Results for ' parliamentary rhetoric'

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  1.  35
    Parliamentary rhetoric, enlightenment and the politics of secrecy: the printers’ crisis of March 1771.Patrick Bullard - 2005 - History of European Ideas 31 (2):313-325.
    The 1770s witnessed an attempt by Parliament to control how it was represented in the press: questions of parliamentary reporting and parliamentary privilege quickly became a national political crisis. Key political figures such as Edmund Burke, John Wilkes, George Onslow and the Marquis of Rockingham were involved with printers and booksellers such as John Almon, Robert Wheble and Henry Woodfall. The British Enlightenment was effectively interrupted, and its fault lines highlighted, as politicians clashed with the book trade—and with (...)
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    Constitutional Debates, Rhetoric, and Political Philosophy in Spain’s Parliamentary History.Francisco J. Bellido - 2024 - Springer Nature Switzerland.
    This book examines the conceptual contributions of constituent representatives in Spain during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The Spanish Parliament has been the stage for the political modernisation of the country. Constitutional debates have historically led to the gradual acknowledgement and broadening – usually unevenly – of citizens’ rights. At the same time, constitutional debates have created opportunities to design institutions and settle legal mechanisms to enforce rights and distribute state resources. The book identifies and analyses rhetorical and conceptual innovations (...)
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  3. Debating Societies, the Art of Rhetoric and the British House of Commons: Parliamentary Culture of Debate before and after the 1832 Reform Act.Taru Haapala - 2012 - Res Publica. Murcia 27:25-36.
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    Affective rhetoric and the cultural politics of determinate negation.Tom Bristow - 2017 - Angelaki 22 (3):103-132.
    My analysis of political debate in the United Kingdom during the summer of 2016 unpacks the compression of two highly complex issues within an unprecedented moment in British politics: reinvestment in nuclear arms and nuclear energy during the EU referendum crisis. I recover unities and discontinuities across events in this period and throughout history both to examine the non-identity between the particular and the universal as a major trope in parliamentary rhetoric, which construed the universal sentiment of world (...)
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    Appeals to Authority in Political Rhetoric: Machiavelli in the Italian Parliament 1945-1994.Francesco Testini & Matteo Casiraghi - 2021 - Parliamentary Affairs 74 (2):333-353.
    Scholarship in rhetorical political analysis and parliamentary studies devoted little attention to study how politicians employ intellectuals’ authority and theories in their discourses. We offer methodological directions to navigate this territory, combining quantitative and qualitative analyses to investigate the employment of Machiavelli’s figure in the Italian Parliament. We show that Machiavelli is regarded as a contested authority and that appeals to his arguments can perform different rhetorical functions, which are countered with different rhetorical tactics. In particular, we show that (...)
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    Piero Gobetti and the rhetoric of liberal anti-fascism.James Martin - 2007 - History of the Human Sciences 20 (4):107-127.
    This article examines the anti-fascist rhetoric of the self-proclaimed `revolutionary liberal', Piero Gobetti, in Italy in the early 1920s. Gobetti is interesting from a rhetorical perspective for two reasons: first, for his efforts to redefine liberalism as an emancipatory ethic of struggle that extended to the revolutionary worker's movement; and second, for his rejection of fascism as essentially continuous with the anti-conflictual tendencies of the liberal parliamentary regime. An exemplary `ideological innovator', Gobetti's `paradiastolic' redescription of liberalism and his (...)
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  7.  14
    Outsourcing problems or regulating altruism? Parliamentary debates on domestic and cross-border surrogacy in Finland and Norway.Lise Eriksson - 2022 - European Journal of Women's Studies 29 (1):107-122.
    This article employs the concept of respectability and the discursive representation of gender equality policies to discuss how surrogacy is represented in Nordic parliamentary debates and policy documents. The article’s objective is to study how respectability, problems and equality are represented and discursively and rhetorically produced through a comparative study of Finnish and Norwegian political discourses on domestic unpaid surrogacy and cross-border commercial surrogacy. The article uses rhetorical and discursive analysis to analyse the Finnish and Norwegian Parliaments’ bills, members’ (...)
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  8.  22
    Manipulating information and manipulating people: Examples from the 2004 portuguese parliamentary celebration of the April revolution.Michael Billig & Cristina Marinho - 2014 - Critical Discourse Studies 11 (2):158-174.
    Recently there has been interest in examining how language is involved in the phenomenon of ‘manipulation’. This paper suggests that investigators, rather than treating ‘manipulation’ as an entity, should examine how communicators might engage in discursive acts of manipulating. To this end a distinction is made between manipulating information and manipulating people. Examples of both types, taken from the Portuguese Parliamentary Celebration of the April Revolution of 2004, are examined in depth to show how acts of manipulating can be (...)
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    Adapting legislative agenda settingmodels to parliamentary regimes: Evidence from the polish parliament.Monika Nalepa - 2017 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 50 (1):181-203.
    This paper draws on Cox and McCubbins’ comparison of floor and cartel agenda models and adapts it to the context of multi-party parliamentary regimes with the goal of clarifying some important differences between the legislative consequences of cohesion and discipline, on the one hand, and the effects of agenda setting, on the other. Internal party discipline and/or preference cohesion receives the bulk of emphasis in comparative studies of empirical patterns of legislative behavior, generally without considering the role of the (...)
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  10.  24
    Belgium's Foreign Assistance: Decision Maker Rhetoric and Policy Behavior.Marijke Breuning - 1994 - Res Publica 36 (1):1-21.
    Not much has been written on the foreign assistance policy of Belgium, but work that focuses on it singly or in comparison with other cases tends to charge that Belgium lacks a coherent foreign assistance policy. This study examines the rhetoric of Belgian decision makers and the policy behavior of the state, utilizing a framework of four national role conception profiles, each bringing together a set of perceptions regarding the role decision makers perceive their state to play in this (...)
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  11.  39
    The Legalistic Organizational Response to Whistleblowers’ Disclosures in a Scandal: Law Without Justice?Oussama Ouriemmi - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 188 (1):17-35.
    Organizational transgressions cause recurring scandals. Often disclosed by whistleblowers, they generate public outrage and force organizations to respond. Recent studies have tried to answer the question: “What happens after a transgression becomes publicly known?” They highlight organizational responses marked by recognition of the transgression, penance and reintegration of the organization. However, that research only deals with transgressions involving illegal organizational practices. This article broadens the field of study to include legal but unethical organizational practices. It is based on the case (...)
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  12. Liberty, Authority, and Trust in Burke's Idea of Empire.Richard Bourke - 2000 - Journal of the History of Ideas 61 (3):453-471.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 61.3 (2000) 453-471 [Access article in PDF] Liberty, Authority, and Trust in Burke's Idea of Empire Richard Bourke When Edmund Burke first embarked upon a parliamentary career, British political life was in the process of adapting to a series of critical reorientations in both the dynamics of party affiliation and the direction of imperial policy. During the period of the Seven Years' (...)
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    Mill in Parliament: The View from the Comic Papers: John M. Robson.John M. Robson - 1990 - Utilitas 2 (1):102-143.
    So, on 22 July 1865, under the title ‘Philosophy and Punch’, did England's premier comic weekly greet the election of J. S. Mill as MP for Westminster. Mill held his seat for only one term, until the general election of 1868, when his Whig-Liberal colleague Robert Wellesley Grosvenor was re-elected, but Mill was replaced by the loser in 1865, the Conservative W. H. Smith, Jr., who, though he never went to sea, became the ruler of the Queen's navy. The reasons (...)
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  14.  14
    We are Sweden Democrats because we care for others: Exploring racisms in the Swedish extreme right.Anders Neergaard & Diana Mulinari - 2014 - European Journal of Women's Studies 21 (1):43-56.
    During the last decades there has been an upsurge in research on xenophobic populist parties, mirroring their political successes. In the Swedish context, characterised by neoliberal restructuring, issues of ‘race’, citizenship and belonging have been important elements of the public debate. These issues have unfolded in parallel with the presence of a neo-Nazi social movement and the emergence of two new parliamentary parties in which cultural racism has been central. Research has especially focused on the xenophobic content and how (...)
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  15.  23
    Representing the Windrush generation: metaphor in discourses then and now.Charlotte Taylor - 2020 - Critical Discourse Studies 17 (1):1-21.
    This paper examines the ways in which the group of people now known as the Windrush generation, who moved to the UK in the period 1948–1971, have been represented in public discourse. This group has been adversely affected by the current ‘hostile environment’ policy in the UK regarding immigration. As I show, in the ensuing and highly critical debate, the government repeatedly positioned them as ‘good’ migrants and placed them in a binary opposition with ‘undesirable’ migrants, who they cite as (...)
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  16.  33
    If Immigrants Could Vote in the UK:A Thought Experiment with Data from the 2015 General Election.Sean Fox, Ron Johnston & David J. Manley - 2016 - The Political Quarterly 87 (4):500-508.
    The distribution of voting rights in the UK is an artefact of history rather than a product of clear legal or philosophical principles. Consequently, some resident aliens have the right to vote in all UK elections; others can vote in local elections but are excluded from national elections; still others are excluded from all elections. In England and Wales alone, roughly 2.3 million immigrants are excluded from voting in national elections. This exclusion is inconsistent with the founding principle of democracy (...)
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  17.  23
    Conservatism.Enoch Powell - unknown
    For the past 300 years and more the inhabitants of Great Britain (or perhaps more accurately of England) have been content to be "godly and quietly governed" under unique arrangements, which may, if they must, be classified as a parliamentary monarchy. The course of being so governed has been characterised by oscillations between, on the one hand, governments whose appeal to their fellow countrymen is to conserve existing institutions and, on the other, governments whose appeal is their call for (...)
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  18.  82
    A loss of innocence?: judicial independence and the separation of powers.R. Stevens - 1999 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 19 (3):365-402.
    The concepts of judicial independence and the separation of powers are used more as terms of political rhetoric than legal concepts in the British constitution. Responsible government significantly merges the executive and the legislative while parliamentary sovereignty has meant that judicial independence has had a peculiar British meaning, rarely unpacked. In practice, in England, (and presumably in the other UK jurisdictions), individual judges are accorded a high degree of independence, while there is no effective independence of the judiciary (...)
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  19.  25
    Rights of Noncitizens: Asylum as an Individual Right in the 1949 West German Grundgesetz.Hanna-Mari Kivistö - 2014 - Contributions to the History of Concepts 9 (1):60-73.
    Post–World War II developments concerning citizenship and access as one of the dimensions of citizenship are examined through the prism of noncitizenship and rights, using the drafting of the asylum paragraph of the 1949 Grundgesetz of the Federal Republic of Germany as a specific case study. The aim of this article is to look into the creation of the right to asylum in West Germany, to examine its political history by exploring its development and by searching for its conceptual, political, (...)
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  20.  29
    Between Civil Libertarianism and Executive Unilateralism: An Institutional Process Approach to Rights during Wartime.Richard H. Pildes & Samuel Issacharoff - 2004 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 5 (1):1-45.
    Times of heightened risk to the physical safety of their citizens inevitably cause democracies to recalibrate their institutions and processes and to reinterpret existing legal norms, with greater emphasis on security, and less on individual liberty, than in "normal" times. This article explores the ways in which the American courts have responded to the tension between civil liberties and national security in times of crises. This history illustrates that courts have rejected both of the two polar positions that characterize public (...)
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  21.  36
    Israel's ‘constitutional revolution’: The liberal–communitarian debate and legitimate stability.Yossi Yonah - 2001 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 27 (4):41-74.
    In the early 1990s Israel underwent a so-called constitutional revolution. According to the champions of this revolution, Israel has essentially become, as a result of this momentous event, a constitutional democracy, upholding individual freedom and liberties and allowing for judicial review of parliamentary legislation. Despite the congratulatory rhetoric, it is generally agreed upon that the constitution is still in need of some essential supplements before Israel can qualify as a fully constitutional democracy. The main question addressed in this (...)
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  22.  27
    Przypadek Beppego Grilla, czyli o (d)ewolucji komunikacji politycznej we Włoszech.Łukasz Jan Berezowski & Artur Gałkowski - 2020 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 58 (3):517-528.
    The article aims at analyzing the case of Beppe Grillo and his Five Stars Movement in terms of social, cultural and linguistic phenomenon that – initially as a virtual party without a structured organization – seems to conquer both right-wing and left-wing Italian citizens notwithstanding generational and ideological differences. The success of grillini in the parliamentary election of 2018 as a consequence of Matteo Renzi’s constitutional referendum failure, represents a clear sign of the leadership crisis as well as the (...)
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  23.  23
    El pueblo en el primer liberalismo hispano. Lenguaje, identidad colectiva y representación política.Pablo Sánchez León - 2022 - Araucaria 24 (49).
    This article analyses the concept of people in language, as a collective identity and as a subject of political representation in the crisis of the Hispanic monarchy from 1808 and throughout the constituent process that culminated in the promulgation of the Constitution of 1812. Based on the discursive uses of pueblo in chronicles, essays on political philosophy, press articles and parliamentary speeches, it points out the relevance of the semantics of pueblo in the political language of the time until (...)
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  24.  47
    Public reasoning about voluntary assisted dying: An analysis of submissions to the Queensland Parliament, Australia.David G. Kirchhoffer & Chi-Wai Lui - 2020 - Bioethics 35 (1):105-116.
    The use of voluntary assisted dying as an end‐of‐life option has stimulated concerns and debates over the past decades. Although public attitudes towards voluntary assisted dying (including euthanasia and physician‐assisted suicide) are well researched, there has been relatively little study of the different reasons, normative reasoning and rhetorical strategies that people invoke in supporting or contesting voluntary assisted dying in everyday life. Using a mix of computational textual mining techniques, keyword study and qualitative thematic coding to analyse public submissions to (...)
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  25.  34
    ‘Malaysia belongs to the Malays’ (Malaysia ni Melayu Punya!): Categorising ‘us’ and ‘them’ in Malaysia’s mainstream Malay-language newspapers.Siti Nurnadilla Mohamad Jamil - 2021 - Critical Discourse Studies 18 (6):671-687.
    ABSTRACT Malaysia’s 13th general election in 2013 was the final election where the longest-serving elected government in the world, Barisan Nasional, regained power, before it was ousted after over six decades of authoritarian rule in 2018. In a country that practises parliamentary democracy but simultaneously observed close cooperation between the then ruling coalition and the mainstream press, this paper shows the micro-politics of the driving force of the coalition, United Malays National Organisation – specifically, how anxiety regarding the maintenance (...)
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  26.  8
    Into the twenty-first century: an agenda for political re-alignment.Felix Dodds (ed.) - 1988 - Basingstoke, Hants, UK: Green Print.
    A passionate indictment of the major political parties in Britain today for their failure to face the biggest issues on the British political agenda. -/- These are issues of survival / not just of ourselves or our families, not just of the immediate environment or of our own country, but of the world itself. Politicians of every tradition have let us down, They offer the superficial appeal of a temporary prosperity. They make no promise for the future. -/- This book (...)
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    J. H. Hexter 1910-1996.Donald R. Kelley - 1997 - Journal of the History of Ideas 58 (2):349-350.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:J. H. Hexter 1910–1996Donald R. KelleyJ. H. Hexter, one of the leading intellectual historians of this century and a close associate of this Journal, died on 8 December 1996. Jack Hexter was a great scholar, talented writer and polemicist, devoted baseball fan, and authentic American humorist, who made wit and facetiousness part of his historiographical tool-kit. He was also an American character, as he made insistently clear in his (...)
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  28. Dialectical Relevance in Persuasion Dialogue.Douglas Walton - 1999 - Informal Logic 19 (2).
    How to model relevance in argumentation is an important problem for informal logic. Dialectical relcvance is determined by the use of an argument for some purpose in different types of dialogue, according to the ncw dialectic. A central type of dialogue is persuasion dialogue in which one participant uses rational argumentation to try to get the other participant to accept a designated proposition. In this paper, a method for judging relevance in persuasion dialogue is presented. The method is based on (...)
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    The concept of degressive and progressive proportionality and its normative and descriptive applications.Jacek Haman - 2017 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 50 (1):67-91.
    The article discusses the concept of progressive and degressive proportionality of the distribution of parliamentary seats. In the first part are presented axiological sources of the principles of proportionality and progressive and degressive proportionality and the history of degressively proportional apportionments of seats in the European Parliament. The main part of the article is devoted to the formulation of proposals for strict formal definition of degressive and progressive proportionality, and a description of the method of apportionment of seats in (...)
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  30.  45
    Does rhetoric, as Plato had Gorgias claim, have other areas of knowledge under its control? Or, as his Socrates claimed, does rhetoric have no use for knowledge at all? Gorgias seems to concede the point but counts it an advantage rather than a deficiency of rhetoric:“But is this not a great comfort, Socrates, to be able without learning any other arts but this one to prove in no way inferior to the specialists?”(Plato, trans. 1961, p. 459c). This critique of rhetoric mounted in the early part of the ...Disciplinarity Rhetoric - 2009 - In Andrea A. Lunsford, Kirt H. Wilson & Rosa A. Eberly (eds.), SAGE Handbook of Rhetorical Studies. SAGE. pp. 167.
  31.  27
    Linguistic Rights in the Education System in Light of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities.Anna Doliwa-Klepacka - 2019 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 58 (1):59-76.
    One of the fields of protecting human rights within the framework of standards of the Council of Europe is the protection of national minorities – with the special issue of their linguistic rights. An intensification of actions aimed at adopting legal measures in this field happened in the 1960s. The concern for a proper range and level of regulation was expressed at the level of the Parliamentary Assembly and the Committee of Ministers. National experts formulated detailed resolutions to include (...)
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  32.  18
    Strengthening the Role of National Parliaments in the European Union – What for and How?Jakub A. Farhan & Maciej Perkowski - 2019 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 59 (1):123-142.
    In the debate on the European Union’s problems, the concept of “democracy deficit” has been present from its very beginning. This term is applied in a quite vast manner and, apart from the asymmetry of the relation between the European Parliament and the Council, it also concerns the overly limited role of national parliaments in the European Union. In this regard, inadequacy in the national position of individual parliaments is observed. On the other hand, it is necessary to emphasise their (...)
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  33. FRom “motheRs oF the nation” to “motheRs oF the Race”.Eugenic Rhetoric - 2012 - In Elizabeth A. Flynn, Patricia Sotirin & Ann Brady (eds.), Feminist rhetorical resilience. Logan: Utah State University Press. pp. 181.
  34. Rhetoric and Pedagogy.Rhetoric as Pedagogy - 2009 - In Andrea A. Lunsford, Kirt H. Wilson & Rosa A. Eberly (eds.), SAGE Handbook of Rhetorical Studies. SAGE.
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  35. Executive's Speech.Revealing Rhetoric An - 1994 - Health Care Analysis 2:187-199.
  36. Recte dixtt quondam sapiens ille Solon rhetorische ubungsstücke Von schülern Von ubbo emmius.William Shaksperes Small Latin & Renaissance Rhetoric - 1993 - In Fokke Akkerman, Gerda C. Huisman & Arie Johan Vanderjagt (eds.), Wessel Gansfort (1419-1489) and northern humanism. New York: E.J. Brill. pp. 245.
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  37. Robert litteral.Rhetorical Predicates & Time Topology In Anggor - 1972 - Foundations of Language 8:391.
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    Stephen Sallaever.Politics Rhetoric - 2009 - In Stephen G. Salkever (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Greek Political Thought. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 209.
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    It's Not What You Say, It's How You Say It.I. Kierkegaard’S. Rhetorical Irony - 2013 - In John Lippitt & George Pattison (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Kierkegaard. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 344.
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    Qu'est-ce que la philosophie?Michel Meyer & Perelman Professor of Rhetoric and Argumentation Michel Meyer - 1997 - LGF/Le Livre de Poche.
    La question de ce petit livre est simple : peut-on aller au-delà du constat de crise et d'impuissance dont le philosophe se fait le prophète depuis plus d'un siècle? Peut-on parler de la science sans complexe d'infériorité, de Dieu sans obscurantisme, d'existence sans tomber dans la banalité du café du commerce, de politique sans consacrer le cynisme, de morale sans faire dans le sermon? Bref, la philosophie peut-elle aider à faire comprendre et à dépasser les apories du temps présent qu'elle (...)
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  41. Subjects/titles.Madhava Prasad, Stanley Fish, Doing What Comes Naturally & Rhetoric Change - forthcoming - Diacritics.
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    Parliamentary Democracy by Default: Applying the European Convention on Human Rights to Presidential Elections and Referendums.Kriszta Kovács - 2020 - Jus Cogens 2 (3):237-258.
    This paper is concerned with the Convention’s “democracy clause,” that is Article 3 of Protocol No. 1, which provides for the right to free elections. Why should it be described as a “democracy clause” and what is its significance for today? The paper first sketches out the drafting history, which reveals that while the framers were keen to preserve their inherited domestic institutions, they also thought it crucial to promote democracy. The Convention invokes but does not define democracy. It is (...)
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  43.  15
    The rhetorical sense of philosophy.Donald Phillip Verene - 2021 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    This work approaches texts in the history of philosophy as the repository of a kind of literature that brings together rational thought and rhetorical principles.
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    Parliamentary influence on science policy in India.Balwant Bhaneja - 1979 - Minerva 17 (1):70-97.
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  45. Parliamentary discourses.Cornelia Ilie - 2005 - In Keith Brown (ed.), Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Elsevier. pp. 2--188.
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    Parliamentary privilege and the rule of law.Evan Fox-Decent - manuscript
    Parliamentary privilege immunises certain activities of legislative bodies and their members from the ordinary law and judicial scrutiny. The rule of law, on the other hand, insists that everyone - including public officials - is subject to the law. Moreover, the rule of law is usually understood to involve judicial review of executive rather than legislative action. Thus, parliamentary privilege seems to establish a public sphere that is beyond the rule of law. Notwithstanding the tension that appears between (...)
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  47. Parliamentary Sovereignty and the Constitution.Pavlos Eleftheriadis - 2009 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 22 (2):267-290.
    The doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty of the United Kingdom parliament is often presented as a unique legal arrangement, one without parallel in comparative constitutional law. By giving unconditional power to the Westminster parliament, it appears to rule out any comparison between the Westminster Parliament and the United States Congress or the German Bundestag, whose powers are limited by their respective constitutions. Parliament in the UK appears to determine the law unconditionally and without limit. Nevertheless, a fuller understanding of (...) sovereignty as a legal and constitutional doctrine shows that this first impression is false. The nature of the British unwritten constitutional order is entirely similar to the written one prevailing in the United States or Germany. This is because the doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty, contrary to Dicey’s classic view, does not consist in a single dominant idea but in a number of related and mutually supporting principles that constitute higher law. The way in which these principles interact is parallel to the interaction of the main clauses of the United States Constitution or the German Basic Law. This analysis shows that the constitution, written or unwritten, never requires a ‘pouvoir constituent’. The constitution emerges from the law as the result of moral and political principles that breathe life into our public institutions. (shrink)
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    Rhetoric. Aristotle & C. D. C. Reeve - 2018 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    _Rhetoric_ is the sixth volume in The New Hackett Aristotle series, a series featuring translations, with Introductions and Notes, by C. D. C. Reeve, Delta Kappa Epsilon Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The series will eventually include all of Aristotle's works.
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  49. Parliamentary Government in England.Harold J. Laski - 1939 - Science and Society 3 (3):403-406.
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    Parliamentary Party Cohesion and the Scarcity of Sanctions in the Belgian Chamber of Representatives.Sam Depauw - 1999 - Res Publica 41 (1):15-39.
    Party cohesion is crucial in parliamentary proceedings, for the strength of parties is determined by it. However high levels of party unanimity, parliamentary party cohesion is under no circumstances to be taken for granted. It is the outcome of a persistent struggle. From a rational choice point of view, the monitoring and sanctioning of recalcitrant MPs by the parliamentary party leadership is the condition sine qua non for party cohesion. Yet, rewards and punishments do not seem the (...)
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