Results for ' petites perceptions, logical form of reason, natural science, metaphysical sys­tem, G. W. Leibniz'

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  1.  32
    Variations on one and the same subject: natural science.Bernardino Orio de Miguel - 2013 - Cultura:51-78.
    En trabajos anteriores he tratado de mostrar que la lectura que hemos de hacer de la ciencia natural de Leibniz ha de ser una lectura holística, esto es, un recorrido transversal por todos los niveles ontológicos del ser y por todos los caminos epistémicos del pensar, de manera que puede argumentarse de unos a otros con perfecta legitimidad siempre que, guiados por la forma lógica de la razón, podamos encontrar alguna estructura común que los anude. En este escrito (...)
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  2. Science Meets Philosophy: Metaphysical Gap & Bilateral Brain.Hermann G. W. Burchard - 2020 - Philosophy Study 10 (10):599-614.
    The essay brings a summation of human efforts seeking to understand our existence. Plato and Kant & cognitive science complete reduction of philosophy to a neural mechanism, evolved along elementary Darwinian principles. Plato in his famous Cave Allegory explains that between reality and our experience of it there exists a great chasm, a metaphysical gap, fully confirmed through particle-wave duality of quantum physics. Kant found that we have two kinds of perception, two senses: By the spatial outer sense we (...)
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    G. W. Leibniz sul rendere sensibile la conoscenza.Lucia Oliveri - 2024 - Archivio Di Filosofia (1):99-111.
    G. W. Leibniz on Making Knowledge Sensible · G. W. Leibniz’s contribution to logic and a propositional theory of truth, based on the idea that concepts are composed of definitional notes, has been considered the core of his philosophical system and metaphysics. However, Leibniz thought that there are other forms of knowledge that are perceptual and, therefore, non-propositional and non-conceptual. This essay explores forms of non-conceptual knowledge and argues that they depend on the imagination. Despite the distinction (...)
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  4. Heidegger’s Metaphysics, a Theory of Human Perception: Neuroscience Anticipated, Thesis of Violent Man, Doctrine of the Logos.Hermann G. W. Burchard - 2020 - Philosophy Study 10 (11).
    In this essay, our goal is to discover science in Martin Heidegger's Introduction to Metaphysics, lecture notes for his 1935 summer semester course, because, after all, his subject is metaphysica generalis, or ontology, and this could be construed as a theory of the human brain. Here, by means of verbatim quotes from his text, we attempt to show that indeed these lectures can be viewed as suggestion for an objective scientific theory of human perception, the human capacity for deciphering phenomena, (...)
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  5. The Cognitive Gap, Neural Darwinism & Linguistic Dualism —Russell, Husserl, Heidegger & Quine.Hermann G. W. Burchard - 2014 - Open Journal of Philosophy 4 (3):244-264.
    Guided by key insights of the four great philosophers mentioned in the title, here, in review of and expanding on our earlier work (Burchard, 2005, 2011), we present an exposition of the role played by language, & in the broader sense, λογοζ, the Logos, in how the CNS, the brain, is running the human being. Evolution by neural Darwinism has been forcing the linguistic nature of mind, enabling it to overcome & exploit the cognitive gap between an animal and its (...)
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    Stanisława Kamińskiego opcje metodologiczne.Andrzej Bronk & Monika Walczak - 2018 - Filozofia i Nauka 6:199-230.
    Stanisław Kamiński (1919-1986) was a philosopher, philosopher of science and historian of science. He defended in 1949 at the Catholic University in Lublin (KUL) his PhD thesis on Frege's axiomatic system of the sentence logic in the light of the contemporary methodology of deductive science. Since 1957 he was the head of the Chair of Methodology (the first one in Poland, founded in 1952 by J. Iwanicki) at the KUL, since 1965 the associate and since 1970 the full professor of (...)
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    Dewey on Metaphysics, Meaning Making, and Maps.James W. Garrison - 2005 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 41 (4):818-844.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Dewey on Metaphysics, Meaning Making, and Maps James W. Garrison Blueprints and maps are propositions and they exemplify what it is to be propositional.1 [E]very characteristic trait is a quality.... produced and destroyed by existential conditions.2 John Dewey's claim that there are metaphysical generic traits of existence the theory of which provides "a ground-map" for cultural criticism remains controversial. I will work along two intertwining lines to try (...)
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  8. The Role of Conscious Attention in Perception: Immanuel Kant, Alonzo Church, and Neuroscience.Hermann G. W. Burchard - 2011 - Foundations of Science 16 (1):67-99.
    Impressions, energy radiated by phenomena in the momentary environmental scene, enter sensory neurons, creating in afferent nerves a data stream. Following Kant, by our inner sense the mind perceives its own thoughts as it ties together sense data into an internalized scene. The mind, residing in the brain, logically a Language Machine, processes and stores items as coded grammatical entities. Kantian synthetic unity in the linguistic brain is able to deliver our experience of the scene as we appear to see (...)
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  9. Metaphysics Supervenes on Logic: The Role of the Logical Forms in Hegel's "Replacement" of Metaphysics.W. Clark Wolf - 2021 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 59 (2):271-298.
    Hegel often says that his "logic" is meant to replace metaphysics. Since Hegel's Science of Logic is so different from a standard logic, most commentators have not treated the portion of that work devoted to logical forms as relevant to this claim. This paper argues that Hegel's discussion of logical forms of judgment and syllogism is meant to be the foundation of his reformation of metaphysics. Implicit in Hegel's discussion of the logical forms is the view that (...)
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  10.  35
    Dissertation on Predestination and Grace.G. W. Leibniz - 2011 - Yale University Press.
    In this book G. W. Leibniz presents not only his reflections on predestination and election but also a more detailed account of the problem of evil than is found in any of his other works apart from the _Theodicy_. Surprisingly, his _Dissertation on Predestination and Grace_ has never before been published in any form. Michael J. Murray's project of translating, editing, and providing commentary for the volume will therefore attract great interest among scholars and students of Leibniz's (...)
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  11. Metaphysics, Natural Science and Theological Claims: E. J. Lowe’s Approach.Mihretu P. Guta - 2021 - TheoLogica: International Journal for Philosophy of Religion and Philosophical Theology 5 (2):129-160.
    In this paper, I aim to discuss E. J. Lowe's view of the synergy between metaphysics and natural science. In doing so, I will extend Lowe’s synergistic model to develop a realist account of theological claims thereby responding to Byrne’s strong form of eliminativism and agnosticism about theological claims. The paper is divided up as follows. In section 1, I will discuss Lowe’s view of metaphysics. In section 2, I will explain how Lowe thinks metaphysics and natural (...)
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  12.  55
    Reviews of science as salvation: A modern myth and its meaning, Mary Midgley, 1994. London, Routledge X +256pp., Hb 04 15062713, £35; pb 04 15107733, £8.99 philosophical naturalism, David Papineau, 1993 oxford, Basil Blackwell XII +219pp., Hb 0631189025, £40; pb 0631189033, £14.99 F. H. Bradley, writings on logic and metaphysics, James W. Allard & guy stock , 1994. Oxford, clarendon press XV+357pp, hb 0-198-24445-2, £40.00; pb 0-198-24438-X, £14.95 invariance and heuristics: Essays in honour of Heinz post, Steven French & Harmke Kamminga , 1993 boston studies in the philosophy of science, vol. 148 kluwer academic publishers, dordrecht beyond reason: Essays on the philosophy of Paul Feyerabend, Gonzalo Munévar , 1991. Dordrecht, kluwer academic publishers XXI + 535pp., Hb, isbn 0-7923-1272-4, £104.20 world changes: Thomas Kuhn and the nature of science, Paul Horwich , 1993. Cambridge, ma, Bradford books/mit press VI + 356pp., Pb, isbn 0262581388, £14.95 realism rescued: How scientific. [REVIEW]W. Jones, James Brown, W. Mander, Wladyslaw Krajewski & John Preston - 1995 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 9 (2):157-188.
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    Kant and the Science of Logic: A Historical and Philosophical Reconstruction.Huaping Lu-Adler - 2018 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book is both a history of philosophy of logic told from the Kantian viewpoint and a reconstruction of Kant’s theory of logic from a historical perspective. Kant’s theory represents a turning point in a history of philosophical debates over the following questions. (1) Is logic a science, instrument, standard of assessment, or mixture of these? (2) If logic is a science, what is the subject matter that differentiates it from other sciences, particularly metaphysics? (3) If logic is a necessary (...)
  14.  24
    Circulaire bewijsvoering.W. N. A. Klever - 1982 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 44 (4):603 - 642.
    In an almost forgotten passage of the Postenor Analytics (Bk I, ch. III) Aristotle argues against 'another school', according to which it is possible to proof things 'by each other and in a circle'. His logical refutation of this opinion became so dominant in the Western philosophical tradition, that the 'vicious circle' has always deemed a crime since. A scientific demonstration has to be built on firm premisses in order to deduce conclusions from them in a straight, ongoing proces, (...)
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  15. Grande Sertão: Veredas by João Guimarães Rosa.Felipe W. Martinez, Nancy Fumero & Ben Segal - 2013 - Continent 3 (1):27-43.
    INTRODUCTION BY NANCY FUMERO What is a translation that stalls comprehension? That, when read, parsed, obfuscates comprehension through any language – English, Portuguese. It is inevitable that readers expect fidelity from translations. That language mirror with a sort of precision that enables the reader to become of another location, condition, to grasp in English in a similar vein as readers of Portuguese might from João Guimarães Rosa’s GRANDE SERTÃO: VEREDAS. There is the expectation that translations enable mobility. That what was (...)
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    G.W. Leibniz, Discourse on Metaphysics and Related Writings, . Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press, 1988. Pp. xi + 170. ISBN 0-7190-2338-6. £25.00. [REVIEW]E. J. Aiton - 1989 - British Journal for the History of Science 22 (1):100-100.
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  17. Objects as Temporary Autonomous Zones.Tim Morton - 2011 - Continent 1 (3):149-155.
    continent. 1.3 (2011): 149-155. The world is teeming. Anything can happen. John Cage, “Silence” 1 Autonomy means that although something is part of something else, or related to it in some way, it has its own “law” or “tendency” (Greek, nomos ). In their book on life sciences, Medawar and Medawar state, “Organs and tissues…are composed of cells which…have a high measure of autonomy.”2 Autonomy also has ethical and political valences. De Grazia writes, “In Kant's enormously influential moral philosophy, autonomy (...)
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    Figurative, Symbolic and Contemplative Cognition Part I: From F. Viet and G.W. Leibniz to J.H. Lambert.А.Н Круглов - 2022 - History of Philosophy 27 (2):27-41.
    By providing symbolic (operates by means of signs) and intuitive (operates without signs) types of cognition, G.W. Leibniz in the “Reasoning about cognition, truth and ideas” laid the foundation for the problem of visibility discussions in 18th century. Proceeding from Leibniz’s ideas, Chr. Wolff in the “German metaphysics” built a detailed doctrine about figurative and contemplating cognition, giving priority in the field of application and the degree of clarity to the first type. Wolff’s doctrine almost immediately became classic (...)
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  19.  53
    A inteligência dos Futuros Contingentes: Interrogando G. W. Leibniz sobre Deus e a Verdade.Paulo Renato Jesus - 2016 - Trans/Form/Ação 39 (1):9-36.
    RESUMO: A presente investigação questiona a essência teo-lógica dos futuros contingentes. Para o efeito, analisa-se, primeiramente, a argumentação segundo a qual, sob certas condições lógicas, teológicas, ontológicas e cosmológicas antinecessitantes, detetadas por G. W. Leibniz, a abertura contingente do futuro parece ser compatível com o regime das "verdades contingentes pré-determinadas", regime enquadrado teologicamente pelo princípio do "futuro melhor" ou do "único futuro verdadeiro". No entanto, os futuros contingentes incitam, com e contra Aristóteles, ao desenvolvimento de uma lógica temporal e (...)
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  20.  81
    G. W. Leibniz: De Summa Rerum: Metaphysical Papers, 1675-6. [REVIEW]Richard Arthur - 1993 - The Leibniz Review 3:14-16.
    Despite his fame as a philosopher, Leibniz was a diplomat by profession, and seldom managed to engage in sustained philosophical activity for any length of time. One exception to this, though, is the period towards the end of his stay in Paris and a little afterwards, when he launched a concerted attack on most of the profoundest problems in metaphysics, tackling them with a penetration and persistence that is remarkable by any standards. The resulting series of “meditations”, to use (...)
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    Leibniz and Clarke on Miracles.Ezio Vailati - 1995 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 33 (4):563 - 591.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Leibniz and Clarke on Miracles EZIO VAILATI IN ONE OF THE MOST tense moments of the exchange with Clarke, answering the accusation of removing God from the world, Leibniz curtly told his interlocutor he had explained the continual dependence of creation on God better than any other: But, says the author, this is all that I contended for. To this I answer: your humble servant for that, (...)
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  22.  5
    Leibniz's Metaphysics.Catherine Wilson - 1989 - Princeton Up.
    This study of the metaphysics of G. W. Leibniz gives a clear picture of his philosophical development within the general scheme of seventeenth-century natural philosophy. Catherine Wilson examines the shifts in Leibniz's thinking as he confronted the major philosophical problems of his era. Beginning with his interest in artificial languages and calculi for proof and discovery, the author proceeds to an examination of Leibniz's early theories of matter and motion, to the phenomenalistic turn in his theory (...)
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    Leibniz's Metaphysics: A Historical and Comparative Study.Catherine Wilson - 1989 - Princeton University Press.
    This study of the metaphysics of G. W. Leibniz gives a clear picture of his philosophical development within the general scheme of seventeenth-century natural philosophy. Catherine Wilson examines the shifts in Leibniz's thinking as he confronted the major philosophical problems of his era. Beginning with his interest in artificial languages and calculi for proof and discovery, the author proceeds to an examination of Leibniz’s early theories of matter and motion, to the phenomenalistic turn in his theory (...)
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  24.  47
    (1 other version)Marxian Metaphysics and Individual Freedom.G. W. Smith - 1982 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 14:229-242.
    The principles of historical materialism involve Marx in making two crucial claims about freedom. The first is that the revolutionary proletariat is, in an important sense, more free than its class antagonist the bourgeoisie. The second is that the beneficiaries of a successful proletarian revolution—the members of a solidly established communist society—enjoy a greater freedom than even proletarians engaged in revolutionary praxis. It is perhaps natural to take Marx to be operating here with what might be called a logically (...)
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  25. Search for a Naturalistic Worldview, Volume 2: Natural Science and Metaphysics.Abner Shimony - 1993 - Cambridge University Press.
    Table of Contents: Acknowledgements; Preface; 1. Integral epistemology; 2. Reality, causality and closing the circle; 3. Search for a world view that can accommodate our knowledge of microphysics; 4. Perception from an evolutionary point of view; 5. Is observation theory-laden? A problem in naturalistic epistemology; 6. Coherence and the axioms of confirmation; 7. An adamite derivation of the principles of the calculus of probability; 8. The status of the principle of maximum entropy; 9. Scientific inference; 10. Reconsiderations on inductive logic; (...)
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    Terra incognita: Explanation and reduction in earth science.Maarten G. Kleinhans, Chris J. J. Buskes & Henk W. de Regt - 2005 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 19 (3):289 – 317.
    The present paper presents a philosophical analysis of earth science, a discipline that has received relatively little attention from philosophers of science. We focus on the question of whether earth science can be reduced to allegedly more fundamental sciences, such as chemistry or physics. In order to answer this question, we investigate the aims and methods of earth science, the laws and theories used by earth scientists, and the nature of earth-scientific explanation. Our analysis leads to the tentative conclusion that (...)
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  27. LYCAN, W. G.: "Logical Form in Natural Language".J. Bacon - 1986 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 64:364.
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    Review of Form and Validity in Indian Logic, by Vijay Bharadwaja ; The Word and The World: India's Contribution to the Study of Language, by Bimal Krishna Matilal ;The Basic Ways of Knowing, by Govardhan P. Bhatt ; The Quest for Man, ed. J. Van Nispen and D. Tiemersma ; Muslim-Christian Encounters: Perceptions and Misperceptions, by William Montgomery Watt ; Socrates in Mediaeval Arabic Literature, by Ilai Alon, in Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science, Texts and Studies, vol. 10 ; Tsung-mi and the Sinification of Buddhism, by Peter N. Gregory ; Modern Civilization: A Crisis of Fragmentation, by S. C. Malik ; and Nature in Asian Traditions of Thought: Essays in Environmental Philosophy, ed. J. Baird Callicott and Roger T. Ames. [REVIEW]J. Shaw, Vijay Bharadwaha, S. Bhatt, W. Hudson & Ian Netton - 1992 - Asian Philosophy 2 (2):187-210.
  29.  44
    Saul Kripke.G. W. Fitch - 2004 - Routledge.
    Saul Kripke is one of the most original and creative philosophers writing today. His work has had a tremendous impact on the direction that philosophy has taken in the last thirty years and continues to dominate some of its most fundamental aspects. Given Kripke's importance it is perhaps surprising that there is no introduction to his philosophy available to the general student. This book fills that gap. As much of Kripke's work is highly technical, the book's central aim is to (...)
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    Logical Constants and Arithmetical Forms.Sebastian G. W. Speitel - 2023 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 32 (3):495-510.
    This paper reflects on the limits of logical form set by a novel criterion of logicality proposed in (Bonnay and Speitel, 2021). The interest stems from the fact that the delineation of logical terms according to the criterion exceeds the boundaries of standard first-order logic. Among ‘novel’ logical terms is the quantifier “there are infinitely many”. Since the structure of the natural numbers is categorically characterisable in a language including this quantifier we ask: does this (...)
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    Rosemarie Rheinwald. Logic, Causation, Freedom: Selected Papers.Jan G. Michel (ed.) - 2012 - Brill/mentis.
    This volume brings together selected works by the philosopher Rosemarie Rheinwald (1948–2009). The title "Logic, Causation, Freedom" indicates the broad range of topics, which extends from the Achilles paradox to the problem of free will. Rheinwald preferred to address difficult and fundamental problems: logical and semantic paradoxes, the riddles of inductive reasoning, and the nature of causation. Over the years, her early research interests in the philosophy of mathematics, logic, and the philosophy of science were joined by interests in (...)
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  32.  59
    Reason in the World: Hegel's Metaphysics and its Philosophical Appeal.James Kreines - 2015 - , US: Oxford University Press USA.
    This book defends a new interpretation of Hegel's theoretical philosophy, according to which Hegel's project in his central Science of Logic has a single organizing focus, provided by taking metaphysics as fundamental to philosophy, rather than any epistemological problem about knowledge or intentionality. Hegel pursues more specifically the metaphysics of reason, concerned with grounds, reasons, or conditions in terms of which things can be explained-and ultimately with the possibility of complete reasons. There is no threat to such metaphysics in epistemological (...)
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    Empiricism and the Analytic-Synthetic Distinction. [REVIEW]G. H. B. - 1973 - Review of Metaphysics 27 (1):151-152.
    Munsat’s objective in collecting eleven selections on the analytic-synthetic distinction is to acquaint the beginning or intermediate student with the major aspects of the issue. The selections are presented in historical sequence and Munsat has effectively edited the works such that one can easily follow the development of the distinction without having to contend with excessive peripheral material. The editor provides a short introduction to the varieties of truth as well as prefatory notes to each selection. Beginning with brief selections (...)
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  34.  7
    Naturphilosophie.G. W. F. Hegel - 2005 - In Gary Gutting, Continental Philosophy of Science. Blackwell. pp. 35–39.
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    G.W. Leibniz: Critical Assessments.Roger Woolhouse (ed.) - 1993 - New York: Routledge.
    Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716) was one of the seventeenth century's most important thinkers. A philosopher, mathematician and scientist, his work is comparable in scope and importance only to that of Newton and Descartes. His work dominated German philosophy until Kant, and was revived in the early part of this century when his important work on logic was re-discovered. This four volume set contains 97 of the most important essays ever written about Leibniz's work. The selection has been made (...)
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    The Leibniz-des Bosses Correspondence.G. W. Leibniz - 2007 - Yale University Press.
    This volume is a critical edition of the ten-year correspondence between Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, one of Europe’s most influential early modern thinkers, and Bartholomew Des Bosses, a Jesuit theologian who was keen to bring together Leibniz’s philosophy and the Aristotelian philosophy and religious doctrines accepted by his order. The letters offer crucial insights into Leibniz’s final metaphysics and into the intellectual life of the eighteenth century. Brandon C. Look and Donald Rutherford present seventy-one of Leibniz’s and (...)
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  37. Philosophy and Science in Leibniz.Maria Rosa Antognazza - 2016 - In Lloyd Strickland, Erik Vynckier & Julia Weckend, Tercentenary Essays on the Philosophy & Science of G.W. Leibniz. Cham: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 19-46.
    This paper explores the question of Leibniz’s contribution to the rise of modern ‘science’. To be sure, it is now generally agreed that the modern category of ‘science’ did not exist in the early modern period. At the same time, this period witnessed a very important stage in the process from which modern science eventually emerged. My discussion will be aimed at uncovering the new enterprise, and the new distinctions which were taking shape in the early modern period under (...)
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    Leibniz and the Natural World: activity, passivity and corporeal substances in Leibniz’s philosophy.Pauline Phemister - 2005 - Springer.
    In the present book, Pauline Phemister argues against traditional Anglo-American interpretations of Leibniz as an idealist who conceives ultimate reality as a plurality of mind-like immaterial beings and for whom physical bodies are ultimately unreal and our perceptions of them illusory. Re-reading the texts without the prior assumption of idealism allows the more material aspects of Leibniz's metaphysics to emerge. Leibniz is found to advance a synthesis of idealism and materialism. His ontology posits indivisible, living, animal-like corporeal (...)
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  39. Schelling’s Philosophy: Freedom, Nature, and Systematicity.G. Anthony Bruno (ed.) - 2020 - Oxford University Press.
    Despite F. W. J. Schelling’s relative exclusion from the ongoing German idealist renaissance in Anglophone scholarship, recent critical and historical engagement with idealist texts affords an unprecedented opportunity to discover the richness and value of his thinking. This volume provides a wide-ranging presentation of Schelling’s original contribution to and internal critique of the basic insights of German idealism, his role in shaping the course of post-Kantian thought, and his sensitivity and innovative responses to questions of lasting metaphysical, epistemological, ethical, (...)
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    G. W. Leibniz: le meilleur des mondes par la balance de l'Europe.André Robinet - 1994 - Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
    Cette édition numérique a été réalisée à partir d'un support physique, parfois ancien, conservé au sein du dépôt légal de la Bibliothèque nationale de France, conformément à la loi n° 2012-287 du 1er mars 2012 relative à l'exploitation des Livres indisponibles du XXe siècle. Pages de début Préface Sigles utilisés Tableau synchronique Politique et religion des employeurs de Leibniz A - La philosophie politique L'architectonique archaïque : le rapport puissance > sagesse L'inversion du rapport structural : sagesse > puissance (...)
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  41. G. W. Leibniz and Scientific Societies.Markku Roinila - 2009 - Journal of Technology Management 46 (1-2):165-179.
    The famous philosopher Leibniz (1646-1716) was also active in the (cultural) politics of his time. His interest in forming scientific societies never waned and his efforts led to the founding of the Berlin Academy of Sciences. He also played a part in the founding of the Dresden Academy of Science and the St. Petersburg Academy of Science. Though Leibniz's models for the scientific society were the Royal Society and the Royal Science Academy of France, his pansophistic vision of (...)
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    Fundamental Perception in Leibniz’s Philosophy and Contemporary Panpsychism.Matvey S. Sysoev - 2022 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 59 (3):202-219.
    This article examines the fundamental ontological significance that the category of perception has in philosophy of G.W. Leibniz, and establishes the connection between the category of perception and modern panpsychism. There is a problem of definition of protopsychic properties in modern panpsychism. The problem is expressed not only in the absence of such a definition, but also in the absence of a good strategy for finding possible candidates for the role of protopsychic property. To solve this problem, the author (...)
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    G. W. Leibniz and the Principle of Identity of Indistinguishables A Problem Focus at the Boundary of Metaphysics and Logic.Hatice Kırmacı - 2023 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 13 (13:4):1-12.
    Leibniz’in ayırt edilemezlerin özdeşliği ilkesine göre iki nesnenin özellikleri aynıysa, o halde onlar özdeştir. Nesnelerin gerçek olup olmadığını öğrenmek için iki gerçek şeyin aynı özelliklere sahip olduğunun kontrolünün sağlanması gerekir. Araştırmamızda ayırt edilemezlerin özdeşliği ilkesi mantıksal bir ilke olup metafiziksel bir çıkarıma işaret ettiğini göstermeyi amaçlamaktayız. Araştırmamızda, Leibniz tarafından önerilen ilkenin gerçek nesnelere uygulanabilmesi için iki şeyin özelliklerinin önceden incelenmesi gerektiğini ve ilkenin uygulanabilmesi için iki şeyin özelliklerinin aynı olduğu önermesinden emin olmamız gerektiğini, bunun için de şeylerin gerçek (...)
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    Leibniz’ Position der Rationalität. Die Logik im metaphysischen Wissen der “natürlichen Vernunft”. [REVIEW]Dirk Effertz - 1994 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 17 (1-2):413-418.
    In his undertaking to articulate the manifold of Leibnizian thought in view of a unified focal point, Kaehler concentrates on the relation between logic and metaphysics, which was inaugurated in the beginning of metaphysical thinking and which at the same time takes on special relevance in modern metaphysics. In light of the tendency, evident in post-Leibnizian metaphysics, to deprive logic of the status of a mere organon, of an ars, and to grant it a closer relation to metaphysics, this (...)
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    Democracy. [REVIEW]W. G. - 1972 - Review of Metaphysics 26 (2):355-356.
    The author, in outlining his theory of democracy, presents, with commendable logic of sequence, his views on the nature and scope of democracy, its presuppositions, its instruments, its conditions, its justification, and its prospects. Carey McWilliams, editor of The Nation, has called this book "by all odds the finest modern exploration of the subject by an American." From the standpoint of clarity, vigor, and good sense, that accolade is deserved. While not ranking as a seminal book or one that hoes (...)
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  46. Inventing Human Science: Eighteenth Century Domains.Christopher Fox, Roy Porter, Robert Wokler & G. W. Stocking Jr - 1997 - Annals of Science 54 (3):313-313.
    The human sciences—including psychology, anthropology, and social theory—are widely held to have been born during the eighteenth century. This first full-length, English-language study of the Enlightenment sciences of humans explores the sources, context, and effects of this major intellectual development. The book argues that the most fundamental inspiration for the Enlightenment was the scientific revolution of the seventeenth century. Natural philosophers from Copernicus to Newton had created a magisterial science of nature based on the realization that the physical world (...)
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    Prolegomenon to Any Natural Science which can be Called Philosophical.G. W. Ardley - 1955 - Modern Schoolman 32 (2):101-113.
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  48. Opuscula philosophica selecta.G. W. Leibniz & D. Schrecker - 1940 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 47 (4):419-419.
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  49. Can There Be a Critical Policy Science?R. G. Stubbings - 1995 - Dissertation, Indiana University
    The dissertation does not attempt to develop a critical policy science. It attempts to investigate the possibility of one raised by writers such as Habermas. The question arises because the policy sciences are increasingly beset by aporias. These aporias are occasioned by widening perception of the limits of societal rationalization, by worries about "destructuration," and by the increasingly ideological nature of policy science. ;The first section traces the origins of the policy sciences and their development, particularly during the late nineteenth (...)
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    Space and Incongruence. [REVIEW]B. P. R. - 1982 - Review of Metaphysics 35 (4):856-859.
    At various times in his "Pre-critical" and "Critical" periods, Kant presented an argument about the nature of space that has come to be called the "Incongruous Counterparts" argument. First presented in his 1768 essay, Concerning the Ultimate Foundation for the Differentiation of Regions in Space, the argument holds that two objects, such as two human hands, might be exact counterparts, that is, identical in "size and proportion and... the situation of the parts relative to each other," and yet might be (...)
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