Results for ' ontological justice'

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  1.  39
    The Justice and Ontology of Gastrospaces.Matteo Bonotti, Andrea Borghini, Nicola Piras & Beatrice Serini - 2023 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 26 (1):91-111.
    In this paper, we establish gastrospaces as a subject of philosophical inquiry and an item for policy agendas. We first explain their political value, as key sites where members of liberal democratic societies can develop the capacity for a sense of justice and the capacity to form, revise, and pursue a conception of the good. Integrating political philosophy with analytic ontology, we then unfold a theoretical framework for gastrospaces: first, we show the limits of the concept of “third place;” (...)
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  2. Doing Ontology and Doing Justice: What Feminist Philosophy Can Teach Us About Meta-Metaphysics.Mari Mikkola - 2015 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 58 (7-8):780-805.
    Feminist philosophy has recently become recognised as a self-standing philosophical sub-discipline. Still, metaphysics has remained largely dismissive of feminist insights. Here I make the case for the value of feminist insights in metaphysics: taking them seriously makes a difference to our ontological theory choice and feminist philosophy can provide helpful methodological tools to regiment ontological theories. My examination goes as follows. Contemporary ontology is not done via conceptual analysis, but via quasi-scientific means. This takes different ontological positions (...)
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    Justice and the Social Ontology of the Corporation.Nuno Ornelas Martins - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 153 (1):17-28.
    In this article I address the question of whether corporations should be considered as part of the basic structure of society as defined in Rawls’s Theory of Justice. To do so, it becomes necessary to understand which institutions are crucial for defining Rawls’s basic structure of society. I will argue that a social ontology aimed at understanding how human institutions influence various aspects presupposed in Rawls’s basic structure of society can help addressing this topic. To do so, I shall (...)
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    Collectivity: Ontology, Ethics, and Social Justice.Kendy Hess, Violetta Igneski & Tracy Lynn Isaacs (eds.) - 2018 - Nw York: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    This volume explores new and urgent applications of collective action theory, such as global poverty, the race and class politics of urban geography, and culpable conduct in organizational criminal law. It draws attention to new questions about the status of corporate agents and new approaches to collective obligation and responsibility.
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    Flesh of My Flesh: The Ethics of Cloning Humans a Reader.Gregory E. Pence, George Annas, Stephen Jay Gould, George Johnson, Axel Kahn, Leon Kass, Philip Kitcher, R. C. Lewontin, Gilbert Meilaender, Timothy F. Murphy, National Bioethics Advisory Commission, Chief Justice John Roberts & James D. Watson - 1998 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Flesh of My Flesh is a collection of articles by today's most respected scientists, philosophers, bioethicists, theologians, and law professors about whether we should allow human cloning. It includes historical pieces to provide background for the current debate. Religious, philosophical, and legal points of view are all represented.
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    (1 other version)Love, Power, and Justice: Ontological Analyses and Ethical Applications.Paul Tillich - 1954 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Speaking with understanding and force, Tillich offers a basic analysis of love, power, justice, and all concepts fundamental in the mutual relations of people, of social groups, and of humankind to God. His concern is to penetrate to the essential, or ontological foundation of the meaning of each of these words.
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    Ontology and the theory of justice.Robert Grafstein - 1985 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 46 (1):115-137.
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  8. Musical ontology. Sounds, instruments and works of music / Julian Dodd ; Doing justice to musical works / Michael Morris ; Versions of musical works and literary translations.Stephen Davies - 2007 - In Kathleen Stock, Philosophers on Music: Experience, Meaning, and Work. New York: Oxford University Press UK.
  9.  38
    Global justice and the remittances challenge: On political ontology and agency.J. Matthew Hoye - 2021 - Constellations 28 (2):234-251.
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    Spinoza on the Ontology of Justice: The Role of ‘Beings of Reason’ (Entia Rationis).Michael A. Rosenthal - 2023 - In Jenny Pelletier & Christian Rode, The Reality of the Social World: Medieval, Early Modern, and Contemporary Perspectives on Social Ontology. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 117-135.
    In this paper I make four claims. First, there is an apparent contradiction in Spinoza’s theory of justice. On the one hand, in the Tractatus Theologico-Politicus (1670), he argues that justice is entirely conventional and depends on the ruler’s decision. On the other hand, in the later and unpublished Tractatus Politicus (1677), he claims that man really is a social animal and that we can articulate ideal forms of justice on that basis. Second, to address this apparent (...)
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    Granularity: An Ontological Inquiry Into Justice and Holistic Education.Şevket Benhür Oral - 2023 - Springer Verlag.
    This book presents an original exploration of philosophical questions pertaining to the ways we grasp the Absolute by bringing together the Buddhist notion of interpermeation of all phenomena into contemporary strains of thought in continental philosophy. This text introduces an ontological concept, granularity, deploying it to probe questions concerning the intersection of ontology, ethics, and education. A wide range of issues in metaphysics are covered—including being, nothingness, unity, plurality, truth, change, transformation, subjectivity, contradiction, coherence, potentiality—from the perspective of thinkers (...)
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  12. W poszukiwaniu ontologicznych podstaw prawa. Arthura Kaufmanna teoria sprawiedliwości [In Search for Ontological Foundations of Law: Arthur Kaufmann’s Theory of Justice].Marek Piechowiak - 1992 - Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN.
    Arthur Kaufmann is one of the most prominent figures among the contemporary philosophers of law in German speaking countries. For many years he was a director of the Institute of Philosophy of Law and Computer Sciences for Law at the University in Munich. Presently, he is a retired professor of this university. Rare in the contemporary legal thought, Arthur Kaufmann's philosophy of law is one with the highest ambitions — it aspires to pinpoint the ultimate foundations of law by explicitly (...)
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    Ontological Branding: Power, Privilege, and White Supremacy in a Colorblind World.Bonard Iván Molina García - 2022 - Lexington Books.
    Applying Heideggerian tool ontology to antiblack racism in the United States, Ontological Branding argues that race is a tool to constrain nonwhite persons, especially Black persons, to ways of being in service to the white world. U.S. law’s colorblind “equality” safeguards white supremacy, and racial justice instead requires ontological equality.
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    Social Ontology: Recasting Political Philosophy Through a Phenomenology of Whoness.Michael Eldred (ed.) - 2008 - De Gruyter.
    Freedom, value, power, justice, government, legitimacy are major themes of the present inquiry. It explores the ontological structure of human beings associating with one another, the basic phenomenon of society. We human beings strive to become who we are in an ongoing power interplay with each other. Thinkers called as witnesses include Plato, Aristotle, Anaximander, Protagoras, Hobbes, Locke, Adam Smith, Hegel, Marx, Schopenhauer, Heidegger, Schumpeter, Hayek, Schmitt, Ernst Jünger, et al.
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    Being Just? Ontology and incommensurability in Nancy's notion of justice.Christopher Watkin - 2012 - In Benjamin C. Hutchens, Jean-Luc Nancy: Justice, Legality and World. Continuum. pp. 19-34.
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    Marx’s Ontology of Social Power System for Ecological Justice.L. I. Aihua & S. U. N. Xiaoyan - 2023 - Philosophy Study 13 (4).
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  17. The ontological reappropriation of phronēsis.Christopher P. Long - 2002 - Continental Philosophy Review 35 (1):35-60.
    Ontology has been traditionally guided by sophia, a form of knowledge directed toward that which is eternal, permanent, necessary. This tradition finds an important early expression in the philosophical ontology of Aristotle. Yet in the Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle's intense concern to do justice to the world of finite contingency leads him to develop a mode of knowledge, phronsis, that implicitly challenges the hegemony of sophia and the economy of values on which it depends. Following in the tradition of the (...)
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    (1 other version)How Ontology Saved Free Speech in Cyberspace.Julie Van Camp - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 33:64-69.
    Reno v. ACLU, the 1997 landmark decision by the United States Supreme Court providing sweeping protection to speech on the Internet, is usually discussed in terms of familiar First Amendment issues. Little noticed in the decision is the significance of the ontological assumptions of the justices in their first visit to cyberspace. I analyze the apparent awareness of the Supreme Court of ontological issues and problems with their approaches. I also argue that their current ontological assumptions have (...)
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  19.  30
    Social Ontology and the Crisis in the Foundation of Values.Carol C. Gould - 1983 - der 16. Weltkongress Für Philosophie 2:578-584.
    This paper ist addressed to the contemporary crisis in the foundation of values. I argue that the justification of norms and values cannot be provided either by positivist approaches which derive from models of objective scientific explanation or by phenomenological approaches based on subjective intentionality. I propose a new approach to the justification of norms and values which I call social ontology. Such an approach sees values as having their foundation in the nature of human action and of social reality. (...)
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  20.  79
    Constitutive Justice and Human Rights.Marija Velinov Rastko Jovanov - 2019 - Filozofija I Društvo 30 (4):478-492.
    In order to show the validity of here proposed conception of social ontology and its advantages over descriptive theories of social reality, which in the analysis of the socio-ontological status of human rights find only legally understood normativity as present in social reality, we will first lay out Searle’s interpretation of human rights. In the second step, we will introduce the methodical approach and basic concepts of our socio-ontological position, and explain the structure of the relationship between (...), law, morality, social institutions and collective intentionality. At the end we will show how our theory of social ontology is better than Searle’s legal positivism in examining the ontological status of human rights. At the end, we show in what ways such a theory of social ontology more intuitively and with wider arguments explains the ontological status of institution of human rights than Searle’s legal positivism. (shrink)
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  21. Distributive justice and co-operation in a world of humans and non-humans: A contractarian argument for drawing non-humans into the sphere of justice.Mark Coeckelbergh - 2009 - Res Publica 15 (1):67-84.
    Various arguments have been provided for drawing non-humans such as animals and artificial agents into the sphere of moral consideration. In this paper, I argue for a shift from an ontological to a social-philosophical approach: instead of asking what an entity is, we should try to conceptually grasp the quasi-social dimension of relations between non-humans and humans. This allows me to reconsider the problem of justice, in particular distributive justice . Engaging with the work of Rawls, I (...)
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  22.  80
    Love, Power, and Justice. Ontological Analyses and Ethical Applications. [REVIEW]Paul Ramsey - 1955 - Philosophical Review 64 (1):155-158.
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    Co-existential justice and individual freedom: the primary concern and the normative foundation of global ethics.People’S. Republic of Chinaan-Qing Deng Shanghai, Writes on Both Classical German Philosophy A. Professor of Philosophy, A. General History of Western Moral Philosophy History of Ethicsamong His Recent Books Are & A. General History of Western Moral Philosophy - forthcoming - Journal of Global Ethics:1-9.
    In the discussion of global ethics, philosophical ethics risks losing its distinct theoretical horizons. This predicament arises primarily from philosophy's failure to anchor its own object and to provide a rational basis for global justice from within its current confined theoretical paradigm. Against this background, this paper will first prioritize global co-existence as the primary concern of global ethics, then propose ontological co-existence justice as its foundational principle, and finally argue that the normative validity of co-existence (...) is predicated on the nations fulfilling the critical requirements of modern civilization, namely, the advancement of individual freedom. (shrink)
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    Ontological Terror: Blackness, Nihilism, and Emancipation.Calvin L. Warren - 2018 - Duke University Press.
    In _Ontological Terror_ Calvin L. Warren intervenes in Afro-pessimism, Heideggerian metaphysics, and black humanist philosophy by positing that the "Negro question" is intimately imbricated with questions of Being. Warren uses the figure of the antebellum free black as a philosophical paradigm for thinking through the tensions between blackness and Being. He illustrates how blacks embody a metaphysical nothing. This nothingness serves as a destabilizing presence and force as well as that which whiteness defines itself against. Thus, the function of blackness (...)
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    On Justice: An Essay in Jewish Philosophy.Lenn Evan Goodman - 1991 - Portland, Or.: Yale University Press.
    What is fair? How and when can punishment be legitimate? Is there recompense for human suffering? How can we understand ideas about immortality or an afterlife in the context of critical thinking on the human condition? In this book L. E. Goodman presents the first general theory of justice in this century to make systematic use of the Jewish sources and to bring them into a philosophical dialogue with the leading ethical and political texts of the Western tradition. Goodman (...)
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    Co-existential justice and individual freedom: the primary concern and the normative foundation of global Deng - forthcoming - Journal of Global Ethics:1-9.
    In the discussion of global ethics, philosophical ethics risks losing its distinct theoretical horizons. This predicament arises primarily from philosophy's failure to anchor its own object and to provide a rational basis for global justice from within its current confined theoretical paradigm. Against this background, this paper will first prioritize global co-existence as the primary concern of global ethics, then propose ontological co-existence justice as its foundational principle, and finally argue that the normative validity of co-existence (...) is predicated on the nations fulfilling the critical requirements of modern civilization, namely, the advancement of individual freedom. (shrink)
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  27. Implicit ontological commitment.Michaelis Michael - 2008 - Philosophical Studies 141 (1):43 - 61.
    Quine’s general approach is to treat ontology as a matter of what a theory says there is. This turns ontology into a question of which existential statements are consequences of that theory. This approach is contrasted favourably with the view that takes ontological commitment as a relation to things. However within the broadly Quinean approach we can distinguish different accounts, differing as to the nature of the consequence relation best suited for determining those consequences. It is suggested that Quine’s (...)
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    An ontology for social reality.Tiziana Andina - 2016 - London: Palgrave-Macmillan. Edited by Sarah De Sanctis & Tiziana Andina.
    The Domain of Social Ontology -- Theories -- State and Justice -- A Cross-Section of Power.
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  29. La justice et l'homme : une réélaboration conceptuelle.David Bergeron - 2022 - Dissertation, University of Moncton
    Résumé : Ce travail cherche à proposer une redéfinition conceptuelle de la justice ou du penser et de l’agir justes pour surmonter ce que nous concevons être l’illusion et la contradiction qu’implique notre rapport au monde naturel. Sur la base d’un fondement naturaliste et biologique, la définition générale proposée cherche tant à encapsuler qu’à dépasser des conceptions plus classiques pour reconcevoir le juste comme un rapport symbiotique découlant de notre constitution et de notre dépendance en tant qu’espèce. -/- Abstract: (...)
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  30.  89
    Love, Power, and Justice; Ontological Analyses and Ethical Applications. [REVIEW]J. Glenn Gray - 1954 - Journal of Philosophy 51 (21):644-646.
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  31.  51
    Spinoza on Justice.Andre Santos Campos - 2016 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 21 (1):127-143.
    Spinoza studies have paid little attention to the concept of justice for centuries. However, he refers to it quite often in different contexts, especially in his mature texts. More specifically, he defines it as synonymous with suum cuique tribuere, even though he fails to provide a reasonable account of how this traditional legal expression fits into his philosophical system. This article shows that there is a relevant philosophical dimension in Spinoza’s treatment of the suum cuique that emerges out of (...)
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  32.  74
    Transitional Justice and Retributive Justice.Patrick Lenta - 2019 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 22 (2):385-398.
    Many people have the intuition that the failure to impose punishment on perpetrators of such serious human rights violations as murder, torture and rape that occurred in the course of violent conflict preceding a society’s transition from authoritarianism to democracy amounts to an injustice. This intuition is to an appreciable extent accounted for by the retributivist outlook of a high proportion of those who share it. Colleen Murphy, however, though she accepts that retributivism may justify punishment of offenders in stable (...)
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  33.  71
    Justice, Feasibility, and Social Science as it is.Emily McTernan - 2019 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 22 (1):27-40.
    Political philosophy offers a range of utopian proposals, from open borders to global egalitarianism. Some object that these proposals ought to be constrained by what is feasible, while others insist that what justice demands does not depend on what we can bring about. Currently, this debate is mired in disputes over the fundamental nature of justice and the ultimate purpose of political philosophy. I take a different approach, proposing that we should consider which facts could fill out a (...)
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  34. Corrective Justice and the Possibility of Rectification.Seth R. M. Lazar - 2008 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 11 (4):355-368.
    In this paper, I ask how – and whether – the rectification of injury at which corrective justice aims is possible, and by whom it must be performed. I split the injury up into components of harm and wrong, and consider their rectification separately. First, I show that pecuniary compensation for the harm is practically plausible, because money acts as a mediator between the damaged interest and other interests. I then argue that this is also a morally plausible approach, (...)
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    Epicurus on Justice ‘In Itself’ (καθ᾽ ἑαυτό).Jan Maximilian Robitzsch - 2022 - Apeiron 55 (3):443-453.
    This paper is a commentary on Epicurus’ Kuria Doxa 33, according to which “justice is not anything in itself [τι καθ᾽ ἑαυτό].” It explores what it means for something to exist ‘in itself’ in Hellenistic philosophy, speculating on the sources of Epicurean technical vocabulary and suggesting an ontological reading of KD 33.
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  36. Legal ontology and the problem of normativity.Leo Zaibert & Barry Smith - 1999 - The Analytic-Continental Divide, Conference, University of Tel Aviv.
    Applied ontology is the attempt to put to use the rigorous tools of philosophical ontology in the development of category systems which can be of use in the formalization and systematization of knowledge of a given domain. In what follows we shall sketch some elements of the ontology of legal and socio-political institutions, paying attention especially to the normativity involved in such institutions. We shall see that there is more than one type of normativity, but that this fact that has (...)
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  37. Ontology and Politics.Marilyn Frye - manuscript
    "Ontology and Politics," in the conference "Thinking, Writing, Teaching, and Creating Social Justice," April 1994, presented as the conclusion of the Rockefeller Scholar-in-Residence program of the Center for Advanced Feminist Studies at the University of Minnesota.
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  38.  96
    Marx’s Social Ontology: Individuality and Community in Marx’s Theory of Social Reality.Carol C. Gould - 1978 - MIT Press.
    Here is the first book to present Karl Marx as one of the great systematic philosophers, a man who went beyond the traditional bounds of the discipline to work out a philosophical system in terms of a concrete social theory and politico-economic critique. Basing her work on the Grundrisse (probably Marx's most systematic work and only translated into English for the first time in 1973), Gould argues that Marx was engaged in a single enterprise throughout his works, specifically the construction (...)
  39.  8
    The origins of liberty: an essay in Platonic ontology.Alexander Zistakis - 2018 - Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press. Edited by George Boger.
    How to read Plato's Dialogues? -- Freedom-general and universal -- Dialectic of library -- Participation and appropriation -- Onto-politics and political ontology -- Equality and difference -- The good-rationality, totality, dialectic -- Justice, politics and philosophy -- Foundations of responsibility -- The politics of virtue -- Dialectic of liberty revisited-democracy and Politeia -- Liberty in the Polis.
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    (1 other version)Ontology and political theory: A critical encounter between Rawls and Foucault.Irena Rosenthal - 2016 - European Journal of Political Theory 18 (2):147488511665963.
    Contemporary political thought is deeply divided about the role of ontology in political thinking. Famously, political liberal John Rawls has argued that ontological claims are best to be avoided in political thought. In recent years, however, a number of theorists have claimed that ontology is essential to political philosophy. According to the contributors to this ‘ontological turn’, ontological investigations may foster the politicisation of hegemonic political theories and can highlight new possibilities for political life. This essay aims (...)
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    Archetypal ontology: new directions in analytical psychology.Jon Mills - 2023 - New York, NY: Routledge. Edited by Erik Goodwyn.
    In this novel re-examination of the archetype construct, philosopher Jon Mills and psychiatrist Erik Goodwyn engage in spirited dialogue on the origins, nature, and scope of what archetypes actually constitute, their relation to the greater questions of psyche and worldhood, and their relevance for Jungian studies and analytical psychology today. Arguably the most definitive feature of Jung's metapsychology is his theory of archetypes. It is the fulcrum on which his analytical depth psychology rests. With recent trends in post-Jungian and neo-Jungian (...)
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  42. Testimonial Justice Beyond Belief.Carolyn Culbertson - 2023 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 27 (2):317-330.
    This article examines the meaningful intervention that Gert-Jan Van der Heiden’s recent book, The Voice of Misery: A Continental Philosophy of Testimony, makes in the developing field of the philosophy of testimony. I argue that this intervention is accomplished through a phenomenological investigation into the nature of the testimonial object and of the demand that it makes upon one who bears witness. In taking such an approach, I argue, Van der Heiden initiates an ontological turn in the field of (...)
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  43. Social Reality, Law, and Justice.David Koepsell - 2016 - In Leo Zaibert, The Theory and Practice of Ontology. Palgrave Macmillian. pp. 79-94.
    Reality is composed of many layers, including what John Searle calls “brute facts” and, superimposed on these, what he calls “social reality”. Ontology is the study of reality in its various layers, and involves attempts to describe that reality in ways that are useful and logically consistent. Philosophers and others who attempt to “build” ontologies, must examine the manners in which we can best describe objects, and devise structured vocabularies that can be used consistently, often across disciplines, and now with (...)
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  44. A problem for easy ontology.Sybren Heyndels - 2021 - Disputatio 10 (16).
    Thomasson’s easy ontology approach (2015) aims at deflating existence questions through a revival of Carnap’s (1950) distinction between internal and external questions. Importantly, her account depends on an analysis of the ordinary meaning of ‘exist(s)’ as a second-order predicate. I do two things in this paper. First, I show that Thomasson’s analysis fails to do justice to the complexity of the English predicate ‘exist(s)’. Against Thomasson, I argue that there are cases in which ‘exist(s)’ functions as a first-order predicate. (...)
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    New Materialisms: Ontology, Agency, and Politics.Diana Coole & Samantha Frost (eds.) - 2010 - Duke University Press.
    New Materialisms brings into focus and explains the significance of the innovative materialist critiques that are emerging across the social sciences and humanities. By gathering essays that exemplify the new thinking about matter and processes of materialization, this important collection shows how scholars are reworking older materialist traditions, contemporary theoretical debates, and advances in scientific knowledge to address pressing ethical and political challenges. In the introduction, Diana Coole and Samantha Frost highlight common themes among the distinctive critical projects that comprise (...)
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  46. Questions of Ontology.Kathrin Koslicki - 2016 - In Stephan Blatti & Sandra Lapointe, Ontology after Carnap. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press UK.
    Following W.V. Quine’s lead, many metaphysicians consider ontology to be concerned primarily with existential questions of the form, “What is there?”. Moreover, if the position advanced by Rudolf Carnap, in his seminal essay, “Empiricism, Semantics, and Ontology ”, is correct, then many of these existential ontological questions ought to be classified as either trivially answerable or as “pseudo-questions”. One may justifiably wonder, however, whether the Quinean and Carnapian perspective on ontology really does justice to many of the most (...)
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    Language, Ontology, and Metaphysics.Karen Bennett - 2017 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 94 (2):466-473.
    Thomas Hofweber's Ontology and the Ambitions of Metaphysics is ambitious, thought-provoking, and a good read. It expands upon a project he's developed in several previous papers—a project that seamlessly weaves together both metaphysics and metametaphysics. The book is as much about methodology as it is about the substantive conclusions he draws about what there is. As a consequence, it is a long book that covers a lot of ground. Since I cannot do justice to all of it, I hope (...)
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    Compliance with justice: shared values and modus vivendi.Francesca De Vecchi & Roberta Sala - 2021 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 26 (1):56-70.
    In this paper we investigate ways to comply with justice in a liberal democracy. In order to do that, we sketch Rawls’s account of moral-consensus stability and discuss the alternative idea of stability reached through a modus vivendi. We defend modus vivendi as a way to achieve stability backed by a variety of reasons and even by ‘non-reasons’. By ‘non-reasons’ we mean alternative sources of motivation for compliance as a precondition of a stable coexistence. We focus on such sources, (...)
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    Doing Justice and the Practice of Philosophy.William Desmond - 2005 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 79:41-59.
    There is a sense of doing justice prior to the juxtaposition of theory and practice, accounting for an ontological vulnerability prior to both social power andsocial vulnerability. Justice in the sense of “being true” involves fidelity to truth that we neither possess nor construct, preceding all efforts to enact justice. The charge to be just precedes any just act. There is a “patience of being,” or a receiving of being before acting, which we must then actively (...)
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    Justice—an Expression of the Human Being’s Essence.Gheorghe Dănișor - 2015 - Dialogue and Universalism 25 (1):211-215.
    The paper argues that the balanced relationship between freedom and justice enables man to achieve the social good ontologically speaking, i.e. the one that holds together everything that exists. Reflecting the ontological Good on a social level is made on zoon politikon translated by “being together with the others,” where freedom and justice coexist in equilibrium. Justice and thus lay contribute to the achievement of ontological Good by the fair sharing of the existing goods on (...)
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