Results for ' philosophical values'

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  1. The Philosophical Value of the History of Philosophy.Ernst Moritz Manasse - 1951 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 12:538.
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  2. The Philosophical Value of Film. Philosophical Experience and Experimental Film.Christopher Falzon - 2019 - In Christina Rawls, Diana Neiva & Steven S. Gouveia, Philosophy and Film: Bridging Divides. New York: Routledge Press, Research on Aesthetics.
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    Philosophical Value of the Confucian Treatise "Kong-Zi Jia Yu".Anastasia Yur'evna Blazhkina - 2021 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 25 (2):276-287.
    This article reveals the philosophical value of the Confucian treatise "Kong-zi jia yu," it examines issues of the theoretical importance for the history of world sinology. In the historicо-philosophical tradition, this text has long been attributed to the Confucian scientist Van Su, however, not so long ago the situation changed significantly. In the modern scientific community, disputes around the authorship and time of writing this treatise continue. The content of "Kong-zi jia yu" is composed of stories from the (...)
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    Philosophical values and landscape cognition of Orchid Pavilion in Zhejiang from the perspective of environmental history.Quan Zhang & Xiaojun Jin - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (5):e02400187.
    Resumo: Este artigo mostra que, com o contínuo desenvolvimento da sociedade tradicional e a mudança no ambiente aquático, a paisagem do Pavilhão das Orquídeas mudou diversas vezes. A cognição da paisagem do Pavilhão das Orquídeas, pelos literatos das dinastias passadas, também tem sido continuamente sublimada devido a uma série de fatores naturais e sociais. Como uma importante paisagem histórica, ao sul do rio Yangtze, o Pavilhão das Orquídeas contém mais significado histórico e cultural do que a própria paisagem. Das Dinastias (...)
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    Philosophic Values and World Citizenship: Locke to Obama and Beyond.Jacoby Adeshei Carter, Leonard Harris, Chielozona Eze & Arnold L. Farr (eds.) - 2010 - Lexington Books.
    Alain Locke, the central promoter of the Harlem Renaissance, is placed in conversation with leading philosophers and cultural figures in the modern world, from Aristotle to Obama. For teachers and students of contemporary debates in pragmatism, diversity, and value theory, these conversations' define new-and controversial-terrain.
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    The philosophical value of the history of philosophy.Ernst Mortiz Manasse - 1952 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 12 (4):538-549.
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    Philosophical Values and Contemporary Theories of Education: II.Stephen M. Clinton - 1997 - Philosophia Christi 20 (1).
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  8. The philosophical value of scientific knowledge.A. G. M. Van Melsen - 1964 - Archives de Philosophie 27 (3):408.
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    Deleuze and film’s philosophical value.Susana Viegas - 2018 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 59 (139):271-286.
    RESUMO Neste ensaio analiso as diferentes modalidades de pensamento que ocorrem entre a filosofia e as imagens em movimento partindo da distinção metafilosófica elaborada por Gilles Deleuze entre “pensar” e “filosofar”. Esta é uma distinção fundamental para a possível elaboração de uma filosofia do cinema, ou, pelo menos, para afirmar que “o cinema filosofa”, uma tese atualmente imersa num certo equívoco. Neste sentido, como possível resolução para tal mal-entendido, sugiro uma adequada designação deleuziana de “pensar com conceitos” e “pensar com (...)
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    Psychotherapy’s Philosophical Values: Insight or Absorption?Hakam Al-Shawi - 2006 - Human Studies 29 (2):159-179.
    According to insight-oriented psychotherapies, the change clients undergo during therapy results from insights gained into the "true" nature of the self, which entail greater self-knowledge and self-understanding. In this paper, I question such claims through a critical examination of the epistemological and metaphysical values underlying such forms of therapy. I claim that such psychotherapeutic practices are engaged in a process that subtly "absorbs" clients into the therapist's philosophical framework which is characterized by a certain problematic conception of subjectivity, (...)
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  11. Literary Fiction and the Philosophical Value of Detail.Eileen John - 2003 - In Matthew Kieran & Dominic McIver Lopes, Imagination, Philosophy and the Arts. New York: Routledge. pp. 142--159.
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    Taking Philosophical Questions at Face Value.Timothy Williamson - 2007 - In The Philosophy of Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 25–49.
    This chapter presents a question closely related to the problem of vagueness, because it looks like a paradigm of a philosophical question that is implicitly but not explicitly about thought and language. It is useful to look at some proposals and arguments from the vagueness debate, for two reasons. First, they show why the original question is hard, when taken at face value. Second, they show how semantic considerations play a central role in the attempt to answer it, even (...)
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    Plato and Aristotle on the Problem of Akrasia seen in the Philosophical Value of Tragedy. 조흥만 - 2022 - Journal of Korean Philosophical Society 164:305-336.
    본 논문은 소크라테스의 아크라시아 불가능성 테제와 이를 수정하고 극복하여 아크라시아의 성립 가능성을 옹호하는 아리스토텔레스의 아크라시아론 각각이 고대 그리스 비극의 철학적 가치에 관한 두 철학자의 양립 불가능한 태도와 밀접한 연관이 있다는 것을 논증하는 데에 그 목적이 있다. 이에 관한 일련의 논의의 출발점은 플라톤이 어떤 정치적인 의도에서 일상의 경험에 배치되는 아크라시아 불가능성 테제를 역설하고 있는지 그리고 어떤 이유로 아리스토텔레스가 플라톤의 논변을 정면으로 반박하면서 아크라시아의 성립 가능성을 항변하게 됐는지에 대한 지적 호기심이다. 우선 플라톤의 논변과 관련하여 구술 문화와 문자 문화라는 보다 폭넓은 인류학적 전통에서 (...)
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  14. Stable Strategies for Personal Development: On the Prudential Value of Radical Enhancement and the Philosophical Value of Speculative Fiction.Ian Stoner - 2020 - Metaphilosophy 51 (1):128-150.
    In her short story “Stable Strategies for Middle Management,” Eileen Gunn imagines a future in which Margaret, an office worker, seeks radical genetic enhancements intended to help her secure the middle-management job she wants. One source of the story’s tension and dark humor is dramatic irony: readers can see that the enhancements Margaret buys stand little chance of making her life go better for her; enhancing is, for Margaret, probably a prudential mistake. This paper argues that our positions in the (...)
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    Philosopher Kings?: The Adjudication of Conflicting Human Rights and Social Values.George C. Christie - 2011 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Philosopher Kings? The Adjudication of Conflicting Human Rights and Social Values, by George C. Christie, examines the attempts by courts to sort out conflicts involving freedom of expression, including religious expression, on the one hand, and rights to privacy and other important social values on the other. It approaches the subject from a comparative perspective, using principally cases decided by European and United States courts. A significant part of this book analyzes conflicts between freedom of expression and the (...)
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    Current periodical articles 465.Why do We Value Knowledge & Ward E. Jones - 1997 - American Philosophical Quarterly 34 (4).
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    A Philosophical Retrospective: Facts, Values, and Jewish Identity.Alan Montefiore - 2011 - Columbia University Press.
    As a young lecturer in philosophy and the eldest son of a prominent Jewish family, Alan Montefiore faced two very different understandings of his identity: the more traditional view that an identity such as his carried with it, as a matter of given fact, certain duties and obligations, and an opposing view, emphasized by his studies in philosophy, according to which there can be no rationally compelling move from statements of fact—whatever the alleged facts may be—to "judgments of value." According (...)
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    Concept of values in contemporary philosophical value theory.Abraham Edel - 1953 - Philosophy of Science 20 (3):198-207.
    The term “value” has a wide range of current usage in philospohy and the sciences. Descriptively, a man's “values” may refer to all his attitudes for-or-against anything. His values include his perferences and avoidances, his desire-objects and aversion-objects, his pleasure and pain tendencies, his goals, ideals, interests and disinterests, what he takes to be right and wrong, good and evil, beautiful and ugly, useful and useless, his approvals and disapprovals, his criteria of taste and standards of judgment, and (...)
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    Human value: a study in ancient philosophical ethics.John M. Rist - 1982 - Leiden: E.J. Brill.
    INTRODUCTION The Problem of Human Value in Ancient Philosophy All of us have heard it said, at some time or another, that every man is born with certain ...
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    A Philosophical Analysis of the Art Market in the Digital Age: Historical Identity, Sacred Narratives, and Contemporary Value.Bingjing Li - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 17 (1):49-65.
    This study delves into the philosophical dimensions of the art market in the digital age, examining how historical identity intertwines with contemporary value. Using qualitative methods, including semi-structured interviews and case study analysis, the research investigates the strategic invocation of historical identity by artists to enhance the cultural and monetary worth of their digital creations. Findings reveal that established reputations in the traditional art world and the recontextualization of cultural artifacts—such as iconic historical events or artistic movements—significantly influence the (...)
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    Philosophia Christi, 20: 2, 1997 Philosophical Values and Contemporary Theories of Education: II.Stephen M. Clinton - 1997 - Philosophia Christi 20 (2).
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    Philosophical foundations of the Sikh value system.Santokh Singh - 1981 - New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers.
  23. The Value of Philosophical Scepticism.Martin Nuhlicek - 2016 - Filosoficky Casopis 64 (5):675-690.
    The aim of the first part of the article is to elucidate the nature of (modern) philosophical scepticism. The author defends the view that scepticism is not a homogenous doctrine, but a general label for heterogenous ways of sceptical argumentation. Sceptical argumentation is, in turn, understood to include any kind of philosophically relevant argument which aims at calling into doubt epistemically-valued qualities, especially knowledge. In the second part of the article the author focuses on the question of what constitutes (...)
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    Philosophical and Ideological Basis of European Common Civic Values.Kateryna Tkachenko - 2021 - International Journal of Philosophy 9 (1):52.
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  25. Brentano's Philosophical System: Mind, Being, Value.Uriah Kriegel - 2018 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Uriah Kriegel presents a rich exploration of the philosophy of the great nineteenth-century thinker Franz Brentano. He locates Brentano at the crossroads where the Anglo-American and continental European philosophical traditions diverged. At the centre of this account of Brentano's philosophy is the connection between mind and reality. Kriegel aims to develop Brentano's central ideas where they are overly programmatic or do not take into account philosophical developments that have taken place since Brentano's death a century ago; and to (...)
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    The Value of the World and of Oneself: Philosophical Optimism and Pessimism From Aristotle to Modernity.Mor Segev - 2022 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    "This book examines the longstanding debate between philosophical optimism and pessimism in the history of philosophy, focusing on Aristotle, Maimonides, Spinoza, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche and Camus. Philosophical optimists maintain that the world is optimally arranged and is accordingly valuable, and that the existence of human beings is preferable over their nonexistence. Philosophical pessimists, by contrast, hold that the world is in a woeful condition and ultimately valueless, and that human nonexistence would have been preferable over our existence. Schopenhauer (...)
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    Philosophical Expositions of Leadership and Human Values in Catholic Social Teachings: Resolving Nigeria's Leadership Deficit and Underdevelopment.Ani Casimir, Onah Nkechinyere, Canon Collins Ugwu & Maudline Okpara - 2013 - Open Journal of Philosophy 3 (3).
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  28. Racist value judgments as objectively false beliefs: A philosophical and social-psychological analysis.Sharyn Clough & William E. Loges - 2008 - Journal of Social Philosophy 39 (1):77–95.
    Racist beliefs express value judgments. According to an influential view, value judgments are subjective, and not amenable to rational adjudication. In contrast, we argue that the value judgments expressed in, for example, racist beliefs, are false and objectively so. Our account combines a naturalized, philosophical account of meaning inspired by Donald Davidson, with a prominent social-psychological theory of values pioneered by the social-psychologist Milton Rokeach. We use this interdisciplinary approach to show that, just as with beliefs expressing descriptive (...)
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    Philosophical Inquiry into Computer Intentionality: Machine Learning and Value Sensitive Design.Dmytro Mykhailov - 2023 - Human Affairs 33 (1):115-127.
    Intelligent algorithms together with various machine learning techniques hold a dominant position among major challenges for contemporary value sensitive design. Self-learning capabilities of current AI applications blur the causal link between programmer and computer behavior. This creates a vital challenge for the design, development and implementation of digital technologies nowadays. This paper seeks to provide an account of this challenge. The main question that shapes the current analysis is the following: What conceptual tools can be developed within the value sensitive (...)
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    Intrinsic or Instrumental Value? African Philosophical Conceptions of Dignity.John Sodiq Sanni - 2023 - In Motsamai Molefe & Christopher Allsobrook, Human Dignity in an African Context. Springer Verlag. pp. 187-203.
    The desire for dignity informs an individual’s daily activities. Human beings, driven by a universal desire to be recognised and to be seen as dignified people within a society, conduct their actions according to values that are considered dignified. Society informs our disposition toward the dignity of one another. This evokes the question of the true nature of dignity: what is dignity? This chapter seeks to explore and engage with the question of the nature of dignity in African society, (...)
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  31. Philosophical presuppositions on marxist theory of values.J. Muzik - 1976 - Filosoficky Casopis 24 (5):666-687.
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    Value, Virtue, and Vivienne Westwood: On the Philosophical Importance of Fashion.Colette Olive - 2023 - Open Philosophy 6 (1):481-95.
    The late Vivienne Westwood sketched a role for fashion that elevates it from the prosaic to the status of art, as something important, life-enhancing, and worthy of pursuit. Here, a philosophical treatment of Westwood’s vision of fashion that does justice to the artistic and life-enhancing value that fashion can realise is offered, using an emergent theory in contemporary analytic aesthetics. The virtue theory of art delineates the intrinsic worth of art in terms of the opportunities it provides for us (...)
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    Comparative philosophical analysis of the rational ethics of I. Kant and the spiritual and moral values of Confucianism.Nazgul Kudaibergenova, Zhamilya Amirkulova, Tauyekel Ospanov, Zhadyra Omirbekova & Zhandos Kumganbayev - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 14 (4):149-170.
    Nowadays, there is a growing interest in the study of various philosophical concepts. One of the relevant topics is the mutual influence or antagonism of Eastern and Western teachings about ethics and morality. One of the insufficiently studied problems is the mutual influences of I. Kant’s ideas and Confucius’ teachings. The goal of the study is to analyse the rational ethics of I. Kant and the spiritual and moral values of Confucianism within the comparative philosophical perspective, to (...)
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    Improving philosophical dialogue interventions to better resolve problematic value pluralism in collaborative environmental science.Bethany K. Laursen, Chad Gonnerman & Stephen J. Crowley - 2021 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 87:54-71.
    Environmental problems often outstrip the abilities of any single scientist to understand, much less address them. As a result, collaborations within, across, and beyond the environmental sciences are an increasingly important part of the environmental science landscape. Here, we explore an insufficiently recognized and particularly challenging barrier to collaborative environmental science: value pluralism, the presence of non-trivial differences in the values that collaborators bring to bear on project decisions. We argue that resolving the obstacles posed by value pluralism to (...)
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    The Cognitive Value of Philosophical Fiction.Jukka Mikkonen - 2013 - Bloomsbury Academic.
    Can literary fictions convey significant philosophical views, understood in terms of propositional knowledge? This study addresses the philosophical value of literature by examining how literary works impart philosophy truth and knowledge and to what extent the works should be approached as communications of their authors. Beginning with theories of fiction, it examines the case against the prevailing ‘pretence’ and ‘make-believe’ theories of fiction hostile to propositional theories of literary truth. Tackling further arguments against the cognitive function and value (...)
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    The Value and Limits of Academic Speech: Philosophical, Political, and Legal Perspectives.Donald Alexander Downs & Chris W. Surprenant (eds.) - 2018 - Routledge.
    Free speech has been a historically volatile issue in higher education. In recent years, however, there has been a surge of progressive censorship on campus. This wave of censorship has been characterized by the explosive growth of such policies as "trigger warnings" for course materials; "safe spaces" where students are protected from speech they consider harmful or distressing; "micro-aggression" policies that often strongly discourage the use of words that might offend sensitive individuals; new "bias-reporting" programs that consist of different degrees (...)
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  37. Philosophical producers, philosophical consumers, and the metaphilosophical value of original texts.Ethan Landes - 2023 - Philosophical Studies 180 (1):207-225.
    In recent years, two competing methodological frameworks have developed in the study of the epistemology of philosophy. The traditional camp, led by experimental philosophy and its allies, has made inferences about the epistemology of philosophy based on the reactions, or intuitions, people have to works of philosophy. In contrast, multiple authors have followed the lead of Deutsch and Cappelen by setting aside experimental data in favor of inferences based on careful examination of the text of notable works of philosophy. In (...)
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    Value as universal anthropological phenomenon: bases of the philosophical analysis.I. G. Suhina - 2015 - Liberal Arts in Russiaроссийский Гуманитарный Журналrossijskij Gumanitarnyj Žurnalrossijskij Gumanitaryj Zhurnalrossiiskii Gumanitarnyi Zhurnal 4 (5):368.
    In the article, a value as the universal anthropological phenomenon acting as the constituting basis and the integrative beginning of human being as conscious and motivated subject activity is studied. The following aspects of the phenomenon were analyzed: ratios of value and valuation, object and subject determination of value, fundamental anthropological characteristics of value as constituting factors of human being and its attributes, value structure as subject and object relation, problem of a ratio of values and human requirements. It (...)
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    Philosophical import of non-epistemic values in clinical trials and data interpretation.Joby Varghese - 2019 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 41 (2):14.
    In this essay, I argue that at least in two phases of pharmaceutical research, especially while assessing the adequacy of the accumulated data and its interpretation, the influence of non-epistemic values is necessary. I examine a specific case from the domain of pharmaceutical research and demonstrate that there are multiple competing sets of values which may legitimately or illegitimately influence different phases of the inquiry. In such cases, the choice of the appropriate set of values—epistemic as well (...)
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    Values as synergetic determinants of cultural-historical process: philosophical and anthropological aspect of the problem.I. G. Suhina - 2017 - Liberal Arts in Russia 6 (6):494.
    In the article, the analysis and philosophical explication of a phenomenon of values as synergetic determinants of culture and cultural-historical process, which is culturogenic development of the person and of his subjective being in socio-cultural space and historical time, is presented. The analysis is carried out on the basis of complex methodology having the synergetic approach as its main part. According to it, the semantic interpretation of a phenomenon of values and axiological understanding of culture as the (...)
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    Social Value Judgements in Healthcare: A Philosophical Critique.Laura R. Biron, Ruth Faden & Benedict Rumbold - 2012 - Journal of Health Organization and Management 26 (3):317-30.
    PURPOSE: The purpose of this paper is to consider some of the philosophical and bioethical issues raised by the creation of the draft social values framework developed to facilitate data collection and country-specific presentations at the inaugural workshop on "Social values and health priority setting" held in February 2011. -/- DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: Conceptual analysis is used to analyse the term "social values", as employed in the framework, and its relationship to related ideas such as moral values. (...)
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    Values and Powers: Re-reading the Philosophical Tradition of American Pragmatism.Krzysztof Piotr Skowroński (ed.) - 2009 - Rodopi.
    The Value Inquiry Book Series (VIBS) is an international scholarly program, founded in 1992 by Robert Ginsberg, that publishes philosophical books in all areas of value inquiry, including social and political thought, ethics, applied philosophy, aesthetics, feminism, pragmatism, personalism, religious values, medical and health values, values in education, values in science and technology, humanistic psychology, cognitive science, formal axiology, history of philosophy, post-communist thought, peace theory, law and society, and theory of culture. --Book Jacket.
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    American and European values: contemporary philosophical perspectives.Matthew Caleb Flamm, John Lachs & Krzysztof Piotr Skowroński (eds.) - 2008 - Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    This well crafted volume provides unflinching assessments of the philosophical values that are beginning to unite - and that continue to divide - the cultures of America and Europe. Its contributors offer arguments that are once timely, provocative, and accessible. - Larry A. Hickman, The Center for Dewey Studies, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Carbondale IL American and European Values is a far richer book than a misreading of its title might suggest: it is truly a both (American)-and (...)
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    Value Orientations of Artificial Intelligence Technologies in USA and China: A Philosophical Analysis.Антон Максимович Савельев, Денис Александрович Журенков & Артем Евгеньевич Пойкин - 2022 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 65 (1):124-143.
    Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the 21st century is no longer perceived as a purely technological phenomenon, more and more becoming a social and humanitarian phenomenon that develops in a complex context of cultural, value, philosophical, and ethical aspects of human life. The impact of AIrelated technologies on contemporary society is still difficult to assess fully, which does not prevent enthusiastic researchers and political leaders from attempting to define a value framework that will ensure the use of AI for societal (...)
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    Philosophical Disagreement and the Value-Laden Nature of Philosophy.Gustavo Arroyo - 2019 - Contemporary Pragmatism 16 (4):396-413.
    Disagreement in philosophy is all-pervasive and irresolvable. There is almost no thesis in philosophy about which philosophers agree. In contrast to most contemporary accounts of philosophical disagreement, I argue that a significant proportion of philosophical disagreements are rooted in differences regarding values. A second thesis that I shall defend in this paper is that disagreements regarding values are not resolvable by argumentative means.
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  46. The Value of Public Philosophy to Philosophers.Massimo Pigliucci & Leonard Finkelman - 2014 - Essays in Philosophy 15 (1):86-102.
    Philosophy has been a public endeavor since its origins in ancient Greece, India, and China. However, recent years have seen the development of a new type of public philosophy conducted by both academics and non- professionals. The new public philosophy manifests itself in a range of modalities, from the publication of magazines and books for the general public to a variety of initiatives that exploit the power and flexibility of social networks and new media. In this paper we examine the (...)
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    John Dewey as a Philosopher of Contingency and the Value of this Idea for Environmental Philosophy.Adam Riggio - 2011 - Environmental Ethics 33 (4):395-413.
    In recent years, scholars studying the writing of the American pragmatist philosopher John Dewey have attempted to use his ethical ideas to construct a viable environmental ethics. This endeavor has found limited success and generated some intriguing debates, but has been found wanting in many areas important to environmental ethicists of the twenty-first century. In particular, the humanist motivations behind many of his ethical writings stand in the way of a philosophy that takes nonhumans seriously. However, there is much environmental (...)
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  48. African Values, Human Rights and Group Rights: A Philosophical Foundation for the Banjul Charter.Thaddeus Metz - 2013 - In Oche Onazi, African Legal Theory and Contemporary Problems: Critical Essays. Dordrecht: Springer. pp. 131-51.
    A communitarian perspective, which is characteristic of African normative thought, accords some kind of primacy to society or a group, whereas human rights are by definition duties that others have to treat individuals in certain ways, even when not doing so would be better for others. Is there any place for human rights in an Afro-communitarian political and legal philosophy, and, if so, what is it? I seek to answer these questions, in part by critically exploring one of the most (...)
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    An Interpretation of Value Change: A Philosophical Disquisition of Climate Change and Energy Transition Debate.Anna Melnyk - 2022 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 47 (3):404-428.
    Changing values may give rise to intergenerational conflicts, like in the ongoing climate change and energy transition debate. This essay focuses on the interpretative question of how this value change can best be understood. To elucidate the interpretation of value change, two philosophical perspectives on value are introduced: Berlin’s value pluralism and Dworkin’s interpretivism. While both authors do not explicitly discuss value change, I argue that their perspectives can be used for interpreting value change in the case of (...)
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  50. Philosophical Theories, Aesthetic Value, and Theory Choice.Jiri Benovsky - 2013 - Journal of Value Inquiry 47 (3):191-205.
    The practice of attributing aesthetic properties to scientific and philosophical theories is commonplace. Perhaps one of the most famous examples of such an aesthetic judgement about a theory is Quine's in 'On what there is': "Wyman's overpopulated universe is in many ways unlovely. It offends the aesthetic sense of us who have a taste for desert landscapes". Many other philosophers and scientists, before and after Quine, have attributed aesthetic properties to particular theories they are defending or rejecting. One often (...)
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