Results for ' paradigmatic shifts in technology and ability to change society'

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  1.  12
    The Poetics of Pattern Recognition: William Gibson's Shifting Technological Subject.Alex Wetmore - 2007 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 27 (1):71-80.
    William Gibson's 1984 cyberpunk novel Neuromancer continues to be a touchstone in cultural representations of the impact of new information and communication technologies on the self. As critics have noted, the posthumanist, capital-driven, urban landscape of Neuromancer resembles a Foucaultian vision of a panoptically engineered social space in which no activity (even unofficial and illegal activity) eludes the disciplinary gaze of power. On the other hand, William Gibson's latest novel, Pattern Recognition, marks an important ideological shift from Neuromancer. Though the (...)
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  2. Beyond Competence: Preparing for Technological Change.William M. Goodman - 1990 - Peter Francis Publishers.
    In response to rapid technological changes in our society, there are calls by governments and industry for increased training of the workforce. But training alone is not sufficient to ensure success, even if talent, discipline and good fortune are all amply provided. When “training” goals require creativity, or decision making, or moral judgment, then adequate preparation must also include “education” in John Dewey’s sense—that is, imparting abilities to solve new problems and grasp novel meanings. Concluding this small monograph is (...)
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    Military.Fritz Allhoff, Patrick Lin & Daniel Moore - 2009 - In Fritz Allhoff, Patrick Lin & Daniel Moore, What is Nanotechnology and Why Does It Matter: From Science to Ethics. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 170–184.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Military and Technology A Nano‐Enabled Military A Nano‐Enabled Defense System Ethical Concerns.
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  4. Curriculum ecologies : paradigmatic shifts in discourses of change in post-apartheid South Africa.Simeon Maile - 2021 - In Kehdinga George Fomunyam & Simon Bheki Khoza, Curriculum Theory, Curriculum Theorising, and the Theoriser: The African Theorising Perspective. Boston: Brill | Sense.
  5. Mind change: How digital technologies are leaving their mark on our brains (Susan Greenfield). [REVIEW]Todd Davies - 2016 - New Media and Society 18 (9):2139-2141.
    This is a review of Susan Greenfield's 2015 book 'Mind Change: How Digital Technologies Are Leaving Their Mark On Our Brains'. Greenfield is a neuroscientist and a member of the UK House of Lords, who argues that digital technologies are changing the human environment "in an unprecedented way," and that by adapting to this environment, "the brain may also be changing in an unprecedented way." The book and its author have created a surprising amount of controversy. I discuss both (...)
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    Effects of Leisure Activities on the Cognitive Ability of Older Adults: A Latent Variable Growth Model Analysis.Chang-E. Zhu, Lulin Zhou & Xinjie Zhang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Based on the data of four periods of CLHLS, the latent variable growth model was applied to 2344 older adults who completed four follow-up surveys, to study the trajectory of leisure activities and cognitive ability and explore the relationship between leisure activities and cognitive ability of older adults. The results showed that: leisure activities and cognitive ability of older adults showed a non-linear downward trend; leisure activities significantly and positively predicted the cognitive ability of older adults (...)
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    Understanding Technology-Induced Value Change: a Pragmatist Proposal.Ibo van de Poel & Olya Kudina - 2022 - Philosophy and Technology 35 (2):1-24.
    We propose a pragmatist account of value change that helps to understand how and why values sometimes change due to technological developments. Inspired by John Dewey’s writings on value, we propose to understand values as evaluative devices that carry over from earlier experiences and that are to some extent shared in society. We discuss the various functions that values fulfil in moral inquiry and propose a conceptual framework that helps to understand value change as the interaction (...)
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  8. Transformative Choices.Ruth Chang - 2015 - Res Philosophica 92 (2):237-282.
    This paper proposes a way to understand transformative choices, choices that change ‘who you are.’ First, it distinguishes two broad models of transformative choice: 1) ‘event-based’ transformative choices in which some event—perhaps an experience—downstream from a choice transforms you, and 2) ‘choice-based’ transformative choices in which the choice itself—and not something downstream from the choice—transforms you. Transformative choices are of interest primarily because they purport to pose a challenge to standard approaches to rational choice. An examination of the event-based (...)
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    E-health beyond technology: analyzing the paradigm shift that lies beneath.Tania Moerenhout, Ignaas Devisch & Gustaaf C. Cornelis - 2018 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 21 (1):31-41.
    Information and computer technology has come to play an increasingly important role in medicine, to the extent that e-health has been described as a disruptive innovation or revolution in healthcare. The attention is very much focused on the technology itself, and advances that have been made in genetics and biology. This leads to the question: What is changing in medicine today concerning e-health? To what degree could these changes be characterized as a ‘revolution’? We will apply the work (...)
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  10.  14
    Validation of the Double Mediation Model of Workplace Well-Being on the Subjective Well-Being of Technological Employees.Shu-Ya Chang & Hsiang-Chen Hsu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In recent years, workplace well-being has been a popular research topic, because it is helpful to promote employees’ welfare, thereby bringing valuable personal and organizational outcomes. With the development of technology, the technology industry plays an important role in Taiwan. Although the salary and benefits provided by the technology industry are better than other industries, the work often requires a lot of time and effort. It is worth paying attention to whether a happy workplace will bring subjective (...)
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    Technology.Scott McQuire - 2006 - Theory, Culture and Society 23 (2-3):253-265.
    This essay traces the increased centrality of technology to social life across the period of modernity. It examines major shifts in thinking about technology which underpin the shift from industrial to post-industrial society, and the emergence of concepts such as ‘technoscience’ and ‘technoculture’. It argues that a critical analysis of technology must probe the way that histories of technological progress have been implicated in colonial hierarchies privileging the West. In examining the extension of technology (...)
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  12. The Hidden History of Phlogiston: How Philosophical Failure Can Generate Historiographical Refinement.Hasok Chang - 2010 - Hyle 16 (2):47 - 79.
    Historians often feel that standard philosophical doctrines about the nature and development of science are not adequate for representing the real history of science. However, when philosophers of science fail to make sense of certain historical events, it is also possible that there is something wrong with the standard historical descriptions of those events, precluding any sensible explanation. If so, philosophical failure can be useful as a guide for improving historiography, and this constitutes a significant mode of productive interaction between (...)
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    The Catholic Church Vis-à-Vis Liberal Society.Roger Cardinal Etchegaray & Translated by Mei Lin Chang - 2019 - Common Knowledge 25 (1-3):357-363.
    Cardinal Etchegaray argues here that the dialogue between church and state, with both parties rooted in sometimes conflicting absolute claims and values, has become more recently a wider-ranging dialogue between the church and a pluralist, relativist liberal society. The very definition of “liberal society” is open to argument, and the church may find elements to commend or oppose in any given definition. Since the nineteenth century the church has often found itself in opposition to various ideas of “liberty,” (...)
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    Say What? Talking Philosophy with the Public.Ruth Chang - 2022 - In Lee C. McIntyre, Nancy Arden McHugh & Ian Olasov, A companion to public philosophy. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 233–239.
    Many philosophers are completely unaware of the world of executive education and business events, and Specialist Public Lectures often arise from these occasions. They range from informal retreats, usually held in some tawny spot of nature for the purpose of team‐building among the employees of a firm, to exclusive, luxury junkets for C‐suite executives and VIPs at a spa or golfing resort for the purpose of networking and “upping one's game.” Most public lectures involve a sharing of information – arresting (...)
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  15. Do We Have Normative Powers?Ruth Chang - 2020 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 94 (1):275-300.
    ‘Normative powers’ are capacities to create normative reasons by our willing or say-so. They are significant, because if we have them and exercise them, then sometimes the reasons we have are ‘up to us’. But such powers seem mysterious. How can we, by willing, create reasons? In this paper, I examine whether normative powers can be adequately explained normatively, by appeal to norms of a practice, normative principles, human interests, or values. Can normative explanations of normative powers explain how an (...)
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    Communitarianism, Properly Understood.Ya Lan Chang - 2022 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 35 (1):117-139.
    Communitarianism has been misunderstood. According to some of its proponents, it supports the ‘Asian values’ argument that rights are incompatible with communitarian Asia because it prioritises the collective interest over individual rights and interests. Similarly, its critics are sceptical of its normative appeal because they believe that communitarianism upholds the community’s wants and values at all costs. I dispel this misconception by providing an account of communitarianism, properly understood. It is premised on the idea that we are partially constituted by (...)
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  17. Preventing the existence of people with disabilities.Ruth Chang - unknown
    It is commonly held that there are both cases in which there is a strong moral reason not to cause the existence of a disabled person and cases in which, although it would be permissible to cause a disabled person to exist, it would be better not to. Yet many disabled people are affronted by the idea that it is sometimes better to prevent people like themselves from existing, precisely because these people would be disabled. One of their grounds for (...)
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    A Sustainability Interrogation of the Autonomous Vehicle at Its Society-Technology Interface.George Martin - 2019 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 39 (3-4):23-32.
    This analysis of the emergent automated vehicle technology focuses on the friction at its interface with society, clouding its future. The sequential focus of development → deployment is reconfigured as reciprocal: societytechnology. A best path forward is presented that incorporates environmental and social sustainability factors as they relate to climate change and public health. The path’s signpost is automated electric vehicles deployed in public and private fleets. This course has promise to recover automobility (...)
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    Social Theory For A Changing Society.Pierre Bourdieu, James S. Coleman & Zdzislawa Walaszek Coleman (eds.) - 1991 - Routledge.
    Examines recent changes in technology and social organization and shows how social theory can inform the construction of social organization and help provide avenues of future social development.
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    Do socially disruptive technologies really change our concepts or just our conceptions?Guido Löhr - 2023 - Technology in Society 72.
    New technologies have the potential to severely “challenge” or “disrupt” not only our established social practices but our most fundamental concepts and distinctions like person versus object, nature versus artificial or being dead versus being alive. But does this disruption also change these concepts? Or does it merely change our operationalizations and applications of the same concepts? In this paper, I argue that instead of focusing on individual conceptual change, philosophers of socially disruptive technologies (SDTs) should think (...)
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  21.  36
    Visual Culture Education Through the Philosophy for Children Program.Yong-Sock Chang & Ji–Young Kim - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 37:27-34.
    The appearance of mass media and a versatile medium of videos can serve the convenience and instructive information for children; on the other hand, it could abet them in implicit image consumption. Now is the time for kids' to be in need of thinking power which enables them to make a choice, applications andcriticism of information within such visual cultures. In spite of these social changes, the realities are that our curriculum still doesn't meet a learner's demand properly. This research, (...)
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    The paradigm shift: Business associations shaping the discourse on system change.Sandra Waddock, Irene Henriques, Martina Linnenluecke, Nicholas Poggioli & Steffen Böhm - 2024 - Business and Society Review 129 (2):155-167.
    This Agenda 2050 piece is a call to action for management scholars to follow the lead of business associations, foundations, and businesses in studying and understanding the transformative change needed to bring about a more equitable and flourishing world for all living beings—including humans and other‐than‐humans. These entities advocate for a significant paradigm shift in how business is practiced as a way of responding to ‘polycrisis’—the interrelated set of civilization‐threatening crises that includes climate change, social inequality, and biodiversity (...)
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    Reframing the Question of Whether Education Can Change Society.Michael W. Apple - 2015 - Educational Theory 65 (3):299-315.
    Among the most important questions critical educators can ask today are the following: Can schools play a role in making a more just society possible? If not, why not? If so, what can they do? These questions provide the basis for this article by Michael Apple, as well as for the books under discussion here. The books by David Blacker, John Marsh, Mike Cole, and Pauline Lipman discussed in this essay are either Marxist, have been influenced by Marxist and (...)
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    Pleasure of paying when using mobile payment: Evidence from EEG studies.Manlin Wang, Aiqing Ling, Yijin He, Yulin Tan, Linanzi Zhang, Zeyu Chang & Qingguo Ma - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Mobile payment has emerged as a popular payment method in many countries. While much research has focused on the antecedents of mobile payment adoption, limited research has investigated the consequences of mobile payment usage relating to how it would influence consumer behaviors. Here, we propose that mobile payment not just reduces the “pain of paying,” a traditional view explaining why cashless payment stimulates spending, but it also evokes the “pleasure of paying,” raising from the enhanced processing fluency in completing transactions. (...)
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  25.  40
    European civilization from a scientific and technological point of view. Author's reply.Botond Gaal, Adolfo Garcia de la Sienra, Chang Huai-Chen, Aba Amissah Quainoo & Roel A. Jongeneel - 2001 - Philosophia Reformata 66 (1):66-96.
    Adrian Vlot used a lot of information when he wrote his article. I do not intend this brief presentation to give additional information or remarks on the topic. My aim is to support his ideas. I am a mathematician, physicist and theologian. I interpret science as a human activity describing and understanding the phenomena of the created universe based on observation, explaining the relationships in the universe afterwards and, in addition, discovering further areas via human intellectual abilities. In my interpretation (...)
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    (1 other version)A Short Comment on Mo-Tzu's Epistemology Based on "Three Criteria".Chang Li-Wen - 1979 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 10 (4):47-54.
    Mo Tzu was active in ancient China's academic world during the late Spring and Autumn period and the early Warring States period when the slave system collapsed and the feudal system was gradually established. During this time of radical social change, class antagonism and struggle were acute, and ideological and theoretical struggles were fierce. According to the social classes to which they belonged, thinkers from different social classes and strata gave different answers for the existing social problems. As a (...)
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    Chapter 5 Guiding Technological Change.Robert Maybury, Mario Kamenetzky & Charles Weiss - 1984 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 4 (2):137-143.
    This paper seeks to draw policy makers into a discussion of the need to guide technological change and of the steps required to accomplish this.
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    The factors that affect members’ use of a beauty industry matchmaking platform: Validation of the COM-B extended model.Yang-Wen Chang & Yen Hsu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The global impact of COVID-19 has seriously affected health and livelihood in every country or region, especially in terms of physical consumption behaviors. Hairdressing is an essential physical consumption behavior. To prevent infection, the consumption model for using the beauty industry matchmaking platform has been used during the pandemic. This study investigates the changes in the behavior of media app users in the beauty industry in the post-epidemic era of COVID-19. The COM-B model is the basis for a research framework (...)
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  29. Three Dogmas of Normativity.Ruth Chang - 2023 - Journal of Applied Philosophy (2):173-204.
    In this article, I identify and critically examine 3 dogmas of normativity that support a commonly accepted ‘Passivist View' of rational agency. I raise some questions about these dogmas, suggest what we should believe in their place, and moot an alternative ‘Activist View' of what it is to be a rational agent that grows out of rejection of the 3 dogmas. Underwriting the dogmas and the Passivist View, I suggest, is a deeply held but mistaken assumption that the normative domain (...)
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    Towards a feminist-queer alliance: A paradigmatic shift in the research process.Corie Hammers & I. I. I. Brown - 2004 - Social Epistemology 18 (1):85 – 101.
    Building on the advances made by feminist reconsiderations of methods, methodology and epistemology, this paper calls for an alliance between feminist social science and the emerging field of queer theory. By challenging traditional scientific approaches to research on sexual minority groups, a distinctly 'queer' approach is advocated that adopts a reflexive position on subjectivity and sexuality. While essentialist approaches privilege gay/lesbian, man/woman, and object/subject, this approach advances a framework of critical sexualities that moves social science into an arena of inclusivity (...)
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    China as a Complex Risk Society.Chang Kyung-Sup - 2017 - Temporalités 26.
    This paper analyzes post-Mao China as a complex risk society in which social, economic, and ecological risk syndromes pertaining to highly diverse levels and systems of development are manifested simultaneously. Complex risk society is a theoretical extension of Ulrich Beck’s thesis on risk society, focusing on complex developmental temporalities that are pervasively symptomatic of rapidly but asymmetrically developing political economies. In my earlier study, Korea was defined as a complex risk society in which risk syndromes of (...)
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  32. Changes.Ronald A. Rensink - 2002 - Progress in Brain Research 140:199-209.
    This past decade has seen a great resurgence of interest in the perception of change. Change has, of course, long been recognized as a phenomenon worthy of study, and vision scientists have given their attention to it at various times in the past (for a review, see Rensink, 2002a). But things seem different this time around. This time, there is an emerging belief that instead of being just another visual ability, the perception of change may be (...)
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  33. Realism for Realistic People: A New Pragmatist Philosophy of Science.Hasok Chang - 2022 - Cambridge University Press.
    In this innovative book, Hasok Chang constructs a philosophy of science for 'realistic people' interested in understanding and promoting the actual practices of inquiry in science and other knowledge-focused areas of life. Inspired by pragmatist philosophy, he reconceives the very notions of reality and truth on the basis of his concept of the 'operational coherence' of epistemic activities, and offers new pragmatist conceptions of truth and reality as operational ideals achievable in actual scientific practice. Rejecting the version of scientific realism (...)
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    Predictive Validity of Interviewer Post-interview Notes on Candidates’ Job Outcomes: Evidence Using Text Data From a Leading Chinese IT Company.Shanshi Liu, Yuanzheng Chang, Jianwu Jiang, Haigang Ma & Huaikang Zhou - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Despite the popularity of the employment interview in the employee selection literature and organizational talent selection process, few have examined the comments interviewers give after each interview. This study investigated the predictability of the match between interviewer post-interview notes and radar charts from job analysis on the candidate’s later career performance using text mining techniques and data from one of the largest internet-based technology companies in China. A large sample of 7,650 interview candidates who passed the interviews and joined (...)
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  35. Macroevolution of Technology.Leonid Grinin & Anton Grinin - 2013 - Evolution: Development Within Different Paradigms 6 (11):143-178.
    What determines the transition of a society from one level of development to another? One of the most fundamental causes is the global technological transformations. Among all major technological breakthroughs in history the most important are the three production revolutions: 1) the Agrarian Revolution; 2) the Industrial Revolution and 3) the Scientific-Information Revolution which will transform into the Cybernetic one. The article introduces the Theory of Production Revolutions. This is a new explanatory paradigm which is of value when analyzing (...)
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    Culture, Technology, Cultural Techniques – Moving Beyond Text 1.Sybille Krämer & Horst Bredekamp - 2013 - Theory, Culture and Society 30 (6):20-29.
    Originally published in 2003, this article presents one of the first attempts to provide a systematic summary of the new concept of cultural technique. It is, in essence, an extended checklist aimed at overcoming the textualist bias of traditional cultural theory by highlighting what is elided by this bias. On the one hand, to speak of cultural techniques redirects our attention to material and physical practices that all too often assume the shape of inconspicuous quotidian practices resistant to accustomed investigations (...)
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    Making Common Sense of Vaccines: An Example of Discussing the Recombinant Attenuated Salmonella Vaccine with the Public.Dorothy J. Dankel, Kenneth L. Roland, Michael Fisher, Karen Brenneman, Ana Delgado, Javier Santander, Chang-Ho Baek, Josephine Clark-Curtiss, Roger Strand & I. I. I. Roy Curtiss - 2014 - NanoEthics 8 (2):179-185.
    Researchers have iterated that the future of synthetic biology and biotechnology lies in novel consumer applications of crossing biology with engineering. However, if the new biology’s future is to be sustainable, early and serious efforts must be made towards social sustainability. Therefore, the crux of new applications of synthetic biology and biotechnology is public understanding and acceptance. The RASVaccine is a novel recombinant design not found in nature that re-engineers a common bacteria to produce a strong immune response in humans. (...)
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    Evaluating Hidden Costs of Technological Change.Joseph D. Martin - 2015 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 19 (1):1-25.
    This paper explores the process by which new technologies supplant or constrain cultural scaffolding processes and the consequences thereof. As elaborated by William Wimsatt and James Griesemer, cultural scaffolds support the acquisition of new capabilities by individuals or organizations. When technologies displace scaffolds, those who previously acquired capabilities from them come to rely upon the new technologies to complete tasks they could once accomplish on their own. Therefore, the would-be beneficiaries of those scaffolds are deprived of the agency to exercise (...)
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    View on donated life: Construction of philosophical ethics on human organ donation.En-Chang Li, Yi Yang & Wen-pei Zhu - 2020 - Bioethics 34 (3):318-321.
    With the emergence of organ donation and donation technology, the previous indivisibility of the human body becomes divisible, and different human organs form a new life subject. With reference to specific case studies in China, a new life, consisting of donated organs from different bodies by donation, can be called “donated life.” Donated life is a win‐win action between altruism and egoism, that is, to save the lives of others and to regenerate the organs of donors or their relatives. (...)
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    Which Wisdom Can Change the World?Erik Paredis - 2017 - Foundations of Science 22 (2):279-282.
    The thoughts that Michel Puech formulates on wisdom, technology and the art of living are timely at a moment when social, ecological and economic problems are pressing upon our societies and the speed of technological development seems to overwhelm our ability to integrate and adapt new technologies in our lives and societies. However, he restricts his concept of wisdom too much to a personal endeavor and overestimates the relevance of non-confrontation. I argue that his project can only be (...)
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    Urban Circular Economy in China: A Review Based on Chinese Literature Studies.Fang Su, Jiangbo Chang, Xi Li, Dan Zhou & Bing Xue - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-10.
    Circular economy is a critical approach to realize the coordinated development of society, economy, and ecological environment. Given the fact that urban is a complex system in which human beings integrate material, energy, information, and natural environment and interact and influence each other, reviewing the urban circular economy research and development could benefit for having a better and comprehensive understanding on urban complexity. Mainly based on the Chinese literature studies from 1999 to 2020, this study aims to present an (...)
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  42. Reproductive Technology, or Reproductive Justice?: An Ecofeminist, Environmental Justice Perspective on the Rhetoric of Choice.Greta Gaard - 2010 - Ethics and the Environment 15 (2):103.
    This essay develops an ecofeminist, environmental justice perspective on the shortcomings of “choice” rhetoric in the politics of women’s reproductive self-determination, specifically around fertility-enhancing technologies. These new reproductive technologies (NRTs) medicalize and thus depoliticize the contemporary phenomenon of decreased fertility in first-world industrialized societies, personalizing and privatizing both the problem and the solution when the root of this phenomenon may be more usefully addressed as a problem of PCBs, POPs, and other toxic by-products of industrialized culture that are degrading our (...)
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    A technologically mediated phenomenon affecting human dynamics.Susan Corrine Aaron - 2002 - World Futures 58 (1):81 – 99.
    This paper will suggest a mapping for human dynamics to see where emerging digital technology currently and could further affect the dynamics of the human, technological and natural, and the cultural forms that define them. Emerging technology will be seen to reveal and surpass the limitations of human measures built on human abilities and perception. and the social structures that are derived from them. The formation of this conceptual mapping is based on the premise that digital technology (...)
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  44. How Technology Changes Our Idea of the Good.Mark Sentesy - 2011 - In Laverdure Paul & Mbonimpa Melchior, Eth-ICTs: Ethics and the New Information and Communication Technologies. University of Sudbury. pp. 109-123.
    The ethical neutrality of technology has been widely questioned, for example, in the case of the creation and continued existence of weapons. At stake is whether technology changes the ethical character of our experience: compare the experience of seeing a beating to videotaping it. Interpreting and elaborating on the work of George Grant and Marshall McLuhan, this paper consists of three arguments: 1) the existence of technologies determines the structures of civilization that are imposed on the world, 2) (...)
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    Lexical Silencing: How to Suppress Speech with Negative Words.Chang Liu - forthcoming - Topoi:1-11.
    This paper will introduce “lexical silencing” as a new linguistic phenomenon, i.e., positive statements about something are made more difficult to express when the only (or the predominant) word for it in a language is a negative word. A good example is the term “political correctness,” which carries negative connotations in English but has no easy alternative to replace it. Suppose a supporter attempts to explicitly endorse it by saying something like “Political correctness should be a fundamental value of the (...)
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    Why is integration so difficult? Shifting roles of ethics and three idioms for thinking about science, technology and society.Rune Nydal - 2015 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 1 (1):21-36.
    Contemporary science and technology research are now expected to become more responsible through collaboration with social scientists and scholars from the humanities. This paper suggests a frame explaining why such current calls for ‘integration’ are seen as appropriate across sectors even though there are no shared understanding of how proper integration is to take place. The call for integration is understood as a response to shifting roles of ethics within research structures following shifts in modes of knowledge production. (...)
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    A collective essay on the Korean philosophy of education: Korean voices from its traditional thoughts on education.Duck-Joo Kwak, Keumjoong Hwang, Chang-ho Shin, Gyeong-sik An, Woojin Lee, Jeong-Gil Woo, Jee Hyeon Kim, Chunho Shin, Hee-Bong Kim, Jina Bhang, Jun Yamana & Roland Reichenbach - 2024 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 56 (1):7-19.
    Since the Korean Philosophy of Education Society was established in 1964, the question regarding the nature of Philosophy of Education as a modern discipline has always been a vexing question to mo...
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    Be the village: exploring the ethics of having children.David Chang - 2021 - Ethics and Education 16 (2):182-195.
    ABSTRACT The rapid increase in human population is one of the underlying factors driving the ecological crisis. Despite efforts on the part of educators to raise awareness of environmental issues, the ecological impact of a burgeoning population – and the ethical implications of having children – remains an unbroachable topic. Nevertheless, the increase in human numbers is central to questions of sustainability: How can a species expect to survive in a finite terrestrial environment without limits to its population? Since most (...)
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    Expert networks: Paradigmatic conflict, technological rapproachement. [REVIEW]R. C. Lacher - 1993 - Minds and Machines 3 (1):53-71.
    A rule-based expert system is demonstrated to have both a symbolic computational network representation and a sub-symbolic connectionist representation. These alternate views enhance the usefulness of the original system by facilitating introduction of connectionist learning methods into the symbolic domain. The connectionist representation learns and stores metaknowledge in highly connected subnetworks and domain knowledge in a sparsely connected expert network superstructure. The total connectivity of the neural network representation approximates that of real neural systems and hence avoids scaling and memory (...)
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  50.  92
    A New Framework Integrating Environmental Effects into Technology Evaluation.Shiu-Wan Hung & Shih-Chang Tseng - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 95 (4):543 - 556.
    This study aims to propose a framework considering both economic issues and environmental effects in technology evaluation in order to provide firms' decision makers a useful reference in adopting technologies that will enable them to fulfill corporate social responsibilities and get competitive advantages at the same time. Recently, the demands for technology evaluation have increased with the flourishing development of technology licensing, technology transaction or joint venture on the one hand and with the pressing needs of (...)
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