Results for ' persuasion neuroscience 2'

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  1. Arguing From Neuroscience in Psychiatry.James Phillips - 2002 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 9 (1):61-63.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 9.1 (2002) 61-63 [Access article in PDF] Arguing from Neuroscience in Psychiatry James Phillips PHILIP GERRANS "A One-stage Explanation of the Cotard Delusion" provides an elegant example of the application of neuroscientific findings to known clinical phenomena in psychiatry. Gerrans argues that, in the cases of the Cotard and Capgras delusions, a one-stage explanation is sufficient to account for the clinical phenomena. That is, (...)
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    Individual Differences in Brain Responses: New Opportunities for Tailoring Health Communication Campaigns.Richard Huskey, Benjamin O. Turner & René Weber - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14:565973.
    Prevention neuroscience investigates the brain basis of attitude and behavior change. Over the years, an increasingly structurally and functionally resolved “persuasion network” has emerged. However, current studies have only identified a small handful of neural structures that are commonly recruited during persuasive message processing, and the extent to which these (and other) structures are sensitive to numerous individual difference factors remains largely unknown. In this project we apply a multi-dimensional similarity-based individual differences analysis to explore which individual factors—including (...)
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    Mentoring for Neuroscience and Society Careers: Lessons Learned from the Dana Foundation Career Network in Neuroscience & Society.Dana Foundation Career Network in Neuroscience & Society, Craig W. McFarland, Makenna E. Law, Ivan E. Ramirez, Emily Rodriguez, Ithika S. Senthilnathan, Adam P. Steiner, Kelisha M. Williams & Francis X. Shen - forthcoming - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience.
    With the growth of neuroscience research, new neuroscience and society (NeuroX) fields like neuroethics, neurolaw, neuroarchitecture, neuroeconomics, and many more have emerged. In this article we report on lessons learned about mentoring students in the interdisciplinary space of neuroscience and society. We draw on our experiences with the recently launched Dana Foundation Career Network in Neuroscience & Society. This resource supports educators and practitioners mentoring students aiming to apply neuroscience in diverse fields beyond medicine and (...)
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  4. Cognitive neuroscience 2.0: building a cumulative science of human brain function.Tor D. Wager Tal Yarkoni, Russell A. Poldrack, David C. Van Essen - 2010 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 14 (11):489.
  5.  16
    Neuroscience, Moral Psychology and Law: First Lines on the (Im)possibility of Rational Persuasion.Thais de Bessa Gontijo de Oliveira - 2015 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 1 (1).
    Although Law is often influenced by values, nowadays a widely held expert opinion is that the application of law is a result or rational reasoning. It is believed that those applying legal rules consider the conflicting arguments from both parties, and come to a decision by rational means. Nevertheless, new discoveries from Neuroscience and Moral Psychology show that many of these moral judgments that inevitably underlie legal judgments occur unconsciously and not rationally. Once such judgments are passed, they are (...)
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  6. Political persuasion is prima facie disrespectful.Colin Marshall - forthcoming - Journal of Moral Philosophy.
    Political persuasion can express moral respect. In this article, however, I rely on two psychological assumptions to argue that political persuasion is generally prima facie disrespectful: (1) that we maintain our political beliefs largely for non-epistemic, personal reasons and (2) that our political beliefs are connected to our epistemic esteem. Given those assumptions, a persuader can either ignore the relevant personal reasons, explicitly address them, or implicitly address them. Ignoring those reasons, I argue, constitutes prima facie insensitivity. Explicitly (...)
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  7. Philosophical Implications of Affective Neuroscience.Stephen Asma, Jaak Panksepp, Rami Gabriel & Glennon Curran - 2012 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 19 (3-4):6-48.
    These papers are based on a Symposium at the COGSCI Conference in 2010. 1. Naturalizing the Mammalian Mind 2. Modularity in Cognitive Psychology and Affective Neuroscience 3. Affective Neuroscience and the Philosophy of Self 4. Affective Neuroscience and Law.
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    Political Persuasion is Prima Facie Disrespectful.Colin Marshall - 2024 - Journal of Moral Philosophy:1-34.
    Political persuasion can express moral respect. In this article, however, I rely on two psychological assumptions to argue that political persuasion is prima facie disrespectful: (1) that we maintain our political beliefs largely for non-epistemic, personal reasons and (2) that our political beliefs are connected to our epistemic esteem. Given those assumptions, a persuader can either ignore the relevant personal reasons, explicitly address them, or implicitly address them. Ignoring those reasons, I argue, constitutes prima facie insensitivity. Explicitly addressing (...)
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    Persuasive Speech. By Francis P. Donnelly. Pp. viii+258. New York: P. J. Kenedy, 1931. $2.25.J. D. Denniston - 1932 - The Classical Review 46 (04):183-184.
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    Persuasive Paradoxes in Cicero's Speeches.Manfred Kienpointner - 2003 - Argumentation 17 (1):47-63.
    The paper first presents a short survey of ancient and modern logical, rhetorical and argumentative approaches (e.g. Aristotle, Quintilian, Quine, Anscombre and Ducrot) studying the properties of paradoxical utterances. This survey is followed by a tentative definition of paradoxes as seemingly contradictory utterances triggering conversational implicatures in the sense of Grice. A specific group of paradoxes, namely, persuasive paradoxes, is further characterized by the specific implicatures which they trigger: the implicatures of persuasive paradoxes serve the interest of the (political) speaker (...)
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    Persuasive discourses in editorials published by the top‐five nursing journals: Findings from a 5‐year analysis.Giovanna Iob, Chiara Visintini & Alvisa Palese - 2022 - Nursing Philosophy 23 (2):e12378.
    The aim is to describe which persuasive tool from the triad of Aristotle (Ethos, Pathos and Logos) is most commonly used in editorials to convey visions and ideas in the nursing journals of the last 5 years (2014–2019). A descriptive qualitative study, based on content analysis, was performed in 2020 and summarized according to the COnsolidated criteria for REporting Qualitative research principles. Two hundred and eighty‐five editorials were included in the study, all of which were published in the top‐five nursing (...)
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    2. Persuasion and Toughness.Remo Bodei - 2018 - In Geometry of the Passions: Fear, Hope, Happiness: Philosophy and Political Use. London: University of Toronto Press. pp. 159-166.
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    How persuasive is the statement "morality should be explained at all depths by the theory of evolution"? 김성한 - 2011 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 61 (61):289-311.
    1970년대 들어 윌슨은 진화론을 통해 도덕을 남김없이 설명하겠다고 과감하게 주장한다. 이와 같은 주장이 구체적으로 무엇을 의미하는지의 문제와는 별개로 그의 주장은 수없이 많은 논쟁을 불러일으켰으며, 오늘날에도 새로운 논의들을 계속 재생산해 내고 있다. 이 글은 윌슨의 주장을 크게 (1)도덕에 내재되어 있는 실질적인 동기 파악, (2)도덕 판단이 갖는 진화적 특성에 대한 조명, (3)진화론을 통한 윤리학의 재구성으로 나누어 각각의 논의의 설득력을 검토하고 있다. 필자는 어떤 방식으로 윌슨의 주장을 해석하건 그의 주장이 대체로 설득력이 없다고 주장하고 있는데, (1)은 심리적 이기주의에 대한 비판과 다를 바 없는 비판을 (...)
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    Commentary 2: A case of Covert persuasion.Sherry Baker - 2007 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 22 (2-3):221 – 225.
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    Persuasion and Pragmatics: An Empirical Test of the Guru Effect Model.Jordan S. Martin, Amy Summerville & Virginia B. Wickline - 2017 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 8 (2):219-234.
    Decades of research have investigated the complex role of source credibility in attitude persuasion. Current theories of persuasion predict that when messages are thoughtfully scrutinized, argument strength will tend to have a greater effect on attitudes than source credibility. Source credibility can affect highly elaborated attitudes, however, when individuals evaluate material that elicits low attitude extremity. A recently proposed model called the guru effect predicts that source credibility can also cause attitudinal change by biasing the interpretation of pragmatically (...)
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  16. Neuroscience, Neuropolitics and Neuroethics: The Complex Case of Crime, Deception and fMRI.Stuart Henry & Dena Plemmons - 2012 - Science and Engineering Ethics 18 (3):573-591.
    Scientific developments take place in a socio-political context but scientists often ignore the ways their innovations will be both interpreted by the media and used by policy makers. In the rush to neuroscientific discovery important questions are overlooked, such as the ways: (1) the brain, environment and behavior are related; (2) biological changes are mediated by social organization; (3) institutional bias in the application of technical procedures ignores race, class and gender dimensions of society; (4) knowledge is used to the (...)
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  17. (1 other version)Music, neuroscience, and the psychology of wellbeing: A précis.Adam M. Croom - 2012 - Frontiers in Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 2 (393):393.
    In Flourish, the positive psychologist Martin Seligman (2011) identifies five commonly recognized factors that are characteristic of human flourishing or wellbeing: (1) “positive emotion,” (2) “relationships,” (3) “engagement,” (4) “achievement,” and (5) “meaning” (p. 24). Although there is no settled set of necessary and sufficient conditions neatly circumscribing the bounds of human flourishing (Seligman, 2011), we would mostly likely consider a person that possessed high levels of these five factors as paradigmatic or prototypical of human flourishing. Accordingly, if we wanted (...)
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    The persuasiveness of assertibles and arguments in Ancient Stoicism.Aldo Dinucci & Kelli Rudolph - 2022 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 32.
    We begin with an analysis of the persuasiveness of assertibles and arguments in the texts and fragments of Ancient Stoicism, with a particular focus on those in which Stoic logic is presented as the tool to avoid the persuasiveness of sophisms and the Stoic sage as the one who can efface this persuasiveness by his expertise in dialectics. We then critically assess the contemporary consensus on the interpretation of these texts (notably in Chiaradona, Sedley and Tieleman), according to which Chrysippus (...)
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  19. On Persuasion, Identification, and Dialectical Symmetry.Kenneth Burke & James Philip Zappen - 2006 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 39 (4):333 - 339.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 39.4 (2006) 333-339MuseSearchJournalsThis JournalContents[Access article in PDF]On Persuasion, Identification, and Dialectical SymmetryKenneth BurkeEdited with introduction by James ZappenNote: This untitled paper was found in two typed copies among the books and papers in Kenneth Burke's personal library in July 2006—one copy folded into a heavily used Loeb edition of Aristotle's Rhetoric, the other in a small file cabinet in the library.1 The two copies are (...)
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    Persuasion and the contexts of dissuasion: Causal models and informal arguments.David W. Green - 2008 - Thinking and Reasoning 14 (1):28 – 59.
    This paper develops the view that in arguing informally individuals construct a dual representation in which there is a coupling of arguments and the structure of the qualitative (mental) causal model to which these refer. Invited to consider a future possibility, individuals generate a causal model and mentally simulate the consequences of certain actions. Their arguments refer to the causal paths in the model. Correspondingly, faced with specific arguments about a policy option they generate a model with particular causal paths (...)
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  21.  25
    Comfort or safety? Gathering and using the concerns of a participant for better persuasion.Emmanuel Hadoux & Anthony Hunter - 2019 - Argument and Computation 10 (2):113-147.
    Persuasion is an important and yet complex aspect of human intelligence. When undertaken through dialogue, the deployment of good arguments, and therefore counterarguments, clearly has a significant effect on the ability to be successful in persuasion. A key dimension for determining whether an argument is good is the impact that it has on the concerns of the intended audience of the argument ( e.g., the other participant(s) in the dialogue). In this paper, we investigate how we can acquire (...)
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    Persuasion and Truth in Gorgias’ Rhetoric: A Feature of the Sophistic Reception of Parmenidean Logos Tradition. 강철웅 - 2017 - Journal of the Society of Philosophical Studies 116:251-281.
    연구자들이 제대로 주목하지 못한 파르메니데스적 ‘로고스’ 전통은 존재-인식-담론이라는 삼원적 구조로 이루어진다. 그는 전통적 이해가 강조하듯 존재론자일 뿐만 아니라, 수정주의적 이해가 강조하기 시작한 것처럼 인식론자이기도 하며, 동시에 두 기존 이해가 담아내지 못한 담론론자의 면모 또한 갖고 있다. 파르메니데스의 이런 역동적, 통합적 면모를 온전히 포착하는 제3의 이해에 도달하려면, 서시-진리편-의견편이라는 세 담론 부분의 유기적 구성에, 특히 서시와 메타 담론의 의의에 면밀히 주목해야 한다. 엘레아적 담론 전통 내에서 이런 파르메니데스 담론의 진면모를 분명히 파악하고 발전시킨 사람은 통상의 기대대로 2세대 엘레아주의자들이 아니라 오히려 그 반대편 자리에 (...)
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    Social Science and Neuroscience beyond Interdisciplinarity: Experimental Entanglements. Des Fitzgerald & Felicity Callard - 2015 - Theory, Culture and Society 32 (1):3-32.
    This article is an account of the dynamics of interaction across the social sciences and neurosciences. Against an arid rhetoric of ‘interdisciplinarity’, it calls for a more expansive imaginary of what experiment – as practice and ethos – might offer in this space. Arguing that opportunities for collaboration between social scientists and neuroscientists need to be taken seriously, the article situates itself against existing conceptualizations of these dynamics, grouping them under three rubrics: ‘critique’, ‘ebullience’ and ‘interaction’. Despite their differences, each (...)
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    Zygon's 1996 expedition into neuroscience and religion.Carol Rausch Albright - 1996 - Zygon 31 (4):711-727.
    Neuroscience is in a period of explosive growth. To address the implications of the new findings for religion and science, Zyvon in 1996 published fifteen articles in this field. Although the authors'explorations of neuroscience and religion are various, three issues in particular are addressed repeatedly: (1) the nature of human identity, or hallmarks of humanness; (2) the nature and origin of religious consciousness; and (3) our means of discovering or constructing order and integration in the brain/mind, in the (...)
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  25. The Effect of Friendly Persuasion and Gender on Tax Compliance Behavior.Janne Chung & Viswanath Umashanker Trivedi - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 47 (2):133 - 145.
    Friendly persuasion, in contrast to deterrent measures like tax audits and penalties on underreported taxes, is a positive and possibly a cost effective method of increasing taxpayer compliance. However, prior studies have failed to show that friendly persuasion has a significant impact on compliance (Blumenthal et al., 2001; McGraw and Scholz, 1991). In our study, in contrast to prior studies, we examine the impact of generating and reading reasons supporting compliance as friendly persuasion on individuals' income reporting (...)
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    Persuasion and Rhetoric (review).Thomas M. Conley - 2006 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 39 (2):170-172.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Persuasion and RhetoricThomas M. ConleyPersuasion and Rhetoric. Carlo Michelstaedter. Translated with an introduction and commentary by Russell Scott Valentino, Cinzia Sartini Blum, and David J. Depew : New Haven: Yale University Press, 2004. Pp. 178. $32.50, hardcover.Readers of this book will not find much in it about the "persuasion" and "rhetoric" they might expect to read about in this journal. Nor will they find in it (...)
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  27. Neuroscience and Literature.William Seeley - 2015 - In Noël Carroll & John Gibson, The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Literature. New York: Routledge. pp. 267-278.
    The growing general interest in understanding how neuroscience can contribute to explanations of our understanding and appreciation of art has been slow to find its way to philosophy of literature. Of course this is not to say that neuroscience has not had any influence on current theories about our engagement, understanding, and appreciation of literary works. Colin Martindale developed a scientific approach to literature in his book The Clockwork Muse (1990). His prototype-preference theory drew heavily on early artificial (...)
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    Why biological neuroscience cannot replace psychology.Nick Chater - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (5):834-834.
    Gold & Stoljar argue persuasively that there is presently not a good case for the “radical neuron doctrine.” There are strong reasons to believe that this doctrine is false. An analogy between psychology and economics strongly throws the radical neuron doctrine into doubt.
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    García, David. "Persuasión, catarsis y lo sublime: procedimientos retóricos del texto literario." Nova Tellus 31.2 : 25-41. [REVIEW]Raúl Alexander Murcia Baron - 2016 - Ideas Y Valores 65 (161):419-422.
    En este breve comentario discuto algunos aspectos de la interpretación de la epistemología de Davidson que sugiere Willian Duica en su reciente libro. Luego de una presentación somera del libro me centro en tres asuntos centrales de la interpretación de Duica. En primer lugar, argumento que su lectura de la crítica de Davidson al dualismo esquema/contenido es muy restrictiva y deja abierta la posibilidad de un realismo directo empirista. En segundo lugar, argumento que en su lectura el propio Duica se (...)
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  30. On the Cognitive Parsimony of Paralogical Arguments and their Impact in Automated Persuasion: Findings and Lessons Learned for Building Automatic Counter-Arguers.Antonio Lieto - 2023 - In Online Lectures. pp. 1-14.
    Persuasive technologies can adopt several strategies to change the attitudes and behaviors of their users. In this work I synthesize the lessons learned from three empirical case studies on automated persuasion that have been carried out in the last decade in the contexts of: persuasive news recommendations, social robotics, and e-commerce, respectively. In particular, such studies have assessed, in the technological domain, the effects of nudging techniques relying on well known persuasive argumentation schemas and on framing strategies. In discussing (...)
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  31. Persuasion through Definition: Argumentative Features of the Ancient Wenzi.Paul van Els - 2006 - Oriens Extremus 45:211–34.
    This paper aims to reconstruct the politico-philosophical content of the Ancient Wenzi, according to three interrelated questions: How does the text communicate its views to the reader? What are its main ideas? When and where were these ideas first put to writing? Accordingly, after a discussion of preliminaria in section 1, section 2 focuses on the rhetorical devices in the text, section 3 on its key terms, and section 4 on its possible historical context. The goal of this paper is (...)
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    Molecular neuroscience to my rescue (again): Reply to looren de Jong and Schouten.John Bickle - 2005 - Philosophical Psychology 18 (4):487-494.
    In their review essay (published in this issue), Looren de Jong and Schouten take my 2003 book to task for (among other things) neglecting to keep up with the latest developments in my favorite scientific case study (memory consolidation). They claim that these developments have been guided by psychological theorizing and have replaced neurobiology's traditional 'static' view of consolidation with a 'dynamic' alternative. This shows that my 'essential but entirely heuristic' treatment of higher-level cognitive theorizing is a mistaken view of (...)
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  33. Is the Next Frontier in Neuroscience a Decade of the Mind?Jacqueline Anne Sullivan - 2014 - In Charles T. Wolfe, Brain theory : essays in critical neurophilosophy. Palgrave-Macmillan.
    In 2007, ten world-renowned neuroscientists proposed “A Decade of the Mind Initiative.” The contention was that, despite the successes of the Decade of the Brain, “a fundamental understanding of how the brain gives rise to the mind [was] still lacking” (2007, 1321). The primary aims of the decade of the mind were “to build on the progress of the recent Decade of the Brain (1990-99)” by focusing on “four broad but intertwined areas” of research, including: healing and protecting, understanding, enriching, (...)
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    Ethical Issues in Intraoperative Neuroscience Research: Assessing Subjects’ Recall of Informed Consent and Motivations for Participation.Anna Wexler, Rebekah J. Choi, Ashwin G. Ramayya, Nikhil Sharma, Brendan J. McShane, Love Y. Buch, Melanie P. Donley-Fletcher, Joshua I. Gold, Gordon H. Baltuch, Sara Goering & Eran Klein - 2022 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 13 (1):57-66.
    BackgroundAn increasing number of studies utilize intracranial electrophysiology in human subjects to advance basic neuroscience knowledge. However, the use of neurosurgical patients as human research subjects raises important ethical considerations, particularly regarding informed consent and undue influence, as well as subjects’ motivations for participation. Yet a thorough empirical examination of these issues in a participant population has been lacking. The present study therefore aimed to empirically investigate ethical concerns regarding informed consent and voluntariness in Parkinson’s disease patients undergoing deep (...)
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    Prototype Effect and the Persuasiveness of Generalizations.Christian Dahlman, Farhan Sarwar, Rasmus Bååth, Lena Wahlberg & Sverker Sikström - 2016 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 7 (1):163-180.
    An argument that makes use of a generalization activates the prototype for the category used in the generalization. We conducted two experiments that investigated how the activation of the prototype affects the persuasiveness of the argument. The results of the experiments suggest that the features of the prototype overshadow and partly overwrite the actual facts of the case. The case is, to some extent, judged as if it had the features of the prototype instead of the features it actually has. (...)
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    A second-person neuroscience in interaction.Leonhard Schilbach, Bert Timmermans, Vasudevi Reddy, Alan Costall, Gary Bente, Tobias Schlicht & Kai Vogeley - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (4):441-462.
    In this response we address additions to as well as criticisms and possible misinterpretations of our proposal for a second-person neuroscience. We map out the most crucial aspects of our approach by (1) acknowledging that second-person engaged interaction is not the only way to understand others, although we claim that it is ontogenetically prior; (2) claiming that spectatorial paradigms need to be complemented in order to enable a full understanding of social interactions; and (3) restating that our theoretical proposal (...)
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  37. Unpacking Neuroscience and Neurotechnology - Instructions not Included: Neuroethics Required.James Giordano - 2012 - Neuroethics 6 (2):411-414.
    Using a metaphorical reminiscence upon holiday toys - and the hopes, challenges and possibilities they presented - this essay addresses the ways that the heuristics, outcomes and products of neuroscience have effected change in the human condition, predicament, and being. A note of caution is offered to pragmatically assess what can be done with neurotechnology, what can't, and what should and shouldn't - based upon the capacities and limitations of both the science, and our collective ability to handle knowledge, (...)
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    Ambivalent Stereotypes and Persuasion: Attitudinal Effects of Warmth vs. Competence Ascribed to Message Sources.Roman Linne, Melanie Schäfer & Gerd Bohner - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The stereotype content model defines warmth and competence as basic dimensions of social judgment, with warmth often dominating perceptions; it also states that many group-related stereotypes are ambivalent, featuring high levels on one dimension and low levels on the other. Persuasion theories feature both direct and indirect source effects. Combining both the approaches, we studied the persuasiveness of ambivalently stereotyped sources. Participants read persuasive arguments attributed to groups stereotyped as either low in competence but high in warmth or vice (...)
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  39. Towards a cognitive neuroscience of consciousness: Basic evidence and a workspace framework.Stanislas Dehaene & Lionel Naccache - 2001 - Cognition 79 (1):1-37.
    This introductory chapter attempts to clarify the philosophical, empirical, and theoretical bases on which a cognitive neuroscience approach to consciousness can be founded. We isolate three major empirical observations that any theory of consciousness should incorporate, namely (1) a considerable amount of processing is possible without consciousness, (2) attention is a prerequisite of consciousness, and (3) consciousness is required for some specific cognitive tasks, including those that require durable information maintenance, novel combinations of operations, or the spontaneous generation of (...)
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  40. Neuroscience and the Human Mind.Lynne Rudder Baker - unknown
    I want to raise three questions for discussion: 1. How are a philosopher’s concerns about the human mind related to a neuroscientist’s concerns? 2. Can neuroscience explain everything that we want to understand about the human mind? 3. Does neuroscience threaten our dignity or humanity (or anything else that we cherish about ourselves)? Let’s take these questions one at a time.
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    The Effect of Persuasive Messages in Promoting Home-Based Physical Activity During COVID-19 Pandemic.Valentina Carfora & Patrizia Catellani - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    We tested the plausibility of a persuasion model to understand the effects of messages framed in terms of gain, non-loss, loss, and non-gain, and related to the physical, mental and social consequences of doing physical activity at home during the lockdown restrictions. 272 Italian participants responded to a questionnaire on their attitude and intention at Time 1, frequency of past behavior, and self-efficacy related to exercising at home. Then, participants were randomly assigned to four different message conditions: gain messages (...)
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  42.  12
    How Warmth Appeal Affects Persuasion: The Moderating Role of Brand Concepts.Fei Jin, Jixuan Zhang, Banggang Wu & Xiaodong Zhu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In practice, more and more companies are using warmth appeals in their advertisements, but not all warmth appeals can bring the expected results. Grounded in social perception, we propose that consumers’ inferences and behavioral intentions stemming from warmth appeals in advertising are moderated by brand concepts. Specifically, warmth appeal decreases competence inferences and, in turn, behavioral intentions toward the self-enhancement brands. However, it increases warmth inferences and, in turn, behavioral intentions toward self-transcendence brands. We tested our hypotheses through two experimental (...)
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    Transforming Neuroscience into a Totalizing Meta-Narrative.Leandro Gaitán & Luis Echarte - 2016 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 20 (1):16-33.
    The present work is developed within the frame of so-called critical neuroscience. The aim of this article is to explain the transition from a kind of neuroscience understood as a strict scientific discipline, possessing a methodology and a specific praxis, to a kind of neuroscience that has been transformed into a meta-narrative with totalizing claims. In particular, we identify and examine eleven catalysts for such a transition: 1) a lack of communication between scientists and journalists; 2) the (...)
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  44. Proof and Persuasion in the Philosophical Debate about Abortion.Chris Kaposy - 2010 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 43 (2):139-162.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Proof and Persuasion in the Philosophical Debate about AbortionChris KaposyPhilosophers involved in debating the abortion issue often assume that the arguments they provide can offer decisive resolution.1 Arguments on the prolife side of the debate, for example, usually imply that it is rationally mandatory to view the fetus as having a right to life, or full moral standing.2 Such an account assumes that philosophical argument can compel the (...)
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    (1 other version)Neuroscience, Artificial Intelligence, and Human Nature: Theological and Philosophical Reflections.Ian G. Barbour - 1999 - Zygon 34 (3):361-398.
    I develop a multilevel, holistic view of persons, emphasizing embodiment, emotions, consciousness, and the social self. In successive sections I draw from six sources: 1. Theology. The biblical understanding of the unitary, embodied, social self gave way in classical Christianity to a body‐soul dualism, but it has been recovered by many recent theologians. 2. Neuroscience. Research has shown the localization of mental functions in regions of the brain, the interaction of cognition and emotion, and the importance of social interaction (...)
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    Experiential Neuroscience of Pain.Donald D. Price - 2007 - In Max Velmans & Susan Schneider, The Blackwell Companion to Consciousness. New York: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 754–768.
    A scientific understanding of pain requires an experiential‐phenomenological approach and method, one that precedes mechanistic explanations provided by neuroscience, molecular neurobiology, and even the rest of psychology. A key challenge in this approach is to find ways to observe and characterize the experience of pain. An experiential method applied to both clinical and experimental pain has found three common factors in all instances of pain: a somatic or visceral experience that is comprised of 1) unique sensory qualities that are (...)
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  47. “The Neuroscience of Responsibility”—Workshop Report.Nicole A. Vincent, Pim Haselager & Gert-Jan Lokhorst - 2010 - Neuroethics 4 (2):175-178.
    This is a report on the 3-day workshop “The Neuroscience of Responsibility” that was held in the Philosophy Department at Delft University of Technology in The Netherlands during February 11th–13th, 2010. The workshop had 25 participants from The Netherlands, Germany, Italy, UK, USA, Canada and Australia, with expertise in philosophy, neuroscience, psychology, psychiatry and law. Its aim was to identify current trends in neurolaw research related specifically to the topic of responsibility, and to foster international collaborative research on (...)
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  48. Explanation in Computational Neuroscience: Causal and Non-causal.M. Chirimuuta - 2018 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 69 (3):849-880.
    This article examines three candidate cases of non-causal explanation in computational neuroscience. I argue that there are instances of efficient coding explanation that are strongly analogous to examples of non-causal explanation in physics and biology, as presented by Batterman, Woodward, and Lange. By integrating Lange’s and Woodward’s accounts, I offer a new way to elucidate the distinction between causal and non-causal explanation, and to address concerns about the explanatory sufficiency of non-mechanistic models in neuroscience. I also use this (...)
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  49. Philosophy and the Neurosciences: A Reader.William P. Bechtel, Pete Mandik, Jennifer Mundale & Robert S. Stufflebeam (eds.) - 2001 - Malden, Mass.: Blackwell.
    2. Daugman, J. G. Brain metaphor and brain theory 3. Mundale, J. Neuroanatomical Foundations of Cognition: Connecting the Neuronal Level with the Study of Higher Brain Areas.
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    Tiered Neuroscience and Mental Health Professional Development in Liberia Improves Teacher Self-Efficacy, Self-Responsibility, and Motivation.Kara Brick, Janice L. Cooper, Leona Mason, Sangay Faeflen, Josiah Monmia & Janet M. Dubinsky - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15:664730.
    After acquiring knowledge of the neuroscience of learning, memory, stress and emotions, teachers incorporate more cognitive engagement and student-centered practices into their lessons. However, the role understanding neuroscience plays in teachers own affective and motivational competencies has not yet been investigated. The goal of this study was to investigate how learning neuroscience effected teachers’ self-efficacy, beliefs in their ability to teach effectively, self-responsibility and other components of teacher motivation. A pilot training-of-trainers program was designed and delivered in (...)
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