Results for ' mono no aware'

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  1.  25
    Mono no Aware and Gender as Affect in Japanese Aesthetics and American Pragmatism.Johnathan Flowers - 2023 - Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
    Mono no Aware and Gender as Affect in Japanese Aesthetics and American Pragmatism argues that gender is best understood as a felt sense of the organization of the human body. Through Japanese aesthetics and American pragmatism, this book argues that re-understanding gender as an affect, or a feeling, can expand the ways that gender is understood, enacted, and theorized in experience.
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    Mono No Aware: How Conservatives Should do Change.David Jenkins - 2024 - Res Publica 30 (2):341-360.
    In this paper, I describe a conservative disposition to change which is capable of operating alongside three other dispositions: First, a disposition to accept a degree of epistemic humility with respect to the kinds of change that count as an ‘intimation’ or continuation of the value contained in some given situation. Second, a disposition to acknowledge the legitimacy of democratic majorities, even when these are not always expressions of those ‘intimations’ or continuations. Third, the disposition to help alleviate recognizable injustices (...)
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    Nishida Kitarō no tetsugaku: mono no shinjitsu ni iku michi.Kunitsugu Kosaka - 2022 - Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku: Kabushiki Kaisha Iwanami Shoten.
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    Katsushika Hokusai and a Poetics of Nostalgia.David Bell - 2015 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 47 (6):579-595.
    This article addresses the activation of aesthetics through the examination of an acute sensitivity to melancholy and time permeating the literary and pictorial arts of Japan. In medieval court circles, this sensitivity was activated through a pervasive sense of aware, a poignant reflection on the pathos of things. This sensibility became the motivating force for court verse, and through this medium, for the mature projects of the ukiyo-e ‘floating world picture’ artist Katsushika Hokusai. Hokusai reached back to aware (...)
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    Against Project Arcadia.David Jenkins - 2023 - Political Theory 51 (1):112-125.
    This essay is part of a special issue celebrating 50 years of Political Theory. The ambition of the editors was to mark this half century not with a retrospective but with a confabulation of futures. Contributors were asked: What will political theory look and sound like in the next century and beyond? What claims might political theorists or their descendants be making in ten, twenty-five, fifty, a hundred years’ time? How might they vindicate those claims in their future contexts? How (...)
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  6. Comment: A New Typology of Nostalgia: Its Promise and a Limitation.Kathleen Marie Higgins - forthcoming - Emotion Review.
    This commentary considers some applications of the typology of nostalgia proposed by Saulius Geniusas. The typology can illuminate our understanding of existential feelings of temporal malaise, perturbations of temporal experience in grief, and common experiences of letdown and resistance to the passage of time. It can also help in diagnosing various obstacles to mindfulness. However, the typology does not reflect the more positive aspects of nostalgia, such as the appreciation of transience as contributing to value—an important theme in Japanese aesthetics.
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  7. "Ikitaru mono" no shisō: Nihon no biron to sono kichō.Tetsuo Shinkawa - 1985 - Tōkyō: Perikansha.
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  8. Mono no kangaekata.Magoichi Kushida - 1954
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  9. Mono no mikata kangaekata.Tsutomu Miura - 1983 - Tōkyō: Keisō Shobō.
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    "Mono" no shisō: sono shisō shiteki kōsatsu.Masao Tsuda - 2011 - Kyōto-shi: Bunrikaku.
    「もの」とは何か、自明の基礎語を徹底して批評・解明。「もの」と「自覚」の矛盾・対抗を基本軸にしながら、移動・推移する「情」を普遍的媒介者として新たに位置づけ、日本思想史についての核心的な断面を明らかに した。.
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  11. Mono no mikata, kangaekata.Shūji Akizawa - 1964
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    Watakushi to iu mono no seiritsu =.Sumio Matsunaga, Kō Murase & Tatsuya Higaki (eds.) - 1994 - Tōkyō: Keisō Shobō.
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    Yūgen to mugen: mono no sekai to kokoro no sekai.Motoaki Nishii - 1990 - Kyōto-shi: Kōyō Shobō.
  14. Izutsu Toshihiko no hikaku tetsugaku: shinteki na mono to shakaiteki na mono no arasoi.Bahman Zakipour - 2019 - Tōkyō-to Bunkyō-ku: Chisen Shokan.
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  15. Kyōiku o chōkokusuru mono no shisaku.Yoshiji Hiramatsu - 1989 - Tōkyō: Sebun Sutāzu Gakuin.
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  16. Shinpen Rongo: Kōshi ga toku mono no mikata kangaekata.Makoto Murayama - 1983 - Kyōto-shi: PHP Kenkyūjo. Edited by Confucius.
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  17. Mono jitai no kyūmei.Norimasa Saitō - 1996 - Nara-ken Tenri-shi: Kofuki Kurabu.
    1. Mono jitai no sonzai shōmei -- 2. Kazu no taishō to sono kiso -- 3. Kikagaku to ronri.
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  18. Direct perception. No - 2002 - In The Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. Macmillan.
    experiences are qualitatively indistinguishable, experience by engaging in a constructive process then you are aware of one and the same thing of inference or conjecture. A perception, in the when you see a red tomato and hallucinate a red phrase of Helmholtz, is an `unconscious inference'. tomato. Hence, when you see a red tomato, you are Empirical research on perception focuses on under- aware not of a tomato but of a tomato-like sense standing the mechanisms, neural and psycho- (...)
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    Genshōgaku to iu shikō: "jimei na mono" no chi e.Shigeru Taguchi - 2014 - Tōkyō-to Taitō-ku: Chikuma Shobō.
    日常においてはいつも素通りされている豊かな経験の世界がある―。“自明”であるがゆえに眼を向けられることのないこの経験の世界を現象学は精査し、われわれにとっての「現実」が成立する構造を明るみに出す。創始 者フッサール以来続く哲学的営為の核心にあるものは何か。そしていまだ汲みつくせないその可能性とは。本書は粘り強い思索の手触りとともに、読者を生と世界を見つけなおす新たな思考へと誘う。.
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    Editor’s message.No Authorship Indicated - 2000 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 20 (1):ii-ii.
    Announces the replacement of Anna Kauer as Editorial Assistant of the Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology . Anna Kauer is now succeeded by Susannah Vandre who is both aware of and fully up to the high standards set by her predecessors. 2012 APA, all rights reserved).
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  21. No pause for a brief disruption: Failures of visual awareness during ongoing events.Daniel T. Levin & D. Alexander Varakin - 2004 - Consciousness and Cognition 13 (2):363-372.
    Past research has repeatedly documented the close relationship between visual attention and awareness. Most recently, research exploring change blindness, inattentional blindness, repetition blindness, and the attentional blink has converged on the conclusion that attention to one aspect of a scene or event may lead to a highly circumscribed awareness of only the specific information attended, while other information, even that which is spatially or temporally nearby can go completely unnoticed. In the present report, we extend these observations to the dynamic (...)
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    Review of When self-consciousness breaks: Alien voices and inserted thoughts. [REVIEW]No Authorship Indicated - 2001 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 21 (2):180-180.
    Reviews the book, When self-consciousness breaks: Alien voices and inserted thoughts by G. Lynn Stephens and George Graham . In this book, the authors examine and explain the experience of verbal hallucinations and thought insertion in terms of an alienated self-consciousness, in which the person is directly or introspectively aware of an episode in mental life but experiences it as alien. Psychopathologists look to such episodes as a way to reveal the underlying pathology of mental illness. As philosophers, however, (...)
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  23. Hō no kyūkyoku ni aru mono.Tomoo Odaka - 1947 - Tokyo: Yūhikaku.
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    Ware, mono ni au: yo ni sumu koto no kaishakugaku.Tateki Sugeno - 1983 - Tōkyō: Shinʾyōsha.
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  25. Nihonjin no seishin kōzō: Nishida tetsugaku no shishunsuru mono.Katsumi Takizawa - 1982 - Tōkyō: San'ichi Shobō.
  26. Gijutsu no shizen tetsugaku: gijutsu no chihei ni mieru mono.Fumihiko Iwamaru - 1983 - Fukuoka-ken Ogōri-shi: Iwamaru Fumihiko.
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  27. Keihō no kontei ni aru mono.Haruo Nishihara - 1979
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  28. Hō no kyūkyoku ni aru mono ni tsuite no sairon.Tomoo Odaka - 1949 - Tōkyō: Keisō Shobō.
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    Mono: gendaiteki jittai shugi no sonzairon.Daisuke Kachi - 2018 - Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku: Shunjūsha.
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    No Pain, No Gain? Personality Associations With Awareness of Aging Depend on Arthritis.Victoria J. Dunsmore & Shevaun D. Neupert - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundAwareness of aging brings to light one’s own perceived behavioral, physical, and cognitive changes associated with getting older. Personality and physical illness are each related to two components of awareness of aging: attitudes toward own aging, and awareness of age-related changes. Here, we move beyond main effects to examine how personality and arthritis interact with respect to awareness of aging.Materials and Methods296 participants completed online self-report questionnaires of personality, arthritis, ATOA, and AARC gains and losses.ResultsWe ran three hierarchical multiple regression (...)
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  31.  6
    Kodomo no tetsugaku: umareru mono to shite no shintai.Tatsuya Higaki - 2012 - Tōkyō-to Bunkyō-ku: Kōdansha.
    これまでの哲学が再三にわたって論じてきた「私」という問題。しかしそこには、大きな見落としがあったのではないか?産まれる、子をはらむ、産む、死んでいく、だけど誰かが残る。こうしたことを、それ自身として真 正面からとらえる。そのための哲学が、ここからはじまる。.
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  32. Bukkyō no mono mikata to kangaekata.Rys̄hū Michihata - 1970
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  33. Rinri no kontei ni aru mono.Kōshō Kishi - 1964
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  34. Self-No-Self? Memory and Reflexive Awareness.Evan Thompson - 2011 - In Mark Siderits, Evan Thompson & Dan Zahavi (eds.), Self, no self?: perspectives from analytical, phenomenological, and Indian traditions. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  35. Kyōiku no soko ni aru mono.Masashi Masaki - 1950
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  36. Yamitsutsu ikiru mono: ningen sonzai no shōsatsu no kokoromi.Junji Iwata - 1977 - Tōkyō: Shinkyō Shuppansha.
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    Kokoro to mono to kami no kankei no kagaku e: jiga no kōzō to ningen kōdō no genri, 20-seiki kagaku no sōgō.Yasuo Shizume - 1993 - Tōkyō: Hakuyōsha.
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    (1 other version)Hōgaku no kontei ni aru mono.Takayasu Okushima & Shigeaki Tanaka (eds.) - 1993 - Tōkyō: Yūhikaku.
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  39. Tōzai shisō no kontei ni aru mono.Kōshirō Tamaki - 1983 - Tōkyō: Kōdansha.
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    Nihon umare no "seigiron": Sanderu "seigiron" ni kakete iru mono.Kaneru Kawamoto - 2011 - Tōkyō: Akashi Shoten.
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  41.  29
    Situated self-awareness in expert performance: a situated normativity account of riken no ken.Katsunori Miyahara & Miguel Segundo-Ortin - 2022 - Synthese 200 (3):1-25.
    We explore the nature of expert minds in skilled performance by examining classic Japanese dramatist Zeami’s account of skilled expertise in Noh drama. Zeami characterizes expert minds by the co-existence of mushin and riken no ken. Mushin is an empty state of mind devoid of mental contents. Riken no ken is a distinctive form of self-awareness, where the actor embodies a common perspective with the audience upon one’s own performance. Conventional accounts of riken no ken present it as a form (...)
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  42. Shūkyō to tetsugaku no konpon ni aru mono.Ken Ishihara (ed.) - 1954
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    40-nengo no "Gūzen to hitsuzen": Monō ga egaita seimei, shinka, jinrui no mirai.Naoki Satō - 2012 - Tōkyō-to Bunkyō-ku: Tōkyō Daigaku Shuppankai.
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    Hō to kokka no kiso ni aru mono: Mizunami Akira Kyōju taikan kinen.Akira Mizunami & Yoshiomi Mishima (eds.) - 1989 - Tōkyō: Sōbunsha.
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    There is no "I" in nature: The influence of self-awareness on connectedness to nature.Cynthia Frantz, F. Stephan Mayer, Chelsey Norton & Mindi Rock - 2005 - Journal of Environmental Psychology 25 (4):427-436.
  46. Kan shukansei no ningen kagaku: tasha kōi mono kankyō no gensetsu saikō ni mukete.Kenji Kawano, Hideo Tsuburaoka, Takuma Yogo & Shunji Ōta (eds.) - 1999 - Tōkyō: Gensōsha.
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    No representation without awareness in the lateral occipital cortex.Thomas A. Carlson, Robert Rauschenberger & Frans A. J. Verstraten - 2007 - Psychological Science 18 (4):298-302.
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    Heartfelt empathy? No association between interoceptive awareness, questionnaire measures of empathy, reading the mind in the eyes task or the director task.Vivien Ainley, Lara Maister & Manos Tsakiris - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    No Evidence for an Awareness-Dependent Emotional Modulation of the Attentional Blink.Jelena Galojan & Cornelia Kranczioch - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Does awareness affect the restorative function and perception of street trees?Ying-Hsuan Lin, Chih-Chang Tsai, William C. Sullivan, Po-Ju Chang & Chun-Yen Chang - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
    Urban streetscapes are outdoor areas in which the general public can appreciate green landscapes and engage in outdoor activities along the street. This study tested the extent to which the degree of awareness of urban street trees impacts attention restoration and perceived restorativeness. We manipulated the degree of awareness of street trees. Participants were placed into four groups and shown different images: (a) streetscapes with absolutely no trees; (b) streetscapes with flashes of trees in which participants had minimal awareness of (...)
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