Results for ' pastiche'

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  1. Brocards, pastiches et mélanges : bas morceaux choisis des Epithetes de La Porte.Anne-Pascale Pouey-Mounou - 2015 - In Didier Kahn, Elsa Kammerer, Anne-Hélène Klinger-Dollé, Marine Molins, Anne-Pascale Pouey-Mounou & Marie-Madeleine Fontaine (eds.), Textes au corps: promenades et musardises sur les terres de Marie Madeleine Fontaine. Genève: Librairie Droz S.A..
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    La estética del pastiche postmoderno. Una lectura crítica de la teoría de Fredric Jameson.Inmaculada Murcia Serrano - 2016 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 15:222-241.
    ResumenEn el presente artículo se pretende sacar a la luz los presupuestos filosóficos e ideológicos que subyacen a la teoría del pastiche postmoderno del pensador norteamericano Fredric Jameson. Pese a que las descripciones que se encuentran en La lógica cultural del capitalismo tardío son breves y escuetas, los fundamentos marxistas y estructuralistas que las ahorman ayudan a entenderla. En paralelo, se explica una de sus tesis más desconocidas, la relativa a la llamada «película nostálgica», y se explica su actitud (...)
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    The Poetics of Pastiche in Eco's Postmodern Detective Novel.Slobodanka Vladiv-Glover - 2008 - The European Legacy 13 (1):59-81.
    While the traditional boulevard novel of Eugène Sue wants to entertain and sell, Umberto Eco's boulevard novel wants to entertain and educate the contemporary reader in Italian history and in a form of modern semiotic theory. However, Eco's educational mission does not transform the low genre of the boulevard novel but remains bound by its limitations of “rhetoric and ideology.” Eco's reader is left with a representation of history as pastiche and a populist misconception about the potential of semiotics (...)
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    From Pastiche City to the Screening of the Eye? Or, Geographies of a Diegesis: Postmodernism, Hyperspace and Simulation in the Screening of Blade Runner.Marcus A. Doel & David B. Clarke - 1993 - School of Geography, University of Leeds.
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    Posmodernidad estética de Frederick Jameson: pastiche y esquizofrenia.Irina Vaskes Santches - 2013 - Praxis Filosófica 33:53-74.
    El presente trabajo se sitúa en el marco teórico-conceptual de la posmodernidad estética de Frederick Jameson. Tras destacar las nuevas características que adquiere la experiencia estético-artística en su etapa posmoderna, se hace énfasis en el análisis de los conceptos –pastiche y esquizofrenia– como las dos distinciones más importantes de la sensibilidad posmoderna. Su análisis responde a un doble objetivo. Por un lado, siendo una “herramienta conceptual”, aclara la situación del arte en su “estado posmoderno”, explicando y justificando los cambios (...)
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  6. Why are pastiches not subject to more commentary? The specialization answer.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    There is a puzzle over why some literary works which are less esteemed are subject to more commentary and some literary works which are more esteemed are subject to less. By examining Max Beerbohm’s pastiche of Joseph Conrad, I propose an answer regarding pastiches.
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    Klingons: A Cultural Pastiche.Victor Grech - 2016 - In Kevin S. Decker & Jason T. Eberl (eds.), The Ultimate Star Trek and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 68–82.
    Outside of the Vulcans, Klingons are the most enduringly famous humanoid race in the Star Trek universe, a fearless and fearsome interstellar military power in the Beta Quadrant. The Klingons are singularly intriguing as a veritable pastiche, a motley conglomeration, of various human cultures. Klingon culture is so well developed, in fact, that they are the only Star Trek race to have had their language published in a dictionary for fans who wish to nurture their inner warrior spirit. This (...)
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  8. “Writing the exotic”: a pastiche of Marilyn Strathern.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    This paper presents an attempted pastiche of the writing and thinking style of the distinguished anthropologist Marilyn Strathern. The claim about the consequence of avoiding the charge of exoticism resembles the paradox of analysis.
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    Pictorial Irony, Parody, and Pastiche: Comic Interpictoriality in the Arts of the 19th and 20th Centuries.J. M. Davis - 2013 - British Journal of Aesthetics 53 (3):365-367.
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    Multiple Personalities and Pastiches: Proust pere et fils.Ursula Link-Heer & Lisa McNee - 1999 - Substance 28 (1):17.
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  11. Post-modern pastiche.Margaret A. Rose - 1991 - British Journal of Aesthetics 31 (1):26-38.
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  12. Self as postcolonial pastiche: Historical Artifact and Multicultural Ideal 'in'.Eduardo Manuel Duarte - forthcoming - Philosophy of Education.
  13. Beyond micro analysis of pastiche: Max Beerbohm’s imitation of Joseph Conrad.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    It is tempting to always try to distinguish convincing from poor literary imitation by micro-analysis. The analysis observes various patterns of word and punctuation use in the original and compares those with the imitation. I argue that no such sophistication is needed when faced with Max Beerbohm’s imitation of Joseph Conrad.
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  14. The definition and uses of literary pastiche, and alternative conceptual schemes.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    In this paper, I try to define literary pastiche and present five uses of the practice. The appendix briefly presents a response I anticipate from Davidsonians to Michael Morris on alternative conceptual schemes.
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  15. Los jardines imaginarios Del sujeto contemporáneo: La locura en Los tiempos Del pastiche.Pablo Martínez Fernández - 2014 - Alpha (Osorno) 39:79-92.
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    The Genrification of Desire and Posthistorical Pastiche.Jerry Herron - 1987 - Substance 16 (1):45.
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    Juggling science: From polemic to pastiche.Gary Edmond & David Mercer - 1999 - Social Epistemology 13 (2):215-233.
  18.  21
    Many readers find this work a moving biography in verse, and it is written by an esteemed poet with the cachet of a distant descendant of Charles Darwin. Padel is fascinated by the amazing couple, Emma and Charles, and builds many of Charles's sentences into her poems. The stanzas will please. Some, however, may feel themselves driven to undergraduate pastiche[REVIEW]Ruth Padel - 2010 - Common Knowledge 16 (2).
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    Cindy Sherman y la subversión de la identidad.Soledad Prieto Millán - 2016 - Aisthesis 59:125-141.
    The critical analysis of the concept of identity has marked implications for gender studies, specifically in relation to fragmenting the notion of static and metaphysical identity of sexualized subjects. This paper analyzes how gender identity can be constructed and reconstructed based on culture, periods in history, symbolism and the discourse of power. To this end, this article will discuss various concepts of gender identity described in the work of Sigmund Freud and Jacques Lacan, as well as the concepts of performativity (...)
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  20. (1 other version)The Problem of Perfect Fakes.M. W. Rowe - 2012 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 71:151-175.
    Fakes fall into two categories: copies and pastiches. The first is exemplified when someone paints a reproduction of Manet's The Fifer with the intention of selling it to you as the original. The second is exemplified when someone paints a picture in the style of Manet – although not a reproduction of one of his actual works – with the intention of selling it to you as a picture by Manet.
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    The Dark Abyss of Time: The History of the Earth and the History of Nations from Hooke to Vico.Rachel Laudan - 1984 - University of Chicago Press.
    "A rich historical pastiche of 17th- and 18th-century philosophy, science, and religion."—G. Y. Craig, New Scientist "This book, by a distinguished Italian historian of philosophy, is a worthy successor to the author's important works on Francis Bacon and on technology and the arts. First published in Italian (in 1979), it now makes available to English readers some subtly wrought arguments about the ways in which geology and anthropology challenged biblical chronology and forced changes in the philosophy of history in (...)
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  22. Intransitivity of translation, Le Débat, and the primacy of the signifier, by Ren*t* S*lecl.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    This paper is a pastiche of the Lacanian philosopher Renata Salecl, my fourth attempt, combined with a note. In it I present a response I anticipate from analytic philosophy to the thesis that the signifier has priority over the signified: that this thesis is either trivially true or obviously false.
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  23. Los ovnis de oro: un collage de Ernesto Cardenal.Juan Guillermo Sánchez Martínez - 2009 - Logos: Revista de la Facultad de Filosofia y Humanidades 15:107-117.
    En 1969, Ernesto Cardenal publica Homenaje a los Indios Americanos. Veintitrés años después, para el quinto centenario del encuentro entre los dos mundos, Cardenal reedita una versión aumentada de este primer homenaje: Los ovnis de oro (1992). En el presente artículo, se visibilizarán, en la lectura de estos dos textos, los mecanismos poéticos que emplea Cardenal para reflexionar sobre su tiempo desde imaginarios y categorías amerindias.
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    Lessons from Queer Bioethics: A Response to Timothy F. Murphy.Cristina Richie - 2016 - Bioethics 30 (5):365-371.
    ‘Bioethics still has important work to do in helping to secure status equality for LGBT people’ writes Timothy F. Murphy in a recent Bioethics editorial. The focus of his piece, however, is much narrower than human rights, medical care for LGBT people, or ending the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Rather, he is primarily concerned with sexuality and gender identity, and the medical intersections thereof. It is the objective of this response to provide an alternate account of bioethics from a Queer perspective. I (...)
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  25. More on specialization and literature: the Scottish heritage and Christmas books.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    Adam Smith’s vision of fields of narrow specialists seems incompatible with the singly authored pastiche book: one which imitates a variety of styles. Furthermore, at least one pastiche book takes inspiration from another notable Scottish figure, raising a question of the consistency of the Scottish heritage. I draw attention to the suggested solution.
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  26. On what is offered, by M*l*n K*nder*.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    I distinguish two senses of the word “offer.” I do so within a brief pastiche, which I put down to the influence of the European Union.
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  27. The cabinet of dr. lacan.Richard Wollheim - 1991 - Topoi 10 (2):163--174.
    Obscurity is not the worst failing, and it is philistinism to pretend that it is. In a series of brilliant essays written over the last fifteen years Stanley Cavell has consistently argued that more important than the question whether obscurity could have been avoided is whether it affects our confidence in the author. Confidence raises the issue of intention, and I would have thought that the primary commitment of a psychoanalytic writer was to pass on, and (if he can) to (...)
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    The Fake: Forgery and its Place in Art.Sándor Radnóti - 1999 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Sándor Radnóti looks at forgeries, artistic reproductions, replicas, variations, and pastiches in order to study the dilemmas surrounding artistic illusion and "poetic license." He reveals how forgeries as the parasites of art make clear and transparent the meaning of artistic orginality.
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    Showing, Saying and Jumping.Roger A. Shiner - 1982 - Dialogue 21 (4):625-646.
    Tom Stoppard is justly praised by many for what are perceived as his technical skills as a dramatist—his wit, his seriousness, his mastery of parody and pastiche, his impressive control of dramatic structure. Stoppard earns his place as a giant of modern drama from these qualities. They, however, are not what concern me here. His plays are also in various ways riddled with philosophy. My purpose in this paper is to examine the claim that he is a philosopher's dramatist, (...)
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    Christology in Political and Liberation Theology.R. R. Reno - 1992 - The Thomist 56 (2):291-322.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:CHRISTOLOGY IN POLITICAL AND LIBERATION THEOLOGY R. R. RENO Creighton University Omaha, Nebraska Then I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse! He who sat upon it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he judges and makes war. His eyes are like a flame of fire, and on his head are many diadems ; and he has a name inscribed which no one knows but himself. (...)
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    Pulp Fiction as Philosophy: Bad Faith, Authenticity, and the Path of the Righteous Man.Bradley Richards - 2022 - In David Kyle Johnson (ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of Popular Culture as Philosophy. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 1311-1325.
    Pulp Fiction is pulp and transcends pulp. As such, it is an authentic film. It is of its time, aware of the concrete reality of its historical context, teaming with cultural allusions. It is a self-conscious, postmodern pastiche, with a nonlinear narrative. But Pulp Fiction also transcends all of this. It celebrates morality, mercy, and forgiveness, and rewards authenticity of the deepest kind, requiring acknowledgment of our finite realities, our infinite nature, and God’s grace. Pulp Fiction is postmodern, but (...)
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    Discours « tenant lieu » d’un autre discours : un espace générique de la représentation de discours autre.Jacqueline Authier-Revuz - 2024 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage HS-41 (HS-41).
    When considering metalanguage activity, the fact of "reported discourse" is encompassed within the broader field of "representation of other discourse", in which the discourse in progress represents another discourse. While the relationship thus established is traditionally considered at the level of statements, through the realizations of the various modes of representation of the other discourse (direct discourse, indirect discourse, bivocal discourse, autonymic borrowing modalization, second assertion modalization), this article proposes to examine the articulation between a representing unit and a represented (...)
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    Exploitation of Bali Traditional Symbols on Today’s Design.I. Made Gede Arimbawa - 2011 - Cultura 8 (2):209-222.
    Based on the views of Hindus in Bali, the application of ornaments in the form of Balinese traditional symbols should follow the rules of the prevailing tradition.The symbols are created to show the cosmology and philosophy based on the teachings of Hinduism as indigenous in Bali and function as a means of a sacred ritual. But in reality the designers in Bali often exploit the symbols by “mutilating” and applying them to undue places, motivated by a desire to create a (...)
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    Camp: notes on fashion.Andrew Bolton - 2019 - New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art. Edited by Karen van Godtsenhoven, Amanda Garfinkel, Fabio Cleto, Johnny Dufort & Susan Sontag.
    Although an elusive concept, "camp" can be found in most forms of artistic expression, revealing itself through an aesthetic of deliberate stylization. Fashion is one of the most overt and enduring conduits of the camp aesthetic. As a site for the playful dynamics between high art and popular culture, fashion both embraces and expresses such camp modes of enactment as irony, humor, parody, pastiche, artifice, theatricality, and exaggeration. Drawing from Susan Sontag's seminal essay "Notes on 'camp,'" the book explores (...)
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    Beyond Simulacrum: West in Westworld.Stevan Bradić - 2020 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 40 (4):745-768.
    As an atypical product of mass culture, the acclaimed series Westworld presents us with a layered dystopian narrative formed around several political issues relevant to our contemporary society. It uses a pastiche of the American history, staged as the Wild West­themed amusement park, presented in the form of simulacrum. As a reference with no referent, this park uses a network of historical signifiers to construct a space for the externalisation of fantasies of its clients, consequently commodifying the imaginary itself, (...)
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    Philosophies de la musique: 1752-1789.Belinda Cannone - 1990 - Paris: Klincksieck.
    Une oeuvre d'art n'existe pas en soi, toujours presentant la meme apparence et le meme sens a l'observateur. Si cela est vrai d'un tableau ou d'un poeme, combien plus encore de la musique qui doit etre lue puis interpretee pour etre seulement entendue? Pastichant Valery on pourrait ecrire : " C'est l'execution de la sonate qui est la sonate ". Quant a ce sens, relatif, imprecis, fuyant, nous faisons, en ces temps de retrouvailles avec la musique des XVIIe et XVIIIe (...)
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    Philosophie de l'image.François Dagognet - 1984 - Paris: J. Vrin.
    Ce livre traite de l'image, mais aussi, plus generalement, de la copie, du double, de la representation, du calque, du sosie... La philosophie, a juste titre, a mis en garde contres ces si dangereux reflets. Ne doit-on pas preferer ce qui est a ce qui l'imite ou le mime? Mefions-nous des leurres! Cependant, on est revenu sur cette seculaire et injuste condamnation. La technologie moderne a peu a peu sauve celle qu'on avait trop inferiorisee et eloignee. Et quelle victoire! L'image (...)
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    The Fake: Forgery and its Place in Art.Ervin Dunai (ed.) - 1999 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Sándor Radnóti looks at forgeries, artistic reproductions, replicas, variations, and pastiches in order to study the dilemmas surrounding artistic illusion and "poetic license." He reveals how forgeries as the parasites of art make clear and transparent the meaning of artistic orginality.
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    Landscape and Labour: Work, Place, and the Working Class in Eliot, Hardy, and Lawrence.Brian Elliott - 2021 - Lanhan, Maryland.: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    In the novels of George Eliot, Thomas Hardy, and D.H. Lawrence a miniature history of the English working class can be found. Through their sympathetic portrayals, these authors transformed working-class culture from a patronizing pastiche into a vital reality. This achievement was crucial to the rise of the English working-class as the key agency of democratic reform from the mid-nineteenth to the mid-twentieth century. In our own times, by contrast, depictions of working-class culture are patronizing at best, if not (...)
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    "Stalingrad" and My Lai: A Literary-Political Speculation.Strother Purdy - 1979 - Critical Inquiry 5 (4):651-661.
    In serious art, where the best talents of each generation work, we have seen the elimination of didacticism, moral lessons, and the sentimentality so characteristic of the preceding century; in their place we find the celebration of dryness, acerbity, irony, withdrawal from emotion, balance in tension, the reduction of the authorial and, finally, the human presence: "empty words, corresponding to the void in things."1 Literature as practiced and as taught in the schools has tended toward the allusive and the elusive, (...)
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    Modernism as a Misnomer: Godard's Archeology of the Image.Gabriel Rockhill - 2010 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 18 (2):107-130.
    "The standard historical image of Jean-Luc Godard is that of a resolute iconoclast breaking with the representational norms and codes of classical cinema in the name of liberating film from the deadening weight of its past. His numerous formal innovations—syncopated montage, unconventional framing, unique experiments with dialogue, etc.—along with his abandonment of traditional narrative and character development, his playful pastiche of genres, his debunking of the representational illusions of cinematic realism, his reflexive preoccupation with film itself and the general (...)
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    Ecrits satiriques.Clément Rosset - 2008 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France. Edited by François Ribes & Laurent De Sutter.
    Ce Précis de philosophie moderne, publié en 1968 par R. Laffont sous le pseudonyme de Roboald Marcas, suscite d'emblée la perplexité du lecteur qui ne peut manquer de se demander s'il a affaire au livre d'un fou, d'un idiot ou d'un filou. Il s'agit en fait d'un pastiche des manuels de philosophie, dans lequel l'auteur s'inspire librement des sottises qu'il y a trouvées. Estimant que cette anthologie du stupide n'avait rien perdu de son actualité, les Presses Universitaires de France (...)
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    Metamorphosis of Language in Apuleius: A Study of Allusion in the Novel (review).Gerald N. Sandy - 1999 - American Journal of Philology 120 (3):471-475.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Metamorphosis of Language in Apuleius: A Study of Allusion in the NovelGerald SandyEllen D. Finkelpearl. Metamorphosis of Language in Apuleius: A Study of Allusion in the Novel. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1998. xii 1 241 pp. Cloth, $42.50.At first glance the use of the word “allusion” in the subtitle of this book suggests an old-fashioned approach to literary analysis. Finkelpearl has, however, given a lot of (...)
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    Gorgias, Menexenus, Protagoras.Malcolm Schofield - 2010 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Malcolm Schofield & Tom Griffith.
    Presented in the popular Cambridge Texts format are three early Platonic dialogues in a new English translation by Tom Griffith that combines elegance, accuracy, freshness and fluency. Together they offer strikingly varied examples of Plato's critical encounter with the culture and politics of fifth and fourth century Athens. Nowhere does he engage more sharply and vigorously with the presuppositions of democracy. The Gorgias is a long and impassioned confrontation between Socrates and a succession of increasingly heated interlocutors about political rhetoric (...)
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  45. Why do we attend to these interpretations? On Max Beerbohm’s “The Feast”.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    I present two interpretations of Max Beerbohm’s pastiche “The Feast.” Both interpretations seem as if they cannot survive forceful questioning, which asks, “Why should we think that?” And yet we, or at least I, find them worth attending to. Why? I propose an answer.
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    Poets and Poetry in Later Greek Comedy.Matthew Wright - 2013 - Classical Quarterly 63 (2):603-622.
    The comic dramatists of the fifth centuryb.c.were notable for their preoccupation with poetics – that is, their frequent references to their own poetry and that of others, their overt interest in the Athenian dramatic festivals and their adjudication, their penchant for parody and pastiche, and their habit of self-conscious reflection on the nature of good and bad poetry. I have already explored these matters at some length, in my study of the relationship between comedy and literary criticism in the (...)
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    Impostures.David Bellos - 2022 - Common Knowledge 28 (3):456-457.
    An eye-opener and a head-scratcher, this set of fifty exercices de style offers an oblique and learned introduction to a great classic of ludic literature dating from the twelfth century, the Maqamat of al-Hariri. Each of the fifty tales of the trickster Abu Zayid, some or perhaps all of which contain or are constituted by one or more formal restrictions, is here presented in the form of a pastiche of some familiar or exotic register of writing in English. We (...)
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    Being Staged: Unconcealment through Reading and Performance in Marlowe's Doctor Faustus and Bharata's Nātyaśāstra.Swapan Chakravorty - 2016 - Philosophy East and West 66 (1):40-59.
    Christopher Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus, like Goethe’s Faust, begins in Faustus’ study. Faustus, renowned for his learning, is reading, going through the entire range of medieval disciplines — Aristotelian logic, Galenic medicine, Justinian law, Jerome’s Vulgate. His rapid deductions, after quoting to himself snatches from the concerned texts, read like a pastiche of the vanity of all human knowledge one encounters in De vanitate scientiarum by Cornelius Agrippa, a rumored alchemist and master of the occult.1 Faustus rejects logic as sterile, (...)
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    A Postmodern Tonantzin.Jane Duran - 2004 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 38 (2):88.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 38.2 (2004) 88-94 [Access article in PDF] A Postmodern Tonantzín Jane Duran Visitors to the Puebla area in Mexico are frequently taken to the church of Santa María Tonantzínla, where they are told that they will see three or more styles of architecture simultaneously. Guidebooks to the area prominently feature this church and others like it, both as examples — or so the reader (...)
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    Moderno e Postmoderno: stili e strategie.Elio Franzini - 2016 - Rivista di Estetica 61:99-113.
    Di fronte alla varietà di espressione artistiche che si pongono, o si sono poste, sotto il sigillo del Postmoderno, si vuole qui indagare se esso sia un variegato, e generico, movimento artistico sviluppatosi, a partire dagli anni Settanta, nel design, nell’architettura, nell’urbanistica, nel cinema o comunque nella generalità di quelle che un tempo erano chiamate “arti figurative” oppure un autonomo stile, con i suoi propri e specifici connotati. Il punto di partenza è, in ogni caso, che il Postmoderno è una (...)
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