the demografiko', (...)
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    Beyond Governance and Prevention: On the Use(s) of Aristotle for Theorizing Money’s Politics.Jacob Swanson - 2024 - Political Theory 52 (4):605-630.
    What are the contents, limits, and possibilities of Aristotle’s works for critical thinking about money? Recent scholarship has (re)turned to Aristotle as an authority for two key political approaches to money. The first aims to democratize the governance of monetary institutions in order to realize more just economic outcomes. The second seeks to prevent money, or its inherently deleterious excesses, from corrupting political actors and political life. Arguing that these two approaches are insightful, important, and incomplete, I (...)
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    Public Perception of Money Politics Acceptance (Case Study in Bandung Regency and West Bandung Regency).Yusa Djuyandi, Kiki Pratama Nugraha, Agus Sugiharto & Mohammad Fazrulzaman Azmi - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:494-504.
    If money politics tends to be seen as a threat to electoral democracy, what is the public's actual perception of money politics? This research uses quantitative methods, especially descriptive statistics to explain perceptions of the acceptability of money politics in elections. The case study for this research is the Bandung Regency and West Bandung Regency (KBB) areas. This locus shows the existence of spatial influences that explain geopolitical differences in the Greater Bandung area, especially (...)
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    Money, Morality, and Masculinity: Staging the Politics of Poverty in Sanskrit Theater.Jesse Ross Knutson - 2016 - Philosophy East and West 66 (1):92-103.
    It is well known that the concept of play is employed on a cosmic scale as an explanatory device in certain quarters of classical Indian metaphysics. What is less well known is that in the theory of drama, which explicitly appeals to this ‘playelement’ in the human imagination, the tension and play between different competing rasas is made a requirement of good theater: na hy ekarasajaṃ kāvyam kiṃcid asti — “from one rasa alone, no artwork can be,” says Bharata.1 In (...)
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    Reading Money: Leslie Kurke on the Politics of Meaning in Archaic Greece.Richard Seaford - 2002 - Arion 9:145-65.
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    “Shining Bits of Metal”: Money, Property, and the Imagination in Hume’s Political Economy.Timothy M. Costelloe - 2020 - Social Philosophy and Policy 37 (1):213-232.
    This essay examines Hume’s treatment of money in light of his view of the imagination. It begins with his claim that money is distinct from wealth, the latter arising, according to vulgar reasoning, from the power of acquisition that it represents, or, understood philosophically, from the labor that produces it. The salient features that Hume identifies with the imagination are then put forth, namely its power to combine ideas creatively and the principle of easy transition that characterizes its (...)
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    When Government Contractors May or May Not Spend Money On Political Speech.Daniel M. Isaacs - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 161 (1):91-102.
    Some leading economists maintain that corporate managers have no social responsibilities other than to maximize profits and obey the law. To support that thesis, they rely, in part, on the agency theory of the firm. The theory provides that managers are agents of shareholders and must do what shareholders want, which is generally to make as much money as possible. For purposes of this article, I accept that managers are agents of shareholders, but I reject the conclusion that the (...)
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    The Currency of Politics: The Political Theory of Money From Aristotle to Keynes.Stefan Eich - 2022 - Princeton University Press.
    Money in the history of political thought, from ancient Greece to the Great Inflation of the 1970s In the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, critical attention has shifted from the economy to the most fundamental feature of all market economies—money. Yet despite the centrality of political struggles over money, it remains difficult to articulate its democratic possibilities and limits. The Currency of Politics takes readers from ancient Greece to today to provide an intellectual history of (...)
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    Money, Relativism, and the Post-Truth Political Imaginary.Elizabeth S. Goodstein - 2017 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 50 (4):483-508.
    Astonishment that the things we are experiencing are "still" possible in the twentieth century is not philosophical. It is not the beginning of any insight, unless it is that the idea of history from which it comes is untenable.And so tyranny naturally arises out of democracy, and the most aggravated form of tyranny and slavery out of the most extreme form of liberty?In 1940 the exiled German critic and philosopher Walter Benjamin warned that fidelity to a vision of history as (...)
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  25. The Political Philosophy of Money.B. Goodwin - 1986 - History of Political Thought 7 (3):537.
    Political philosophy harbors two schools of thought concerning money: the liberal, which regards it as a facilitator for freedom and enterprise, and the socialist/anarchist, which condemns it. liberal accounts of money and left-wing critiques (including those of marx and simmel) are analyzed. the role of money in promoting distributive justice is discussed using four models of money-free society. it is shown that money is pivotal in facilitating social justice based on substantive equality.
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    The Politics of Custom: Blood Money, Disputes, and Tribal Leadership in Western India.Devika Bordia - 2013 - Diogenes 60 (3-4):153-165.
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    Money and the Corrosion of Power in Thucydides: The Sicilian Expedition and Its Aftermath, and: Thucydides and Internal War (review).Gregory Crane - 2003 - American Journal of Philology 124 (1):150-153.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 124.1 (2003) 150-153 [Access article in PDF] Lisa Kallet. Money and the Corrosion of Power in Thucydides: The Sicilian Expedition and Its Aftermath. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2001. xiv + 347 pp. Cloth, $55. Jonathan J. Price. Thucydides and Internal War. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001. xii + 410 pp. Cloth, $70. These two new contributions to Thucydidean studies are (...)
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    Political Economy of Money, Credit and Finance in Contemporary Capitalism: Remarks on Lapavitsas and Dymski.Makoto Itoh - 2006 - Historical Materialism 14 (1):97-112.
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    Money and Sovereignty in Early Modern France.Jotham Parsons - 2001 - Journal of the History of Ideas 62 (1):59-79.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 62.1 (2001) 59-79 [Access article in PDF] Money and Sovereignty in Early Modern France Jotham Parsons [The mint official] must above all seek integrity in the moneys, on which our features are imprinted and on which the general good depends. For what would be safe if our image were offended, and if that which a subject ought to venerate in his heart (...)
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    Money, obedience, and affection: essays on Berkeley's moral and political thought.Stephen R. L. Clark (ed.) - 1989 - New York: Garland.
    This book, first published in 1985, presents a key collection of essays on Berkeley's moral and political philosophy. They form an introduction to, and analysis of, Berkeley's immaterialist arguments, part of his consciously adopted strategy to subvert Enlightenment thought, which he saw as a danger to civil society.
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    Electoral Reform in Asia: Institutional Engineering against 'Money Politics'.Olli Hellmann - 2014 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 15 (2):275-298.
    This article argues that major cases of electoral reform across democracies in Asia in recent years can be explained as institutional measures aimed at curbing corruption and . More specifically, Japan, Taiwan, and Thailand rid themselves of their extreme candidate-centered electoral systems as a means to encourage politicians to invest in collective party labels, while Indonesia discarded its extremely party-centered electoral system to increase the accountability of individual politicians. The article thus disagrees with scholars who argue that recent electoral reform (...)
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    Idolatry and Time: Capitalism and Money in Twenty‐First‐Century Christian Economic Theology.Samuel Hayim Brody - 2022 - Journal of Religious Ethics 50 (4):718-751.
    Christian economic theology is distinguished from Christian social ethics by its methodological reflection on the emergence, formation, and proper boundaries of the economic sphere, as well as transcendental reflection on the conditions of possibility of economic science. In practice, this often amounts to anxiety about the authority of Christianity in the economic sphere, as well as about the extent to which Christianity can be held responsible for the system of impersonal economic domination known as capitalism. This review essay draws upon (...)
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  33. Political Inequality and the 'Super-Rich': Their Money or (some of) Their Political Rights.Dean J. Machin - 2013 - Res Publica 19 (2):121-139.
    The ability of very wealthy individuals (or, as I will call them, the ‘super-rich’) to turn their economic power into political power has been—and remains—an important cause of political inequality. In response, this paper advocates an original solution. Rather than solving the problem through implementing a comprehensive conception of political equality, or through enforcing complex rules about financial disclosure etc., I argue that we should impose a choice on the super-rich. The super-rich must choose between (i) forfeiting the things that (...)
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    What Can Money do? Feminist Theory in Austere Times.Lisa Adkins - 2015 - Feminist Review 109 (1):31-48.
    What can money do? Can it be put to work to address deepening forms of social and economic inequality associated with the financial crisis, ongoing recession and still unfolding politics of austerity? Can we have faith in money as an injustice-remedying substance in a crisis-ridden and (still thoroughly) financialised reality? While the latter scenario is implied in recent feminist calls to redistribute resources to redress widening socio-economic inequalities under austerity, in this article I suggest that such a (...)
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  35. Reading Money: Leslie Kurke on the Politics of Meaning in Archaic Greece: Leslie Kurke, Coins, Bodies, Games and Gold: The Politics of Meaning in Archaic Greece And Bacchae, Ritual, and Tragedy: Concluding Remarks. [REVIEW]Richard Seaford - unknown - Arion 9 (3).
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    Money Code Space: Hidden Power in Bitcoin, Blockchain, and Decentralisation.Jack Parkin - 2020 - Oup Usa.
    Following the catastrophic events of the 2008 global financial crisis, an anonymous hacker released Bitcoin to claw back power from commercial and central banks. Its underlying architecture, blockchain, is now championed for delivering a decentralised global economy--a world free from hierarchy and control. Money Code Space shatters these emancipatory claims by revealing acute geographies of power that lie behind blockchain networks. Drawing on first-hand experience in cryptocurrency communities and start-up companies from Silicon Valley to London, Jack Parkin untangles the (...)
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    Politics, Political Parties and the Party System in Nigeria: Who's Interest?Dhikru Adewale Yagboyaju & Antonia Taiye Simbine - 2020 - International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences 89:33-50.
    Publication date: 22 December 2020 Source: International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences Vol. 89 Author: Dhikru Adewale Yagboyaju, Antonia Taiye Simbine Party system and the administration of political parties are critical factors in determining the direction of politics and democracy. Three political parties contested at the inception of Nigeria’s Fourth Republic in 1999, but the number increased to more than 91 as at 2019. This paper raises fundamental questions as to whose interest – public or private interest of (...)
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    Behaving badly: the new morality in politics, sex, and business.Eden Collinsworth - 2017 - New York: Nan A. Talese/Doubleday.
    What is the relevance of morality today? Eden Collinsworth enlists the famous, the infamous, and the heretofore unheard-of to unravel how we make moral choices in an increasingly complex and ethically flexible age. To call these unsettling times is an understatement: our political leaders are less and less respectable; in the realm of business, cheating, lying, and stealing are hazily defined; and in daily life, rapidly changing technology offers permission to act in ways inconceivable without it. Yet somehow, this hasn (...)
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    Political Economy of Supplying Money to a Growing Economy: Monetary Regimes and the Search for an Anchor to Stabilize the Value of Money.Richard Sylla - 2010 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 11 (1):1-27.
    Money performs its economic functions best when its value remains stable over time. This Article explores how that desideratum was achieved, or not achieved, under five identifiable monetary regimes in economic history. Transitions from one regime to another resulted from the demands of economic growth, which some regimes met better than others. The modern fiat money regime is optimal in most economic respects. Whatever amount of money needed to accommodate growth can be supplied at minimal costs. But (...)
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    Pharmaceuticals, Political Money, and Public Policy: A Theoretical and Empirical Agenda.Paul D. Jorgensen - 2013 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 41 (3):561-570.
    The point, for the 946,326th time is that people get elected to office by currying the favor of powerful interest groups. They don’t get elected for their excellence as political philosophers.Congress has consistently failed to solve some serious problems with the cost, effectiveness, and safety of pharmaceuticals. In part, this failure results from the pharmaceutical industry convincing legislators to define policy problems in ways that protect industry profits. By targeting campaign contributions to influential legislators and by providing them with selective (...)
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    Blood Money.Char Roone Miller - 2017 - Political Theory 45 (2):216-239.
    Contemporary responses to Plato’s Republic rarely examine its complex relationship to festivals and sacrifice. Recovering the importance of the festival to Plato’s concerns, this article reveals Plato’s displacement of the sacrificial violence of ancient Greek festivals with the language and possibilities (including notions of responsibility) of money. The first section introduces, through the opening scenes of the Republic, the significance of money in Ancient Greece, particularly its affiliation with the ritual dynamics of the festival. The second section focuses (...)
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    Money as frame.Nicholas Huber - 2020 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 29 (60):158-174.
    This essay responds to “Money as Art: The Form, the Material, and Capital” by the Marxist economist Costas Lapavitsas with refer-ence to the triple manifestation of crisis in the United States dur-ing the spring months of 2020. By triangulating the role of money in the COVID-19 pandemic, the ensuing mass unemployment, and the historical nationwide revolt in response to the police mur-der of George Floyd predicated on a counterfeit twenty-dollar bill, Nicholas Huber makes a three-part claim. First, that (...)
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    Crito in Plato’s Euthydemus: The Lover of Family and of Money.Martin J. Plax - 2000 - Polis 17 (1-2):35-59.
    If Platonic dialogues are dramas, then Socrates' interlocutors can be understood in their full humanity rather than foils for Socrates. This essay examines Crito, not as he appears in the dialogue named after him, but in the Euthydemus, where he reveals himself to a much greater degree. Here Crito is revealed as a successful businessman, a lover of money, who also has protective feelings about his son Critobolus. The physical frailty is a cause of concern. By understanding Crito in (...)
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    Beyond Double Movement and Re-regulation: Polanyi, the Organized Denial of Money Politics, and the Promise of Democratization.Jakob Feinig - 2018 - Sociological Theory 36 (1):67-87.
    Although Karl Polanyi is best known for his theorization of market regulation and the double movement, democratizing the economic was one of his core concerns. He believed societies need to bring labor, land, and money under collective oversight to displace the logic of market fundamentalism with the logic of human needs. In this article, the author draws on Polanyi’s vocabulary to shed light on the denial of money politics and the possibility of democratization. The author illustrates these (...)
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    Art and money: Constitutional rights in the private sphere?Graber Christoph Beat & Teubner Gunther - 1998 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 18 (1):61-73.
    The present debate on constitutional rights aims to protect the individual against the intrusive power of the state. Analysing the precarious relationship between art and money, the authors argue that constitutional rights need to be extended into the regimes of private governance. This requires four fundamental changes. (1) Constitutional rights can no longer be limited to the protection of individual actors. Instead, they need to be extended to guarantees of freedom of discourses. (2) The new experience of the twentieth (...)
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    Craft, money and mercy: an apothecary's self-portrait in sixteenth-century Bologna.Barbara Di Gennaro Splendore - 2017 - Annals of Science 74 (2):91-107.
    SUMMARY The apothecary occupied a liminal position in early modern society between profit and healing. Finding ways to distance their public image from trade was a common problem for apothecaries across Europe. This article uses the case of a Bolognese apothecary, Filippo Pastarino, to address the question of how early modern apothecaries chose to represent themselves to political authorities and to the wider public. ‘Mercy’, alongside ‘craft’, was a pillar of apothecaries’ social identity. By contrast, no matter how central financial (...)
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    Coin Reconsidered: The Political Alchemy of Commodity Money.Christine Desan - 2010 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 11 (1):361-409.
    Medieval coin plays an essential role in the imagined history of money: it figures as the primal "commodity money" — a natural medium, spontaneously adopted by parties in exchange who converge upon a metal like silver to represent the value of other goods. As a natural medium with a price objectively established through trade, commodity money appears to offer an independent means of measure in the market. But as the history offered here reveals, medieval money was (...)
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    Capital Par Excellence: On Money as an obscure thing.Werner Bonefeld - 2020 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 62:33-56.
    Against the background of the contemporary debate about financialisation, the paper conceptualises the capitalist labour economy as fundamentally a monetary system. It argues that money is not a capitalist means of organising its labour economy but that it is rather a capitalist end. The argument examines and finds wanting conceptions of money in political economy, including Keynesianism and neoliberalism, and argues that the debate about financialisation is fundamentally based on the propositions of political economy. It holds that Marx’s (...)
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    Bringing money to the market — The ambiguity in Polanyi’s third ‘fictitious commodity'.Simon Derpmann - 2023 - Journal of Economic Issues 57 (4):1209-1228.
    The contribution examines Karl Polanyi’s analysis of the fictitiousness of the commodity description of money, and its suitability as a reference for the analysis of the commodification of money within contemporary markets for credit and finance. Any critique of the commodification of money that draws on Polanyi’s influential argument should distinguish between two fundamentally different meanings of the occurrence of money as a commodity: the institutional system that makes some commodity money versus the commercial practice (...)
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    Matthew Carlson, Money Politics in Japan: New Rules, Old Practices, Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 2007, pp. x + 175, appendices, index, $49.95 hbk, ISBN 978-158-826-500-5. [REVIEW]Ray Christensen - 2008 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 9 (2):253-254.
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