Results for ' peuple, constitution, législation, religion, république'

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  1.  17
    The One Who Holds God’s Place. Moses, Prophet and Legislator.Gérard Bras - 2020 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 47:159-182.
    Le Moïse de Spinoza présente la particularité entre les convocations habituelles en philosophie politique, d’être à la fois prophète et législateur, vecteur d’un mode théologique de production des lois : il est le seul prophète à constituer un peuple, une république. Cela procède d’un premier pacte avec Dieu, au fondement d’une théocratie imaginaire, réellement une démocratie. Mais ils sont terrifiés (perterriti) en allant consulter Dieu. Comment comprendre l’usage de ce mot rare en latin? Il faut le replacer dans le (...)
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    « Faire parler les Dieux ». De la démocratie impossible au problème de la religion civile chez Rousseau.Christophe Litwin - 2015 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 10 (1):58-82.
    Christophe Litwin | : Au sens strict, la démocratie est pour Jean-Jacques Rousseau la forme de gouvernement où les corps du gouvernement et du peuple souverain sont identiques. Rousseau jugeant cette forme de gouvernement impossible, les commentateurs opposent à cette acception du terme une acception plus large : « démocratie » désignerait non plus la forme du gouvernement, mais celle de la souveraineté populaire elle-même. Cet article réfute cette interprétation encore trop formelle. Partant du constat que la démocratie est impossible (...)
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  3. Beyond Legislative Post-Secularism in the West: Custom and Constitution in an African Context.Thaddeus Metz - 2020 - In Uchenna Benedict Okeja, Postsecularism in a Global Context: New Perspectives on the Role of Religion in Postsecular Societies (tentative title). Routledge. pp. 41-63.
    Much of the debate about post-secularism has presumed a background of Western countries and the sort of statutory law that legislatures should make, and how they should make it, in the light of residents’ religious attitudes and practices. In this chapter I address a fresh context, namely, that of South Africa and the way that courts have interpreted, and should interpret, law in the face of African traditional religions. Specifically, I explicate the fact that, by South Africa's famously progressive Constitution, (...)
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    Le Peuple philosophe.Giulia Sissa - 2017 - Chôra 15:203-218.
    Une premisse majeure met en place les arguments les plus normatifs de la Republique : les caracteres des hommes sont la cause des caracteres des cites. Le gouvernement de Kallipolis est le meilleur de tous, explique Socrate, pour une raison tres simple : c’est le gouvernement des meilleurs. Dans une demokratia, en revanche, n’importe qui peut revetir un role de pouvoir par tirage au sort, et n’importe qui peut dire n’importe quoi. Tandis que les meilleurs des Gardiens se soucient du (...)
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    Mosaic Legislation and Anthropology of the Passions.Pierre-François Moreau - 2020 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 47:119-135.
    Les passages du Traité théologico-politique qui décrivent la République des Hébreux ont un enjeu politique concernant la relation entre Église et État au xviie siècle ; ils révèlent aussi une conception précise de la nature humaine. Les institutions d’un peuple affrontent et utilisent des mécanismes anthropologiques généraux (obéissance et rébellion, désir de changement, soif de reconnaissance, transfert des affects) qui ne se présentent pas dans le même ordre que dans l’Éthique. Ils les gèrent dans des circonstances particulières, marquées par (...)
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    Iraqi Constitution: Advancing the Dialogue of Religious Freedom.Ghaleb Yassin Farhan Matalak, Mohammed Abdulkreem Salim, Mohamed Hameed, Wissam Mohammed Hassan Algaragolle, Saad Ghazi Talib, Yusra Mohammed Ali, Emad Mohamed Saleh, Mohammed Suleiman & Sabri Kareem Sabri - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 15 (1):425-440.
    The Iraqi constitution of 2005 grants freedom of religious thought, belief and practice for all religions. This study was also based on the premise that the constitutional rights are not adhered to in Iraq, even by government officials, which could be due to the absence of suitable legislations subsequent to the framing of the constitutional provisions. An analytical and descriptive research design was adopted for this study. Data was collected from primary and secondary sources through documentation research and evaluation of (...)
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    Qu'est-ce qu'un peuple?Alain Badiou (ed.) - 2013 - Paris: La Fabrique éditions.
    " L'enfant est l'interprète du peuple. Que dis-je? Il est le peuple même, dans sa vérité native, avant qu'il ne soit déformé, le peuple sans vulgarité, sans rudesse, sans envie, n'inspirant ni défiance ni répulsion ". Les termes de Michelet peuvent faire sourire, mais quand on parle de populaire (langage) ou de populiste (discours), n'y a-t-il pas là une sorte de défiance et de répulsion? Le projet de ce livre est né d'une inquiétude, celle de voir le mot peuple rejoindre (...)
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    Mariette Sineau, Femmes et pouvoir sous la Ve République. De l’exclusion à l’entrée dans la course présidentielle.Mathilde Dubesset - 2013 - Clio 37:283-283.
    Le livre reprend les six premiers chapitres de celui que Mariette Sineau avait publié en 2001. Il est enrichi d’un chapitre, « Parité An X », qui propose un bilan des changements quantitatifs et qualitatifs liés à la législation instituant la parité. Pour mémoire, la révision constitutionnelle de 1999 a introduit, à l’article 3 de la Constitution, le fait que « la loi favorise l’égal accès des femmes et des hommes aux mandats électoraux et fonctions électives ». En conséquence, la (...)
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    Problems faced with legislating for IVF technology in a Roman Catholic Country.Pierre Mallia - 2010 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 13 (1):77-87.
    Malta traditionally enjoys a Roman Catholic Society, with the official religion of the country being cited in the second article of the constitution. Recently the government proposed to legislate to regulate human reproductive technology, in particular In Vitro Fertilization, which has been practiced for over two decades without controlling legislation. A Parliamentary Committee for social affairs was set up to study the situation inviting most stakeholders. The arguments gravitated mostly on issues of the status of the embryo and the media (...)
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  10.  24
    The place of Shi’i clerics in the first Iranian constitution.Janet Afary - 2013 - Critical Research on Religion 1 (3):327-346.
    Despite their regional, ethnic, and linguistic differences, the recent social and political upheavals of the Middle East have shared one basic concern. From the 2009 Green Movement in Iran to the 2011 Tunisian revolts which ignited the Arab Uprisings, and from the first Muslim Brotherhood government in Egypt in 2012 to the protests in Turkey’s Taksim Square in 2013, a central issue has been how to establish a democratic state with a modern constitution while adhering to many shari’a rules and (...)
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  11.  43
    Religion in the Public Square: The Place of Religious Convictions in Political Debate.Kent Greenawalt - 1999 - Philosophical Review 108 (2):293.
    These matched essays constitute an extremely valuable contribution on the place of religious ideas in our country’s political life. Robert Audi defends an “exclusivist” position: participants in political life fulfill the responsibilities of liberal citizenship best if they support only measures justified on secular grounds. Nicholas Wolterstorff argues for an “inclusivist” position: citizens and legislators are encouraged to rely on whatever sources, including religious ones, they find convincing.
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  12.  25
    Religion and Clothing: the Capabilities Approach Considered.Sandrine Berges - unknown
    Proponents of the capabilities approach claim that it should be used to give guidance for the implementation of good constitutional laws. This suggests that it also gives us grounds to support attempts to create or protect constitutions based on something like the capabilities approach. The Turkish Republic claims that in order to protect secularism and the equal status of women, it needs to keep certain Islamic practices away from the public domain. The wearing of the headscarf has been singled out (...)
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  13.  4
    Politique, État, souveraineté: faire "comme un".Hélène Desbrousses - 2015 - [Uzès]: Inclinaison.
    Les grandes interrogations sur la politique, la Cité, la République, se posent le plus souvent au cours de périodes où les réalités auxquelles ces notions sont communément référées sont en voie de délitement. Il en était ainsi dans l'Antiquité, comme en attestent, parmi d'autres, les préoccupations qui se font jour dans les écrits de Démosthène, Aristote, Cicéron. C'est aussi, en substance, ce qu'énonçait il y a plus de quinze siècles, Augustin, lorsque, dans une formule ramassée, se fondant sur la (...)
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  14.  95
    Republicanism, Religion, and Machiavelli's Savonarolan Moment.Marcia L. Colish - 1999 - Journal of the History of Ideas 60 (4):597-616.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Republicanism, Religion, and Machiavelli’s Savonarolan MomentMarcia L. ColishMachiavelli’s readers often take at face value his claim that Christianity has weakened Italy’s civic spirit and martial valor, leaving it open to priestcraft and foreign invasion. Some scholars see this critique of Christianity as an expression of the irreligious, immoral, neopagan, or scientific Machiavelli, making it the chief index of his modernity. 1 One subset within this group treats Machiavelli’s [End (...)
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  15.  28
    Freedom of religion in Ukraine: challenges during the russian-ukrainian war.Anatolii Kolodnyi & Liudmyla Fylypovych - 2023 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 1:111-130.
    The article is updated by several circumstances, which the authors reflect on. In their opinion, there are 1) obvious and external threats — violations of freedom of conscience in the temporarily occupied Ukrainian territories, including Crimea, which arose as a result of the Russian-Ukrainian war, and 2) internally hidden and potential dangers for freedom of religions of Ukrainian citizens. The well-known examples of discrimination of believers of certain faiths in the so-called DPR-LPR and Crimea given by the authors are constantly (...)
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  16.  34
    Restrictions in Freedom of Religion in Malaysia: A Conceptual Analysis with Special Reference to the Law of Apostasy.Mohamed Azam Mohamed Adil - 2007 - Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 4 (2).
    The right of freedom of religion is one of the fundamental rights guaranteed in the Malaysian Constitution. The provision over the right to freedom of religion is seen as one of the most crucial provisions ever stated in the Federal Constitution. Article 11 has never been amended. Indeed, provision in Article 3 reiterates the right of individuals, especially the non-Muslims to profess and practise their religion freely, without any fear and interference. The special status of the religion of Islam enshrined (...)
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  17.  27
    Peuple et république à l’aube de l’humanisme : sur l’inconscient politique de Leonardo Bruni.E. Igor Mineo - 2023 - Astérion 29 (29).
    Through the analysis of certain aspects of Leonardo Bruni’s language, and in particular his use of “popolo” and “res publica”, we strive to understand the extent to which the politics of the early humanists remained rooted in the recent past of the City of Florence, despite the obvious ideological innovations (and without considering those of a stylistic and literary nature). Bruni seems to have inherited the primacy and unity of the Florentine people directly from the discourses of the 14th-century jurists. (...)
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  18.  4
    Bodin et le concept de souveraineté: la frontière entre droit et pouvoir.Alberto Barros - 2024 - Dois Pontos 21 (1).
    Jean Bodin définit la souveraineté comme la puissance perpétuelle et absolue de la République, c ́est-à-dire une puissance législative qui ne connaît ni conditions, ni contraintes, ni obligations. Or, il affirme aussi que tous les souverains sont soumis aux lois de Dieu et de la nature et à plusieurs lois humaines communes à tous les peuples. Mais comment un pouvoir définit comme absolue peut-il avoir des limites? Voilà la contradiction signalée par plusieurs interprètes de sa pensée politique. Mon but (...)
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  19. democratic equality and freedom of religion.Annabelle Lever - 2016 - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche 6 (1):55-65.
    According to Corey Brettschneider, we can protect freedom of religion and promote equality, by distinguishing religious groups’ claims to freedom of expression and association from their claims to financial and verbal support from the state. I am very sympathetic to this position, which fits well with my own views of democratic rights and duties, and with the importance of recognizing the scope for political choice which democratic politics offers to governments and to citizens. This room for political choice, I believe, (...)
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  20.  56
    The Confessional Secret between State Law and Canon Law and the Right to Freedom of Religion under Article 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights.Stefan Kirchner - 2012 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 19 (4):1317-1326.
    Within the Irish government there is a discussion regarding the possibility of limiting the legal protection afforded to the confessional secret. This paper addresses the question of whether this suggestion, if it were to be implemented by the legislature, would be compatible with the right to religious freedom under Article 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). This text will also highlight the role of the confessional secret in canon law and the protection of it under German law. (...)
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  21. Philosophy and political thought: Reflections and comparisons*: Muhsin Mahdi.Muhsin Mahdi - 1991 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 1 (1):9-29.
    Having constituted a new epoch in human history and a new religiouspolitical order, the revealed religions challenged the tradition of Greek philosophy to adjust to, investigate, and make intelligible a religiouspolitical order based on prophecy, revelation, and the divine law. The challenge led certain Arab and Muslim philosophers to reassess the relative distance between the thought of the Greek masters, and the doctrines propagated by the revealed religions, and to make use of such works as Plato's Republic and Laws, rather (...)
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  22.  7
    Penser la politique avec Kant: la fondation morale de la république.Pascal Gaudet - 2014 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    La philosophie kantienne du droit, qui se fonde dans l'Idée morale des droits de l'homme, a pour condition la politique (le droit public) et s'inscrit dans la perspective de l'Idée de république. La république, en son opposition au despotisme, est la manière de gouverner conformément à l'idéal de la paix perpétuelle, qui requiert, à l'intérieur des Etats et entre eux, l'exigence morale du droit public, c'est-à-dire de l'institution d'un peuple comme volonté souveraine éclairée. Mais le droit des hommes (...)
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  23.  52
    The republican foundations of Sismondi's Nouveaux principes d’économie politique.Roberto Romani - 2005 - History of European Ideas 31 (1):17-33.
    This paper reassesses Sismondi's Nouveaux principes d?économie politique (1819) by locating the origins of his unorthodox political economy in the republican tradition of thought. Deeply influenced by both Smith and Rousseau, Sismondi first expounded his republican creed in a political treatise, Recherches sur les constitutions des peuples libres (1797?1801). He was in favour of a balanced constitution combined with public virtue. Sismondi's major historical work, the Histoire des républiques italiennes du Moyen Age (1807?1818), amounts to a tribute to the liberty (...)
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  24.  36
    Is It Ethical for For-profit Firms to Practice a Religion? A Rawlsian Thought Experiment.M. Paula Fitzgerald, Jeff Langenderfer & Megan Lynn Fitzgerald - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 166 (1):159-174.
    Recent judicial rulings and changes in federal and state legislation have given for-profit corporations a growing list of rights and constitutional protections, including the right to practice religion free from many types of federal or state restriction. In this paper, we highlight the implications of these developments using Rawls’ Theory of Justice to explore the consequences of for-profit corporate religious freedom for consumers and employees. We identify preliminary principles to spark a discussion as to how expanding religious freedom for businesses (...)
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  25.  33
    Dissolution of the Chamber of Deputies in the Czech Republic – the Origin and Essence of Applicable Constitutional Legislation.Jan Kudrna - 2009 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 117 (3):69-110.
    The constitutional system of the Czech Republic, which is established on the principles of a parliamentary form of government, takes into account the possibility of dissolving the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic. The Chamber of Deputies is a chamber to which the government is accountable and this is the chamber in which the major part of the authority of Parliament is concentrated. Parliamentary systems have been also structured according to whether a certain amount of balance (...)
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  26.  15
    Legislated Rights and contemporary constitutional government: a reply.Grégoire Webber & Richard Ekins - 2020 - Jurisprudence 11 (4):632-644.
    Legislated Rights: Securing Human Rights through Legislation aims to correct certain imbalances in constitutional thought and scholarship that burden the legislature and rights with misconceptions...
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    About Christian Ethics at School.Ye Sverstyuk - 2005 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 36:226-229.
    The constitutional provision for the separation of the Church and the State has been in existence for over 200 years. They are now referring to it, no longer remembering how it came about. The fact is that the French Revolution of 1789 was anti-feudal and anticlerical. It separated the affairs of the state from the ecclesiastical so that bishops and cardinals would govern the Church, not the state. The 1917 revolution in Russia also tore the triumvirate of "statehood, orthodoxy, nationality." (...)
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  28.  64
    Unveiling The Headscarf Debate.Dawn Lyon & Debora Spini - 2004 - Feminist Legal Studies 12 (3):333-345.
    In March 2004 the French parliament controversially adopted legislation regulating the wearing of symbols indicating religious affiliation in public educational establishments. This note discusses several features of the new law indicating its origins, its rationale and its position within French constitutional discourse on religious freedom and secularity. It is based on a panel discussion held in April 2004 within the Gender Studies Programme at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, Florence. Placing the French legislative initiative in (...)
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  29.  17
    L'écart: Merleau-Ponty's Separation.Constituting Consciousness - 2010 - In Kascha Semonovitch Neal DeRoo, Merleau-Ponty at the Limits of Art, Religion, and Perception. Continuum. pp. 95.
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    Situating Legislated Rights: legislative and judicial role in contemporary constitutional theory.Lael K. Weis - 2020 - Jurisprudence 11 (4):621-631.
    This review essay examines the contribution of Legislated Rights (Webber et al, Cambridge 2018) to a central issue in constitutional theory: namely, how the institutional division of labour between the legislature and the judiciary with respect to the task of giving effect to constitutional rights is best understood and conceived. In doing so, the essay situates the work within contemporary scholarship and adopts a broadly comparative lens — a perspective that is mindful of key developments in constitutional law and theory (...)
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  31. Théologie politique et doctrines républicaines en France de 1875 à 1914.L. de Vaucelles - 1994 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 82 (1):9-37.
    Les Républicains français poursuivent la mise en œuvre du projet de société des Lumières, dans la ligne, volontiers anticléricale, de la sécularisation de la société. Rejetant l'idée de l’utilité sociale de la religion, ils lui opposent l'idéal d'un humanisme laic, censé capable de satisfaire les aspirations les plus hautes des hommes. Ils entendent aussi fonder l'État sur la souveraineté populaire, les droits de l'hornme et les libertés civiques.Léon XIII combat inlassablement ces conceptions de la société et de l'autorité qui ne (...)
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    An ethical issue: nurses’ conscientious objection regarding induced abortion in South Korea.Chung Mee Ko, Chin Kang Koh & Ye Sol Lee - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-9.
    Background The Constitutional Court of South Korea declared that an abortion ban was unconstitutional on April 11, 2019. The National Health Care System will provide abortion care across the country as a formal medical service. Conscientious objection is an issue raised during the construction of legal reforms. Methods One hundred sixty-seven perioperative nurses responded to the survey questionnaire. Nurses’ perception about conscientious objection, support of legislation regarding conscientious objection, and intention to object were measured. Logistic regression was used to explore (...)
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  33.  23
    Cours sur l'histoire de l'Humanite (1849-1851).Auguste Comte - 2017 - Geneve: Droz. Edited by César Lefort, Laurent Fedi, Michel Bourdeau & Olivia Leboyer.
    "Après la proclamation de la république, en 1848, Auguste Comte (1798-1857), le fondateur du positivisme, remanie son système et fonde la religion de l'Humanité. Considérant que le moment est venu de terminer la révolution et de donner à la société son organisation définitive, il expose son programme, de 1849 à 1851, dans des leçons publiques sur l'histoire de l'Humanité destinées à rallier le peuple parisien, où il dresse le tableau de l'avenir d'après l'ensemble du passé et prépare ce qui (...)
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  34. Indirect legislation in Bentham's late constitutional writings.Anne Brunon-Ernst - 2022 - In Philip Schofield & Xiaobo Zhai, Bentham on democracy, courts, and codification. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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  35. Executive-Legislative Relations in Three French Constitution-Making Episodes.Jon Elster - forthcoming - Manuscrito.[Links].
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    The Essential and the Epochal Aspects of Philosophy.Nathan Rotenstreich - 1970 - Review of Metaphysics 23 (4):699 - 716.
    Hegel rejected this view. The laws of phenomena constitute a general copy of the phenomena themselves. This copy lacks the internal relation of the phenomena's schema and, being their Abbild, it follows the phenomena. For Hegel the subject-matter of philosophy is the whole, and he could not, therefore, confine the character of philosophy to the exploration of legislation which applies to data or which is only a form replacing empirical data. Being a cognition of fullness, philosophy is also the self-reflection (...)
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  37.  9
    Droit naturel: relancer l'histoire?Louis-Léon Christians (ed.) - 2008 - Bruxelles: Bruylant.
    Nos sociétés recherchent des principes d'action, en particulier de législation, dont la justice ne soit pas fondée uniquement sur le fait qu'ils sont énoncés dans un code. Où chercher cette légitimité qui échappe à l'arbitraire du moment? L'histoire a décliné ses références: le consentement populaire, la tradition, le génie du peuple, la décision, l'idéal commun, la raison, la religion... L'expression droit naturel a souvent cristallisé cet enseignement du passé, mais la formule a-t-elle encore un sens aujourd'hui? En d'autres termes, faut-il (...)
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    The culture of child labor as a current expression of neo-colonialism.Soraya Franzoni Conde - 2024 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 24 (1):63-81.
    This article discusses how the persistence of child labor, especially in Brazil and the United States of America, constitutes a current facet of neo-colonialism. Cultivated as an educational and dignifying activity, exploited child labor persists and is naturalized. Schools, religions, and the legislation contribute to making the working class come to love and naturalize what in the past was understood as torture and punishment, thus jointly acting as a fundamental means of forming a new cultural form: the love of work. (...)
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    Foreword.John Hymers - 2005 - Ethical Perspectives 12 (4):419-423.
    Regardless of unpredictable and contingent geopolitical events such as last year’s surprising rejection of the European Constitution in France and the Netherlands, this coming year will certainly witness a large surge in patriotism. The Winter Olympics in February, and the World Cup in the summer, both promise to whip national sentiments into a fever pitch. One other thing is certain, though: journals of philosophy and ethics will continue to debate the virtues of cosmopolitanism, as this number of Ethical Perspectives does (...)
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  40. Versuch, Die Vielfalt Der Gesellschaftlichen Subsysteme Einzuordnen, Mit Besonderer Berücksichtigung Des Rechts.Rafael Alvira - 1993 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 1.
    Human dignity consists of freedom. Yet freedom simultaneously means both autonomy and heteronomy, being an absolute and relation. As an absolute a human is in the realm of being , and as relative in the realm of having . Without "alterity" or "otherness" there is no having. The following aspects of social life must be distinguished: social transcendentals, categories, institutions and groups. The state , for example, cannot be equated with politics . Of the categories , the former are conditions, (...)
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    Transparency and the logic of auto-immunity.Emanuele Antonelli - 2011 - Lebenswelt: Aesthetics and Philosophy of Experience 1:127-139.
    In Voyous, Jacques Derrida develops his argument starting from the presupposition that democracy as such is the entity whose integrity and immunity are at stake and, therefore, under investigation. This gesture reflects the setting in which ten years before, in Foi et savoir, he had cast his reasoning about the logic of immunity. There, it was one of the sources of religion, the immunity of the sacred, that operated according to this logic. The hyphen between these two essays, beside Derrida’s (...)
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    Les nouveaux intellectuels en Iran.Farhad Khosrokhavar - 2008 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 125 (2):347.
    Depuis le début du XXe siècle, se sont succédé en Iran quatre générations d’intellectuels. La première a vu officiellement le jour sous la Révolution constitutionnelle, et se réclamait d’un pluralisme politique entretenant des relations ambiguës avec l’islam. La seconde, sous Réza Shah, dans les années 1930 et 1940, se réclamait du nationalisme ou du marxisme, l’islam étant marginal dans leur horizon intellectuel. La troisième génération, à partir des années 1960, revient à l’islam et y puise les ressources pour lutter contre (...)
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    Critiques de la démocratie parlementaire dans la Russie de la fin du XIXe siècle : Constantin Pétrovitch Pobedonostsev, théoricien de l'autocratie.Jean Salem - 2005 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 1 (1):127-149.
    En dépit des réformes dites libérales des années 1860, l'Empire russe resta tout au long du XIX e siècle un empire dont le souverain s'intitulait officiellement : « Tsar et Autocrate de toutes les Russies ». L'autocratie différait fortement de la monarchie française d'Ancien Régime, qu'embarrassaient et que contenaient mille traditions et reliques du passé : droit coutumier et droit romain, vieilles lois de sources diverses toujours en vigueur, privilèges, prérogatives, immunités, franchises, exceptions et exemptions, Église indépendante, etc. Dans le (...)
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    De la Pharmacologie. Entretien avec B. Stiegler.Emanuele Antonelli - 2011 - Lebenswelt: Aesthetics and Philosophy of Experience 1:71-87.
    In Voyous, Jacques Derrida develops his argument starting from the presupposition that democracy as such is the entity whose integrity and immunity are at stake and, therefore, under investigation. This gesture reflects the setting in which ten years before, in Foi et savoir, he had cast his reasoning about the logic of immunity. There, it was one of the sources of religion, the immunity of the sacred, that operated according to this logic. The hyphen between these two essays, beside Derrida’s (...)
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  45. Indirect legislation in Bentham's late constitutional writings.Anne Brunon-Ernst - 2022 - In Philip Schofield & Xiaobo Zhai, Bentham on democracy, courts, and codification. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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  46. Polish legislative procedure and the role of the Polish constitutional tribunal from the perspective of the theory of conventional acts and formal acts in law.Stanisław Czepita - 2020 - In Paweł Kwiatkowski & Marek Smolak, Poznań School of Legal Theory. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill | Rodopi.
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  47. The constitutional limits of legislative power.Tamas Gyorfi - 2002 - Rechtstheorie 33 (2-4):353-368.
  48. The Return of the Epicurean Gods.Peter Groff - 2019 - In Russell Re Manning, Carlotta Santini & Isabelle Wienand, Nietzsche's Gods: Critical and Constructive Perspectives. Berlin: De Gruyter.
    This paper examines the significance of Epicureanism for Nietzsche’s critique of Christian monotheism and his subsequent attempt to reanimate a kind of this-worldly, affirmative religiosity of immanence. After a brief overview of the pivotal role that Epicurus’ thought plays in the death of God, I focus on Epicurus’ own residual conception of the gods and the ways in which Nietzsche strategically retrieves it and puts it use in his writing. Nietzsche juxtaposes the distant, serene, indifferent Epicurean gods with the omniscient, (...)
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  49. ‘Liberal Democracy’ in the ‘Post-Corona World’.Shirzad Peik - 2020 - Journal of Philosophical Investigations at University of Tabriz 14 (31):1-29.
    ABSTRACT A new ‘political philosophy’ is indispensable to the ‘post-Corona world,’ and this paper tries to analyze the future of ‘liberal democracy’ in it. It shows that ‘liberal democracy’ faces a ‘global crisis’ that has begun before, but the ‘novel Coronavirus pandemic,’ as a setback for it, strongly encourages that crisis. ‘Liberalism’ and ‘democracy,’ which had long been assumed by ‘political philosophers’ to go together, are now becoming decoupled, and the ‘liberal values’ of ‘democracy’ are eroding. To find why and (...)
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    A third principle of justice.Burleight T. Wilkins - 1997 - The Journal of Ethics 1 (4):355-374.
    In this paper I argue that in order to secure the commitment of believers in reasonable comprehensive doctrines to political liberalism a third principle of justice needs to be adopted in the Original Position. Rawls acknowledges that neutral legislation by the liberal state may negatively affect some reasonable comprehensive doctrines, and I offer a third principle of justice to help alleviate this problem. This principle, which I believe is in keeping with the United States constitutional history especially where church-state relations (...)
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