Results for ' parergon'

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  1.  19
    Parergon.Jacques Derrida & Ben Overlaet - 2018 - Antwerpen, België: Letterwerk.
    Stel dat een inbreker bij jou thuis alleen de lijsten van de kunstwerken zou wegnemen, en niet de werken zelf. Wat zou er veranderen in je omgang met de kunst? Met dat gedachte-experiment opent de Franse filosoof Jacques Derrida het essay Parergon. Parergon betekent bijzaak in het Grieks. Zoals bijvoorbeeld de lijst van het schilderij, of het kader van een opgehangen foto. Ze behoren niet tot het kunstwerk. En toch zijn ze van groot belang voor hoe het werk (...)
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    The parergonal politics of Barack Obama.Mary Caputi - 2011 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 37 (7):823-840.
    This article offers a Derridean analysis of Barack Obama’s statement that, as president, he would be willing to negotiate with political actors dubbed ‘terrorists’, ‘rogues’, ‘enemies’, or members of the ‘axis of evil’. The article argues that the Derridean concept of the ‘parergonal’ is useful, as is the Derridean distinction between hospitality and tolerance. This is because a parergonal approach to politics, evidenced in a willingness to listen to those that others have ignored, and to include those left out, illustrates (...)
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    Parergon: Attribut, Material und Fragment in der Bildästhetik des Quattrocento.Anna Degler - 2015 - Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink.
    "Die Unterscheidung in Haupt- und Nebensache ist ein kulturabhängiges ästhetisches Konstrukt, das immer wieder neu ausgehandelt wird. Dieser Band erschließt die Ästhetik des Beiwerks in der Bild- und Textkultur des Quattrocento über den historischen Begriff Parergon (dt. Beiwerk) folglich auch innerhalb einer Normen- und Rezeptionsgeschichte. Der Topos von der potentiellen Gefährdung des Werkes durch übermäßiges Beiwerk prägt seit der Antike westliche kunsttheoretische, theologische und nicht zuletzt auch wissenschaftliche Diskurse. In eingehenden Analysen verfolgt dieser Band das Phänomen aus der Perspektive (...)
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    Crítica del ‘párergon’.Leopoldo Edgardo Tillería Aqueveque - 2020 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 37 (1):37-44.
    El artículo se presenta como una cierta hermenéutica de la estética de Kant a partir del lugar que ocuparía la figura del párergon (ornamento) en su teoría de lo bello, sobre todo considerando el compromiso teleológico que se sugiere como esencialidad de la estética del filósofo prusiano. Esta estética parergonal o decorativa, más allá de una presunta filosofía del arte de corte iluminista que pudiera ser vista en la tercera Crítica, pone en vista un inesperado compromiso barroco de la filosofía (...)
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  5. The parergon.Jacques Derrida - 2000 - In Clive Cazeaux, The Continental Aesthetics Reader. New York: Routledge.
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    Paragon, Parergon: Baudelaire Translates Rousseau.Cynthia Chase - 1981 - Diacritics 11 (2):42.
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    Parergon: filozofija, pravo, istorija, politika.C. Ljubomir Tadi - 2002 - Beograd: Filip Višnjiʹc.
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    Parergon: filozofija, pravo, istorija, politika.Ljubomir Tadić - 2002 - Beograd: Filip Višnjiʹc.
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    Parergon, Bulletin of the Autralian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, N.S.6. 1988, Fetschrift for Professor Sir Geoffrey Elton. [REVIEW]Damian Grace - 1990 - Moreana 27 (Number 101-27 (1-2):203-204.
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    Paraffi: la questione del parergon da Kant a Derrida.Santi Barbagallo - 2010 - Roma: Aracne.
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    What Is a Parergon?Paul Duro - 2019 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 77 (1):23-33.
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    Savedoff, frames, and parergonality.Bente Kiilerich - 2001 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 59 (3):320–323.
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    Derrida et le Parergon: une lecture critique.Alain Séguy-Duclot - 2017 - Kant Studien 108 (1):116-133.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Kant-Studien Jahrgang: 108 Heft: 1 Seiten: 116-133.
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    Entre O jogo de linguagem E o parergon: A definição de obra de arte em Gilles Deleuze.Rafael Duarte Oliveira Venancio - 2016 - Synesis 8 (2):203-215.
    O presente artigo busca discutir o conceito de obra de arte em Gilles Deleuze enquanto um debate entre a definição clássica kantiana de parergon e sua leitura por Jacques Derrida e a alternativa posta pelos estudiosos wittgensteinianos da Estética da obra de arte enquanto jogo de linguagem. Através de uma investigação conceitual que abarca o conceito de jogo, encontra-se uma definição da arte através da sua prática, favorecendo o estatuto epistemológico desse campo do saber.
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    Lucubraciúncula sobre un glosario vasco-latino : El PARERGON de Vulcanius.Francisco J. Oroz Arizcuren - 1981 - In Jürgen Trabant, Geschichte der Sprachphilosophie Und der Sprachwissenschaft. De Gruyter. pp. 339-358.
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    Never mind the ballads, here's Thomas Percy: The parergon situation.Nick Groom - 1996 - Angelaki 1 (1):86 – 95.
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    Frame and Framing. On the Parergonal Constitution of Artistic Representation.Eva Schürmann - 2017 - In Anja Weiberg & Stefan Majetschak, Aesthetics Today: Contemporary Approaches to the Aesthetics of Nature and of Arts. Proceedings of the 39th International Wittgenstein Symposium in Kirchberg. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 165-180.
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    Illusion and Imagination: Derrida's Parergon and Coleridge's Aid to Reflection. Revisionary readings of Kantian formalist aesthetics.Elinor S. Shaffer - 1990 - In Frederick Burwick & Walter Pape, Aesthetic illusion: theoretical and historical approaches. New York: W. de Gruyter. pp. 138.
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  19. Double or nothing: Deconstructing cultural heritage.George Rossolatos - 2015 - Chinese Semiotic Studies 11 (3):297-315.
    This paper draws on the deconstruction(ist) toolbox and specifically on the textual unweaving tactics of supplementarity, exemplarity, and parergonality, with a view to critically assessing institutional (UNESCO’s) and ordinary tourists’ claims to authenticity as regards artifacts and sites of ‘cultural heritage’. Through the ‘destru[k]tion’ of claims to ‘originality’ and ‘myths of origin’, that function as preservatives for canning such artifacts and sites, the cultural arche-writing that forces signifiers to piously bow before a limited string of ‘transcendental signifieds’ is brought to (...)
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    Paradoksička struktura parergona u Kanta i Derridaa u odnosu na mističko i umjetničko otkrivenje.Livia Georgeta Suciu - 2024 - Synthesis Philosophica 39 (1):233-253.
    Starting from the stake of the Kantian philosophy to enclose everything within the firm limits of the system of reason and to exclude the external, threatening rest that is outside these limits, Jacques Derrida tried to deconstruct the effort of metaphysics to build artificial bridges over the ruptures of the philosophical systems, usually caused by the intrusion of this uncontrollable external remainders that does not submit to the authority of the metaphysical logos. Given that in the Kantian system this external (...)
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    Touching, unbelonging, and the absence of affect.Ranjana Khanna - 2012 - Feminist Theory 13 (2):213-232.
    This article argues that psychoanalytic notions of affect – including ideas of anxiety and melancholia, as well as deconstructive concepts of auto-affection – offer a feminist ethico-politics and a notion of affect as interface. Beyond the confines of the experiential and the positivist, both psychoanalysis and deconstruction provide insights into affect as a technology that understands the subject as porous. I consider works by Derek Jarman and Shirin Neshat to demonstrate the importance of the ethico-politics of affect as interface in (...)
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  22.  30
    Feminism and power: the need for critical theory.Mary Caputi - 2013 - Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
    This book offers a critique of power feminism using the critical theories of Theodor Adorno and Jacques Derrida. It counters a triumphalist reading of female empowerment using the negative, parergonal philosophies of these two authors and advocates listening to the sufferer rather than celebrating the triumphalism of the reigning neoliberal order.
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  23. From Trust to Body. Artspace, Prestige, Sensitivity.Filippo Fimiani - 2017 - In Felice Masi & Maria Catena, The Changing Faces of Space. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 277-288.
    What happens to artist and to viewer when painting or sculpture emancipates itself from all physical mediums? What happens to art-world experts and to museum goers and amateurs when the piece of art turns immaterial, becoming indiscernible within its surrounding empty space and within the parergonal apparatus of the exposition site? What type of verbal depiction, of critical understanding and specific knowledge is attempted under these programmed and fabricated conditions? What kind of aesthetic experience–namely embodied and sensitive–is expected when a (...)
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    (1 other version)Poetics as a Presupposition of Philosophy: Hannah Arendt's Denktagebuch.Sigrid Weigel - 2009 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2009 (146):97-110.
    The Denktagebuch, kept by Hannah Arendt from 1950 until 1973, is not only a fascinating parergon, or secondary work, containing many reflections, observations, and notes on other articles that had not, or not yet, taken on their finished form as essays or books. It presents the foundations and premises of her writing that originate from her notebooks—foundations in a literal sense, i.e., those writings that preceded the author's work in political theory. Several entries contain methodological reflections, explanations of definitions, (...)
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    Deconstruction in the Neighborhood of Art. The Problem of Painting in the Philosophy of Jacques Derrida.Гайнутдинов Т.Р - 2022 - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal) 10:54-65.
    The author analyzes the theme of painting in the philosophy of Jacques Derrida, referring to one of his defining works on this subject: "Truth in Painting". Consistently considering the four-part structure of this book, the author touches on such concepts of deconstruction as "parergon", "passepartout", "cartouche" and others. Of particular interest is the problem of truth in the structure of fine art – this topic is a cross-cutting theme throughout Derrida's work. At the same time, the philosopher rejects the (...)
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  26.  12
    Re-thinking international relations theory via deconstruction.Badredine Arfi - 2012 - New York: Routledge.
    Re-thinking via deconstruction qua affirmation -- "Testimonial faith" in/about IR philosophy of science: the possibility condition of a pluralist science of world politics -- Khôra as the condition of possibility of the ontological without ontology -- Rethinking the "agent-structure" problematique: from ontology to parergonality -- Identity/difference and othering: negotiating the impossible politics of aporia -- Autoimmunity of trust without trust -- Rethinking international constitutional order: the autoimmune politics of binding without binding -- The quest for "illogical" logics of action in (...)
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  27.  15
    Marginale Zauberspruchüberlieferung im frühen Mittelalter.Christa M. Haeseli - 2011 - Das Mittelalter 16 (2):126-141.
    Old High German spells are among the earliest texts in the German vernacular. At first, they were passed on as marginal entries in theological manuscripts. Based on two representative examples, the Merseburger Cod. 136, and the Trierer Hs 40/1018 8°, the relationships between the spells, other marginalia, and the main text shall be explored with regard to their content and function. The question arises whether and to what extent the formal positioning on the margins of the manuscripts equates to a (...)
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    On the Meaning of Being Real: Fantasy and ‘the Real’ in Personal Identity-Formation.Andrea Hurst - 2012 - South African Journal of Philosophy 31 (2):278-289.
    With the help of Lacanian psychoanalytic theory, this article addresses certain perplexities concerning personal identity that emerge from different kinds of interpersonal encounters. Lacan’s notion of the ‘fundamental fantasy’ incorporates the insight that phantasmic projections (of both self and other) form the basis of personal identity and interpersonal relations are a complex interplay between such projections. Nevertheless, in face of disconcerting pretence phenomena, the notion of a real self plays a profoundly important part in interpersonal relations. To call some phantasmic (...)
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    Archéologie du cadre cinématique.Ruth Johnston & Raphaël Koenig - 2016 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 16 (2):109-122.
    Les spécialistes de l’archéologie des médias défendent une conception non-linéaire de l’histoire du cinéma, en analysant la façon dont les avancées technologiques et les dispositifs concrets contribuent activement à modifier nos modes de perception. Meurtre dans un jardin anglais de Peter Greenaway constitue un exemple remarquable de « métacinéma » mettant en pratique l’archéologie des médias dans le corps même du film, par le biais de citations visuelles renvoyant à d’autres médias ou d’autres pratiques artistiques, comme la peinture de la (...)
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    Parerga?Pietro Kobau - 2009 - Rivista di Estetica 40:21-39.
    Né opera (ergon), né fuori-d’-opera (hors-d’oeuvre), né dentro né fuori, né sopra né sotto, il parergon sconvolge ogni opposizione, ma non rimane indeterminato e dà luogo all’opera. Non sta più soltanto intorno all’opera. Quel che esso introduce – le istanze della cornice, del titolo, della firma, della didascalia ecc. – non smette più di mettere sottosopra l’ordine interno del discorso sulla pittura, le sue opere, il suo commercio, le sue quotazioni, i suoi plusvalori, la sua speculazione, i...
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    Creative implications of deconstruction: the case of jazz music, photography, and architecture.Francesco Paradiso - 2014 - Dissertation, University of New South Wales
    The thesis investigates the connection between deconstruction and creativity with regard to three aesthetic fields, namely jazz music, photography, and architecture. The thesis consists of three chapters. Chapter 1 focuses on deconstruction and jazz music. First, the analysis draws a comparison between the linguistic sign and the musical sign in the light of Derrida's analysis of signifier and signified. This supports an investigation of the supplementary character of writing in the specific case of jazz music. Second, the analysis draws an (...)
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    Re-framing the Abyss: the Visual Writing.Ilektra Stampoulou - 2017 - Dialogue and Universalism 27 (3):97-113.
    In this paper I intend to discuss some notions encountered in Jacques Derrida’s The Truth in Painting (1978) immediately linked to the manner in which the art object is understood and addressed, its limits, what it does/does not include/exclude, what it touches upon—if we can use such formalist terms in a deconstructive framework. These notions have perhaps formed in the past decades the art object, even though there is no frequent reference of Derridean deconstruction in texts regarding art.3 The ones (...)
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    Kant, Art and Art History: Moments of Discipline (review). [REVIEW]Brad Prager - 2002 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 40 (4):547-548.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 40.4 (2002) 547-548 [Access article in PDF] Book Review Kant, Art and Art History: Moments of Discipline Mark A. Cheetham. Kant, Art and Art History: Moments of Discipline. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001. Pp. x + 222. Cloth, $55.00. Mark Cheetham's thorough and insightful new work investigates Kant's continuing influence on the visual arts, both in practice and as defined by the (...)
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  34. Mary Astell on Virtuous Friendship.Jacqueline Broad - 2009 - Parergon: Journal of the Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies 26 (2):65-86.
    According to some scholars, Mary Astell’s feminist programme is severely limited by its focus on self-improvement rather than wider social change. In response, I highlight the role of ‘virtuous friendship’ in Astell’s 1694 work, A Serious Proposal to the Ladies. Building on classical ideals and traditional Christian principles, Astell promotes the morally transformative power of virtuous friendship among women. By examining the significance of such friendship to Astell’s feminism, we can see that she did in fact aim to bring about (...)
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    Animals as criminals: Towards a Foucauldian analysis of animal trials.Emre Koyuncu - 2018 - Parergon 35 (1):79-96.
    Scholarship on the early modern practice of animal trials in Europe has grown substantially in the last few decades. After a critical literature review pointing at the shortcomings of positivist approaches and of the interpretation of the phenomenon as a purely religious practice, I present Foucauldian genealogy as a more rigorous framework for understanding the purpose this peculiar practice may have served. The benefits of adopting a Foucauldian perspective are twofold. First, it allows for a subtle functionalism that does not (...)
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